HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-06-25, Page 1Th
Seaf�rth News
Picnic Held at
Hannah School
Ideal weather made ,for a most
enjoyable picnic at Hannah:
School, No. 7, Tuekeramith, Tues-
day evening. A record. number of
people were present and a boun-
teous supper enjoyed. Following
grace, a presentation of a cor-
sage was made to the teacher,
Mrs. Thos, Kay, on behalf of the
Homend S
a shoot A ssodation.
The association also honored the
two Grade 8 graduates, Heather
McLeod and John McCowan who
have completed schooling at No.
7, when ;they were each presented
with a Schaeffer pen by the pres-
ident, Mirs. R. Shairp.
A program of games and races
.followed, arranged by Mrs, John
Carnochan and conducted by W.
'Forrest: Pre-schoolers, Pass the
Package. Races, pre-schoolers,
Bob Carnochan, Lynn MacLean;
6.9 years, Bill Carnochan, Bruce
Malcolm; 10-14 years, Donald
Landesborough, Donald McLeod;
high school students, Pass the
Orange relay; men's hula hoop,
Keith MacLean, Pete' Malcolm;
men's balloon blowing, Harry
McLeod, John Carnoohan; ladies'
husband editing contest, Mrs, H.
McLeod, Mrs. Alex. Chesney;
cracker and whistle contest, Don-
ald McLeod, Gerald Townsend;
youngest person present, Gordon
Carnochan; oldestperson 1pa'es
ent, Miss Bertha Forrest; ladies'
and men's thread the needle con-
test, Maok McLean, Peggy Me-
After these •events, Mrs. Kay,
who is leaving Hannah School
after 6% years, to take up new
duties in Seaforth public ;school
in Selatemfber, was presented with
a full-length mirror on behalf of
the parents, children and friends
in the district, the address being
read by T. Fox and the gift pre-
sented by Jaynes Landesborongh.
Mrs. Kay replied graciously, hop-
ing to still keep in touch with
everyone. She congratulated the
Home & Sclieol organization,
thanked them 'for 'their help and
wished the group success. Those
still feeling energetic enjoyed a
ball game until 'dark.
The death -occurred in Victoria
hospital, London, on Sunday at
• about 7 a.m. of John1'. Cumming
in his 82nd year. Mr, Cumming
had been in poor health for the
past six 'steaks. He was born and
educated Mn Tuekeramith, but
bad spent most of his life in Sea -
forth. He was married 49 years
ago to Miss Maude Woodley. Mr.
Cumming was a •member ;of the
Seaforth fire brigade for 29 years
and he was town constable afor a
number of years. More recently
he was in charge et the town
weigh scales and building inspec-
tor. He was a member of First
Presbyterian .Church. Surviving
are his Wife, one son, Harold M.
Cumming, Stratford;. one sister,
Miss Isabelle Cumming, Ottawa;
and three grandchildren.
The funeral took place from
the Whitney funeral home on
Wednesday afternoon, with Rev.
D. Leslie Elder- officiating. Bur -
dal was in Maitlandbank cemet-
Matthew George Sherwood, of
Tuekeramith, died on Monday,
June 22nd in. his 81st year, at the
Muir Nursing Home. He was
born at Rutland, Mass,, son •of
the late James Sherwood and
Mary Gould. He was married in
1906 at Nelson, B.C. As a young
man he was a telegrapher with
the CPR, before coming to farm
in Tuckersmith. His wife died
in 1943. Surviving is one daugh-
ter, Cora, Mrs. E. P. Chesney, of
Seaforth; and two sons, Charles
G., Montreal, and James •G., of
Ottawa, and three .grandchildren.
He was predeceased by two broth-
ers and one sister. Mr. Sherwood
was a member of Egmondvidle
United •Churoh.
A service was held at the Box
funeral chapel on Wednesday at
8 p.m•, contluoted by Rev. James
Semple. Burial will be in Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto on
Thursday at 1.30 p.m.
The Seaforth Wil are ;holding
their annual picnic on Monday,
June 29 at the home sof Mr. and
Mrs: Harold Hugili. The sports
are in charge of Mrs•. Wilfred
Coleman and Mrs. Sandy Doig.,
Sports start at 7.30 sharp. The
lunch committee: Mrs. Gordan
Papple, Mrs. Andrew Crozier and
.Mrs. Leslie Pryce. Bach member
• is asked to bring enough sand-
wiches and pie for their own, fa-
mily. Ice .cream and beverages
supplied by the Institute. All
friends of the Institute are cor-
dially invited to attend.
