HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-06-04, Page 1Seafoz'th News WHOLE SFIRIIES, VOL. 81 SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 19D9 Year. GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. MRS. FRANK So SILLS -Photo by Plt4.ilips, On Tuesday, June 9th, Mr. and ales. Frank S. Sills, a well known Seaforth couple, will cel- ebrate their fiftieth wedding an- nivereery. They were married in St. Janes' Church, Seaforth, in 1909 by the late Rev. Fr. Corcoran, and have resided continuously in this community since that time. During those years they have en- joyed the respect of the district and contributed •a great deal of time and energy to the life of our community. Mr. Sills, eldest son of George A, Sills, is a descendant of a United 'Empire Loyalist family, and was born in Seaforth in 1882. He attended primary school in this town, graduated from As- sumption College, Windsor, and then entered the hardware busi- ness with his father, In this bus- iness he took an active part for 05 years until a serious accident five years ago forced him into, semiretirement. During his youth he won many" • trophies for athletic endeavors and is one of the few survivors of the old Hurons that won the Dominion Soccer Championship for Seaforth in 1905. In munici- pal affairs he was also very •ac- tive, having been a member of the Fire Brigade for 33 years;' 17 years in town council Work, the last six of these acting aa Reeve. Being interested 'in all aspeets of life he has taken •a leading part in social, musical and sporting endeavors and with a keen sense of humor has breasted the tide in a remarkable way. ' Mrs. Sills (Dora),youngest daughter of Thomas Daly, was born in Blyth and moved to Sea - forth when she was only a few months old. She received her primary and secondary school ed- ucation In Seaforth and after a short period of time in the jew- elry business with her brother John, married lir. Sills. ' Corning from a musical family she has been very interested in music, playing cello, violin and piano, and for many years a member of the church choir. For the past 36 years she has been an ardent golfer, winning several trophies, and can still make many younger players sit up and take notice, Over the years she has been an active member of the Catholic Women's- League, the Bowling Olub and the social life of the community, At home tier love of flowers is manifested by her gar- den which is one of the nicest in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sills have a fa-. roily of four: Mona, Mrs, H. En- zensberger, of Goderich; D'Or- lean in the hardware business in Seaforth; Tom in real estate in Palm Springs, California, and Frank, also in the hardware bus- iness in Seaforth, .There are 12 grandchildren. On Tuesday morning they are celebrating their anniversary with Solemn High Mass in St. James' Church at 10 a.m. After- wards a family dinner will be held in the Memorial Centre, From 3 to 5 o'clock .in the after - 'noon and 7 to 9 in the evening they will be at home to theft many friends. A family get- together will be held on the fol- lowing Sunday. We offer ;them our heartiest 'congratulations on this special occasion and wish that they be spared to the town, their :family and themselves for many years to come. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, F. Mervin Lane, Seaforth,. R.R. 4, wish to an- nounce the engagement ,of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann, he Mr, Jammes C. Malone, son of Mr, and Mrs, John Li Malone, Seaforth R.R. 5. The wedding to take Place on Jane 20th at 10 o'clock am., in St, James' Roman Cath- olic Church, Seaforth. Parish Picnic Planned by C.W.L. The regular monthly meeting of the C,W.L, was held Tuesday evening in the school room. The president, Mrs, John Maloney op- ened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Jerry Bannon, A hymn was sung, Arrangements were made for a tea and home halting sale to be held at St. James' rectory, The president, firs, John Maloney, gave an interesting report on the diocesan convention at Sar- nia in May. There will be a parish picnic at the Lions park on June 21st. Mrs. John Hotham Jr., and Mrs. Frank Sills Sr. were • pres- ented with gifts, the former who will be leaving the parish in the future, the latter in honor of her golden wedding anniversary. The addresses were read by the pres- ident, 1\1!rs. John Maloney, and presentations by Mrs. Loretta Hewitt. '• - Mrs. James Kelly read. a poem