HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-04-09, Page 511 SPA5ORTH NUTS—Thursday, April 9, 1959 SPRING SEE OUR SPRING -TIME VALUES SAVAGE MOWERS Reel & Rotary TORO MOWERS --. New type with bag ELECTRIC WELD WIRE - 1" x 3 ft, and 4 ft. POULTRY NETTING AND CHAIN LINK Thor Washing Machine with Pump C, C. M, Bicycles Tricycles and Roller Skates SPECIAL ON BASEBALL GLOVES Glass Lined Water Heaters Stainless Steel Sinks -- Double and Single Duro and Beatty Pumps Pease and Wingham Furnaces -- Gas, Oil & Coal Free Estimates on Plumbing and Heating Problems AVOID THAT MESSY CELLAR. PUT IN A SUMP PUMP — NOW PLUMBIC\.. HEATING HARDWARE QUALITY FhONE 56 SER�'iGE Seaforth Chamber of Commerce GENERAL MEETING SEAFORTH TOWN HALL Tuesday, April 14 -8 P.M. sharp Two Films "Power and Passage" and "From Dream to Reality" A cordial invitation is extended to all Seaforth and District citizens interested in Chamber of of Commerce work Remember: Meni'ibership in Your Chamber of Commerce doesn't cost . . . it pays ! ANNOUNCEMENT J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Wishes to announce the opening of a modern frame selection and Dispensing Room, in the Seaforth Office and would welcome the opportunity of showing you the -latest styles of. ophthalmic eyewear. When oculists' prescriptions are filled here, it includes all further adjustment services. 0. OF 0. TO MEET Tuesday evening, April 14th at 8 Chamber of Commerce Week, pan.' Two Bite will be shown. April 12-18, will ibe observed in The week will also see the Seaforth by a general greeting on start of a ,membership campaign. 1957 "CHEVROT RT SEDAN DELUXE 1957 DODGE "8" SEDAN 1956 FORD COACH, Radio 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1957* OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1956 DODGE COACH 1953 MORRIS MINOR 1950 METEOR SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone '541 PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that. in ,view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run at :large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice'from this date, November 12, 1958. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen ilYlllgla,lnnlllbb,lnr,Iuu,11111111a,1111111aUnnnuaa1Jinn nnnultallllntullnln,a ll,,,a„1ual11nlllUnlul TOWN TOPICS Miss Margaret Wynne of For;- est, or•est, wile was visiting with her 00006111, Miss Donnie Britton for the plaster holidays, returned home on Saturday. Mr. john Weber, Toronto. vis- ited last week with friends. Ail'. and Mrs, John Aubin spent last week end in Godericll with Mr. and Mre, Lloyd Anbin. Mr. and Mrs, Chas..Counter, of. Toronto, were guests last week of Mrs, M4py Hersey and Adios Wil- liams. Miss Yvonne Bolton of St. Tho - Inas visited last week with her mother, Mrs. L. Bolton. Brother .Joseph McQuaid, of Pembroke .spent a Yew days last week with his mother, Mrs, Jos. McQuaid. Rev. Thos. McQuaid, Scarborough, recently visited his mother. Mrs, J. C. Britton is attending, the Conference branch of W.MJS. in Chatham on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Meet- ings are being held in 'Park St. United Church. Mrs, Roy Brown has returned Brom a three week trip to Flor- ida, Mrs. J, L. Devereaux attended the wedding of her niece, Sheila Robinson. in Toronto .Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Van Tright and family, Arra, Miss Rita Duncan,. Ottawa, and Mr. Basil Duncan, London, were visitors recently with Mrs. Wm. Duncan, Mrs. Grace Hoggarth has ret- urned to New Hamburg after spending the Easter holidays at her home here, Misses Patricia Faulkner arid Miss Lillian Faulkner spent a few days in Toronto. • Mrs, P. D. McConnell was in Windsor last week, Mrs. Thos. Molyneaux. Dublin is visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs. K. 1Dtue, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Siart are holidaying in Florida. Mrs. Margaret Anderson of Co-' bourg and Mr. and MTS. , John Dick of Center Line, Mich., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Trapnell Miss Patricia Faulkner, Galt, spent Easter with her aunt, Miss Lillian Faulkner. .Rev. and 'Mrs, J. C. Britton and family visited friends In Forest on Saturday. Beards are much in .evidence .in that town indicating intensive preparations for the old home week to be held later this year. BORN Born, in Scott Memorial hospital: Ramsay—To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ramsay, Cromarty, a daughter, on Ap- ril 411, 1969. Devereaux—To Mn and Mrs. James Devereaux, Seaforth r.r. 4, a• daughter, on April 4, 1969. Van):{ompen—To Mr. and Mrs. And- rew VanKompen, Seaforth ,'.r. 3, a son, on April 4, 1959. Nash—To Mr. and' Mrs. James Nash, Seaforth r.r. 5, a son, on April 6, 1969 Bowie—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bow- ie, Seaforth r.r. 4, a daughter, on Apr. 8th, 1959. First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 A.M. CHURCH SCH00L AND YOUTH FELLOWSHIP CLASS 11 A.M.— "A WOUNDED NAME" Music—Anthem, Senior Choir. "rr IS HIGH TIME TO -AWAKE" (Spinney) 7 P.M.— "A QUALITY OF LIFE" Music—Anthem, Junior Choir "SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER" (Peery) EVERY ONE WELCOME H. A. KEMPSTER Organist and Choir Leader Egmondville United Church Dr, J. SEMPLE, Minister Lyle Hammond, Organist & Choir Leader This "Ad" is dedicated to the cause of the Cancer Foundation. Be generous 11 A.M. Subiect FROM DOUBT TO DEDICATION 10 a.m. Church School and Min- ister's Bible Glass. Official Board close of Morning Service "Fight Cancer with a Check-up and a Cheque" DR. McMASTER will show his film and give a talk on his trip to Japan Northside United Church Friday, April 17 8 P.M. Admission 35c Children 12 and under -15e Sponsored by Group 3, W.A. Euchre - Dance. Foresters Hall, Constance Friday, April 10 8.30 P.M. Admission 50c. Lunch provided 'z DORIS Beauty Salon Main St., Seaforth Phone 373 CO-OP INSURANCE • , Automobile • Truck and Cargo Insurance • Farm Liability and Tractor Ins. • Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187 J John Street SEAFORTH Insure the Co-op way and you insure the Wright way TOWN TOPICS Air, and Mrs, Prank Stock of London, Mr, and Mrs, Jelin Mea- gher, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, lia- r'ald Meagher,, Dublin, and their families, with Mi', and Mrs, jack Meagher, JO,SE1'I% 1lfILj 1013 The funeral took place on Mon- day at St, James' Roman Cathol- ic Church of Joseph Miller, who died Friday at :St. lVlary's Hospi- tal, London, where he had been confined for the past five veal's, He was in his 80th year, Born in Waterloo, Mr. Miller had lived in Detroit until moving to Seaforth in 1951. His wife died in 1957, being the dormer Catherine Wil- Hams, Rev. C. E. iSuliivan offic- iated and burial was in St. James cemetery. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Oliver Yallot and son Jim of Islington, also yrs. Jas, Black of Belmont spent Easter week with their parents, Mr. and Airs. V!iallialn Seotcluner. Misses M. and J. Sterling. Bay - held. also Mrs, Geo. Sinton of Sioseoe, visited Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, W. Scotehmer. DAFFODIL TEA Saturday, April 11 Under the auspices of the Sea - forth and District Cancer Society 2- 6 P.M. In the Town Hall Everyone welcome BROWNIE'S Wigrn CLINTON, ONTARIO OPENING FOR THE SEASON THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Watch for further announcement TO WESTERN CANADA To Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver orntkeeta/ c The COOI/OEOIA! For information and reservations contact your'nearest CNR Agent T.94 always ready to help Happy the homemaker who has electricity (and an eager'young daughter) to help her about the house. Just try to name one thing other than electricity that helps bathe children, shave husbands, wash clothes, cook meals, refrigerate food and clean the house. Electricity ... only electricity . . . does all these things and many more that help to make today's family living more pleasant ... yet it costs just a few cents a day. There's nothing like electricity ... use it to the full because it's yours to enjoy. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. si HYDRO is yours 46D-R.+EZ A saucer of household is left in the oven overnight loosens burnt - on -grease, makes cleaning much easier. A of household ammonia left in the oven loosens makes cleaning easier. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY .A