The Seaforth News, 1959-02-26, Page 7Battle $topped By Police Christmas may be the season of goodwill,: but exactly fifty years ago last Christmas two men worked off a personal grudge with, a fight that made sporting history, , Perhaps it was appropriate that the morning of Boxing Day, 1908, should have been chosen for the encounter, but there were many other things about the contest to make it memorable, The loser, though taking a bad beating, refused -to give in. The winner refused to finish off hI$ Opponent, though he could easily have done so. The referee was apparently loath to step the one+ sided contest, and eventually the police ordered it to end. To appreciate the real atmos- phere it is necessary to g� back a little, to the day when Jack Johnson, a powerfully - built Texan negro, fought twenty rounds 'against Marvin Hart, and lost. Three months later Hart became world heavy - weight champion, but held the title only a few months before surrender- ing it to Tommy Burns. Burns, a Frenoh-Canadian, was - actually a light - heavyweight and, in fact, won this title as well soon afterwards. Physically, he was the smallest champion the heavyweight division has ever known at 5 it. 7 in. But he had an abnormally long reach, which enabled him to hit or keep at bay, men muoh taller than him- , self. Johnson was sure he could beat Burns, and quickly challenged for his title. The champion ig- nored him, but the Negro was persistent and followed him everywhere, repeating his chal- lenge. Stung into some sort of action at last, Burns merely de- clared that Johnson was a cow- ard and had a yellow streak— an odd statement for a world champion to :cake. The inference is that Burns had either a complex about his comparative smallness or an aversion to fighting a coloured man. Whatever his reasons, he turn- ed down several attractive offers to meet Johnson but eventually fell to the bait of $30,000 to face the Negro at Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, on Boxing Day, 1908. Johnson jumped at the offer of $7,500. The sponsor was a well- known Australian politician, but his action raised a storm of pro- tests that a man ,concerned with making laws should be associ- ated with prize -fighting: He handed over the promotion to •a hotel -keeper named Hugh D. McIntosh with the stipulation that his money should be return- ed it there was any profit, and at last Burns and Johnson came face to face. It was an oppres- sively hot morning, and most of the crowd of 21,000, who includ- ed two women -and a large force of pollee, had spent the night In the open near the field where the fight was staged. The contestants were an i11- assorted pair: the .champion swarthy, thick -set, scowling; the challenger six inches taller, 21 pounds heavier, yet *with much more grace of movement. The sun glinted on his gold teeth as - he smiled at the ringsiders, ap- parently not caring that Burns was favourite in the heavy bet- ting. There was a sensation with the first blow. Johnson landed an uppercut which lifted Burns off his feet and deposited him on his back. For ;a few 'seconds cham- pion and 'crowd were stupefied. as the referee tolled off the count: He had reached eight be- fore Burns wason his feet again, still • dazed. Johnson might have ended the STATE OF AIR TRAFFIC — Importance of air traffic to the daily life of the newest state is. this taken -for -granted sign on an airport near Anchorage, in air -minded Alaska. fight then and there, but he al- lowed his opponent to continue. Early in the second round, how- ever, Burns was down again, this time from a left to the chin. As he fell he ricked his ankle,. and when he got up it was ob- vious that he Was in great pain, By the third round Burns had decided that unless he could end the fight quickly, he ' had lost his title, He tore into Johnson and hit him about the head and ribs, but the Negro only laughed. Burns was clearly outclassed. He