HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-05-28, Page 5TH1.1 SDA>wOW'}-T'N4W$-111,arsdwr,, Way 28. 069 .apmuunngnuu W nmv,1111,nnn,nunn,n.u,mn,nuua,.w,naeuuumnnuw,.,umunnnwuwm4. Smith's Superior Food Market SPECIALS THtJRS, FRI. SAT„ MAY 28-29-30 RICK'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES 32 oz jar 43c PET MILK INSTANT 16 oz pkg. 33c AYLMER CATSUP 2 11 oz bottles 35 c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE .... 3 20 oz tns 39c AYLMER CREAM STYLE_ CORN 2 15 oz i tins'2S- c CHEERY MORN COFFEE 1 lb. bag 59c Monarch Cake Mix (large) White or Choc. 33c Good Luck Margarine PHONE 12 l lb. 29c WE DELIVER I,eepa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1„nae1a111 e,1,„n,„a,,,,,,,ea,I,,,,ual,,,,,,,,, 111111111111111111111111 iiiiii 1111111111111111110, "A Gas Water Heater saves you money... gives you more Hot Water in less time” says, DON WOOD SEAFORTH PLUMBER DEALER "You never run out of hot water when you have a Gas Water Heater. It heats water so fast (4 times faster than any other system) that you always have a constant supply of hot water. And it costs you less to buy ... less to operate." See modern Gas Wader Heaters at Wood Plumbing & Heating or UNION COMPt1N1C0PCMMAJA 1958 1957 1957 1955 1.955 1951 1951 1949 CHEVROLET COACH PONTIAC SEDAN PONTIAC COACH PLYMOUTH SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET COACH CHEVROI FT SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 Town + f Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be stun- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor Ws Time for a Change Vote RAN Your Liberal Candidate in Huron HARRY STRANG; as a municipal clerk . and successful farmer, is fully qualified to represent Huron in the solution of the many prob- lems facing municipalities and agriculture to -day. He knows the problems of the farmer ... of the businessman. Look FORWA HARRY STRANG 'seeks your support because he realizes the Liberal proposals which provide for easing the municipal tax bur- den; increased aid to education; extension of hospital insurance to include chronics and out -pat- lents care; tax-free gas for use in farm implements, and many others are for the benefit of everybody in Huron. D - Vote LIBERAL In Huron VOTE STRANG on June 11th (.Published by Huron Liberal Association) Conservative Government has been in power too long... 16 Years too long! John Wintermeyer, dynamic leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, outlines the sound new Liberal Platform to Ontario voters! Yes, the Conservative Government has been in power too long — and that's the simple truth of it. During their 16 years in office, they have had ample opportunity to correct the problems of provincial affairs — but they 'have failed to solve them at all! There is only one answer — and that is a complete change to the Ontario Liberal Party! Under the inspired leadership of its dynamic young leader, John Wintermeyer, the Liberal Party has new ideas, high ideals, a program of action that is sound, financially possible e id completely responsible. For Better Government Rescue your investment in Ontario—Vote Liberal! • for an immediate low-cost housing program with down payments as low ds $500. _ • for progressive assumption by the provincial government of the basic costs of elementary and secondary education. • for a vigorous educational program to provide adequate trained specialist teachers. • for yearly $300 grants to students attending out-of-town universities. •, for a program of "portable pensions" to provide workers' security. • for a Department of Farm Marketing and d realistic farm program. • foc.extension of the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan to cover out-patient services. • for the return of a responsible, efficient government in Ontario! BOK FORWARD %NDTE LIBERAL 01)469