HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-06-25, Page 5'1'Hl>h SEAFOflTIt NEWS --"'Thursday, June 25, 196.9 ,nulll111mIMI11ll,,,,",IINIMA Ie111,A1e'AA1n11OMAI1A I ono" iii WORM, I,1111 IMMIIAMIAAIIIAIUM Smith's ,.Superior Foo "Dominion Day Specials (JUNE. 25 TO 30 INCLUSIVE) MAXWELL HOUSE TN STANT. COFFEE ......, . Large 6 oz g jar 99c REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. bag 77 - C ALLSWEET MARGARINE 2 1 lb's 53c ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz jar 29c FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD ,..2 6 oz jar SHEDD'S SALAD DRESSING 32 oz jar 63c MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON tin 49 PHONE 12 WE DELIVER 31111111 I null11 en 11111,1"n 11111111111111111,,11,1111111111111,11111111 111n1n11„111111111111111111111,1111111111n111, BLAKE 'the Blind. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerieh visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Musselman, Kitchener, er • S undo Y Blakeb SC Oal toured with inson other schools on a bus trip hrto of1IIi1 sgreen Mrs.Charles an evening Toronto, visiting Old Fort York, with Mi. Darold Finlay and Pa- the subway and the. Institute for mily. Mr. Darold Finlay visited his aunt, Miss Margaret Finlay of London. MALE ORDERLY Applications for the above position at the Hugon County Home, Clinton, will be received by the undersigned until Friday, June 26, 1959, at 5 P.M. All applications are to be forwarded in sealed envelope clearly marked as to contents, stating age, experience and other necessary information Salary $125 per month living- in; or $155 per month living out. .JOHN G. BERRY', CLERK -TREASURE COUNTY OF HURON, GODERICH, ONT. 1958 CHEVROLET COACH 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 DE SOTO SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 STUD'EBAKER SEDAN N 1950 MORRIS SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they "are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all. citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor TOWN TOPICS Clare W:estcott,, Jan, Jeff and Genevieve, 01! Toronto, and Mr,. and Mrs.,Gerald Weber; London, 'visited 'their parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, A. Westeott last week, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Sherwood of Montreal anti James Sherwood el 'Ottawa are here owing to the death of their father, Mr. Mat- thew G.- Sherwood. When a chain he was pulling on suddenly let go, Ruurd.Roop mans on Monday afternoon fell 15' feet front the top Of a truck load of baled bay at the Scott Poultry Farm. `140 was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital. 41p• parently no bones were broken and he was able to return home to Auburn newt day. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ryan and family, Windsor, and Mr. and M'i's. Len Gillespie and son, Tor onto, were week end visitors Mrs. Camilla Ryan. Mr. :and Mrs, Jack 'Nicholson and fancily, Streetsville, ,spent the ween end with relatives. Mrs. 0, P. Sills and Mies Mary Lou .Sills visited Saturday in Kitchener withMr. and Mins. Ro- nald Sills and baby alaughlter, Kathy Ann, Air. and Mrs. Jos. Miller, Det- roit, and Cyril Flannery, Detroit, attended the Lane -Malone wed. ding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Galt, were week end visitors of Mrs. Therese Maloney. Mrs. Wm. Arthur, Michael and Billy, Miami, Florida, are spend- ing (three weeks' vacation with her another, Mrs. F. J. Bechely. Miss Ida Gallop is spending the summer at Bayfield, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Benninger, Guelph, 'and Miss Therese Flan- nery, Guelph, attended the Lane- Malone'wedding Saturday. Miss Nora Reynolds, nurse in training at St. Joseph's hospital, London, is spending three weeks holidays with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, Mrs. Samuel Bates and ,daugh- ter