HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-19, Page 8CISOOS1'.r YOUR EASTER HAT from our big s1'oWixl.g ur Wide brims, small flats, flower bands, 'high crowns, new straws and fabrics , , , Whatever the type you like we have them all in a wide range of lovely new spring and Easter shades, For the widest choice, Shop at Stewart's 495 to 9.95 POPULAR WEATHER V T EA 1 6 1Tp�yyF ER COATS . , for Easter All-weather coats in new cotton cords, smart waffle cloths, fine poplins and patterned brocade materials are the favorite in Easter selling. They're practical Yet very dressy. Come in to -day and choose yours at 29.50 Stewart Bros. McKILLOP The March meeting of the Me- Killap E. U. B. WA met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Nichols with 13 present. Mrs, Harold Smyth and Mrs, Ford Dickison were in chprge of the meeting based on Easter. ,Several hymns of Easter were sung, also read- ing entitled "Easter (Meditation" by Mrs, Dickison, a poem written by Mr. Nichols was react by Rev. Amaeher. :Mrs. 0. Leonhardt fa- vored the group with a solo; also a cruet by Rev. and Mrs. Amach- er was enjoyed. The roll call was answered by naming a book of the old testament. Thankyou let- ters were read from several for boxes when they were sick. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs, Irvin Reek, Mrs, L. Hoegy and Mrs. 0. Beuermann in charge. Roses were placed in Evangeli- cal Church on Sunday in mem- ory of Charles Eggert who pas- sed away one year ago Mar. 16, by his wife and family. Mrs. Elmer Koehler returned home from the hospital on Tues clay. Miss Diane Trutter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bari Trutter, had her appendix removed in Seafaith Hospital on Saturday. Our 2-ACCOI NT PLAN is Pla, r.ed Saving 1 Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep yourr records straight, Tha low service charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are on file if you need them. 9 Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add to it G from every pay. As your balance grows, you'll gain new peace of mind, Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch now. THE CANADIAN I3ANK OF ,COMMERCE MORE THAN BOO BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA 00 SERVE YOU Seaforth Branch L. F. Ford - Manager Outfit Branch E. J. Deah -- Manager. on lora, 1'6Ws, than a(itfltd 04:' dile Fireside d sosi Perm met the 11o1114 of Mr. and Mrs. I3o Rennin to :discuss' imflni'gnation and emigration, We -consider the maler essential 06 'ln trnigraiitO to Canada should be good health, mental alertness, wiilnngn0ga t learn, adaptdXllltY, 'good Rnscrala and tine eioRraoter. These ar more im'por'tant thanomit:Meanie Sn educational lines, Regarding religion it :would be 6•air to al- low about half Protestant :and halt Roman Catholic, ''Control of immigration is a good thing and should continue, Different races, ()freed, end nationalities should not be bar •red if they are the type or peo- ple who would make good Citi zene and fit in with our way 'of life, Ibut they should be restricted as to suunrb'ers. We deplore the 'fact that' so many o6 our edsaeat ed 'bright young people go to the States, Most games, Mrs, Geo. Carter Don. Buchanan; done hands,. Mrs 'Harvey Tanner, Oliver ,Anderson; eons., Jim Howatt, Trio Ander son, HENSALL Mrs. Bill Fink was hostess for the 'Manch meeting of the Arnold Oirele Evening Auxiliary, Mon- day night at Carmel Presbyter! an Church. The president, Mrs. •iOd Fink opened with a prayer ,for guidance. Mrs, En. Wilson and iblrs, G, Bell led in the worship eervlce. 'Their topic was "Our Presbyterian 'Church Work with the French 'Canadian People". Roll call was answered with an Easter verse, 17 ehut4n visits were recorded and Mas, Schwalm reported from the nursing home that the Valentine gifts made the patients very happy. The meeting closed with the S,ord's Prayer, after 'w'hich Mrs. Ed Fink and Miss Hannah Murray served a very appetizing- lunch, Mrs. Ed Fink will be hostess of the Ap- ril meeting. Mrs, Margaret Evans of Water- loo visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren last week. 'Mrs, Geo. Hess who was under- going treatment in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week, was able to return home. FEDERATION NEWS By D, Hemingwwy^ Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their Directors meeting Mar. 10 in Clinton. In reporting on compensation for Hydro line (from. 'Seaforth to Clinton the Secretary stated that as yet hydro had not replied to the request of the farmers con- cerned to have a representative of hydro, who had anthoritiY' to make definite offers, to meet with them. Resolutions were 'brought in by the comanittee protesting the ex- penditure for straightening the curve east of Auburn and a sec- ond requesting legislation by which anyone selling grain to a dealer would halve the right to demand the cleanings from grain sold to the dealer. Grey twp. presented resolu- tions which were approved' first that the federation continue to press for compensation for hive - stock lost from rabies and second that more assistance he given by the 0:2',A, in providing speakers for county and twp. meetings. Bob McGregor reported .that the bus tour to Fulton county .be' the beef producers was now coon- pletetye arranged and, that all seats an the bus were taken, Mrs. Alex, McGregor and Mrs. Frank Yeo reported on the Lead- ership Training Course they at- tended at Vineland. As a result of tills 'course a three-day course will he held at Hanover next Jan- uary. 'Min. Yeo, who was repre- senting the Farm. Forum)) said the Farm Forum TV experiment at CMNX was creating a demand for greater use of the TV for the Forums across Canada, Warden Bill Jewitt brought greetings from the County Coun- cil in a few brief remarks. Alf Warner, Hog Pr o d neer Director to the County Federa- tion urged as many as possible to attend the annual meeting to be told Mar. 16 and 17 in Toron- to. In discussion of the Safe 'Driv- ing Campaign that is being spon- sored Inc the Dept. of Transport it was agreed that the CIA, In- surance Committee look after the arrangements for county Tally, Don Middleton, OM, Fieldman stated that at a rally' in. Middle= sex where a written questionaire was given ant only two Passed the test. Perhaps we hacl 'better get nut to one of these meetings and learn the rules of the road before the lose too many .points. As the meeting closed there was some rather -heated ,dissua- sion on the adlvisability of farm- ers publicising the exceptionally low 'feed cost per Ib. of gain on livestock. it was pointed out that while 'farriers realize that these figures generally fall to al. low for labour, capital invest - vent or depreciation the eon FOR SALE 40 O'lei'c° auelfera, Aldo wll Crit .delwn• 'trees in tawil, at (.own risk, J. >:t, Burns, Phone 6913.. FOR SALE in �va'21f, 11 1'iigs to wean ii SCOTT MUM. FOR SALE Cl'intland Seed Oats, Phone 605 'r '32, Seaford!, JAAiiOS 0411 NOCHAN. Clearing .Auction Sate Farm stock, machinery; hay & .grain, At lot 6, ()on, 4, .McKillop twin, 131(s west and 2 miles north of Dublin on Monday, Marchi 50 rt T• p,m, Cattle -- 4 Iierpfort heifera with: calves at. foot. 3 Hereford et Durllam cows, duo time :of sale. 2 Hereford heifers due in June.. 2 Hereford heifers due in July, 2 Durham heifers clue in July. Hereford ,steer 800 lbs. 3 years old. Hereford steers '3 years -old, Hereford heifers. Pigs— 7 pigs 125 lbs. 21 ehnnks 175 1bs. Hay & Grain -150 bus Gary oats suitable dor seed. Quan tity mixed grain. Quantity mixer hay- Machinery -- John Deere No, 40 tractor with 2'flurow hyd raulie plow (4 years old). John Deere tractor manure spreader model L (new). .Massey Harris. drop head hay loader, 14icCormick Deering mower. Massey Barris binder; steel land roller. 6 sec tion diamond. harrows, 5 ft. culti- vator; rubber tired wagon with 16 ft. hay rack. 2 wheel trailer; scuffler. McCormick D'g cream separator, Fairbank Morse ham mer mill; pig feeders, steel troughs; chicken oil brooder; rain shelters; hay rope and car. Forks, shovels. Colony house (500 chick).. Fleury Bissell double disk,Chains, 50 ft. endless belt; set ftu'm sleighs.. Some household effects. Other articles. No reservefarm sold, Terms cash, Prop., Nicholas Krauskopf,Aust„ Harold Jackson, Cleric, E. P. Chesney - sumer is more likely to protest the seeming high cost of toed. The Huron County Co,Op In- aurance Committee of the Feder- ation of Agrioulture met Tuesday evening last in the Board Rooms of the Clinton Crean Union. Sales records were reviewed and showed that an ever dn'oraaa- ing number are tanning advantage of the line protection and service being supplied by this organiza- tion. Tile new C.I.A. Life has re- ceived its charter and nannies are expe'oted to be available through the regular agent before long" Ogle Committee and (Agents agreed to arrange for a ildeplan at local Trade and Fall Fairs to promote sales. d nvlowld like to refer to the Avio-Arrow situation. Here we have a large oanupany suddenly stopping pa ocluoation. The needed equipment will be supplied by the United States. I wonder it [farmers. realize that this could