HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-02, Page 7• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING •Ilt Sore Pole! John To Advertise } SQMO •Weeks ago, as many of You Will remember, John Gould's wife lost a prized old three -tine fork, Me VIM about this loss in his 'widely -read column in The Christian Science Monitor, Per. WS you. were wondering if there was any response. Well, hero's what happened -- .up to now! * For some weeks I've wondered how to comznence this report, and I suppose the best way is to stop wondering and begin. It has to do with three -tined forks, and if anybody was ever thrust into Orbit by his own firecracker, 'twas I. May I underline, first of all, that there really was a three tined steel kitchen fork; that my helpmate did lose it; that she did say she couldn't keep house without it; and that she did be- seech me to inquire in the public print where one might apply to get another. Thus a "Dispatch" on the subject appeared, and we • hadn't the vaguest notion of what we were starting. The truth is that there has not been such a spate of response since your editor and I first cook,. ed up the idea of these Dispatches —and to me this is a puzzling thing. Of all the variant tomes we've touched on, pertaining gen- erally to human affairs, the last, I'd have picked for an all-out winner would be the three -tined fork. And it is embarrassing that there are so many of you, but only one of nie. When the forks came by dozens and the letters by scores, there were a couple of days of amazement, and then the throwing of hands in the air. To all joining in the collective plan- ning, preparation, making and distributing of a great family journal, such response is a joy. You don't always realize how far the candle beams, until one day some such item clicks. But I'm Stumped at finding a way to ade- quately acknowledge such an offfpouring. Even as I contemplated the task, Daylight Saving came in, and I lost an hour. Then Presi- dent Eisenhower proposed up- ping the letter stampl,to a nickel, which seemed a personal affront! And the mail showed no sign of letting up, or the forks of ceas- ing to come. Indeed, before the first letters could be opened, noted, and appreciated, there al- ready had arrived one from a gentleman who said he had sent a fork, and as I hadn't acknow- ledged it, perhaps it had been lost and he should put a tracer on it! (I wrote him at once, of course.) There aren't many places we . haven't heard frorn—Boston, the Middle West, the South, the Pa- cific Coast, Canada, England (a couple of forks received from here were over 300 years old). There has even been time to hear from Australia. But quite apart from the edi- torial satisfaction that comes from finding such a plural topic, my "pink ap'n" is a -sing in the kitchen, a fork in each hand and another Carmen -like atwixt her teeth, and she is as happy as a clam at high tide, as gay as a banana split, and no task is too arduous. She can flip doughnuts again, get pickles from the brine, and the scrambled eggs are sindoth as a smelt. There were two -three ladies wrote in and said goodness, they'd lost their forks, too, and if perchance we got an over- supply, would we share? We shared, sending to each the name of the original donor so thank- you's could be made. She thinks I should shape up some pine boards, long panels to go above the cupboards in the kitchen, wifere she can attach the forks in a permanent exhibit, w:7"141MINAMOVAPfet • s-S,..s stSe RHUBARB SASS—All the elements of a classic rhubarb are pictured, above, in San Francisco. Guess who won? Umpire Frank Dusc011, naturally. Giants' Wes Westrum (3) found him- self out of the game after protesting a disputed play, and manager Bill Rigney waved his hands in vain. She has each laid out with a tag • on it, telling who sent it, However, Postmaster General Summerfield was careless, and a few packages came through rim - wracked beyond identification. There were also several anony- mous arrivals. Some came „with ribbons tied on; many had notes giving family histories. • Although all were essentially the same kind of fork, and satis- fied the definitions, there were many styles, Some had bone handles, some ivory, some wood —and a few had homemade han- dles showing ancient repair. Most showea. long years of use, but a few were brand new—indicating they may still be had in stores if you know where to look. And also, as I said, that money is no, object when the lady of the house is in want. Besides all the forks that came, dozens of letters said, "If you don't receive one, let me know and I have one rn send." The essence of the whole ex- perience, perhaps, is found in the. predominance of letters which recalled such forks in the hands of grandmothers, aunts, smooth- ly doing household chores—happy memories hitherto neglected. Some of these letters showed a refrain . . wonder