HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-04-02, Page 2ANNE HOST'
"Dear ,Anne Hirst; Will you
try to save my friend before it
too late? We are classmates.
And 1 love her very dearly. She
won't listen to anyone's advice,
but she always reads your col-
umn, , . She is 17, and liae.
been dating a boy (who is
worthless) foreight months. He
has no. ambition, never holds a
joblong, he has a vile temper
and no self-control. He is dread-
ful to his family, he's even been
"I am frightened nearly to
death. I'm afraid he is dragging
her down to his own level, and
she comes from a fine family
and is both talented and popu-
Lar, Why she shopped seeing
other boys I'll never know, but
she has taken his ways for her
own. She is at loggerheads with
her family because they can't
stand him; they are scandalized
at the hours she keeps, and she
rows with them all the time.
Her mother is gettingreally sick
about the whole thing, but my
friend doesn't seem to see it.
"Yesterday I heard that they
expect to elope! How they will
live I've no idea, but I am help-
less and almost distracted. What
can be done to wake her up
before she ruins her life?
* See that your friend learns
* this fact immediately: In your
* state she cannot get married
o to anybody without her par-
* ents' consent until she is 21.
* If she tries it, they can have
° it annulled.
That may give her pause.
• If she is so positive the boy
* is worth marrying why hasn't
° she put him on probation 'for
o a year to prove it to others?
* A few ideas:
o He is to get a job and show
* he can keep it;
* - Begin earning his family's
* respect, and that of other.
° worth -while people, giving up
o entirely his dissolute coin-
* panions;
• Make himself one of a group
* ofyoung men of good repute
* pursuing constructive activi-'
▪ ties, if they'll have him.
* -Or is the girl so blindly
* in love she is afraid to put
* him to the test for fear he
* would laugh in her face?
r, You and I shudder to pic-
ture her future with him.
* Tied to a weakling who defies
• morality, thumbs his nose at
° the law, who has no means to
o support her, she will pay the
o price of her folly. She might
e find herself deserted and tar-
e nished, to creep back home
n and beg forgiveness.
o She has read my counsel to
* other deluded youngsters who
e have strayed from the right
''path. To pursue her desires,
* she scorns the tenets of her
Week's Sew -thrifty
1"--141e 1, eeme
' Quick, whip up these sun 'n'.
fun separates in a jiffy—daugh-
ter will live in, 'play in, love
them. Make several versions of
umock, "shorts, pedal pushers in-''
n o.iron cotton or seersucker.
Printed Pattern 4707: Child's
1Sizee 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 smock and
'holds take 11/4 yards 35 -inch.
Printed directions on each pat-
tern part. Easier, accurate.
Send FORTY CENTS (stamps
cannot be accepted, use postal
note for safety) for this pat-
tern. Please print plainly SIZE,
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New
Corenlo, Ont. yr
WHOSE IDEA WAS IT? — Spotting her fashion double supposedly throws milady into a decline
cured only by a new and different ensemble. •These sisters,however, aren't chagrined at the
similarity in their dress. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, right, arrive at a charityfilm:
performance in London, each wearing a black velvet dress arid fur stole.
This is Monday morning --
blue Monday or white .Monday
— which? Maybe both. Yester-
day I had this column written in
the rough and for once•I hadn't
mentioned the weather. There
was no need — it had been a
lovely day . and there was every
indication of the ice and flood
patches would get away nicely.
The roads had been graded and
it looked like fair driving condi-'
tions for awhile. At five o'clock
this morning I looked out of the
window and it was still fine. But
three hours later ; '.. wow! Part-'
* Church and family training.
* It is not likely she would fin-
* ish reading this column today.
* I am sorry for her.—More
*'sorry for her family, for .you
* and others who have loved
* her and who stand helplessly
* by, watching her plan her
* own ruin.
* * *
"Dear Anne Hirst: You are
my last hope..I have lived with
my husband for 11 years and it
has all been dreadful. I cannot
bear it any longer. .. .
"He loves his drinking and
so do the friends he has; he has
stayed out overnight and left
me alone with the children, and
to them he is no father, He
never takes them anywhere. I
have to nag him about their
clothes. He does buy food, and
that's about all, He has even
struck me and says he has the
right to!
"How can I see that the chil-
, dren are cared for, how can I
protect myself against him? He
makes enough money, but it is
not for us.
"His family are lovely, and are
humiliated by his conduct—and
very fond of me. My life is real-
ly cruel. I'll do whatever you
advise. AT THE END"
* If your husband spends the
* money the family needs on
* himself and his pleasures, you
* can take him to .court for non-
* support. If he strikes you
* again, call the police.
* You have endured too much
* for too long. He needs a man
* to handle him, The Court of
* Domestic Relations (or a mag-
* istrate)can throw the fear
* of the law into him, and I
* hope you will not hesitate any
* longer. He will not like you
* for it, but he will learn there
* are ways to protect women
* from such abuse.
