HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-19, Page 41t,RON V1IS CKtP 'Atliolog t108 students of tilde sellooi of neersizlg of Stratford O enea'a1 Hooka who received their ears on SerturilaY was guy- gine eonggins Elizabeth McOertney,'of Seeforth, ex. 3. ,AT THE ARENA HOCKEY Thursday, Feb,, 19 Clinton Midgets vs Seaforth 8 P.M, Saturday, Feb. 21 8.30 P,M. St, Columban 'vs Winthrop Intermediate Semi -Finals ' Tuesday, Feb.24' Winthrop vs St, Oolum'ban 8.30 P.M. Intermediate Semi -Finals Thursday, Feb. 26 St. Columban vs Winthrop 8.30 P.11'l, SKATING Friday Night, 8 to 10 Saturday Afternoon 2. 3.30 IsnarennienewEneewowevenai Like new THE WHOLE FAMILY'S WARDROBE looks crisp and fresh when we clean it 1 Restore "like new" freshness 1 FLANNERY CLEANERS phone 87 ('0111111111111 iiiialll111,1a1 ulisoulunrtavl NORTH McKILLQP The Bethel W.M,S, and W, A. Meetings were 1ekl ell Wed, Fob, 11t1'1 at the home 'et Ethel and Tennis Dennis, Tile President 0wre tike sail eo worship "Race Pre:uAIee Exposed was the theme (for the sleeting. Hemet 014 was sung followed by prayer. M:rs, Wm, Donnie read 'tile scree( tlalre.lesson from the (Beek o 'Ruth and the .comenente were g+1, veli by Tennis Dennis. An arti- cle 'written by rticle'written'by Miss 'Wilma Thom- as entibled "What does the Lord Require?" was (read by Mrs, Wm, Egxnonct•ailie United Clairol; Dr. J, Semple; Minister, (Lyle Hammond, Organist•Ohodr Leader. Seemed Sunday In Lent. 11 ami., General Theme for Lent. "Faces about the t' hist", No. 2 Zacchaeus—+Jericho. (A Tale of Two .Oities) 7.30 pm., What it means to be a (Christian. No, 2. Three Reac- tions -to the Gospel. Filmseeloe: The Upper gloom, ,aymlbols of The Cross, (2) Monday 8 sero„ Area Confer- ence Young (People, Wednesday 7 ,p.m., Men's Din. ner. ,Tie Guest Speaker, Ralph Wilsen, Toronto. Film: ":What Changed Charlie", 10 am., Church Solvate Church Membership Class 12.11 in Vestry. N1111111/1111111 iiiii11111111111,111111 iii 1 iiii 111 1 iiiiiiiii1111p First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL AND YOUTH FELLOWSHIP CLASS 11 a.m. "Conscience at the Cross." No, 2 "The Conscience of Peter" Music, anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord" (Roberts) Soloist, Mr. James T. Scott 4.30 p.m, VESPER SERVICE "Blessed Quietness" Music: A Trio—Misses Carole Elder, Betty Jean Andrews, Pearn McLean Everyone Welcome Y.P.S. at 7.30 P.M. H. A. KEMPSTIIIR Organist and Choir Leader element...1llllllll111ulualulullll11111111111111111111 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP All car owners in the Township of Mc- Killop are requested not to park • their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prosecutions may follow. Dated Feb. 16th, 1959 W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent ?AR/ l,11111111111111111111111"11111111111111111"1,11111111111,111"Ii111111111111111111,1"1"11,111a111m11111111"1111"1111111111 Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town. Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they -are not to run at large at -any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor Roe, The Stit eilaptel' of the study book, 'Concert* of a Continent, was preparedHrs. Nortel SU' mere in question and enewol' Perm. lObitel Donnie read the en. ewers. The ehap,tel' dealt wblh "The Canadian. Indians" ]n (re. geed to nrnebers, places of resl- deneo, education, enflrencllise mutt etc. Menthol's wore we. minded •et ,the .invitation to 'are tend the World Day of Prayer Service at Winthrop Church on Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.011. The steeply were list was read con- taining eI,iddren's socks, hot -we - ter (battle covers etc. The meet- ing closed isy repeating the Mis. pah .Benediction. Mrs, Wan, Den- nis presided for the W. A. The minutes were read and the roll call taken allowing 15 members present. The !Christmas cards are to be 'brought In at the next