could not hurt his challenger and it was obvious that Johnson was deliberately pulling his punches. The next three rounds all fol- lowed a similar pattern. Burns would come in, both fists flying, but Johnson would either step out of range or take the blows on his arms and then land a flurry of punches that left his opponent groggy.. Only once was Johnson, ob- viously toying with his rival, shaken out of his coolness. • In the seventh round Burns got through with a hard blow to the 'stomach. It caused no damage, but the smile left Johnson's face and he moved in relentlessly with a hail of blows. Before long the Canadian had a huge lump over one eye, and the end seemed near. Johnson changed his tactics then and for the next three rounds amused himself by land- ing a few blows that made Burns go into clinches. Then, • as he pushed his weakening opponent off, he would help him on his way with a quick left and right to head_ and. body. _This would bring Burns into a clinch again, for the process to be repeated. By the twelfth Johnson had tired of this little game and re- sorted to derision. Dropping his guard, he pointed to a spot near his right ribs and said: "Hit me - 'here, Tommy!" Burns promptly did so, but Johnson, grinning broadly, merely turned, pointed to his left ribs, and said:'"That's right. Now hit me here!" Again Burns accepted the invitation, and again Johnson justlaughed. The fourteenth had scarcely started when the champion went down .once more under a merci- less hail, of. blows. Still he would' not quit, and as he gained his feet Johnson came in, deter- mined now to batter his victim into •insensibility. That was enough. Only. a few blows had landed and Burns was still on his feet when a police ' officer jumped into the ring to stop the fight. Johnson had been robbed of his' knock- out, but the referee immediately raised .his arm as the new world heavyweight champion. ,,ETERNAL;PROMISE - Even as the�bleaknes6 of •fhis Winter scene is softened by the dormant buds of the ,old tree, with :their promise of spring, the Cross in the roadside shrine in West Germany gives promise of Easter and a new' religious awoken - Ing after the austerity of Lent. Wizard Couldn't Figure :.Own • Pay Figure wizards in the days before electronic calculating ma- chines were even thought of were highly praised for 'some ':of their calculations and evento- day they are quite impressive. A youth named Zerah Colburn, for instance, amazed scientists by taking only four seconds to cal- culatehow many seconds these were, in forty-eight years. ' Another mathematical prodigy who was entertaininga friend casually asked him the date of his birth. This was' given. Within seconds the guest was startled' by his • host stating: "Since you were. born 975,715,200 seconds have gone 'by." It is on record that when George Parker Biddler, who later achieved fame as an engin- eer, was still at school, he ,re- jected normal.' arithmetical tfieth- ods. and invented -others. "of his own. which enabled him .to do fantastically .difficult sums with apparent ease. He became widely known as The ' Calculating Boy: Once a professor o'1 mathematics; asked him how many•,turn-§ a wheel 5 feet' 10 inches lin circumference` would make in 800,000,000 miles. He gave the correct answer iii just under a minute. Equally astonishing was the feat performed, by a professor at the old Westminster Aquarium in 1896. One.. of the audience asked him to calculate in how many different ways the 52 cards in a pack could be ,dealt. After sitting for 18. minutes with his eyes closed; he gave his- answer: 53,644,737,755,488,- 792,839,237,440,000 d i f.f.e r e n t ways. This amazing ariay of figures was afterwards checked by an eminent mathematician and Pound to be correct. But this professor, like many other geniuses, was absent- minded and could 'never calcu- late his own pay! How .To 'Foil A"Bank .Robber When Dillinger br the James ..boys :swept into'. town, .nobody. had to tell a -bank teller what to do - hit the floorand stay there. ' But in recent `iholdups, fast-shoutinggangs' have" largely given" way to lone ,amateurs ranging, from'. a little old lady With a .glass of acid (it filmed out to -be water) to a frightened boy with . a pap pistol. • To advise its members on' how to deal with . the new• breed of badmen, the. American Bankers Association last. month offered some tips in its "Protective Bul- • letin." Sum of its advice: Train tellers to expect holdup's, •thus ,avoiding the clanger of panick- ing; take -no risks, but remember'. that a calm, or •even :amused,; reaction'.will call 'many' a ban- dit's -bluff. Such coolness, the ABA noted can help turn• •the growing' tide of `crimes of'vio- :]ence" against banks (a record 431 'last year' cost ,$1 6 million): ',Some ;Successful' reactions, cited by the, ABA:, ' ;A Woman teller, faced 'by a trobber.'threatening to .use a .gun, .declared: "Let's see the gun. No gun', no money," ' . "I'm ;a note .teller. Go , to a paying 'teller." A woman teller 'turned -:-to .e fellow worker, said matter-oii- factly: "Sadie, I'; only cash checks, but this man wants money and, he doesn't have' one, What do 'I do?" A male ' teller returned the bandit's glare, said menacingly: "Get out before they carry you out." The ABA's 'conclusion: "In matters of intelligence, ingenu- ity, and _bravery, robbers are not a superior lot. Given a Mair breakr bankers could beat the best of'them." You've got to hand it to .the Tax Collector, Otherwise : he'll come and get it, et AGENTS CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISIN HEI P WANTED PROPERTIES FOR SALT WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? MANUFACTURERS agents for Saskat- chewan. Write J & M sales and Service, Bps 802, Estevan, Sasic, AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS wares, watchef. s Sell our other products net found In stores,. No competition, Prof. Itsup„ to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate cont➢• dentin! wholesale prise sheet. Murray. Sales, 3022 St Lawrence, Montreal. RUN a Department Stare from your own home. Yes, we'll put you into your oivn business, absolutely Freer Now yon can sell to entire family. lathing shoes,. shirts, work clothes, toys, fishing equipment. Amazing money -making plan, No experience necessary. Full orpart•t[nte. Free gifts. Write for powerful ample outfit and ft111 instructions absolutely • Free, Ifiddieo Sales lleg'd., Box 115, N,D,G, Montreal 28, Quebec, BAST CHICKS THERE'S money in early markets, Book Bray March -April chicks now. Also; immediate- shipment on dayolds and some started Broiler chicks, Ames, dual' purpose cockerels . and pullets. Request prleel[st. See Local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. TIME now to order Bess[es, Babcock Bessies give top egg laying perform- anee whether kept in cages orlarge flocks, Gentle, easy birds to handle. High 'producers 12.10 months, Excellent livability. Large white eggs of high Interior quality, Illustrated catalogue in colour on request. Red x Sussei,. Warren Reds, Sussex x Reds, Red x Rooks also available, 100% live delivery, 08% livability 3 weeks„ guaranteed.. Whitney Farms & Hatchery, Milverton, Ontario. "OXFORD" Chickslive, lay and- pay. They are the results of more than thirty years of careful selection and .breeding. They have to be outstanding ' Producers because we want the very -best kind of Chicks for our own Rocks - high producers with low feed con- version epsts. We have four • pure breeds and four crosses'. -.Columbia Retic , White •Leghorn, L.400 Leghorn - Rhode Island Red x Columbia Rock, Rhode Island Red. x Barred Rock . White Leghorn,cx Columbia Rock, While Log. , horn :x'Columbia Rock x White Leg- horn, Ames In -Cross. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co•opera- tive. Produce' Company, Limited, 434 Blain Street, Woodstock, Ontario.. BOOKS ' •20 COMICS or 8 -Pocket Novels $1:00. i'ree gift. Snowden, 1002 Queen East, Dept. 3, Toronto.. FOR SALE MUST Sell Patents on Portable Refrig- erator and Compressor for cars, homes, • ,make toys also. Stanley Walker, 321 E. HIDrvard Avenue, Orlando, Florida. CHINCHILLAS for sale. Good Profit to raise them. Can • be kept in house. Write Mike !gnash. 233 Cocksfield Ave.. Downsview, Ont. I.E.L.. PIONEERCHAIN SAWS -- Reconditioned, newsaw guarantee .- .new low prices shipped prepaid. ..- write for free list- today - Wilson-:Mar- Ine Limited 15 Bay St„ Box W. 1780, Parry Sound, Ontario. TRANSPORT BUSINESSES' Livestock shipping business and cargo - 3 trucks. 1 tractor and trailer new. Ex- cellent Licence. P.C.V. class- "F. S." C" - Special "F" and "0", Netting Approx. ,$10,000. MIIk transport - 2 new 1959 trucks, grossing 912,000. per year. Full Price $10800, w,1th,-$5,200. down. Cartage business - with 2 trucks, Mall_ .Freight and Moving -pontracts. Full Price 37,700. FOR FULL INFORMATION CONTACT: John L.'Dirstein & Co. Realtors 26140th. Street, Hanover, Ont. Phone 390 or 562 after 5:30 p.m. NAME Pins! Deluxe carved Name Pins, finely finished, with good pinbacks. Any name,. 764. Glenn Daugherty, 3514 Union Street, North Chill, New York, U.S.A. NOTICE 'TINSMITHS BUY your haif round trough hangers at a reasonable price, Apply Enos S. • Martin; R. R. 3; Wallenstein Ont. GLADIOLI BULBS GUARANTEED 'H o 11 a n d 'Imported, Large beautiful Exhibition blooms. Many.famops. named varieties. 'Mixed, large $6.50; Medium $5.50: Small $4.50 per 100. Selected large -mixed -$1 dozen. Medium 751` dozen. Postpaid. Free Bonus; 32 nanied'blooming . size bulbs with orders of :$10 :er over. JOHN --MASON ''importer) 150X 1025' •.GANAN000E; ONTARIO. I ORSES •' ATTENTION HORSEMEN ONTARIO. Belglan.,Fiorse- Assoc. hold- ing 6th 'Animal Draft Horse Sale, Wed. nesday, And] - 6th; 1959' Lindsay. Fair Grounds, Lindsay, Ontario. All horses must be consigned and catalogued. Con. signments close Murch 10,' For entry Oma form+^rsho. write Jack Wood,R,10. 2. Aurora, Igor Can 1? By Anne AcMP' Q. How can I resize an Axntin-' seer rug? ' A. Stretch the rug tight:' and tack face clown on a floor. Sprin- kle With a,solution made by :dis- •solving t -pound' of flake glue in' -gallon.of•ivater.'.Allow rug to dry at least bne.day. Care should she taken .not to rout on so much glue that; it will 'show onthe right•'bidet, Q. 'How can 1, preserve soap? .A.. Soap will: last .longer if it.,. is well dried .out. As soon as 'the: soap;: is. recived the wrappers should be • removed from the bars and :the•.soap piled .loosely .in.a dry place. Q. How can 1 soften hard water? A. Soften hard water by add- ing to -a 'boiler %,full of water some sal -socia about the size of a large egg. This will not in- jure the Clothes, will whiten, and save rubbing. Q. flow. can. I', prevent woolens from shrinking'' when washing 'them? A. The shrinking can be great- ly reduced by' observing three things; use warm Water, use mild soap, and allow •' the woolens to ,dry slowly. Q. How can I keep honey from turning • into candy?' . A. To keep,stt'ained honey from pandying, boil it gently. 1 WANTED; Two experienced knitting maehlne fixers for 108 needle or coarse.. ser Scott and Williams H and H Ilosier7 machines, Good wages and working conditions. Will pay expenses tq move pn,3sooSa Knitting states. Bailltnp, Nwp. INSTRUCTION EARN More 1 Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, TypeWa'ltin , etc, Lee sons. 504. Ask for free circular No, 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEN & WOMEN ENROLMENTS ACCEPTED NOW FOR DAY AND EVENING COURSES INDUSTRIAL IN RADIO & TELEVISION CIRCUITRY COLOUR TELEVISION For full information mall this coupon, phone or write to your nearest RADIO ELECTRONIC 377 Talbot Street SLondon 325 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton 15 King Street N„ Waterloo 124 Geneva Street, St, Catharines Name Street Town LIVESTOCK DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS HILLHEAD Farms present offering, young cows, calving January and Feb- ruary, heifer calves. Two herd sire prospects from 11,000 lbs, of milk dams, Herd on R,0,P, Write for particulars, H, A. Hewitt's Sons York, Ont. MEDICAL WOMEN Suffering Periodic weakness - Femovite Liver Iron Vitamin -B cap- sules. Send $2.00 cash, check or M. 0. Wilson, Dept. B„ 560 Marietta N.W., Atlanta 13, Georgia, U.S,A. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC, PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect POSTS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes Eczema weeping lenot disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze- eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and ftti stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 33.00 PER JAR • POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES DRILLING FOR OIL SHALLOW Ontario field investing part- ners. Write P.O. Box 05, Terminal A, Toronto. , OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LEARN AUCTIONEERING, Term Soon. Free catalogue,-Relsch Auction Col. lege, Mason City, Iowa, America, ' Tr'S a bad day when we do not make 945.00. We are training. Part-time, Pun - e and Managers to sell Fine Bavar- ian China Lead Crystal and Heavy- duty Stainless Steel Cookware and giv- ing away MLeers, Melmae and Table- ware. Leads automatic. Reading thle means nothing - Investigate now and Progress , with us. Apply Mr. C. F. 'Watson,. 683 Hamilton Road, London." • OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN: SPEEDHAND trains for Stenographer In 10 weeks .Home -study. ABC System. Free folder. .Casson Systems, 10 East- bourne Crest, Toronto. DELIVERY WORK $150.00. MONTHLY income for part- time deliveries and collections. Must have car or light truck. $705.00 cash required. More income for full time. Reply giving name, address and phone . number to Box No, I78, 123.18th :.St., ..New Toronto, 'Ontario,' START Mallorder Business at homel Receive 5 Guaranteed Money -making Plans. -.Get' an our .List. Free details. Egert's Service, Box 1, Wayne, New , Jersey. U.S.A.- BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignfied profession: good wages. Phousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESIIIG SCHOOL 358 Blear St W Toronto Branches: 44 [ling St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSI'ONHAUGH & •Company Patent Attorneys. Established 18900, 600 Universlty,Ave.. Toronto Patents all countries,. . ' PERSONAL GREE Booklet; The Kingdom of .God, When and how It will come. Who can. Participate,' Write; John.. Glzen, ,Prelate, Sask. , DETAILS FREE! For hard to locate Products and Items, or Manufacturers. Send Name and Address to: Location Service Bureau, Box. 374 Almond, Wis. cnnsin, U.S.A.. DIABETIC — ,DIETETIC foods, flour, lams,' canned. :fruits breakfast •flakes, rolls; guts. ' chocolate bars and other items for the • diabetic person. Mail orders sent, Fisher Drugs, 739 Richmond St. (near C.P.R. 'station) London, Ont. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB , - BOX 31, -•GALT, ONT. FILMS developed and 8 magna prints' '404 in album, 12 magna. prints 604 (n album Reprints. 66 each. RODACULOR Developing roll 91.00 (not Including prints), Color prints 354 each extra, Aqnse, and Ektachrome 35- mm..'20 ex. p:sures mounted in. slides 91.25 Color , prints from elides 350 each. Duplicate transparencies 354 each, END OF WORLD ARMAGEDDON, Mark., of the boast, Modernism 144,000. Did Jesus preexist? - Astounds Students. • Silences Critics, Send 254 to: Legate, Rocanvl0e, Sask. ass ADortULTSm! Personalfor$1.0Rubber0 F;nest Goo3dsua,lit 25 ent ", tested, guaranteed. Stalled In ,plain sealed .package plug free Birth' Con. trol booklet and catalogue of supplies. W est e r n Distributors. Box 24 -TF Regina, Saab, PET STOCK BUDGIES, champion class breeding