* Would his people take you
* and the children for a while?
* A trial separation might
*, startle him so that he sees his
:* marriage has reached a 'crisis.
* He will not relish the attend-
-* ing publicity,'eibher. •
* I wish you had written me
P" during -the early years of your
* marriage. Now it may be' too
* late, but I hope you will try.
* You will feel better for the
* effort. * * *
Clandestine meetings, thril-
ling as they seem, can lead to
years of deception that destroy
one's very character. Stay on
the right path, it is your best
insurance for happiness. ... It
you have been tempted, write
Anne Hirst about It and let her
straighten you out. Address her
at Box 1, 123 • Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto, Ont.
ner woke me by exclaiming'
about the snow. So here we are,
back to a white world and
I don't mean maybe. Four inches
of loose fluffy stuff covering the
ground already and coming down
as if it has no intention of stop-
ping. So much for the weather
record "whatever will be, will
be" and there's nothing we can
do at the moment except make
the best of it. And I wanted to
go shopping this morning. But
pot now I know when to stay
put.' I guess I'll put on an 'Okla-
homa record and listen to "Oh,
what a', beautiful morning" —
just to get in practice for when
we can sing it ourselves and
really mean it. For we shall
sometime—you'll see. Some day,
we'll wake up and find the ro-
bins singing and the crows fly-
ing — and that will be a beau-
tiful morning.
In the meantime there is one
news item thatovershadows all
else — even the weather. The
shutting down of the ` Avro
plant at Melton.. .Thousands of
skilled workmen and technicians
thrown out of work from towns,
villages and farms. We shall
see the full impact of it where we
,are living now as we are right
in the middle of the districts
most affected. Even four of our
close neighbours — young mar-
ried men. with fa'mili'es, work
at Mallon and we can't think
what on earth. they will do. We
feel just sick about the whole
t 'agic -, business. Whether the
Arrow should or should not
have been continued is natural-
ly' . a matter beyond our under-
standing — although we have
our own opinions on the mat-
ter. But we do thnk that an.:
alternative work program
should have been provided. And
of course we don't like the idea
of being dependent on the
United States to supplement our
defence program when we have
skilled men in our own coun-
try who could handle it. How-
ever, whoever is right or wrong
makes little difference now, the
thing is how we are going to
cope with the present situation.
I say "we" because it is likely
to affect everyone of us indi-
Yesterday we listened and
watched News Magazine and
This Week TV, and we were
certainly not reassured by any-
thing we heard — nor by the
news -story by Philip Deane in
this morning's paper. Maybe I
listened too much yesterday as
last night I had qute a dreamt
1 thought I was trapped in a
field, I don't know where, and
there were, low-flying' planes
coming at me from every direc-
tion and I didn't know how to
get away from them. I tried to
,yell and couldn't — you know
the nightmarish feeling that
gives you. It all seemed so
crazy whenI woke up but I
guess the reality we actually
face is just as confusing as the
planes of my dream.
Let's see now, what happen-
ed earlier in the week. Well, I.,
was trying to figure out most
of the time why people talk of
a nasal condition as being "just
a cold", Because that is what
I had - just a cold — the first
I've had in about three years.
But if I don't get them in quant-
ity and when I get One about
all I can do is grin and bear it
as I seem to be allergic .to both
aspirin and penicillin . and I
never take a chance on trying •
the many cold remedies that
are so freely advertised. So all
I do is go from room to room,
carrying a box of kleenex along
with me. Oh, but for two -morn- -
Ings I did have breakfast in bed.
That was really something! I.
hate meals in bed at any time
but it seemed like the easiest
way of keeping warm when the
outside temperature was hover-
ing around zero.
The rest of our household is
full of pep, including Taffy and
Ditto. They are up to , their
usual tricks, chasing each ,other
around the house, kicking -up
'the scatter mats and causing
confusion generally.'.I think the
person who originally - gave
loose mats the name ;of "scat-
ter mats" must have had a few
dogs and cats around -the ,place.
For the mats can sure scatter
all right. In the hall I never
know where I'll find -then. next.
If it were not for'our animals
this would really - *,quiet
house —. except, of eaferse when
the grandsons come : u ed.
It is nice to be quiet• at times
-- but who wants to. -be too
Modern Etiquette
by Roberta Lee
Q. I've heard that it's now
ptoper to pick up bones at the
dinner table to eat off them. Is
this true?
A. The hard and fast rule
against picking •up bonesin our
fingers is teetering precariously
' under the pressure of modern us-
age. My best advice regarding
this, however, is notto pick bones
in ,a restaurant or at a formal
dinner party. Anywhere else, go
ahead and pick them up = but
delicately, and only after cutting.
off most of the meat.
Q. ?Flow should a :divorcee sign
her name so that she will not be
mistaken for the second. Mrs.
