HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-19, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 81 Seaforth SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1959 81.60 a Year Authorlhed as Second O1ns1 mall, Post QtFiee Dot., Ottawa Snowdon Biros,,Publtehera THREE McKILLOF COWS DIE FROM RABIES INFECTION . Mr, Earl Mills of the 13th con. oaf McMiley, lost th1'ee Iowa last week as a a'esult of rabies, One animal died on Thursday and two had to be shot on 1Friday. A Box was (found bead in the barn yard about two weeks previous and it 'haat apparently bitten the cattle which became infected, This is the (first ltnown. •ease in M030illol Of rabies infection of cattle, 6)r. J. C. MacLennan of the Health Of Animals Branch at Sea;fortb, stated this week. In Htullet twp. on Tuesday oB this week, a rtvbid fax hopped in- to a barn where the •upper half of the stable door was open, It was !found dead in the stable and some of the cattle and sheep may have been bitten before the fox died. During the last couple of weeks the rabid fox situation has become more serious than ever before, within a radius of ten riles of !Seaforth, Dr.' aMaeLen- man said, -mentioning Stanley twp„ west of Brumfield, "It is dynanvite to let :clogs • run loose", Dr. 'MacLennan empha- sized, pointing out that it a rab- id tax came into town it would be attracted to the barking of dogs. The result would be a ser- ious spread of rabies infection among the dog poitudation, en- dangering children' and adults. Lucky Winners at Store Opening Prize winners at the opening o3 the Gingerteh Store last week were (Friday) : Bernard Beth - am, .Seaforth, Ont., 1 gal. paint; ((Saturday) 1st prize, 1 pair pin- up lamps. Tony yanloon; second prize, 1 TV lamp, (Mrs, J. Scott. G'nesaing Contest (Holes in pegboard) right amount' 1018,70.9, nearest guess, MTs, Helen ;Mabee 1.84,320 boles. Prize — 'IUitchen " clock. Lucky Birthday Winners: Mrs. 'Clarke (MacKay, R.R.02, Kippen; :.Si1'ly Gordon Seotehmer, R.R: 3, ,Bayfield; &ha, Sohn Moore, R.R. 2, Dublin; Jack Eisler JT., .Sea - forth; (Mrs, Ralph McNichol, R. R. 4, Walton; mfrs. Chester Neil, R.R. '3, ISeaiforth; 11. Chappel, R. R. 1, Cromarty; Mrs. Sid Pull- man, iSeaiorth; Miss Donna Ma- loney, R.R. 15, Mitchell; (Miss Tracey Carter, ,Egmhondville, the daughter o3 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter. Prize for $5 purchase earth day, tree flashlight with a battery; Elmer Townsend, R. R. 3, Seaforth; MTs. Bill Farnaan, Seaforth. WILSON CAMPBELL' The death of Walden John Caamtpbell, 45-year-eld ' IVIcKillihp twp. dammer, occurred 'suddenly '-'--•.-gat his 'home, lot 20, eon. 8, Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Campbell was, Ghe son of Mr. and lairs. Jbimr 'OamplbeN, :McKillop• He was edn •cated at 'S.S. 10, .Md1:Cillep. Be- sides 'rids parents, 'he lis sunvi-yed by 'Ms -wife, the dormer Margar- et Kerr; one daughter, Mrs, Re - herb '(•Betty) Norris, Markham; one :;on, Edward, at ;home; two brothers, William. 'Sealforth, and .Allan, •f mioKillop; two sisters, 117a's. William (Rath) 9.lhamnar, Walton, and Mrs. Gordon '(Eve- lyn) Holt, Bluevale. He was. a anember of Cavan United Church, Wdndhrop. The diuneral was held Wednesday from the G. A. Whit- ney funeral home, Seaforth, Rev W. di, Sum mereid officiated. In. terment was in Maitlaudbank cemetery. 