whatever be- came of that fork? So, it is gratifying to have touched on a subject which pleased., so many, and sparked so many a tangible response. But that is "shop talk," and relative- ly unimportant, The important thing is the friendliness, neigh- borliness, kindness and concern. It is as if we had a fraternity, with the tines standing for ab- stractions in triple array. The whole thing has left us deeply touched and humble, and feeling very rich amongst a broad membership. . When the panels are in place, and the fork 'collection" becomes a dominant theme in our kitchen (the room we live in!) it shOuld be pretty hard to convince us that an in- dividual is ever an island. If Ex- calibur and Durandal and things like that have become legendary symbols of morality, how much more potent to us will be the eso- teric values of the three -tined fork! Possibly we can, sooner or later, send off our individual thanks, Certainly we plan to! Meantime, because we thought you'd like to know, we have in- sinuated this Dispatch. We cer- tainly hope everybody is as hap- py as We arel.--7By John Gould in • The Christian Science Monitor. .sssiS• Sssr"lls-lss Alts**1.,s„...aosi%94.-sgwae llssiss; 'sss: SKY STATIONS —• A new approach to creating a stratosphere station has been proposed. It would be kept aloft with energy rays beamed from earth Drawing depicts saucer -like plat- form. Rotor keeping it hovering in thin air layer would be eonverted to heat in much the same way as an electric stove element converts electricity to heat. tinder development by Raytheon, the stations could be used for missile detection, liong-range communication,. navigational and meteorological Olds, surveillance and TV transmission. They Dueled With Ten -Ton Trucks The lone girl woke in her sleep- ing- bag in a glade near Anchor- age, Alaska, and in the early morning light saw . , four vast furry brown legs and feet with great long curved °lain. The huge bear had come out of the trees and was some twelve feet way, moving his great blunt head from side to side. He seem- ed as large as a horse, shifting his weight gently from one front paw to the other. Suddenly he reared up'to peer at her over entervening twigs. She moved her head,to keep him in view, and the movement may • have startled him, for he drop- ped back, turned round and padded silently away. Adventurous Lorna Whishaw, • a British Columbia housewife, doesn't say she was scared, merely that . . "I wanted to leap up and yell, to let the world • know I had seen a, bear, a great Alaskan brownie." She had hitch -hiked 2,670 miles from her home on Lake Kootenay. Her geologist husband, committed to a threemonth's expedition, had urged her to go off somewhere on her own, too. So she'd left house and children in the charge of a neighbour and set out blithely with a pack and thirty-six dollars to hike and get lifts up the Trans -Canada and Alaska Highways. The first truck driver who stopped for her warned her "Highways ain't no place for dames on the loose," and told her Of a cousin's girl who'd gone off like that and been murdered. "Never go along with any truck-. er veto asks you," he added. "Type you need is the guy who don't want to take you; then you'll be okay." One truck driver — Jack Martin — deaf after an air crash when he was a pilot in the Far East, but the best driver: on the road — exclaimed: "Oh, the luck!" on seeing another ten -ton truck on the road ahead signal- ling madly. "Now you'll meet my buddy. You just wait, you'll really see something." The next few minutes, Mrs. Whishaw says in "As Ear As You'll Take Me" were the most terrifying of her life. Jack paus- ed on a hilltop; the other truck; on an opposite hilltop, did like- wise. Then, with a blaze of signals, like joustling knights, they roar- ed down towards each other, • head on, at ever-increasing speed — Jack yelling like a maniac, pulling on the siren, jumping up and down on his seat. She grab- bed at the door to jump for her life: "Sit, you fool!" he screech- ed, seizing her by the hair. With roaring, blinding death only a few feet from them the other truck leapt across the high- way. Jack, with a yell of tri- umph, swerved left and they flashed past each other on their respective rights. A wild jolting kept Jack's truck from the left-hand gutter and brought it to a halt on his own side of the road, Both driv- ers leapt out and ran to greet each other. "What's the idea?" she gasped, shivering and sweating, When they were again on their way, "The idea is to cross and pass on the right, Whoever chickens (funks) crosses first, He did, you see? Boy, he thought he'd had "Suppose he'd decided not to chicken, then what?" "Then .he would have had it." "They always clone it, for fun, Jack added When she said, "One of these days . ." he retorted, "So *hat, it's an honourable death, ain't it?" Later, on her return. journey P AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash in your Spare Tinle. Jnet ohow your friends our CbristMee And Ail -Occasion Greeting Cards (including fteligiouS), Statiebery, Gifts, Write for sentples. Colonial Card td., 489-13 Queen East, Termite 2. t. WEVERMAN Real Estate reqUirea farm agents In your localitY. 380 63 Bloor W., Toronte, WA. 2.2442. GO INTO BUSINESS Or yourself. Sell our exciting house. wares, watches and other products not found in stores, No oompetitiOn. Pro. fits up to 500%. Write now tor free colour catalogue and separate coati- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray sales, 9822 St, Lawrenee, Montreal. ' BABY CHICKS IT'S' time to order Bray July -August boilers. Spegial prices on dayold heavy breed cockerels. Prompt ship- ment dayold and some started dual pur- pose pullets and cookerels. Some Antes • pullets, also Leghorns. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, 0139. BOYS' AND ON2LS' CAMPS CHILDREN'S CAMP for boys and girls 8-17: Ail land and Water sports under college -trained leadership. Registered Nurse. Home cooked meals. Six ponies and horses to ride at ho extra cost. Screened insulated eabtns. -Aqua plan. 'Ing and Water skiing. 29th year for Canada's outstanding, Camp. ElighlY recommended, Reasenable. Dr. and Mrs. Martin, Directors. Write for free fol. der; "WIldWood" Vaudroull. Quebec. MA RI DA N RANCHO BEAUTIFUL scenic location. Miles of riding .tralls. Children 6-16 years, 925.00 weekly. Best of supervision. Write RA, 1, Varney. Phone Durham 500W2. Ranch A rrowhead ONTARIO'S FINEST RANCH CAMP A wonderful western holiday for boys and girls 6 to 16, July and August; adults, May, June, Sept. and Oct. Corn, plete camp program; fees include daily riding, instruction and trails, Write for illustrated folder — R.R. 3, Collingwood, or phone Toronto EM. 8. 6548, BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE BILLIARDS and cigar store, sound established business, building and all equipment included. Located in thriV- Ing town between Toronto and Hamil- ton. Books open to • genuine buyer. Owner retiring and will give good terms and hold 5% 1st mortgage. An excellent opportunity . Call or write W. D. Hitchcox, Realtor 541 Brant St., Burlington, NElson FOR Sale — Machine Shop, Woodwork- ing Shop, living apartment, in the pret- tiest town in Ontario. Reasonable, No triflers please. Box No. 186. 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. HARDWARE Store and / or Heating, Plumbing, Tinsmithing Business In in- dustrial town. Reasonable. Apply Box 367, Perth, Ontario. GARAGE WONDERFUL opportunity in a grow- ing industrial town., 40 miles from Tdronto and a possible franchise with one of the big three ear manufactur- ers. Corner lot 145' x 132', on a main highway through town. Garage build - trig 45' x 90', plus an addition 20' x 30'. consisting of showroom, workshop, office, stockroom, 2 holsts and pit. Heated with hot water by oil. Estab. • lished 14 years. Aggressive car dealers or garage operators should investigate this business. Win. J. McLeod, Real Estate Broker, Acton, Ont. Phone 203. south, she'd heard that he'd been killed in an accident. Mrs. Whishaw dropped off in the Yukon on the way back to go otter -trapping and wild sheep hunting in the mountains with a game warden. At Car' max, near Dawson City, she met Mrs. Jane Fletcher, now nearly eighty, who'd been dance -hall girl "Rosie Murphy" in Dawson in the gold -rush days and still hoarded away several thousand dollars' worth of jewels and valuables in a cigar box. Near Kluane lake Mrs. Whi- shaw was shown an abandoned homestead/which looked as if it had been rifled by bears, for everything was overturned. "The place belonged to a man called Brown," she was told. "He had a wonderful wife, a pure Eskimo. She had his children and slaved for him for forty years, never saying much and taking all the miserable treat- ment he handed out. "One clay, when the family were all grown up and left home, she waited for him oppo- site the front door. When •he came in, she shot him dead with his gun. Then she took the bus to Whitehorse and gave herself up to the Mounties. She was tried for first-degree murder and acquitted." Nearing home, Mrs. Whishaw told her last trucker: "Thank you, Mitch, Thank you and all the drivers, Thank you for be- ing so good to me. Thank you for all you have taught me." How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make poached eggs hold together? A. Add half a teaspoonful of vinegar to poaching eggs, and it will cause them to hold to- gether. This will have the same effect on fish. ' Q. How can 1 keep the colours in chintzes front running? An aspirin added to the wa- ter in which chintzes and cre- tonnes are to be laundered will prevent the colours from run- ning, and even improve them. Q. How can 1 make cleaning fluid odourless? A. Add a few drops of oil of sassafras to each quart