HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-26, Page 8ee New SLACKS Resin treated cloth in grey charcoal 'and brown, make these slacks spot proof and . wrinkle shed, with matching belts just arrived i Smartly styled SPORT COATS Come in to -day anti look over our brand new showing of boy's sport coats for Easter. Choose from the popular white background tweeds, so popular with the young set, or medium shade tweeds in grey or fawn. Smartly styled in 3 button style with centre vents ' SIZES 6 TO 16 YRS. '114.95 OTHERS FROM 12.95 SIZES 6 TO 18 495 Boys WHITE SHIRTS FOR. EASTER Short point collar styles in single or double cuff shirt in Sanforized white broadcloth. size 6 to 14 years 1.95 to 2,50 Stewart Bros. • 11111,"„1"I,„1111,„l ,111111„„,]111111111„„1111111"1111111,1".,111111111111„1l tall ll,alll,ll lllllllllllllllllllllI ll,lll APPLICATION FOR POSITION OF ASSISTANT COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR Desired Qualifications: 1. Some practical experience with herbicides (experience as a custom weed -sprayer an advantage) 2, Prepared to spend at feast 100 days a year at this work 3 Ability to work with the public and act as advisor to spray operators in the County 4. Age -- approx. 50 years of age or younger 5. 90c an hour, plus mileage 8c 6. Available for interview Thurs., March. 19, 1959 7. Phone number of applicant 8. Applications to be submitted to the undersigned in sealed envelope clearly marked "APPLICA- TION” before Noon Itlonday, March 16, 1959 JOHN G. BERRY Clerk -Treasurer Court House, Goderieh Debentures and Trust Certificates 4e0 for 5 years Bargains in Safe investment! Your money is safely invested when .you purchase Debentures or Trust Certificates from Huron & Erie—Canada Trust. Issued in units of $100 or more for 1 to 5 years, they're authorized' by law as trustee investments. 4%a% for 3 and 4 years --4% for 1 and -2 years a Pian every step with Huron & Erie Canada Trust Head Office -- London, Ontario District Representatives F, G. Bonthron, Hensall Watson & Reid, Seaforth MeoNAUGHTON'S ;SPEECH Oontinne(i from Popo or, 'alio !woo. Co first M,P,P., and who died After- A !slzart term iu office- Captain Robert Dunlop, R N„ eonteeted the first election against another oolourfui, ]figure of the day, 'Ltent, O'olonel Antl1- ortY W. Van Illgnnond winning by a 'comfortable margin. Van Lid, mond was an ardent 'reformer and I can onlY conclocle that ev- en, es today, ale ran On the wrong biokejt, Mr. Speaker, this was the start of an era In Huron, wltitlll bunch- ed 011e development of what is now recognized to be the best ]farm land lira all of Canada, Tile e ave of • Dr, William "Tiger” Dunlop marks the location of much of its begj ntng and as Bach may I suggest, Ghat the His- torical Societies of the Province would de weal to consider Its more appropriate recognition, improvement and maintenance, I should lits now, Mr, Speak- er, to relate the lusty and vigor• - 0119 industry and development of 'earlier times', to the aocorn 01eh- anent3 and ,opportunities of tpday. Assuredly, sir, the vision of ,our pioneers has been toa very con. sdderable extent fulfilled and the Characteristics of the founders of Huron are manifest In 'the bounddesO opportunities which exist• at this ohallenging ]period of the history of our ,Province and our Nation. Of recent wears ,our popoulation has been swelled by people of other lands to all of nwhom we extend a'traditional Huron welcome. The customs and traditions od their native mute tries have already ,enriched us ,and a new, tymioa1ly Canadian culture, emerges, NIr, 'speaker, s should say that the economy and industry of pre- sent ,day I•Ituron, is in a large measure associated with agrioul tore. Those who are not directly engaged in farthing are depend- ent to a very considerable extent on the 'agricultural industry for their own prosperity, and indeed their livelihood. Huron ranks first in the production of barley, second in dry beans, and this'd In mixed ,grains. Huron combines with its neighbour Perth to lead by a wide margin in hog produc- tion. Huron remiss lint In the production of cattle far beef. The town of Exeter and the surround. lag, area lead in the production of rutabagas, The area, has long g been among the top producers of poultry in Ontario. In short, Mr. Speaker, Buren by virtue et the volume and variety of produc- tion of farm ]products might well be ,considerer] a pattern for agri- culture for all of Ontario, whidh attests to the industry and effic- iency of its farmers. We in Huron are proud 'of the accomplish- ments of our farmers and partic- ularly proud that, 'in 1968, Mr. Robert Allan of 03ruce6ield, cap- tured two World Championships at the Royal Winter 'Fair. In fairness, I must express . appre- ciation to the Hon,' Minister of Agriculture and in particular to the calibre of Agricultural Re- presentatives who have served Huron over the years. Under 6110 able direction of Mr. Gordon Ben- nett, now Chief Agricultural Of- ficer, Mir. Gerald Montgomery, now