HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-06-04, Page 5TRH SEAM-MTH 13 1W's-•-' ituraday, Jane 4, 1.98» 11,111111 111II1111111111,1111A.11111111111111)111,1111 111111..1,1111111111111111aI11,11nIAl11.4110J11114111111$1MMI111111A11W Snaith'• Superoar Food Market. SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 9'UNl7 4-6-0 • NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT ..... .... ..,... 2 12 -oz pkg. 37c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS ...... .......... 2 20 -oz tins 35c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS .... ............. 61s 73c HEI t ,TOMATO JUICE lgs, 48 oz tin 27c.. CHEERY MORN COFFEE • 1 lb. bag 59c GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 2 1 -lb pkg. 49c ST. WILLIAMS JAMS & JELLIES 2 9 -oz jars 43c MAPLE LEAF RED SALMON PHONE 12 49c WE DELIVER V,,1u11"1o111111u11111,111,11,111111,111111,1111111111„11,11111un11111111111111111,11111111111111111111,111111,1,u itimin. NEIMIEOIEMIMIFMMNBMMPINMMVEIMMIMIIIIIN ANNUAL' Dressed Hain Supper Carnival and Amateur Entertainment ST. COLUMBAN' • Wednesday, July 22 DRAW FOR SPECIAL PRIZE TEA AND HOME BAKING SALE To be held at St. James' Rectory Victoria street Auspices of the C.W.L. Wednesday, June 17 Everyone welcome 3-5 P.M. GARDEN PARTY & DRAW ' Turkey and Ham Supper , 5.30 to 8 St. Patrick's Church, Dublin WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,th Sponsored by C.W.L. Admission $1. Children 50c1 BORN Births at Scott Memorial Hos- pital: Miller—To Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Miller, RR 4 Seaforth, ,on May 28th, a daughter. 'Oldfield—To Mr . and Mrs. John Oldfield, RR 4 Seaforth, on May 28th, a daughter. Jordan -To Mr. and Mrs. Pet- er Jordan, RR 2 Dublin, on May 28th, a daughter. DeVisser—To Mr. and Mrs. Adrian- DeVisser, Seaforth, on June 3rd, a daughter. Carter—To Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, RR 2 Seaforth, •on May 20th, a daughter. Erauskopf—To NIT. and Mrs. James Kranakopf, Dublin, on May 23rd, a daughter. ,Siemon—To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon, RR 1 Bornholm, on May 22nd, a son. - Binning—Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitchell, are happy to announce the birth of their dau- ghter (Jane Frances) in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, May 25th. Chapman—At JlSramptin hospi- tal on Sunday, M.ay 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman (nee Dorothy Stock of New Ham- burg), a daughter (Cheryl Jane). O'Re111y—In Strat•Pord General Hospital, on Sat., May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly, Dub- lin, a son, a brother for Janet and Gary. McKILLOP The WMS and WA of Duff's Church, McKillop, held their May meeting at the .home of Mrs. David Shannon with a good at- tendance. The WMS !president, Mrs. Les Pryce, presided and opened the meeting with a hymn. The -Scripture lesson and com- ments were read by Mrs. James Kerr and prayer was offered by Mrs. Pryce. Invitations were:;ae- cepted Pram Winthrop to attend their WMS June 3rd at 8.30 in the evening and Northside, Sea - forth, on June 23 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. John Kerr gave a reading and a poem. The study book was taken by Mrs. Murray Dalton. Mrs. Ross :Gordon opened the WA ,meeting with the WA motto followed by the theme hymn and prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. A. Jantal and Mrs. Gor- don led in prayer. Mrs. Gorden McKenzie gave some of the •high lights of the WA :presbyterial at Moncrief. A dutch auction was held and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A. social half hour was spent during which lunch was served. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, E. Ellis of Clin- ton were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and fancily. Mr. Timothy Vale of Toronto visited last week with his . bro- ther and sister-in-law, Rev, and Mrs. Geo. Vons. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barrie of London were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and family. Miss Joan Kerslake of London was a weekend visitor with Miss Norma Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen returned home after spending a holiday in Detroit. 1958 CHEVROLET COACH 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET COACH 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 MORRIS SEDAN J.90, CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawns 186 Phone 541 a �l111111.I l........111111111111„11111.11.11111111,1, ,,,11,1111111111111110111111111111 . I ... i . 