HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-16, Page 7!ntr' celte Pitt Oor FO!fbng P tiler Bits of e010urod paper, folded. pulled, crunched, and pushed in- to more than 200 various shapes and forms were on display et New York City's Cooper Union in a most unusual exhibit bear ing the title: "Plane Geometry and Fancy Figures:. The Art and Technique of Paper Folding," In this remarkable collection there are abstract forms, architectural construct'ions, industrial paper forms, (boxes, racks, and even ashtrays). But at theheart of the exhibit is a eolourful mena- gerie of lifelike penguins, chick- ens, horses, insects, flowers, and apes — all products of the an- cient Japanese art et origami (paper folding), Mrs. Harry C. Oppenheimer, pert and chipper president of the Origami Seeley of America, whose work is included b the Cooper Union exhibit, welcomed a Newsweek reporter to h e r Gramercy Park apartment last week, and set him to work mak- ing an albatros from a square of magenta paper as she went on to explain how she first be- came interested in origami. "It all started about 30 years ago," she said. "I had a daughter who was very Sick and I was able to amuse her by making things out of paper. No, nol You have to make this kind of fold. Origami comes in handy at meetings of boards of directors. Most people doodle or fidget, but they can also fold paper. In South America it's taught in the schools. In Japan, too. Houdini was an ardent paper folder, you know." By this time the albatross was finished, and she had started her visitor on a flying crane, in deep blue. "This will be •an. ac - 'ton toy;' she said. "Its wings will • move. Children love them. A month ago my husband and I went to Japan to attend the meeting of the International -Pa- per Folding Friendship Society. The president Is Akira Yoahi- zawa. He's 36 years old and he has been folding paper for 30 years. He sends me some of his best things. "You know, I've been on the 'Jack Pear Show,' and the Dave Garroway show, and Bill Lon ard'i. show (Tye on New York'), and the Shari Lewis show. Do ydd know Shari Lewis? That's the 'Hi Mom' show. (Shari Lewis left the show"four Months ago.) I Finade Jack Pear fold right along with me. When 1 ;isade an eating bird (it can be manipulated to pick up a small piece of crushed paper held on e open palm) Jack whispered that he didn't want to hold his palm out because it was sweaty, and it would make a bad close - Op. But I made hint do it" 1Vlrs. ppenheimer went on, alone, this time, to make a red but- terfly, with twiddling antennas. "I started the Origami Soci- ety in this country last March, and I have an afternoon and an evening class. We meet at the Japan Sooiety. There about 35 honorary members who are good enough not to come back any more. I'd like them to teach UTILITIES INCLUDED? -- Tenhnicien Don Allen pours a cup of coffee in the world's smallest efficiency apartment, It's'a capsule built to sitnulate living conditions on man's first extended space flight. It will be occupied by two astronauts for ;30 days for mental and physical testing. How The Moth ,Attracts A Mate One o1 nature's most baffl- • ing phenomena has been the ex- traordinary power ,of female moths to attract males over long distances. In one experi- ment, a female emperor in a gauze cage collected '127 males of her species in seven hours; male Chinese silkworm moths have been 'known to home in on intended mates from as far away, as seven miles. Since a female under a bell jar will stir nothing in males on the outside only inches away, bio- logists have concluded that the secret of her charm must be 'an odour—from a substance 'so strong that a few :molecules send males fluttering into the wind, and so selective that only males of her own species are at- tracted. In a massive 'experiment con- ducted by Adolf Butenandt, 56, who was co -winner of: the 1959 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (for isolating tl'ie male sex hormone, androsterone), a research team at Munich's Max Planck • Inti- tute for Biochemistry import- ed 1,000,000 silkworm cocoons from Italy and Japan, opened them up withrazor' blade8, Tle- 'parated. the pupae of •81%000 