HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-26, Page 5TJ E SEAFOT Pil MJ WS—Thursday, February 20, 1059 Smith's Superior Food Market SPECIALS Thurs. Fri. Sat., Feb. 26-27-28 C; UALIT` -! SAVII\TG�! ivii)RE SERVICE! Heinz Tomato Juice 2 20 oz tins 27c Old, Dutch Bleach 32 oz bottle '119 c Old Dutch Cleanser - ." . , 2 14 oz tins 25c Doles Hawaiian Pineapple Juice 48 oz tin 35c St. Williams assted Jams, Jellies, & Marmalades .. 2 9 oz jars 45c Quaker Muffets 2 pkgs. 31 c Redpath Granulated Sugar . . 5 lb. bag 48c Lux Toilet Soap 5 bars 47c FOR ADDITIONAL VALUES SEE SUPERIOR AD IN FREE PRESS PHONE 12 WE DELIVER Cancer Corner You can't put Cancer off until tomorrow Tomomrotw is too late; Today is Cancer Day for you - If you have any of -the SIGNS If you think you have it If you think you are getting it, .CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR And be sure. With Cancer It is better to be SAFE than SORRY CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SEAFORTH BRANCH President, J. W. Talbot CO-OP INSURANCE • ,Automobile Truck and Cargo Insurance • Farm Liability and Tractor Ins. a Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187 7 John Street SEAFORTH Insure the Coop way • and you insure the Wright way WINTHROP The regular meeting of 'the Winthrop Y.P. was held do 'Cavan Church, Feb. 22. The recreation was first on the fist. We were re - invited to .the area meeting on Feb. 23. The other was postponed. The Y. P. anniversary is to be held on third Sunday in Manch. Hymn 605 was sung and Mc. Sum- merell spoke. Earl McSpadden ,discussed a verse from the ;bible. The offering was taken. Hymn 502 was sung and Mr. Sumnnerell gave the iBenedietton. EUCHRE In the Orange Hall Wed., March 4th 8.30 PM. Auspices of Orange Hall Property Committee. Lunch served. Admission 40c Everybody welcome .DORIS -1 Beauty Salon Main St., Seaforth - Phone• 373 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN '1957 DODG-E "8" SEDAN 1957 OLDSMOBILE•4 DOOR HARDTOP 1956 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1956 DODGE COACH 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 MONARCH SEDAN 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 • PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation' no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth until further. notice from this date, November 12, 1958. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen 1,0 ll,1111elll1111,1111m...111um, ilii I111iii III IIi111111,111111111111,11„11111111111111111111111111111e111id11a1a1,a1111111 TOWN TOPICS The many friends of R, 3, I3olme3, manager of the PUC, are pleased to see that he is able to be -out 'Tor a Sew dioitn's each day. Mr. John Anderson, an employ- ee at Seaforth Co.Op, h11(1 the rule - fortune to trip and dislocate 4115 shoulder. His friends .wish ,lidm "a speedy recovery, Mr. and MTs, J, Kunz and far. ily, Ohieago, visited last weekend with Mrs. Mae Dorsey, Mrs. Dor- sey and Mise M. Williams re- turned 'hone with them. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Sills, 'Ki'tsh- ener,visited last Sunday with Mrs, 0. P. Silks. Mrs. Lewis Rowland, Toronto, attended the 3, Rowland .funeral. last weekend, ,Mr. and airs. John Stevens and. 'family of 5'Suntsville visited last weekend with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald MaoDon- 'aid and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hog- garbh were In London dent week- end. - 'Mrs, C. 5'. Sills visited with Mary Lou and Ruth in London on Saturday. Rev. Alban Lynch, C;P„ New York, will complete a two-week Lenten 'Mission at St. James' Ca- tholic -Church this Sunday. 'Mr. Joe Dorsey is a patient in. Scott ;Memorial IHospdtal. MT. Jaames Medd and Mr. Lloyd Medd of +Constance were guests Monday afternoon of 'Mr, and Mrs. Ernest .Adams. PARKER -COOPER Miss Clara Marlene Cooper, of Kippen, exchanged .marriage voles with Kenneth. Gorxlon Parker, of Herald, at 2.30 .p.m. Saturday in Faith Tabernaole, London. Rev. A. G. Newkirk, London, perform- ed 'the double ring ceremony be - Sore a setting of spring flowers. The (bride is the daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Cooper, Kippen, and the groom de the son of Mr. and Mas. Harold Parker, Hensal'1. Mrs, Gordon .Gonyore, London, played the wedding music. The bride chose a waltz -length strapless 'gown of french chantil- ly lace, nyhite nylon tulle, the skirt -of taffeta and tulle -featured a peplum which formed a V in the back. Her gown was topped with 'matching lace jacket Styled with small peter pan 'collarand full-length Idly -point 'sleeves. The bodice and peplum were trimmed with rhinestones, direr matching -chapeau veil was yield by 'her beaded