A number of social events were
held by friends of Miss Elizabeth
Ann Lane, bride -elect of last
week previous to her marriage
on Saturdays.
There was' a shower' ;in Strat-
ford by Cleo Bowman and Elaine
A shower was held at S.S. No.
9, Tuckersmith, with 'Mrs. Jack.
Patrick and Mrs, Jerry 'Buuck in,
Shower at the home of Mrs.'
Gordon Reynolds, with Mary Ann
Reynolds and Ann Oansink as
A Sodality shower at the home
of Misses Elaine and Mary Btue,
and a miscellaneous shower •at
the home of Mra. Joe Malone,
With Mise Joan McLaughlin .as-
11.50 n Year
Authorized as Second Maas mall,
Post office Dept, Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publlabers
Harry Stewart
Passes Suddenly
Harry Stewart, for 05 years a
prominent ' Seaforth merchant,
died suddenly about 12.30 a.m.,
Tuesday, June 23rd, 1YIr, Stewart
was in his 81st year. 'Mille not
inkingas active a part as former-
ly in the firm of Stewart Bros.,
of which he was one .of the foun-
ders, Mr, Stewart had been at the
store almost daily in reeditt
years, right up to Monday after-
noon, Monday evening he had not
felt well and had e heart attack.
He was reproved to Scott Memor-
ial Hospital where he passed
away soon after midnight.
Mr. Stewart had lived all his
life In Seaforth. He was son of
the late Mr. end Mrs. James
Stewart, In 1904 he founded
Stewart Biros. with his •brother,
the late Charles ' Stewart, who
;lied in 1939. Mr, .Stewart had
taken an active pant in municipal
affairs, having served as town
councillor for a number of years,
and was mayor of Seaforth 4n
1916 and 1917. He was a member
of Seaforth Collegiate Board of
which he served as chairman :for
several years, and also of the
Industrial Commission. For 20
years he was a manager and eld-
er of First Presbyterian Church,
He was a past president of the
Seaforth Lions Club of which he
had been a:meniber for nearly 35
He is survived by his wile, the
former Mary Matilda Fitzgerald,
to whom he was married in 1902;
also by six sons and three .daugh-
ters, Gerald, Toronto; Mary, Mrs.
'J. C. Cox, Toronto; James, Sea -
forth; Nora, Mrs• N. W. McIn-
tyre, Owen Sound; Charles, Tor-
onto; Kathleen, Mrs. W. G.
Bruce, Kincardine; Rev. Douglas,
Ottawa; Roland, Kitchener; Da-
vid, Seaforth; also by 20 grand-
The funeral will take place on
Thursday afternoon in First.
Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m,
conducted by Rev. D. L. Elder.
Interment will be in the Malt -
landbank cemetery, The body is
resting at the Whitney funeral
hone until 11 a.m. Thursday,
Bishop Confirms
Nine At Seaforth
The Rt, Rev. W. A. Townshend,
suffragan Bishop of Huron, on
Sunday :afternoon at 3 o'clock
confirmed nine young people of
St. Thomas' Anglican Church in
a special service at the church.
Candidates presented to the
Bishop by the Rev. J. H. James,
former rector, who returned for
the service, were: Dennis Horton
Brock, Paul Robert Beattie, Ken-
neth George Powell, Susan Mary
Halls, Carole Anne Halls, Diane
Lyn Free, Mary Ann Snowdon,
Linda Louise Powell, Cynthia
Joan Sallows. The service was
attended by a large congregation.
A quiet wedding took place at
Monleton, when Rev,' H. 1M.
Wright united in marriage Mar-
jorie Elizabeth, younger daughter
of MT. and Mrs. Hugh Rhin. of
Brussels, .and Keith Charles, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Rock
of Monkton. The bride looked
lovely in a street length dress of
*sky blue figured taffeta. Miss
Edythe Rims was her sister's
maid of honor dressed In a street
length dress. of pale green broc-
ade silk. Mr. Elvey Rock, Monk -
ton, cousin of the groom, acted as
best man. A wedding dinner was
served at the home of the 'bride.
Leaving on a motor trip east
the bride wore a tweed suit with
white . access.ories. They will re-
side on the 12th line of Logan tp.