happen to ageloul- ture in Canada if large corpora- tions' take over oontnol through vertical integration? Almost half a million tbs. of claielcen was imported Enom Unit- edStates during ,January. We are told that the amount of grain In storage there equals 3 years production of Canada. It would then be' possible for Packing Companies which have oounter- parta in the U.S. to supply our markets with livestock tor some time. Broilers were- being produced at lac per lb. to the producer in Georgia and these ere within shipping distance of Ontario. It might ibe snore satisfactory for our Processors to bring these do rather than to produce here. Egg g oductdon could eaadly follow the same pattern as .broil- ers it this industry gets away Erom :producer control. This may be just a 'ben dream ,but produc- ers would do well to retedn eon, trol of the sale of their product just in ease. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, 111t3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy, Hill Kirkton Directors E. Clayton_Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, 1111.2 Robert n- Robert G. Gardiner, Ri Cromarty Timothy B, Toohey, 51R3"Lucan Agents Harry Coates, 11.111 Centralia Clayton Harris, Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter. WANTED Old horses wanted at a,4e Ib„ end dead settle at value. If deed phone-:si. once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 14883'4 or 148881 (Goderieb) aWkieS BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 11 'WE MAKE 'EM— VbU BAKE 'WA" Cleary's l ,` A Seaforth CARD OF T}IANKS we wiell to thank the friends and neiglt'bors for 'flowers 'and nmet/sages of sy'm'pathy during 'our recent bereavement and. also to 'those that loaned ears. _Mr. Roy Lawson and Marlon (Mrs, 'iso tor'all. WilIle) , CARD OF THANKS tWa wish to extend our heart - telt tlhanits and appr•eolation for ,tile acts of ltindness, messages of sxtBpatlty and the beautiful flor- al tributes received from - our kind friends and: neighbors In our Pasant bereavement of our beloved daugh'ter and sister, Also 'special tlranlla to 'Mr, Whit- nen ' and ;the Rev. Mr, Summer- 011, Mr. ani Mrs, Frank • John Ston and Irvin, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry" Jolrnfton, CARD OF THANKS Mrd..Orawford Simpson and family would like to express their sincere thanks and appreei:' ation ho their neighbors, friends and relative's for the many acts of kindness 'during their recent bereavement, Special thanirs to the Rev, mfr. Elder and the stain of tile 'Muir, Nursing T'on'e, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who sent me cards' and treats and those who visited me and helped .in any ''way while 'I was a patient In Scott Memorial Hospital. Spe- cial thanke to' the ` nurses and Doctors.—'John Pethiok. CARD OF THANKS (Phe manager of the ,Segfortlr Bantams wishes :to extend his thanks to those who looked can- ter the Dearborn hockey players, while they were ]sere. Special nutlike to Mr, 3. J. Cleary who supplied a lovely' dinner at the hllllictt Reaten rant for our guests. IN MEMORIAM ,Pepper—In loving memory of a dear son and brother Bill, who ,passed away March 21, 1952, A little tribute true and Mender, Just to show that we remember. —Lovingly remembered by Mo- ther mad 'sisters,. TO RENT 5 -room apartment, heated, sep- arate bath, on Victoria St. Avail aible immediately. JOHN TRE- IMEER, Phone 268W, Seaforth after 7_p,m. FOR SALE 5 -room :frame house in Sea - forth with 2 'bedmoome, full base- ment, garage, 2 years old. Phone 2623. George Broome. .SEED OATS FOR ILD Garry Oats, registered No. 1; Garry Oats, commercial No. 1; Brant 'Barley, 'commercial No. 1. Phone 840 r 41. Seaforth Central. RUSSELL B0!IJ';ON, rr1, Dmlbiin, FOR SALE A few bushels of good rad r"lo- ver seed. Wilmer ASeOlincliey, Varna, Phone 687 r 32 Hensail. TAX RETURNS Avoid last minute rush. Tele- phone Seaforth 78 now for ap- pointment. 55, G. MSIR, Counsel- lor, Dominion Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 7 head of young black cattle, around 400=500 lbs. Apply to John Eeyink, Phone 23 r 6, Blyth Cen- tral. TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 4, McKillop, chides to oommience 'September 1959. Applicants please state qualifications and salary expected. airs. Gordon Me - Kenzie, Sec: Treas„ R.R. 1, Sea - forth. FOR SALE Brick dwelling and other building and lot 80x175, known as old Waterworks Buildings Apply to J. A. Baldwin, Chairman of Property Committee, Town of Seaforth No bids received after . March 24th, 1959 r Town of Seaforth Tenders wanted for G.V.W. 21000 lb. truck. For specifications apply to R. S. Habkirk, Chairman of the Street Committee. Tenders close March 24th,. 