females from the males. What followed, in the words of one researcher, was "a mass slaugh- others how to fold. It's really wonderful.' .. She finished the butterfly and gave it to her new pupil. Also a green frog that hops when poked. "Nov you make that crane. again, tonight, before you go to bed, or you'll forget how to do it," she warned. "And that wouldn't be nice at all" ter, and not for the 'faintheart- ed," Each tiny pupa was disem- boweled, the scent glands care- fully cut out. Male moths serv- ed as lab assistants: . when they were placed near fractions into which the gland material ;had been divided, their fluttering wings told the scientists which parts contained the magic' sub- stance. Finally isolated, it turned out to be a yellowish, 'fatty sub- stance with a subtle, riot Un- pleasant odour, of leather. Study of its chemical structure reveal- ed. a relatively simple forinula: C18H300 technically an al- cohol. The million cocoons had- yielded adyielded only a barely visible 1.8 mg. Most moths are not pests in themselves, but their larvae are =-e.g„• the larvae of the gypsy moth destroy thousands of.ireeq every year. Butenandt's -discov• - ery opens the way to •a new at- tack on such pests. Insecticides hill,off useful insects along' with the pests. But if the seal ex- tractant for x-tractant'for one particular 'spie- cies can. be. isolated 'and thesized, its males can be it- ' tracted, it-'tracted, .trapped, and killed without harming useful Insects.• "The males will coma flock= - Ing," said a Munich researcher. " Ptetnales, of course, : will oon- tinueto lay their eggs, but'they ,will 'unfertilized., The main 'advantage over DDT is that Ste strains are,•likely' to emerge. Whoever heard of .a male animal' becoming ' immune to sex?" — From;TIME. An editor of a southern news- paper was having, trouble •. find- ing :material. to fill his column ene day, so he dceided to run' the Ten Commandments. The next;day he received a note from an irate :subscriber which read: "Cancel my :subscription, you're. getting' too personal." • •Y • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING s le AGENTS WANTED EARN Oash In your Spare Time, Jest show your friends our Chrtstmae and Rls)Satrfts(rtooregiou, tioney, Cards Wf samples. Colonial Card Ltd• 45993 Queen East, Toronto 2• ARTICLES FOR SALE, t'IUEEN EUzabeth — beautiful Be. Jewelled.Brooches. . Coloured, .$1.23. Ppst Paid, Limited number, Bos 425, Port Perry, Ont. '"DESTROYER" foruse in outdoor toll ets, Eats down to the earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of ,users,•'coast to coast. Price $1,00 per can, postpaid, Log Cabin Products 322 York ,Road, Guelph, Ontario, EIRE Alarms sounds loud alarm when fire 4s. small, every home 'should be p elected, hang anywhere, no installa- ti n ifter: A, He teed. , 7,95 prePaid. se• stile'offer, A, Hare, Bath Ontario, Pocket Book Exchange $016a ive three different The Book Room, 7 St.'Clair west,••Toronto. BABY CHICKS BRAY bas ,dual purpose and Amea day. 614s, 'prompt 'shipment. Started Leg• Shorne,, deal PUrpose.pullets and cock- erels..Ask for list of ready -to -lay Ames, Time to order July -August broilers. Prompt shipment dual purpose •- cock- erels. Don't delay —'See local agent, or w.riteBray Hatchery, 110 John North, Hamilton,Ont, BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMPS ming, 7-16;ietc. Good meals, Write Circle . Bar Dude Ranch, Rat, 1, Cale. don, or phone 5723. CAMP CENTENNIAL for girls 6 to 14 years. 50 miles from Toronto: Estab• ilshed 30 years, Varied activities. Ex. Pert leadership, Brochure on request, Director Mrs. V.laickingbottom, Ieiend' Grove, P.O.. (Lae Simcoe) Ontario, In Toronto phone Mrs. Woollard or Mrs. Hurst ME 3.3772. lusiivess OPPORTUNITY • LEARN Auctioneering. Term soon. Free catalogue. . Reiech Auction Cob . lege, Mason City, Iowa, America. 'BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL country store in Cringer Lakes area. 12 miles Watkins Glen, N.Y.; .11 rooms, bath, 2 acres. Grose 850,050, Groceries, gas, oU, beer, ,'druga drygo3ds. '.Owner going south. $23,00d eomplete. Will 'finance. Iyan Garnet. Dundee,N.Y., R No. 2. CaU'456X1, DAIRY EQUIPMENT PkI{FT,CTION.milkers with standatd or autoinatlo control, Boor suspended or • pipe lin. ties, have .lead the way for ;over,,40 -yearn.. taste:leUon• ;me sere. ' Ie. anywhere lit -,Western Ontario. Our pprtthe aare,always'lnteresthig, pnfdrlcan rBep'arator ,Solea. • Phone Carlow '2821, Dederick, Ont. FARM ..ZQuIPMENT .POR'SALE FARMERS Common your 'hay the Brady way—' .C�,Uute•I6lirlilg time'in half and conserves the feeding 'value. Get 'full 'detain about the Brady Haymaker from H. L. ••Turner, Ltmlted,'•Blenhelm and Lista- HELP 'WANTED' ista NELP'WANTED• COOK minted, mate or-f4male, for yule and AuS,°ebie to 'Hike cherge,.2 meals daily ; Eanilly ' One. -Etats expperience, ,.,.ranee and salary rq aired .APP,? Blue Water *Inference, RA.,;5..Waliaae- MECHANIC WANTED • • WANTED'— Licensed mechanic to take charge .•of "garage. to, service 28 ban. Must to able to ;organise .and: ;allot 'Work 're men. Apartment available.• • Phone London,' Ont., General 4-7512, . EXC:LLENT 'monthly 'guarantee for i part iite' delivery • Jewelry . contracts throughout Ontario. Must be reliable, have .ear. Refundable cash deposit re- quired.; -Inquire 'about' your IocalitY. • Male .or female. Name, address, tele. phone. Write to Box488 123 -18th Street, New; Toronto; Ontario. HELP WANTED PEMALE �' HOUSEKEEPER, ' Motherless 'home,. Belleville..Four, boys, ages 11/2 to 7, rnodern house, every convenience, rem - Isar help ' with heavy cleaning, ,congen- tai Christian home, good wages, must he abstainer, nonsmoker. Reply to Box NNoo. 192, 123 -18th Street, NewToronto, O .INSTRUCTION, EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. •obip, Shorthand, Typewriting, -etc. Les. sons 500. Ask for free circular Ago. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1260 Bay Street, Toronto. INCOME PROPERTY. FOR SAL$ A good year round Income property in town of Huntsville. City convenien- ces, excellent location, owner's apart- _ ment available. •Sell or consider house .as. down payment. Apply.P.O. Box 32, Huntsville, Ont. MAGAZINE AMERICAN M�Iagazines Supplied! Please send 92,00 for four samples. Please state requirements. London Boole Shop, 676.12th Avenue, New York, N.Y. MISCELLANEOUS NEWT 3P Cleaner! Dirt, grime, germs, all vanish in one swipe. New concen- trate makes 3 gallons, only $1.00. Beats any cleaner, Try It!. S. Caines,• 1527 Caldwell, Dallas, Texas, MEDICAL DON'T WAIT - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will'not disappoint You itching, scaling and burning eeze• nm, acne, ringworm. pimples 0,1,1 foot ecaennt will respond readily to the stainless Merles ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopnlass they seem. Sent Post Free an Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2x65 Si Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 5010001. Great Opportenity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of sueoessft,1 Marvel Graduates „America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or. Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 350 Bloor 5t W„ Toronto Blanches: t4 King SL, W., Hamilton 72 Rldeett Street. Ottawa PERSONAL CHRISTIAN CHAIN RECORD OF THE MONTH CLUB (MUD members bny records et a say tags and make money soling to other. club members, Write for information; Stewed Record Supply Centre. Box 200. Hartland N.B.. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVE! SAVE! Wilms developed and 12 magna prints in album 600 2 magna prints in album Opt Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Deye,oping roe $1.00 (not Including prints), Color prints 354 each extra, Ansco and Ektaobrome 95 mm, 20 eJt- posures mounted in slides x$1,25- Color prints trom slides 300 each, Money refunded In full for unprinted nega, tfves, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PET STOCK A wonderful opportunity to secure tome outstanding ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS SIRED By OUR IMPORTED STUDS .YOU may visit our kennels without obligation any day of the week as they are open to the public. KAMEL KENNELS (REG'D) AURIC FARMS 285 CENTRE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. 