A miscellaneous shower was
.held for Miss Marjorie •Rinn at
the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Holmes, Brussels, when thirty
some neighbors gathered to wish
her happiness and presented her
with many lovely gifts. After a
varied program of games and
contests a bounteous lunch was
served by the ladies.
(Ellen Gorwill)
There were 153 teen agers in
attendance at the dance Saturday
night. We would like to thank
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold` Pethick
for chaperoning the dance. 'Music
was spun by Gary Wdliiams and
Don Wright.
We would like to -thank the
Legion and fire department for
washing the arena door with the
fog nozzle to prepare for the
teen agars, who will be using it
all summer.
A new coke machine has been
installed down stairs for the ben-
efit of those...persons at the teen
town dances.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Von, Kit-
chener, wishes to announce the
engagement of their daughter
Jean Mary„ Reg. N, to Thomas
Leos Ducharme, son of Mr. and.
Mrs. Auguste Duoherme of 'Eb-
bed. The marriage to take place
at St. Ann's R. 0. Church, Kitch-
ener, on Saturday, June 27th.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I3, Reek,
Brodhagen, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
;Gwendolyn June, to Boris Mich-
ael Bruder, Montreal, son of, Mr,
and Mrs, Ernest Bruder, Zurich,
Switzerland. The marriage will
take place quietly in St, Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, oh
July 7, 11 o'clock. .
Northside Sunday McKillop Girl Enters
School Picnic Maryknoll Sisters
A pleasant time was spent Fri-
day afternoon and evening at
the Lions park when the super-
intendent,Sanr Scott, teachers
• Northside United
and lnpils of Nort 1 t
Chitral turned •out for their are
nual picnic. There was a good
attendance and the sports were
much e •nj oy ed,
a r • bound -011y
i ull
The supper er was nt f y
sufpplied and firyished with ice
cream .bars and candy Por ail.
Race results:
5 years and under, Jim Smith,
Mary Oke; girls 6, Judy Walters,
Judy Hulley; girls 7, Nancy Hal-
ley, Jeanette Watterworbh; boys
7, Stephen Smith, C. Smith;
girls 9, Susan MacLennan, Shar-
on Talbot; boys 9, Stephen Bra-
dy, David Bettger; girls 10-11,
Jeanette Turnbull, Helen Dined,
girls 12-13, Lots Bradshaw, Ellen
Connell; boys 12.13, . Richard
Muegge, Wen. Rowatt; boys 14-16,
'Benny Acker, Clayton Connell;
junior girls 3 -legged race, Helen
Elliott and Brenda Butt; Jean-
ette Turnbull and Helen Connell.
junior boys 3 -legged race, Ricky
Whitley and Chas. Smith; Don
Hulley and David Bettger; senior
boys 3 -legged race, Benny Acker
and David Britton; Tom Phillips
and Clayton Connell; jr. girls
sack race, Jeanette Turnbull and
Sharon Talbot; sack race, Jean-
ette Turnbull and Elaine Oke;
Jr. boys sack race, K. Christen-
sen, Peter Binary; Stephen Bra-
dy and Larry Parke; . Sr. sack,
race, Benny Aoker and Tom Phfl-
lips; jr. girls wheel barrow race,
Jeanette Turnbull and Elaine
Oke; Helen Elliott and Sheila
Rowatt; jr. boys w.b. race, Bill
MacLesusan and JIlen Montgom-
ery; Don Fiulley and Stephen
Brady; sr. girls wb race, Mary
Crich & Louise Bradshaw; Con-
nie ;Britton & Julie Hoover; sr.
boys wb race, Benny Acker and
Clayton Connell, Torn Phillips &.
Darrell Schneider.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr cele-
brated their 25th wedding anni-
versary at their home on Sunday.
A delicious turkey •dinner was
enjoyed by the family served by
Mrs. R. 'M. Scott and Mas. Gordan
Popple. Those in attendance were
Mr. and Mrs, William Kerr, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Dowson, Kippen;
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kerr, Thorn -
dale; Mr. and Mrs. Harry ;Nesbitt
and family, Mr. and Mr's. Walter
McClure and George; Mr. and
Mrs. George Campbell 'and fam-
ily. Mr. and Mrs, Kerr were re-
cipients of many lovely gifts.
