HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-05-21, Page 7The Truth About A Famous Fight Perhaps you are one of the millions. Who still have the idea that Tommy Farr -- "'Itonypantly Tommy" — lhnost beat Chaiilt pion Joe Louis for the heavy. weight championship. In a recent issue of NEWSWEEK one of our greatest — and most amusing — sportswriters, John Lardner, gives the lowdown on how this strictly erroneous legend calve into being. Take It away, Mr. Lardner. It's interesting, but also dis- turbing, to note how quickly and smoothly legend can replace his- tory, There's a legend afoot today that Tommy Parr, from Tony- pancly, Wales, gave Joe Louis a bad time in the prize ring one night in 1937, and was robbed of the decision in their heavyweight title fight. The other clay, when Tommy was visiting here in the States, your correspondent was struck by the fact that' practi- cally everyone who was born since—let's say—the Hoover Ad- ministration has come to accept this proposition as gospel. Mr. Farr did nothing to knock it down. To be frank with you, I hadn't expected that he would. "I won't say that I beat Looey," Tom observed thoughtfully, when4 the point came up, "but it can't be said that Looey beat me." Oh, yes, it can, The fight is clear in my memory. I put in with the officials, who gave Louis anywhere from 'eight to thirteen of the fifteen rounds. Joe had a tender right hand that night; so he used his left almost exclusive- ly, and turned Farr's face into what looked like $1,50 worth of hamburger. When the fight was over, Tommy did not claim vic- tory. That thought came to him later, through one of those cur- ious sidelights of history that produce legends. Few eyewitnesses believed Farr had won. One of these was Clem McCarthy, who called the bout by radio, on a national network. Clement was a peerless caller of horse races. Fight -calling was new to him. He liked the way that Farr charged into Louis's left hand face -first. He was sat- isfied that these tactics had won the fight for Farr—and so was his audience of 20 million souls. The call was Clem's last one for a while. Next day, when Uncle Mike Jacobs, the promo- ter, learned that there had been two fights, MdCarthy's and the real one, he swallowed his syn- thetic teeth, turned the color of a dahlia, and stripped Clem of his epaulets. This action came too late to stem the tide of myth. Twenty million radio fans hand- ed the wrong story down to their children, so that today the Louis - Farr fight is firmly fixed in the list of famous fight legends, along with: 1—The legend that Jim Jeffries was drugged in his fight with Jack Johnson. (Don't worry, friends, T will not claim that I was there.) 2—The legend that Carpentier almost knocked out Dempsey . with a right hand in the second tound. (The motion pictures show. that Dempsey took a half a step backward.) 3—The legend that Billy Conn imild' have beaten Louis In their et fight if he hadn't with Hi - mien recklessness, suddenly ed to knock Louis out. (I don't ink Conn was ahead, but the talient point is this: He had used sip his speed and gone flatfooted, lend had no choice but to punch +2nd be punched,) Tom Farr now believes in the Louis -Farr legend,' and, for my VIKING PRINCE — Denmark's .Prince Christian, 15, wears his viking costume, shield and at at a Copenhagen rehear'sai. The Prince will wear the outfit when he takes part in a viking festival this summer in Rams- gate, England. money, he's entitled to. In his heyday, the squat Welshman fought 65 rounds in New York with America's five best heavy- weights, and was never off his feet. If a maker of history can't tell it his way, what becomes of Field Marshal Viscount Mont- gomery? Or, for that matter, Mr. Eisenhower, Churchill, and U.S. Grant? Tommy has been in our midst as a journalist, covering the un- pleasantness between Floyd Pat- terson and Brian London. He's a rarity among ex -athlete journa- lists, in that he uses his own words in print. They are a much higher class of words than the ones he used in the ring to Jim Braddock, Max Baer, Lou Nova, and Red Burman when he was trying, without great success, to push their teeth down their throats. Farr was the most up- right British fighter who ever carne among us. Going from loss to loss, he earned some $200,000 here. To be exact historically, per- haps I should say that Joe Gould, his American manager, earned some of it for