HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-26, Page 8afake D13 Ai. T.H;€ FAfN;I"crlt;I MEN'S SUITS MEN'S TOPCOATS MEN'S HATS SPORT COATS 35,00 to 65.00 29.50 to 49.50 6.50 to 10.95 23.50 to 35.00 CHOOSE FROM BOYS 2 SUITS 11.95 to 24.50 BOYS SPORT COATS . , 12.95 to,14.95 STUDENTS SPORT COATS 17.95 to 22.50 DRESS PANTS . , 4.95 to 9.50 WHITE SHIRTS 2.25 PANT Shop at STEWART EROS. FOR TI -IE WIDEST CHOICE AND BEST VALUES IN YOUR NEW Easter Outfit Ladies Coats 49.95 All Weather Coats , . 29.95 Spring Suits , .- , , . , 29.50 39.50 New Dresses 8.95 to 22.95 Easter Millinery .. 195 to 6.95 Spring Handbags , ... 2.95 to 9.95 Spring Gloves 1.00 to 1.95 Smart Blouses 195 to 6:95 Girls Dresses . , , . 4.95 up Girls Coats . , 7.95 to 17.95 Girls Hats ,,. 1.95 to 2.95 Stewart Bros. OUR WIDE CHOICE OF EASTER SHIRTS, TIES, SOX HULLETT On March 23rd 17 adults and two children of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carter. After listening to broadcast we an swered the questionaire, received the treasurer's reporta and ap• pointed our committees for next year, A new president and secre- tary is firs. Hugh Flynn; the Seaforth Figure Skating Club under direction of Arthur Bourke • Featuring Local Talent, assisted by talent from Stratford and Chatham Num, WINTER CARNIVAL = Community Centre, Seaforth TUESDAY, MARCH 31st 8.30 P.M. . Adm.: Adults 75c. Students & Children 50c Come out and support local talent ,u0,u,eanmen,ue,nu,ncu.u,e,une.0a,„m,,,,,,u,,..n,..111111111111/011111111111111111111111111111111011111111, STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER Applications • in writing will be accepted by the undersigned until Saturday, April 18, 1959. State age, education, qualifications and references; 5 -day week; good working conditions; starting salary, $1600.00 per annum; interview can be arranged. For further details, contact: John G. Berry, Sec.-Treas, Huron County Horns Committee Court House, Goderich, Ont. all S,uaummuuomeant mu Mantle ammo uiii iii„mSmne,"eunnmum immerge ii ii uuee, EUCHRE AND SOCIAL IN THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SPONSORED BY TIIE C. W. L., DUBLIN FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8.30 p.m. Norris Orchestra Admission 75c .Farm Forum :Committee: Mrs, R. Jamieson, Mrs. H. Taylor , and Geo. Carter. The picnic commit- tee: Mrs. H, Flynn, Mrs. George Hoggart and Mrs. Bob Dalton. The reporter for 'Seaforth Expo- sitor, Mrs. 0. Anderson, Mrs. G. Carter reports to Seaforth News and Blyth Standard. Mrs. Bert Hoggart was appointed to send cards to the sick. :F iVe games of euchre were played, the winners; most games, Mrs. Bert Hoggart and Eric Anderson; lone ,hands, Mrs, R. Jamieson and O. Ander- son; eons„ Mrs. and Mr. Hugh Flynn. - REBEZCAH'S MEET Mrs. Wm. 0hambers, Exeter, district deputy president of Hur- on District No. 23, will pay her official spring visit to Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge on April 13. The Huron annual district meeting Tor all past noble Brands is to be held the afternoon of April 8 at Exeter. A donation, representing one-half ,the proceeds of a recent Penny sale, was made to Fidelity IOOF Lodge. A 'letter from U. N. I. C. E. F. regarding layettes for Asian infants, was laid over for consideration at a later meeting. Mrs. Ed Andrews, noble grand, presided. A successful "Dessert Euchre” was held at the ]some of Mrs. S. Habkirk on March 11 with ap- IN MEMORIAM NeN3OB01e--At loving na9nporr of a doter wife and mother, Isabel MoNlehol who passed War a Year ago March 24. Sweet Memorieq , will linger forever,. Time cannot change them, it's true;, Years that may genie gannet over Our loving r'emembr'ance of you. -•-'Sadly missed by the family. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our Sincere thanks to all who so kirnllY remembered us with cards and gifts following the birth Of our• daughter, Beverley Jane. Norma and Wilbur HOegy, Btpdheg- en, Ont, CARD OF THANKS Mr, Thomas Aldington and family would like to express, their sincere tlmn00 and alrpraoiation to their neigh- bours and triode for their many acts of kindness during their recent bereavo- meat, Special, thanks to Mr. G. Whitney, Rev. Mr. James, Dr. Brady and nurs- ing, staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. CARD OF THANKS The familyof the late • Mrs, Agnes Nott would like to express their sincere thanks and appr'eoiation to their neigh- bors, friends and relatives for the mart Bets of kindness during their recent bereavement. Speoial thanks to Rev.Mr, White and the ladies of Londesboro W. A, 90 united (2hurch. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for via, Its, treat§ and cards while a patient in Stratford General Hospital, Everything was deeply appreciated. Jack McIver, NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton. for V1 - king Cream Separators and Viking. Milking Machines. BASIL O'ROURKE,. Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brum- field. FOR SALE Feed turnips for sole. HENRY C. DIEGEL, Bornholm r 1. Phone 62 r 8, Dublin, FOR SALE Red clover seed and timothy. Apply to 'Clarence Montgomery, Phone 850181. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Owing to continuing heavy Barn losses the company has been forced to increase the rate on certain items of rural property, as follows: On Barns, Drive Houses, Hen Houses, Sheds, • Produce, Live. stock," Implements, Machinery, etc., to 30 cents per $100 yearly. The rate on rural Dwellings & Mutants, Churches, Schools, halls, etc., remains unchanged at 20 cents per $100 yearly. No change iii urban rates. The increased rate will apply to renewals not already signed up at March 23, 1959, and to the second instalments of 1958 and those 1959 policies already taken, and also to the third instalments of 1957 policies. TELEVISION SETS. Tisis com- pany llow assumes liability for damage by Lightning to Television Sets but with no payment for tubes. Television Sets should be specifically mentioned on the pol- icy if value is above, $100.00. ALEX J. ROHDD,President ARTHUR PRAISER, Sec. Treas. TEACHER 'WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 4, McKillop, duties to commence ,Septenilber 1,959. • A p p 1 i cants please state qualifications and salary expected. Mrs. Gordon Mc- Kenzie, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 1, Sea - forth. SEED OATS FOR SALE ;Garry Oats, registered No. 1; Garry Oats, commercial No. 1; Brant Barley, commercial No. 1. phone 840 r 41. Seaforth Central. RUSSELL BOLTON, rr1, Dublin. TAX RETURNS. Avoid last minute s'as'h. Tele- phone Seaforth 78 now for ap- pointment. H. G. M;EIR, Counsel- lor, Dominion Bank Bldg. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, .inexpensive and guarantees radio repairs to all kinds of radios, a' TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppooit, Dick House, phone 347R. Seaforth • proximately $50 being realized. Euchre was enjoyed both after- noon And evening. Winners: Mrs. A. Routledge, Mrs. Ivy Butt, Mrs. A. Mu/T, `Mrs.. E. Boshart, Miss Aibbie Seip and Wilfred Cameron. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For this year's breeding Season have you consid- ered what bull you will use ? Our Artificial Breeding Service is the answer to this question as it has been for nsany others. The constant and continuous growth enjoyed by this farmer -owned and controlled organization has prompted considerable increase in staff and we are able to look after your breeding needs. Service is available from, all breeds,'dairy or beef, and the cost is low. The best bulls that can be pur- chased are in use here. We have nothing to sell except service. You can become part own.er by simply paying the life -men, bership fee of $5.00. Cost per cow is 5.00 for a member and $6.00 for a non-nlernber. For service or More information phone -- CLINTON •- ZENITH .9-5650 • Between 7.30 and 10.00 A.M. week days 6.00 and 8.00 P.M. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat 'oil Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle for Better Living Auction Sale 00 farm rnnobinoty at .lot 36. eon, 9, Menial)twp., a/. piece east of Winthrop en Monday, April 13, 1069, Complete lure of farm machinery, in top shape, list will appear in next weeks issue,. Irvin rrowar'tha, Prop. Harold Jackson, Aucb. 17, P. Chesney; clerk Executor's Sale Of properties in the Village of 33en• sall, on SAT., .APRIL 11111, et 2 p.m, No. 1 Property—Irr'anie. 7 room dwell- ing on Main Street, Hensall furnace, full both with extra 3 -pe. bath; garage, located oat 140 214, Melee, survey, Hen. sale, No 2 Prepeity—Frame 8 room dwell- ing, relied oriels siding, 'hydra. water, on Mahn Street, -Hensall, l000ted on lot 203 Moir's Survey, Hensall, Both old subject to reserve bid. Estate of Agnes Stewart. Harold Jaokson, Auctioneer For further particulars apply to Hugh Dalrymple, Mitoholl, Executor, .Tele. Phone 297 w: Mitchell or McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth, eolioitors for the Ex- ecuter. Clearing Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle 'at Lot 30, Con, 10, Hallett Twp., 1 mile west of Lendesboro, on TUESDAY, MARCH 310 at 1 p,m.. HORSES—Aged team of horses. CATTLE -12 good Durh0m COWS with 'calves at foot; 6 Hereford cows with calves at foot ; good Durham bull, -8 yro. old; 1$ Durham steer's and heifer's, rising 1 year old; 8 Durham steers ris- ing 2 years old; 4 Durham heifers ris- ing 2 years old. Eleetrie DeLaval cream separator, like new. All the above cattle are in market condition. Terms—Cash. JOHN SNELL, Prop. ; - Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer; E. P. •lresney, Clerk. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Farm, Farm Stook and Maehinery, at Lot 21-22, Con, 11, McKillop Twp., 114 north and 1 mile east of Winthrop, on SAT„ APRIL 4111, at 1 p.m. FAIOM--150• acres, part of Lot 21 and 22, Con, 11, McKillop Twp•, good clay .loam, approx. 130 acres of work- able land, the remainder in good hard- wood bush two story brick house with furnace, bath, 'hydro, large bank barn, drive shed good water supply, MACHINERY—Farm machinery, in- cluding Model S Case tractor on rub- ber, 1942 Dodge sedan ear with naw tires, grain roller and motor, farm scales, gas engine and nutting box, cream separator, sleighs, hay loader, ,cultivator, harrows, steel roller, mower, quantity hard maple wood. SSP Pan, buckets, hay and grain. CATTLE -2 Durham cows, due to freshen ; 2 Durham calves. -Horses—Aged team. Pigs -2 York sows, 150 hens. Household Effects—Including 21" tel- evision, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Chattels cash; property 10% down, balance in 80 days, Eatnte of Late James Morrison. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. p. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE 12 pigs 8,9 weeks old. Apply. M Jos. Dorsey, Dublin; Perone 88 r 9, FOR•SALE 1953 Pontiac; excellent condition. Ap= ply to Box S, The Seaforth News. FOR SALE 7 good young pigs.. JACK MuIVER, St. Columban. Phone Dublin 84. r 21.1 FOR SALE Timothy seed. Lew Bolton, Phone 840 r• 22, Seaforth. FOR SALE Electric brooder, Jamesway, in good working order, at 525 (half price). Ap- ply to CARL, SIEMON, Phone 52 r 17, Dublin. HONEY FOR SALE Clover 8 l pails 52.26; 4 l pails at 51.16. WALLACE ROSS Apiaries, Sea - forth, FOR SALE No. 1 commercial barley, Herta, ger- minated 98 per cent. Apply to KEN CA1(NOOHAN, 886 r 82, Seaforth. FOR SALE Timothy seed, power. cleaned. Apply Clarence Regeje, Phone Dublin 84 r 9. FARM FOR SALE 200 acresgood play loam (mrd, well drained, near Church and school and is M the vicinity of Seaforth, on a county road. Property contains 2 bank baths, steel stabling, modern rug brick bunga- low fully equipped with bathroom and furnace, etc. New steel drive shed, gar- age. There is an excellent water supply and .two pressure systems. Land may be sold as two farms, HAROLD JACK- SON, Box 461, Seefor'th, Phone 474. FOR SALE 100 acre farm all in grass. 96 acres cleared land. S 3/4 north of Seaforth. Drilled well and windmill. Apply_ to Harold. Jackson. FOR SALE • Dwelling on Chalk St., 1r/ years old. 8 bedrooms, oil ;heat, garage, immediate 'possession. CHAS. REEVES. TO RENT One furnished small apartment.