HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-26, Page 7Some Parties Can Be Expensive "Tomorrow y0 u r beautiful bride awaits yoga!" Cheers greet- ed this hilarious Cry as hand- some Gunar, a 29 - year old Swede, reeled against none -too- steady party guest, The cheers grew increasingly boisterous, for the stag party, having begun in the afternoon, was still going strong at mid- night and everyone present was well lit up. Finally, two family retainers, as previously briefed, took hold Of the tipsy guests, stripped off their outer clothes, and plunged them one by One into the icy water of a lake adjoining the restaurant. What a hangover tormented Gunar on his wedding morning! Watched with dismay by his radiant bride, 22 -year-old honey blonde Ulla, he staggered up the aisle, white - faced and "desper- ately groggy, As the music pealed forth and sunshine flood- ed through richly stained glass windows, the church seemed te. lupin around him. Clutching his throbbing head, In a last vain effort to retain self-control, he blurted out, "I must getout abf here!" Amid , murmurs of consternation, he left his shocked young bride on t13e verge of tears. He ran out of the church, staggered into a taxi, and fled to his hotel. There he collapsed Into bed. Ulla was heartbroken.. No word of explanation came to her until twenty-four hours later, when Gunar 'phoned, saying that be'd blacked out because of his stag party hangover, "Well; if that's your behaviour on what should have been the happiest day of our lives, you can stay away frum me for good!" she spat out, and slam- med down the. receiver. How often does the unexpect- ed materialize at -a party ! What begins in gaiety ends with fear- ful shock or, maybe, with un- expected thrills and romance. In a Colorado. nightclub re- cently, 25 -year-old Canadian Lester Johnston sat swilling champagne, feeling like a mil- lion dollars, when a firm hand fell on his shoulder. This. ar- rest by American detectives act - Ing on a warrant from the Moun- ties, ended a sixteen -day revel, He was charged with having embezzled $300,000 from an Ot- . tawa bank. They found $210,000 in bills in his hotel room; and. besides financing his drinking spree, he'd bought himself an expensive car. "Weal, that's it, boys, I guess," grinned Johnston, ruefully. "1 always wondered what it would • be like to have money. Now. 1 know !" Much sharper tension intrud- ed at a party held in Melbourne a few weeks ago, when an ex- asperated 27 -year-old butcher named Mike suddenly stopped everyone's ftin by whipping out a revolver. "Get up against the wallthere, all of you — and quick !" lie rasped. As he 'brandishedhis gun, the party obeyed with some speed. "Now give me back my bottle of beer; one of .yew has stolen it !" he snapped. Mike was solely concerned,. with satisfying his. suspicions that someone had pinched his bottle of beer; this washis way of finding out. But one fellow - guest greatly disliked such tough guy tactics. While Mike was marshalling, his, suspects, the guest slipped away and 'phoned the police. They soon arrived and, after a scuffle, disarmed the. gunman and put him in a cell. Appearing in court, he was fined .$75, and bad his revolver confiscated. LEFT OUT — Left behind when 'the parade passed by were this little girl and the balloon ven- der during o children's celebra- tion in Paris, France., Saved. Killer From Gallows No mystery is really a mystery. There must always be someone who knows the truth. H. a crime. remains unsolved it is because' there are those'in the secret who will not speak. • Such conspiracies of silence are to be expected in the criminal underworld; but they have oc- curred, even in cases of murder, among people who are apparent-' ly good citizens. The mystery here is why these people acted as they did. It is said that the'secret -of the Appin murder of 1752, a classic of this kind, has been handed down in Argyllshire from genera= tion to generation to the present time. Clannishness is not peculiar to the Scottish Highlands; it may be paralleled to -clay iri some quiet