industrial agent with the Canadian National Railways and our present representative, Hr. Douglas Miles, this associate dir- ector, Mr. :Arthur Bolton, and bits staff, our 4-11 ,membership and their activities and accomplish- ments stand out as top cranking in this .most 'innpos;tant field of agricultural endeavour in the Province. FEDERATION NEWS By C. Hemingway Huron• County Federation of Agriculture Directors Meeting, Feb. 17th, The (Secretary Field” 'man outlined tate new rate et Conlponsiutlon being offered be' O1)tea)iQ 117110 40r the con060000- tion oaf ditto acmes farm land, The OIcA has boeb negotiating ter •severallnonths'and, while atilt not satiated with the oolnlpensaa.. tion ,the new offer is about three tinter the old rates. In' view of 911e new Bite that ie to be constricted shortly from Seaforth to Clinton it watt agreed that the, Federation wowrene •a meeting of the farmers affected and the township federations, in order that the land owners 91015116 have all available dlrforannrtion.. In this same .matter of land aen, quisitloll the meeting agreed that the County Federation protest the proposed straightening of the bend at Auburn. Tlaie, road wasonly constructed some three Years ago and it hardly seems reasonable tluat dt .is now obsolete. The County Federation agreed to assist the women's committee with thein• essay contest and that the F•ieldmlan send out copies to each township, of the rules of the cQntest.`These are to be distribu- ted to each of the rural schools. Mrs. Vera Greig, Wee chairman of Onitarie Farm Forumreported on the annual convention held In Saskatoon. PA.RM•ERS' IINION Farmers' Union • meeting was held after being postponed on ac: count of roads and cold weather, at George Stone's as town hall 1•s' being remodelled. Previous min- utes were read and adopted. Fir's't item was .the 0pr/ointment of del- egates to go to 'Ottawa on •defici- ency paylmenta. Each local in On- tarto has been asked to eluppert one delegate, Carl Dalton, Pres„ was nominated to go df possible. I M, :Scott was named alternate. Mr. Harkness In press reports is trying to create impression that farmers received- 10 per cent more anoney in 1958 than in 1957 but he ,does •not realize farmers' cost increased by more than 20 per •cent in same period. The On- tario Poultry 'Prothtcers Assoem tion and thein' promotion plan -of 2 •cents ' on. case sof eggs, 2 cents on roosters, hens, pulletsand ca- pons, ,this will be deducted off the producer. Alter agooddisous- sion the members felt it would 'only mean less profit to the pro- ducer, and of no benefit. For fur- ther information they were bold by President, to attend several meetings that are coarsing up. If there is no opposition to this plan a vote is not ]necessary. O.F.U. for Huron are sponsor- ing a variety show in ]Easter week in Legion hall, Clinton: Each 'local to supply four num- bers. Ontario ,O.F.U. are presenting their annual brief to Frost Cab- inet, Feb." 2511). In Toronto. Coun- ty meeting will be held on March 5111 lir iOlinton. The meeting was adjourned. Mrs. Stone served a lunch. WALTON The February meeting of the Walton Group was held in the church .school room on Wednes- day evening with 24 ladies pre- sent. Mrs. Wm. Thamer, vice president, was in charge. Hymn was sung with Miss Bessie David- son es pianist. Mrs. Gordon Mur- ray read the scripture lesson and Mrs. . Thamer commented on the passage. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Ethel Hackwell• Mrs. Herb Travis gave an interesting topic. on "There is no unanswered prayer." The roll call was ans- wered by naming an apostle. The W.A. treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ronald Bennett and the WMS by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. Three bundles of Red. Cross material were handed out. It was decided that used Christ- mas cards and scrap books be • Daddy's voice...Il's the first of many warm and wonderful, moments in store for Suzie: moments that will come to her, by telephone, her whole life through, The lives of all of us are constantly enriched by hearing the voices of our children, our parents, our friends -- loved ones who may be out of sight or far away but are never out of reach by telephone. The telephone keeps us in touch with them all-- giving ll—giving us so much for so little. 