HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-04-02, Page 8AnaSpringCn _+�l th s FOR YOUR BOY BOYS' Como Cardigans Interlock knit bulk Orlon Como style sweaters` in sand re& powder and grey with contrasting trims. Sizes 8 to 18 years 5.95 • TWEED Sport Coats Light shade fleck and tweed Pattern sport coats for boys from 6 to 16 years. 2 and 3 button styles with patch pockets and centre vents 12.95 to 14.95 • Dress Slacks FOR BOYS Light grey, charcoal, brown and black dress slacks in reg- ular pleated or new Ivy lea- gue style. Many are wash •&,' wear types 4.95 to 7.95 BOYS' Wash & Wear White Shirts Fine mercerized white broad- cloth shirts that need no ironing. Single or French cuffs. Sizes for 8 to 16 years. 3.75 SPECIAL ! Bright Nub Pattern DRESS SOX Sturdy weight cotton and nylon sox in a wide range of bright nub patterns. Sizes 8, 9, 10 only SPRING Windbreakers Black, red, fawn and grey spring windbreakers for boys in plain or fancy patterns. Sizes for 6 to 16 years 50c a*. Stewart 3.00 to 6.95 OS McKILLOP W.M.S. The first meeting for 1959 of the McKillop W.M,S. of First Presbyterian Church was- held Tuesday afternoon in. the Ohurch Hall at 2 p.m. The president, Mrs. Helen McMillan presided and gave the opening prayer, Mrs. D. Leslie Elder installed the new officers as follows, Mrs. D. L. El - aim .,,,ll,III,.I,,,,a„ill ll11,ll,l.,l.,l„I„,,1,1,,,,1,ilmina ol,,,e„minim ll„11,,,llll l,l.,,,,l,lllllllllll,ll llhilly STENOGRAPHER -BOOKKEEPER Applications in writing will be . accepted by the undersigned until Saturday, April 18, ].959. State age, education, qualifications and references; 5 -day week; good working conditions; starting salary; $1600.00 per annum; interview can be arranged. For further • details, contact: John G. Berry, Sec.-Treas. Huron County Home Committee Court. House, Goderioh, Ont. uuullll,,,,ll1„al a,pill„lllllnila„,ll1111„Il„,tale,,,e;,1lllllll,".nnumanmae"Ir„nl„mmmlllenl„n�' EUCHRE AND SOCIAL IN THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SPONSORED BY TEE C. W. L,, DUBLIN FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8.30 pi.n Norris Orchestra Admission 75c cloy, Mon, Pre6.; Mrs. Helen Ate' Milian, ties.` Mrs. R, 77, McAfil- lan, 1st Vice fires„ Mrs, 'W, Drov- er, 2nd Vitae, Fres.; Miss Jean Seott, see.; Mrs, Ila laorrauce, Treas.; Miss, Jessie Fraise]', Pi- anist;: Mrs, T. W. ASOMilien, La, dies; Aid Sec.; Mrs, J. L. Bell, Glad Tidings Sec„ Mrs, •Samuel Storey, eupplysec,; Mrs, James F. Scott, Home Helper's sec„ Literature Sec., Mrs, W. Thoanp- son; Welcome and Welfare. Sec., Mrs. Stewart Dale; $0010.1 Com. mittoe, Mrs. Tc Appleby, Mrs, S. Storey Mrs. 3. T. Scott, Mrs. S, McClure, Mrs.J. SIuglll and Mrs. w, McClure:. , During the business period it was decided .to hold our next meeting in the church 1141.11 on the 4th Thursday, Apz`il 23rd in- stead of our regular day because of the Synodical which is being held in Knox Ohunoh, Goderiob, April 14, 15, 16th. The meeting was then adjourned to aneet with the 'Senior WKS •in their thank offering meeting. Huron Presbyterial Holds ;Spring Meet "Lengthen thy cords and etre ngthen toy stakes,” was the text. of an impassioned sermon prea, chess ,by tlze'fa9mous William Carr ey nearly 200 years ago, to bring about the .formation of the first missionary societies, Again on d+riday, March 20th, in North ,St. United Church, Goderleh, this same text from 'Isaiah challenged, some 250 women to undertake more, work harder, sacrifice and give more than' ever before for the cause of the world mission of the Christian Gospel. ' 'The occasion was the 34th an- nual meeting of Huron Presby- terial of the United Church of Canada, chaired at both morn= ing anis afternoon sessions by the presiident4 Mrs, William McVit tie of ,Blyth. • The following slate of officers was installed: Hon. Pres,,. Mrs. W. J. Greer,' Win'gham; past pres- ident, 'Airs. E. Desardins, Grand Bend; president, IlIrs. Wm