111111111111111111111111111111111......... TOWN TOMOS Mrs, Rees J. Sproat was (p Leaden Saturday attending the ordination service of her Nephew, Rev. F1'edei•iek Beellely, C.R. Bi• 811op .Cody of London officiated. Mre1 Preston Tabor, Mrs; 0. P. Sills, Mys• F, J, Docilely and Mrs. Ross Sproat were in St, Themes Sunday attending the first Solemn Mass of Rev. Sather Bechely, C.R. Word of the very serious ill- ness of ,Ilei .daughter in England was received by Mrs. J. W. Wood of Haxby, York, England, whp has been vislting .the past month with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr, .and Mrs, Frank Sills Jr. Mrs. Wood returned to England, by air, Mr. and Mrs. Sills accom- panied her to Melton on Wednes- day, ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney, Kitchener, were week end visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Etue. Miss Ruth •Sills left Wednes-• day for Bala where she will spend the summer, Mr. an Mrs, Reuben Sallows moved to Goderich last week. Miss Virginia Smith, London,. spent the week end with her parents, •Mr. and Mre. B. R. Smith, Petty Officer Jerry Meir of II,M,C,S. Stadacona, who has been spending his leave at his house here, left en Friday with Mrs. Meir and '• the three children for Halifax. Mrs. Ai't Stacey is spending the summer 3li Vancouver, B.C. Rev. Ellwyn Morris, Port Do- ver, visited last week with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Morris. • Mr, and Mrs. Michael Williams and claughter Joan spent the week end with their eon and claughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, J. Williams, Whitby. Mr. Ron Williams of Kitchen- er spent the 'week end tare, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Moylan of Kitchener spent the week end in town. Mr, H. G. Meir was in Windsor this week attending District "A" Board of Governors of Lions In- ternational of which he is a life member. Mrs, Jeau Fortune, MTs. John Moylan, Miss Monica Byrne and Mrs. Jack Case attended an open house and tea at the new Ursa- line rsaline Convent lin Strathroy on Sunday. A steady stream of sports cars drove east through Seaforth on No. 8 highway late Saturday af- ternoon, returning Prom auto races at the Green .Acres track at the forneer Port Albert air school. Il21b23T 1? 2 RI4N LiDIIJW 4221 ' The rogular meeting of the Ladies' Ala was held on Tuesday With Miss Jean Scott, president, in the chair. Miss Fraser opened the meeting with a poem, Safety, from the Glad Tidings. The re- ports were read, It was decided to cater ran' the Young, People's Pall rally, Mise Belle :Campbell was the speaker for the after- noon, Her subject "Why Worry," was' very helpful and • comforting, She showed the futility of wor- ry and gave us several rules to aid the worrier, among them a sense of humor_ and keeping busy. Katie Scott and Julene E11•tott sang a duet "There is no eeeret': accompanied by Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. L. Elder moved a vote of thanks to the speaker and solo- ists. A social .half hour was spent. The Scotti.'raser• group were in charge of the meeting MEZSRY MAIDENS CLUB The second meeting of the Marry Maidens was held at Mrs. 1, alvoadfoot's on May 29th, Roll call was answered by 10 mem- bers. The next meeting is to be held around the first week of. July, Mrs, W. L. Whyte discuss- ed garden weeds and insects and the control of each -Akio she dis- cussed succesdive planting and home surroundings. The girls were told how trees and 'shrubs were useful to the home as well as liow to beautify hofnee with flower beds. Members are to refer to their food guide for vegetable eating habits and are to follow Canada'•s food rule concerning vegetables. Home assignments are: .Check vegetable eating habits; bring records up to date; bring record books up to date; begin project to improve home surroundings; bring a vase, some green, and 12 flowers to next meeting. Roll call will be: One improvement I have made or intend to make in our home surroundings. • HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake of London were recent' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harty Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Annett of Sarnia were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Schroeder. SEE and HEAR Harry Strang Liberal Candidate in Huron CKNX - TV. CHANNEL 8 Friday, June 5, at 7.55 P.M. CKNX RADIO Friday, June 5, at 10.55 A.M. (Published by Huron Liberal Association) ••4 Bert Shaw Posted To Warsaw The following refers to a for- mer Seaforth boy, who is a bro- ther of Mrs, R. J. Botissoy of this town. For two years, Londoner Wil- liam Robert "Bert" Shaw lived in tlie shadow or the ICretnlin and the MVD, the Communist secret polfice, Friday he ventures into still another shadow, this one not perhaps as deep as the first, but sail cast ominously