92ND BIRTHDAY Mr, John Kenny will celebrate his •92nd 'birthday on ISunilay, March 22nd. He is enjoying good health, up and around every day. ANNOUNaEMJJNT• Mr. and Airs. Harvey Taylor, Brucediad, wish to announce the engagement of their daught- er Ina Marguerite to Mr. Rose Dwight Brown, son ,of Mr. and Mrs. •Clinton Brown of Newton-. ville, Ontario, The wedding will take place easily r in April at Erueefieid United •Ohurala L. 0. B. A. EUCHRE The L.O.13,A, (held a successful euchre on Monday night, whiners doing; Ladies lit, Ursa J', Bell; Ione hands, Mrs, E, Chambers; cons, Mrs. L Johnston; Gent's lst, +Gerald ,Btltick; lone ihand.% ..Albert O'Reilly; cons„ Bill Aus• • tiu, Draw for a cake was won h;*'Mrs, A.ndy Dunlop, Theatre Property. Is Sold ,Joseph McConnell reported the sale of the former Regent Thea- tre, caress shop anal apartments cn MaIn street beside the town hall to out-of-town ibusiness interests: Possession May 1st. Present ten- ants will remain, The property has (been owned- by 1-1. ISutiierland of St. (Marys since 1932, and pre- vious to that was known as tdie Strong biook, TP/EN TOWN 2rEW$. (6311en Gorwill) The Teen Town commences at 8 pan. .Saturday evenings and ends at 11,45 a.m. The members of the Teen Town organization would like to thank Mr, Lee Learn, manager of the Maple Leaf Dairy for donating 300 bottles oS ohocalate mdllt for the semi 'formai dance last .Saturday night, to wallah were invited the ilhighboii Ing Teen Town. Organ - battens, and the music was sup- plied by Stewart Baird and his Callegiates. tat this time we. would also like to ,thank those parents and also friends of .the members who gave up their own time Satur$ay night to chaperon our dances. We are planning to have a par- ent's night at Teen Town. after Easter and all parents are invit- ed to make a special effort to at- tend this dance to See how our organization operates. Any teen ague coming' to aur dances must have a membership card -or they !must be sponsored by, a member !with a card, other- wise the individual will not be allowed to enter the dance. The Teen Tawn, sent a dons tion -of $25 to the Listowel Disas= ter (Fund. MRS. ROY LAWSON The death of (Mrs. Roy Law eon; !Beater h, .000urred Jb'idaY in Victoria Hospital; - London, following a six -weeks illness. -Mrs. Lawson was horn at Clinton, the :former Lillian Pearl •'.Stewart, and Was •in her 67th year, She, was a member of Northside Un- ited ,Church and the 'MS and WIA.'diie was a (former secretary a the +Seaforth !Agricultural So- ciety. In 1915 she was married to Roy Lawson, who survives. She is also survived. by a daugh- ter, (Mrs. Norman (Marlon) Wil- lis, Kitchener; and two grand- children, The funeral service was ,held at the `Whitney funeral home. on Monday at 2' p.m. with Rev. .J, C. Britton of. Northside 'United Ohniroh officiating. :Pallbearers were Peter Simp- son; Andrew -Crozier; James F. Scott, Gordon 'Reynollde; -Stanley Bray ,and Lorne Carter.. Flower - bearers were Reg. Lawson; And- rew 'Davidsonand Howard Law- son, Temporary entombment was Made .in Mitchell ,'mausoleum. Burial will be in IMaitlandbank 'cemetery, Seaterth. Among. those from a distance. attending the funeral were Miss- Jessie Wilson and Mr. Elie ',Suth- erland 03 Kitchener, anti Mr. ;and Mrs. John Busby and !Shirley ,of. Chatham. MAKING AUDIT The town auditors are at work this week malting the annual audit of the town accounts. ' MM. AGHJIS NOTT Mrs, Agnes Nett, 81, widow o3 John Nett, ,died in Seaforth Hos- pital on. Thursday. She was the former Agnes Yungblut, a daugh- ter of It110 late Mr, and Mrs. Ta -- cob Yungblut, and was born. in Hallett twp. -She had lived most of her Life in Londesboro where site was a member of the United Ohara.. She is survived by awe daughters, Alberta, Mrs. E. Stev- ens!, Walton, 