A lovely June wedding took
place in St. James' Roman Cath-
olic 'Church, Seaforth, at 10 o'-
clock Saturday' morning, dune 20,
when James Charles Malone and
Elizabeth Ann Lane exchanged
nuptial vows. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mer-
vin Lane of Tucke'.smith. The
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs,
John Louis Malone of McKillop.
Rev. C. E. Sullivan, pastor of the
church, officiated.
The bride's gown was a Soph-
ies' original of the finest import-
ed chantilly lace. It featured a
basque bodice and long sleeves
with lily points, a sabring neck-
line with scallops in front, and e
shallow V in the back. The front
panel of the skirt was French
tulle with a profusion of gathers
that fell ;softly to the hem. The
back of the skirt' was tier on tier
of ruffles, alternating lace with
tulle which swept into as magnifi-
cent train in the back. She car-
ried a bouquet of red roses. The
flower .girl, Barbara 'Malone of
Winnipeg, wore a miniature dup-
licate of the bridal gown.
The bride was attended by the
maid of honor, Miss Rita M. Lane
and bridesmaids, Misses Sheila
Malone, Claire Malone and Mary
F. Lane of Seaforth, who were
gowned alike in Swiss nylon
sheer in white over lilac taffeta.
The dresses were cut in princess
(style with Emplire bodices ac-
cented with pleated bias folds of
the taffeta, with the sheer failing
separate from the lining, and
and they shaded from lilac to al-
most white at the hem. They
wore large ruffled picture hats of
white sheer with crown bows of
lilac taffeta, and carried yellow
The .groomsman was Jack Ma-
lone .of Kapuskasing, Ont. The
ushers were John Lane, Joe Ma-
lone and Allan Butters, all wear-
ing white jackets and black
pante. The ring bearer was Bob-
by Malone of Winnipeg.
The groom's gifts were cuff
links to the ushers, a wallet to
the ring bearer, rhinestone cross-
es to the bridesmaids and a lock-
et for the flower girl. Mrs. Alice
Styles presided at the organ and
the soloist was Miss Julia Flana-
A reception was held at the
home of the bride at 8 o'clock in
the evening. Out of town guests
were present from Wallaceburg,
Orillia, Winnipeg, Maynooth,
Streetsville, Windsor, St. Colum -
ban, Dublin, Detroit and Strat-
ford. -
For travelling the bride chose
a dark green •full'dress with large
rose flowers on the •material,
green chauffon covering • the
dress, white accessories and cor-
sage of two white carnations' and
one red rose. They will go to
Niagara Fails, New York and
other points in the States. Upon
their return they will reside on
the groom's farm in Menlo,
Mary Catherine Moylan, who
will be known as. Sister Donald
Marie, was among those being re
ceived, formally, into the Com
murrity- as novices, in ceremonies
of pr'o'fession and, reception at
the 'Maryknoll Sisters' Mother
house, Maknoll (near Ossin-
ing), New York, on Wednesday,
June 24th.
Sister entered the Maryknoll.
Sisters Community after having
graduated from the Dublin High
School in 1957, She was employ-
ed for one year by the Brantford
Separate School Board. Her par-
ents aro Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Moy-
lan, Seaforth RR• 5. Her broth-
ers are ;Donald and Gordon and
her sisters, Luella and dean,
104 young women participated
in the public pronouncement of
vows and in the formal reception
into the community,
A lovely June tea and, home ba-
king sale sponsored by the OWL
was held at St, James' rectory
•whielr was tastefully decorated
for the occasion with baskets of
.peonies and aprons. The decora-
tions were in charge of Mrs. •Sam
Bates and Ms's. Alvin •Smale.
Conveners for the tea were Mrs.
Jas. Slattery and Mrs. William
Hart. The guests : were received
by the president, Mns. John Mal-
oney, assisted by Mrs, Joseph Mc-
Connell. Inviting the guests to
the tea room was Mrs. J. M. Mc-
Millan, Pouring tea were Mrs.
,Jean Fortune, Miss Mae Parte-
gar, Mrs. J. J. Cleary and Mrs.
Maurice Etue. Serving in the
tea room were 'Mss; R. S. Box,
Mrs, Tames Devereaux, Mrs, John
'Gotham, Mrs. Lester Leonhardt
and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux. Oth-
er helpers were Mrs. James Kel-
ly, Mrs. Joseph Kenny, Mrs. Tho-
mas Hicknell, Mrs. Lloyd Bed-
ard, Mrs. John Lansink and 'Mrs.
