The Seaforth News, 1959-04-16, Page 1Authorized as Second Mail ,moil,
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The Seafort
FLOC a Xear
(Phe regular April meeting of near Main street, Mothers could
(Seaforth town council wag New leavetheir children there while
en Monday evening with MaYor shopping, Mr. Pattison said it IS'
,Christie presiding, All members the club's first major project and
they would be glad a
advice. They were not asking for
financial :help, he said They did
not ,think a sun vi o• zld . e
o t n lel s z wet b
needed at the start, there would
always be a, mlother or two there.
It might get people started park-
ing at Victoria Park, which the
council had tried in vain tor sev
oral ,years -to do.
It was thought fencing might
not be needed until a wading
pool was built, when adult super,
Aston would also i)e required.
Councillor N. Cardno said some
form of liability insurance would
be needed to ;protect the town and
club. It was pointed out that at
Bayfield ;the swings are in a car -
were w p dors
except e
ore resent e e 1
t Count
Baldwin and Turnbull
Mrs. W, L. Butt appeared be-
fore counetl as a ratepayer to
give her views about establishing
a board to take aver Maitland
Bank Cemetery by the town. She
said it would be unfair to tax
the ratepayers to .support the ea
sn.ete'ry. Many ratepayers, like
herself, have no one buried in
Maitlandbank, but are or have
,contributed to one or more other
cemeteries 'in which there are
family plots. I should not have to
contribute also to Maitlandbank
Cemetery through m+y taxes, She
said. Mrs. Butt contended that
the costs should be borne by
those who use a cemetery. Putt- ner of the park with no .fence
ing 1t in a different way, she said and no supervision,
-council had wanted to exempt C. Dennis said the °lab had in
Raman Catholic ratepayers from 'mind about a forty toot section
supporting Maitland .Bank Cern- of the park east of the monument
etery. 4 am no different' from a and it was decided to have the
town solicitor draw up an agree-
ment between the Kinsmen and
town for use of the required land,
Mr. Dennis said a wading pool
would be used by the •one and
two year olds, with their moth-
ers watching. A 5 -year-old boy is
too old for a wading pool, he said.
Kids over eight seldom go near
a wading pool,
The 'parks committee consist-
ing of Councillors Cardno, Rivers
and Turnbull will mneet next week
with the Kinsmen to further
study the project.
.Reeve 03011 ,reported nothing
new for relief.
.Councillor Rivers'said an inves-
tigation 4s under way to find •out
Who drained the water out•ef the
tank •on the are truck. The 600
-gallon tank was dry. --when the
Arndt was called to a' grass are.
There is no leak :in the tack and
someone must have drained the
water 'down the grate in the fire
hall. The fire .hall is locked but
firemen sometimes break the
glass to get the key.
Mayor Christie said there had
been .criticism that eight fh•emen
'went to the fire at Brucefield,
leaving only one nran available
to answer a second call while
they were away. He ,had picked
up a couple of volunteers •on the
street and taken' .the truck to
rl+lginondviile. It was understood
only Roue men are supposed to go
out .on the rural truck.
The .Mayor thought the firemen
Should see that some are left to
protect the town. Same agree-
ment is needed, he thought.
Councillor Turnbull had left
word lie had nothing to report as
northing further had been receiv-
ed from the Water Resources.
Permission was given the -Sup-
ertest service station to connect
to the sewer at the manhole. on
the north Bide of tGoderich street.
Detailed floor plans of the ter-
mer shoe' factory were shown- to
council. They had been obtained
by the industrial comnhittee and
were prepared by Mr. DeGn-oot of
Bell . Industries,
.A. request by James 'Wallace
to connect to town water at his
lot in Egmondvtlle bordering on
Seaforth, was granted.
The financial report revealed
that a grant in lieu of taxes on
the post office building for last
,years amounts to $1,898.00, an .in-
crease of - nearly '$400 aver the
preview; year.
• Building permits were approv-
ed to J. T. Atkinson for garage
and poroh,.;$1,100; to B. F. Chris-
tie, •dismantling barn and build-
ing garage, $500.
The police report showed the
usual grist of ,business. The pol-
ice car had been driven over ,250b
;miles, of which 1,350 was town
patrolling, balance to bring back
a prisoner.