'and Bejle, ,Mrs, F. Roberton; Seaforth; 3 sisters, Mrs. 7, Voclden, Londesboro; /alai Margaret Yungblttt, and Mrs, William :Archanilhault, both of Goaderioh, sevengraudclliadren anis five great grandchildren, Mr, .Nott died in June 1958, The funeral avis held on ,Satur- day, tram the Ball and llutteh 'funeral home, coilciucted` by Rev, J. T. White of the Londesboro. United Churoh. Burial was in Ciititon cemetery. Pallbearers were Major .Yung- bint, Dari Westbrook, Walter Westbrook, Leonard Archatu- bault, Ames Osbaldeston, Donald Yting'i%lut. Friends were . ,present from Sarnia, London .and Strat- ford. Bantams To Play at Detroit Saturday The Seaforth Bantam hockey team will be guests of the Dear- born, Mich„ teams at Detroit on 84411'0ay to play a return match, The Dearborn team were here last week when Seaforth I)soye won -handily, ' The (hays will make the trip: by bus, leaving Friday after- noon, They will play in- the Olyanlpic arena on S a t u r d a !Y anomias and will see an N.H.L. hockey Snatch in the afternoon when the Red !Wings play a home game. They w id•1 return to Sea- iforth •either late in the afternoon or Sunday. (Altogether it should be a memorable occasion for the boys, !Accompanying the players will be their manager, William Pap- ple, also Ed Boyce, Chas. Geddes, FerankSills, John Patterson, Har- vey MaLlivain, Geo. Hildebrand, and it is -expected there will be others. Thea --team consists of Jim Boyce, (goal), •Bru'oe Dale, Ken Bedard, Karol Campbell, Pete ISi•llery, :Jiro Sills, Tom Phillips, Benny ,Akker, Paul Rau, Jack Pappie, Jim (Carter, Jim ,Cole- man, Jim IMcIlwain, Allan Pat- terson, Bab Papple, •Jimmy Dick and Tom; Dick will also accom- pany the team. Tom Dick is par- ticularly .interested in the Red Wings because he spent two weeks last fail with the Burling- ton team, a Red Wing affiliate, where he will likely be called as soon as he is old enough, H011132 AND SCHOOL The March meeting of the Sea - ,forth Home and ,School Associa- tion was held in the school audi- torium on March 17 with Mrs. D. Nixon presiding. The meeting opened with singing "0 'Canada" and repeating the Lorcl'•s PaSayer in unison. The minutes of ' the last meeting were read and ala proved. A. report o3 finances was given by Mrs. J. Moore, Treas. Mrs. Nixon asked the wishes of the ,members concerning the penny sale. It was moved by Bios. H. Mason that the penny sale be held in April and Mrs, McLean suggested that this be plat on the notices sent home to the par- ents with a request that each parent attending the meeting bring some article for the sale. Mrs. Ninton asked for a nominat- ing committee to be appointed. It was suggested by Mrs. Mc- Lean that last year's committee be appointed with the chairman dropping off and a new member appointed ,anti she nominated Mrs. C. Kirit, Thus the commit- tee under the chairmanship .13 Mrs. 'J. Ellie is: !Mrs. J. Patter- son and Mrs, Kirk. Mrs, Wm. Hodgen was the mother of the month. After a lengthy dieeus- aion- it was moved by Mrs. F. Cosford and seconded by Mrs. Smith that no delegate be sent to the Home and School !Convention in Toronto. Mr. J. Talbot read the roll call. Mrs. J, Bouasey's Class won the attendance prize. Miss M. Turnbull introduced a group of girls from Grade III who sang several numbers (beautiful- ly. When Miss Turnbull nitnoduo- ed a : group of girls and boys from Grade VI who sang .two de- lightful songs. Mrs. .McLean. call ed tiie members of a skit to be performed, to the stage. The first group was ,composed of Mr. E. W. :Williams, Mrs.. L. Rowatt, BBT. Douglas W4ddig and Mrs, B. Smith, who played a family din- ner inner table scene of bickering. Mr. Talbot then called on the audi- ence to magpies, the skit and af- ter a discussion he read the re - part at Dr. Salomon a Psycholo- gist? 