Frank Maloney.
Conveners of the home baking
were Mrs. Gordon Reynolds and
Mrs. Russell Pringle. Working in
the baking booth were Mrs. Clar-
ence Malone, Mrs, Sam Bates,
Miss Marguerite Dunn, Mrs. Ger-
ald Bannon and 14Irs. Miohael
The final meeting et Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge before the summ-
er recess was held Monday even-
ing with Mrs. Ed Andrews, NG,
presiding. Members were inform-
ed that the inaugural meeting of
District 23 would be held .in Hen
sail the evening of hue 24. -The.
annual meeting of 'the PNG's of
Districts 23 and 29 (Huron and
Perth) is to be held at Seaforth
Lions park on duly 8. The report
of Mrs. Wm. Chambers, DDP, for
this dietiiot was read. Members
are asked to save Betty Crocker
box tops .in aid of the pennies for
charity fund. First night of nom-
inations was held. Reporting for
the OPT committee, MTS. William
Dalrymple stated the penny con-
test between the Rebekah and
500E Lodges would be held dur-
ing the summer and that a paper
drive is contemplated for .the
fall. Another wheel chair (the
8th) has been ordered, also an
additional pair of aluminum
Informative reports of the 69th
annual session of the Rebekah
Assembly of Ontario held in Tor-
onto were given by the delegates,
Mrs. A. Harrison and Mrs. J.
Mrs. Scott Habkirk was nam-
ed social convener for the next
term. Ms's. Allan Campbell, Mrs.
Robert Dodds, Mrs. Albert Baker,
Mrs. Sohn Pullman, Mr's. Andrew
Dunlop, Mrs. Everitt Smith and
Mrs. William Dalrymple will be
her committee.
Over 40 friends and relatives
gathered on Sunday afternoon at
the home of MT. and Mrs. Ervin
Sillery for a family .gathering
and picnic supper in honor of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Clark, who recently celebrated
their 35th wedding anniversary.
They were recipients of many
lovely and useful gifts. .Those
present were from Hamilton,
Greensville, Varna, Clinton, Zur-
ich and Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie
and family of St. Thomas spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Mr. E. J. Smith, Portland, Or-
egon, is spending a few weeks
with hie daughters, lifts. G. El-
liott and Mrs. Geo. ,Griffith, Strat-
Recent visitors with Miss Katt-
leen Elliott and Marie were Mrs.
Elmer Turner, Detroit; Mrs. B.
Menary, Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot
attended the Rebekah ',and IOOF
convention in Toronto last week_
Mrs. 13. Berry and Master L.
Elliott spent the week end in.
BrlicefleMd and .community wish
to eXpress sympathy to Mr. Har-
ry Dalrymple and family in the
passing of the late Mrs. Harry
Early Next Week
Owing to July ist coming on
Wednesday, all news and adver-
tising intended for next week's
paper should be sent in one day
earlier than usual.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil-
ton, with i'rer mother, Mrs. Cath-
erine Krauskopf,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Maioae
and children, Winnipeg, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mrs. Fred Sanderson, Detroit,
with Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Stapleton
B ,
Mts. Mar'gar'et Dill and son,
Larry, Detroit, with Miss :Monica
yrne.s Cunningham Mr RR. J. Cunni ha and' g
sons Brian and Wayne, Long
Branch, with her mother, :firs,
Kathleen Feeney.
Mrs. Leo holland, Windsor,
with Mrs. IL Shulman and Pat
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams, of
Jacksonville, Florida , with
friends here.
Miss Karen Dill in Kitchener
with 'Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Stewart.
Mr. P. J. Stapleton, Toledo, Oh-
io, with Mr. and MTS. M, J. Nagle,
Miss Patricia Wallace, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Friend.
Dr. Joseph Prendergast and
Mr. and :Mr's. Clayton Hill, Chi-
cago, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I i'auskont,
Detroit, with Mr. 'and Mrs, Wal-
ter Carpenter.
'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Glidden, Pe-
ter Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Haynes, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs,
Patton, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Kelly, Kitchener; Robert Byrne
and slaughter, Hamilton, all at-
tended the graduatton reception
for 'M4ss Nancy Kelly; also Mr.
and Mrs, Basil Iielly, Sebring-
viile and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Man-
ley Stratford.
r7'Lr. and Mrs. Matt me.
