HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-26, Page 4TUCKER$MITH •
The lite
lcor snti Ladies Club
'fust cit die tame of M. Howard
Johns, len Feb. 11 at d ii,m. with
10 'nlentibets and one visitor pre-
sent; The roll chill was answered
by giving a Valentine verse, Con-
tests were given by Mrs. M. Dale
and Mrs. M; cr OWL with (Mao. G.
1'1ewitt 'and Mrs, l+'. Walters win-
inwing the ]urizes,. A reading was
given by Mrs. E. O'Brien. The
baying committee was asked to
provide 'materials far making
clothing to be sown at future
meetings. Alenibers are asked to
emelt bring a few quilt patohes to
is the next 'meeting which wall be
]veld the 2nd iwoek •o.0 Mareh. A.
lun* was served by Group 1.
Turner's'Church W.A. met at
(Rhe 8touve of Mrs. Watt. R°gei•eoit
on Feb. 1a with 11 uvenabers and
OM) visitor oreeont. Mrs. Roger -
sou' presided. The roll °all :was
answered with 'a verse of SorLdr-
ture eontatniug the woi+d "me'a't
me scripture was read by Mrs,
M. reiconer, 'prayer was WW1 by'
Mrs, M. Townsend, devotions by
M.rs, i -I. Johns, and the topic was
taken by Ales. W, P, 1Lobopts,
A crokino'le irarty is planned.
Cor the •evenin.g:of March 13 to be
]tell in the .church +basement.
A bake sale will 'be hold 1u•the
Clinton Connell Chambers at 3
poi., Marcia S&th.
After the .meeting waa.•over the
W. A. spent the remainder of 'the
afternoon at gu11•ting. Lundh was
served by growl) 2.
The Government Super-
visor of Credit Unions for
the Province of Ontario
has 'officially approved of
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited re -incorp-
orating Seaforth, Commun-
ity into its territory of
operation. This will also
include members of Sea -
forth and Hensall Co-
operatives living north of Hensall. Anyone living in
this area is now eligible to join the Clinton Credit
The Clinton organization anticipates a large expan-
sion in business during 1959. This unit is now pre-
pared to finance consumer durable goods for Co-ops
in our area. It is also prepared to loan money to
members for any provident or productive purpose.
The interest rate is Usually lower on all types of
loans and the security you can give your family
when you do borrow is always better than you can
obtain anywhere else—.(so far as we have been able
to learn)—and at no direct cost to you.
If you will contact us at our Clinton office, corner
of 'William and Ontario Streets, phone HUnter 2-
9642, or write us at Box 310, Clinton, Ontario, we
will be pleased to furnish additional information.
IV1111111111,11.11111111111111111111111111111111111.111.11111111111111111111110111111.nn 111111111111111111,1,111111111111111111111,
All car owners in the Township of Mc-
Killop are requested not to park their
cars on the roads of the Township during
the winter.
Cars that are left on the roads are
contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and
are a detriment to operation of snow
Please note that Provincial Police will
take the necessary action to see that
cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions
may follow.
Dated Feb. 16th, 1959
Road Superintendent
hamk Ilr4mnnmamlunl11'1,111.11111,n111tMIM n11bn11unn11aulllll11n11n11..n11unn11ad'm11n"nn1`
Town of Seaforth
1 Re Dog Proclamation
In view of the disregard by the general
public of the recent proclamation
issued by the Town Council re the
confinement of dogs, and the fact that
they are not to run at large at any
time, the Council feels that charges
must be laid under this By-law.
Any owner or harborer of a dog who
allows it to run at large can be sum-
moned into court. The fine in a case of
this kind could be $50.00 and costs.
The Council and myself would ask all
citizens concerned to comply with the
laws and avoid the consequences.
B. F. Christie
Shareholders 'oi the Inel:iliop
Logan, and ilibbert Telephone
Cotwpany Ltd.,. meeting •In Dublin
]heard an eneonraging review of
the operations during 1965 rrom
of0icers of the Company,
The Company enjoyed a Suece -
Stu'1 ,year, the net ,profits . trans,
fered to Onrpius account amount-
ing to 88,214.32, .the balance sheet
adopted by the meeting indieat-
ed. This compares with an am -
Quilt •of $3,878,33 in the previews
year, During the year under re-
view the 'meeting was told that
an extensive ]program of rebuild-
ing open wire at various ]points
throughout the system had been
carried out. In reviewing the,
year's work president .Matt ,Mur-
ray. paid tribute to the cooper-
ation extended by the staff o1'
the cempany, and emphasized the
extent to wblOittheir co-operation
had resulted in a successful
year's operation.
McKinop, Logan and Hibbert
subseribers in future will be list-
ed in the Bell Directory. In the
Past the company has ,published
its own 'directory, but it was
thought use of 'the Bell Directory
would provide a better service.
Plans for the 'owning year ,pro-
vide far the installation of rap -
'proximately two miles of eable.