of fluid Used in cleaning clothes, This , will deodorize it and entirely remove any disagreeable odour from the garment after Lha cleaning. FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sale - 290 acres, geed dm' learn, new hank barn, Milk contract, trout river through farm, 7 room house, hydro, spring -water, close to churn, school, tourist lakes, $5000 down, Lealle Plewis, cravenhurst, Ont, HANOVER area: 1.00 -acre farm for sale, good !mimeos, hydro, pressure eye. tem; good water; 15 acres bust*, es Ores cleared land, spring -fed stream. Will sell with stock and implements or Without. Naas Clark, 690 Eglinton Toronto, Empire 8.3871, GARDEN MACHINERY PLANET Jr, Garden tractors, tillers, seeders, wheel hoes, John C. Graham co., Distributors, Learaingten, Ont. HELP WANTED WOMEN SEW at home in your Spare time, in - tome unlimited, Send 500 for instruc- tions today, North Star Products, P.O. Box 112, Dept, P., Cedar Grove, N. 3, MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED FOREIGN Job Reports! Highest wages, Free Travel. Adventure, Men, women, unusual opportunities. Skilled, unskill- ed, all trades, Only 91,00. 'Universal Researcher, Box 4912, Baltimore 20, Maryland, INSTRUCTION — EARN more! Bookkeeping. Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les. sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, MAGAZINES TEACHERS', Educators', M.D.'s, Dent. ists' magazine stibscriptions. Lists free, Postgraduate Medicine, year, $10, 2 years, $17. S. D. Rapp, 929-14111, Santa Monica, California, MEDICAL 'WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEU- MATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. 0 MUNRO'S.DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, 4 Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scaling and burning ecze. ma, acne, ringworm, pirnples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorles ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S .REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED ENJOY the atmosphere of a friendly 640 -bed Down -Town hospital. THE TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL 399 Bathurst Street Toranta has vacancies for GENERAL STAFF NURSES 9255.00 per month at present with an. nus] increments to $285.00. 40 -hour 5.day work week WRITE giving full details to: Director of Nursing service. Hospital Superintendent - REGISTERED nurse for 30 -bed modern hospital, starting July 1, 1959. Furnish- ed 3 -room apartment provided. Reply, stating previous experience and salary expected to Mrs. IL E. Linton, Secre- tary. Englehart and District. Hospital Board. Box 609 Englehart; Ont. GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR 100 -bed hospital, up-to-date faci- lities in a beautiful location on the the shore of Lake Erie. Residence avail. - able. Salary $260.00 month with recog• nition for P.G. courses. 44 -hour week at present. APPLY DIRECTOR OF NURSING Port Colborne General Hospital PORT COLBORNE, ONT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free ' Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL MY RUPTURE was removed naturally. For FREE FACTS, write: John Mins timer, Box 129 W, Elora, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE l Films developed and 12 magna prints in album 600 2 magna prints In album tee Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 91.00 (not including prints). Color prints 350 each extra, Ansco and Ektachrome 35 min. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides 91.25, Color prints from slides 350 each. Money trievfeured In full tor unprinted neg.- FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR sale or trade, service station and garage, fully equipped, in small village near Napanee. Good location and bust- ness. Apply James Ferguson, R.R. 1 Napanee, 920 r 22, 50 ACRES of Umber, 15 acres with three houses, large barn, pressure system, bath room. John EL Parks, 13annoditburn. IF YOU WANT IT • YOU CAN HAVE Wholesome — Healthful Year Round Odorless and rapid Sanitary Elimin. atIon Cleanliness of contents in Out- door Toilets — Septic Tanks — Coss Pools, by accepting our special in. troductory offer of two pounds of Sprout's "SEPTI-K-LEEN° far only 93,00 f.o.b. Toronto. An amazing fast- aoting Compound HARMLESS to Hu - Mans — Pets — metals or materials Just recently banome available for distribution. The fast, Safe, odorless results will make you glad you did. Inquiries solicited free,' Agent -a- and. Dealers. SPROUL CHEMISTS 2674 Yonge St, - !crania HU. 3-:5747 STAMPS ANO COINS FOB the finest In stamps on approval. Post paid both ways. Writst today. lvt, Rideout, Beg 476,Hamilton, ant • STAMP collectors — send for free Babe list. Postpaid both WM. Handl- ton Stamp 00,,, 5000 Segra Ed. BOP, more 12, Md„, U.S.A. UP to 9200.00 paid for 1921 Can:idle).