HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-05-21, Page 8COOL, COOL, WASH AND WEAR SUMMER COTTON SHOP SATURDAY NIGHT 'TIL 10 P.M. DRESSES only 10.98 High styled dresses, popular shirt Waist styles, or sleeveless sport dresses by the most famous makers in Canada, Choose from new paisleys, gay :checks, ever popular glazed 'prints, stylish stripes or slimming plain shades. All are tub wash- able and'most of then. are "drip-dry" and wear fab-' ries, Sizes 9 to 221/2 Budget priced at 10.98 See these Dresses in our windows - their drop in and try on a few - you'll love them Stewart Bros. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, I3, Musselman of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Benedict- Kitchener spent the weekend us spent the weekend with Mr, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ginger - and Mrs. Amos Gingerieh and ick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerieh. Mir. Harold Finlay and family 'The Blake public school pupils were Sunday guests with M. and were the visiting team with the Mrs. Charles Robinson of Hills - Bronson .South -North pupils on green. Friday when they had a ball Mr. Harold Finlay visited Mr, game. Bronson school won 19,17. and Mrs. Lyle Stokes of Ailsa •.n„mnnnnama,a,mmuw111111111111111111 llllllll 111111 llllll 111 lllllll 1annnanaaa,l„„alleeanuunnaraue' JUNE SESSION The Huron County Cotuicil will convene in the Court House, Goderich, on Monday, June Sth, 1959, at 10 A.M. D.S.T. for the June session. All colnnitnlications and accounts to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, May 29th; 1959. 3011N G. T3ERR'I', CLBRK TREASTJRFlR COUNTY OF HURON, GODERICH, ONT, �nnununnallullunuauunnuaunnnnnulluau; aneaaneunn„nnlluusalsa uuaaauyaan,u,eatat /. SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Flower Section Classes in the flower section will re- main the same this year with the following additions ZINNIA—Persian Carpet, Peppermint Stick ASTER Powder Puff, Giant Crego, California Giant, Heart of France COLLECTION OF ASTERS, not more than three varieties HANGING BASKET OF FLOWERS, not more than 12” diameter SEE and HEAR i Liberal. Candidate '.. in Huron CKNX - TV Wednesday, May 27, at 7.25 P.M. CKNX RADIO Friday, May 22, at 12.05 noon Friday, May 29, at 10,55 a.m. (Published by Huron Liberal Association) Craig', Mr, Archie Mustard of Sarnia spent the weekend with his wife and family. Mr. and Mr's. Bert Faber of I{ippen visited with Mrs. Rudy Oesch on Sunday. HENSALL mason - Baker A pretty Spring wedding was solemnized do the United Church manse, Hensall, Saturday, . May 10th, at 12 o'clock, noon, when Rev. C. Daniel united in mar- riage, Wanda May, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Sr. of Hensall and Adam Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- son Sr., of Brucefield. The bride chose a waltz length gown of nylon net over taffeta with lace bodice and lace inset do skirt. The lace jacket featured lily paint sleeves, a headdress sof net scalloped with silk braid and sprinkled with sequins held her illusion net veil. She carried a white bible crested with red roses. The maid of honor, Mrs. Robert 'Baker Jr., el Hensall, wore ice blue crystalette with andirred 'bodice trimmed with •rhiilestones and matching bol- ero. She carried a nosegay of pink roses and maidenhair fern. The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Mr. Robert Bak- er Jr. of Hensall. A reception was held at the New Cozumel, tial Hotel, Hensall. The bride's mother received wearing an af- ternoon dress in blue and grey taffeta with white accessories. The groom's mother wore an af- ternoon dress of .pale blue with navy and navy accessories. The bride and groom left on a wed- ding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The bride travelled in an aqua wool .tailored suit with navy blue accessories and pink topcoat. On their return they will reside on the gr'oom's !arm, Brucefleld. BORN Births at Scott Memorial Hospital: Buchanan—To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan, RR 1 Clinton, on May 14th, a son Pennington—To Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington, RR 3, Brussels, a son, May 16th. van der Pryt—To Mr, and Mrs. Corn- elius van der Pryt, RR 2 Dublin, on May 18 a son. van hergen—To Mr. and Mrs. Frank van Bergen, Dublin, on May 18th, twins, a son. and a daughter Reeler—To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reeler, Seaforth, on Ilay 18th, a non Beuermann—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beuermann, RR 3 Mitchell, on May 20, a daughter Reid—To Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid, RR 1 Myth, on May 20, a daughter McKillop LIBERAL MEETING In the interests of Harry Strang, Liberal Candidate in Huron THURSDAY May 21st at 8.30 p.m. in WINTHROP HALL The public is cordially lib vited to attend and hear - the Candidate and other speakers Published by Huron Liberal Assooiation ?nnannuumm� nulllla 11111111101111111111111 lllll 111111 n 'Clearing; Auction .Sale Of llouseli51t4 Weds. In Brucefleld on Saturday, Nay 00th, lit 1.00 P,M, Full line or househrild Weds Terina'cash. Pica. Mrs, Jahn Cairns. Apot Itorol4 Jackson Oled, E. 2'. Chesney ADMIN IS'rllA'l' 011'S AuctiOh Sale Of Household 'Effects et the home or Peter McDonald, Walton, on Sat., May 28rd at 2 l'.5 . 