A setter from Mddwestenn On-
tario Development _Assn. invited
councillors to a meeting at .Strata
ford April 29th. '
The usual 'bylaw granting a 10
mill rebate on farm lands in the.
municipality was passed.
Councillor Habkirk said there'
were objections to the town ponce
attending rural fires at town ex-
pense. The police • -committee were
instructed to arrange that the
police remain within the town
limits unless there is a definite
Councillor Haubkirk reported
that the- Mr. Wilson who built
arena hand been here with some
of his men. They had carefully
inspected ,the, arena and are to
make . an estianate of coot of re-
pairs, They had reported .that
the condition is not dangerous to
coidttpsing, but some 'posts at the
-front ,are rotted, some completely
ire. away at base: The roof at this,
(Prices .roti• been received from part is supported by centre
five dealers on -a truck. In the posts. Mr. 1llabkirk had gather
absence of Chairman Baldwin it ,ed from the conversations that
was left for the property commit- repairs -would be around $3,000.
tee to bring -in a recommendation, Mr, .Wilson had suggested .grad -
the same with a bid on the old ing the earth away from the side
waterworks .property, Mayor said so that air could circulate, also
he also had a rental proposition, treating new material with ciao -
There was also a, bid for the sate.
town, horse,
Councillor 'Brady reported he
had received more information on
the pension plan :for town emp-
loyees and the committee would.
meet ,and make a recommenda-
Messrs. 1E'attison ' and• Dennis
were a deputation from the inns
wren to discuss with council a
project for a playground in Vic-
toria Park dor young -tots, .con-
eizting of 'a teeter, swings, sand
box and later a wading pool,
Catholic in this respect, she said,
because neither -have Z' any ,plot
in this cemetery, .
$} Mrs, Butt thought. Exeter cem-
etery world be an 'excellent one
to use as -a pattern. Exeter cem-
etery is 95 years old and has nee-
er cost the ratepayers of that
town a cent, Mrs, Butt pointed
out, not even when ,they built a
mausolenln several'years ago,
It is 'a beautiful cemetery, she
told council.
Councillor William Ball said
Clinton cemetery was not •naw
costing their ratepayers four
(mills, that was only when a
mausoleum was erected. The tax
rate is now only a fraction of a'
mill at Clinton for the cemetery.
He understood Exeter cemetery
rates had always been, double the
(rates of other cemeteries:
Mrs. Butt replied that was all
right. It is the lot owners who
should pay, not outsiders.
Dr. Brady outlined the circum-
stances leading to council's deci-
sion to take over Maitland Bank
Cemetery. Mfrs. Butt said they
should eget the money from lot
"There are 'lots of people in
town feel as I de, but are too ti-
mid to say so," Mrs. (Butt 'told
Mayor Christie said several
temporary burials had to be matte
at Mitchell mausoleum .this win-
ter due to lack of facilities here.
He did not think a five mill rate
would be necessary to finance the
cemetery. The present funds
can be used for a mausoleum, he
Dr. Brady said under the law
the cemetery neo-`utd-revert to Mc-
Killop township when Northside'
Church gives it up. unless Sea -
forth takes it over. The town.
'solicitor is preparing a bylaw ac-
cording to the cemetery act.
Later Dr. Brady told council
'he had a letter from the Dept. of
• IElealth saying they were of the
-opinion any cemetery tax must
be 'levied on the general rate and
thus there could be no exemption
for St. .Same& Roman Catholic
.Councillors expressed .satisfac-
ion that a ratepayer hadtaken
the trouble to come to the meet-
'ing, and express her views.
- + Chairman Scott Habkirk of the
streets oammittee reported trees.
cut down and :tree trimming, two
.culverts on 'Brantford St, were
repaired and a culvert an Cole-
man street, also drain on West
'William. 'Two loads of •cold
patch from Preston and one load
from Clinton had been applied to
repair street holes. Frank Mur-
ray was' -working as an extra • man
for this work. He reported a re-
quest •for sidewalk extensions, an
`Ch'alk street nonth, to the Ron
Drager, VanM4l, and Wm. O'Shea
',houses, -and 'to Wm, Nediger's
`house on Ann street. It mos de-
•eided to do this work within a
couple .of months using asphalt.
