HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-19, Page 4From the .. . Pastor's Study tap am D. Leslie .Cider) On. ,Saturday of this week spring m'sU8 o8fieiaily begin, 1 }ilii reminded Oka lovely little spring eong we need to sing to Public (School many years ago. The thorns wee something lilts this. "Daffodils, 'Daffodils, . dowers of the poor, Gathered by weary hands •sold at your door, !Many a heart sad crushed by. life's ilia; Pleasure will Mind in the dear Daffodils." (Daffodils always speak a word of hope and cheer to my heart---, hope of a new beginning. In the ( fall we watched the leaves (fa11 (from the trees, we saw the plants die under the frost. Soon every thing looked ,chill and dead, But .however long the winter may semi, the spring soon comes. We see the trees (begin to bud, we hear the song of the (birds and before we realize it there are signs of the approaching stammer. (Sunday next will be Palm Sun- day clerking what we term Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. How great was the joy and excitement and the shouting as time Saviour rode along. But 'Palin Sunday is not too far removed tram Good Fri- day and the dark deed of Cal- vary". The experience of Calvary for the disciples was, in a sense, like our experience in the Rall. For the followers of Christ Nib ,Crass seemed to be the end o8 all. Their beloved Master was dead, their hopes were shattered, and the future looked black. But if Good Friday was but a few days away from Palm Sunday, Easter Day was but a day or two removed trout Good friday, The clerk night of Calvary would soon give way to the bright nrarliing of the 'Itesurrec- time. Soon it would bo discovered unitthe tomb ,was Snlpty and that Christ was alive. in the drama of the Cross thele are lessons that we all may learn, and 111, these days of Lent. we may prepare oar hearts to re- ceive anew the message of Palm ,Sunday, Good Friday, and East- er Day. On Pai2u 'Sunday "He tame tanto His own", on. Good friday ".ilia own received Him not" (but on Master Day "To as •many es received flim to them gave He the power to become the- sons hesons of God". May grace be given to us all enabling each to take their stand on the Master's side, As by faith we see Him "Hide on" may we be very eonsc1ane that He goes that 'way for us and may we .130 constrained to say with deep and significant meaning— 'Side 0n, ride on ,in majesty! (In lowly ,panip ride on to dies Bow thy ,meek Bead to (mortal pain, Then take, 0 God, Thy power, and reign" 81118, ERNEST ELLWOOD Mrs, Ernest Ellwood died at her hoarse, Albert St„ 'Clinton, on Friday (morning, She was the former Martha Evelyn Cook, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George. Cook, (Sine was a (member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. (Surviv- ing besides :her husband and parents, are one daughter, Mrs. William (.Lucy) Johnston, God- erich; ono son, Frank, Hensall; three sisters, Mrs. Thames Riley of Clinton, and Mrs. Joseph Riley and Mrs, Frank Riley, both of Ooustan'ce, :Hullett ttvp; and 8 grandchildren. The funeral ser• vice was held at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Monday at 2 pm. Rev. C. S. Inder of St. Paul's Anglican Church officiated. co3 • Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing, Which Before Thy Cross I Spend" MISSION MARCH 23 - 27 MISSIONER: Sgdn. Leader Rev. E. W. S. Gilbert Chaplain, R.C.A.F., Centralia Theme: "Personage of Christ" Northside United Church—Monday: His Work Y. People's Service, led by Y. People First Presbyterian Church—Tuesday: His Faith Egmondville United Church Wednesday: His Love • First Presbyterian Chw•ch—Thursday: His Devotion St. Thomas' Anglican Church—Friday: His Suffering TIME: 8,00 P.11. Offering Taken at Bach Service Under the auspices of SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION REV. C. E, PEACOCK President DR, J. SEMPLE Secretary MacNaughton Says flay i, Mr, uSpoakor, oxpress the opinion Ellet this is a matter UuifOrl*1 Clst. Dates that warrants mead con011101*R Speaking in the Legislature, tion a11d' appropriate. action on Chas, l'laoNaugliton .IS1rP.P. said this weel€l Before the orders of the clay' I should tike to :comment and seep some information cm '0. Matter whiob 1 ant convinced is of great Caneern to a very pouaidera;ble number aR people in Qatario,, par- icularlY In the rural sections .i the Provinee, I refer to the confusing and ai together'iraphazard metliod of ye. gulatin•g the available holtrs 00 daylight that has plagued the good people of this .Province for many years and appears likely to do so again in the course of the next few weeks, In support of .bilis observation, Mr. Speaker. permit me to ,say to you and the Hon. Members of the house that I have received some 20 odd resolutions urging the (Provincial Governmment to do something to rectify this Situa- tion. Further, I know that the )Ion, Member (for Huron Bruce has received similar resolutions and I can only assume Hutt the saute can be said by most if not. with Mr. and. Mrs. H. Carey. all members front rural ridings. !Mrs. Otto (Walker and Alex vis - These resolutions are reprise Red on Sunday with Mr. and sentative of a broad cross sec- Mrs llobert JIulley 1Vinthi'oli, Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens Concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor the part of wluiolreger• government or agency or: department of goy. er111ne111 which" possesses the en- thority to deal .with .11110 thor- oughly nlrsabisfaotor'y eiteetion. CROMARTY Messrs, Reg. i lndle(yson, Gor- don and Prank 'B1liott deft by motor on Sunday on a two week vacation in Florida. Miss ' Sandy Bailie, Mitchell,' spent the weekend with Mies Al- ice Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited on Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. Healy Bg''gert, Rostock, .