900 YDS. WEST OF YONGE ST, "AT STOPLIGHTS PROPERTIES FOR SALE .FOR Saleon No. '7lilglilvay at Reeces Corners, 1 acre with restaurant, 4 room living quarters, Texaco gas and oh service garage with apartment above, rents for $600 per month New modern 4 unit model, school directly across, Good business. Poor health reason for Selling, Priced to sell. Reasonable terms by owner. Box 191, 12340th Street, New Toronto, Ont. SOUTHERN S.C. COAST FIFTEEN acres, pressure water, electri- city in all buildings. New 8 roomed modern house, full basement. 2,800 lay- ing birds in cages, 1,500 modern brood- er: Ranges, etc, Operating full capa- city. Wholesale and - retail, °excellent television reception. Profit 1958 97,000. Terms. Full details end photograhpa available. Box 190, -12318th Street, New Toronto, Ont. • COUNTRY ESTATE OR POTENTIAL SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT TO develop or retire to. 65 acres wood- ed hillside and shore. Sri! hill, rope tow and '451 00hlet. shay 'beach 'on • meet beautiful- of Kawartha Lakes' 110 miles Toronto. Hydro. Retiring, Cash or terms•'principals-only,-Weekends, J. D. Cumming, Havelock, 205823. CATAL'CGUE available on farm and suburban property. Offices in Bramp. tbn, Orangeville,' Georgetown and Gueltih.: Ulidn 'request ive Wiu"fotward to you a ootalogue covering the type of property you suggest you 'may be In terested In. Gr A, -'Hutchison. -Realtor. 29 Queen Et., E., Brampton. PO'ut.rev''A'ND swine REPEAT orders and satisfied custom. era buIld up any busfrfess. That is the 'reason why so Many•of our customers come back for Klmberchtks. Two years ago •Ktmberchlke were unknown ba' Canada. Now we have over 600 custom- ers for Kimberchlka and 95% of Diens customere- have. ,ent.in repeat orders. Many, of them have had Kimber pul- lete on test with other breeds and af- >ter these tests they always buy Elm - bars, We are sure if youtry them once you will always 'buy them, Mao avail- able for immediate delivery.— White Leghorn X Rhode Island Bed, Confer- 'WA allfoa'nta Gray X'White Leghorn, Light Sus -- sex X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Ited.X Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red' X Barred Rock• and other '• popular ,breeds. Broiler chicks. Turkeys. Swine —English Large Black, Landrace, Blue Spotted Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS - - ONTARIO STAMPS AND COINS NEW 1959 U.S. Canada catalogue now •.. ready; send' 205 to covet cost. New Way Stamp, Lawrence 18, Mass. -. SITUATIONS: VACANT MALE OR FEMALE EARN 9600 or more at home in spare time representing Canada's finest Children's Camp and• Ranch. Establish- ed 25 years. Information: "Wildwood". VaudreuR, Quebec. SEEDS 'ATOMIC Blasted" Corn, Tomato, Mari- gold. or Petunia Seeds, Try this great experiment .first, 91.00 pkg. Joe West, Box 11, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. SUMMER RESORTS EDWARDS relent Inn, on famous Pion ere11 River, Housekeeping cottngeeetl sandy beaches, fishing, Write Edwor4 Simms, Port Loring, Ontario. YOUR HOLIDAYS AT LE MONTCLAiR MOST outstanding resort at famed Ste, Adele, Quebec. swimming Pcol, Tenniy Riding, Golf, Bowling, Movies, Dancing to Orchestra, Famous for Food. WRITE 1r0R FOLDER; H. R. Coulllerd, Le Montclair, Ste..Adela, Que.. Nymark's Lodge and Motel ST, SAUVER PE MONTS, P.O. ON private lake; modern log lodge for 150, swimming pool, dancing nightly, tennis sperts, own golf course; riding available Comfortable, friendly atmo_ phera, Choice menu. Free golf to weekly guests. Folder. Rates 67 asp. Low weekly rates. Honeymoon Special — 5110 .5130 Week SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SAIF OR RENT BALA Park Island; for sale or rend, cottage on beautiful Muskoka Lake. Will sleep 11, hydro, tap water, elte- trlo refrigerator, propane gas for cook- ing, and rowboat, Apply Albert Dunn, 31 William St., Delhi, Ont., Phone 6783. SWINE THE latest in Swine Breeding, Blue Spotted, Start Your herd now. Register- ed Landrace gilts bred to Large Black boars, also 'imported Large Blacks. Goose Creek Farm, Grand Valley, On. tario. TALENT WANTED Seeking the all round Canadianeel for the title of Miss Canada 96,000 ;Sri acholarahips courtesy of Pepsi-Cola Company of Canada Limited. Requirements: Age 18 to 16 .years, Educafioh-2 years high school. Talent entries close July 20th. Write Miss Canada Headquarters, 21 John Street South, Hamilton, Ontario for apple cation forms and further information. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER, to act as principal for Wy- oming Public School.. Please state ex- perience, last school taught and name of inspector. Duties to commence fall term. Reply to G. OLIVER PANOMAN Chairman or LEO FERGUSON, SEC.-TREAS. WYOMING, ONTARIO. CATHOLIC Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 15 Dover Township about 12 miles from Chatham, Grades 1 to 9 with enrollment of 24. Apply 'stating quailfications to Adelard St. Please, Bearllne, R.R. No.'th TEACHER, some experience. Average 'attendance 17, 1958. School close to railway and No. 11 ,Highway. State salary. Apply to Mrs. Moffat, Sec., Treas. Public School, Ramore. Ontario. CARNARVON TOWNSHIP �{ SCHOOL AREA POR THEIR NO QU1A SCHOOL (RURAL))LIFIED .. 11 PUPILS, GRADES 1 THROUGH 6 Also A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR THEIR • NO. f TWO'•ROOM'^SCHOOL'1N THE VILLAGE OF PROVIDENCE BAY, GRADES 5, 6, 7, 0. SENO applications to: A. C. BEAUDIN PROVIDENCE' SAY; ONT. AURORA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD (54 Mlles from Toronto on Yonge) REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1959 'TEACHERS FOR Grades Ill IV, V and VI . • SALARY Minimum, 82A00,— Maximum, 05,050 APPLY, stating experience and last Inspector at MISS MARGUERITE MURPHY, Set: Treas. -- Sox 535, Aurora Ont. U.S.A. RESORTS DETROIT, Mich. suburb; 31/2 miles city limits. Overnight cabins semi -modern, free TV, picnic tables, Centrally lo- cated - for tourist attractions, Most cabins 94.00 for 2 people, Cottage Grove Court27601 Telegraph Rd. .5. 24) at Northwestern Hwy.. BiMIS. Mich. • you CAN SLEEP TO -MIGHT MI RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS TO -MORROW! SEDICIN tablets token according to directions is e safe way to induce sleep er quiet the nerves when tense. Drug Stores Oalyl The Fat & The Lean Tables of average heights and weights for children have been so' overpromoted that many mo- thers spend their time jittering needlessly about whether a youngster, is up . to par. But doctors have never studied data on averages for people at the upper end of the life span. Last months lrr, Arthur M. Master presented, the A.M.A. with re- vealing data on oldsters aged 65 to 94. The tables were com- piled at Manhattan's Mount Sinai Hospital from information on 2,925 men and 2,694 women all over the U.S. In the 65-69 bracket, the tables showed men average 5 ft. 8 in. tall, weigh 159 lbs. Height remains constant through ages 85-89, but by then the average weight has dropped to 148 lbs, In the early 90's, men average an inch shorter and tip the scales at a wispy 136 lbs. Wom- en aged 65-69 average 5 It, 3 in. tall and weigh 141 lbs.; those in the upper 80's are an inch shorter and weigh 120 lbs. What does this mean for old- sters' health? Purpose of the tables, said Dr. Master, is to show the tie-up between excess weight and diabetes, gall -blad- der trouble, and diseases of the heart, arteries and kidneys, Al- ready evident, he said, is that in both sexes, after 65, blood pressure goes up with _weight, but has little or no relationship to height alone. And despite the popular belief that tall people die younger, height has nothing to do with Iongevity. Weight is the villain, Dr. Master con- cluded. "It is clear that obesity reduces the life span, and the outlook for thin persons is more favorable." That average weights are so much less in the most aged might indicate that these individuals have actually lost some weight, but more sig- nificant, Dr. Master suggested, is the fact that the fat die younger. - From TIME A pleasant old lady entered the cake shop to find the own- er's son watching the shop a few moments while his mother step- ped • out, "Don't you sometimes feel tempted to eat the cream cakes?" she asked with a smile. "Of course not," replied the boy in a shocked tone. "That would be stealing. 1 only ]ick them." Taking a long view o1 a situ- ation is easy when you're not involved, ISSUE 27 — 1959