him. Mr. Gould adopted Farr after his loss to Braddock. It was while discuss- ing his own genius in obtaining rich matches for a losing fighter that Gould, in burst of pride, said: "I take off my hat to no manager." "What of it?" said the late Dumb Dalt Morgan. "You don't even take it off when you eat," "Yes," said the playwright, "the critic of the local paper ab- solutely tore my' new play to bits." "Oh, I shouldn't worry about him," said his friend. "He only , repeats what everybody else says." WOT 'IT ME? — Rubbery legged Brian London, of Engian-d, Is aided to his feet by handlers after he was knocked out in the 11th round of his fight with FIQ1yd Patterson. ▪ CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED EXTRA Cash latur1OcsoswurandoAloccasion Greeting cards (including Religious) Stationery Gifts, Write tar samples, Colonial Card Ltd., 489 B, Queen East, Toronto 2. I. WEVERMAN Real Estate requires farm agents In your locality. 380 B Moor W., 'Toronto, WA. 2.2442. 00 INTO BUSINESS for yourself, Sell aur exciting- house• wares, watches and Other products not round in stores, No aempetlkion. Pro- fits up to 500%, Write new for free colour catalogue mid separate oonii• rraY ulesa3822 St. Laurence Mont Mt. ontreal. A191&izrg Canadian Discovery SPROUL'S "SEPTI -l( -LEEN" NOW you can enjoy YEAR ROUND TROUBLE FREE AND ODORLESS OPERATION of Septic Tanks'. Out. door a n d Chemical Toilets Cess Pools, etc, by using Sprout's "SEP'rh IC-LEEN".Now available' in Canada for domestic as well. as Commercial and industrial use,. An amazing NON. POISONOUS Conditioning Compound perfected b the well known Canadian Research Chemist, Leland D. Sproul. Instantaneous nation. HARMLESS to either Children or Adults or Pets. Won't damage or destroy plumbing- fixtures metals - wood cement,. etc. Limited Introductory offer of two. pounds per family or business for only $2.00 postpaid (regular price 52,95 per pound) enables you to put tt to test In the most trying and difficult dis, posa1 Unit problem you - have, then Judge Its. effectiveness for yourself. You can be free of operating doubt and foul annoying odors before and during the hot .weather and enjey healthful cleanliness the Veer Round, Send, for trial order today vnn'll bo ever so gine you did. Full or part-time Sales Representatives wanted in every community • Male or Female Age no barrier, Commission earnings on dealer basis, Trelnendous- field to cover Write today for details,. Henry C. Noseworthy General Mgr., ' Cross Nation Distributors, Limited, 2674 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. HU -3.5747 — Evenings HU -5.1944. Send 2 -lbs. "Septi.K-leen" postpaid today. Name ......_. Address rs Money Order ❑ Cash for $3.00 BABY CHICKS TAKE advantage of spacial prlees on Bray dayold heavy breed cockerels, Prompt shipment dayold and some started dual purpose pullets and cock- erels. Some Ames pullets, also Leg. horns. Order June -July broilers now. See local agent, or write Bray Hatch- ery, 120- John North, Hamilton, Ont. BOOKS BOOKS for the young and old. Books of modern times and trends. Catalogue 80. Write: Book Mart, P.O. Box 309, Eminence, Missouri. , SELF-MASTERY and YOGA books. In. teresting free catalogue Write today "Books", 0591 Marlborough: Burn. aby, B.C. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale — Machine Shop, Woodwork- ing Shop, living .apartment, in the pret- tiest town in Ontario. Reasonable. No triflers please. Box No. 186, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, ESSEX COUNTY LOCATION HOTEL, includes building, all. fixtures, equipment, plus 6 ,furnished cottages, 2 bedroom house with all conventen' oes, also 50 acres of good productive land, beverage rooms have 169 seating capacity, presently doing 8000 gallons, which can be increased, a real family business, full price - 548,500.00, would consider property in trade. We also have other business opportunities. JOHN ,KUBIS, Realtor Kingsville, Ont. — RE. 3,4022 How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. flow can I frost the glass of a window? A. Dissolve 6 ounces of Epsom salts in about 20 ounces of warm water. To this adcl 2 ounces of white dextrin, which will act as an adhesive when the mixture is applied to the glass, The salts will crystallize into a covering similar to hoar frost. Q. How can I determine whe- ther yeast is old? A. If there are dark spots on the yeast cake, it Is better not to use it as some ok the yeast plants are dead. A good take of yeast is moist, uniformly creamy in color, and can be easily brok- en into crumbs. Q.liow can I soften the skin? A. A good treatment for soft- ening and whitening the face, neck, arms, and hands is to mix a little raw cornmeal With sour milk, and apply. Q. flow can 1 peep chamois soft? A. 