English. countryside. The same secrecy which clamped dawn on the shooting of Campbell of Glenure 200 years ago enshrouds the murder of Edward Welham in 1931. We need not believe that Welham's Dorset neighbours would have gone so far as the Highlanders whose ideas of clan loyalty sent an innocent mean to the gallows; butthe determined silence of these rural .folk was to baffle. Scotland Yard. First manager and trainer. Of the 'Cloverdale Kennels, at Tar- rant Keynston, in L,lrset, was William Steer. When, within, a few months Steer was;found shot near •'a badger hole, his gun by his side, the fatality was accept- ed as accidental. His successor was Edward George Welharn, a young unmarried man. Welham lodged in the village with, the family of his kennel - maid, Mary Hathaway. She•work- ed only in the afternoons; as. full- time assistant Welhamemployed, a young man, Frederick Deamen: The kennels consiste.1 bf a long army hut, divided in the middle', by partitions' whichformed a small office. Here Welham kept his guns, a 16 -bore and a 12 -bore, in a cupboard by his desk. • On the morning of Octoberlsti 1931, he was as usual at 'the kennels before ,breakfast. He re- turned to, the Hathaway's house for this meal at eight. o'clock. When he wentbackto the hut • DOWN BUT NOT OUT — Probably recalling The no -hit games of '1952. and 1956 when they were battery -mates, Roy Cam- panella sits in his wheelchair and watches pitcher Carl Erskine Warm up at the •Dodgers spring training' camp. Campanella is now a special coach with the team. he missed a blind spaniel, tp W'hioh he was much attached, and Deamen was sent to look for the dog, This was just before ten o'clock Deamen, by his own account,,was only some 120 yards from the hut when he heard, a shot, but thought nothing oP it, It took him some time to find the spaniel When he returned to the hut, Welham was lying in a ppol of blood on the floor ,of the office, his own 16 -bore gun be- neath him, Deamen ran to the villages Thomas Hathaway, the kennel mald's father, went back with him to the hut. The girl herself followed with her brother, and after them came the police eon - stable stationed at Tarrant Keyn- stun. Welham was still alive; he' was taken to the hospital at Blandford where he died the next morning, He had been shot in the back, apparently while' standing at his desk. The 16 -bore had been fired: The policeman's first impres-` Bion was that it wasa ease of suicide. He leaked about for means by which Welham could. have' reached the trigger of the gun while holding the muzzle to the back of his neck, He ,expected, he said, to find a stick ora string. There was, no string, but, a long stick of hazel was leaning against ,some sacks, near the office door. It was Mary Hathaway who pointed out that Welham's jacket was unbuttoned and'.that,'his wal- let was sticking half out of the. inside pocket. There was a pound note in it. Welham, should have been carrying about 'a10. The medical report, with that of the policeman, convinced the Chief Constable of Dorset: that he had a case of murder on - his hands. Scotland Yard were called in and Superintendent Hambrook of the C.I.D. arrived' at Tarrant Keynston. Experiments with the 16 -bore proved that Welham had been shot from a distance of about twelve feet, The door of theoffice was thirteen 'feet from his desk.' He was shot, in Hambrook's words, "by some person' who stood in the doorway and thrust the muzzle of the gun through the opening." The gun, 'in the .superinten- dent's opinion, was taken from its cupboard while 'Welham was away at breakfast. The murderer then waited near the hut — there was plenty of cover handy — un- til Deamen left to find the span- iel. If the motive of thecrime was gain, the murderer in his haste missed £9 in the desk. But was gain' the' motive? Hambrook )egan•to;have other ideas, which were strengthened, by the behaviour of Welham's neighbours. The young man ap- peared to have been well liked, but the folk. of Tarrant Keynoton had heard nothing, seen nothing, and knew nothing. They ignored the evidence of murder; it was