•with separate birth, immediate posseetiion. One0-room apartment, with separate bath, immediate possession. Apply to Hlarvey Mcllwain, Seaforth. NOPE -JUST SWITCH EDTO DEKALB C)41X McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY ZURICH, ONT. Phone Hensel]. 697 r 8 Clearing Auction Sale 00 Farm Stock, machinery, bay mrd grail at let 24, con, yy Logan twp„ 1311 north and 2 miles Nteat of MitohoR, on Wednesday, April let at 12 o'clock, horses--Bhwk Belgian Hero 8 years old, 1709 Ito; Bay horse 1500. lbs. god worker, Cattle -•-2 `Mae COWS just freshened;. I Hereford cow duo time of sale, llolstoha cow duo in April; Hereford cow duo in May, 10 steers r'ismg 2 yrs,old between. 008-1090 lbs (May be fed on farm till May). 8 steers about 800 lbs; 16 year- ling earling stoers and heifers, Hens -103 Leghorn bens. Jmplementd; M. H. 44 tractor: Willys Jeep, 4 wheel drive, signal lights; Bell thrashing machine' on rubber 24 x 40.. with Ebet'sol Shudder; McCormick Deering Ensilage putter with pipes ; M. II, 7 -ft binder (nearly new) ; M H. 7 -ft, mower (new)McCormick-leering 18- disc fertilizer drill ; McCormick Deer. ing 7 -ft. cultivator; McCormick Deer- ing plow;"Giese 4'1 ft. one-way Diso;. Oliver 8.00, ouble' disc-; Coolcsh'ntt man urs spreader No, '4 on rubber; MeCor- mink 0.21 mower; corn cultivator, corn planter, sideralce, dump rake, McCor- mick Deering .hay loader, sugar beet planter, 2 seta 4 -section harrows, 0- dram roller, set 2000 Ib scales,' walking plow, seuffler set sleighs,. McCormick. 6.21, mower, l'a'm wagon on rubber, 16 -at flat hay rook ; DoLnvnl direct drive cream Separator (like new)' fan- ning mill ;, bag track; pig crate; 100 ft 6/8" rope heavy logging chant; power' meat.- grinder; lard press; rotary pump; gao pump spark plug pump ; 2 IA -11.p. electric motors;.. 2 trailers with racks; 2 push Dolce; set' douale harness; set single harness' crosscut, saw ; delis ring saw ; 120 ft rk" deal cable `with Pul- leys; 100 feet endleso belt; 30' exten- sion'- ladder; bumper jack ; pile limb,. wood; quantity grass seed ; - quantity grain, quantity hay. Household, Effects—Buffet, kitchen. cabinet,. chest drawers, dropleaf table, odd chairs, sealers, crocks, robe, other articles toonumerous to mention, Terme—Cash Thomas •McKenzie Prop. Harold Jackson, elect. FOR SALE 5 -room frame house in Sea - forth with 2 bedrooms, full base- went, garage, 2 , years old. Phone 2621. George Broome. FOR SALE A few 'bushels of gop4 nal Mo- ver seed. Wilmer McClinchey, Varna, Phone 687 r 32 Hensel'. FOR SALE Registered No. 1 Garry Seed Oats cleaned, graded, treated bagged and Government Sealed. Price $1,40 per bushel. Also bulk oats from same lot; clean your- self and save. Apply Spencer Jeffery, Staffs, Ontario, Phone 11r10 Dublin NOTICE Seaforth Seed Cleaning Plant will be open for business. Contact Seaforth Lumber, phone 47 "Clearing Auction Sale Farm stock, machinery, hay & grain. At lot 6, Con. 4, McKillop. twp., 11/4 west and 2 miles north of Dublin on Monday, March 30, et 1 p.m. Cattle '— 4 Hereford heifers with calves at foot. 3 Hereford & Durham cows, due time of sale. 2 Hereford .heifers due in June. 20 Hereford heifers due in July. 2 Durham heifers due in July. Hereford steer 800 lbs:, 3 years old. Hereford steers 3 years old. Hereford heifers. Pigs — 7 pigs 125 lbs. 21 chunks 75 lbs., Hay & Grain -160 bus. Gary oats suitable for seed. Quan- tity mixed grain. Quantity mixed hay. Machinery — John Deere 110. 40 tractor, with 2' furrow hyd- raulic plow (4 years old). John. Deere tractor manure spreader model L (new). Massey Harris drop head hay loader. McCormick Deering mower. Massey Harris binder; steel land roller. 6 sec- tion diamond harrows, 8 ft culti- vator; rubber tired wagon with 16 ft. hay rack. 2 wheel trailer; seuffler, McCormick D'g cream. separator. Fairbank Morse ham- mer mill; pig feeders, steel troughs; chicken oil brooder; rain shelters; hay rope and car. Forks, shovels, Colony house (500 chicle). Fleury' Bissell double disk.Chains, 50 ft, endless belt; set farm Some .household hs. • g effects. Other articles. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash.•Prop., Nicholas Krauskopf. Auct„ Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney - NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation "Where Better Bulls Are Used", supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance,, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton. HU 2.3441. For service or more in- formation, call between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality is high and the cost low. NOTICE Viking Cream Separator. Sales and Service for new and used ✓ ikdng ,Separator. John S3yerman, East William St., Seaforth, Ont.. Phone 566 w • We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Ljability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Seaforth Agricultural S M ciety is again sponsoring Field Crop Competitions featuring YORK BARLEY and RODNEY OATS Anyone interested contact HAROLD PRICE, KEN STEWART or ROBERT MCMILLAN THE SI)AFOI0TH NEWS. Thursday, March 26, 1950 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon • Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH (LIN''IC 51. A, McMaster, B.A., M.D., Intern*N P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily ascent Wednesday and Sunday Deeningar Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- erday only 7-9 p.m, Appointments made In advance em' desirable TURNBULL 8, BRYANS' VETERINARY CLINIC J.0, TURNBULL D.V.M., V.S. W. 1 R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V:S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.90; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM, Thur. ev Mt appointment o01Y. Clinton HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80 INSURANCE • • Fire • Auto • Acciden,1 • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD 0013I00—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander Viae -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager ail Sec.-Treas., Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. 13, MaEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha Clinton ; J. L Pepper, Brucefield • C. '00. Leonhard!,Bornholm; IL Fuller, Goderioh; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alllater Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents— Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesborot J. F. Prueter Brodhagen Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties 'desirous to effect insurance or. transact other business, will ie promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their reapeetive poet offices. blue .coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL " OIL WILLIAM M. DART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmlth " Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested, by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on roads or streets. 10. P. Chesney, Clerk, Tuekersmith Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Several hundred Dekalb pullets! hatched Nov. 3rd .. 16 weeks • Feb. 23rd. 18 weeks - Mar. 9th. Vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle. Should be seen to be appreciated. If you keep records, you will keep Dekalbs, Moore's Poultry Farm, Seaforth, ph. 647.31. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. Mens & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- , ness to give comfort and save you money FOR SALE Timothy seed, power cleaned, $10.60 a bushel. Clarence Regale, Dublin phone 64r9 Hard goad Obuc SALE coal. 1 inch soft coal $16 a ton not calci- um or oil :treated—can be used for pig feed. Phone 36 r 13, Dub- lin, 'KRAUSKOPF BROS. BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale Date now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2.7534 TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO - CHIEF BURNING OILS Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w, Seaforth