• Mi; and Mrs. T. L.Scott and son Alec and Mrs,' E. Moore at- tended the golden wedding annie versary o(f IMr. and Mme. Arthur Byinelt of Cameron, Ont., on Sat- urday, ,Mrs, • Moore and lefts. Byrneli are sisters. Mrs, Heber 'Shute, Krkton, visited on Sunday with her .mo- ther, 'Mrs, David Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Armstrong of Weston vieited on Saturday tion of the people 111 ,that t11eY The regular eneeting'otf the La - have been presented by all Wo- men's institutes in my riding and M (believe throughout the Province as well as the Council of the County of Huron and mane" mun- icipal councils. Now while I believe rural folks largely would .prefer standard time on a year-round basis, never- theless I am c n'lident they ap- preciate that people in urban ar- eas would be 'deprived of ,nl0all of the daylight hours they de- pend on during the summer for well deserved recreation. I do believe however that this Government should consider ev- ery possible means of providing eor uniform change dates on a province -wide basis, The haphazard manner in which this matter is now handled results not only'in pure confusion but in scores of instances extreme inconvenience and in ,fact hard- ship, There are periods of sever - dies Aid was held at the (home of IMrs. Will Miller with a good attendance. Iib e. Miller presided and opened the meeting with a poem "Do dt • Now". Devotions were led by Miss Olive 'Speare and Mrs.. L, •Sorsdahl, Business ivas condmcted by the president, when it was decided to send a do- nation to the March of Diaries, :Miss Olive Speare gave a reading `St. Patrick's Birthday", and Mri;. Sorsclalil conducted an Irish hu eical contest. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's ,Prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. R, Laing and (Mrs. W. Harper. Tie March meeting Of Roy's Church W11MS and WA was held at the home of Mrs, S. ' G•rahim. The meeting was opened by Nlrs. Nell with a poem 'Lenten Thought". Mrs. •Daynard read the scripture lesson, (following with meditation and Mrs. H. al weeks, both spring and fall, pridhani led in prayer, Mrs. M. where probably (half the mallei- ,Christie gave a reading "Out of parities in some counties are on daylight saving Urine while others are on standard time. In areas where district high schools oper- ate it is not uncommon for Eta older ohildren in a family to be attending school in town which is on standard time avhdle the younger children attend public school in a municipality which is still or daylight time or vice versa. The extreme inconvience of such a situation will, I am sure, be obvious to all Hon. Mem- bers and may I assure you, Mr. Speaker, there are many other in- convendences with which all of us are quite familiar. Mr. Speaker, the foregoing pronvpts me .to ask the following questions: 1. Have ,municipalities the au- thority to set or change time standards 2. Has the Legislature of the Government any authority. or jur'isdiction in the smatter? 3, In any event :has the Govern- ment considered a course of an tion in response to the countless resolutions which have been sub- mitted to many Hon. Members and in turn submitted to the Hon. Provincial Secretary? Farmers! Patrick's, Day p1'ogriuu, Games and contests were enjoyed iby all, 631r, ,and Mrs. Roy McBride and Johnny entortaleed Mr, Harold P111151' and family to a erokinele party Friday oveniiig, Mrs. !Mary Manson visited with Mrs, David «ingeri;olt and MIs. Nancy Koehler clnring the week. end, • Miss . DelitlI •Steclele silent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. Gingorien Darkness", and (Mia N. Dow played an instrumental The meeting closed with Mizpah ben- ediction. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. The St. Patrick's supper whioh was held in the basement of the church on Friday night was well attended, A good program of mu- sic, readings and a skit was pro- vided Eby the young people. A. male quintette (from Staffa also contributed two numbers. Rev. Mr. Kerr gave a short address on some of the customs of the people in Ireland and the life and work of St. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKel- lar, Cromarty will be at home to their relatives and 0ruends on Thursday evening, .)larch 26th, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. You are invited to attend a Rural -Urban Dinner as the guest of the Seaforth Lions Club at Community Centre, Seaforth, on Monday, March 23, at 6.30 P.M. Special speaker Dr. E. S. Lackey of the Agricultural Economics Department of the O. A. C. Guelph Accommodation is limited to 160 and free tickets, with the compliments of members of the Lions Club, are available to farm.ers on first come first served basis. ADMISSION IS BY TICKET ONLY Ticket0 may be obtained from Keating's Pharmacy The Huron Expositor Seaforth Farmers Co-op, Topnotch Feeds ", ii 11.111011111111111111111.