'After having used the chamois, wash it carefully in warm soapy water; then press carefully on a flat surface to dry. Do not hang it in the air or place on the radiator, as this will only make the skin hard and dry. Q. flow can I keep eggs from bursting while boiling? A They will not burst if one end of each egg is pricked with a needle before placing in the water, This makes an outlet for air and prevents the shell from cracking, Q. 3 -Mow can I remove old wall paper? A. Put a heaping tablespoon- ful of saltpeter into each gallon of hot water, and apply liberally with a brush, Keep the water hot and after a Lew applications, the paper can be pulled from the wall very easily, Q. How should molasses be measured? ' A. Grease the cup lightly be- fore measuring molasses, or dip it full of flour and then empty It. Either method will enable every drop of molasses to conte out or the cup without :sticking. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GARAGE woNDERFUL o p0rtunity in a grow- ing Industrial Lawn, 40 miles from Toronto and a possible franchise with 0110 of the big three ear manufactur- ers, Corner lot 145' x 132', on a main highway through town. Garage build- ing 45' x 00', p100 an addition 20' s 30', consisting of showroom, werkehen,. ()Mee, s(oeltroom, 2 hoists and pit, Heated with hot water by oil. Estab- lished 14 years. Aggressive oar dealers this; business. 'Dol, J 0 McLeod,stneat Estate Broker, Acton, Ont, Phone 203. FEMALE HELP WANTED CHIEF DIETITIAN REQUIRED A SPLENDID opportunity far a dietb tian with organizing ability required ' by the Beck McMoriol Sanatorium to start immediately, Five-day, fortyhour week, generous sick leave, vacation, pension plans In effect, Cottage resld• enae (unfurnished) or furnished suite available at nominal. east. Salary com- mensurate with experience and quail - cations. Apply, giving age, training, experience and refernces 10'the Bust. ness Manager, Beck Memorial Situated - um, London, Ontario: All replies treat - est confidentially. TECHNICIAN FEMALE for general laboratory in a 100 -bed hospital near Toronto, Resid, once accomntodatien and meals avail- able. Apply to ADMINISTRATOR Peel Memorial Hospital BRAMPTON, ONTARIO FOR SALE METAL ROOFING 28 GAUGE galvanized ribbed roofing less than 08.75 par square, freight extra. Send measurements for freight paid estimate. Alsoo special, prices on aluminNATIONAL METAL ROOFING 1104 Plessis, Montreal 24—DEP. W PROPANE GAS and ELECTRIC refrig• erators 985,00 and up. Stoves from $30.00. S,T.O.P. Limited 141 Ossington, Toronto SAFETY SHOES STEEL toecaps, Boots or oxfords. Men's sizes 5 to 13. 57.99 Postpaid, MEGGINSON'S SHOES, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. - FUR FARM ANIMALS WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? ALL the signs point to a bright and brilliant market for this Luxury fur, But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality fours dation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a. rancher, using our exclusive breeders plan. Prices and In. formation on request. Canadian Nutria Ltd. Offices: 57 131005 Street West, Toronto, Ontario: Ranch location. Rich• mond Hill, Ontario, - - GARDEN MACHINERY PLANET Jr. Garden tractors, tillers, seeders, wheel hoes. John C. Graham Co„ Distributors, Leamington, Ont, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lea - sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 88. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1200 Bay Street, Toronto., LIVESTOCK FOR SALE "DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS" PRESENT offering — sows, bred heif- ers bulls, and bull calves, of 511 ogee. Reds and roans. Write or visit the farm. Ernest A. Peart, Caledonia, On- tario. ' MERCHANDISE FOR SALE SALE Ladies' Blouses 2 for 51.50. At- tractive House dresses 91,25, two for 92.25. Teenage boys'" drawers, wool, long, 51.50. Harold Richards, Clarkes Beach, Nfld. - - MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY ' MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint yoma, acnu. e., Itching, , pimples anand d ecze- foot eczema will respond readily to - the —stainless odorles ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED GRADUATE Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants required for mod. ern 40 -bed hospital. Graduate Nurses commence at 9205 and Certified Nurs• ing Assistants at 5165. Shift allowance payable to both grades. For further details, apply to: SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES New Liskeard & District Hospital New Liskeard, Ontario GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR 100 -bad hospital, up-to-date fact, Blies In a beautiful location on the the shore of Lalce Erle. Residence avail- able. Salary 6200,00 month with recog- nition for P.G, courses, 44 -hour week at present. APPLY DIRECTOR OF NURSING Port Colborne General Hospital PORT. COLBORNE, ONT. ADV TIS NURSES WANTED !NG 0 0.bed Dow t1•Townhhosspital.a frl0ndiy THE TORONTO Toronto WESTERN HOSPITAL 399 B4tburst Street has vacancies for GENERAL STAFF NURSES num inoeeme stet month with an 40.hour 5•day work week WItI'PE giving fun details tot Director of Nursing Service, NURSERY STOCK DISEASE free Latham and Viking plants, 540.00 per thousand, Bertrand's Berrylund, R,R. No. I Port Perry, Qn, tarlo. "SCOTCH Pine Xmas Tree Seedlings. Fe(nQus French blue strain, Order now Spring delivery. Lake Shn000- Planta. tions, Box 1 190 Letitia St. Barrie Ont. Phone PA. 11.2675," OF INTEREST TO ALL BUY at Discount Prices! Make huge savings on Appliances, Silverware, Housewares, Tools, Toys, etc. Send for Free, four 00105 Catalogue, E. M, Rogers Enterprises, 9,0, Bax 391,. Bell, California, U.S.A., OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St„ W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL -�- 520,00 REWARD TWENTY Dollars reward for informa- tion leading to the purchase of a Model A Ford Touring or Roadster Car. Send information to Gary Campbell, R,R. No. 2 Burford, Ontario, Or phone collect to H. 9-2681 Burford. 36 AsortmentDULTS!F for n$2.00,u bbFinest eods! quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. West ern Distributors. Box 24 -TF, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 12 magna prints in album 600 2 magna prints M album 400 Reprints 50 each KO'DACOLOR Developing roll 51.00 (not including prints). Color prints 950 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 inns, 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints from slides 350 each. Money refunded in dull for unprinted nega• fives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. POULTRY BARRED ROCKS still hard to beat for eggs and meat. Thirty-eight years pm, sonal selection behind our closed flock. Accredited flock, Registered Hatchery - Tom Kenny, Shanty Bay, Ontario. STAMPS AND COINS ATTENTION Stamp Collectors! 107 dif. ferent from Asia, Europe, Africa etc, only 100 with approvals. Ludwig J. Bergh, 2902 North 28th, Tacoma 7. Washington. pprice listr free . Postpaid bothollectors — e gays, Hamil• ton Stamp Co., 5608 Sagra Rd. Baltt• more 12, Md., U.S.A. UP to $200.00 paid for 1921 Canadian 50. 20 -page "Premium Buying Guide" showing prices paid for coins 250. New brochure How to invest in Canadian Coins M2833 -WP. Cgary. 5Box send 330 to: Merles, WILL buy Canadian coins in good con- dition, Gold coins and "Shin Plasters". Double face value Queen Victoria coins. Half dollars pay 91.00, quarters 500, dimes and nickels 250, large cents 9100 a silver 1947 and 1937, half dollars947, 1948 — $3.00. Mail or deliver to Harry Italbfleisch, 92 Downie Street, Strat- ford, Ont. Payment by return mail. SUMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS CHILDREN'S CAMP for boys and girls 6-17. AB land and Water sports under college -trained leadership. Registered Nurse. Hanle cooked meals. Six ponies and horses to ride at no extra cost. Screened Insulated cabins. Aqua plan- ing and Water skiing. 29th year for Canada's outstanding Camp. Highly recommended. Reasonable. Dr. and Mrs, Martin, "WIldw odes Write udroutl Quebec.. SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE BUY, Sell, successfully, Port Carling, Muskoka area, specializing in summer properties. Call 51 E D. Milner Real. tor. BANCROFT SUMMER resort property and year round hone. Bay Lake Lodge, 4 miles tram Bancroft on Highway 62, 55 acres and 5,000 ft. shoreline. Lodge containing lounge and dining room to seat 32, fully equipped kitchen with master chef stoves and grill, refrig- erators, deep freeze, etc.. and owner's living quarters. All fully insulated for year round Meeting. 