HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-26, Page 1h
SLR a Year
50th. Anniversary of Recommend Shorter
Regina Couple • Phone Talks
(Prom Tile Rey*a Leader Post) The McKillop Municipal Tele.
Mr. and •Mrs, James Albert phone sYetent at the, annual meet
Dnowtt were at home to friends Ing Friday afternoon s'ecommteiud-
�in Carmichael Cliuroh hall on tie ed that sifbs'arlbers should stnudY
oeaseioat of their 'golden wedding how to make ;Mete telephone eon-
anwivereare. venation as short as ,possible.
The .couple's family of four Shortening the length of stun°
daughters were present for the they talked on the phone as much
000asibri• They are Olive,at as possible would increase the
home; ee.e. W. T. (Laeta) Box- usefulness of the System for ev-
all, 'E1geley; Mm's, C,'oy'don (Rel- eryone, 'it was pointed out.. How
en) MacKenzie, Seaforth, Ont; ever the meeting was not very
1V7ns, Howard (Doeie) Dreyer, pi- 'hopeful that their :recornmendio
apat, Three of the eight grand- tion would have any etfeot at all
children attended the celebration, on ,this problem. which generally'
A three -tiered wedding 'cake al lies Nttelephone
lep thopite ev which
'flanked with gold. tapers 'centred serves the southern
Hut -
the tea table. Tea honors were pare of Hml-
performed 'by sisters of the eau- lett in aidditien to McKillop, Last
pie, MTs. G. Cain of Balgonte, and Year spent $15,300 en 'constnuc-
Mss. Bertha Oain, Mrs. Mary Mc- tion land $2300 for maintenance
Intosh and Mrs. Mae Phipps, all work on their lines.
Regina. Miss Sharon MacKenzie, AR officers• were re-elected:
a granddaughter, had •charge of Herby Snell, chairman, George
the guest 'book. Also in'esent was Campbell and Allan Campbell,
Rioky MacKenzie 05 SeaSerth, a 'oemmissioners, and J.' M. Eckert,
grandson, secretary -treasurer.
Con'gratuiatomy messages were The meeting was field in the
read from Prime Minister John library hall at Seaford".
Diefenbaker, len More, M.L,A,
..Lt. -Gov. F. L. tBastedo, Premier TEEN TOWN NOTES
1'. C. Douglas, and, the Whtwanesa The Teen -Town are having a
- Mutual Insurance .Company. Rev. semis -formal deacje on Saturday
J. T. Horricke extended cang7at- evening, March 14th with Stew -
relations on behalf of the ch:uach, tat .Baird''s Collegians at the Ar -
The gift table was centred by ens hall. Aa} this is a St. Patrick's
a bouquet of 50 yellow roses' sent dance we want everyone to wear
to Mr. and Mrs. Brown from Van- something green, or ecasequen-
couver: Presentations .during the 'ces will follow. Members only,
afternoon included a gold ,eake or non-members accompanied by
plate from Grace Baptist 'Chinch, a member.
Davin, 'by Atm. H, Lindenbaclh; This Saturday night, Feb, 28th
a gold watch to Mr. Brown and a weare hevim'g a 'hard Time
bouquet of reel roses to 'Mrs, Dance at the town hall. Members
Brown, from the Wawanesa Mu only or non-members accoanpan-
tual Insurance Company -where led by a member. Girls army wear
A'fr. Brown has a 40 -year service slacles or slim jints but no jeans.
record, by M. C. Holden; a table A bank account was staoted
silverware chest, from oo'tnmun.i- ;this week to provide 'funds for
'friends, by Mee, 111. H. Rollins; future general expenses.