h ter Bonnie are visiting this week with friends in Windsor, Mr.B111 Stephenson and Mr. Ron Mahlallen, Toronto, visited Sunday with Mrs. Leo Stephen- son, Mrs. William Byrne, Trenton, Minh., was a guest of -Mrs, Jean Fortune last week. The frame building On 8°411 decided that the Ladies' Aid mon- s Mai r street which Ds, Harburn used for many Year's as an °MJiee 10 slated by the present owner, Dr, J. Turnbull, for removal and, the space will be used for a parking plane for olieus of the clinic. The pz'esezrt tenant, Terry's Itadto, liar moved to Church, street. Mr, and Mrs, L. R. Hudson, Mr, and 'Mrs, Jack Hudson and baby. daughter of Toronto were week end visitor's with Mrs. Mabel Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Diegel andsMr. and Mrs, W, Cole- man. Mrs. A, McCluskey of Loudon companist.. visited last week at the home •of Mr. and -Mrs. J, M. Eckert. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Lionel Fortune, Mr's, Wes Mr. and Mrs, William Diegel Niohoils and Stan were in Strat- and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ford on Tuesday 'attending the Sholdice, Mr, Geo, Riegel, Rev.. funeral of their cousin, Mr. E1. and Mrs, E, J. Fisolcer, Miss Ar• Reid. ey be collected at next meeting, to be held at the home of Mrs. Miele,, McMillan, Mrs. William. Drover, and vice Imes., and her group had theme of the prog• rare. Soriplure was read by Maus, T. W. McMillan and Mrs. Samuel Sto'r'ey led in prayer. The topic tram the 'study book was given by Mrs, William Drover assisted by Mrs. J. L. Sell and Mies Jean Scott. A lovely duet "Open Mine Eyes that I May See," watt sung. V Mrs. Edward Dorranee and her daughter, Miss Gisela Helbjg With Mrs. R. E. McMillan as ae- mer of Mr, and Mrs, Von Allen, of Winnipeg, spent the week end at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Richard Kruse, George Webb of Maryland was a visitor in town for a few 'hours last week calling on the Sillery family and visiting old friends, Mr, Webb, who ins 76, worked 50 years ago 'with the construction firm of •Gutteridge and Edge. Al- ter being wounded in the first war he, was in 'the construction business in Chicago for years. Mrs, J. R. Spittal was oalled to Toronto by the serious illness ,of her sister. • DRESSED HAM SUPPER Carnival, Entertainment Drawing for Chevrolet ST. COLUMBAN Wednesday, July 22 ilw Hugh Benninger says When you buy life insurance you don't add to your problems—you subtract from them 011 DUBLIN, ONT. Phone 54 r 3 ederation :'Life Brownie's DRIVE-IN Clinton Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County Thursday & Friday, June 25.26, —Double Feature — "HOT ROD GANG" John Ashley, Jody Fair Gene Vincent "HIGH SCHOOL HELL CATS" Yvonne Lime - Bret Halsey One Cartoon, Saturday only, June 27 —Double Feature— QUINCANNON FRONTIER SCOUT (Color) Tony Martin Peggy Castle CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN Rich'd Anderson - Elaine Edwards One Cartoon Sun. Midnito & Mon., June 28-29 "PATHS OF GLORY" . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Kirk Douglas -- Adolphe Menjou Tues. & Wed, June 30, July 1 "WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION" Tyrone Power -- Marlene Dietrich Charles Laughton TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or clear, first show at dusk Chaldron -under 12 in cars Free l4 DORIS '4w 4 Beauty Salon Main St., Seaforth Phone 373 IMAANVIANWWVIANNINNI TROYER REUNION The 38th annual Troyer reun ion was held Sun -day, June 21s at SIarbor park, Goclerloh, wit members present from Wayn and Belleville, Mich„ Seaton Londes'boro, A2ltebell, Kippen Hensall, Bruceiield and Varna Sports were directed by the cum mittee,. Mre, Lorne Lawson anc Mrs. Harold Hugill: Pre-school, Mary Lou Johnson Beth Troyer; girls 5.7, Pay Troyer, Lon MaryJohnson; o boys Y 5.7 Bobby Coleman; girls' 8-10 Betty Hoggart; boys 8 to 10 