'on the scene. The second group'NVEIA compos- ed of air..Win, 1=lodgert, Ml's. D. Stewart, air. Don Morton and Mrs, Wilma .Cornish. They played. a family -dinner scene of a well adjusted rfamidy group. Mr. Tal- bot then asked the audience for any criticism and thisdieoussion was, dolloweci by a .report from Dr, ;Solomon, 11'h'e meeting closed wits einging "God • .Save The Qneen". WITH THE CURLERS A rink of Seaforth' Ladies Cur- ling Club took part in a Ibonapiel at Kitchener on Friday, winning two oat • of three games: Mrs.. Mae Stephenson, Mrs. Winnie McLean, Mrs. Mae S-7abkirit and Mrs, Inez Swims. Gales and Snow Close Many Roads Severe gale winds developed on Sunday and ass dusk approach- ed the air gradually filled with drifting now .and vlsability dropped. `. IAibout 6 o'oloek, a car going east stopped on highway '8 near the Hugill,farm and in a short time Sive amore cars, all headed east, piled . up behind the first car. Police report that no one was hurt but there was considerable property damage. Later in 'the eiening warning was .given motorists here and at (Clinton and-IOxeter not to' at- tempt going through on the highway as they Would be unable to see the road. r• On Monday the. high school olosed as the buses. were unable to operate. Further north roads were completely blocked, S1OAP+OIZTH W. 1. The Seaforth W, : I. met at tate home o3 Mrs. W. 'Coleman •for their Maroh meeting. The presi- dent, Mrs.. R. S.. Doig presided for the business, The roll can was answered by my hobby and a sample of it. The ;answers were reading, sewing, nicking quilts, hand painting, copper tooling, making scrap books and others. A letter of aplpreciati•on was read 'from the John Carnocban family. :Mrs, G. McKenzie, Mrs, J. P. Scott and Mrs.;G. Kens' were appointed a nominating commit- tee for the officers for the com- ing year, and Mrs. James Keyes, Mrs. W. Coleman and Mrs. And- rew Crozier are a: nominating committee (For the -general com- mittees for the cowling year. It was decided to take part in a Senior local leaders training school with "Window -Treat- ment" as ,first Choice and "Home Nursing" as second .ohoice. Mrs. Mae Hillebreeht and. MTs. Grum- mett were appointed to snot with Home Illlcononust, IMI s. Ian 'Mc- Allister to see of whet assistance the Institute can ba with the 441 Club work at the Seaforth Ball Fair. (Alt, program convenors are asked to bring their reports to the Aanil meeting.!' Mr. Clifford Epps -of Clinton showed many ,interesting slides of Florida, the Maritime" Provin- ces, Ontario, and of special in- terest were the slides of his own garden. Mm's. Les Payee introduc- ed the speaker and Mrs. Mae H+iilebreeht gave the courtesy re- marks. Mrs. H. Wilson and Mrs. L. Payee were program conven- ors for the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Aikenhead, Mrs. John Keir, Mrs. Howard Wilson and Mrs. Les. Pryee. DUBLIN Airs. Elizabeth Cronin and Frank, -Mrs.. Lorne Cronin, Mr.. and +Mrs..IJ•invmie Cronin, J Ira. Loretta Schmidt, Miss Monica Roach in ,Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Len Cronin. -Mr. and Mrs. Jerome (Nichol- son, Mrs. IBOary Krauskopf, Lon- don, with (Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Krauskopd. 