HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-06-25, Page 4YOU'RE ALL !INVITED TO OUR .. . . OPEN The modernization program which has been under way in the Sea- forth Town Hall and Public Utility Offices during the past two years is completed. Seaforth now has a town building which provides up-to- date and efficient accommodation for the Public Utility Commission; offices for the Police, the Town Cle and for the Courts, the Judge, the Magistrate. And there is a new Council Chamber, as well as modern facilities for the Fire Brigade So that all the citizens of Seaforth, as well as friends in Tuckersmith and McKillop and other neighboring municipalities may see the progress that has been made, and the facilities that exist, an OPEN HOUSE AND RECEPTION IS BEING HELD THURSDAY, JULY 2nd from 3 p.rn. to 5 p.m., and from 7.30 to 10 p.m. All are invited to visit the Town Hall and P.U.C. on this occasion and to join with their fellow citizens and neighbors in an inspection of the building B. F. CHRISTIE F. KLING J. A. BALDWIN Mayor Chairman P.U.C. Chairman Property Committee STRICTLY I FORMAL Once he finishes his banking he'll be off for a little fishing. Like millions of other Canadians, he finds the local bank a Bandy, friendly and familiar place where he can drop in as casually as into the corner store. He knows there is nothing formal about banking. Bank premises are designed, and bank personnel are trained, to provide speedy, efficient and convenient service in an easy and informal way. Wherever you go, you will find bank staffs providing the kind of personal service that is keyed to the easy, modern way you like to do your banking. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY The 1959 graduating class of ublilr continuation sohool was entertained in the school auditor' tam. An Monday evening. Dinner was served to the graduates, and their Barents and friends, Clay ton Looby acted as master of Ceremonies. Rey, Dr, -J, B. Ffoulkes, Rev; J, Lynch, Dublin, Rev. Father Sullivan, •Seasortli; Rev, Don 13enntnger, •C,S,B,, of Owen Sound, and Rev, F.14141 were present. The graduates ars: ,Theresa, Marie. Duoliarme, Marg• •aret Claire McCarthy; Catharine Marie Angelo Sclioouderwoerd; John 'Mtoliael,Klinkhamer, Fran- cis Joseph Malone, Joseph Gerard Murphy, Keith Lied MoCarthy. The valedictory address was read by Marie Sehoonderwoerd. Gifts were presented to the teachers. The dinner was served by the members of Grade 11. At en impressive ceremony at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Sunday afternoon, honors were conferred on the 1959 graduating class of Dublin High School, A large congregation attended the ceremonies. The graduates were preceded to their places at the front of the church by the pupils of the school wearing their colors •of purple and gold, while the choir sang, "To Christ the Prince of Peace," and the hymn "Lead, Kindly Light," Ten graduates were in their regulation gowns and mortar -boards. The guest speaker was Rev. Stanley Mc- Guire, Christ the King College, London, who chose as his text, "Victory is won over the world by our ,faith." He congratulated the graduates and exhorted them to treasure their faith and prac- tise it in their daily lives in ord- er to overcome the precarious temptations of the world. He also reoommended frequent reception of the Sacraments of ,ear faith, and always to remember that our main goal is Heaven, "What good doth it profit a man to gain the whole world if he suffers the loss of his immortal soul!" Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes, Rev. J."McDowell and Rev. Fr. Lynch presented the respective diplomas to the grad- uates: Theresa Marie Dueharme, Nancy Margaret Telly, Margaret Claire '_McCarthy, Catherine Christina Ryan,. Marie Angela Schoonderwoerd, Patricia Jane Tabor, John Michael Klinkhamer, Francis Joseph Malone, Joseph Gerard Murphy, Keith Lloyd Mc- Carthy. Solemn benediction con• eluded the service with Rev. Fa- ther McCowell as celebrant, as- sisted by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes and Rev, Father Lynch. As the graduates marched out of the church the high school choir accompanied by Mr. E. C. Harley, Mitchell, sang The Re- cessional. The funeral of the late Mrs Loretta Molyneaux was held ,on Friday morning from the resid- ence of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Sta- pleton to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Solemn Requiem Mass was offered with Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes as celebrant, assisted by Rev, J. McCowell, St. Calumban, and Rev.- Father Sullivan, Sea - forth. Rev, Father Poisson, of St. Joseph, was in the Sanctuary, Mrs. V. Lane presided at the or- gan. The pallbearers were three nephews, John Griffin, Akron, Ohio; Robert Feeley, Detroit, Mich,; Art Dingman, Bay City, a cousin, James Dalton, of Grand Bend, also Martin IClinkl>famer and Clayton Looby, Dublin. Bur- ial took place in St. Patrick's ce- metery, Dublin. Among those at- tending the funeral from a dis- tance in addition to members of the family were: Mrs. 