Centennial silver dollars, from Members voted at an executive
the Bell families, by Ma's, J. J. W. meeting held at the high. school
Bell, aunt' of Mr. Brown. on Tuesday afternoon to pro -
Mayor H. H. P. 'Baker called at vide flowers or -fruit gift to men-
the family residence during the ,bergs ono happen to be sick in
evening br'ingin'g congratulations hgspital.
from ,the City of Regina. We are really pleased with
Mr. Brown, who was .born in .the aft-enclances !Saturday night
1881 in Trowbridge, Ont., ;mane in the town'hall. There were ibe-
to the Northwest Territosdes with .tween 150 and 200 on, Saturday
his 'family in 1887, settling south- and membership now stands near
]west of Qu'tAippelie in the Hicks- 300.
vale 'district, 'He homesteaded
near iDrinliwater in 1901 and gat- REBEKAHS ISYJET
er ;returned to hie home distriot, were, Ecy Andrews, N,G„ pre -
settling on Otis toren three stiles 'added over Monday night's :meet -
west of Davin station. ing of •Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge
,Mrs. Brown, the former Rose at Seaforth. Further plans
Smith, was 'born in 1886, in were anade for a "Dessert Euah-
MaKiliop. Atter teaching. in Ont re" Pat the home of Mrs, ,Scott
ario, Mrs. Blown -Mame west to. '73!abkirlc on Marek 11th, and for
teach at Marlborough 511100'1 near a tea and lomebaking sale fat
Tuxford 4n 1907. the IOOF hall on 'March 28th, Eu -
The couple were married Feb.. chre was enjoyed lollorwdng the
a 1909, in .Winnipa ..They
meeting 12
e tin with tables at play.
on their farm In the Davin die-gP y
trict before retiring iny.1934 'tq. Prize' winner+s were Mrs, Fred
1T3uisser,. tis. Sid. Gemmell,.: Mrs.
their present hrome at" 2354 Me ,A. Hutdhinsion, ISMae Hine.
Donald street, Regina. brecht, Hugh Blair, Wan. Austin
Mas, Brown is a sister of Mrs. and Alvin Dale.
Archie Kerr, ex" -1, Seeforth, and. A successful ,potluck supper
Percy Smith, Seaforth. Congtat- and social time were enjoyed on
ulations were sent to Mr's. Brown . Saturday evening when members
by several of her wheel chums and families, of Edel'weise and
at 'Seaforth. Fidelity Lodges met intim IOO'F
bliss HELEN ]NIeDOd7gALL hall, Program numbers were pre-
sen'ted by (Mies Sharon Sdreng ac -
The death of Miss Helen Mc- ocmpanied :on the guitar by Mrs.
Dougall, Seafcnth, occurred on Victor Lee; a reading and a song
Saturday 'following a shoot ill- by Toms Fox and a skit by Mrs.
nese. She was 38 years of age. K. Sharp and •Mrs, T. Grummett.
Born in Egmondville, the d'augh- A successful penny sale realized
ter of the late William M!oDoug- $16,25,
all and Elizabeth Anderson of NORTHSIDE
Gaderieh township, she received The February ,meeting of the
her education at Egmondvi'lle Northside United Church WMS
Public School and Seafortl t High was held Tuesday evening. The
School. Mies McDougall was a President, Mrs. C. Walden pre -
dressmaker in her younger days. sided: Mrs, 3, C. Brittop, opened
She is survived by a niece, 'Mrs. ,the meeting with a poem. In the
Leslie McClure of ;Seaforth, and absence of 'Mrs, B. Ohristie, 'Mrs.
a nephew, Lachlan Stewart, of E. .Olose gave as the minutes
Oakland, Calif. She was an ad- of last meeting. Mrs. W. Leeming
herene of First Presbyterian geld us in 'prayer. Our •Easter
Church, Seaforth,, -The-funeral Thanker/awing.meeting will be
took place from the 'Box funeral held March 25 at 2.30 with Miss
Home on Tuesday at 2 pan., with. Fennell our speaker. Capers were
Rev. D. Leslie Elder of First Pres- 'appointed from 'group 3.
byterian Church officiating, .In- Group 2 took over the meeting
ferment was in Maitlandbank with Mrs. E. H. Close opening
cemetery. The pallbearers were: with a •hyna'n, 'Miss Fennell read -
Orville Dale, John Rivers; Raying the scripture and Mrs. Brad-
lieeGeoch, Graham Kerr, Dale Shaw leading in ;prayer, Ma's, W.