In honor of Father's Day. Mary Lou Coyne, St. Columiban, enter- tained'with two tap dance num- bers. Kenny Devereaux played the guitar .and sang two selec- tions. The meeting adjourned and lunch was served. The my- stery prize was won by Mrs. ,Tean Fortune. Presentation to Mrs. J. H. James At the regular meeting of the Altar Guild of St. Thomas' Ang- lican Church on Tuesday 'even- ing, Mrs, J. H. James was honor- ed by the members prior to her departure for London this month, Mrs. James was present- ed with a corsage by Mrs. Garnet Stockwell. An .address was read by Mrs. J. R. Spittal, presenting Mrs, James with a china table ornament. In 'thanking the; lad- ies, Mrs. James invited them to open Inouye at the rectory on Thursday of next week. MRS. ,70HN CONSITT The death occurred at _South Huron 'hospital, Exeter, on Fri- day, May 29th,. of Agnes Hudson, widow of the late. John Coneitt, in her 92nd year. A native of :Stanley township, Mrs.-Conaitt lived in Seaforth for many years until after the death of her hue: band, when she went to Bruce - field. Surviving are a son and a daughter, Roy Consitt and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, both of Hen - sail, also seven grandchilds'ien and 11 great grandchildren; sis- ters, Mrs. William Douglas and Mrs. A. Harvey, of Brucefield,' and Mrs. J. Logan, .London. The funeral took glace from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Henson on Monday afternoon, with bur- ial ,tn`Bayfield cemetery. ,MATTHIAS (MAC) ,SCAIILETT There passed peacefully away in Toronto on Friday morning, May 29th, at his home, 209 Wil- lard street, Matthias (Mac) Scar- lett, Mr, Scarlett was the young- est son of the late John Scarlett of McKillop, where he was born 70 years ago. He served over- seas during World War I, and upon 'his return •was connected with Imperial Oil Company until recent years. Surviving are his wife, the former Jessie Cunning- ham,- of Brussels, andthree bro- thers, Fred. W., of. Seaforth, Al- bert E„ ,`02 Beadle, Saskatehewan, and Samuel of Vancouver. Attending the funeral at Tor- onto on Monday from Seaforth were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Starllett, Mrs. G, McCartney and Miss El- eanor McCartney, Burnet was in Park '.Lawn cemetery. • RED CROSS TO MEET The regular ineoting o f the Red Crime Society will be held in the library swum, Triday, June 5th at 3 .j .in, OT my Five Attend Nomination Meeting On Thursday afternoon the o Wel nomination of candidate for the ;provincial election o June 11t11 wee held at I-Iense by Returning Officer Russell T, Bolton, Only five persons were areeent, iii keeping with the modern trend and In contrast to the big speaking events .of for- mer elections as recent as 1955, laharlee S. MaoNeughton wag nominated for the Progressive Conservative party, with Eugene Beaver of Exeter, official agent; and. Harry Strang, Usborne, Lib- eral candidate, with Hisgh Hill of Goderioh official agent. Polls next Thursday will' be open trent9 ban. until 8 p.m., Advance polls will be open on Thun'eday, Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings of this week at Seaforth, Exeter and Go- derlch, for any voters who expect to be away from the riding on election day. Local polling places are: Seaforth: No, 1, Mrs. Frank Storey's residence, Goderich St. West, Deputy returning officer, Mrs. William Bettger, No, 2 Poll, at Mel Olarke's residence, with Mrs, Mae Watterworth, de- puty returning officer. No. 3. Poll, at A. W, Dunlop's residence, with Mrs. Margaret Case, deputy officer. No. 4 poll, at ;public Iibs'ar'y, with Mrs, Elsie Dinsmore, deputy returning offi- cer. No. 5 poll, at M, E, Clarke's garage, with H. J. Trapnell, dep- uty r.o. No. 6 poll, at Percy Little's residence, with Miss Dor- othy Parke, deputy r.o. New Rector For St, Thomas' Parish f- The Bishop 'of Huron, 1110 lit, s Rev, G. N. Luxton, hes announce r+ ed the appointment of Rev. Han. 11 ry Donaldson, at present the lector 02 St, Celumba's Olturclt, Kitchener, with St. Aiclan's Church, 'Elmira, to be the Teeter of St, Thomas' Church, Seaforth, with St,' Mary's Church, Dublin, Mr, Donaldson; will succeed Rev, Jack Reward Tames, who, on June 10th, will begin a new ministry in Glen Cairn Woods Subdivision in London, Ontario. Mr. Donaldson ,is a Scot br birth and went to South America as a missionary' in Chill, Atter serving for some years in the Mission in South America, he cane to Canada and took his theological -course at "Wycliffe College, Toronto. , He served 'in the Diocese of Toronto until ye years ago when he entered athe Diocese of Huron and aeceUUted his ;present incumbency at Kitchener and El- mira. He and Mrs. Donaldson and their daughter Frances Mary 18, wild :move to Seaforth this month, At the present time Mr, Donaldson is servling as Rural Dean of Waterloo, McKillop -No, 1, at Carlin's store, Ken Stewart, cls,o•; No. 2, at Wilmer Scott's residence, with Dave Shannon, cl,r,o.; No. 3, at George Leonharclt's residence, with Robert Beuermann, d,r,o,; No. 4, at Norman Sohade's resi- dence, with AIlan Campbell, d.r.o, Tucleersinith - Deputy return- ing officers: No. 1, Warden Han- ey; No, 2, Roy MoGeoch; No. 3, Mervyn Falconer; No, 4, Ervin Sillery; No, 5, Robert Elgle; No. 6, John C'onsitt; No. 7, Mas. Joan Cameron; No. 8, Clarence Kestle. Hullett D:R,O,'s: No. 1, Se - cord McBrien; No, 2, Murray Reid; No. 3,• Murray East; No. 4, Len Caldwell; No. 6, Roy Vora den; No. 6, Clare Vincent; No, 7, Mrs, Dorothy Grange, Stanley-D,R,O,+s: No. 1, Mer- vin Hanley; No, 2, Jack Taylor; No, 3, Howard Lennon; No, 4, Anson Coleman; No, 5, W. A•rm- str'bng; No. 6, Len Talbot; No. 7, Charles Rau; No. 8, Mrs. John MoK•enzie• Hay township-D.R.O.'s: No. 1, John Oat•+bett; No, 2,Orville Smith; No. 3, a, L. Ros; No. iib, Beatrice Forreeter; No. 4, Beat- rice Hess; No, 5, Wm, Ziler; No. 6, Charles Snell; No. 7, Leonard Erb; No. 8, 0. Ducharme. S. S. Convention Held at Clinton The annual Sunday School convention of- the North Huron •Council of Christian Education was held In at, Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Clinton, on Wed- nesday, May 27th. Opening wor- ship was :conducted by the Rev. D. J.. Lane, Clinton. President Sam Scott, Seaforth rr, 2, gave the • welcoming ad- dress. The main speaker was the. Rev. E. R. McLean, Toronto, re- presentative from the Ontario Council of Christian Education. His theme was "What Kind of a Verdict?" He suggested that the teachers get the children to come to their own conclusions. He also spoke on the necessity of religious education in the public schools. The evening worship service was conducted by three members of the Auburn Presbyterian Church Young People: Betty •and Ross Youngblut and Edgar Lea, therland, The Ontario Street Un- ited Church orchestra presented two selections, Miss Rena Fennell, Seaforth, gave an illustrated talk on her trip to the Tokyo World Sunday School Convention last August, when 62 nations, were represent- ed. Pictures included views of of Korea, where Ieliss Fennell visited following the convention. The next meeting of .the North Huron Council will be held in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, :on Wednesday, April 6, 1960. .. . Officers for the coming yeal are: past president, Sam Scott; president, I'Iarry Snell, Londes- boro; first vice president, Keith Webster, Blyth; second vice pre- sident, Clare Reith, Seaforth; secretary, Mrs, Francis •Powell, Clinton, rr,• 3; treasurer, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Belgrave; ,tem- perance secretary, Earl' Raithby missions, Rev, D. J. Lane; YPU Gordon Walters; children's work secretary, Mrs. C. S. Inder, C14n- ton; teacher training secretary, E, Hamilton, The publicity committee in - eludes Mrs. Gilbert, Beecroft, Mrs. Is M. Scrimgeour, Blyth, and Mrs. Francis Powell, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Sidney' Hedley, of Wigton, Cumberland, England, wish' to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Doreen Elizabeth, to George Irwin Johnston, eldest' son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Johnston, R,R, 1, Dublin. The .marriage to co take place at St. Thomas' Angli- aan Church, Seafonth, en Satur- t day, June 27th at 2 p.m. n Bowlers Open Season on Friday Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club will officially' open their greens for the season Friday evening, June 5th. The festivities will be gin with a pot luck supper at 6,30 p.m, to be followed by bowl- ing. This is an invitation to both ladies and gentlemen who feel they would enjoy bowling, to come to the greens and try their skill. See you Friday. Murphy Family Honored by Friends Neighbors and friends gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John F. Murphy to honor them before their departure from the farm. • Fifteen tables of cards were in play, prizes being won by Mrs, Emmett Malone and Joseph 0'- Reilly. An addresswas read by Auguste Ducharme and presen- tations made by Maurice Dalton and