tiara. Her' bouquet was red roses and mums. Attending the .bride was Moss Emma McCow- an, ,Seaforth, who wore Royal blue waltz -length velvet gown, round neckline. three quarter length sleeve, white feathered headdress and white gloves, bou- quet of pink carnations. tVir. Geo. Parker, Hensall, brother ,of the groom, was ,best man. Dor a reception at 'die home as the 'bride's parents, Mrs. Cooper received the 'guests wear- ing a shot pink embossed •taffetta dress with white aocessories and corsage of white carnations. The groom's mother, Mrs. Harold Par- ker, assisted wearing a black ray- on crepe dress with pink acces- sories and 'corsage of prink rose- buds. The bride's table was cen- tered with a three-tier wedding Cake. Serving were Miss Ruth Pinder and Miss Donna Chomic- ki, London, and Miss Marlene Milder, ,Seaforth. For travelling the bride don- ned an 'aqua embossed rayon ben- galine dress with pink aocessor- les. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farm near Ohiselhwrst. HAPPY WOH1SJ0lt'S CLUB The Happy Worker's Club met at the home of hIrs. Warren Gib - binge, on •Thursday afternoon, Feb, 12, The President, Mrs. Joe Gibson opened the meeting'. The "Opening Qde" was 'repeated ,in unison, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Seoretary and Treasurer reports were read. 12 members and three v'isitor's answered the roll call. Some knit t in g was brought in. Flannelette was clis- tributed for baby layettes. Print for aprons. 'A letter was read from Miss :Esther Jamieson from the'caneer society regarding films on cancer. The 'Club were all very interested regarding these 'film's, Which 'we hope we are able to 'se- onre .for our April meeting, ' A quilt was quilted. Same 'bilde were paid. Mr. Bert Gibbings had sent word from himself and S'auuily, for all kindness of the club shown to them in 'their sad loss of Mrs. Gibbing. Marilyn Holland drew 'the hurley ticket, which was held by Mus. Elmer Dale. The next meeting do be held March 12, in -the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oliff Glazier. Group- 5 in charge of lunch. Mrs. Elgin Dale, Mrs, Eimer Dale, and Mrs. Van .Loon. The roll call .is to be answered by a "Good housecleaning hint." Mrs. Alvin Betties, of Porterslrll-1, then favored.the ladies with a worthwhile demonstration of how to .make team rubber flowers, ,iylaques, baskets, 'corsages, etc. She had a large display of these pretty things. Mrs: Gibson thank- ed 'Mrs. Betties for her kindness. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Cliff Glazier and MTS. Joe Gibson, The meeting .closed 'wd'bh the Home- makers' Prayer.. KIPPEN Miss Sharon McBride, •a pupil of Miss Creta Laramie, Henearll, .received the results of Grade 2 '.theory examination which she tried 'recently In London, She has taken first 'class dronor's and Is to be congratulated. Mr, and .Mrs. Norman Diokert, accompanied by their' daughter andson-in law, Mr, and Mrs. Ken 'McLellan and Jill, visited Sunday afternoon with relatives in Clif- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor of Kitchener visited on 'Sunday at the home sof Mrs. 11. Dinsdale and Moss M. Whiteman. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wingllam visited 'recently at the the Queeue'w'ay admiring borne in I5ensalli with Mrs, Robert Me - Bride, Mr, au'd Mrs, Wm, Kyile, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderi'on and 141r. Lloyd. Venue^ attended the Ingle. tered shoot Sunday at Hamilton. P11. Sgt, and Mrs. Robert Per- tains 'and Jimmie, Clinton ,RCAF, vislted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Long. ' Several of the ladies, .their hus- bands and managers .of St. And- rew's United Chureh, Kippen, are to be congratulated on the very Sine work decorating dJhe ohurdh. BLAKE Mr. Hughie McBride of London spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy MoBride and Johnny. Mr, and Mas. Archie Mustard and .family spent an evening with Mr. and .Mrs, Earl Gesell and fa- mily. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Roy 'MoBrr5de were Mr, liar - old Finlay and girls, and Mr, and Mrs. Keith Mdlride and 'family and Mr. Hughie McBride. Guests on Friday evening with Mr. Harold Finlay and famillY were Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and Johnny find Mrs. Mary Man- son, 1VJre. 'Blanche Manson of Wind- sor, has returned home after Spending some time with her mo. Aber, ,Mfrs, Leon Jeffery and boys. Mr. .A..'Mustard of Windsor spent the weekend with Mrs. A. Mustard and boys. HULLETT On Feb. 23rd 17 adults of She Fireside Farm Forum met at the home Mr. and Mrs. 