IV the Rus - elan beer. Warsaw,• Poland, is the second overseas position for diplomat Shaw, son of Mrs. W. R. Shaw, of 442 Adelaide St., an;d the'late Bert Shaw. And lie is ioolcing forward to a greater degree of freedom of movement than existed in Mos- cow when he Ieft Inst year. Cloak and dagger methods still iestliot work of foreign .diplo- mats in the Soviet capital Ev- erywhere they are followed and their 'shadows" are overt about their tasks. There is little or no .attempt to conceal the act of "tailing." It is suspected, said Mr. Shaw, but never has been proven,:that chauffeurs and domestiee attach- ed to the Canadian embassy in Moscow were MVD agents, plant- ed to keep track of officials and to pick up any information they could. Embassy officials were not allowed to drive their own cars. Russians in the embassy made an effort to conceal their under- standing of the English language but occasionally were tripped up and their slips lent weight to suspicions of their p•ua'pose. It was therefore necessary to guard words spoken in their presence. Since the denunciation of Ste - lin, the Russian people are some- what freer in their relations with foreigners but, said Mr. Shaw, they are still reticent in conversation with embaesy at- taches. They still live in fear of the MVD although there has been a loosening of restrictions generally. "Russians are, after all, human and being human they are cur- ious. They want to know about the Western world, Bat they talk more freely with tourists than with .diplomats." Russians are developing or have developed some peculiar personal characteristics, some of them imported from the west. Only since 1955, for instance, has lipstick come within reaeh CANDIDATE MEETING IN BLYTH - COMMUNITY" HALL Monday, June 8th 9 P.M. Come and find out how your member is representing you. Both North and South Huron will be represented Sponsored by Huron O.F.U. Also County meeting in Clinton Board Room, June 4th Speakers on weed sprays and agriculture EUCHRE Tn the Orange Hall Friday, June 5 at 8.30 Auspices Orange Hall Property Committee. Admissiou 40c Lunch served Everybody Welcome. of the average female wageI vagantly--"like earners and they apply it extra- agete." Canadian teen - i NOTICE OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, IN ORDER THAT WE MAY TAKE PART IN OUR PARENTS' 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY D'Orlean 8 Frank Silas L5IIL.JLl!'i PLUMBING H A R D W :ARE QUALITY HEATING PHONE 56 11, X11 1111,1In1,11111„.,VIII”11111,1111,1,n,1"1111111n111111111111,n11111111111111111„1.11,11 n111111111p11111111110111,111llc HAY FORAGE FIELD DEMONSTRATION To bo held at the PRIM of Bruce Thompson, half mile west of Wallcertof, opposite Golf Course. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, at 1 p.m. DST At this demonstration the followiug I, H. equipment will be operated in the field 1. No, 15 Forage Harvester 2. No. 163 Wiudrower (Swather) with Hay Conditioner attachment 3. No. 3 Hay Conditioner 4. Power Mowers - 5. Side Rakes 6. F -90-A Baler 7. No. 91 Combine (yard demonstration) Members of the Engineering Staff of International Harvester Company will be on hand For further information phone 17 JOHN BACH L H. DEALER SEAFORTH .,rt, iiiiiii1„11,,.1,11111111111111111„11,1111111,.1,,,1II111111,11,111,111111,1111,,,,,1111,,,,,111„11111111111111111,111,111111,11 "A Gas Water Heater saves you money ... gives you more Hot Water in Tess time” says, GERRY GINGERICH SEAFORTH PLUMBER DEALER "You never run out of hot water when you have a Gas Water Heater. It heats water so fast (4 times faster than any other system) that you always have a constant supply of hot water. And it costs you less to buy ... less to operate.” See modern Gas Water Heaters at Gingerich's Sales -Service GAS �+ Seaforth - Zurich or UNION GASCOji CANADALIMONA 16 years of Conservative rule have resulted in a growth of arrogance, of bureaucracyi and.in the denial of many rights of the individual It's Time for a Change Vote HARRY STRAN Your Liberal Candidate in Huron HARRY STRANG seeks your sup- port because he realizes the Liberal proposals which provide for easing the municipal tax burden; increased aid to education; extension of hospital insur- ance to include chronics and out- patients care rttx-free gas for use in farm implements, and many others are for the benefit of everybody in Huron, HARRY STRANG, as a municipal clerk and successful farmer, is fully qualified to represent Huron in the solution of the many problems facing municipalities and' agriculture today. He knows the problems of the farrier , , , of the businessman, Look FORWARD - Vote LIBERAL In Huron VOTE STRANGae on nJune 11th (P STRANG, Harry