HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-03-05, Page 7Pear - Shaped pretty brunette mathemati- cian, a man-made moon, and one of the nation's top mappers con- tributed to a new picture of the earth recently -• a shape quite different from the classroom globe, Mother earth, the American Physical Society was told by John A. O'Keefe, a NASA geo- desist, is "slightly pear-shaped, with the narrow end in the Are - tic and the broad base in the Antarctic." This revolutionary profile was first traced by the Vanguard satellite launched last March.' Ann Eckles, a 24 -year-old gra- duate with the Naval Research Laboratory, noticed a peculiar fact in her routine computations of the Vanguard orbit: When the satellite orbited closest (405 miles) to earth, it dipped down about 2.5 miles over the North- ern Hemisphere, and rose 2.5 miles over the Southern. According to Dr. O'Keefe, this dipsy-doodle course was caused by the pull of gravity. To ac- count for this, he concluded, the earth must hump out softie 50 feet at the North Pole, yanking at the satellite with that much more downward gravity tug.•The South Pole, on the other .hand, is 50 feet flatter than previously calculated. At the same time, sea levels in the North Temperate Zone are 25 feet lower, but those in the south are a cor- responding amount higher than believed. This may be man's first clue that the earth is made of stern- er stuff than geologists had dreamed. The earth is constantly whirling on its axis, If its inter- ior were soft and plastic, the whirling (like a potter's wheel) would help mold the outer shell into a smooth sphere, The pear shape, however, indicates an underpinning stiff enough to support the added stress of a polar bulge, Making Light Of ..His Troubles Although 'a car accident in 1942 left him without legs and a crushed spine, Buddy Koster, of Chicago, has not let it inter- fere with his ambitions in life. At the time of the crash he had a thriving electrical sign 'busi- ness in the city for which he had big plans. After the acci- dent he spent 15 years lying flat on his stomach in hospital. When he was discharged last year Kosten' started to get or- ganized again. Every night, after she,has returned home from her job as a telephone supervisor, Mrs. Koster drives with her hus- band around the local shops and factories. She writes down the names of places where the neon signs are faulty or out of order.• The next day Koster drops each firm a card pointing out the trouble and offering his services as an electrical neon expert. He gets around in a wheelchair for the various jobs. "The way I look at it," he says. "If a guy really wants to do something, nothing can stop him. if he sets his mind to it." BACKACHE A eKA CH May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain In ^the system. Then backeche, dis- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy - beaded feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Se HUSH MONEY University student Mike McCann is his own customer as he shells out a dime to play his "SLP" -silent 'long- play record. It's one of the selections on the juke box in the student union snack bar. To make sure the customer knows his selection is playing, the "silent" record gives one, lonesome "beep" every 15 seconds. Pint -Size Parking For Small Cars While Detroit hesitates on the brink of all-out production of small economy cars, the western United tSates and notably the" West Coast have in considerable degree already accepted tinyim ports as part of the regular way of life. A notable demonstration may be seen in several of the largest and newest public parking gar- ages, Architects of these have utilized all manner of odd -sized spaces for special marking, "Sports Cars Only." The result is that such spaces can accommodate two vehicles instead of one, or three instead of two. At certain places along walls it is feasible to accommo- c ate an occasional small car where otherwise no parking could be laid out. Evidently the garage owners weren't precisionists in their "sport car" markings because the clear intention is to accommo- date any sort of .small vehicle. There are more so-called "econo- my cars" fitting such spaces than "sports cars" and as a mat- ter of fact even the sports car enthusiasts