It has not been possible to take
a firm decision as to where the
cable would be installed.
The meeting reelected the board
of .directors, .they are: Matt Mur-
ray, A, SLemou, ,Airs: 01 Feeney,
Clem Eii'auskapf, Herb .Mahaffey,
Tyle Worden, Pat Jordan.
At a subsequent 'meeting 'af the
board President 'Matt Murraywas
re-elected; Vice President, A. Sta-
men and Mrs. C.' Feeney, Seore-
Miss Kathleen Stapleton has
returned hone' from a three-week
vacation in Louisiana and Texas.
Mr. Billie Krauslcopf, Britt,
wi•Lh AD. and ,Mrs. Billie Feeney,
Mrs. A. M. Looby, Mr. and Mrs,
Louis Looby, Mrs. 0, Trott, Clin-
ton, have left for Houston, Texas
and Mexico.
Miss .Kathleen Byrne, Hamil-
ton with Miss Monica 'Byrne and
Mr. and M.rs. F. Tielly.
Mr. and Mrs. Littman of Killi-
loewith Sgt, and Airs. Zadon.
M's. T. Butters in Port Hope
with lir. and Mrs. A. Butters.
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Kelly and
children of Kitchener, Mr. and
.Mrs. Jerry Eckert, Kingsbridge
with Mr. and Mrs. Joint Eckert.
Mr, and Mrs. Cor De Corte of
Lambeth with. lir. and Mrs. Van
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Looby have
returned home from Florida.
Mr. Gordon Costello, Toronto.
with MT. and Mrs. Dan Costello
Mr. and Mrs. E. Woods and
family of Greenwood, Nova Sco-
tia, visited recently with lire and
Mrs. Gerald Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and
family of Blyth and Mrs. Ed
Brooks and son George of Staffa,
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. George Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin of
Delmore visited on .Sunday with
her mother Mrs. 'Will Hamilton.
They also visited Mr. Hamilton
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. and bit's. Laverne Wallace
returned house from their honey-
moon an Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Hulley, Bobbie and
Sandra of Winthrop are spending
a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Walker.
Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs.
Gerald Carey attended a Ladies
Bonspiel in Seaforth on Wednes-
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary held their February
meeting in the basement of the
church on Tuesday afternoon,
with Mrs. Mervyn Dow presiding.
The meeting opened witb medi-
tations followed by hymn 494.
Mrs. Carter Kerslake Ied in devo-
tions. The roll call was answered
with a verse on prayer by 12
members. The secretary read the
minutes of the last meeting and
the treasurer gave her report.
Mrs. Robert Laing had charge of
the study book with Mrs. Carter
Kerslake assisting, using the first
of two parts on Canadian Indians.
Mrs. Lorne Elliott gave a splen-
did topic on "The Stewardship of
Mrs. Kate Rug observed her
89th birthday on Tuesday, Feb.
24th. She resides with her neph-
ew, J. F. Prueter.
Air. Peel Boyd is convalescing
at his home after returning from
Stratford Hospital sufferingfrom
Foresters Hall,
Friday, Feb. 27
Admission 50c
Lunch provided
Euchre - Dance
Friday, March 6
Seaforth Community Centre
Norris Orch, Admission 15c
Lunch provided
Sponsored by' Seaforth W, I,
Thursday, Feb, 26
St. Columban vs Winthrop
8;80 P.M,
Friday Night, 8 to 10
Saturday Afternoon 2, 8.30
a. beak injury,
Mr, and MTs. laiek Watson, poi
Douglas and Donald returned 1+o
Calgarry', Aibenta, ,oft Saturday.
Mr, Watsonhad, been taking an
Army Course at ' Montreal and
Mrs, Watson end boys remained
here with her dtarrent%, Mr: and
Mrs, L, Wolfe for the past seven
Mia and Mrs, C, aWoodwand,
Donna and Gay of Toronto, with
Airs, A. ,Quereng'esser.
Mr, and 'Mae. R. Slicks lin. Tor-
onto for the weekend.
Mr, Wayne Beuermann, Lon-
don at his hone on Sunday.
A basket of flowers was placed
in the chancel 'of St, Petere'Lutl-
erau Ohurph on Sunday Pram the
funeral of Mrs, A. Weitzel, ,rath-
er of Bob Weitzel, Whose funeral
was theld. at St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, Ellice, last Tuesday.
The annual enee+tdng of 'Brod
Itagen Banti was held last Tues•
day evening In Hinz's Hall. Mr.
Ronald Hinz, President, was ern
charge and Larry Muegge, Sec.,
and Donald Rose, .Treas., gave
their reports. Mr., Geo. Eiokmeir
was .ohairman for ,the election of
officers which resulted as fel-
lows: Pres„ N. Rock; Vice 'Pres.,
W. Sholdiler); 'Sec., G. Sltoldice;
Treas., Ray 'Seherbarth; Band
Leader, Albert Hinz; assistant
leader ,Clare French, 'Band prac-
tise to be held Tuesday* evening
from 8.30 sharp to 10 o'clock.