jamas O'Oonnor of a purse of money to_ Mr, and Mrs. Mttr- iihy and luggage to Arthur. The recipients expressed •their appreciation and thanks for the gifts. A lunch was'served. Mr, and Mrs. Murphy have sold their farm to Mr, and. lips. Tony Po- land but as yet have •not decided definitely where they will make their home. TEEN TOWN NEWS (By Ellen Gorwill) Due to certain circumstances `there' has not been any Teen Town news published for the past three weeks. At this time I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ford and Mr. and Mrs, J. Patterson for chaperoning the dander of May 16th, also Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liams and Mr, and Mrs, Roberton for -•'chaperoning the dance of May 23, and finally Mr. and Mrs. Kenny •and Mr. and Mrs. Malone for chaperoning the dance of May 8081, Saturday, May 30th at 8,30 a,m, saw the Teen Town baseball team and a few spectators off to Listowel to compete in a baseball tournament in that town, Sea - forth was scheduled to play Clin- ton at 10 a.m. but the opposing team did not show up. Therefore we played Listowel. At the end of regulation- time the score was tied. At the end of over time the score was 17-13 for Listowel. • The team: Coach, Mrs. Hann- on; players, Doug Rowcliffe, Ron Uhler, Keith Pethtolc, Margaret Elliott, Craig Willis, Caroline Hammond, Corinne Smith, Gene Nixon, Millie Howe, Lloyd Petit - The Seaforth group were spec- tators for a game in the after- noon between the Listowel Leg- ionaires and a team from Lond- • on. There was daubing, from 9-12 in the evening at Listowel arm- ories at which !bin;le Hehp'iston was •presented with the cup Rol' winning the ball tournament. There were about 75 teenager's in attendance at the dance held in the arena Saturday night. Mu- sic was supplied by acting disc jockey Gary Williams. Our attendance at Teen Town has dwindled slightly due to the warm weather when people like to be out of doors, and also that most teenagers will be studying for the final examinations. Would any parents or friends of the Teeh Town who would be willing to chaperone at our dances please contact either Bet- ty Muegge or Una Talbot, Volun- teers are greatly needed es we, have almost exhausted our list of names of chaperones. Al a recent executive meeting Bob Reith, president of the Ten- nis Club, gave a report on the state of affairs at the courts, and he gave an estimate of how much the Teen Town will have to pay for the repairs and additions which are needed, Teen Town must at present de. tide whether they will fix up the urts or whether they will bits an amplifying set for the records o be played en at the Saturday fight dances, June Meeting of Tuckersmith Council Tucicersmitdt •municipal coma ell met in the town hall, Seaforth on Tuesday, Juno 2nd at 8 p.m, All members were present and Reeve Iroreyth presided, Court of revision • on the Nott Municipal Drains heard ono ap- ;peal from Andrew Crosier, owner of lot 24, Oon, 2, HRS. Whea assessments •and allowances were explained the appellant was sat- isfied and the appeal was not al- lowed. Council will proceed with advertisement for tenden'g for oonetructlon of the said drain. Andrew Crozier also complain. ed that the Crozier Drain was In need of .repair's adjoining his Property and council will have the necessary repairs made, Grants of $225 and $60 respec- tively were made to the Seaforth Agricultural Society and South Huron Agri. Society, A delegation from the Farm- ers' Union attended and request- ed council to pass a bylaw auth- orising collection of Fanners' Union dues through the tax roll. Council decided to take no action in this matter for 1959. Dept, of Mines and Technical Surveys was given authority to carry out proposed drill testing on roadsides at certain locations in the township, Hydro -Electric Power Commis- sion was requested to install ad- ditional street lights in the Eg- mondville street lighting system, Elgin Thomason was appointed member from Tuckersmith to the Ausable Conservation Authority, Councillors Frank Falconer and Arthur Vardey were named a committee to purchase tile. for the Nott Municipal Drains, Accounts passed included: dump $22.50, •hospitalization $104.25, warble fly control 11223.- 30, 1223:30, fire protection ;138,00, Sea - forth - Lions Club, transfer of grant, $5,000.00; advertising 818.- 38, 13:38, insulin $2.44, relief $105.00, sheep killed $56,00, Egnnontiville water $241.58, fox bounty $23.00, tile drainage loans $1500, roads $4881,50, salaries and allowances $741.63, Rec.