A motion -was passed to purch-
ase -rt.-portable sprayer which the
town rented `last year. The price
will be $365 'less lest year's rent-
al of $50. Councillor Habkirk
figured the -sprayer will pay, for
itself in ane yea)•—an out of -town
:firm had charged $800 last spring
for patching, cost of materials be-
ing only $250. Also five minutes
work with the sprayer does a bet-
ter job than a man working with
a brush for an hour. The surface
must be dry, to use the sprayer,
also useful for sidewalk work.
The black top for the sprayer
,comes in 45 gal. drums,
Reeve ;Bald reported that se
merchant eonuplaiazdd about dust
tram the street sweeping. reach -
The fifth in the series of Selz.
forth Ladies ,Bowling Club bridge
and euchre parties was held at
the home of lira;L IB; Melanson
Thursday evening. Prize winners
w,ero Mrs, Preston Tabor and
Mrs, L. 13. Meianson, The hostess play of ,thessirrgs and literature. J. F. 'Eckert who was, presented
was assisted by Mrs, J, G. Brock, Others assisting were Mrs. N.1 with a luggage set, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. W, Dundas, Mrs, Bradford 1Scbins,' les, 0, Oke, Mrs. Robert Eckert and family etre moving to
Smith, Mrs. E, H. Close, Mrs, Wright, Mrs, Thelma Wright and 'Simon where he will be manager
T -I, Whyte expressed thanks to Mrs, Bethune, Visitors from of that branch of Canadian Can -
Victoria Park Teas central and the hostess and lentil 0o111nnittee, Clinton find Goderioii attended, nets.'
MacNaughton Choic(
of Huron Delegates
(Charles MaoNaughtcnn, M.P.P.,
was, the unanimous choice of the
Progressive Conservative rally to
nominate a candidate for the pro.
vincial riding of Huron, Monday
night at Clinton.
At t11a i
-sam a meeting tin D • E . A.
McMaster of (Seaforth was named
President of the Huron associa-
tion succeeding g g
c d n George tGinn who
announced his retirement. Other
officers named i a nen d inolixded:'vice pre-
sidents, H'a'rvey Niemen, 1Virs.
May Mooney and Douglas Free-
man; secretary, James .Donnelly;
treasurer, John Morrissey, who
succeeds • Peter Eisenbach of
Grand Bend, treasurer for more
than 30 years; and directors, G.
Webb, Dan Beuermann; Ca'rl Dra-
per, Ernest Ross, Luther Penhale,
Bill Bllerington, Bill Dale, Blgin,
McKinley, Willis Dundee, Charles
Rau, (Gordon 'Bloch, Jerome Diet-
rich, Fred Dobbs,
Dr. 111. D. .Dymond, Ontario
health minister, told the meeting
that' more than 93 per cent of the
Population of Ontario voluntarily
joined the Provincial Govern-
ment's hospital insurance plan
before the scheme went .into ef-
fect, This 'figure was beyond our
wildest dreams, he said. The plan
has gone into operation smoothly.
Dr, Dymond mentioned that
the 1,200 bed hospital for the
treatment of mental illness at
Goderieh would be started around
the first of July, this 'year, He
North R d hC. Dalton Reelected
Slate( ^trrl Local.D Il1.J Pres.
At the: annual meeting of Sea -
Porth Partner's Union, Carl Dal -
Develop ent tenreported the had met both JRKiliop and Tuckersmith councils,
Mc -
.Possibility that ,County Road asking their intention on grants.