'E, Jamieson. We answered the questionaire on labor unions. The majority be' lieved, that at one time unions had .been a real benefit to work- ing members and 'they secured better .pay, 'better working condi- tions, shorter diems, and they could' not be .unjustly treated by am employer. At 'present we think .the union has become too ,p.owerful, and of- ten are 'ruled by 'dishonest and unprincipled Readers. 'Mrs. Hugh Flynn lmvited the group for next week. • Winners at progressive 'en- care were: high, Mrs. Bert Ilog- gart, J: C. Babcock; 'lone hands, Mrs, Geo, Hoggart, Don Buchan- an; consolation, Mrs. E. Taylor, Bert Hoggart Mr, and Mrs. Sack Kellar of Seaford. v'is'ited Mrs. Watson Reid and son David. Mrs. Geo. 'Darter of Huldett spent last Wednesday with Mar. and Mrs. D. R. IMa'cKenzie of Lucknow. DUBLIN !Pile Zion W, "A. held. their Feb, meeting 41 the home *2 l'Lro, R. Pepper with Mrs. Malcolm pre- siding, A, 'hymn was sung to op- en the meeting 'followed by the deri'ptarre reading. 'Comments were given by 'lire. Morley Lan- nin. Mrs. Malcolm led in prayer. In keeping with the season hire, Glenn Pepper gave -a reading The Valentine". Minutes were read by Mrs, W. Annie, and roll call by Mrs. 0. Roney, Mos. Lau- rence Barker also gave a read- ing. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon. The meeting clos- ed with a hymn and dunoh was served by 'the Hostess and her as- sistants, Mr. and MTs. A, McDougall and children, .London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Jordan, McKI LLOP The regular meeting of the W. A. and WMS of Du'ff's Murrill, McKillop was held at the home oI Mrs, R. .Campbell. WMS ,pres., Mrs, Les Puce opened She meet- ing. Hymn 374 was sung .followed by prayer. Mrs, Robt. MoKereher gave a talk on Christian Stew 'ardship, Minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. Gordon Pap- ple and roll call answered by a verse on 'Christian Stewardship. Several cards of thanks were ac- knowledged, Study book was 'giv- en by Mrs. A. Scott, A moment's silent prayer was observed for our missionary, Miss Vera Boyd of Toronto. Hymn 389 was sang and ,Mrs, Bryce closed She meet- ing with 'prayer, Mrs. R. M. 'Scott presided for the W. A, Hyann 488 was sung followed by the W.A., anotto and theme hymn. Minutes of lash meeting were read by Mrs, Rose Gordon and the roll call arw.e•- ed. The business was conducted by .the president. Mrs, Ken Stew- art -gave a reading and a 'poem. Mrs. R. McKercher graciously thanked .the 'hostess and meeting Closed with tale Mizpali Benedic- tion.' Lunch was served. ST. COLUMBAN A Play, .entitled, Silas Smidge from Permit> Ridge, .is being pre- pared by a group of students un- der the direction of the C.W.L., in the Parish Hall, St. Oo•luuiban, Friday, March 13111 at 8.80 p.m. WINTHROP The WMS and W. A. of Cavan, Winthrop, will meet on Wednes- day, March 4111 in the church. Circle 3 will look after the lunch and 'Cirole 4 the •progrann. Roll call will be a favorite , Bible verse. AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ONTARIO FARM PEOPLE A arm. accident Survey will be conducted throughout ONTARIO from March 1, 1959, to February 29, 1960 This survey will record all farm accidents and fares during the year and seek to determine their causes, The objective of this survey is to provide the basis of a Farm Safety Program designed for your benefit. The Farm Accident Survey in the County of Huron is 'tinder the direction of your Agricultural Representative D. H. Miles, and Associate Agric. Rep, A. S. Bolton, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Londesboro—Hullett Earl McSpadden, R R 1 Seaforth—McKillop Ted Dunn, # 3 Bayfield—Stanley Merton Keys, R R 3 Seaforth—Tuckersmith Jack Knight, R R 2 Brussels—Grey An accident reporter will collect details of all accidents for each community in your Township. • The success of a farm safety program will depend on the full co-operation and assistance of all Ont- ario farm people in this survey • ONTARIO ISEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Dr. C. D. Graham Deputy Minister nimiemiennwasneEu Hon. W. A. Goodfellow Minister ...oris likes people h (•.'.N i 9 o. THE Two brief, but interesting, quotes sum up Doris Quilter's career with The Toronto -Dominion Bank—"an exceptionally capable girl" (from her manager) and, "I thoroughly enjoy my work" (from Doris). Presentlymaster ledger keeper at the Wyandotte and Ouellette Branch in Windsor, Doris first joined "The Bank" in Stratford in 1942. Well-trained, capable and helpful, Doris Quilter is still another example of the friendly, courteous people you'll find at your nearby branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank. Drop in soon and see why .. . people make the difference at TORONTOwDOMINION THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch BANK