Mc- Vittie, of Blyth; first vice, Mrs; Harold Doig, F2ordwdeh; •centre vice, Mrs. Robt. McMichael, Wal- ton; west Airs. Tait Clark, God. erich r.r. 6; south, Mrs. ltrilliam Routly, Exeter r.r. 3; north, Mrs. M. Dennis, Bluevale; recording eec„ Mrs. George Michie, Brus- sels r.r.4; corresp. sec„ Mrs, W. B. .Cruikshank, Wingham, rr. 2; treasurer, Mrs. J. Sutter, 'Clinton. ,Secretaries — Christian 'Stew- ardship, Mrs. S. A. Moote, •GOd- erich; Mission Circles, Miss M. Jackson, Auburn; •CGIT groups, Mrs. E. McCreath, Walton; Mis- sion Bands, Mr's. Wm. Robertson, Monkton; Baby Bands, Airs. D. Insley, Exeter; literature, Mrs. Geo. 'Reid, Varna; Assoc. Mem- bers, Mrs. E. J. Pridham, Gode- rieh; supply, Mrs. J. A. 'McGill, Clinton; com. friendship, Hrs. Elgin McKinley, Zurich r.r. 1; Missionary Monthly, and World Friends, AMiss Agnes Anderson, •Centralia; Christian citizenship, Airs. Harold Pollock, Forclwich; press, Mrs. G. Beecroft, Belgrave r.r. 1; candidate sec., Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Wingharn; affiliated Ex- plorers Groups, AIrs. Andrew Mc- Nichol, •Seaforth, Mrs. C. E. Peacock of Bayfield, conducted an impressive memor- ial service for members who had passed to higher service during the year, two of whom, Airs. Earl Mills, Walton, and Mrs. Roy Law- son, Seaforth, had served ou the Presbyterial executive for 16 years, _ Resolutions were presented by Mrs, Charles ,Smith of Westfield ,and Mrs, Roy Bennett spoke on behalf of the church men and their television program ,"Story Time." A skit dealing with the Proposed amalgamation of the W,M.S. and the W.A. of the Unit- ed Church into a single group was presented by Ml's, Harold Po- cock, Mrs. Harold Doig, Ford - wick, Mrs. E, Whitfield, Corrie. It was urged that every group •continue to study this .proposal, The highlight of the afternoon was the address of the guest speaker, Rev, R. H. McColl, Kuox United Church, London, former- ly of the Pacific Coast' Mission Boat "Thomas Crosby IV". He told of his work and experiences travelling up and down 300 miles of the beautiful B.C. coast, call- ing at 52 different stations, Ind- ian villages and lighthouses. To the lonely, isolated people of these places the Thomas Crosby brought medicines, the service of the church, film strips, reljgious education and possibly the moat valued of all, a friend with whom to chat. Like missionaries every where. be sought to bring secur• ity and salvation to needy people through the light of the Gospel. Mrs, Harold ,Doig, Fordwic'h, introduced a fiannelgrapll which laid stress upon the preventative work of the W.M.S„ F9E-.6A . E 2 rsa Ihunain hen tars to freshen April 15 and 20tb. 100 bales of geed teed slay. Torrance Dundee, Walton, Brussels Dori FOR SALE Gary Oats dt 1.3i'ant barley, pow- er cleaned, suitable for seed, '1, Govonloek, phone SS3r0 FOR SALE 23 chunks of pigs. Phone S31r21, W. 3.` T.eozning FOR SALE A Ford Major tractor in' good condition, Clarence Maloney, RR 5 Seaforth, Phone 40z'20 Dublin FOR SALE Baled stay. Wes Fleggart, phone 757w3 Seatol•th central • COMING EVENT The 0,P, & P. ,committee of the Odd Fellows Lodge are Plan- ning a paper drive in April. Fur- ther particulars next week, TO RENT Apr, 1, modern self contained large one bedroom apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, with laun- dry facilities, near shoe .factory. Apply to The News office, LOST Anyone finding .a blue :truck loading chute, lost last week bet- ween Grieve's bridge and Walton, please call SeaforFORthSAI E 839x6, R. M, Scott, Border collie puppies, good ]lee-. lens. Ken Thompson, Seaforth. re. 2, phone 833x13. O Roanm.anilB,board with home pri- vileges, Room suitable for two girls. Phone 193-M, Mrs. A. Mc- Nichol LAWN MOWER SERVICE Complete service on all makes of .mowers and engines. Parts, re- pairs, overhaul, sharpening. DO IT NOW SHARP'S 'MAINTENANCE . SERVICE r.r. 2 Seaforth. Ph 861x5 