HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-02, Page 4DUBLIN A `vera' seccesisfel turkey :dud haat slipper true held at St.. Vat dole's, parish hull uu 1\'etinesditY w°ltieli \efts &Weeded by an um precedented crowd. Three !tick;. ticket prizes at the at111per wore won by Min) McHurdler, Airs, Norval Willett. and Michael ABU'. ray, Several gawtee of bingo were playe11'end `il featttl•e of the ev. Posturing: the Largest (vide 'Screen ht baron Cenutr Thursday & Friday—July 2.3 "THUNDER ROAD" Robert iiltei nut - Keely Smith One ('attoon Saturday S. Monday -July 4.6" "MAN OF THE WEST" kDt l l' NSTI R A1xMINT t colon l Cme nt.tscopel Gary Couper -1.00 J. Cobh Julie Lindon One Cart non Tuesday rn Wednesday—July 7.8 "STEEL BAYONET" i Citlettnisfnpe ) l,c'o QOM -- KiOrun ttouie (the l-W't,1on nein TWO clear; first slow OWS aY t dusk Children under 12 In cars fres chilli• -was ' all address .and izl'es- entailed at: a -Perla) et: .'11101MY 11.1121 Members Of tlta Parish and the Qatholle 11 omen's 141100 to Rev. 'father Lyltch, assistant far Lite pest seven. 1110112115,; 12.'12° Una been tralisferi'ed to St, Josepil'a Patt•iah,. Chatham, Mr, and Mno. Al Young ;tad fa• miry with Mrs, AI, O'Rourke and 11 reek,. Mr, mud 'firs, aer'ry ;Eckert, Go- derielt, with. Mr. and Airs, Mai A, Eckert, Allan Butters, Port Elope, and Igiss Lhyllis. Butters, London, with Mr. and MPs. Thos. Butters. Mr. and Mrs. ,Don Monate at Powell). Sergt. and Mrs, Jatues New - combo, Port Credit, with Mr. and Alm. Wm, Stapleton, Joha •mute, Chatham, with .lir, and Mrs. Toni Coyne. Hiss Cecelia Feeney in Kiteh- eller; Miss Catherine Feeney in Si Marys; Miss Pauline Staple- ton in Detroit; Don I%linkbetner, Fergus Kelly, Kelltleth Stapleton, Kouneth Feeney, have secured summer employment in Kitchen- er; Larry Golluetz, liitchell, ie employed at Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dublin. Ain and Mrs. George Dnchernle attended the Decltarme-Sall wed- ding in Kitchener Saturday. \h'. and Mrs. P. Grosock, Da;t• ny Costello, London, Gordon Cos- tello, "Permit°, Mr, and Mrs. John Krauskopr, Britt, with Mr. and Mrs. Dau Costello, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Krauskopf, Tilsonhut;:;, with Mrs. Louis Krausketir. Mrs. E. Jordison, \Liss Lydia ,Totdison, Toronto, Misses Susan, 1:11121) and Melba ,Tean Friend at a cottage at Lions Head. Miss Reno 11'hetliani has left to spend al month in Arizona and Califorttln. • Rets, Metal Durand, transferred from \Yingh'aun, took over 1215:10. ties' as pastor of St, 12ntricks Church, Dublin, on Smithy, suc- ceeding Rev, Dr, .1° foullcos: w110 W05 perish priest here lot' 211 years, Dr. 1'foulltes was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, was educa- ted la Worcester, England, and came to Canada in 1014. Ile at. tended Assn.tuptiott College, ale° studied two years at St. Peter's Seulinary, Landau and two years in the Canadian College at Route where he received his degree as Dootar of Canon Lao'. Subsequen• try he was on the Faculty of St, Peter's Seminary and was ap- pointed pastor of Dublin in 3934. He is retiring from active service owing to recent illness and fail- ing eyesight. Guests at the graduatioa re- ception for Miss. Theresa Puoh,. arme .included Mr, and Mrs, Via - tor Brisson, Mss Claudette Bris- son, Victor Sriss°u, Mr, and lairs. E. Charette, bliss Doris 'Charette, Arr. and Airs, Harold Charette and family, Andre Contin, Aliso Ruth AreCartity, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deuomme, ttt', and Mrs. Elio Shultz, all 0f Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Airs. Collett Russell, of Ailsa Craig; ,tars, Valerie Gentili, St, Joseph; Airs, Delia Duch- arnte, Mr, and Mrs, Syron Duch- arme, Miss :\farce Dueharme, Da- t'id 1?uch arme, .hiss Elaine Chat, ette, 1Ir, and Mrs. Cyril Midi- anite, all of London, Mt. and Mrs, Gilbert Duchar'me and Pet- er, Zurich. John E, .Molyneaux, Thorold, with Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Staple- ton. Misses Teresa and I- cm ann., Sarnia, with' Afr, and 311.8. Joseph P. 