Russell' Talbot, Harvey Hoggart girls 10-12, Sandra Ilugill, Glen da Jdhnson; boys 10-12, Russel Talbot, Nell Gemmell; girls kin the slipper, Barbara Bowes; boy lcibk the slipper, Douglas Hugild couple shoe dcramble, Ken Gem well and Karen Talbot; girls with most buttons, Betty Hogg - art; boy with most colors in his sorbs, Ken Gemmell; relay, girls, Karen Talbot; boys, Douglas Hu - gill; toothpick and lifesaver re- lay, Sandra Hugiil's team. During the supper hour the el- ection of officers for 1960 was held: President, Ernie Talbot; vice president, Gordon Johnson; sec. treas., Mrs. Emerson Cole- man; sports com., Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Miss Joyce Faber, and Bill' Sims. Lunch con., Mrs. Rus- sell Coleman, Mrs. Ernie Talbot and Emerson Coleman. e, 1 e s• 1 k s AFTEIRNOON AUXILIARY The June meeting of the after- noon Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Geddes with a good attendance, The president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, -presided, After the business period -,Mars,, . Jack Thompson's group took charge of the devotional part. 'Mrs. Geddes read the scripture lesson with prayer by Mrs. George Hills. Mrs. J. McGregor conducted a ques- tionaire .on organizations and workers across Canada. •Muss Jes- sie Fraiser assisted Mr's. Thomp- son with the topic. Mrs. D. L. Elder and Mrs, W. A. Wright. fa- vored with -a duet, "The Raven He Feedeth," accompanied by Mrs. Geddes. At the close of .the meeting lunch was served by the hostess. Courtesy ,remarks were expressed by Mrs. D. L. Elder.. NORTHSIDE W.M.S. Northside WMS met June 23 with a good attendance. Mrs. J. C. Britton opened the, meeting and Mrs. C. Walden welcomed the societies, Walton, Duff's, Bethel, Ontario St •and Wesley Willis, Clinton. Offering was received by Miss G. Thompson and Mrs. A. W. Sillery. Letter was read from Miss Annie Lawrence by Mrs, W. Leeming. Mrs. B. F. Christie led in prayer. Program consisted •of a solo by Ruth Ann Wilson and duet by Miss Ruth Cluf and Mrs. Neil Bela, Mrs. Walden' introduc- ed.the,speaker, Mies Fennell, who gave a very inspiring ' talk on Korea, Appreciation was extend- ed to Miss Fennell by Miss .G. Thompson. 2IfoKILLOP W.M.S. There • was a splendid atten- dance .of members and friends present when the McKillop WMS of First Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Edward Dor- ranee last Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs, Helen McMil- lan -opened the meeting. It was lone Riegel, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz attended the wedding of Rev, Calvin Diegel and Miss Betty IIantman at Kitchener on Fr'i•daY, Master Alvin' Hicks was con- fined to Seaforth :hospital for several days. Mrs, 17d. Smith Is also a patient there. Miss Audrey Hackwell and pu- pils of our school enjoyed' a bus trip to Niagara Falls Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs' Edward Benne- wies were pleasantly surprised when relatives called 'to express goad wishes -on their• fifth wed- ding anniversary recently, Mrs. Elwood Smart and Carol- yn of Windsor with her parents, Air. and Mrs, J. L. Bennewies for the week end, Mr. L. Rose, London, with Mr. and MTS. Ross Lecuhardt, Mrs. Alma Puschelberg and Ross of Listowel with Mr, and Mrs, L. Puschelberg on Sunclay, Mr. and firs. James Walker, Miss Myrtle Day, Mrs, Joseph Diekison, all of Teeswater, with Mr. and Mrs, Ford D'ickison on Sunday; IUlany from here .attended the shower for Mr.. and Mrs.. Morley Daman et Menkton, and at Clr'eie 13 for Mr. and Mrs. 