4 during mom ol,oh'a,. .Quebec heater, 6 Ikitohen °hahu armchair, gloss sup, board, 2 'rocking chairs, good dining room table, chest or drawers, bedroom .suite complete 0 quilts, 2 silicate, Quantity' of diohes ineaudinga tea sot end a number of antique pieces. Old fashioned plonk, Ford coupe 1046 in good ruining order. A born 26318 ft, for removal. Terms cash, Est. of Wm.. Wat- son, George N060011, auctioneer • PERENNIALS-2OR SALE We sue sending our Inst spring order to the nursery. 11 you want Perennials tor your 'border or sock garden, please order thorn on or before May 28 BAKER'S GREENHOt1SE, Your Gavden Centre, Seaforth HELP WANTED Full tins° clerk for grooeny story. AP - Ply to Box 127, The Seaforth Igewe FORSALE ,Modern spring a tiperfect shape. Size 14-16. Can be, seen at Flannery Cleaners ._ TO RENT 3 room apartment, ground Noor, share bath, private entrance, nice for one 10d7. Mrs. 80.. E. Clarke, Phone 42FOR , Quantity of on arca Beans, from R grown Registered need. Pearson Glister, Phone 668y�2i Hensall FOR SALE Two french doors with trim. 648,24 Sen for'bh, Newman Garrett IN ME1V1ORIAIVI In loving memory of n; dear 'unhand nnil /other, Albert Harrison, who passed away Msy 04th,. 1000. Many a lonely heartache Often a silent tear, But always at beautiful memory , OI one who is no longer hero. ' Lovingly rememberedby his wife and fondly COMING EVENT The W.A. of Duff's United Church, Melallop, aro holdingC, a Home Making Sale at L.O.L. Ilall, Seaforth, Saturday, May 80th away FOR SALE Balance of 1068 crop of clover honey. 8 ib poll 82. 4 lb pail 01,18. Wallace Ross Apiaries 2 bedroom apartment, RENT William street,, near Shoe cnctory. Phone 260. or 38. FOR SALE 6000 ft. used lumber, 234, 2x6, 238,. 2310.- Cali any evening. Phone 2627, George Broome, Also have two building lots for sale All 'kinds of 'boards for siding floor's,. NOTICE I via be a%stay until end of July, but John ,Segeren will leek offer sny %stork, 'Phone evenings 677 3. Also have some Potatoes still for sale,' Gordon Nobel TO RENT June 1, two self contained apartments, one furnished. 'Orville Dale,' North Main at., between 6 and 8 P.M. ' HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 6 -room bungalow on John St. 011 heat. Insul-brink siding. Large sun Porch. Full-size basement, Immediate possession. Attractively priced for cash sale. Ross Savauge, Seaforth 3- speed J. C. SALboys bicycle. Reg Stone, phode 806r3 FOR SALE Two grey check coats, boy's size 3. May be seen ea Plannery's Cleaners,' Phone 8664 CARD OF TI ANKS - I wish to thank rill thitso who helped at the time of the fire in my apartments i» Egapndvillo, IIAllgl,p JACKSON I" wish to thankall my' ouo6ds who visited mo, sent cards or treats while I was ib patioot iii ,the Seott Memorial Heapitah Spcoml thanks le the nurses and doctors. MARION TIENT Tho family or the late Mrs. Jong Noon wlsh tO extend their sincere thanks and apprceiation to the man? Wends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, cards end expressions 90 sympathy extended to them in lose of a dear mother. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. White of Lo»dosboro and Rev, Mr. I'Iicka of ',reroute, to the B}111 & Mutoh funoral hemp, the Pall bearers , the dower beurens and those who assisted in any way in our sad bereavement We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbors, friends and relatives for .their many ants of kindness during our recent bereavement; also to thank mymany friends who sent treats and cards while I woe in Victoria Hospital, Mrs. Mae Watterworth, Joanette.And Mao. I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who sent earls, flowers, treats, and visited me while 'I was it patient inScott Memorial Hos. pital, Special thanks to all the, kind. nurses and also to Dr. Gorwill. Every- thing was deeply appreciated 11fRs. MARTHA PHQMPSON. I wish to say Thank You to my many friends who sent dowers, cards, letters and treats and who visited me while 2 was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Rev: J. 0. Britton and D. Gorwvill and the nursing stall MRS. TAMES BARRON I wish to extend sincere thanks to my many friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers and also those who visited me while a patient in Seaforth and St. Joseph's hospitals. A special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and all the wonderful nurses in both hospitals., CHARLES DEXTER Harry VOTE RA THU SBAF017TII 'N.WiVS Thursday, May 21, 1079 130X Funeral Service AMBULANCE • Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night g95W INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Acciden,t' • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W E. Southgate 1 'hone 334 ; ,Re8. 