Charles Canfield?
A. By prefixing her maiden
name to her former husband's
surname, as, "Mrs, Joyce Smith,
Q. What is a good closing for a
friendly letter from a man to a
A. You can never be out of
place with "Sincerely yours."
Wayward Son and
Famous Father
The big man sat in a wheel
chair in his New York home.
and asked a question that he'd
often asked before: "Why?"
This time, though, he was
asking the question not as a
valiant national celebrity cam-
paigning against juvenile delin-
quency but as, heartsick father.
Paralyzed from the waist
down from the automobile ac-
cident a year ago which ended
his days as one of maj'oi league
baseball's greatest catchers, for-
mer Brooklyn' Dodger . Roy
Campanella talked of his 15 -
year -old son David, oldest of
three boys, in a family of six
"I've lectured' in schools and
before youth groups all over
the country. Whenever I spoke
to boys who had been in trouble,
I asked them to think why. I
made them think about them-
selves end about why they did
these crazy acts.
"Now I have to ask Dave why.
David's explanation, - after .
admitting to police that he and
e 16 -year-old buddy burglarized
a Queens drugstore' "We were
acting a little crazy."
The Campanella _ boy''s
troubles began on Washington's
Bi thdayWhen he.,and`fivve other
boys squared off in a vacant
lot for a fist fight. As other boys
gathered • to ' watch, rumble-
conscious police swooped in,
'David was found .guilty of
juvenile delinquency, given a
stern warning, and ordered dis-
charged in his mother's custody.
The police, however, weren't
satisfied. They questioned David
about a Valentine's Day drug-
store burglary — and David re-
portedly admitted that he and
George Deimos kicked in the
,•plate -glass door and ran off with
$9, 35 packs. of cigarettes, and
two tubes of toothpaste.
His mother, Ruthe, mentioned
"the constant teasing ... Others
are always asking whether the
boys expect to 'be great baseball
men. Dave was very sensitive
about that: He wanted to be a
His singing career is over, for
a while,. at least, and if David
Campanella'' escaped a detention
home when his caseeeseeitereep, he
might be sent to a'stele ioard-
ing school,
One punishment be :Might be
glad to get but never will is a
spanking • from his father who
cried in anguished protest:
"It's a lucky thing for you that
I'm , in a . wheel ` chair." Front
Little Adolf
Needed Spanking
A few whacks on the back-
side of a small child named
Adolf and the world might not
have had to suffer World War
This thought apparently has
never occurred to Mrs. Paula
Wolf, the still ever-loving sister
of Adolf Hitler. Now 64, she
spoke out publicly recently for
the first time since der Fuhrer
committed suicide in 1945: Re-
miniscing on a British TV docu-
mentary entitled "Tyrannny,'
her words were glowing — and
revealing: -
"When we children played
'Red Indians' my broteher Adolf
'was always the leader. All the
others did what he told them:
they must have had an instinct •
that . his will was stronger."
"When (he)' was 2 years old
he once climbed up a ladder
to -the top . rung. •Mother . . .
was frightened'• to death. She
coaxed him to come down but
he stayed up there and wee
Very pleased with himself,"
"My brother loved Mother ee-,
pecially. When Mother said any-
thing he obeyed, and when Fa-
cher said anything he was, al-
ways against it."
"He had a real dislike of the
female sex , . , when Mother
wanted him to get up in the.
morning she had only to say
'Go and give him a kiss'
he Was out of bed in a fiesta
because he just couldn't stand
that." ,
Others interviewed on the
same program included Hitler's
former aide, S.S. Obergruppen
Fuhrer Julius Schaub and •Frau•,
Schaub, his chauffeur, Reich
Kempka, and his personal pilot,
Hans Bauer, who performed
"the difficult moral duty" of
burning the bodies of Hitler and
his newly wed wife and loris=
time mistress, Eva Braun. All
impressed program producer
Peter Morley with their still
stoutly held belief that Hitler
"was a normal man in every way
and absolutely marvelous."
How others felt was expressed
in the show's closing lines:
"Thousands of loyal Nazis are
dead, but the bond of the brute
lives on ... " — From News-
week. .
Cute and • Coc1
cg/ 866
Daughter looks so pretty in this
whirl -skirted pinafore. Colorful
embroidery trims neck.
Button front! — she can dress
all . by herself! Pattern 866: em-
brodiery transfer, pattern chil-
dren's sizes 2r 4, 6, 8 included;
directions for sewing.
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for safety) for Gib
pattern • to LAURA WHEELER,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New
Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT-
Send for a copy of 1959 Lauri
Wheeler Needlecraft Book.'It hal
lovely designs to order: embroi-
dery, crochet, knitting, weaving
quilting, toys. In the book, s
special surprise tomake a little
,girl happy — a . cutout doll
clothes to color. Send 25 cents foe
this book.
ISSUE 13 — '1955
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