,Mr. Ed Ahrens is confined 10
Seaforth Hospital,
lir, 'Donald We1fe le practise
teaching at a ,(New Hamburg
School ,this week.
Mrs. - C. W. Leonhardt, Airs, R.
Leon'hardt and Kathy spent Sun-
day and Monday with Mm. and
Mrs. A. Rose, 'Sarnia.
2Jte'olltnctit Qet•e erry
Nia'dam ],:''Soignee, Divisional
Convuuisstoner, i»osented the pini
to .tlte mellowing Guides who were
enrolled in an ,i!mpross'ivo core'
ttvon'y at IIlonsall. United Church
on 'puestlay evening, namely:
Ruth Sma)e, Dianne Reid, Susan-
ne Ballade, Nanoy Kyle, Helen
Wasson, .Bonnie roster, Marcia
Little. Service stars were pre-
sented to the girls who had been
guides up to four yew's, Pat
Rowe w'as presented with ter
Itamemakers' (badge and her first
class ad'g,and MaJenne,
bet wgelti's inbadge, Mv's, cy .T. Laven•
der showed interesting films.
Mrs. Earl 'Rowe ,favored' with a
delightful, reading. The mothers
were'apeeial guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiibeut Dining
spent the weekend- with Mies
Bernice 'Dining and Mr. and MTs.
C. Dining and son in Sarnia.
Ma'. Thos: Lavender Jr: of Wa
terloo and Mr. Wan, 'Lavender of
London visited recently with
their parents, Mr: and Mrs. Thos.
Mrs, Geo. Sawyer, who 9s re-
ceiving treatment in Clinton Pub -
lie Hospital is improving.
Messrs K. ,Christian, Ron Mook
and Walter Spencer accompanied
by their sono motored to iDetroit.
on Saturday and attended the
lhookey game.
The many friends ,of Jerry Me-
Olinohey are pleased ,to beam he
is improving following a recent
appendix operation in Clinton
Public Hospital.
Mr. and M's. Ed Schroeder and
Mr, and 'Mrs. Bert :McBride were
in Preston on Friday attending
the !banquet of the Hackney
'JMB SIOAPOWI'i1 NEWS--'rhtti•sdaY, Febraal'Y 816, 1969
B I •seri Asso°roti .
on. et'S
Mr. 0, Yt4il Ililorno or I; icon w;is
it recent visdlbor with his ctttugli-
ter and een.inaw, Mr, and 'MTS.
Gerald Flynn.
E9nconcivtlie Volta. Civet^ou
,Dr, J. Semple, Minister
La''le Hantanond, •Organist+Ohair
Third Sunday do Lent
11 a.m., "Faces about 'bhe
Christ". No. 3. Nioodemus. (The
same came to Jesus by -Night.)
7,30 P.nt., Oolourecl filmstrip on
the life and ]work of Dr, Albert
Sohwebtzer, "Ca'llecl 'Ste World's
Greatest Living Christian,"
10 a.m., ,Chui•elt Sdhool
11,30 a,m.. Junior Church
Copy to eaoh member of Perry
Maitre, "Kiss of Judas".
Olass 'in Church 1Vlenibenship
at 12.18.
Wednesday, service of Devo-
tion. "Mite Poulin Wield 'from the
Cross." 1WMS and W.A. at 2 pan.
Young.People's Union at 8,30
on 'Sunday evening,
1 1)11,1111111111111,1111111111,111111111 ,1111,n111111111,Y
First Presbyterian
10 A.M. OtWilOIi SMOOT., AND
you= iruILLowsmi. CLASS
Guest speaker, Mr. Lloyd R.
McPhee, Presbyterian College,
"Saved to Serve"
Members of YPS will take part
Music—Sr. Choir: anthem "O
Be Joyful 10 the Lord"
4,30 Vesper Service
• Mr. Floyd McPhee
"Ambassador's for Christ"
Music—Male Quartette, "Striae -
dons" Messrs, D. L. Reid, M, R,
Rennie, F, E. Willis, J.T. Scott
0.30 p.m. Members of YPS
meet at the Church hall for
transportation to Wingham
for the Students Rally
Organist and Choir Leader
The Man Who Knows Ph. 774 Sell White Rose
!sn't that
just like
a man?
But after all, it's nice to know the family
looks forward to your meals.
And that modern automatic electric range!
What a help it is! Its timers and temperature
controls supervise the cooking automatically
—electrically ... leaving you with time for
other important family activities. And a
modern automatic electric range keeps your
kitchen cool and clean.
Cooking electrically not only adds special
pleasure to preparing family meals—it offers
real economy as well.
You get more out of life when you get the
most out of electricity.
live better...
A � ,, wajt.
0, 2, Ma,: Plug your automatic
coffee maker into the timed
range outlet at night and awaken
to a freshly perked brew.
;ete..., a