1959 ornammeeras RADIO REPAIRS • (quick, inexpensive and guaranteed. radio repairs to ail kinds of radios. at TER111 S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Hick Rouse, Phone 347R, Seaforth 0Iea,ring Auction Sale Of Regletere4 Peri l'arposo Short, horns, fdavhinory, Peed etol Beel Potato. For the 176teite of Ow late Mark Handl, ton. Lot 21, Con. 14, Molilllop tp , 11/4 pills)) east of "Walton, en Wed., March 26. Dispersal sale of 61 head of c1ua1 purpose Shorthorns to eon aenw at 1 P.M. 711'0 herd consists of two herd Sires, elx bull calves and 44 females. 24 of the fe- angles aro sired by a son of MUUham Dollar (Imp,), The hand isaccredited, vacculeted and blood tested. Por a eat)), lop wrlto •,pert Popper, 11118 Seuferth, oe1os manager, The, sale of maohhrery, food e,4 real estate to commence at 10 A.M. Tha maui'bseiy is a complete lino of modern farm maehinory including two tractors, combine, McKee harvester, Surge milker, ete„ as well as feed for sale. . Real Estate oonsieting of two 90 000100. farms, 1n' geed state of cultivation with one set of good buildings. Terms teat,' A, lunch booth on the promisee. Estate of Tato Marlt Hamilton, A.uot,'e, 11e1•t Pepper, Qorolon Jaekson Tke following a1'e additions to the above sale: Machinery — McCormiek W 6 standard tractor. McCormick Far - mall A tractor with smuttier at- tachments. McCormick Internat- ional combine. McKee pneumatic harvester and wagon. Rubber the wagon with box. McCormick 15 run fertilizer drill. McCormick 7 foot mower. 'Roll -raker McKee wake, Manure spreader on rubber.' Chisel plow, nearly new; land packer; cultivator; one set dou- ble disk. Three sections spring tooth harrows. Two sets of drag harrows. McCormick binder. 3 -fur- row plow; grain 'thrower with pipes. Fleury Bissell grain grinder with 70 ft. belt. 1947 International truck; fanning mill with motor; 71310 SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, March 19, 1959 DOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hoepltal Bod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 590W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A.'GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6•W Seater•1h SEAFORTH CLINIC 18. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Iaterab . P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hoare, 1 p.m.. to 6 pan., except Wednesday Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. 4rdav only 7-9 p.m, Appointments made in advance aro desirable TURNBULL &, BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC' 3.0. TURNBULL, D.V,M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M„ V,S; W. G. DRE7NNAN, D.V,M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth 800N E. LONG$TAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. ,..Main St,. Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to.. 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM, Thur. etc by appointment only. Clinton 1111-2-701.0, above - Hawkins' Hdwo, Mon. 9 to 1.30., cement mixer, circular saw. 2 set of scales. Surge milker nearly INSURANCE new. Iowa cream separator; eva- porator complete with. 2.00. buck- ets and 45 gallon gathering tank. Miscellaneous items. — Quantity of steel drums, colony house. 3 range shelters, quantity of limb wood, quantity of grain and feed. Household Effects — Beds, tab- les and chairs, radio, numerous other articles. Clearing Auction Sale Of FarmStock, Machinery, Hay and Household Elreets.At lot 8, con. 7, Tuck. ersmith ton., 8'ir' south and 2 miles east of Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 25111, at 12 o'clock sharp. Cattle -4 Holstein'. cows with calves. Registered Setisey cow ,vith Calf. Reg. Holstein cow and 2 Hol- stein cows due time of Bale. 4 Holstein cows due In April, Reg- Holatein cow due in June. Holstein heifer fresh and re -bred, 1 -2 -year old Hereford bull. 5 Yearling heifers. 6 yearling steers. 2 steers 6 months old. Collie dog, excel- lent helper (2 years old). Piga — 9 pigs 6 weeks old. Machinery -- Inter- national Pannell -Super MTA, with tor- que amplifier-, live power take off and hydraulic remote control system, Inter- national No. 45 power take off baler. International 4 furrow hydraulic plow, (The above mentioned machinery is only 4 years old). Robert Bell threshing machine 28x46 with straw cutter and grain blower. International 7 foot stiff tooth cultivator. Plenty Biseel 8 ft. dou- ble disk Coekshutt rubber tired wagon with 16 ft. hay rack. International 8 ft. grain binder. 