never have agreed on a definition for 'their pets. "Any car in which one can enjoy sport is a sports car," say! the most liberal of the defini- tions. This could take in any- thing, presumably. Some of the larger sports cars such as Fer- rari, of Italy and Aston -Martin of England would really crowd the new small "sports car" stalls in which a Volkswagen or a Renault, economy -size but not primarily for sport, fit with room to space, (The definition of sports car most generally ac- cepted is that it is a smallish two - seater carrying bumpers, windshields, and other street equipment, fit to use for super- market. shopping but also ca- pable on occasion of competing in races with , some chance to win in its class as defined by cylinder displacement.) There is talk of making spe- cial financial inducement in parking small ears but the big garages thus far_providing espe- cially for them' run into this snag: They're of the new "park - yourself" type, where one takes a time -slip on entry . and pays against the elapsed time on de- parture. The owner does most of the work himself with a mini- mum of contact with garage personnel - and if he has an imported car with usually four - P CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS, WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? oeieR4nwan Wrt& M agents aService, Bolt 002, Estovan, Seeks AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for .yourself. Sell our exeltlns house' wares watches and other products oat found !n Stores. No contpetttton. Prof. its by to 500% Write now for free colour catalogue end separate 'oral . dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Salol. 3022 St Lawrence Montreal Rulll a' Department Store frmn your owri home. Yes, We'll put .you into your own business, absolutely Free! Now You San sell to entire. family, Clot�',ing, shoes, shirts, work clothes, ' ,toyer fishing.: equipment, .Amazing money -making plan, No . eXper'tence necessary. Full or part -Lime. Free gifts, '.fullie Insr t uctlogs�� abseliutelyutfitFree, Kiddies' Sales nerd., Bqx 115, N.D.G. Montreal 28, Qttebeo, • ',COIN COLLECTING IS CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING HOBBY, WE ARE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN C 0 I N ALBUMS, SUPPLIES A N D CATA- t.00 •urs, WE REQUIRE LOCAL AND COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY 237 Victoria street • Toronto, Ontario." speed manual gearshift, he pre- fers it that way, But it doesn't provide any easy way to offer a special price concession to him. writes Randall Gould in The Christian Science Monitor. Where he sometimes scores Is in parking on the open street. Many of the . small imports are so short that two can fit within the spacecovered by a single parking meter. The writer re- cently participated in a com- plete om-plete Py unarranged scenario where four bobtailed little ve- hicles were ranged in line along the curb space controlled by but two meters, Obviously only one driver Is likely to "feed the' raster" in such;. case, but which driver? .Po- lice or "meter maids" have no way of,'telling when they come along, and if they ticket' one car they may be trying to punish the driver who paid. The situa- tion could be really perplexing in case of concerted effort by several "mini - car" • operators, especially _with the type of, car that can be faced 'in to the .curb and' its door opened directly on the . sidewalk without any rear - end' projection beyond a space representing .the width of ,the now -normal American car Tests, haveshown that the length of one of, the• longest American cars. equals the combined withds of four such mini -cars. ' Just how small the reported- ly eportedly impending "big three" small cars will be when they roll out of Detroit is still a question. Figures have mostly dealt with wheelbase measurement in the. forecasts, this being apparently,: planning within the 100 -110 -inch range which would, be about a foot to a foOt and a half under the prevailing average through, o n e Cadillac, t h e Eldorado., Brougham, is listed at a magni- ficent 156 inches. European im- ports mostly range within the 80's and 90's. BABY CHICKS "OXFORD" Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results of more than thirty years • of careful