543 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACBI ' OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL ---�- WILLIAM M. HART Your Liberal Candidate in Huron A Liberal Government in. Ontario will.. • —Provide ' a system of direct cash grants of $300.00 annually to each qualified university student who must • live away from home while pursuing his higher education. _, —Make possible a massive highways construction scheme that would provide roads now designated as required, and do it under a new financing structure that would se- regate the highways budget. —Undertake a complete .reform of the Ontario Municipal Act which would have as one objective the progressive removal of education taxation from. real property. —Create a new Department of Market- ing primarily concerned with the distribution of farm products. Look FORWARD —Extend the existing Hospital Insur- ance scheme to cover the care of chronically ilL and convalescents in hospitals and nursing homes, and to cover out-patient care. —Provide provincial machinery to make possible a portable pension schem',e. This would allow for the transfer of a. worker's pension from employer to employer. - Harry Strang, as a municipal Clerk and successful farmer, is fully quali- fied to press for a solution of the 'many problems facing municipalities to -day. He knows the problems of the farmer, of the businessman VOTE LIBERAL — VOTE STRANG. Vote LIBERAL In Huron VOTE STRANG on June 11th IOffice Phone 784 • Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & 1R.EID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone '47 LAWN MOWER SERVICE Complete service on all makes of mowers and engines. Parts, re- pairs, overhaul; sharpening. DO IT NOW SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE r.r. 2 See`aforth. Ph.' 861.r6 • Tuckeramith owOnsh pMunicipal dump„ will be opened from 1 p.m. to 8 p•m. on. Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. un— til further notice. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. -- Shoes repaired. Mons & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- ness to give comfort and. save you money Quick, FinexxpensiADIO ve inexpensive guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 3478, Seaforth BICYCLE REPAIRS O.C.M. Parte and Accessories. Dunlop, Tires and Tubes. CHARLES PINDER, Seaforth FOR SALE Pont sale, side mounted mower for Ford tractor, also circular saw for Ford. Custom corn planting with fertilizer at- tachment, George Stone 8501.3 FARM FOR SALE 100 acrefarm with good house and barn. All modern conveniences. Close to school; 331 miles north of Mitchell. Apply M Mr. Gottfried Buri, Sr., R.R. 4, Mitchell, Ont. FOR SALE 800 geraniums in seven colors. Hardy garden mums and a complete lino of flower and garden plants. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre, Sea - forth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING "Where Better Bulls' Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service. Cost low. Efficiency thigh Disease controlled, Safety. All Breeds of Cattle: use of the best of bulls. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service sir more information phone Clinton HV 2.8441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 0-5650 between: 7.80 and 0.80 ArM. week days; 0 and 8' P.M. Sat- urday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living FOR SALE Box plants, Pot Plants and Pots filled WM. BRADSHAW Market St. Phone 50w 2 cycle engine full,, blended and mixed for top performance. Out- board motor oil for all 2 cycle engines. See the new Lawn Cruis- er mowers now on display. Sharp's Maintenance Service Phone 851r5 Seaforth Viking CreamOE Sena aator Sales and Service for new and used Viking SeHai,- ator. John Byerman, East William St., 'Seaforth. .Phone 566'w BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve•your Sale Date now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone .Clinton HU 2-7534 TEXACO PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel and Farm Lubricants Phone 686w Phone 190 Seaforth Goderich'