Nixon, Frank Sm'ale, Leeming 'told us an 'interesting
story about 'Ruth and Mrs. Mol`-
INSTALLING STAIRS fait and Mrs.. Berger *favored us
Repair work on the second, with a lovely duet. The study
Goer of the town ball which has 'book was .taken 'by Mrs. J. G
been going on for some time, was Britton and. Miss Fennell told us
ready tor auelor a'lterati'ons en of the great need of the lepers in.
the stairs by Wednesday. The old, Korea. Our meeting closed with
stairs are being removed, and a a prayer by Mre. E. H. Close.
place cut out for the installabibn
of the new ones. I't is expected
all traffic to the upper floors
The AEternaon Auxiliary ef.
will be restricted to workFirstPresbyterian'Church held
'who will use ladders for a few' Lis b'ebruary meeting in the
days. church hall .on. Tuesday atter
Councillors hope the change noon with a good attendance. The
over will be completed by next 'president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, opened
Tuesday when police court Is the meeting with prayer and gave
scheduled to be held in the new some thelgful thoughts fnrom an
omit room which has undergone amt •i c l e entitled "Buckets of
extensive changes and has been Faith". Mrs, W. E. Butt's group
redecorated, had'charge of the study period
*hien dealt witlh our week among
PLAY SARNIA the Preach Canadians, Mra, Butt
Seaforth D.H.S. hockey team is assisted by Mrs, H. R. Scott, Mrs.
playing home and Nome games W ..rover, Mrs, 'S, Reid, and
with Sergio, ,Colleglate team 011 tare: J. B. aysaell lastol' 4n st in-
and Friday. .Seaforth 'ter eatrob way a of their outstau e
defeated edderich to win .the ing 'problems, aril also of the
Tight to nieet Sarnia. work that has been done and of
what 4s baing done 111' our ohxurali
and ,our WMS at the presept'
Jim Scotttime. The ,devotions were in
Heads charge of Mrs. F. Wigg and Mrs.
Student Council H- McLachlan. '
Eleetion of officers for Stud BELL- PHONES INCREASE
eats' 'Council on Monday resulted The Bell Telephone`flompaluy
ee 'fallowsi ex ansion during 1958 was re-
lir i
p g
ea dent Jim ,
Scott' Vice.
fleeted in Seaford'
tele ad
by e ac d1
President, .�
Cotmine ,
S¢nibh Sec, lion tion of 28 teleho -
nes W. W. .iia
LYttda Savattge; Tress!,, Robert Isom, Bell Mamagea• for this re -
Elliott (arch),,gem said, bri,agiwg the total in
The president and vice fixes,,, service bore as of Dec. 31 to 822
take office immediately; ; 2 > ,..
seers• (not including 6.0 +rcSStiAlop and
til4'tf" and tt•eaellror In .September, Tuokersmith gaMtn»rrr'".)
Presentation MarksMcNaughton Makes
Choir Anniversary I Maiden Speech
On Thursday evening, Feb. 19, The renewing. is part of the
'in the ehureh school . 110011 the text of tate marten speech in the
Woman's Association put on a p egislature of C. arles MaoNaugh-
supper for the 1netnbers of the ton, MPP for Huron.
Junior Chair :in celebration of the
20th annivesany of this 'fine oar- On rising for'•tlhe first time 'in
ganization in the life of Neste. this House, to :.�ta11 part in the
side xeongregatbon. About 46 mem- debate ou the allotion so capably
hers sat clown to supper together moved .by 'fife on, Menibei far
with the choir director, Miss M. Landon South ajnd seconded do
7'u'rubull; organist,
Mas, Jas, A. such an effectle�ee manner by the
Stewart; Ma, and Mr's. Ross, Mur. Iron, Member or Coe It r a n e
Ole (Ma•. Mwrdie retu'esentecl the North, I 'sltouid.,liice at the out -
session) ; Mas. E, H. 'Close (Tell -
to express my personal
resenting the !Board of 'Stewards; 'thanks to your Honor, for the
Mrs. Jas, M. Scott, •Muse Rena 'm'any kindnesses. You have been
Fennell; Rev. and Mrs, 13, V.
pleased to extend to me since my
Workman (the minister at North- eleobion as 'Ike • epr'esentative e.f
Side when the chair was started) bile peeJOe of th Riding of Hur•
and Rev. and Mr's,. 3, Cliff Brit- on. •Permit acre too, Me. Speaker,
ton, to say how extremely helpful
Following the supper Miss Sha- have been the 'members of your
Ton McNichol, president, gave a staff and may T: add that, M. my
vote of .thanks , to the W.A. for rather .brief experience in this
the supper, to which Mrs. Harold House, I have developed bath re -
Connell replied. Then Mt`. Work- 'spent and admiration for the
man was called on to recount inanner in which lyou. so capably
some of the events which led to and impartially discharge .the du -
the .fortming of the Junior Choir ties of your high office.