$10111111,11.a"a First. Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 A.M. 01ARCI•i SCI0OCL AND YOUTH FELLOWSHIP CLASS 11 am CONSCIENCE AT THE CROSS. #5 "The Conscience of the Dying Thief" Senior Choir Anthem: "King All Glorious (Vail). Soloist—Mrs. Prank Kling 4,30 pm VESPER SERVICE The concluding address on: "WHY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS" Junior Girls Quartette "Hosanna, Raise the Joyful Hymn". Mota Reeves, Brenda Ross, Katie Scott, Margaret Kempster Everyone Welcome H. A. IcEMPSTER Organist and Choir Leader neon a"n".aa,, , "n",amn,,u 1110 lllll £gmondville United Church Dr, J. Semple, Minister Lyle Hammond, ()mania, Choir Leader Services appropriate to Palin Sun. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and reception_ of Church Membership Class 7.30 p.m. Subject, "Some Things We oan(iot do with Christ" Filmstrip: !'Last Journey to Jerusalem." (Post-Conimunion ) Church )Membership Class and Members of Session, MViinister's Vestry at 10.30 a.m. Church School 10 a.m. Young People's 'Union 8,30 p.n1. Easter Sunday Night: Cantatai, "The Glory of the Cross" ' Memb= ers Church School. Large Cast. Holy Week Mission, March 23-27 Gilbert, Centralia RCAF Missioner, S/L Rev, E. W. S. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Oddletfson, London, were at their home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. (Scotchmer and Mrs. Helen Clutif, spent the weekend at St. Thomas. Mr. and (Mrs. R. S. Roddick re- turned home on Sunday after spending two months at St. Pet- ersburg, Florida. !Sgt. and Mrs. Joseph Mayyanan and !baby, Centralia, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Macitlillan. ,Mr: and (Mrs. Hobert Humph- ries and soil :Card, Port Stanley, spent !Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Herr. Mr. and ,firs. J. roman and family, London, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. I. Bodenham. , Mrs, S. Castle spent the week - mid at ,London. Miss (Helen McLeod, London, was at (her homeoverthe week- end. Mr. and .Mrs. Stuart Long and family spent the weekend at Southampton. (Mss. Milvena Irwin and Rob - brie, Kinoardlne spent the week- end .with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, W. Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Parker and baby, London, spent the. weekend with :Mr, and Mrs. Jack ,Fraser, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Parker and (baby, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and !firs, Wm, Parker: Mrs. E. J. ,Florian, Clinton, silent the Weekend with her sista er, Miss Berthena Sturgeon. nnsonniinsvinnannowsnnans BLAKE Mr, Archie Mustard of Wind- sor spent the 'weekend With his wife and family. On Monday, March 18th the Blake Public Sehoed held a St. 'MID SI/ADORN11 IItaWSt '11nlr5U0Yc.lvlareh 1 DID YOU KNOW You are welcome 1i]very member of our i CREDIT UNION will be. glad that you have joined, We think that EVERYBODY should have this opportunity for CONVENIENT SAVING and LOW COST LOAN SERVICE CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT° UNION LIMITED 0 BORN Keltn—At Seott Memorial Hos- pital, on March 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn, 17gmondville, a son Geddes — At Scott Memorial Hospital on March 13, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Geddes, Seaforth, a daughter Schade — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Marcie 15, to Mr, and' Mrs, Elgin Scheele, Walton 1184, a daughter Dekroon— At Scott Memorial Hospital on March 17, to Mr, and Mrs, Paul Dekroon, RR2, Dublin, twin daughters L. O. L. EUCHRE In the Orange Hall Wed., Mar. 25th at 8,30 Lunch served. Adm. 40c Don't ONLY a week until Easter wait until the last minute PHONE 87 SEAFORTH FLANNERY CLEANERS ®98 DEBENTURES an d GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Head Office - London, Ontario District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Henslal John A. Cardno, Seaforth TO 448 e •:se- •�+-:�y. ,5.#9yc'., _%iii , i(' ll 14Pt' • -/ \i/• "\'r/•'Vi/ • •\w/• •'4/• •\v/• • w/' ll 14S'. lIgg'. \•i/ • • \i/ • •f Great Music - and CBC RADIO Great music and radio broadcasting have always gone to. gether. And listeners to CBC Radio have always expected the very finest from their publicly owned broadcasting system. That is one of the reasons CBC Radio is particularly proud to present the CBC Symphony Orchestra every Sunday evening. We have welcomed some of the world's most distinguished conductors and instrumentalists. Among them have been Sir Malcolin Sargeant, William Primrose, Sir Eugene Goossens, Alexander Brott, Albert Pratz, Tibor Von Paul and .Mary Simmons among others. We invite you to join our audience every Sunday evening at 8.3o p.m. for the CBC Symphony Orchestr& For full details of the teary other exciting things happening on CBC Radio and on CBC Television, may we suggest you subscribe to CBC Times—at the special introductory rate of 4 mouths (s6'weekly issues) for $1.00 (yearly rate $3.00). Write CBC Times, Dox ,Soo, Terminal '4' Toronto, Ont, for a sample copy. �r • 4 4 4 4 A ts.• .3t''age Ake ..� .,. •mss,•ti• •.4b(,, ,om,' •1d