Stock, singles, orpairs, guarantee,,, Write: Aviaries, 2 Edgewood Gardens. Toronto. PIGEONS RACING Homer Pigeons, Hardy stock. Banded and flown up to 200 mites, 95,00 each, Mr. K, Sperle, Beton Bay South, Ont. FOR Sate Eight room unfinished house • with garage, loeated at 116 Chesterfield Ave, London, Ont. APPIy Box 5, elencee, Ontarlo, PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED sh! ofrstg�1lrer bush bunl,W11an 0Bd, Coe Hill, Ontario, WANTED low priced acreage, any81z9, also 1,000 ft, or more lake frontage, reasonable for cash. Box 177, 12348th Street, New Toronto, Ont. 50ED5' SEED FOR Regitrd SA 1 Oats, 1st Generation, H. R, McKim, Quality Seeds, Dresden, Ontario. MU, 32511, DOUGLAS SEEDS EXCLUSIVE European and American strains -- 'All American" selections - flowers, vegetables, begonias, calad!- ums. For Canada's finest listing of Hy- brid and unproved seeds write; Douglas Seeds, Brantford, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS of Approve ERS priced 1- 4 to ry 100 each,, sn mint and used, Mint U,S, stamps givenfree to every applicant, Intim Tremere, Ormiston, Saskatchewan." "STAMP bargain! Lundy triangles, Mon- aco Jules Verne set, plus African pie- torials collection 5¢. Jebramek Stamps, Box 566 Terminal A; Toronto." THE famous British line of napkin Stamp Albums and Accessories in- cludes albums from $L25 to $50.00 and accessories from 10 cents to 911,00. Write for our complete catalogue. The Ryerson Press, 290 Queen Street West. Toronto 5.B, Ontario. 20 FOREIGN Coins $1,00. Gold Sever. elgn 915,00, 1958 Canadian Uncirculated Coin Set, $3.50. Scotch -Highlander Badge $1,50. Coin Buying List 264. Crown Hobbies, 167 Codsell, Downs- view, Ont. 100 DIFFERENT Free to approval appli- cants, It. Mackenzie, 11576 Fred:Mr Blvd., Montreal, SWINE TOP quality Landrace swine, 2 to 0 months priced from $25.00, Mervin Howe, It, 5, Aylmer West, Ont, WANTED WANTED IN NEW CONDITION I.H.C. 11/2 to 21/2 o11 bath gas engine, Johnson 66 washer motor, Wisconsin 3 horse engine' with reduction gear. Would trade one bag concrete mixer for half bag size. Enos. S. Martin, R. R. 3, Wallenstein, Ont, VACATION RESORTS ARE you looking for a quiet restful place to spend •a winter vacation? Our Canadian guests return year after year. Comfortable apartments, complete kit- chens, in a real desert setting. with beautiful view of .the mountains. Close to all facilities, -11 miles below Palm Springs. Write for our reasonable rates. White Chimneys Apts., Box e51. Palm Desert, California. . ` SOUTHERN RESORT FORT -Lauderdale, Florida, near ocean. Modern rooms, apartments. Send for brochure. Windsor Manor, 2835 Terra - mar St. WINTER RESORTS LEARN TO SKI at • LIMBERLOST : LODGE JOEL HUTEwithR, C.S.I. Two 1000 It. Tows.. Four Downhill Trails. Wide practice Slope Limberlost features all.inclusive Arne. rlcan Plan rates, averaging $10.00 per day. No tow, fees or other extras. Cont. plete -ski rental and repair service. 'Three hours from Toronto. Five Day Learn To Ski Weeks 942.50 Monday to Friday All Winter - LIMBERLOST'LODGE Box 54 Limberlost P.O., Huntsville, ,Mubkoka, Ontario Phone: Huntsville 1552, Ext. 68. PERFECT ?ET— Resting on his master's forehead, tiger swab . (owtall butterfly proves the per- fect' pet 'for Denny Collier, 5. It's neat, quiet and :thoroughly domesticated. Denny raised it from .a caterpillar he found last fall. ISSUE S - 1959 TC or money hack. Very first ttse of soothing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch -caused by eczema, rashes. scalp Irritation chnfing-other itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. 300 trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer, Ask your druggist for C. 6. C, 96050109TION. STOPPED iN A JIFFY SLEEP TO -NIGHT SMA RELIEVE NEREUSME8S EIVEIDAY, TO.MCRRSWI To be happy and tranquil Indeed of nervous or for a good nlgM'e deep, take Sedidri tablets according to dked!ah SEDICIN® SLA —44.95 TABLETS Prim Bares OW