'CNE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA tient. to the county home aro Curt ton to be completed by the ladies there, ]munch hostesses were 'Mrs, Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Ralph Trav^ is and Miss Bessie Davids011, A social evening was held sat the school room of DnE'S United Church on F-iday evening, Feb, 20, when an English, Irish and Scottish program was presented with Rey, W. M. Thomas acting as chairman. The program con, stated of: duet, Glenna Houston and Carolyn Fraser. Solo, Audrey McNichol, 01d country tea party presented by the Walton group, Mrs, Nelson Marks, Mrs, P. Mc- Donald, Mrs; F, Walters, Mrs, W. C. Rockwell, Mrs. Ralph Travis, Mrs. Geo., Iluudas, Miss' Bessie Davidson, Mrs, R. Bennett, Mrs, Ethel Hackwell, ; Master Gordon Mitchell with Mrs. Herb Travis at the piano, and Mrs. E. Mitchell with the violin. Duet, Jack Mc- Call and Bob Shannon. Men's choir, 16t1 group, Bert Johnston,. Jas. Smith, Doug Fraser, Rae Houston, Don McDonald and Al- vin McDonald, Reading, Mrs, R. McMichael. Solo, Geraldine Den- nis. Duet, Nellie Baan and Mary Helen Buchanan. Accordion solo, Miss Mary Dennis. Solo, Donald McDonald. Reading, M. Harvey Craig, Solo, Audrey McNichol: Duet, 119ramo and Sherri] orals... Solo, Mrs. Jan van Vliet. At the close of the program colored slides on Mexico, California and other western States were shown by Nelson Marks with Howard Hackwell explaining the pictures, Lunch was served by the ladies of the 16th group and the 17th group tidied up. BORN Armstrong—At Scott Memorial Hospital on February 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, RR 1 Zurich, a son Downey--iAt Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb. 23rd, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Downey, Sea - forth, r.r. 5, a son. Hoegy--In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Feb. 23rd, 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, Brod- hagen, a daughter, .CARD OF THANKS I wish to. extend my sincere thanks and appreciation- to all who remembered me with calls, cards, treats and flowers while a patient, in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal and since returning home. Mrs. Pauline Miller FOR SALE • 1500 square bales Of timothy h Y and alfalfa hay; 26e a bale. Alvin Hodge, 11r13 at Kirkton LOST In Seaforth on Feb, 23, Bulova wrist watch. Finder please phone 190. Reward. Harold Maloney FOR SALE 30 pigs 6 weeks old. Scott Oluff, Seaforth FOR SALE Oil burner and 200 gallon tank, both used about -3 months. Also 5 radiators and used furnace and pipes. Reasonably priced, Dan Costello, Dublin HENS• FOR SALE 400 Honegger layers (Leghorn) laying since late Oct. Farm is sold, so must sell. Apply Leo Ryan, Dublin 40r4. Will deliver CHICKEN EQUIPMENT For sale: 1 oil brooder, 2 elec- tric brooders, 12 feeders (hang- ing type), 6 waterers, etc. Used for one season, Apply Leo Ryan, Dublin 40r4 LOST A small female hound, brown and black with white toes; stray- ed trayed away on Sunday. Leslie Pep- per, RR 4 Walton; phone collect, Seaforth 848r22 FOR SALE Registered No. 1 Garry , Seed Oats cleaned; graded, treated, bagged and Government sealed. Price $1.40 per bushel. Also bulk oats from same lot; clean your- self- and save. Apply Spencer Jeffery, Staffa, Ontario. Phone 11r10' Dublin FOR SALE 18 pigs nine weeks old. B. L. Hornick, phone 833r32 (third house east of Kinburn) NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for -Viking Cream Separa- tors and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brumfield Apartment avRENT March 15. Apply Gordon Noble, phone 71w FOR SALE A large size oil space heater, and 200 gallon tank. Price reason- able. Phone 298 Seaforth. Hector Chesney BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale Date now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2.7534 Township of Tnekerslnitll Tender for Caravel Tendol'8 are invited by the Township of Tnelter:nlith for rushing and hauling a0p1'oxi111ate- ly 12,900 ell. yds. of gravel to township roads in 1959, Contract- or to supply all requirements ex- cept gravel which will be n0pplied by the township at three loca- tions. % inch screen to be used, ten- ders to state a flat price per cu. yd, laid down on township roads, Work to be done ltndel' the super•- vision of the Road Supt, alai to he completed by $ufte 30th, 1969, Marked cheque for ,5300 must acs, company each tender or tender will not be considered. Tenders to cloee' March 3rd, 1959, at 2 P,M. and to be submitted to the under- signed. Lowest, or any tender nottneees- eerily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuokersmitll R.R. # 4, Seaforth Township of Tuekersmith Tender for Warble Fly Powder Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuekersmith for the supply of approximately 600 (six hundred) pounds, of Warble Fly Powder in 16 -ib, bags. . Tender to state a price per lb. delivered at township shed, Rg- mondvilie. Tenders close March 3rd at 2 P.M. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted, 131 P. CHESNEY, Olerk, Tuokersmitli R.R. # 4, Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith Tend, -gr for Warble Fly Spraying Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuekersmith for spraying cattle for Warble Ply Control in 1959 under the Warble Fly Control Act. Contractor will supply all requirements except Warble Fly Powder which will be supplied by the township. Tender to state a price per heal per spray and must be in the deifies hands by 2 P.M. March 3rd, 1959. Work to be done at the direction of and under the supervision of township inspector. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. ccepted. D. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuekersmith R.R, # 4, Seaforth FOR SALE A seal coat in good condition. Large size. Phone Hensall 687r33 Terrier puppies. Phone 224R Seaforth SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Delicious, Snow, Tatman Sweet, Greening; Spies,' King, etc. Free delivery in town. Fred McOly- mont & Sons, Varna. Phone col- lect HU 2-3214 • NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation "Where Better Bulls Are Used", supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. ,if phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton Hit 2-3441. For service or more (in- formation, call between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8:00'p:m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality is high and the cost low. . sada, fRAeADDIOaReEEPPARS gr uaadriaon..teear TEoR9air, toIO1vRkindsAIR. OpDoait. Dick House, phone 8470, Seaforth WANTED • Old horses wanted at 8%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone al once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148334 or 148331 (Goderich) We write all.' lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO ' Successor to. WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance ININIAROVIARAIWYWINIARIR BUTTERMILK BISCUITS *WE MAKE 'EM— VDU BAKE 'EM" Cleary's IGA SeaforthInNANAANIOVIAANWWWWWWW. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and 'snow re- moval operations, PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.' This order will be strictly en- forded in accordance with the Highway Traffic Lot, Scotto% 48, Subsedtion 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing. or Snow removal operations PRE SIIAFIORTH NEWS Thursday, 7'ebl'nary 20, 1069 BC)X Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Sol Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Phyelcian and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A."GORWILL, B.A., M.O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Soaforbb SEAFORTH CLINIC 0.' A. • McMaster, H.A., M.D., InternUS,'. P. L. Brady. 85.0 Surgeon Office Hour, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat srday only 7-0 p.m, Appointments made In advance ars desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, O. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G, DRENNAiN, D,Y.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth 1OBN B. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed, 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thor, eyj-, by appointment only, Clinton HU -2.701q. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80. INSURANCE • Fire • Auto -_ • Accidence • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SIOAFORTB, ONT. Officer;—President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., It. Archibald; Manager and Sea -Tread, Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Directors—S. IM i g, Blyth; Malone, 9. Alexxaanderi•. Walton; B. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhasdt. Bornholm: H. Fuller, Goderloh; Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfooe, Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr.. Londe:de m; J. F. Prueter, Brodbggen ; Seh'hra Baker, Brussels, Brio Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or ttded other business, wilt ka prof he attendedn m by a r: adondressed to any of tr above named officece addressed to their respective pod offices. 'blue coal' the solidfuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION .STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS &.,LONEV Phone 673 or :882-R • AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 NOTICE Township of Tuekersmith RateDayera and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckesmith aro requested, by the council. M not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on road, or streets. E. E. Chesney, Clerk, Tuakersnilth Don Brightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum. Products Gas, Stove and Furnace Oil Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Several hundred Dekalb pullets hatched Nov. 3rd.. 16 weeks - Feb. 23rd. 18 weeks - Mar. 9th. Vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle, Should be seen to be appreciated. If you keep records, you will keep Dekalbs. Moore's. Poultry Farm, Seaforth, ph. 647-31 JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth, Shoes repaired. Mens & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- ness to give comfort and save you money TENDER for supplying 2000 sacks of cement Will be received 1 by the and. maimed at Carnegie Library at 2 p.m. MIONDAY, MAIRCII and, 1969 Cement to he delivered on call on site W. 7. MANILEY, Road Superintendent, Township of 'MoKiltop NOTICE Viking Cream Separator. Sales and 'Service for new and used Viking Sep 'orator. 'John. Byerman, East William' 1St,, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 6561v TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO - CHIEF BURNINOi OILS Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w, Seaforth