selection and breeding. They have to be outstanding producers because We want the very best kind of Chicks for .pur own flocks - high producers with low feed eon- version onversion costs. We have fopr pure breeds and four crosses Columbia ' Rock White Leghorn, L-480 --Leghorn - Rhode Island Red x Columbia Rocky' Rhpde Island Red x Barred Rock White Leghorn x Columbia Rook, White Leg- horn x Columbia Rock x White Leg, horn, Ames In -Cross. Write for free folder. The Orford Farmers' Co-opera- tive = Produce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, Ontario, STUDY your market, order early. Bray can give immediate shipment dayold and some started Dual-purpose pullets and cockerels. SomeAmespullets. Day-' old • heavy breed cockerels. Order Marek -April -May broiler chicks noW. Request pricellst. See local agent, or write. Bray Hatchery, ,720 John' North, •.Hamilton, Ont. - TIME .now to order Bessies, Babcock Beesies . give top egg laying perform- ance whether kept •in cages or large Bache- Gentle, easy birds to handle. High prddUeers 12.15- months. Excellent livability. Large White eggs Of high -. interior quality, 'Rlustrated catalogue In colour on request, Red x" Sussex, Warren Reds, Sussex x Reds, Red x Rocks also available. 100% live delivery. OB% livability -3 weeks, guaranteed„ Whttney•.Farms & Hatchery. Milverton, Ontarlo. But overhang is important and presumably Detroit will be fru- gal in this respect as is already evident in American Motors' Rambler and Studebaker's Lark, as with the small .cars bttilt ' overseas by United States subsi- diaries and imported- here in ever-increasing numbers. While domestic' small cars are -likely to be big enough to require one full parking meter space apiece, they undoubtedly will help solve traffic congestion and occupy much less space in garages ,pub- lic and private. Doors of many private garages will close again for the first time in several years. agssetualantatgar WINTER TO BRITISH ,PORTS: First Class from $274 Tourist Class from $179 z EUROPE AND SPRING At Thrift -Season Ra ONE-WAY FROM $179 SAILINGS tes TO FRENCH PORTS First Class from $284 Tourist Class from $184 VESSEL from HALIFAX Yo VESSEL from NEW YORK To CARINTHIA SAXONIA SYLVANIA IVERNIA CARINTHIA SAXONIA SYLVANIA IVERNIA ''SAXONIAA. • A 'IVERNIA ▪ *CARINTHIA. *SA 'NIA ,*SYLVANIA 'CARINTHIA 'IVERNIA Sat. FEB, 21 Cobh, Liverpool Fri. FEB. 27 Havre, London (Tilbury) Sot. MAR. 7 Cobh, Liverpool Fri, MAR, 13 Havre, London (Tlibury) Sat. MAR. 21 Cobh, Liver col Fd. MAR. 27 Hdvre, London-(TilbOly) Sat APR, 4 Cobh, Liverpool W.. APR. 10 Havre, lands* (Tilbury) from MONTREAL end QUEBEC Mon. APR. 13 Thurs, APR. 23 Wed. APR. 29 Thurs. MAY 7 Thurs, MAY • 7 Thurs, MAY 21 Thurs. MAO 21 Pd, MAY 29 Thurs. JUNE 4 Greenock, Liverpool Havre, London (Tilbury) Greenock, Liverpool Havre, London (Tilbury) Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Liverpool Havre, Southampton CARINTHIA Fri FEB, 20 SAXONIA Thurs. FEB. 26 tPARTHIA Fri. FEB, 27 QUEEN ELIZABETH Sot FEB. 28 SYLVANIA Ni. MAR, 6 . QUEEN MARY Wed, MAR. 11 IVERNIA Thur., MAR. 12 MEDIA Prr. MAR. 13 QUEEN ELIZABETH Wed, MAR. 18 CARINTHIA Tri, MAR. 20 QUEEN MARY Wed. MAR, 25 5PARTHlA Thurs. MAR. 26 SAXONIA Thurs. MAR. 26 QUEEN ELIZABETH Wed. APR. ' 1 SYLVANIA HI. APR. 3 QUEEN MARY Wed,APR. 8 MEDIAA prior.• APA. 10 *QUEEN ELIZABETH Wad, APR, 15 Cobh, Liverpool Havre, London (Tilbury), Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Rowe, London (Tilbury) Liverpool Chereoure, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cheraw:re, Soothomplon Llyerpool Havre, London (Tlibury) 'Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Havre, London (Tilbury) Liverpool , Cherbourg, Southampton *Summer Season Rorer Apply WEST 001" suNsv osE CRUISES NtpUR NI F911. 2711 70, MAR. 21st: - 'Salle from Quebec following day See year oral /gent --- No one ban serve you better CUNARD LINE Con. Bay & Wellington Ste., Toronto, Ont. Tek EMpirt24911 tVia Bermuda For free illustrated fftertlfurtl clip fhis°I and :loll f? yaU0 htltlr GB,f Cum, OlFieo wHh your' name p„d addtess. ONTARIO'S MOST ,PROFITABLE LAYER LOGSDON'S H & N' "Nick Chicks". Day old dlacount on large orders. Leukosis reeistafice. 