obviously 'suicide, they said. At Supt. Hambrook's request the rector of ,Tarrant Keynston took the unusual step of,asking ' his parishioners from the pulpit to help the police — in other, words, not to obstruct them. The appeal appeared tD have no•ef- fect, With the case in this unsatis- factory state, Hambrook,returned to London to :report, He had bare- ly got there when Thomas Hatha- way made .a confession. He had tampered with evidence. His first thought( on .reaching the hut' with Deamen, was•that Welharn, had shot himself by accident. Then he saw a cord trailing from; the hazel stick towards the gun.. To spare Welham's mother the pain of knowing that her son had committed suicide, he slipped the cord from the stick. He had kept it, and the stick was still in the office. The super- intendent hastened back to Tar- rant Keyneton;' but further ex- periments showed that no ar- rangement of cord and stick, could .have fired the gun as it must have been :tired. Here, then, appeared to be proof of premeditation. But why, having staged a suicide,,, did the murderer .defeat his.aim by tam- pering so,carelessly'with the wal- let? Did he panic? Or was there no theft? Was Weihatn, perhaps, taking out 'the wallet 'when he was shot? These and other features of the case remain riddles because the main question is still unanswered. ,Who fired. the shot? ;`I, think I know," :Hambrook said, but evi- dence to justify a charge was denied him by the locals' silence. The case, therefore, is still open, It may be that Dorset folk are less secretive than High- landers_, and that fifty years hence, when all conceened, in- cluding the murderer, are dead, sonleohe will tell the story, hand- ed down, of who killed Edward Welham, and why; and Scotland Yard can then close the. file. A girlapplied for a job as a Monographer and was given a spelling test, "How do yo spell' Durham?" she was asked. "The city or the county?" she .inquired. 1 4 1 • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING f. MECHANICAL PARTS AND REPAIRS AGENTS WANTED BIBLES SALESMEN or Women to sell deluxe Catholic and Protestant Family Bibles, 9 I0 or part time, >;atury, commission one bonus, Appy Bea 163, 123.16th Street, New Toronto, Ont. giving phone number and particulars ter personal interview, GO INTO BUSINESS for 'yourself, Sell our exciting house wares, watches and other preclude not found in stores. No competition, Prof. its up to 500x/, Write now for free colour catalogue and separate eonE- denttal wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3922 St, Lawrence, Montreal. Farm Mgchinery Agency SHOWING GOOD NET RETURN SELLING every kind of farm machin• ,cry, trucks and tractors" Wed °stab• "fished 4n territory, doing over 8400,000; . can be• increased to $800,000 Per year, For confidential information Mali Mr; Gllcksman RU. '74741, Carfagnini Renl:, Estate, 342 Oakwood' Ave.. Toronto, • WANTED—A REPRESENTATIVE WITH ,a ear. to enroll Motor Club mem• berships in this ares 5011 or part-time.. Write for free de Is to Dept, W, Ontario Automobile Association, Box 817, , Londpn, Ontario. '"COIN' COLLECTING IS CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING HOBBY, WE ARE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN C 01 N ALBUMS, SUPPLIES' A N D LATA- .LOGUES, WE REQUIRE LOCAL AND COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY. 227 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario." AUTO, TRUCK PARTS, TIRES A WEAR EVER SPARK PLUG A Fire Injector spark plug for truck, tractor or ear, for better starting, more power on less gas—$1.75 each or $150 each for 12 or, more. L. M. King, 147 Mill St. South, Brampton. BABY CHICKS TAKE stock, of your requirements, or- der now. Bray has immediate shipment deyold, some started, dual purpose pul- lets and cockerels. Also Ames Pullets; dayold heavy breed cockerels, Book Broiler chicks April -May. Pricelist avail- able. 'See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120. •John' North, Hamilton, ' ONTARIO'S MOST PROFITABLE • LAYER , LOGSDON'S H & N. "Nick Chicks'. Day 010 discount on large orders, Leukosis resistance. Started pullets available, Order'now for spring. delivery. infer. mation upon request. Logsdon's H & 14 Hatcheries, Seaforth,'Ont.. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service. By :marl, 52.00 per month, records kept. W r i te. Auditax. 230 Herbert. Waterloo. Om 'tarlo BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE TOBACCO, ,confectionery store, 991,000 weekly turnover; 3 apartments corn. plete, 2 •four -room ones are rented, 5 - room apartment for owner.' Building and businessis modern, only 4 years old, with 3- ear garage. One of the finest 'corners in Kitchener, A down payment of 920,000 is needed on the ,property and business.' A. real oppor- tunity for anyone looking for a good future and security. For inspection call or write William Barth, 228 Margarete Ave—Kitchener, Ont. • • FARMS,. WANTED FARM wanted: ideally located. 200 acres, excellent building or no build. angs. State price. furnish picture. Box 181, 123 -lath Street. New Toronto Ont, 'FOOD DISTRIBUTOR FISH WRITE for our 8059 price list. We have a good supply Quality and Variety. SILVERSTEINS 136W King St.. London, Ontario. FOR. SALE SEVERAL 'different makes.of good used .milking -machines, Let us install one of these or a new Woods In your barn ,. on trial without any obligation: Dist. and is no barrier. Phone (collect) or ,write Irving Keyes, Glands. Phone Pais • UNBREAKABLE DISHES SAVE,$5.0.on 20 ptece.Trnditlon dinner sets.. Assorted Pastel 'Colours,' 4 each dinner' plates, side plates, bowls, cups, saucers,, 97,50 full price. Send $1,00 with this ad, balance express collect. Glen . 5. Woolley & Co„ Ajax, Ontario. $1 POCKET RUBBER STAMPS 91 YOUR name and address (three lines) in neat plastic container with Ink pad. Lane Stationers. 937 Victrola Ave,. Nia• • gara Falls. Ont, Dept. W. ' - FOR .SALE AND.EXCHANGE_ •RENFREW Cream separator suppllee. 'Exchange Bowls, Parts, all makes. Elec• Aria •attachment: Hulse •Separator 'Sere - Ice, Hillsdale, Ontario. • • FLOWERS -TREES -SHRUBS 'EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES SFIADE trees, hedges. Christmas tree seedlings. Free price list and advice. Landscaping done 75 mites radius,' THE GOLDEN 'TRIANGLE NURSERY R.R.. 3, Spencervilie. Ont. FUR FARM ANIMALS THE: fur trade Is waiting for top. qui. .ity nutria fur. We have nutria for spring delivery that grade excellent in New York •Stewart's.Nutria, Box 104, Dryden, Ont. W .1. Stewart • A. C. Thompson. ' HELP. WANTED HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for contractors' and builders' hardware sales, all bene. fits provided. -Excellent working condi. Lions. Apply to own handwriting stab Ing previous experience, age, etc., to Dox 179 123.18th Street New "'pronto.. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman.' ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les. sons 504, Ash for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses„1290 Bay Street, Toronto • .MAGAZINES AFRICAN VIOLET CHATTER ALL. Canadian Magazin for Africun Violet care and Culture in ,Canada. One year's subscription 91,09 Chatter 2788 Thorold, Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario. MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" t.E.L, Pioneer $13,60, 18" Mot',ulloch '044 915.50. 17" Hmnclite EZ 915,25. 'Write for details 'on'our complete line 00 saJAY'SiMAIL ORDER, BOX 66 J BURLINGTON, ONTARIO MECNANICAL.PARTS AND REPAIRS 000D usedmotors rebuilt and used transmissions, rear .ends, alas •rods, East End Rcbulits, 465 King 13., Toronto. FOR TRUCK PARTS IT'S LEVY'S ALL ,nukes • N'ew, used, rebuilt Levy's Auto Pasta Company Ltd., 1400 Weotnn Rd.. Toronto, Ontario, WBECKSNG, 53 Nask gambler. 52 Poe tea,5351 Obevrolet hardtop 51 Cedilaed1ianutll,fotasgur,tlln Austin End Tor- onto, Wreckers, kers, 465 King St, E„ Tor - MEDICAL "ARE you sure you don't' hove auger (sign or Dlabete)7 Thousands do, and don't know itl Play safe! Cheek your family nowi Simple home test that you make Yourself, detects sugar Imine- dlately. 