'Mr.. and Mrs. Ron Batters and son, 1St. !Thomas; Miss- Phyllis Bubters, •London, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. NIM. and aims. '13111 Evans and ehlldren, Chippewa, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mr,. and .1110..Ken tIacRae, of Parlehill, with Mr. and ,Mrs. Don I aVfalal ae, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wells and ohildren .in Shelburne, ' Among those attending the .St, Patrick Day reunion held at Toronto, Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs, Fergus -Stapleton; Mr. and Mrs, Tow Butters; Mr. and Mrs, -Gerald Holland; NIr. and airs, Prank O'Rourke; 'Mr, and Mrs, Ed Rowland; Mr. and Ma's, Joe Leahy; Mr. and alas, Harold Pethiclt; lir. Matt Murray; NIr. Frank !O'Rourke, Due to tete severe snow storm on ,Sunday most of the homes on No, 8 Highway at Dublin were filled with motorists who got stranded or ware in minor acci- dente. At !St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon• don, en March 18 to lir. and 'Mrs. ICen MacRae, a daughter. A large. crowd. attended the St, Patrick's •concert put on •by 111e students of the Separate School, 111 the palish 11811 071 'riclay night and ISiuiday attar - Amin. The play "The Whole truth anal Notating but the Truth" was much enjoyed by the attclieilce. Several Irish songs said dances Wero also part of the evening's entertainment, Mi', riddle ICrausitopf anci 'Mr. Teti .Charles Dnngey, who has been employed in the Baldtpin Hardware, has assumed auanage- niont of the ,Comanercial i[Iotei, 111111111111111!!„I;AMMO lll 1 1,111111 n1111,1111111111111111111111,11,111,1111,111111111111!111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111,1111111/1A/1111011$111,14,01.0111$1111,1 SAVAUGE'S MARCH SALE CLOSES SAT., MARCH 21ST DON'T MISS THE HUNDREDS OF LAST-MINUTE BARGAINS OFFERED CANADIAN GIRL "K"' Watch i1 onelglamorous• ensemble, 1711281sun- breakable mainspring $s9.5o BULOVA TRADE - IN SALE your old watch is worth $19.55 on this beautiful "Canadian Girl" (illustrated at left) BULOVA "CANADIAN GIRL” $59,50 YOUR OLD WATCH WORTH 19,85 You PAY JUST $39,65 Many similar bargains in ladies & gents name -brand Wrist Watches, including Weetclox Fine DIAMOND RINGS and DIAMOND WEDDING RINGS at 20% discount REGULAR 3125,00 DIAMOND RINGS SALE PRICE .... $99.50 REGULAR 350.00 DIAMOND RINGS SALE PRICE , ... $40.00 Make yotu' selection from our large & well•assorted stock of diamonds — AT ATTRACTIVE SALE PRICES ROYAID AhlyRT Select your Dinnerware from over 125 different patterns, all at sale prices 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL OPEN STOCK 15% DISCOUNT on All English Bone China NET ORDERS OF 350.00 OR MORE Our large selection includes the popular Silver Birch, illustrated at the left ROYAL DOULTON CLAIM THISTLE T HALFAPRICE Cups & Saucers 4.25 2.12 Dinner plates 4,25 2.12 Tea Plates • 2,90 1.45 B, B. Plates 1.90 95e Covered Sugar and cream 10.60 5.30 This price on pieces in stock only Cups & Saucers UNTJSUAL SHAPES ! SMART DESIGNS ! COLORFUL! Reg. $LOO sale price 69c CLEARANCE OF "Old Mill" AND "HIGHLAND THISTLE" DINNERWARE CUPS & SAUCERS PLATES, etc., AT REAL CLEAR -OUT PRICES ! COSTUME JEWELLERY CLEARANCE Necklets, earrings, bracelets and brooches. Regular 31.00 values (some 32.00 items) to clear at 59c "Enchantment" Pattern at Half Price 34 pc. set 1881 Rogers Silverware 8 knives, 8 forks, 8 teaspoons, 8 dessert spoons 1 butter kn.Iie, 1 sugar spoon (chest extra) Reg. $57:00. -- HALF PRICE $28.50 ... Also 1 only 42 po. APRIL PATTERN INCLUDING CHEST Regular price $61.50. HALF PRICE $30.75 SILVERWARE CHESTS • Reg. 13.95 SALE $7.95 DAMAGED AND DEFECTIVE CHINA To clean' at a