'Ryan, liforrilon 1?onnsaber9—^ White gladioli and white MUM decorated St. Deals' 1i,C, March, Waterloo, on Saturday, June 20, whoa marriage rows Were ex- changed between Mary Elizabeth Ronllenber9,' Kiteheeer',' and Vin- cent William Morrison, Water, loo. -The bride is the 'daughter 'of Mr. and IL's. Ernest Ronnenberg, Kitchener, and the groom is the son.of Mr. and Mrs. James Mor- rison, Dublin, Rey, Father Ruth, C.R., officiated. The bride, given in marriage >;y her father, look- ed lovely in. a gown of embossed taffeta, with short sleeves, short princeSS gown lined with V•ueek' in. front and back. Her veil was held in place by a tiara head- piece, S1te carried white feather- ed carnations, stephanotis and Lester Hibbert roses iu a colonial ,shower bouquet. The maid of honor was Miss' Mary Morrison, Waterloo, sister of the groom. She wore a dress of white nylon with deeper white and apricot flowers over white :taffeta, with a sabn'itla neckline, cape, sleeves and au apnea Ctuumerband. She earned apricot tinted feathered earuationsin a white stephanotis. bouquet. She wore a matching (lead band of flowers, fr. John Morrison of Waterloo, brother of the groom, was best man. A wed- ding dinner for the -immediate families was held at the Pines Inn at Bridgeport, and the re- ception was held at the bride's home, After a wedding trip to Ottawa and Montreal, ID', and Mrs. Morrison will reside at 511 Pork St., Kitchener. YOU GET MARE OUT OF LIIE WHEN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRICITY Anytime, any day—your f e il,zita snack is ready, srr A+�`11 and appetizing in your electric reft.tgeraJor. freezer. With an electric refrigerator -freezer you -7reyll kinds of out -of -season foods for enjoyment all yew: round. You can buy in quantity too (it saves you m ,ne-) .. cut down on trips to the store .. , elirirIatep_ an rainy days. When you entertain, an electric r _er .to freezer gives you more time with your guests. lbe ;a. se you're able to prepare food ahead of t±ie. Au electric refrigerator -freezer is safe, clean, and modern. it costs just a few cents A day to operate. YOU get 1110re olut of life, when you Ont the 11139t [.ut of electricity. YD is yours t: eaa'va )licit' df} lr/tfR3di/, . ,.%d4ula MoKILLOP The 'WAS. attd W,A. of Duff's Church; 12'eRiliop,' held their Jti11e meeting at the'. home ' of Mfrs, Gordan Dapple with a good attendance. The W.A.. president, Mrs, R. Ai.' Scott, opened the meeting with the thence hymn Ana prayer, Minutes . were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ross Cor- d= and toil call answered by fakorite apron pattern Mrs, Alex Smi:tlt gave the topic, followed by prayer, The W.M.S. meeting was opened by the president, Airs. Les. 'Pryee, Scripture and conlmeatts on It were given. by Mrs. Cordon McKenzie, flus. Pryce less in prayer. Minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. Fannie and treasurer's report given by Mrs. David Shannon. It. was decided to send two girls to the training school at Alma Col- lege. The topic from the study book was ably given by Airs. Arnold Scott. Meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. A lovely lunch was served and courtesy remarks were expressed by Mrs.. Eldiu Kerr, HENSALL Hendrick - Salt I A charming summer wedding was solemnized at Heusall United Church, Saturday, June 37, when Ruth Diane Soldan and John