'IaY Haig,br'echt Friday evening, The sympathy •of the co'milliau. ity is extended to hip. Robert ]Drench, and family In the death of Airs. French. Three infants were baptised at St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church on: Sunday, Gall May ''Jeuerizran, in- fant daughter' of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Hangman, with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Mastou and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Siemon, sponsors with the parents; Colleen Jean Beuerman, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heileman,sponsors, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hiile• brecht with the parents; Jeffrey Dean Siemon, infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Siemon, with Mr, and Mrs. Raiph Moor sponsors with the parents. Mrs, 'lbrnest Efligseu aecozup, aniecl Mr, and Mrs. Edgar E1iig- sen and Mr, and M'rs, Zack Ellig- son to Guelph recently to the home of Mr, and Mrs, John yluel• ler to celebrate the 40111. wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Whs. Flank Eiligsen, Rev, Robert Rock, Dartmouth, N,S., with hie parents, 011'. and Mrs, 1dwin Rock. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Robert Davison, Toronto, were guests at the manse with Mr. Davison's par- ents, Rev. and Mrs, S. Davison, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Griffith and family, Stratford, were visiting relatives in the village. :lir, and Mrs. Robt. Allan, Ham- ilton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Allan and Mary, Mrs. Wm, Smith of Exeter is visiting her sieter, Mrs. A. I-loh-I ner. Flrenren answered a call to the. bonze of Mr. ,J'acic 'Mustar'd, For. tuuately the blaze was extiu- gu shed In a few minutes, Mrs, David Triebner was re- moved to Clinton hospital arc Sunday of last week. Mr, and Mrs, •Geo. Pinlcucy of Walkerton visited her mother, Mrs, W. II, 'pepper, Mrs, Pepper is improving in health., Mr. and Mrs, John B,atlzwell of Lindsay Visited at the home of his mother, Mars, Fred Rathweil. There will .be a bald gauze and weiner roast' at Roy Wildfong's en Friday, June 26 at 7,45 spon- sored by Bethel WA. BORN Butters—On June 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters, St. Thomas, a daughter, Marlene Louise, a sister for Brian, Mopherson--+In Stratford hos- pital on Jane 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MaPhersou, Seaforth, a daughter, a sister for Debby. Births at Scott Memorial Hos- pital; DeCorte—To Mr. and Mrs, Cor, nelius DeCorte, RR 2 Seaforth, on June 22, a daughter. Delaney—To Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Delaney, RR 1 Dublin, on June 21, a daughter. Alexander—To Mr. -and Mrs. John Alexander, Seaforth, on June 21, a daughter, . TERRY'S TV & Radio Repair Now located on Church Street Just north of Goderich St, Phone 22 Seaforth E REALLY REFRESHED! 000.._,.... G 05513, SM "COKE" OR '•COpA•ppLA"—BOTH TPAUE•MARKe MEAN THE PRODUCT OF ppCA•ppLA LTD.—THE WORLD'S PEST"Lp.Ep SPARKLING DRlea, The. McGuire Sisters Pause for King Size Coca-Cola A bracing breeze ... a friendly sun . , . and King Size Coke! For the famous McGuire Sisters, that's a true course to king size pleasure. For only Coca-Cola gives you the cold crisp taste, the welcome lift that really refreshes. Remember .. . KING SIZE rCO�KE HAS MORE FOR YOU! REG RAD Get value... lift... refreshment too! GET CARTONS OF KING SIZE TODAY! ESBECO LIMITED, STRATFORD, ONTARIO Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with. Coca-Cola Ltd. After you pour, there's still lots more N ''\'ONI104\)*. 4��.I/0��//ill tircAlly'/ MORE WONDERFUL YEARS OF LIVING! Look down that road next time you're driving. What's ahead—a lot of living, or the one second of carelessness it takes to die? Why not trade a little free time to live a lot Longer. The difference between 50 and 70 mph. 'isn't worth the risk the few seconds you save are rarely that important. . In this freedom -loving land of ours, everyone has a chance to snake his dreams come true. Give them that chance; your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to observe the speed limits. Slow, down and live. `�ja 1 �" �o e:%al� :�%sem Ir`•�i� i��o- b V �+\`�`���®`�����r����iaA1v