meeting, Mrs. Stimore to look at ter thorn. The !postponed social Ito be held this eiriday evening. Two layette's were tended out to be finished by May 1st. Ma's. Sti- more ;distributed new holiday bags. Hymn 358 was 'sung and Mrs. Dennis closed the meeting with: player. Lunch was served. WALTON !1%e W.I. sponsored a euolire and lost heir panty Friday even. •ing with the following ;prize win- ners: inners: Lost heel', Mrs, Walter Bew- ley ladies high Anne AdbiSles, ladies low 21111 [Humphries, gents' high:,Bob Humphries low. Euchre, Mrs. Jack Gordon, ladies' high; Mss, J'im McDlenadd, mew; Marry Marshall, gents' high; Cy - nil Ryan, low. The Federation of Agriculture will sponsor a Workshop dror Mor pis and Grey townships on Tues day,' Feb. 24th at 8.30 pen. to ,the oceemunity hall, Walton. There will he a guest speaker from London :present and a recreation (period will be conducted en folk dancing, Ladies please bring lnneh, Mrs. Agnes Davidson lie visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Me. Donald .and ether relatives before returning to her home at Cal- gary, Alta. Ma•. John Watson was taken to a London hospital on, Monday afternoon. Mr.-.'raoaarance Dundas 'has re- turned home after (being confined to Stratterd General! Hospital fol' (the past three weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie and Larry of Egnuonclvidde visited with Me. and Mrs. Clifford Re: - eerie and Mn'. John Ritchie on Sunday. The Wovkl Day et Prayer was ;held in Dufls 'United Church last Friday afternoon with the Angli- can ladies as guests. Theme of service wars "He said, Lord, I be- lieve and he Worshipped ;Elim." J'jo's• Wilbur Turnbull, ;lnesidlent of W.M:S., conducted the call to Woe -skip lllith Ma's. Ron Bennett reading the various scripture passages used in the worship service. The (hyalin "Shepherd, of :Eager Youth" was sung with Mrs. Herb Travis as pianist. The Penitence part of the service was taken by Mrs. Dave Watson; As- surance, Mrs. Margaret Hnm>ph- ries; Consecration, 5Ii's. F. 'rl2itoln- ell; Intercession, Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs. A. McDonald introduced the guest speaker, Rev. K. W. Jaggs of Brussels Anglican charge 'who gave an 'interesting address on "Prayer", Mrs. :Ed Brlans 'thank- ed the speaker on behalf of the WMS ladies. A solo "Lend Teach Us How To (Pray" was sung •hy 1'],ts. Nelson Reid, .The offering was received by Mea, H. Craig. Mrs. W. Turnbull concluded the service with the hymn 'The Day Thou Gayest, Lord, is ended" tot- lowed by the Benediction, The W.A. held -their Feb. moot. ing Zn the church basement, on Thursday afternoon with Mr,s. Kenneth McDonald as President. (Hymn 388 "0 Master ]et me Walk with Thee" was sung and .scrip- ture lesson taken from Cor. 1: 31 and 12: 1-13 was retie by Mrs. B. Johnston, Mass. McDonald com- mented on same. 'The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Ronald Bennett and (•mass. A. Coutts gave the financial statement. An English. Irish and Scotch Variety Social will be held Fri- day evening at 8.15 in the cbnrclh basement. Ladies are requested to .bring sandwiches and tuts. Doorkeepers to be Mrs. A. Coutts and Mrs. R. Bennett, The 10111 of Grey and 8th of Morrds to help serve and Boundary and 17tH to clean sup Mrs. Martin, Bean will order 50 boxes of assented lards to be .distributed among the groups and sold. It was left with the kitchen committee to loo]; af- ter buying .paper for the setting of tables, also old tablecloths to be .made into tea towels end ito replace with new ones. Another project (tor 011e year wild be a var- iety :Ruction in the tall, The meet- ing closed with prayer. Mrs, D. Watson. opened the WeIS .meeting with sprayer. The roll call was answered by a verse of "Fault" and tbe minutes of the last meeting were read by Mas, R, McMichael and several (cards of thanks were acknowledged, Mrs. H. ,Craig gave .the treasur- er's .report and Mrs. el, McMich- ael 'stressed the need of remind- ing each group of the March of Dimes. A prayed' (for our Mission - Ory, Mies Florence Taylor was given by Mrs. MoM'iohael. 