HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-04-09, Page 4Your new TELEPHONE BOOK has many new and changed numbers 9�r Save time and trouble! Avoid wrong numbers! • Look them up! • Jot them down! • Dial carefully! Be sure to bring your Blue Book of Telephone Num- bers up to date! If you'd like new booklets—regular or pocket size— give us a call at the Telephone Busi- ness Office, or droe in for them. They're free. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA There's also a wealth of information in the introductory pages of your Telephone Book Tow11 of Seaforth .Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. S. F. Christie Mayor Farm Forum and Federation of Agriculture SAFE DRIVING RALLY LONDESBOR0 HALL April 14th, Tuesday evening at 8.30 sharp Film and Point System presented by Constable Hardy, Ont. Prov. Police TV. Farm Forum from CILNR Prizes awarded to winners of Essay Contest Ladies please bring sandwiches or cookies. Coffee will be supplied Everyone welcome 4liiiiillliiiill CONSTANCE Mrs, 4, iW; Bromley, Kitchener, spent the week end With 'her pa- rents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Janlos-Dille. Mrs, 1\!i11. Knox and Mrs. Flo- rence Chowen of Clinton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jaines 1)tlle, Mr. \\rm. Dale flew to Indiana on Sunday inhere he .was attend- ing the Fuller Farms guernsey dispersal hell Monday aril Tues- day of this week. ' Mr. a nUMrs, Wmi, MOROrie and family of Warwick visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. VIr1u. Jewitt and family -and Mrs. Jewitt Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Medd, Da- vid and Jimmy attended a dinner Saturday evening in honor or Mrs. Medd1's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Blyth, the ocea- sion of their 40th wedding anni- varsary. Mr. Roy Lawson of Seatorth, and Mr. Norman Willis and Carl of Kitchener visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson and Reg. Mrs, Agnes Farnham of Clin- ton, who passed away in London this past week. brings` sadness to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacGregor and family. Mrs. Far- nham was an aunt of Mr, Mac. Gregor and was well known in this section having taught school at SS No..8 and SS No. 1, Hallett many years ago. After the funer- al all the family returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mac- Gregor. iSympathy is extended to all the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn of Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Warden and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt on Monday attended the ,Citizen- ship ceremony at the court house 'in Goderich when 62 new 'Canad- ians received their citizenship Papers after which a reception was held, prepared by the mem- bers of the IODE. Mrs. Earl Lawson and Mr, Reg Lawson spent Monday in London. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman (Brock of Thorndale visited Monday with Mr. and Ml's. Wm. Jewitt and family. Miss Joyce Jewitt re- turned with them to spend a few days.,, BRODHAGEN Beverley Jane Hoegy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hcegy, was baptised during the Sunday morning service with MT. and Mrs. Frank Elcknneir and Mr. and Mrs. Peel Boyd the spon- sors along with the parents. ,Sympathy of the community is extended to the family and rela- tives of John Jacob. of Kitchener, and former resident here, whose funeral was held Here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith ,and family of Blenheim visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Smith. Miss Audrey Hodgert spent the Taster holidays with her grand- mother, Mrs. Schilbe at .Exeter. Miss Patricia Querengesser, of Mitchell, spent the holidays with her cousin, Beverley Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck and David, of Milverton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Queren- gesser and family, Miss Barbara Clark, Mitchell, Mrs. W. L. Quer. engesser. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ahrens and family at the home Hear Hon. M. B. Dymond, Mi. Minister of Health for Ontario AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AND NOMINATION OF THE Progressive Conservative Association For the provincial riding of Huron MONDAY, APRIL 13 8.30 p.m. Clinton Legion Memorial Hall GEORGE GINN, President JAMES DONNELLY, Sec'y GOD SAVE THE QUEEN , �IIIIIII,Iaa1i11111111111111I11I I IIi11111111, 11111,11 i I I II I I II I I I II I I II I111111II I I (I ( I I I I, 11111111,1,111111111111111 11111111111 l it I I I II I1111111111111111111111a,11111I I I I1111111II II II I III I III I I I II ....... I It1 of Mr, and Mrs. Russell 81101di66 0)1 Sunday, celebrating JI0YerleY'$ 8th birthday. Mrs, Dan Fischer and 111'. Geo. 1!, 81001011 Have been confined . to 'Stratfordhospital. Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wolfe in Kitchener en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe. Mr. Calvin Diego!, Waterloo, Mr, Wayne IBenePlnano, Loudon, At their homes. Misses Dorothy, Kathy, `Helen 'u1i1 Master Gordon and David Becker of London spent Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Mil- ton Rock. On Thurs. evening the mens!) ers of Brodhagen and' District ,Chamber of Commerce entertain- ed their ladies to a banquet at the Mitchell Legion hall with 76 11) attendance. The tables were beautifully decorated in Easter colors and adorned with hya- cinths, Geo. Rickmeirr welcomed the ladies and proposed a toast. Mrs. 'Wilfred Krauskopf replied and congratulated the -men on their project, stating they will never be able to measure the good they an'e doing for the com- munity and for future genera- tions. 'Wilfred Ahrens was song leader with Mrs. R. ISholdiee at the piano. Russell Sholdice and Geo. Ja1'inunth gave out some laugh provoking prizes. Vase fin• vers were 1u'esented to ea011 WY, Wan, Boyd introduced Di', Me - 'Master of Seaforth who gave a talk on his visit to Japan and af- terward showed moving pictures: Fred Herbert expressed thanks to Dr. Mo7lastor. Ford Dlokison gave a congratulatory address to Pres, 'Wm, S. Riehl and his bride en their recent Marriage and they were presented with a wool blanket, Modern music for dan- cing was supplied by Edgar Elli- gso•n with his tape recorder and Music for square . dancing by Gary and Warren Sholdice with Manuel Beuernian doing the call- ing. " WALTON Bazaar and Affiliation The annual bazaar and affilia- tion service of Walton CGIT was held .in the church on 'Wednesday afternoon, Apr. 1. The affiliation service took place in the church with Mona Clarke, OGIT leader; Shirley Bolger, president; Mary Lou Kirkby, treasurer, Mrs, E. McCreath, Presbyterial secretary and Mrs. !Wilbur Turnbull, WMS president. Mrs. MoCreath gave a very appropriate topic outlining THE S' FORTH NEWS April 9, 969 DID YOU KNOW 7 9 i 1 ala, at your command, now and at ,all times, to assist you in your financial obligations, whether" major or minor, I AM YOUR CREDIT UNION ; CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED ^" • the 'CGIT (program. and the qual hies Of leadership developed by CGIT training. Special numbers were given throughout the serv- ice as follows: `solo, Marilyn Johnston; duet, Anne Achilles and Mary Lou Kirkby; trio. Bar- bara Turnbull, Ruth Ritchie, Ir - one Johnston; piano solos, Di- anne Lawless, Geraldine Dennis. Following the service a bazaar took place In the church base- ment. Chairs arranged in 'circu- lar fashion around tables beauti- fully decorated with lilies and streamers formed the setting YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL.1N5.IUR1II.ICE ERTIFIC NQS 11 SERVICES MN HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION SEIPPNONEI WA, 4.9901 1010180 7, ONT. m5mAU 1UNWAMt laSIJAZ '11q RAI NWMNCE NUN9ER eNOWNNONtid canto% te8i tomCER�IICAIE HCOBPITA1{4, $ERVmCE$ TH�SP�j �" maga.ENT 0 9 GAYEPPEM00015 ATE , H BUPFI.COGE ^^yR 1TteUMNCS NUMBER NAMED IN PERSON E 9CERRF FIGA E 1 AM TH TI -I CERTIFICATE. E GM cNAYEOE 15 WN 189U Pgp80N TO !sec OVER) Rorv�Er.NOY9 TRANSFERABLE r, VALUABLE POSSESSIO AND... is your means of identification at the hospital 110WTO USE IT... Always keep your Ontario Hospital Insurance Certificate handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your eligible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE is issued to each insured Single person and to each insured Family. As a precaution, each member of the family should have a separate note of the Hospital Insurance Number for ready reference in case of sudden illness or accident. WHAT IT DOES..". Your Certificate and paid-up premiums entitle you and your eligible dependants to essential "in-patient" hospital services in standard ward accorrimodation of approved hospitals only, for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits cease when the physician indicates hospital care is no longer necessary. "Out-patient" hospital services are not covered EXCEPT in the case of emergency out-patient care received within 24 hours following an accident. Hospital services must be medically necessary Ontario Hospital Insurance benefits cannot be provided for `custodial' or 'domiciliary' patients i.e. persons whose medical conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who could be cared for at home or in some facility other than an approved hospital. PREPAID PREMIUMS mean PREPAID PROTECTION It is important that your Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums be paid on or before the date they are due. This is necegsary to mainthin'ii"i" period of prepayment during which your protection will continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. ONTARIO ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION • HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION 135 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO. WA. 4.3301