under his aninistry. Mrs. Close May 'I also .congratulate the
read a splendid address of thanks Hort. Member fort Ilsaex 'South on
to the ,present, and .only leader of his itmefermewt in attaining the
the Junior chair, :mise Mabel .office {if Deputy Speaker, I am Mr. Murray Dale and Miss Mu-
Tma`n'bull and Mr, Ross Murclie
sure all Hon. Members will agree, riel Gowdy of Wingltam visited
made a presentation of a piece of that 'because of his long expert- Sunday with Murray's aunt, Mos.
on behalf of the Official encs as 'member and fon'mer Tlto1ma Bromic ICi'to'henet•,
Board all the longi egation, as a Whip, he is enti'nently well dual- IVIn, and lIrs. 11. Pt ssseator and
token of their appreciation, ifiel tom this important pos'ttian• ,fa'mily visited Sunday with Mr,
en Miss Turnbull's reply she While I reeagnize in the full- and Mrs. G. Glanville and •family
mentioned a number of items of est sense, the honor that the peo- of Mrs.oC.
interest that she had recorded Ole of Huron: have conferred upon This week Miss Laurel Dale, a,
about the first 'choir. The original me, In electing me es ,the mere- Normal student of Teachers' Col-
- members were: Betty Clarke, Ha- sentatdve of this historic aiding, lege, Stratford, as practice teaoh-
rriett Russell, Lois Finngan, Ed- nevertheless the circnmstanees ,ing at G dea'lelt while Mise 4far1-
na Goatee, Donelda Hawkins, Lor- which resulted 4n my election lyn Taylor is teaching in Galt,
na Dale, 8Sa,i'jooyie Golding, Petri were and will continue to be, a Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson
oil Beohele, Marguerite Weetcott, matter of .profound 'regret The and Mr- and Mrs, Earl Lawson
Betty Dunlop, Aunts Dunlop, late Tom Payde was my neigh- attended the funeral of Mrs. A.
Winifred 'Russell, Jean Currie, bona- and true "friend. Truly, he Shepherd, M o n cl a y afternoon
Janie Moffat.'Shirley Wurm, Mar- was a dedicated 'servant of the ,pram Ball's Funeral Home, Olin -
garret Pethbek, Dorothy Gallop, adopted aountty he loved so well. ,ton.
Margaret Dale, Lois IreGavin, To have known !grim and called Mr. and Mrs.Widmer Gloushar
Helen 'Moffat, Wilma Hay, hMnxdne 'him fniend was stn honour andLawi•,ence, Joyce 'Wilbee, Luella privilege I will net is my Stewartlite. and and Miss Joyce Jew -
and itt aTuesday in London,
g from all
Hopper, Annie • Wood, Harald time forget and the many kindly s,, and Mrs, Bert Rlldo, Mr.
Knight, Ronald Savau e, Bob references I have 'heard f
Knight, , Ft ed VSreetlmark, Donald Members of this house aRoss Riley and Miss .Chery 1 R4=
re a mat- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boa,
Hillis, Ihnie 'Clarke, Don Wood; ter .of personal 'satisfaction to one all of Oromarty visited him. and
Claire Wesecott, Doaaad Bright- as •I .am sure they:are to luis farm- Mm' 7, Miley Tuesday evening.
aa11, Jack .Weedmark, Neil Hop- sly and ell these whom he sere -
Per. ed so faithfully and well.
Over the 20 'year period the av- I 'feel •I would be remiss if r B R UC E F I E L D
erage membership has stood at neglected to congratulate the hon.
38, with an average auttendan'ce of Prime Minister en; the 'manner in The regular monthly meeting
28. 37 gowns were nia,de for the which lie has recently strength- .of the Bnucefield WMS was held
choir at a total cost oferred the cabinet. Those whom he in the school room of the church$27.11.