TEACHER • WANTED To teach jailer room of 17 pupils more 01' less in Union School No, 3 Ilibyert (Si. Col- ulliilan), Duties to commence in September, Al>lilieations will ble zosixetl until Aln'il 15., Apply, stating quallfieatiens and expert- encu to, ,1Oseph L. ,O'Reilly, RR 2 Aubiin, Secretary FOR SALE Commercial ,grade No, 1 Herta Barley, 99% germination at 01.80 Per bo, also .0olnmei'cia1 grade. No, 1 Ciintland oats, 100% germ - 'matt= at $1.25, This grain was grown from registered seed. Lorne Fell, Staffs, Phone "48r11 Dublin FOR SALE A few bags of Sebago potatoes good cookers. Phone 48r11 Dublin FOR SALE Boys light gray sport coat, size 34, Like, new, May be seen at Flannery Cleaners FOR SALE Waterloo 10 ftp garden tractor with plow and cultivator in good condition. 'Cheap for the best of- fer. Apply to Box P, Seaforth News Clearing Auction Sale Of )nigh class Durham cattle and good farm machinery, will be held at Lot 26, Con. 14, 'McKillop twp., % mile south of Walton on couff- ty road, on Wed., April 16th, at 12. o'clock sharp; List in next week's paper. +Nelson Reid, Proprietor Harold Jackson,' Auctioneer Auction Sale For the estate of the late Mrs. Agnes Nott. In the village of. Lon-' def boro, Sat, April 11, at 1,30 pm. Chesterfield suite, piano, dining room suite, china cabinet, settee;' wardrobe, rugs, hall . rack, bade, springs and mattresses, toilet a dishes, odd dressers, kitchen table FbR SALE and chairs, kitchen cabinet, kitch- en cupboard, odd- tables, electric Feed turnips. Apply,Jacic Croz•'raclio, electric lamps, vacuum ier, phone 667122 i cleaner, electric refrigerator, alee- I BORN • .tris rangette, electric heater, sew- Rathwell — At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Ont., on 1VIarch 24th, to Mr. ones Mrs, John R. Rathwell, a son Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock, • Implements, feed and household effects. At Lot 22,. Con, 10, .twp of Logan, 11/,. miles north of Bornholm, and 1% miles west of•23 hwy.;on Wed„ April 8. Sale to start at 12 o'clock sharp. Cattle — 6 Durham & Hereford cows fresh from 4 to 6 weeks. 2 Holstein cows fresh 5 weeks. 2 Holstein cows milking and bred again. Holstein cow due May 25. Hereford cow due Moy 10.• Dur- ham cow due time of sale, Hol- stein heifer rising. 1 year old. 8 Durham. & Hereford steers and heifers rising 1 year old, 7 Dur- ham & Hereford calves front 4 to 7 weeks. Pigs-- Yorlf sots with 7 pigs by her side, 8 weeks old.. Hens -150 Golden Neck layers 1 yr. old. Implements — M -H 30 tractor. 1951 Fordson tractor, both recently overhauled, M. For- est threshing machine 24x36 with grain ,thrower & shredder, near- ly new. 100 ft 7" belt, John Deere tractor 2 furrow plow, 3 point hitch. Mc -D, binder, Me -D. mower 6 ft cut. Mc -D, 15 run double disc fertilizer drill with' grees seeder attachment, new. ,M II 8 ft double disc. John Deere power cultivotor. 4 sec. harrows, steel land roller. M -H hay loader, M -H side ranee, John Deere, 10” hammer mill, Ai - 15 manure spreader. Universal milking machine, 2 single unite and piping for 12 cows. Renfrew cream separator. Jamesway elec- tric brooder. Quantity of 'feed, Quantity of. Household Effects., No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash. Bornholm W. I, L. will have a booth on ground. Henry Hinz, Prop. John E. Sie- mon, Clerk. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer • HELP, MALE OR FEMALE Would you like to earn 08 to $10 per evening working from 8 to 10.30. If interested please con- tact Mrs. Ellen Canon, 643 Seven- th St., A East, Owen Sound ANNOTNOBRIDNT Mr. and Mn. David Triebner, IHipipen, wish to =mounds the engagement of their .daughter Joan Elizabeth, to Howard Will- iam Bernard. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bernard, Brussels, the wed- ding to take place the latter part of April :at the home of .the bride's parents, • FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News April 1919 Mrs. H. Gibson has bought a house on High Street from John Stewart. Canada Furniture !Company in- troduced a nine -hour .day,. closing at five in the evening. The barbers have advanced the price of hair cutting to 35c ovr leg to the continued high cost of living. With daylight saving now in effect, Harry Lauder's song is very .popular: "It's nica to get up in the morning, but it's nicer to lie in bed.' Everett ,River's has gone to Brock, Sask. Me'Killop friends made a pres- entation to G, D. 0, IHarn ones family, who are moving into Sea - forth. John Beattie of ,the 10th con. of Meailiop, hoe sold his farm to his nephew, John Beattie. Ms, Smallcombe and family of Hensall have moved to the West, Marriages: Miss Cora Eliza- beth Staples and Mr, John Pryce, of McKillop; Miss. Frances 'Scott and Mr, Kenneth McKellar, of Cromarty. Winners in the Firemen's card tournament which was 5lniehed Tuesday night. were It Parke, John Smith and T. Baker, ing machine, washing machine, odd chairs, linens, dishes '& cook- ing utensils, step iladder, power lawn mower, wheel barrow, shot gun, 5 cords wood, garden tools, carpenter_ tools, pipe wrenches and other -wrenches, chisels, and saws. -Numerous other. articles. Ternis cash. ' George Nesbitt, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk • Clearing Auction Sale Farm machinery, hay and grain. At. Lot 22, Con. 9, McKillop twp., 1 niile east of Winthrop on Mon„ April 13th, at 1 p.m. Machinery— Massey •Ferguson tractor No. 50 (2 yrs old). ,Ford tractor in good condition. New Idea mower (2 yrs old). 15• run Cockshutt seed” drill, ,9 ,ft swather, PTO, (like new). Cockshutt. McCormick spring tooth 8 ft cultivator. Ford cultivator (1 yr). Massey clipper' combine. McCormick 'No. •46 baler (baled 3000 bales) (like new). Smoker bale chute 36 ft. John Deere 3 point hitch one way. 3- furrow Cockshutt plow. 2 furrow Massey plow (2 yrs old). Case wagon & fiat rack; trailer & racks. 15” tires. McCormick Man- ure spreader and sides for corn. Cockshutt side rake, 4 bar. Set tractor chains for Ford (new). Feed cart, aluminum wheel bar row, set 'sleighs, grain auger, 11 ft with new motor.' Ottaco" wagon with rack, 30 ft extension ladder' (like new), set Cockshutt diskers, jacks, chains, forks, shove,. sling ropes, roller. Cedar and iron posts. Milk cans, pig troughs, Strunk chain saw, 5 section diamond har- rows, manure spreader for Ford tractor, tarpaulin 10x12. 120 feet plastic. hose, block & tackle, 2 eater troughs, 1/4 hp motor. Oster cattle olppers. Cattle halters, 1000 bus mixed grain, 2000 bales' of hay, 1000 bales of straw. 8 ft ensilage and silo, 100 hens (lay- ing good). Numerous other arti- cles. No reserve, farm sold, Terms cash. Prop. Irwin Trewartha, Aust., Harold Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery, hay amegrain. At Lot 30, Con. 13, Mc- Killop twp., 2% south and 1 mile west of Walton, on Wed„ April 8th at 1 p.m, Cattle -4 Hereford. and Durham cows due time of sale. Durham farrow Dow, 7 Here- ford steers and heifers 1 yr. old. Pigs -10 chunks, 150 lbs. Poul- try -190, year old Nicic hens. 10x 12 colony house? 3 shelters, feed- ers. Machinery— Oliver 70 stan- dard tractor in good condition. 2 furrow Cockshutt plow. 7 ft. John Deere disk (like new), set har- rows. 7 ft McCormick binder. 6 ft plower, hay loader, drophead. Massey Harris manure spreader, steel roller. 13 disk McCormick fertilizer drill. 2000 1b scales. 