No, 12; from Segforth, through The 011`33 are opposed to grants
W lton and Bru els to H iwaas it
affects their -direct c member -
80, may be rebuilt in the, not too ship, but when a township gives
distant 'future by the Province anati e
ghant the Ol1U have no alter-
and County of Heron, as a Devel-v to asking for .a g'n^ant
opment. Road, was announced en equal to Fed'eration's,
Monday evening Iv Charles Mac. Mr. Dalton said both -councils
Naughton, M,P.P,k at the morning ware willing to 'co-operate with
tion meeting. OFIJ as much as possible,
Known here aa'the North Road A letter from head office stet -
it has been an .important artery ed that voluntary requisition on
of trade' since .the early • days members having their 'clues coil -
when grain was hauled by wagon sated in taxes had been passed in
to Seaforth from as far north as parliament, anti a h
Walkerton, township would havebylaw to ireby pasSeac-
The road front Seaforth to Wal-
tonallow is in bad sliape add antiquat- Bob Taylor was introduced by
ed. Hairpin turns at Grieve's the pres., and he stated that the
bridge and sharp burns at Walton
brief presented to Prost cabinet
make it'dangerons. No rebuilding in February is recognized as the
has been done on this section for best brief on agriculture that has
upwards of $5 years, been presented. It was worth
Asked by The (Seaforth• News while for anyone to get a copy of
about lit on Wednesday, Mr, Mac- Hansard. for Marah 19, IIe stated
Naughton stressed that lsueh• a he had met with agria committee
project "is for the future:' It chairman to have bylaw drafted
is not'ltlie policy of the Dept. of
for county to pay 20 per cent of
(highways to have. more than one
rabies cost. Chairman. had stat-
Developmeut Road in progress in ed be thought this would be drone
a county, at one ,time. Work is not at next county council meeting
completed yet on 'the Auburn to and did not think a brief from
Dunlop road, • 0FU necessary. Mr, Taylor said
Mr. MaaNaughton said he was he was pleased the government
meeting with Huron County road had accepted OFU •defiieiency
payment plan. It was up to the
members to see it was adnninis-
Officers elected: ,Pres„ Carl
Dalton (asci,); vice pies„ Ken
Carnochan; sec. - treas., George
Stone; directors—Gerald VanDen
Hengel, Orville Storey, John Hen-
derson, .Russell Dolmage, Bob
Dalton, Boyd Driscoll, Sam Mc-
Clure, Gill Grovier, On motion
of Orville Storey and 'Bill Grovier
the CPU will send a letter to Hib-
bert council' congratulating them
in disooutinuing grants and wish
this to be .continued. A barn
dance sponsored by OFU will be.
in Zurich May -lath.
oiiicia'is on Wednesday to discuss
said tenders for ¢drainage. SYS- dstaile of ,the project and would
tens on the site would be called lay the ,matter before the Dept.
at that time and contract for the of Highways later in the week.
construction of a power plant to I.IIe telt there is a good chance to
serve the hospital would•follow I get .the project adapted by start -
closely. ing discussions new.
dI•on. Dr, Dylrnond, speaking at
Clinton Monday evening, . also re -
tetrad to one Development Road
in progress in Huron county,
and a second such road is in•
A Development Road is •
Provincial highway specifications
by the Province and county. Land
where necessary for widening,
Health." etc., is purchased by the -county.
The road remains ,in the . county
Toad system.
From time to time in the past,
towns along the way have sug-
gested that if this link were mod-
ernized it would open up an im-
portant tourist route, being the
shortest way from the border to
the north .country.
The health minister -said that
the project bad been delayed be-
cause of difficulties in tying in
-construction of the new Goderich
water system. He said contrary
to popular opinion, the institution
would not bo a school for retard-
ed children. "It will more likely
be a multi-purpose institution
covering the whole field of mental
The death of Norine Isabel Lit-
tle, beloved wife of Alexander A.
Kett of McKillop, occurred in
Victoria hospital, London, on
April 12th, following one month's
illness. Born in Toronto, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mfrs. Percy Little
of Seaforth, she dived moat of her
Ute In McKillop. In 1939 She was
married to. Alexau-ler Kerr at
Winthrop nianse. Besides her
husband and parents she is- ' sur-
vived by three sons and two dau-
ghters, Clendon, William and Ke-
vin, Karen and Linda, all at
home; also one sister and two
brothers, Mrs, Louis (Marion)
Balton, McKillop; Reginald, St.
Catharines. and William, McKil-
lop. She was a member of Cavan
United Church and had been a
member of the W.MJS. and Wo-
man's Auxiliary.
The funeral took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon from. the Box
funeral .hone, Seaforth. Rev. W.
II. Siimrnerell officiated. Inter-
ment was in Maitlandbank ceme-
The pallbearers were :Glen Mc-
Clure, Dou McClure, Eric Ander-
son, Lawrence Byre, Dawson
Smith Jr., Wilson Little. Flow-
erbearers, Garry Little, Ken Mc-
Clure, bidward Campbell, Jack
McClure, Ron Little, Ron Mc-
Seaforth Home and :School will.
meet Tuesday. April 21st at '8.1.31.