250 each, 6 for 1140 Postpaid, Royal Company, Dept, C, 1051 Mt, Royal East, Montreal, READ THIS — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO's DRUG STORE 555 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE. BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema- will respond readily to the Stainless odorless Ointment regardless of how stubborn or , hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.00 PER ,IAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue Best TORONTO MUCUS IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK -TABLETS for the nose and throat, dropping 'of mucus dls• charge, sensation of a lump In the throat and other disturbances. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Both Department Stores And Tamblyn Stores A Product of Thune Herbalist 298. Danforth, Toronto NURSES WANTED GENERAL STAFF NURSES AND 'CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS ARE needed for our new wings. which contain operating room 'and recovery room suites, - obstetrical department, surgical and medical wards. Well planned orientation and inservtee programmes, Good personnel policies. Attractive pension plan, 40 hour week, effective June 1 1959. Apply: Director of Nursing, Toronto East General Hos- pitl, Toronto 6. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LADIES to sew at home,. on their own machine. Opportunity for high earn- ings. Apply Box 240, Glencoe, Ont. STUDENTS EARN extra money after school selling subscriptions for Saturday Evening Post Ladies' Home Journal and other , leading magazines; good commissions. Write3Yonge St , T roi tDavis Agency, OPERATE Home Mail Order Business) Men and Women (all ages). Ten Proven Money making Sources. Only 25e, Sant faction assured. Captain. Box 501 -CA. Reading. Massachusetts. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession;. good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W.. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & C o m p a n y Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. . 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries, • PERSONAL YOUR HOROSCOPE by eminent English astrologist, •,with exceptional personal reading offer, Send month, date, birth with 254. SIRDON BERNHARDI (R), Markham Ont. LADIES for the best in cosmetics,' try Peggy Newton Products, Free cata. Logue, beauty chart. Barn's Novelty P.O. Box 845 Montreal.' HEAR the people's gospel hour, Sun. .days, with Canada's radio pastor Perry ' 'F, Itockwood, Chatham-. (Dial 630) 3:30 p.m.; Orillia (Dial 1570) 4 p.m., Niagara Falls (Dial 1800) 5 pm. Write for free book of messages on "Bible Questions Answered" by Pastor Rockwood, P.O. • Box 1660, Halifax, Canada. GREY HAIR? PREMATURE grey hair 3s embarrassing. Look years younger with Kabul Brll- ]lantlne. Successfully used over 50 years, easily applied. Restores natural appearance. Does not stain. This Brti- Slantine gets rid of grey hair,Results within two Weeks. Complete treat- ment kit (two bottles) 93.60, Money orders prepaid; C.O.D. collect. Satlsfae. .tion guaranteed. Kabul Products Reg'd., 480 — ''19th Avenue, Abord.a-Plouffe. Que, ADULTS) Personal Rubber Goods! 86 assortment for 92.00. Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed In plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of eupplleb, Western. Distributors. Sox 7A•'rF Regina. Sask. CULLODEN MOOR, HEATH'ER PERFUME Made by Fraser, Inverness Ideal Gift for Scots Perfumer 31,751 $3.25; and 95.50 (Send 91.10 for ,Trial Offer.) Toilet Water: 93185; Talcum: 91,40 G,B'InternationalSpeclalttes, Reg'd, Box '246, Knowlton, Que. PHOTOGRAPHY '_ SAVE! SAVE I SAVE! Films developed and 12 magna ,prints in album 004 0 magna prints in aibum 404 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR :Devoloping. roll 91,00 Ind including Prints), undolor Ektach! ono 35 inn,. 20 ch extra. posures mounted -1n slides 91,21. ,Calor prints from slides 354 each. • Money refunded In ;full for unprinted- nega• fives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT,. I !ch Ili NBarly Crazy . , . I Was ar Very first use of seething, coottns ttgs(d 0. 