Tigress gowns arsstill in use. ,hits chosen as his lieutenants are.on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 10Th,
Missionary Sunday was •cibserv- all worthy men, capable of per- owing to the weather there was a
ect' Sunday morning at the forming tin dudes of their re- small attendance.
'church school with a film on, Af- spective offices, in a manner The worship service was in
rica, prepared by the World Lit- wlhich is in keeping with the' high charge of Mrs. N. Wacker and
eracy Inc., , and 'presented by the standards the people of this pro- Miss M. Swan, The theme "Race
Missionary Education Supt,, Mrs. vince have come to expect of Prejudice 'Exposed". Miss Swan
J. Ellis. those who direct affairs On Gov- read the scripture 'lesson and the
ermet. comment- and prayer r was given
Mr. Speaker, T propose, in the by Mrs, Walker, Mrs, S. Davison,
Ladies' Bonspiel miost concise tet'ms.,possi'ble, to in the absence of Mrs. W. Scott,
Held at Seaforth deal with the interests of the mid- our president, presided over' the
ing of Huron, its history, its peo- business pant of the meeting.TheTwo Sarnia sinks were thepie and their alms and mph -a. minutes of the lost meeting wet e
spiel held on 1
winners of Feb.eb.tl1 Ladies' Bon- ions as well as the general eoon- read and the roll .0811 answered
8th, A delict- omy of thiss'wonderful pant of by seven members. The treastu•-
he buffet supper was served to our great Province, relating, all er's report was given, and Miss
the visitors who came from Lan, in a general way, to similar situ- Swan in reporting for Commun-
dan, Stratford,
Sarnia, Kitchener, Norr, Nor bon, Galt,. ations, which undoubted'lty prevail ity Friendship, told of ten calls
wich, God- do many other rural sections of being made and read a thankyou
erich, Mitchell and Wingham, Ontario. note. Mts. 'McQueen told of a new
9 a.m. whiners: 1st .irrize, rink It is not possible to discuss in subscription of the Missionary
skipped by Mrs. E. McCandless, abbreviated farm the complete Monthly. It was agreed to provide
Sarnia; including Mrs. Ruth history of this famous section of a study packet for the Mission
Brown, Mrs. Eva Smith, Mrs: Ontario, Rather, I propose to Band. It was unanimously agreed
Mary Galbraith; and winning .touch on certain of the high- to observe "God's :Minute" by the
rink, skipped by Mrs. 'Madeline lights. members, every day during the
Batson, Kitchener; the 3•rd by The 'first white man to visit Lenten 'Season. The Easter 'Manic
Miss Schmimber, Galt; cons„ Mrs. the area is acknowledged to be a Offering .meeting was discussed,
R. MaciK4nnon,. Stratford. young associate of Champlain but owing' to the small attendance
11 a.m: draw: let, Mrs, M. Vol- 'known es Etienne Boule. He be- was laid over to a later date.
Amar, Sarnia; inoluding Mrs. R, came singularly adept at master- bt was reported that 'Dr. Do'n-
Oha,pman, Mrs. N. Jackson, Mrs, ing various Indian dialect's and, all Watt of Bella Cools Hospital
J. Koweinak; and, 'Mrs. Amy Ed in 'due course, he because the was buying anaesthetic equip -
wards, Wingltam; 3rd, Mrs, A, foremost linguist and • interpreter meat for 'bhebr hospital with do -
Roberts, Stratford; • sons„ Mrs. to take up residence with the nations he received for speaking
Mildred Whetstone, Goderioh. The Huron tribe and he shared their and Showing slides at different
lucky prizes were won by Mr's, customs and existence until 1633 church 'meetings. Parcels sent to
!Audrey Walsh, 'Stratford; Mdse when he became a viotbm of the Bella Ooola hospital from Torotr-
Florence 'Laidlaw, 'Seaforth; Mrs, came customs and was killed, to, cost $13.65 per cwt. by freight
A. Y. McLeen, Mrs, K. Morgan, quartered, 'boiled and eaten by and $15. by express. It was may -
Stratford, those who had been ,hie 'b'lood ed and caraied that we ask for
A Seafarth ,rink,, skipped by brothers.o'ld woolens to be made into blan-
(Miss Allice Reid, vice skip, Mrs, •Mr, Speaker, I cannot refrain kers to be sent in the bale, These
'John Cardno, 2nd, Mrs, Brad from observing at this point that donations to :be .left at the .home
Smith, lead Mrs. James Park won history 'frequently repeats itself of Mrs, Lorne Wilson,
first prize 'at Stratford recently. and that a similar fate may soon Mrs. 'Wilson was in charge of
This was the second winning be in store for an lion. .member the Study Leaflet, She told of
rink from Seaforth which won, of this house, the leader of a very the missionary interest in Health,
top honors at bonspet's away small .group, wlio 'has sojourned and of .the established Missionary
from home. over -long in an atmosphere in Hospitals. There is a great deal
Which'he seems to me to be as in- of work to be done in the case of
WITH THE CURLERS compablble as was this young boys to avoid delinquency and 'of
A 'rink of :Seaforth curlers with Frenchman of earlier clays. delinquent ,girls who need 'assist -
E. C. 'Boswell es skip attended For most practical 'purposes, ante.
the bonepiel in Wingham last the history of the 'Huron District Mee, Lorne Wilson was appoint -
week and 'brought home some of of I3uron Tract commences in ed "Key Woman" for the Day of
the prizes. Other members were about 1824 or 1825 with the for- Prayer in 1960, The meeting .clos-
M. ,E. Clarke,. E. Dummt, J, A, motion of tlhe Canada Company. ed with •repeating the &fiepah
Westeott, On 'Novem'ber 26111, 1824, some Benediction in unison,
1,384,413, acres were sold tram Mrs. Stackhouse, Mrs. L. Wil -
W.' L EUCHRE' Crown reserves in Upper Canada, son, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson
•Committees for W. I. euchre on to the Canada Company, at the visited 4w London on Sunday.
'Wave" 6th: Tables and 'ohairs� price of florae shillings and six- visited
and Mts, Edgar Allen
Mrs. 'W. •Coleman, Ivirs, E. Camer- 'pence per acre, A grant of land spent the weekend in Toronto,
on. 'Punchers -Mrs, Dant Papple, of about 800,000 acres of clergy We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Mrs, H. Hugel, Mrs. Sas. Doig, reserves was eventually convent- F. Burdge, and Mrs. Roy Leaping -
Ma. John IVItLean. Lunch -Mrs. ed to a 'money grant. I might sav, ton are, pat'en'ts in Clinton Hos-
Wilson, Mrs, L. Strong, :Ws, Mr. Speaker, that there are still pita
A. Crozier, 'Mrs. W. Collins. Dish- properties in ' Huron held on
washers -Mrs. E. Whitmore, e, hies, deeds ant'ginallY granted 'i ie the
A. Pepper, Canada Company. VARNA
This was a 'lusty 'pee led en the Barden Brown ,of SeafortRt was
HOUSE SOLD thl5toay of Canada. It Was no lees elected County Master of t was
A .residence on Coleman Street lusty in Huron and its vigour' Heron L.O.L.nat Country Art
belongim'g to Ferg McKellar has stemmed 'from the men and wo- mull . L.On held the Coe Orange
been sold to .Gordon "'itdcLarnon men who 'made the 'history of the g
of 'town, through the 'office of w. times, But 14 Was the first ward• Hall on Tuesday last. 1•I0 MO -
0. Oice, en who emerged as the anost ool- seeds Kenneth. Bottles of Win -
aggressive and now almost flvrop. 'Other officers elected were
WALTON legendary .personality of his day, Deputy Master, Oliver Jacques
I I refer to .the tatneus •or infamous' of Exeter; ,Chopiaiin, Jim. Morrie,
Mr. Harold McCall has accept Dr. Wan. Dunlop, .or better known Goderlch; Rea Sec„ Fred l5cOIy-
ed a position as bookkeeper with and remem'be'red es "Tiger Dun- un'ont, Varna; Fin. Sec„ Hatay
Mr. Gordon McGavin, lop". His sontrbbution to the 'de- '0111:011, Clinton; Treas., Frank
'Fern Pattersou hal return- ve1spment of the entire district Fate
a llsi'a
ed home after era spending the past was that of vigpmous growth and Wm. M
cIlwain Hayfield; let
week with relatives in Seaforth, he represented the district which LectFred Jamiesbn, Waociham;
Mr. and 'Mrs, Gorden • McGavin then 'comprised 'humin, Perth and and ''Leat„ Clayton Hcdgies, Clin-
speut a few days lit Toronto this parts of Lambtoit and Middlesex, ton; Aee't. Mar lu 11l, Earl Ooope'
week, in the 'first Parliament of Upper of .Gadericie Plane were .made to