Mrs. R. E. K. Pemberton, presid-
ent of 'Canadian Assoc. of Con-
sumers,- London, will be guest
speaker. Members are asked to
please bring an article for the
penny sale.
The April ,meeting of Group 1
of Northside United Church was
:held at the :home of Mrs. 3).
Wood. Co-pres., Mrs, E. Williams,
opened the meeting with a poem,
"Wit's Nand Corner." .Roll call
was answered by 24 members and
Presentation To
Trewartha Family
A gathering in honor of Mr.
and MTs, Irvin Trewartha was
held at Winthrop on Friday
night. Winners at euchre were:
Ladies most game% Mrs. Russell
Bolton; lone hands!, Little;
cons., Mrs. Glen McClure; linen's
most games, •Ken Betties; lone
hands, Mahlon Sander; cons., G.
An .address was read by Russell
T. Bolton and presentation of a
large ruirror - lite ,picture lamp
was made to Mr. and Mrs. Tre-
wartha by Oliver 'Bryce and a
grey leather travelling bag was
presented- to Ron Trewartha by
Hari MOSpadclen.
'The address: Dear Irvin, Eve-
lyn and Ron, Many years ago the
great poet .William -Shakespeare
used the •pli?'ase "Parting is such
sweet sorrow." Tonight this ex -
,pression very adequately expres-
ses the feelings in our hearts.
The departure of a family from
any commdnity invariably leaves
a gap. This gap is Particularly
noticeable when made by a fam-
ily such as yourselves and who
C. W. L. Holds
Annual Meeting
-A. delicious pot luck supper was
held on Tuesday evening, mark-
ing ,the annual meeting of the Ca-
tholic Women's League. The guest
speaker for the occasion was Miss
Margaret Brophy et IWingliam,
who spoke 'mil her trip to Bermu-
da, also showing slides.
Mrs. S. McConnell gave a vote
-of thanks to Mies Brophy for her
very interesting resume which
everyone enjoyed, Angela Dever-
eaux sang a solo,
The president, Mrs. M. Ltue, di-
rected the regular monthly meet-
ing, Secretary's report was given
by firs, J. Case; first vice, Mrs.
J. Maloney reported 130 members,
third vice, Mrs, M. Williams re-
ported plants sent to the 'Sisters
of St. Joseph, and eggs to -the
(louse of Providence, London, for
Laster. ,Correspondence was` read
by Mrs. L. Leonharcit and treas-
urer's report was given by Mrs,
A. Stiles.
The annual reports were read
by the various officers which
showed a very successful year.
Mrs. J. Maloney presented Mrs.
M. Ltue with a corsage and a
gift for 'her splendid achieve-
ments during her ;years aa presi-
dent, Mrs. Ltue • made a fitting
reply, thanking the ladies for
their co-operation.
Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mrs. J. L. Slat-
tery and Mrs. Wm. Hart, nomina-
ting committee, presented the
have grown up and develo1ednew slate of officers, who were
within the community.' l installed by Father Sullivan, 1Spi-
We shall miss you all ,greatly, I ritual Director, and repeated the
your cheerful acceptance of all Act of Consecration.
the duties of'good eitizens; your Officers are: Bast •pres., Mrs,
gracious hospitality and cheerful M. Btue; Pres., Mrs. J. Maloney;
smiles will long be remembered first vice pres., Mrs. G, Reynolds;
by all of us. second vice Pres., Mas. M. Wil -
Nevertheless our sense of per- hams; third vice pres., MTS. 0.
sonal loss will be "sweetened" by Hewitt; res. 'sec., Mrs. G. Bannon,
the knowledge that you are able corr, sec„ Mrs. L. Leonhardt;
to retire from the arduous labors trees., Mrs. A. Stiles.
of faran work while you are still - `father 'Sullivan gave a short
On and able to enjoy address complimenting .the o&fic-
.the pleasures of living without err of the past year for the work
they had accomplished and wel-
comed the new executive.