Cattily, of Pontiac, Melts Mr.
and Mrs. Tom McCarthy and two
daughter's, Scarboro, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Patin and children,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mon-
aglran, Kitchener; Misses Mary
and Margaret Hunt, Plymouth,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGrath
and addle, Ilderton, all attended
the reception for Margaret Mc-
Carthy and Keith McCarthy:
Mr. and Mrs. John. Flannery
celebrated their 25th wedding an-
niversary on June 18th. On the
previous Saturday evening a
group of relatives, neighbors and
friends surprised them at their
home to extend congratulations
and good wishes on their silver
wedding. An address was read by
Joseph Shea and they were pres-
ented with a chrome table and
chairs. The guests of honor res-
ponded graciously. A social hour
followed and' a delicious lunch
was served. Mr. and 'Mrs. Flan-
nery held a 'family dinner on
Sunday. They have one daughter,
Rose Mary, student, nurse at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London; also
two sons, Prank at Cobourg, and
Patrick, London. Foilowiing is
the address: Dear Rita and Jack
—Your .family, friends and neigh-
bors have gathered here this ev-
ening to extend to you their best
wishes on your 25th wedding an-
niversary. It seems a droit time
since you bought the Kenny farm
and started your inarried life
among us. Now with a truck dri-
ver, a contractor and a nurse you
have made your own little Heav-
en on Hell street. Your four stal-
wart grandsons and their mother
•must be proud to be present for
your celebration. It is very un-
usual that four generations of
the bride's and groom's families
are able to be present for such a
happy occasion. On behalf of your
friends and neighbors and family
we would like to present you
with this gift, with our sincere
good wishes for a long and hap-
py life together.
Dublin WI entertained 83 mem-
bers. of Bornholm, Gould's and
Staffa WI at Staffa township hall
on Tuesday evening, June 16. The
guest .speaker was Dr-. E. A. Mc-
Master, who outlined living con-
ditions in Japan and snowed
films of his ;recent trip there. He
received a vote of thanks and
was presented with a gift by Mrs.
A. Whetiram. Mrs, 13• Pethick and
Mrs, C. Friend served 'on the re-
ception committee. Piano and
accordion selections were given
by Mrs. Rosie Tully and readings
were contributed by Mrs. W.
Klein and Miss Olive Speare.
Community singing was lest by
Mrs. C. Friend and 'Mrs. E. Dean.
Lunch was served under the con-
venership of Mrs. J. Dill, Mrs. E,
Dean and M•rs. A. Cronin.
Mr; and Mrs. ,Jack Donald and
sons of Midland, Mioh., returned
home after having holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Jamieson and also attended the
Burns centeniai services.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale and
Warden and Mrs. Jewitt attended
the ex -wardens' banquet Thurs-
day evening in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
spent Friday and Saturday in
London with Mr. and Mrs: E. F.
Warren and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher
and Stewart spent Sunday at the
hone of Mr. and M•rs. John San-
•derson. in honor of their father,
Mr, Austin Dexter, Blyth.
Mr. •and Mrs. Wan. Webster, St.
Helens, attended Burns centenlal
on Sunday and visited Mr. and
Mrs. 11. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. V.
Dale and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lam,
Miss Marilyn Taylor is attend-
ing a 4I•I homemaking club con-
vention in Guelph this week.
Mr, and Mrs, B. Brown and
girls spent Sunday, Father's Day,
with Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. T.
Brigham, at the home of her bro-
ther, 'Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Brig,
qda s
9 to $
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Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dexter
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr's.
Joe Youngblut and Mrs. Eleanor
Throop of Londesboro.
Warden and Mrs. Jewitt are
this week holidaying at Honey
Mrs. Lyon of SS 3, Huilett and
school children tools a bus trip
through main sections and build-
ings of London on Tuesday.
SS 3, Hullett and Sunday
school of Constance UC will hold
their annual picnic on Friday,
June 26th in the Lions park, Sea -
Mrs. Wm. Dale and Mrs, Geo.
McElwain received at the clear
ladies of Londesboro, Burns, Mc -
Killen charge and visitors at the
Constance WMS open meeting on
June 17. Miss Marilyn Taylor was
organist. Mrs. B. Brown conduct-
ed the meeting. Mrs. Earl Law-
son read the lesson while Mrs.
W. L. Whyte offered prayer. Mrs.
Geo. Hogged and bins. Verne
Dale took up the offering. Mrs.