-Gen., $7.51. Council adjourned to meet on July 7th at 8 p.m, Sparks Start Blaze In House Roof Sparks from a rubbish fire be- hind Brad Smith's residence on Goderich street east, on Sunday morning about 11 o'clock started a blaze on the roof at the*rear of the house. The flames were extinguished in about half an hour by the Seaforth rural brigade. A hole aliout three feet across was burn- ed in the roof which was covered tank cedar ,shingles. This part of the residence in unused and there were few contents in that section of the house. The property is 4n McKillop Just east •af town and was the former golf club house, Mr. Smith is manager of the Bell Industries plant here, NURSES GRADUATE In the graduating class at the Stratford - General Hospital School of Nursing who received their diplomas on Saturday were Barbara June Hackwell, Walton; Grace Adeline Simon,' Walton rr 2; Helen Adeline lioliwain, Clinton rr 1. Miss Siemon re- ceived the award for highest marks in gynaecology, and Miss Mc:Dwain the award for surgical technique in the operating room. Three nurses from this area graduated at the K -W Hospital School of Nursing Saturday, Barbara Ann Boshart, Seaforth, Gloria Gingerich, Win (who shared In the award for operat- ing room technique), and Yvette Van Poaelce, of Blyth. W.I. NOTES Mrs, Gordon Pal>ple will be hostess for the June meeting of Seaforth W.I. on Tuesday, June 9th at 2.15 p,m. Roll call• will be answered by something .I have learned .from nature the past year. Motto will be Education: Those who think by the inch and talk by the yard ought to be mov- ed by the foot. Will members please bring suggestions for our bus trip coming up shortly. The guest speaker will be L. Scales, zone forester, Dept, of Agricul- ture, Stratford, who will also show slides. Lunch committee: Mrs. Robert Doig, Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mrs. Harold Hugill. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Ion H. Hartman, 152 Blucher St„ Kitchener, an- nounce the engagement of their slaughter, Elizabeth Joann, to Rev, Calvin George Diesel, Eden Mille, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam H. Diegel, Brodltagen, Miss Hartman is on the staff of the Harold Wagner public school in Waterloo, and Mr. Diegel is a graduate of .Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. The marriage will tape place at 6 p,nn„ Friday, June 19t1, in St. Peter's Evangelical' Lutheran Church, Kitchener. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and MN. Russell Hayter wish to announce the engage- ment of• their youngest slaughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr, Leonard Coleman Sutton, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. William Sutton of Ottawa. The marriage will take place at Empress Ave., :United Church, London, the latter part of June, Authorized as Se and Class mail, Post Cerise cleat., Ottawa Snowdon pros., Pebllshesa „ 1,1„I,i1i,,,1,.,,,A11111111,+11,11„111111111,13111111111111,11,1,11,,1JI„1,1,1,111,1,,11111,1„Illll,l,,,l„1,1IIIIIIIIl1111111111f, • Certified waterproof • 17 jewels • Shock -resistant • Anti -magnetic • Unbreakable mainspring • Luminous dial • Sweep second hand e Choice of yellow or white From $39.75 Slim as a shadow...truly a fine watch! It's all the things a waterproof watch should be! The ideal watch for men of action. Other smart Bulova watehes-ladies his Sea King has distinctive char- coal h rcoal dial and ex- pansion band. Also available with >' white dial ssd 7s & gents -as low as $29,76 SAVAUGF'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CIIINA Seaforth lll,,,u"lu1u111IIIUI111I11"111,,,,I"IP1,11gp1,uq„a, p11UO,❑„,,,1,1,1,1„U„1,11„1untilt 111111,1111111111„1,1,1 A CONSTANCE Mr. and lits. Wm, J. Dale at- tended the Guernsey Breeders' convention at Syracuse, N.Y., last week. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Ambrose Addley has been confin- ed to bed with pneumonia for the past two weeks but at time of writing is improving. Mrs, A. W. Bromley spent last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mr. Douglas Riley and Mr. Ron :Mc- Kay of Clinton spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Woods encu Debbie of Ajax. Graduates frost School of Nursing, Stratford Saturday afternoon in the Shakespearean festival theatre a large crowd of people witnessed the ceremonies of graduation for the 1959 class of the School of Nursing of Stratford. There were 18 graduates receiving diplomas and pins: Miss Helen Mcllwain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Mcllwain; Clinton RR 1, who re- ceived her public school educa- tion at SS No. 3, Hallett and the Seaforth high school, was award- ed the medal.,,for general ptotic• iency in theory and practice. This award was given by the City of Stratford. 