'Phe Commnnty Fellowship Seorebary Mrs. C. Ritdhie gave a reading entilted "Sees Salvation of 'Major- tty by Christ or Commmanliem", Ths topic,rwas taken by (the '17011. and Boundary group with Mrs. 1). Buchanan choosing as her topic "Knott/ ,our Neighbours, the Ihcli- ans". Prayer closed the meeting, KIPPEN A, miscellaneous Shower was held for Mariene Deeper, bride elect of next Saturday, at the Houle of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Crvel Cooper on Saturday arteruoola. Miss Margaret Cole. man fertlisheti • the music for a' sing song Miss Margaret McKay gave a reading on St: Valentine's., Mrs, Alex Mihai' a poem and -Miss, Blaine Ross and Joanne Coleman sang two numbers. left's, Robert Elgie conducted •a contest. Mies Miu'iene Ostrand`read an address to Marlene and she was present- ed with many beautiful gifts, for which ' Marlene thanked every one. The event, was arranged by, Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs. Ernie Ross. 141r, and Mrs, Harold Jones and sone visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Parsons and Bob of Oromarty. Mrs, Howard Finkbeiuer who has been a patient in Clinton Hospital, is now spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinchey of Clinton. The. Bowers in the church Sun- day were. placed by the family and in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs, Geo, E. Thomson. Mrs. Reid Torrance of Porters Hill was a week end guest of her father Mr. Henry Ivison and sis- ter Miss Jean Ivison. Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Sproule of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Meths.. Mr. Bob Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke Jr., who had the misfortune to sprain his left wrist while playing hockey in Mit- chell recently, is improving fav- orably: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stapes and Larry of London visited Sunday with Mrs. Stoke's father, Mr. Ro- bert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim visited Sunday evening in Clinton at the home of Emerson's mother, Mrs. Kyle. On Saturday afternoon,MMlr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett, Ruth Ann and Miss Betty Fletcher of Iirkton attended the capping ceremony. of their daughter Marie at Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Robert McBride was taken last week to the Rest Honie in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. ]d Wahl of Lis- towel were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert. ilIr. and Mrs, Alf Moffatt who have vacationed the past three weeks with a sister and brother- in-law Mr. and Mrs, Rontzon of Vero Beach, .Florida, returned to their hone on Saturday. The World's Day of Prayer ser- vice was observed in the Kippen United Church with an attend- ance of around 60 ladies, The ladies of Brucefield Church join- ed with the Kippen women for the service, Mrs. Norman Walker, Brucefteld, key woman for 1959, led in the prepared program, and was assisted by Mrs. Rev. David- son, Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs. Eke gar Allen of Beucefield, and Mrs. John Andersen, Mrs. .Alex Me 11211rtrie, Mrs.Winston-' Workman, e.w Mrs. Star•t'1'epper and Mrs: Russell'; Consitt of Kippen. Those who offered prayers during the period of intercession were Mrs: H. Dalrymple, Miss Bowey, Mrs. Mel Graham, Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs. Bert Faber. Mrs. Ronald McGregor . of Ilippen gave a suit- able address en "The Day of Prayer" Mrs. Fred McGregor, of Brucefield, acdem paned by Mrs. Walter McBe4th 'at the piano; sang a solo "The Stranger of Ga- lilee," The offering was taken by Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs, John Cooper Jr. At the conclusion of the service Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucefleld, was appointed key woman Xor 1009, The S, 2, scholars at St, And- re -We Ulifed Church who receiv- ed dipienills and seals on SentlsY were; let diploma, Brenda Tura. er, Lyn Alderclioe, Susie Mee Los. 11 to D r s MoIK d' diploma, At gla "4y, 211 Gweneth Jones and Gerald John- ston. 2nd year seals, Debra And- erson,, Dianne Mcleity, Janice Mc- Nichol. 