Ross MacGregor introduced the
speaker, Miss Ferrell of Seaforth
who spoke on the experience of
her attendance at the world con-
vention on Christian Education
in Japan last fall, and also when
she visited in .Korea. Her talk
was most appreciated. Numbers
from each society were rendered.
Miss Myrtle Knox, Londesboro, a
solo; Miss Marilyn Taylor, for
Burns, an organ solo; a duet by
Mrs. Ed Dorrance and daughter,
accompanied by Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Millan; a reading by ;Mars. Lorne
Lawson for Constance. Mrs. Wil-
bur Jewitt thanked each one and
Mies Fennell and Mrs. Whyte
closed the .meeting. A bazaar
sponsored by the WA took place
4n the basement.
Lunch was served by the young
girls and everyone enjoyed a so-
cial ,hour. Mrs, Donald Buchanan
accepted the thanks of the socie-
ties from the kitchen and invited
them back again.
Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Reid, London' road, were
Da'. and Mrs. R. M. Lane and chil-
dren of Vitcoria, B.C.,Miss Jes-
sie and Miss Mary Reid of Ot-
Mr, and MTS. T. S. Bears of
Winnipeg visited a few days with
their cousins, Mr, and Mrs, T. W.
Mrs. I{. Roberts and Mr. Norm-
an Hobbs visited Sunday with
Mtt and iM3rs, E. J. Roberts and
On Friday of last week the 4a•rl-
pils of SS 10, Tuokersmith enjoy-
ed a picnic at the cottage at the
lake of their teacher, Mrs, L.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Reid and
Heather leave this 'week end to
spend some time at their cottage
at Wakefield, Que.
Rev. and Mrs, D, A. MacMillan,
accompanied by their son anti
daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mr's,
Norris MacMillan, and Mr, and
Mrs. Parkinson of London, mot-
ored through the Southern Unit-
ed States. They will return by
way of Chicago and Detroit. Rev.
MacMillan arrived home a week
Sacrament of the Lor•d's Sup-
per will be administered next
Sunday, June 28th. •
Miss Anne SmitIi of Seafarth
spent the week end with her
friend, Miss Lois Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Collard
of London visited for a couple of
days with Mr. anti Mrs. Littleton.
Dr. John Stewart of Cleveland,
Ohio, visited Sunday with his
aunt, Mrs. R. J. Wright, who has
been confined to her bed two
weeks with a heart condition.
Messrs. John Jacobi and Doug-
las Eyre are on a three weeks'
vacation to the West coast, ex-
pecting to be home in a few days.
During July Rev. MacMillan
will be away on holidays and
Rev. Sydney Davison of Bruce-
field will be in charge .of the ser-
Mrs. Robt. McGregor was in
Seaforth recently and visited her
Uncle, who is 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Whiteman
and daughter Margaret of Toron-
to visited during last week with
Mr's. Dinedale and Miss Diabelle
Whiteman, Mrs. ;Whiteman re-
maining all this week. Mrs, Eddie
Taylor of Stratford spent Mon-
day with them.
Cn Sunday, June 21st, Mr. and
Mrs. Dowson attended the silver
wedding of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin
Kerr of Winthrop.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Dickert were Mi'. and
Mrs. Delmar Dickert of Clifford
and Mr. and Mrs. ,lack Dickert of
PS and Mrs, Bob Perkins and
Jimmie of RCAF Clinton, visited
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Long.
The annual Webster picnic was
held in Jowett's grove, Bayfield,
on Saturday afternoon with a
good attendance. Mr. Tom Web-
ster, Auburn, was re-elected pres-
ident; Watson Webster, vice pre-
sident; Elgin McKinley, Zurich,
res. secretary and Anson Cole-
man, Zurich, treas. Next year
the picnic will be held in North
Next Sunday evening, June 28,
at 7.30 p•m.' the annual Orange
service will be held in ,the United-..•,
Church with the pastor, Rev. T.
3. Pitt, in charge. Bannockburn
Band will head the parade.
The Varna -Goshen YPU held e
weiner roast at Bayfield Monday
evening of ibis week.
The active service vote an-
nounced en Monday at Toronto
gives for Iluron adding: Charles
S. M'acNaaghton 34; h'ar'ry
Strang 57, The official count of
the vote will be made on Thur6.
clay of this week by R. T. Bolton,
ramming officer,