fraction of regular prices CAMEO AND LEAF DESIGN GLASBAKE Casseroles, Cake & Utility Dishes Reg. values up to 3.00 TO CLEAR AT $1.95 EA, FAMOUS PARKER "61" Pens Reg,• 25.00. HALF PRICE 312,50 PARKER "Liquid Lead" Pencils Reg. 3.95. HALF PRICE $1.97 PARKER "Jotter" Ball Point Pens Reg. 32.95 HALF PRICE $1.47 NOTE: Only pens now in stook at these prices Sale closes Sat.,Mar .21st. Don't miss these last-minute specials SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth Malady were the lucky winners of .theibushel basket of groceries that tickets were sold on. • KIPPEN IMT. and Mrs. Charles McKay- spent Saturday in Stratford. Master Bobbie Cooper celebrat- ec1 1115 8211 birthday recently by entertaining 8 et his friends at a skating party at the .Mensal - Arena. Miss Margaret McKay recently visited her brother anti sister-in- law IMr. and Mrs. Ross -McKay of I-Iiblsburgh. Master Jim Kyle celebrated his 8111 bi1'tli.day on Saturday by en- tertaining 12 of his little friends to a skating party at the Hensail arena, his grauclanother, Mrs. Jean Kyle of Clinton was pres- ent tor the occasion, A well de- corated birthday cape with $, candles centred the table, A IMy games of bingo and colored pict- ures of Disneyland shown on the screen by iVIr, Emerson Kyle proved very pleasing enter- talnanent to tbo children. Messrs, Watt.. and Emerson Kyle -received wort- last liritlav of the inidelt• passing of their cousin,. Mr's, -Priscilla 3riclallan of Edmonton, Alberta. The els. ceased was the former Priscilla Kyle, daughter orf .the date lir. and Mrs. Sohn Kyle. 0. F. U. 11R79J3TING The (March meeting of the Sea - forth local was held in thenew- ly decorated and remodeled town hall. Previous n iinutes ware ad- opted as read. Variety and -ma tear show will° be April 3rd at' Clinton Legion Hall, each local su(l)lying Sour numbers Tor Hurn on. .Seaforth local voted to send $00.00 to head office. Members were advised to have their reso- lutions drafted and In'esented at next meeting, Anyone with Wool- lens to get in touch .with the President. Next month, April 14, will be annual meeting, Robert Taylor will Ibe speaker arid offs-. ears will the elected. Panel debate on vertical inte- gration in Seaforth high school, April 6th should be of interest to everyone. 'Suggested panel; Gordon hall, Pres„ 0.11.,11. for Ontario; 13111 Tilden, 'Milk ' Pro-. ducers; Dr. Doone-' of 0, A. C., Guelph; Man tram Canada Pack- ers; Bob Taylor, Director tea -Hu- ron; Vaughn Douglas, Wiughatu, Halog marketing' was discussed and is still a problem, W ALTON Winners at the • Euchre and Lost Heir party 'held in the com- munity hall on Friday evening were: Lost Heir: Ladies high, Jean Walters, .low, Bambara. Turn - boll, Gent's (high, Ross McCall, low, (Gorden Driscoll, Euchre: Ladies high, .firs. W. Ttn'nbull; low, Jean Bolger. Gent's high, Rae Houston; low, Tien Pantile. The iMareh .meeting of the W,I, will be held in the hall en Thurs- day evening, March 26 with Mrs, Herold Bolger and Mrs. C. Mart- in as co -convenors of Citizenship and Education. Members in charge of the variety concert on Friday evening are Mrs. L. Oli- ver, Mrs, J. Van Vliet S1'„ A'Irs, D. Duchanan, Mrs, W. E. Turn- bull, and !Mr's, G. '4VaastSn. 0. E. 2, JOIW IRR The Eastern Star held a euch- re in the h0,03'..Dan on Thti.rs- day evening, Winners were: La. -lies 1st, aTtra, •James Doig; lone hands, :firs, James Barry; cons Mrs. W. J, Brady. Men's 1st, EX - mer Hutchinson; lone, Dave Peo- ple; cons., M. E. Clarke, Airs, Grace alogga.rtb, of New Hamburg, spent the weekend at her home Here.