'Started pullets available. Order noww forspring delivery. Infor- Hsforth, Ontsdon's'H•dp N ,Hatcheries, Sea BOATS AND MARINE ENGINES CANADIAN NORTHERN COMPANY . Dreamshlps for Summer Sailing CN3S yawl, a growing class 3 already sold' in Ontario, Accommodations for 4 or 5, large galley,teak decks, dacron sans. Universal engine, many tither fea- tures, all packaged in a sleek welded step! hull and priced lower than any comparable yacht. C1430 sloop, Four -berth layout, 28 h.p. engine, teak decks, dacrons, ete, Ready . to sail and priced reasonably. CN ",Caprice!''- Easy to sail, easy to trail. -3B'-6' - 3 -berth sloop. Dacrons, aluminum spars, stainless rig. A 'minia- ture cruiser -racer for 51850. Contact Us for Full Details Used Boats, Sall and - Power Marine Design, Custom Building. 24f LA ESHOR REDITD EAST PORI' BOOKS BOOKS: (new) 2000 titles, 125 each post - .paid. World famous authors. ,Catalogue 60 pages, 250. Bargain Books, Dept. C., 722 East Silver Spring, Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKIEPING Service. By mail, 52.00 ,per month, records :kept. W r it e. Auditax. 230 'Herbert, Waterloo, On- tario. F0130 'DISTRIBUTOR FISH WRRrmfor our 1959 price list. We have e good supply -Quality end Variety. SILVERSTEINS 135W King St., London, 'Ontario, . FOR SALE AUTOMATIC Needle Threader shipped postpaid anywhere in Canada, $1.00. Write for free folders. A. Manger MaLI Order, Callander,' Ontario. MUST Sell 'Patents on Portable Ref rig. erator and Compressor for cars, homes, make toys also. ".Stanley Walker- 321 E. Harvard Avenue, Orlando, Florida. NOW Available. Ten different • 3 x 5 glossy color photos of 'LLS. Rockets and Missiles, Send 51.00 now to: Missiles, Box 656B, Cocoa Beach, Florida. NOTICE TINSMITHS BUY your half round trough hangers r. at a reasonable price, Apply Enos Martin, R. R, 3, Wallonstein Ont. 5 BEAUTIFUL Aprons Assorted coi. •F0P5 or OnlyyuSmoneyrbacka tWm. worth .87 Washington Ave. Kingston 0, N.Y. 1.E.L, PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Reconditioned, now saw guarantee - new low prices . shipped prepaid - ar- intiitee5dtot�on IeLmte30 95S.. BW, 80, Parry Sound. Ontario. GLADIOLI BULBS •GUARANTEED H 011 a n el Imported. Large be:ILIU ! Exhibition blooms. Many famous named varieties, .Mixed, large 50,901 Medium $5,50; Small 84,50 per 100. Selected lenge mixed 5l dozen, Medium 755 dozen, Postpaid. Free Bonus; 12 'named blooming size bulbs with orders, of 510 or over. JOHN MASON (importer) BOX 1025 GANANOQUE ONTARIO, FUR FARM' ANIMALS THE fur trade is waiting for top qual- ity nettle fur. We have nutria for spring deiiVery that grade excellent in New York. Stewart's Nutria, Box 164, Dryden, Oat. W, J. Stewart A, C. Thompson, HELP WANTED HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for contractors' and builders' hardware sales, a11 bent. fits provided. Excellent working condi- None. Apply in own handwriting stet - Ing previous experience, age, ate., to Box 179, 123.10111 Street New Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED WANTED: Two elIperienced knittle machine fixers for 100 needle or coarse. ser Scott and Williams H and H Hosiery d working conditions. Will 557 expes nses s toMOWS to States, new Ballston Knitting COm- pony, Box 30, Ballston Spa„ New York, HELP WANTED -FEMALE MATURE woman or girl for general housework hi a happy home, three school children, char kept, good salary. Write Mrs, Bornstein, 92 Ridelle Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. PART TIME HELP WANTED FEMALE A Canadian market research organize. tion requires ladiesas part-time repro- sentetLves in thesmaller towns and cities (not Toronto, Hamilton or other large city) to eonduot .public opinion pplle and telephone surveys on radio listening end TV viewing, As some of tile surveys are conducted from your home, a private telephone is required, Write to: Elliot -Haynes Ltd., 615 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. HORSES ATTENTION HORSEMEN ONTARIO Belgian Horse Assoc. hold- ing 6th Annual Draft Horse Sale, Wed- nesday April 9th, 1959, Lindsay Fair Grounds, Lindsay Ontario. All horse' must be consigned and catalogued. Con. signments close March 10.' For entry forms write Jack Wood, R.R. 2, Aurora, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN More ! Bookkeeping, Salesman ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 505. Ask for free circular No. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 any Street, Toronto MEN & WOMEN ENROLMENTS ACCEPTED NOW FOR DAY AND EVENING COURSES INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS RADIO & TELEVISION CIRCUITRY COLOUR TELEVISION For full information mail this coupon, phone or write to your nearest RADIO ELECTRONIC TELEVISION SCHOOL 977 Talbot Street London . 929 Ottawa St. N'., Hamilton 15;Ising Street N., Waterloo 124 Geneva Street, St. Catharines Name Street Town LIVESTOCK DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS HILLHEAD Farina present offering, young cows, calving January and Feb- ruary, heifer calves. Two herd 'sire prospects from 11,000 lbs. of milk dame.. Herd on R.O.P. Write for particulars, H. A.lfewitt's Sons York, Ont. MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" I.E.L, Pioneer 513.50. 18" McCulloch D44 515,50. 17" Homelite EZ 519.28. Write- for details on our complete line of saw chain. JAY'S MAIL ORDER, BOX -46 BURLINGTON, ONTARIO MEDICAL "ARE you sure you don't have sugar (sign of Diabetes)? Thousands do, and don't know 10' Play eafet Check your family .now! Simple home test: that you diatelyY250seach,detects 5100 Postpaid Royal'Company, ept. C, 1051 Mt. Royal East, Montreal. GOOD RESULTS - EVERY SUFFERER FROM ,RHEUMATIC.PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S•DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25Express Collect BRONCHIAL asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, sinus sufferers, why change clim- ate for your health? A new diet has been worked out that gives lasting relief, no money down. Send for 30 day trial offer, giving us information about your condition. Acme Dietetic Service, 4525 Sue 'Hall Drive, ElPaso, Texas. POST'S ECZEMA `SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Robing, lsnngci • ma, acne, ringworm, pimples t readily to the eczemamics odorless lesod e Y of )sow trbbboro ointment ressrteey of boor- stubborp or hopeless they seem. Sent' Post Free on lReceipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO MUCUS IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK TABL'ETS for the nose and throat. dropping of mucus dis- charge, sensation of a lump in the throat and other disturbances. Ask Your Druggist OPPORTUNITIES DRILLING FOR OIL SHALLOW Ontario field investing part. ners. Write P.O. Box 55. Terminal A, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANC) WOMEN FLORIDA! Is booming. Classified. sec- tions, Jacksonville,. Miami newspapers, .listing jobs, all types, men and women, Rentals, 51.00. Lawson Press Service Box L401 Jacltsonvllle 1, Florida. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. ('erm Soon, Free catalogue, Reisch Auction Col. lege, Mason City Iowa. America, OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN: SPEEDHAND trains forStenographer in 10 weeks Home -study. ABC System. Gree folder. Casson Systems 10 East. bourne Crest, Toronto, DELIVERY WORK .150.00 MONTHLY income for part. time deliveries and collections. Must have car or light truck. 4706.00 cash required. More income for fall time, Reply giving name address and phone number to Box 4o, 170. 1.23.16th St.. New Toronto,, Ontario, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignned proress on; good wages ChOusands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESING ,5514005 . 358 Blom St W Toronto Branches, 44 itlha Stu W., Hammon" 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENTS FE'I'HERS I ONTIAI Kill & company Patent 00 University Ave,• 'rondoletted ° Patents all countries, PERSONAL "ADAM to Armageddon!' brief history book free to bible readers, Address: Box 149, Dorchester, Ontario, aassoc1mentPfor $1,00ubPlnee#oquel25 tt tested, guaranteed. Malled 1n plain sealed package plus free BOSS CO, trol booklet and oatalogue f sUppv,• Western Distributors, Box 24 , Regina, Soak. DETAILS FREE! For hard to locate: Products and items, or Manufacturers, Send Name and Address to: Looetiotl Service Bereau, Box 37.5 Almond, WIs, cousin, U.S.A. F001,our Friends, loved ones! Maim them think y0a are 1n Texas. Letter Raman, only 255, (coin). J, Duncan, Bo,e 4273, Dallas 8, Texas. LADIES for the best In cosmetics, Jr, Peggy Newton Products,. Free cata- logue, beauty chart, Bern's Novelty, P.O. Box 946 , Montreal, PEN Pals! 255 (coin) gets you on out' Pen Pal Lists, State age, Sex and in- formation about yourself, Bob" Box 113$6, San Antonio, Texas. FARMERS' OUB1, GALT, NT FILMS developed and 8 magna printe 405 to album, 12 magna prints 006 in album. Reprints 56 each. ItODACOLOR Developing roll 51.00' (not including prints). Color prints 350 each. extra,. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex. ' posures mounted In slides 51.25. Color trarnrsparenciefrom sl)250 each.each. Duplicate PET STOCK, BUDGIES, champion class breeding Stock, singles, or Pairs, guaranteed, Write: Aviaries. 2 Edgewood Gardens, Toronto. POULTRY WE have 0000 Mount Hope Queen Leg- horn Pullets at present 3 to 4 months old. We also have Red X Sussex, Red X Rock Sussex X Red every week of year, any age. They are all vaccinated, wormed, debeaked and culled. Free delivery within 100 miles, Write or pone Tav t ck nPoultry Market, Phone ' PROPERTIES FOR SALE. FOR Sale - Eight room unfinished house with garage, located at 110 Chesterfield Ave., London, Ont, Apply Box 2, Glencoe, Ontario, PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED waste farm land also cut over bush lots for hunting. William O'Brien, Coe Ilia, Ontario. SEEDS SEED FOR SALE CLINTLAND Registered No, 1 Oats, let Generation, II, R. McKim. .Quality Seeds, Dresden, Ontario. MU. 3-2511, DOUGLAS SEEDS EXCLUSIVE European and American strains -'All American selections flowers, vegetables, begonias, caladi- ums, For Canada's finest listing of Hy- brid and improved seeds write: Douglas Seeds, Brantford, Ont, STAMPS AND 001115 'BEGINNERS - try a selection of Approvals priced 15 to 100 each, mint and used. Mint U.S. stamps given free to every applicant. Hilson ' .rremere, Ormiston, Saskatchewan." FIRST DAY COVERS CANADA, U.N., U.S.A., First Dey Covers. Write for price lists or 57' provals. B. A. Ovens, Chippewa, Ont. 20 FOREIGN .Coins $1.00. Gold Sover- eign 515.00. 1958 Canadian Uncirculated Coin Set, 53.50. Scotch Highlander Badge $1.50. Coln Buying List. 255. Crown Hobbies, 107 Codsell, Downs- view, Ont. 100 DIFFERENT Free to, approval cants: R. R. Mackenzie, 11575 Freemir Blvd., Montreal. SWINE months, priceduality fi'ome $25.00. e. Mervito n Have, lit- 5, Aylmer West, Ont. SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE Presqulle Point - New summer home or year round -an city conveniences - oil heated, fireplace - $21,000.00 - terms - for inspection con tact J. p', Day, Real Estate, Trenton. EX. 2-4261, Little Lake Resort Between Cobourg and Trenton - Concrete buildings dance floor, canteen, dining, clean sand beach, living quarters. Always booked for season. Parking, trees and tables, Exclusive. For particulars and terms, J. F. Day - Real Estate - Trenton EX. 24201. VACATION RESORTS . ARE you looking for a quiet restful place to spend a winter vacation? Our Canadian guests return year after year. Comfortable apartments complete Idt- chens, ip a real desert setting, with beautiful view of the mountains Close to all facilities, 11 mites below Palm White Chimneys rApts . Box 551 Palm Desert, California. SOUTHERN RESORT FORT -Lauderdale, Florida, near ocean. Modern rooms, .apartments. Send for brochure. Windsor Manor. 2035 Terra - mar St. WINTER RESORTS LEARN TO SKI .. LIMBERLOST LODGE with JOSL HUTER, 0.6,1. Two 1000 ft. Tows. Four Downhill Trails, Wide practice Slope Limberlost features .ail -inclusive Amo• ,loan Plan rates, averaging 510,00 per day. No tow fees or other extras. Coln plate ski, rental and repair service. Three hours from Toronto. Five Day Learn To Ski Weeks 542.50 Monday to Friday All Winter LIMBERLOS54 L0000 SoxLimberlost P.O., Huntsville, Muskoka, Ontario Phone: Huntsville T582, Ext. 08, WANTED WANTED IN NEW CONDITION LH,C. 14, to 2t oil hath gas engine, Johnson sit washer motor, Wisconsin 3 horse engine with reduction gear. Weald trade one bag concrete miser for half bag size, Enos. S. Martin, R. R. 3. Wanensteln. Ont, SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERYOOSNE TO-AM011teg# To he happy end tranquil instead o6, nervous or for a gdod night's sloop, tela Sedlcin tablets aceordlne 00 dkeollone. $1.60-$i. 4) SEDICI . TABLETS Dee Reese Oehl ISSUE 9 - 1950