1--Ielen was also winner of the Dr, William C. Sproat award for surgical tech- nique in the operating room. Af- ter the awards were presented at the festival theatre, relatives and •friehnds of the nurses were serv- ed a delicious tea in the recep- tion rooms of the nurses' resid- ence. Those attending besides parents and relatives from here were Warden and Mrs, William Jewitt and Miss Joyce Jewitt, Mr. and Mrs, Borden Brown and Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crozier, Miss Ruth °realer and Mr. Jack Crozier of near Seaforth, and Miss Joan Talbot of Wingham. Special relatives of Mies McSll- wain were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell of Goderieh, Mise Mclllwain was the recipient of many useful and valuable gifts to commemorate this impressive ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lawson and Mre, Isabella Lawson of Stratford visited Sunday with Mn and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt on Sunday and also called on Mn'. George Leitch who is a !patient in Scott Memorial hospital at Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Stacey Ferguson of Forest visited Tuesday with Mrs. M. Jewitt Sr. and Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family. DUBLIN Death, of Mrs, Writ, McDermott A. formes' resident of Dublin, Mrs. William McDermott, tried in Toronto lest week and the fun. eral took place at St. .Patrick's Ohureh, 'Dublin, on Saturday, Rev, Father Lynch offered Re- quiem High Mass and Mrs, L, Lane was organist, Mrs. McDer- mott Was formerly Catherine Ryan, daughter of the late Mr, and .l•Irs, Patrick Ryan, Her, husband predeceased her several years ago and she has since re- sided in Toronto. She is surviv- ed by ono sister, Miss Mary Ryan of Toronto, and two brothers, Peter Ryan :ancl Joseph Ryan of Dublin. The pallbearer's were Fergus Kelly, William Stapleton, Matt ':Murray, Joseph Ryan, Wm. .• Ryan, Harry Ryan. Interment took place in St. Patrick's cem- etery, Dublin. Mrs. Ryan, who was 81, had been ailing about two months. She cried on May 28th at her home, 391 Church St., Toronto. She went to Toronto about 12 years ago and attended St. Mi- chael's Cathedral in that city The remains were resting at the Box funeral hone, Seaforth, tin 811 the time of the funeral. Daniel Joseph KrausIcopf,. the infant son of lir. and Parry Sound Hospital on .Monday at the age of two months and was brought to Dublin tor burial in St, Patrick's Cemetery, Mr, and Mrs. Krauskopf have resid-' ed in Britt, near Sudbury, for the past year, John Krausltopl; being employed with the Looby Construction Co. The funeral was held on Wednesday after- noon, The remains rested at the home of his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello, at Dublin until 2 p.m. when swayers were said at St, Patrick's Church, A former resident of Dublin, Miss Mamie Weber, died sudden- ly at her home in London on Friday. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Joseph We- ber who operated the Dominion Hotel in Dublin ,for several years. She is survived by one sister, Elizabeth, Loudon, and two brothers, Jake, London, and John, Toronto. The funeral was ltelcl at St. Michael's Church, •in .London on Monday. Mr, and Ml's. Charles Kraus- kopf, Detroit, and Nr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus- Icopf, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Byrne, Ham- ilton, with Miss Monica Byrne. Leo Holland, Billy Holland, Windsor, and Mrs. Coulson, of Royal Oak, Michigan, with Mrs. Shulman, Pat Maloney and Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brick, of Detroit, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. A Redemptorist missionary conducted Forty :Hours' Devo- tion' at St. .Patrick's Church, Dublin, this week. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wallington and children, Burlington, with Mr, and Mrs, George Coyne. Mies Monica Byrne attended the opening of the new Strath• roy itrsuline Convent on Sunday, MEET NIJXT TUESDAY Seaforth town council will hold the regular June session on '.Tuesday, June 9th, instead ,of Monday night, which is Ladles' Night at the Lions Club