8 drum steel roller. 19 inch Visaet grain grinder. 4 section harrows. McCormick self wash .cream separator (2 years old). 16 ft. straw pipe with hood. 160 gal. tank, fanning mill, knap- sack sr P nyur. ot, drive belt. nch tity inch ]umber,er, i tools, 1-40.ft. 6 inch drive belt. 120 ft. 6/8" cable. Truck - 1950 International .r ton pick up track with stock racks. Peed --400 square bales of mixed. Clover hay. 600 square bales of mixed hay. Household Effects—Shti- plieity washing machine. living room settee and chair, reeking chairs, 6 oc- casional chairs. Bedroom furniture, cup- boards, copper boiler, 2 meat grinders, Sealers. Other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Terms cash. Prop., Arthus McNaughton. Aust., Harold Jackson. Clark, E, P. Chesney FOR SALE Red clover seed. Cleaned at Londesboro seed cleaner•s.,Daniel Beuermann. Dublin phone`62r19 TEACHER WANTED A Protestant'teacher for SS No. 13 McKillop. Duties to commence Sept. 1959. Apply W. J. McDowell; Sec.-Treas. Seaforth rr 2 NOTICE Seaforth Seed Cleaning Plant will be open kr business. Contact Seaforth Lumber, phone 47 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sooiat4on "Where Better Bulls Are Used", supply, artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask , for Clinton Zenith 9.61650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton Erni 2-3441. For service or more in- formation, call between 7:30 and 10:00 .a,m, week days; 6.00 and 8:00 ,p.m. 'Saturday evenings. For tows noticed In heat on Sunday morning, • do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality is high and the cont Low. NOTICE • Viking Cream Separator. Sales and 'Service for new and used V%king .Separator. John Byerman, Bast William 'St, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 566 w We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire, Auto 'Wind Liability, & Life JOHN A. CARDNO, Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance NOTICE -- TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING - To IN To facilitate snow plowing and snow re- noval operations, PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m and 8 a.m.. Tltis order 4021 be s'ttiot12/ et1- foroed tin accordance with tits Highway T7'af14c Act, Section 48, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HIIPE13Y GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible -for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal 'operations • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAPORTS, ONT. Officers—President, Won. S. Alexander t, Vice -Pres.. R. •Archibald; Manager and3 Seo,-Treae„ Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Directors -J, L. Malone, Seaforth i L. H. Ma0wing, Blyth.; W. S. Alexander.. Walton; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhaedt, Bornholm; H. Puller, Goderleh; Archibald. Seaforth; Allister Broedfoot,; Seaforth, Agents — Wm, Leiper Jr., Londesboro t, J. F. Praetor. Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth, Partiee desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly - attended to by application to any of the, above named officers addressed to their' respective post offices. 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 392-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested. by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets. during the, winter months ,in ..order to facilitate snowplowing. operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on rbad• .or streets. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Tuckersmith Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 DEKALS STARTED PULLETS Several hundred Dekaib pullets hatched Nov. 3rd ..16 weeks - Feb. 23rd. 18 weeks • Mar. 9th. Vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle. Should be seen to be appreciated. If you keep records, you will keep Dekalbs. Moore's Poultry Farm, Seaforth, ph. 647.31 JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. Mena & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- ness to give comfort and save you money TimothyseedSALE , power cleaned, $10.50 a bushel. Clarence Regele, Dublin phone 64r9 FOR SALE Hard 'sod, buckwheat coal. 1/y inch soft coal $16 a ton mot calci- um or oil treated—can be used for pig deed. Phone 86 r 13,'Dub- lin, 3KRAUISKOPF BROS. BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale Date now 11R 2 Seaford', Out. Phone Clinton HU 2.7534 TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO -.CHIEF BURNING,. OILS Walden & Broadfoot 'Phone 686,, Seaforth