W. Hendrick exchanged marriage votes before the Rev. Chas. Dan- iel in a lovely setting of stand- ards of white gladioli tied with mauve ribbon, fern and candles, The bride is the daughter of AIZ. and -firs, W, C. Bolden, Hensel( RR 2, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. S. 11, Hendrick of Exeter. Mrs, S. Klatt, Exeter, provided traditional wedding mu- sic and accompanied the soloist, R. Russell Exeter. Given in mar- riage by her father, she wore a floor length gown of embroidered organdy. The bodice styled with short scalloped sleeves and neck- line dipping to a front and back V. The bouffant skirt swept from a smooth panelled front to a 3 - tiered back. A tiara outlined with seed pearls held a French illu- sion veil and she carried a bridal bouquet of red roses and lily of the valley. Attending as maid of honor Miss Jeanne Soldan, of St. Thomas, twin sister of the bride, was gowned in mauve dotted or- gandy with dark mauve under- skirt. Both carried bouquets of white carnations. Emil Hendriek. Toronto. brother of -lie groom. was bat man. and Earl Seoldan nd Elgin Hendriek ushers. For eceiving At Armstrong's restaur- nt Exeter, the bride mother ww ere 11 navy silk dress with w he it accessories and corsage of pink carnations. The grooms mo - her those bine flowered sill: with matching accessories and a. ersage of whire =nations For their honeymoon at the Lauren- ians and pints east the bride• travelled in an ensemble of light Drown petit point sateen sheath and a duster of lecit a ing brown kb white aoee_sor-es with a raw of white roses. The bride' a graduate of London Teach- er s College. The groom is a grad- ate ad - ate of dm Tinirers ry �f Toronto, ht'otj of k',lnbslming r 1. Tst:lw'sraish Pt- ornolio^.i.s—: Promoted to Grade S. Graham Bell, Ray _McLean, Carl 'romp; i Grade 7. Janes ra�gnaio-, Mar- tha Tromp. Alte Tandeworp: to,Grade 6, William Dell, Douglas Thomas irymple, ThomDalrymple– Deanna slac 1ple Deanna For'e.-t.. Thera Guet:er,a _ro ry McLean: to Grade 4, Mer-.: vv, Ch n Belt, Charles Dalrymple, C. -a-. raid r.aonair. 1 o .Grade S. Gilt- eril ,Gneteer. Gwen McLean. Ray. hemp; 1-3 Grade 2. Nancy For.. est. Mr1s. anrabsiii Reichert_ tsa:cher. a r a r is to Da i KIPEEN • fir. and Mrs. T. W ars and fn»-Ily spent ,he )-eek eh2 with 'Mr. and Mrs. H. 2. Lards. of T ra0un. Mrs. Russell Cvi:si-t Jan and Nancy, and Marjorie Turner =pent ,.her week end a, Marlette. 1tt30h. and attended Ile Walker 1•ettnion. Mrs. Wm. Windex r_ Lt,.u. 1 home Friday Sinn spsndixg 001171le of weeks with relative -:-: London. 111r. and Mrs. enmetI:. and Jn. o.z701tie1 0. gai3te" r of i the matchers, arc their �Ir,c i:.F: of DE.D. n Farlshaw. Pari. r1I; snaday. MCC, cls ?1 litter R tri mei, Dae Eyj2 anti her baby. in St Jesepli'e iosp ,t . Loudon Itir. and M.6. :vim Wren and Laurie of Hmeove2 spent the e week end -with the firmer e jlar 2 eats 1YIr. and Mr's Gorden wr e Their ,grandfathet. remained w n n Stun: 1°r a week. 3 1. ane id"t. Lc Bisset: and' Mrs. Mt.ry Burnam; of .London leers- Sunday gimlet 01 Wit. and 11<rs. i4leliie taut:,lira.. 01i.- tem. "Itaigramiu:ieus All% and Met. Jul. .Fele of Zuriet 'tor the gr`_ SII 1 van, 5i'. bori n'. St. Jo - :ismer Husvite. Lunn,an in: Fri- tter, JI1It 2la.t-i: ;Mrs. "•sura 11'hitenttte of Telt'- 1111,. rut: 11W' been the guest of h': Sla.e!-iT iIt N' 11'?'F. 1C. 1'siItsdtila✓ at& Mee. .11. \'1.'ititelnEu, retm'isCI YL 110'." 1111(16 nln'111L_' 2112 tt ask pad. • OPCtMPRi 1 uanl1'(esory -f Crein- 1 1.. 2• ''••=iai •Lerit.z, Church was ub- e , Nc +:1 ,t z ds . 'sr1 t1 a a .nd • t.;.'. 1 i.LI t h1 morning.. Arid eren- ..er Tot mini_ter, Tier. llec. waves. :.barge .'i111 Dr. )ira Bar .lar :1 London ivas. • • tak r At the morning : asci 1 71 214S- C 1(1,0„ and 71.1 ISarhor. tau- _ +. ` from Goder. • T' c i nlnslr at 8021, e. • 132. ;sJ% 1111.. ?