Mrs. J. Case won the mystery
two visitors. It was decided to Wthe fear so gladbtlities.
hold the bazaar on Nov, 14. The u- are so glad to know that
The' your new .home is not so far dis-
p'rogsam was conducted by Mrs. I tart but that you will be able to
17. Adams reading a .poem, Scrip- return very frequently among us
Lure was taken by Mrs: E. Mills
followed by prayer by Mrs. W.
Ball. Mrs, •Cuthill read a story.
Mrs, Steffen showed a lovely
-display of foam rubber which she
had made, also gave a demonstra-
tion of making flowers and cush-
ions. A social half hour followed
with Mrs, flarnham and Mrs. Ea-
ton serving lunch. Mre. Close
thanked -the hostess ,and commit-
A very successful Daffodil tea.
was beld by the Seaforth and
District Branch of the Canadian
Cancer ,Society on Saturday, Ap-
ril 11th, in the newly decorated
rooms of the town hall
The guests were received by
Mrs. J. Talbot, wife of the :presi-
dent, and Mrs, Harvey Mason,
publicity Convener.
.Pouring tea were Mrs. D. Ben-
ermanu, Mrs, 3, II, ,James, Mrs,
B, F. Christie and 'Kn. 'William
Gall. !Serving the guests were
Mrs, 17, Slattery, Mrs, J. McCon-
nell, Mrs, Margaret Platt -anti
Mrs. Ji Doig.
MTs. N. MacLean, convener 'of
the service committee, had a
and we are Hooking forward to
many happy reunions. We ask
you to accept these gifts as a me-
mento of the many happy years
we have spent together. May you
have many years of health, happ-
iness, and prosperity in your Sea-
forth home; to the wish of your
friends and neighbors.
' John Gaffney, Stratford, con-
tractor, started work Tuesday re-
building Br-ock's Supertest. station
at the corner of Main and Gode-
rich street,
The Men's Court of C.O.F. held
a successful euchre Friday even-
ing when 21 tables enjoyed pro-
BUY 3 at the
regular price receive a
41h for ONLY $11°0 more
(Dessert She)
et $7.00 each
(Den/0 SW)
ca 97.00 each
at 93.50 each
For Only
$i,00 more
Por Only
E140 more
For Only
$100 more
NOTE: The above items apply to Prelude Joan of Arc . Enchantress
Pine Spray (Rhapsody & Royal Danish slightly higher)
This Special Offer closes May 6th. Don't delay: order to -slay !
Mr. Stanley Hall, Wingham, outside physical exercise, so We
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall of have a re -arranged ,time table.
Ethel. visited Sunday with Mr. On Tuesday, April 14 we got
and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt and family. out tuberculin skin tests. A few
braves looked rather pale and
wan as they approached the
threatening needle, but so far all
have survived.
The singers are studying very
hard now on their festival music.
The songs, with a lot of practicer
are starting to take form and
sometimes we even stay in tune.
The main bulletin board in the
hall has been redecorated in
fashion. A pert apple green -color
provides a ,pretty background 101•
spring flowers. birds and animals•
Congratulations, :Catherine!
dt has been announced at the
general assembly that there will
be no May tests, and the only for-
mal set of exams will be in June.
The Freshmen and Sophomores
having an average 0f 66 per cent
or over will be exempt from 'writ-
ing the finals. The Juniors and
Seniors are less fortunate and
will be writing the whole set.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dexter of
Blyth visited Monday with Mn,
and Mrs. Charles Dexter.
Wins County Honors
Miss Glenyce •Jewitt, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt,
who successfully won first place
in the essay written on "Belong-
ing to a Co-operative" sponsored
by Hullett Federation of Agricul-
ture, was successful in winning
county honors and Tuesday even-
ing of this week at Londesboro
was presented with these honors
and also read her essay. She will
receive $25,00 with this 1 honor.
We congratulate Glenyce and
wish her 'further success when
She enters into the Provincial
Mr. and Mrs, Charles 'Dexter.
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Cunningham of Auburn Wednes-
Warden Wm. Jewitt left Wed-
nesday by plane for Ottawa.
where he will spent] a couple of
days on county business.
Mr. and Mrs. William Staple-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple-
gressive euchre. Prizes Tor the ton and Jeanne have returned
evening went to: Ladies' High, from St. Petersburg, Florida.