* 50 20 -page "Premium Buying Guide, snowing prices paid for ;mins 24 New brochure "Now to invest in Canadian Coins 250. For both send Only 550 to: lYfarles, Box 813 -WP, Calgary, A DREAM RAINBOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beautiful 011eotiOn, sports, flowere, animals, etc., more than 518 different stamps. satisfaction for eYerYbodY, Al that fop only 254. With our beautiful s stamps on approval. Faro Stamp Co., Dept, W., Stoneham Company. Q11(01360, (A.S,D,A. — P.T.S.) SUMMER RESORT'S sAy•vce bonce, Lake Muskoka, Baia good Swimming, home cooking, close toss... Dunn's Dance Pavillion, $30.00 Weekls,,, Box 78 Bala. GOLDEN Besob cottages On Lake Nitessing, near North Bay, Safe bath. ing, sandy beach. II -IS cottages with 2, 9 or 4 bedrooms. For folder write Stan Richardson Camps, 55 NO. 1, S. No. 1, North Bay, Ontario, BLUE WATER CONFERENCE NEAR WALLACEBURG, ONT. "UndenomlnatIonal Simmer Resort" $3 to 97.50 daily, Including meals; all recreational facilities; evening Meet- ing; Bible and missionary speakers. For folder write 153 King W. Chatham, Ont. HOUSEKEEPING Cottages to rent at Hinterland Beach, on Kamaniskeg Lake, Barrys Bay, one, two and three bedrooms, beautiful sand beach, crye- tal clear water, good fishing, attractive cottages. For pictures and information see Carl Pitts, Omemee, Phone 108, PORT SYDNEY MUSKOKA, ONTARIO On Beautiful Mary Lake SAFE sandy beach, boating, water skiing, recreation director. Delightful woodland walks. Fer a perfect holi- day in every way, visit Mary Lake. For further information write Port Sydney Tourist Promotion Association. SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE BUY, Sell, successfully, Port Carling, Muskoka area, specialising in summer properties. Call 51 E 0 Milner Real- tor. "COTTAGE for sale in Haliburton High- lands on Hollow Lake near Dorset, On- tario. Half acre lot, 100 feet lake front- age. Lake and Speckled Trout fishing, good hunting. For information write K. Miller, 60 Bay St., Woodstock, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacher S. S. No, 12 Chatham Township. Duties to com- mence September 1959. Maximum • salary 94000. Apply stating experience and qualifications to Mrs. Leola Sheik, Sec.-Treas. Tupperville, Ontario. PROTESTANTteacher for S.S. No. 4, Yarmouth, Elgin County. Small school. all grades. SALARY, 92,90043,100. depending on qualifications. APPLY, stating qualifications, experi- ence, and name of last inspector, to Mrs. John W. Millman, R.R. 1, Sparta, Ont. Duties to begin September, 1959. TEACHER required for rural public school for September. Small enroll- ment. APPLY, stating salary expected and experience, to: John A. McLeod, Secs Treas. of Aberdeen -Plummer Township school area, Leehurn, Algoma Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED BY ORO TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA SALARY schedule, minimum for quali- fied teacher 93,000 with annual Incre- ment of 9200 to maximum of 54,000. Fifty dollars per year for four, years will be allowed for experience. WHEN applying state experience, age, religion and name of former Inspector. John G. Currie, Oro Station, Ont TOWNSHIP School A r e a, South Fredericksburgh requires fully quali- fied teacher. Commencing September. Salary $3,100. State age, qualifications, religion, telephone number and name of present inspector, W. (0. Gilbert, Secretary -treasurer, R. R. 2 Napanee. 3 PROTESTANT teachers for township school area of Mayo, Hastings County, starting 1959-60 term. ONE for one.room school (McArthur's Mills), Grades I to V. Salary S3.000. ONE for principal two -room school (Hermon), Grades V to VIII. Salary $3,300. ONE for Junior remit, two -room school (Hermon), Grades I to IV. Salary, 92,800. GIVE name and address of last lissom). tor and experience to A. W. Ramsbot- tore, Hermon, Ont. • SPORTING GOODS FIBREGLASS CANOES, "SENECA" 15 ft. 59 lbs. Wilderness Tested. Send for Free Catalogue of Sporting Goods. Algoma Sports Shop, 334 Goulais Ave- nue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. TURKEYS BROAD Breasted Bronze turkey poults, large good market type strain. Reason- ably priced. Circular. Brunton Turkey Farm and Hatchery, R 2, Campbellford, Ont. ISSUE 23 — 1959 —backache! —firEd aull —resf cnsf urbec I. RE ALL VVIVE kaA:ka FED MP? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest, -ntany, many women turn to Dadd's Kidney Pills. These conditions ran be caused by excess acids and wastes in the system and Dedd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys And mid their normal action of removing these eSeess ;midi; and WASIC:S. Then life seeing briehter, housework lighter! Why don't you, too, try Dedd!s? 03 SLEEP TO -NIGHT Mn RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS 4.Aly: DAY TOMORROW1 To be I,oppy and tongue instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedicir tablets according to direttions, s°Enicir suo-14.95 TABLETS On* Stow ChM 1 1 1 1 1 1 .