'Maurice Griffin and son John Griffin, of Akron, :Ohio; Mr, Chester O'Reil- ly and bIr. and Mrs. R. Feeley, of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, Art Dingman, Bay City; Mr, and Mrs, James Dalton, Grand Bend; Jos- eph Doyle, Ingersoll; Mrs. Lam- phrey and James Lamphrey, of Goderich, WINTHROP The Vacation Bible School will open on Monday morning, June 29 in Cavan Church with regis- tration at 8,80. On Wednesday morning Miss Fern Eyre, Lon- don, will address the children. She ds to be a leader in a mission Sunday school in Quebec for the summer and then to India. On Friday morning there will be an open service for parents and friends. HENSALL Mrs. James Westlake and dau- ghters Gloria and Brenda of Trenton spent the past ,two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westlake while her husband, of the RCAF, was writing exams on the CF -100 at North Bay. Con- gratulations to James who pass- ed second highest in his class, PEPPER REUNION The annual Pepper fancily re- union was held at Seaforth Lions Park on June 20, with ap- proximately 75 persons attend- ing. Race results were: 5.8 yrs„ Bill McGregor, Joyce Falconer; girls 6.8, Joyce Falconer, Glenda Matheson; boys 6-8, Bill Mc- Gregor; girls 9.12, Florence Pep per, Ruth Anne Pepper; boys 9-12 Grant Pepper, Larry Barker; young ladies, .Gloria Ann Pepper, •Bonnie Barker; young' Hien, Al. beat Walter, Roy Walter; mar- ried ladies, :Mfrs, Lawrence Bar- ker, Mrs, Glenn Pepper; married men, Roy Pepper, Wes, Pepper; grandmothers spot race, Mrs, J. Pepper; grandfathers time race, Howard Crich, Roy Pepper; girls kicking slipper, Julone El- liott; boys kicking slipper, Bruce Malcolm; calling men to dinner, Mrs, Prank McGregor, Mrs, Glenn Pepper; calling the Sores, Clifford Pepper, Roy Pep, per; couples bean race, Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper, tennis relay, Bonnie Barker's team , person farthest, Luther Pepper, Vancou- ver, age 84; youngest Wendy THS SHAFQRTII.NEWS—Thursday, June 25, 1959 Barker; lucky ;io„ Mrs. Fred Pepper. Duo to the absenoe .of the president, Mrs. Carl MoClin- clrey, the secretary took oharge of a short meeting, Officers el- ected: Pres„ Balton Malcolm; sec; treas., Nil's, Lawrence Har. leer; sports, Mr, and Ml's, John McGregor, Mr, and Mrs. Frank MoGrogor; lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Les, Pepper, Mr,. and Mrs. ,Robs Bordon, Mr, and Mrs, .Cecil Pep. per. 1969 'Picnic will be at Sea - forth Lions "Park 3rd. Sunday in June. BARBARA KIRIKMAN The June meeting of the Bar bara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Churoh was held on Tuesday at the manse, with the president, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Presiding, Twenty-five ,members answered the roll call, Mrs: R. I{ersl'alce .had charge of the de- votional part of the .meeting fol.- lowing the business. Miss Fior- once Laidlaw read the sari.iils're lesson and Mr's. Ken McIntyre of. fared prayer. Mrs. D. L, !Older and Mrs. W. A. Wright sang a duet, Mrs. J. E. Patterson out- lined a further c'ha'pter in the study book, speaking of the mis- sion, work among the French Canadians and new Canadians. Ws. Robt, Wright, a faithful member of the Barbara Kirk- man while in Seaforth, was pre- dented with a small gift by Mrs. W, A. Wright on behalf of the group, Mrs. Wright leaves for Peterborough this week. A social time was spent over .a cup of tea and Mrs, W, 0. Johnston moved a vote of thanks to' the Hostess, Mrs. Elder and co -hostesses, Mrs, J. A. Munn and Miss F. Laidlaw, The next meeting will be in the form of a picnic supper and will 01,1111 ou"„n,u,,,""n"u,,,n iiiiiiii 11111111111,01111.0. First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 A.M, CIHURCIH SCHOOL AND YOUTH FELLOWSHIP CLASS 11 A.M. "DISTINGUISHING THINGS THAT DIFFER" Music, Senior Choir, Anthem, "The Sun Shall Be No More" (Woodward) Congregational and Church School picnic will be held at. the Lions Park, Friday, June 26, at 4 P.M. • Joint services will commence Sun., July 5, with Rev. D. L. Eider at Nortnside United Church Organist and Choir Lender H, A. KEMPSTER iii uuun,uunnnunnu"n""u"uunu","nun",S vsvowswwwwwwwwo Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Lionel Thornton and Itis Casa Royal Orchestra Sat. Juno 27111 Tues, June 30th Fri, Juiy 3rd Special Attraction TUESDAY - JUNE 30th Sylvia Murphy CBC TV STAR .. of Cross Canada Hit Parade Music Malcers — Adults $2 ea. Students $1 ea. TE/DN TOWN BALL THURSDAYS Starting July 2nd Clarence, Petrie Orchestra. Students 60c, Adults $1.25 be held at Mrs. It, Kerslake's cot- tage at Bayfield. NOR7'HSIDE UNITED CHURCH! Church School, 10 a.m, Worship, 11 a.m, Mrs. Jas. A, Stewart, Organist; . Mr, Jas, A. Stewart, Choirmast- er; Rev, J, Cliff Britton, 13,A„ Minister. Wim. 1ilgaaaonclville United Oiarclt Dr. J, Semple, minister; Lyle Ilammond, organist -choir leader. 11 a.m.—Guest minister, Rev. }!ugh Wilson. ..Subject, "Living for Big Things." 10 am., Church School and Bible Class. Sacra- ment of Baptism, Sun„ July 5th, Anniversary SERVICES at Cromarty Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 28 Services at 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. Rev. Dr. William Barclay of•London, Guest Minister 8SPECIAL MUSIC At morning service by the Cromarty Choir and Quartette At evening service the Harbour- aires Male Chorus from Goderich will render special music FROM CANADIAN NATIONAL fast modern travel by RAILINER between Guelph, Owen Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with connections for Toronto and London. Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed in gleaning stainless steel. Forget about traffic strain, parking worries—con- sult-your local CNR agent for the convenient Railiner schedules. . RAIN DIAN NATIONAL -r,.o-A1 PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH 'In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I herebyproclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to at large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1958, B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen 1111Iluu,wm,reanluuuiii „11111„ iii ,,d„a„n,,,,n,ullln,nn,1111111i1111111111111 iii t i it ii 1 iiiiiiii 1 iiii 11111111111111104