10 bungalows with stone fireplaces, refrigerators, 2• piece flush toilets, 3 beds and fully equipped for sleeping. Recreation building with sun lounge baths and hot showers. 12 boats. A bungalow camp are excellence. Price $65,000. Sands and Bateman Limited, Box 176 Peterborough, Riverside 2.3441 or 2- 4591, .Salesman George Shepherd, SUMMER RRSORT$ B AY•VUE LODGE, Lake Muskoka, 6a h 00 10 0100 BcdI78wDas iavilnn, 0ggd 17041g i BOX 78 Bala, G OLDEN Jleacll cottages on Lo Niplssins, near North Bay, cafe ba ing, sandy beach, Hat oottiges with 3 or 4 bedrooms, For folder write ;ata Richardson Camps, SS No. 1, S, No. 1, North Bay, Ontario. HOUSEKEEPING Cottages to rent at Hinterland Beach, on Kamaniskeji Lake, Barrys Bayy, one, two and thre bedrooms, beautiftl sand beach, cr9y • tal clear water, good fishing, attractive cottages, 0aPitts,pOmemee and information PORTAGE: lodge and housekeeping boats;' rates withg'mealfishing,0 and $35 weekly. Write for folders. Penlake 9.0„ Ont. PORT SYDNEY a1USKOKA, ONTARIO On Beautiful Mary Lake SAFE sandy beach, boating, water skiing, rebreation director, Delightful woodland walks. For a perfect holt- day in every way, visit Mary Lake, For further information write Port Sydney Tourist Promotion Association, TEACHERS WANTED PORT [Arabton Separate School re- quires teacher to teach Grades 1.4, Ap. ply, stating qualifications, last inspec- tor, salary expected. Dulles to com- mence, Sept., 1959. Apply Dan McEvoy. Secretary, Port LamIiton, Ont PROTESTANT teacher for new school on No. 7 highway, 6 miles from. Sarnia. Grades 1 to 5, Apply stating gnaliflca- tions and salary expected to the Secre- tary, Mrs, Irvin Harrison, 01.R, 1, Sarnia, PUSLINCH 'TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA WELLINGTON. COUNTY REQUIRES teachers. Generous salary schedule, 5200 annual increment. Apply stating qualifications, experience, de- nomination and name of last inspector, to, William McCormick, R.R. 2 Pus- linch, Taylor 4-1099, Guelph. PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. No, 4, Yarmouth, Elgin County. Small school, all grades, SALARY, 52,000-$3,100, depending en. qualifications. . APPLY, stating qualifications, expert 0nce, and name of last inspector, to Mrs. John W. Millman, R.R. 1, Sparta, Ont. Duties to begin September, 1959, S,S, No. 4, Albion, Smndhill, County of Peel,. requires fully qualified teacher, Grades to be taught, 1 to 8. APPLY H, Wright, Sec.-rreas., R.R. 2, Mono Road, Ont. ' TEACHERS WANTED BY 0350 TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA SALARY schedule, minimum for quali- fied teacher 53,000 with annual !Here. Ment of $200 to maximum of 94,000. Fifty dollars per year for four years will be allowed for experience. eanage age, religion applying state offormer John G. Currie, Oro Station, Ont, TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA 1s In need of 6 teachers Lor rural f- room schools commencing in. September. Schools 400-a0 miles northuofyToronto Salary Schedule. Minimum for Short Term Cert, 02600 Minimum for 1st or 2nd ,120Q Class Certificate . . . Annual Increment Allowance for Experience 200 (up to 3 years). yearly 4000 Maximum Please state qualifications, experience, religion and name of last Inspector, J. F. Houghton—Newton Robinson, Ont. VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4,000 PENSACOLA, Florida suburban acres bought by Toronto citizens. Ask your buy these bargains while th last. Tender terms. Henry W. Sanborn.. 1313 N. 12th ave. Pensacola. ISSUE 21 — 1959 SLEEP TO -NIGHT Aim RELIEVE NERVOUSNESI 11 Y TO -MORROW To be happy and tranquil Instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedicin tablets according to direcgom, SEDICIN® TABLETS 01.00—$4.95 Orae Stores Oalyl If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve the condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feet Netter, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters.You can depend on Dodds. oo u -rara.xY}t FLOATING ROMANCE? — Sailing past some towering rocks off Italy's famed Capri Itiantk, former Iranian Empress Saroyo and Italian Prince Raimondo Orsini (righi) relax on a mo -tor - boat wish two unidentified companions. Saroya and the Prince are vacationing there, and rumors Khat they plan lo marry are increasing.