0.A, Prescriptlon. positivaly rdlcves row red ition,diuswl by ecosIsa ot:Idea. sada sews, Irritation, dialing—other ltd treaties, Greaseless, stabiles 39r (4,1 bottle must eatisiy eir IOSY back. 1t n't cake 1st; Mis rout druggistfor 0.1).1) 11t1,St1R11'rloOJ PERSONAL "ADAM to Armageddon," brief historlr beck free to bible readers. Addreasi Sox 149, Dorchester. Ontario, POULTRY AND LiVESTQCK THE repeat orders we are receiving Kim from berchikcustosmerslast whoyear purohused K-537us and who tel) they have made more Money out oJf Kimber Pullets than Any other breed or strain they have ever had, has amazed us. One flock will convince you that 10-037 Ktmberchiks are best fat' early large eggs which bring bigger premiums, bettor livability and less laying house mortality due to Leucosis, higher rate Of lay, strong shell texture, less cracked eggs. Order Kimber pullets today, Hatching all popular Egg, Dual Purpose Breeds, 101 Generation Broil- ers, Turkey (Roasters and Broilers), No matter how you look at it, Blue Spotted Hybrid sowsglee you maxi- mum benefits of cross -bred mothers of your market pigs. Also selling P ure yn'dreegltLcrtd FaIdR iDan, imported, EnglishLarge Aeed Aberdeen Angus Cattle.Catalogue, E CFIPCK HATCHERIES LONTAT . PETS FOR SALE BRASS Name Plates, Machine stamped with your name and Address, Red let. tern. For Keys or Dog Collars. Three for dollar. Pete Waite, 150 Ilaltway Street, Woodstock, Ontario. POULTRY OUR April gosling prices are lower this year, Also hatehes through May. June, Circular on request. Erle Goose Farm, Dunnville, Ontario, PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED, 100 to 1000 acres or more cheap bush lots for cash, Box 182 123• 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS CZARIST Russia — 25 different mints only 25 cents with approvals. Excello Stamps Company, P.O. Box 210. Station B, Montreal 2, Que. WANTED old and recent coins• Cana- dian, Newfoundland, United States. Best Premiums. Send•254 for three 1959 buy- ing lists. M. Marley, 212 Holhorne Ave., Toronto. OLD COINS,ch ,p BANK NOTES May • stamps for buying lists Paul2Thtberk 1745 Prince. Windsor. Ont. 20 FOREIGN Coins 51.00 Gold Soyer. eign 510.00 1968 Canadian Uncirculated Coln Set, $3,50. Scotch Highlander Badge 51,50. Coin Buying List 254. Crown Hobbies, 167 Codsell. Downs view, Ont, SWINE WESSEX Saddleback gilts and boars, all ages, registered or unregistered, ideal for crossbreeding, Wessex/Landrace. Wessex/York, s 0 w s mailable, Dr. Murray Smith, :Veterinarian. Charing Cross, Ontario. VACATION RESORTS Florida Bound UNUSUALLY nice housekeeping cot. tages and apartments near Clearwater. Private beach right on beautiful Gulf of Mexico — world's safest bead). Ex- tensive grounds, shade trees and patios. Relaxing outdoor living. Conservative ✓ ates and real hospitality bring our guests hack year after year. For Brochure WRITE LOUISE JONES, OWNER GULF PLAZA 19420 GULF BLVD. •Indian Rocks Beach, Florida WANTED WANTED; used wooden silo. Write stating price, size, condition and age to George Smote, R. 2, Dublin. STABBED FOIL 'STOLEN KISS While Mrs. Rittel, of Phoenix, was peeling potatoes in her kit- chen her husband crept up from behind and kissed her on the back of the neck" She turned in' surprise, and the potato knife struck her husband on the chhek, inflicting a nasty gash. The playful interlude ended with Mr. Rittel having six stitches in his cheek at a local hospital. MERRY MENAGERIE 'As Ions as you're already tip here, Friend, mind knocking down a few nuts?" ISSUE 12 — 1959 CEDAR -WALL Amazing, Lab 'rested. dolt yourself crushed aromatic redwood cedar Mix with water. brush on. Cedarizes closets• chests. walls permanently at a fraction of the cost of a ceder lining, 5 pounds covers 40 sq ft Costs Only 95.95 Preppie Send Cheque or Boner Order to WELLINGTON INDUSTRIES Dept, 91 Wellington, Ontario SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE $ERVORSNESI PAZIDAY TO' MORROWI To be happy and tranquil Instead at nervous or for a good night's stop, take Sedicin tablets according to diracetone. SEDICIN® $1.00—$4,9s TABLETS OreaPeres ORM