2- wheel trailer, 16 ft rack, hay fork rope (new), steel water trough, gas barrels, fanning mill, leg vise, lawn mower, -small gas motor, 360 ft snow fence and posts. Forks, shovels, chains, other articles. Hay and grain, 1000 bales mixed hay, 50 bus Brant barley grown from registered seed. 600 bus of. mixed grain. No reserve; farm sold. Terns cash. Prop., Eldw•ard Millen; auct., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney CARD OF TIIANKS We wish to thank the firemen, friends and neigilbel's for Choir help dining the recent fire et o01, '011ie, Mr, and NIPS. Zllwin Wilson CARD OF TI -TANKS We wish, to express our tilaatks and appreciation to all who re- membered us with good wishes and gifts or helped in any woY to make our wedding anniversary each a happy occasion, Mr, and WC Kenneth McKellar FOR SALE One Durhain cow 7 years old due April 2180, Also one Holstein cow, flesh two. weeks, 4 years old. Louis 'Coyne, phone 64•r16 Dublin Executor's Sale Ofpropertiesin the Village of Hen - sell. on SAT.. APRIL 11th, at 2 p,m, No, 1 Property—Frame 7 room dwell- ing on Main street, Hensnll, furnace, full bath with extra 2 -pc. bath; garage, located . on Lot 214, Moles survey, Hen- sel]. No 2 Property—Frame 0 room dwell ing, rolled brick siding. hydro, water, on Main Street, Hensel], booted on lot; 233 Moles Survey, Hensall Botir sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of Agnes Stewart, Harold Jackson,, Auctioneer Ivor further' particulars apply to Hugh Dalrymple, Mitchell, Erceeutor, Tele- phone 297 W. Mitchell or McConnell & Stewart,Seaforth, solicitors for theEx- ecutor, ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Farm. Farm Stook and Maohineny,. at Lot 21-22, Con. 11, d 1 mile east "of Winthrop.ton SAT., A1,1 north nPRIL 4th,. et 1 p.m. FARM -160 acres, part of Lot 21 and 22, Con. 11, McKillop Twp„ good 'Say loam, approx. 180 cores of work- able land, the remainder in good hard- woodbush; two story brick house with furnace, bath, hydro, large bank barn, drive shad, good .water supply. MACHINERY—Farm machinery, in- cluding ncluding Model S Case tractor on rub- ber, 1942 Dodge sedan car with new tires, grainroller and motor, faun scales, gas engine and cutting box, •cream separator. •sleighs, hay loader, cultivator, harrows, steel roller, mower, quantity had maple wood, sap pane buckets, they and grain. • .CATTLE --2 Durham cows, due to freshen; 2 Durham calves. ..Horses—Aged team. Pigs -2 York sows. 160 hens. Household Effects—Including 21" tel- evision. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Chattels cash; property ..10% down, balance' in 30 days. Estate of Late James Morrison. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ; E. P. Chesney, Olerk, SI)AFO11TM MOWS• Thursday,. April 2, 1959 SOX Funeral Service AMSULANC Prompt and Careful Attentloe Hospital ppd • Flowers for ell occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W SoatorYh e~ TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S:S. No. 4, . McKillop, duties to commence .September •1969. A p pl :leant s please state qualifications and salary expected. Mrs. Gordon Mc- Kenzie, Sec, -Tress., R.R. 1, Sea - forth, FOR SALE No. 1 commercial' barley, Herta, ger- minated 08 per cont. Apply to KEN' CARNOOBA.N, 660 r 32, Seaforth., FOR SALE, Timothy -seed, power cleaned, $10.50 a bushel. Clarence Regele, Dublin phone 64r9 HONEY FOR SALE. Clover 8-15 pails $2,28,; 4.Ib pails at $1.15..WALLACE ROSS Apiaries,Sea- forth. FOR SALE Timothy - seed. Lew Bolton, . Phone 840 r 22, Seaforth. FOR "SALE Electric brooder,,, Jamesway, ..in good' working order', at $26 (half price). Ap- ply to CARL SIEMON, Phone 52 r 17,. Dublin. FOR SALE Feed' turnips, for sale. HENRY: C. DIEGEL, Bornholm r 1. Phone' 62'r 8, Dublin. FOR SALE Dwelling on Chalk St., 1% years old. 8 bedrooms, oil heat, garage, immediate possession. CHAS. REEVES. FOR, SALE • Red clover seed and timothy. Apply to Clarence Montgomery, Paine.- 869r31. _FARM FOR SALE 200 acres good clay loam ,land, well drained, near Church and eolith] and is in the vicinity of Seaforth, on a county road. Property contains 2 bank 'barns, steel stabling,modern rug brick bunga- low funs equipped with - batlu'oom and furnace, etc. New steel drive shed, gar- age, There is an excellent water supply and two pressure systems. Land may be sold as two farms. HAROLD JACK- SON, Box 461, Seaforth, Phone 474. FOR SALE A few bushels n.5 aot,d rad clo- ver seed. Wilmer Mcelinchey, Varna, Phone 687 r 32'Hensall. FOR SALE 5 -roam frame house in Sea - forth with 2 bedrooms, full base- ment, garage, 2 years old. Phone 262J. George Broome. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding" As - sedation "Where Better Bulls Are Used", supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or more in: formation, call between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8:00 ,p.m. Saturday evenings. For Cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality Is high and the cost low. NOTICE Viking Cream Separator. Sales anid Service for new and used Viking Separator. John Byerman, East WfUiam St., Seaforth, Ont. Phone 566 w TAX RETURNS Avoid last minute rush. -Tele- phone Seaforth 78 now for ap- pointment. 1••I., G. t l FR, Counsel" lor, Dominion Bank Bldg. Seaforth Agricu1tur r°11 Society is again sponsoring Field Crop Competitions. featuring • YORK BARLEY and RODNEY OATS Anyone interested contact HAROLD PRYCE, KEN STEWAS,T or ROBERT McMILLAN • SEAFORTH CLINIC tai A, McMaster, SA, M.D., lateral* P. L. Brady. M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, -1 p.m. to 0 p.m., daily axeept Wedncaday and• Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat - order only 7-9 p,m, Appointments .made in advance are desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. O: TURNI3ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. 11, BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V,S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - OptomwtrW Phone 791. •Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon„ 9 to 6.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. eve by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.50. INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accideni • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 834 Res. 540 The MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—Prealdent, Wm, S. Alexander c Vice -Pros., R. Archibald ; Manager anti Sea. -Tread„ Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Direotare—J, 0. Malone, Seaforth 1 J. H. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander„ Walton ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. 1. Pepper, Brucefleld • C. W. - Leonhardt„ Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderiob; Archibald, Seaforth : Allister Broadfoot,. Seaforth. Agents.-- Wm. Leiner Jr., Londeabom J. F. Prueter, Brodhageh; Selwyn Baker,. Brussels. Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous toeffect" insurance of transact other busineo5, will be promptly attended- to by application to any of above named -officer.. addressed to their respective poet offices. . 'blue . coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE ANDFURNACEotr, DUN•DAS & LONEY Phone 578 or 332-R AND. FUEL - OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784. - Res. 286 We write all lines. of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. 'CARDNO Successor to WATSON &• REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched Nov. 3rd.. 16 weeks - Feb. 23rd. 18 weeks - Mar. 9th. Vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle. Should be seen to be appreciated. If you keep records, you will keep •Dekalbs. Moore's Poultry Farm, Seaforth, ph. 647-31 JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. Mens & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- ness to give comfort and save you money NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Vi= king Cream .:Separators and Viking Milking Machines. BASIL O'ROURKE,. Blacksmith and Welding Shop. Bruce - field. BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale Date now RR Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2-7534 TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO - CHIEF BURNING OILS Walden & Broa.dfoot Phone 686w, Seaforth