Miss Mae Smith; Ione, Miss Dol- Mm, and 'Lire. Martin Brick of
Dol -
:nage; low, Mrs. Mowatt; men's Detroit with Mrs, Kathleen Fee -
]high, Niekey Whyte; lane, Waiter rue -Y,
McClure, and low, Bert McClure. Ian and Mrs. Alfred MnoDon-
Lunch was served and (landing gall incl children; Loudon, with
followed. The next euchre will Mr, and wit's, Joe Jar -len.
be held April 24 and there will Mr, Robert Byrne, II)milton,
be draws for two chairs. Also a, anti bliss Monica Byrne, with
dance will w h nt blrs. Tam Kelly at ,
Farr•ier's orchestrafollowitof WGarhitee- Mh, andiliis. HuBlythgh holly in
church in attendance. Every one Port Credit with Mr. and Mrs.
TO FORM AUXILIARY keep in mini this date and D. Loftus,
On .Monday, April 20th, a nee- watch for full announcement. Mr, and biro. Frank Loans in
ting to further the organization Mrs. Wm. Dale, Kathy and London,
of the Ladies' Auxiliary to .Huron Cheryl spent Saturday with her Mr. and Mrs, Terry Flannery
County Rome .for Senior Citizens another, Mrs. McMichael of Go- have returned home from Hamil-
will be held in the auditorium of derich. ton.
the home -at Clinton at 2,30 p.m, Mr, Lyle Montgomery is spend• Mr. Albert Morris of Sasltateh
The ladies of the ,county are very ing several days with friends on 'swan with bh•, Tom .Dorsey and
•cordially hnvited`to attend, Manitoulin Island., bra', and Mrs. Joe Dorsey,
Miss Helen Meal -vein of .Strat-
ford is spending a few stays at Mr. and Mrs, John i{rauskopf
Mr, Art Devereaux, Mr. 3, M, her parental home. and family,
Eckert, 13111', Con Eckert and Dr, Mr, Peter Patterson, of ,Hamil- lilt. anal Virs, l`ergus Horan in.
T, R. Windy, Goderich, wea'e in ton, Roemer 'Huron county engin-
whin 13', anti b•Irs,
B.idgetown Thursday and atten• der, visited Saturday with Mr, Patrielc Woods,
dei a party at the Legion hail for and Mrs. ,Frank Riley, Dlr. and Mrs, A. 1V1cDotrgall and
Miss ,Darlene Webb of Dash- children, London, with Mr. and
wood spent a few clays with her Mt's• Jos. Jordan,
cousin, Miss Lynda Pr•esscator, IIIO>H St II00L NLWS
Mr, and Mrs. jack Taylor of ' By Marto Sclaoonctei•aone•d
Walton visited Sunday 'with Mr, Classes have started their sum -
and Mrs, James Dale, met seheeinle, providing time for
The monthly meeting of the
Hannah Home and School was
held last Wed. evening. Sirs. K.
Sharpe opened the meeting and
business was discussed after
which the meeting was turned
over to blr, T. Fox. Questions
were asked on -discipline of chil-
dren in the home which proved
very enlightening. Lunch was
served by the ladies.
The death occurred in Toronto
General Haspital.about 3 p.m., on
Tuesday, April 14th,"0f John 11,
Pethick of Seaforth in his 08111
year, Mr. Pethiak had been ailing
for four months and was seriously
ill the past three weeks. Ile was
born at Winthrop where he at-
tended school. In early life be 0, as
a carpenter. Surviving are Iwo
daughters, Margaret, Mrs. Mol -
bourne Breen, Long Branch; Jean,
Mrs. McWaters, Smith's Pnlls;
and four sisters, Maude, Mrs. Far-
row, .Brussels; Lilly, Mrs, Robert
Joytzt, Seaforth; Ada, Mrs. Janes
WaImslry, Seafortlt; Grace, Mrs,
Watson Sholdice, Brussels.
The funeral will take place on
April 17th at 2 p.rn, from she G,
A. 'Whitney funeral. hone, Coder-
icb St., Seaforth.. Captain Tared'
Watkins, Salvation Army, Cltet-
haan,. will officiate, btlsint'1 will
be tit Maitla.nclbank comm..