\r..: eor. Tsyior, a;:tt Marl 1.eit. T1s iier;i i ": :,.o,i F2 <.rr at. ,, .^.0.11 Witt Mr, THE SBAFOIti`IT NI3WS-Tluli'sduy, July 9,x'1309. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Kenneth 1'0- , I ' 1 , 1•n' n•i•)11111 a l nue a uueiul,n, lltained for a. visit tvitin 1110 Scott @u,Intlatt11u 1 1u t 1 boys. Ol' i os I 1 I vo Mr, and Airs, I� calllc 'Cisudlcic, tl Joint �teuafi aw It � Shaman and Donald of. Sornia, ' 11'ii'si P1'0S12Yl(i1"11111 itiitl spent. the week end with AM, and N()1'111o1I11tl tlitilttti :qrs. Donald Soott•� i 1 Mr, and Mrs. Gordon. Diehl of <,i111i,it} 1211( Illi Sebringville, visited on. Sunday = at with Mr, and 'MTS. Gorden 1411)19. NORTH SIDE UNITED Air. and Mrs, *nest Alien, Oi°IUI OH Sheila and. Mary Lynne of 111.1 1. ellen were Sunday visitors' with REV. D. LEEILIE ELDER Mr. and Mrs. J, it, Scott, Millilitter Alt', and .121.5, Bert 13uilila and 11)31,11). tlilildtlr/ tit4tu111t1 alt their' 1 11 ttuua.hal (lht', o Mr, and Mrs. W, N. Biliullg and � I I Ili it n family of Mitchell with Mr, and ldrs, K. MoKellar, Atr. and Airs, John dhoseol 01 Mitchell visited on Sunda)" with ilIr. and Mrs, Lloyd Sorsdabl. lir. and Mrs, R, G. Spearo )told Mrs. F. Speare of Toronto spout the week end with Miss Olive Speen. Mr. Russell McKellar of S3uffti' to isand spentrs,' Jding, olthue1 Waldalaholiyces, Witii Mr. 'A Miss Olive Speare attended itlto Speare reunion at Queens parlc, Stratford on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Auburn tion. 10 am., Church School and attended the Dolntage 101311ion at Bide Olass. 'I'mpor'tant ,meeting Goderich on Sunday. Official Board at Close of morn, Air, and itrs. Mao Molf.ellar of ing service. Sacrament of )0,4,, Seaforth were Sunday visitor's tism. Parents consult Minister, with lir. and Mrs. Sari McCurdy. li )6)11, "WHEN 01110S'1' BASSES 1)\"" (heat 1olobit -, Mrs, Willis Vau1Il6'muntil (Jiinton J, A. toown t. Niro. J.A. Stewart (droll' (+(0)111' Organist :;••••1111111t11n/11111/1•W 1111111111111,1,11„1111,111,1.'1' :ti /unanal1411e Ultite4 O inl' 1e l ] o Dr. J. Semple, Minister, Lyle ll.atntnletl'd,'• organist -0110r 'leader, 11 ami, -"Ts Canada Worth - While?" ,Dominion Day ntedita- FROM CANADIAN NATIONAL fast modern travel by RAILINER • between Guelph, Owen Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with connections for Toronto and London. Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed in gleaming stainless steel. Forget about traffic strain, parking worries—con- sult your local CNR agent for the convenient Railiner schedules. BY AIN DIAN NATIONAL 195S CHEVROLET COACH 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1957 HILLMAN SEDAN 1955 BUICK HARDTOP 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1355 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 DE SOTO SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 'STUDEBAKER SEDAN 19.50 MORRIS SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED eaf o rth M�tors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 1S6 Phone 541 iiiiiii 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111,1111111 nun 1111111111Wiiiii1,111 n„1,Iiii Iiii ll111iiii tttttttttttttttttttttt oolnum••••••••••• ttt 111 ttt tttttttttttt,1,1,111,111111,,.1.11,11111 PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH • In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Tow11 of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1958, B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen 41111101111111111111,1111111111111111111a1111111n1n1111a1111111111111,111111111111111111111110111111,11111111111101:10