Tire ,PLL of Duff's United Canada at Kingston in 1841, in .celebrate tate Glorious Twelfth in
Church held a successful skating dile role, he succeeded his 'broth- St. Marys this year,
party at Seaforth Arena Friday Continued on .Pane 8 Several from here attended the
The ladies of Court Constar• i
bine were Sponsors Friday even-
itig to a euchre held in the 0,0,Th,
Has111. here, with tate prooeede go-
ing to the bocicey team. -Prizes
for the euoltro went to ist lady,
ns, OZ. Dolanage; lone, Mrs. Bills
and low, Mrs. G. Smith. let men,
Walter McClure, lone, A. McMich-
ael, !low, Gary Jewitt, During the
evening the draw for an electric
51,3, Pan, bliat was aponaored by
the hookey team, was wen by
Mrs, Geo. Case,
This Friday night the Men's•
Court will held another series of
euchre and on Mat•, 4th a benefit'
dance will be held at Blyth for
Mr. Erie Anderson who was un-
fortunate in having an eye in
jury wwhile playing hockey, Please
watch the paper for announce-
ments of these dates,
Mas. Ken Preszcator returnee'
home after s'pend'ing a few days
with relatives at Oaediten.
This week, Warden Wm. Jewitt
is attending the Good Reads Con-
vention at the Royal York in Tor-
Mr, and Mrs. Reba, Woods and
Debbie ,of Ajax spent the •week-
end with the latter's parents, Mn
and Mrs, Frank Riley.
Authorized as Second Class mail,
loot Office Dent.,, Ottawa
Snowdon Bras., Publishers
.,,u,,,n....MI,,.,, p,,,,nn.,e,,L.u"unn .... I... a;ll,�n II,IWb"m lulu/.,,u... b,.. ........
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Sale Prices
Necklets, earrings, brooches, brace-
lets, including pearls, aurora borea-
lis, rhinestones, etc.
Regular $1,00 Costume Jewellery
To Clear At 59c
Regular $2.00 Costume Jewellery
To Clear At 1.00
Regular $5.00 Costume Jewellery
To Clear At 2.50
Regular $10.00 Costume Jewellery
To Clear At 5.00
57 piece set of Silverware at
Reg. $24.95 SALE $19.95
Fancy Cups and Saucers
Values $1.00 and higher SALE 69c
140 pc. set Dinnerware, Silverware, Glassware
Complete Set Just $29.95
SILVER SERVICE, consisting of
Teapot, Sugar, Cream and Tray
A Real Sale Value at $17.95
Savauge's March Sale includes hundreds of Sale Specials in
Jewellery,- diamond rings, watches, silverware and china -
e specials you just can't afford to miss I Come early -
Sale ends March elst
presbytery 'banquet lest Monday
at the hotel Clinton,.
Mies M. McBride of Kipper
visited 'Sundae at the home a
Miss Edi't'h Dow'son.
The ladies of Goshen W.A. 'held
a suoceesfui e'okincle party in
n t iHall i s o
the Tow sl t on Ih d v
ening ]ash.
Mo+s. T-Iarr.iet Oke, who has been
obeying with her sister Mrs. W.
n, Smith, left on ,Saturday to
spend a month in Merida.
Res'i'dents of Egmondviile re-
gret to learn of the passing of
Miss Helen. MclDotigali tilde week.
Miss Mefougoll lived in the vil-
lage for nary years,
'Mr. and Mira. Albert Clark of
)Auirker•]c visited xt d on Monday with
her mother
Mrs. J
S Watson.
An'cleew'Iiouston, Ivan Forsyth,
E P, Chesney and Vietor Lee are
in Toronto .this week attending
the 'Good Roads Convention.'
Miss Jessie 1'dmlatsason of Lorno
Peak and Mies .neatened McKay
were visitors here.during the