4t11 year seals, Donna Weitelieuse. 5th year seals, Ken- neth Jones, .Jinn Kyle, Billy 'Turn- er;. David Turner. Otle year seals, Nancy .'.Consitt; Wendy ' Jones, Joan Sinetalr, Grant Jones, Ruth Ann McNichol, Barbara Mcleich- 01 and Robert Cooper. 7111 year seals, Joyce Hood, Garry Jones, Robert Turner, Jim Consitt, Jelin Consitt, Donald Parsons, David 00011er. 11th year seals, Sharon McBride. BRODHAOEN Mr. and Mee. H. Diegel, of Mitchell called on Mr. and Mas, Geo. Mogk on Sunday and also at the home of Mrs. -(Elizabeth Querengesser recently. CROMARTY When the ladies of Mt. Pleas- ant and Etoy''s Church met for the World 'Day of Prayer Service in Roy's Church a feeling 'ef TI -IE SEAFOR T H `MOWS- •Thursday, February' 10, 1989 great loss was 1011 in the passing sof Ml's, J. G, Scott.. Ml's. Christie as leader asked 000 a silence in mammy After which she read: New ,the .laborer's bask is o'er, Now b11e 'battle day ,is past, Nov upon the (farther.' shore Laruds 'the voy'agel' at last, Father In titY gracious keeping , Leave we now illy' servant sleep- ,ing( There the tears (of earth ere dried ;Thera its hidden things are ;leer ;There (tile work of bite ds tried 1By a fluster Judge than We. Power—Our Father we thank Thee +Poi' the erientleliip of our ,deaa' member who hes, gene on to fuer q•ewaa'd. May we all realize it Is 2pirituad things that last. dletp usto MRthe pence that elle seft to 'Phy (honor and glee)", ,Amen. dOIrs, Harvey Dow (played quiet mudid ae :meeting came to order with Mrs. A: Christie in chair. Mrs. S. Graham, Mrs. G. Weiland Mrs. H. Dow mead iseripture les- sons, Mrs,, .C. Colemholun,' Mrs. Ce • Cil Buliriil, Mrs. 1N. Dow, Mts. M. .Ohh'istie, Mrs. J. Hocking led in interoeeeion .prayer's. Mrs. Harries" of Mitchell gave a very inspVrling address in keeping wlthh World. Day of Prayer Service, The faith that dames eau (redeem the world. A, solo "When itliq world bleagets"' was very Ina011 iulipreeleted b+y everyone aisd rendered by Mrs, 0, Dow .of M1.'Ploasaait, wiblt Krs.. 0, Clrrlstie wt bits (piano. Al, the close of the Meeting social 110110" was repent, Euchre - Dance Hensall Town I1all Friday, February 20 Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute Admission 75c. Lucky lunch prize, Cool Quins Orchestra Iauchre at 8.30 tree ts. EUCHRE Foresters Hall, Constance Friday, Feb. 20 Sponsored by the Lady Foresters Admission 500 Lunch provided Draw to be held for Electric Frying Pan • NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Who Have Not Obtained Their 1959 Licences Your 1958 driver's licence and vehiclepermit will expire at Midnight, March 18. After this date it will be.illegal to drive with 1958 • licence or plates. DON'T WAIT TILL THE MARCH DEADLINE Act liow and avoid inconvenience. A last minute rush will cause delay at the 250 Agency Offices throughout the province - Renew Your licences HOW 1 TWO IMPORTANT REMINDERS YOU MUST SHOW PROOF of Liability Insurance when you apply for plates or pay an extra $5.00 into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. The additional $5,00 payment is'NOT a, substitute for .Liability Insurance. It you do not have your "Proof of Liability Insurance" Certificate, see you insurance agent today. A. policy for Fire, Theft and Collision is NOT Liability Insaraacpe. Check your Policy. STUDY THE "POINT SYSTEM" FOLDER you will receive with your Driver's Licence. It explains in detail your new Point System, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT HON. JOHN YAREMKO, Q.C„ Minister D. J. COLLINS, Deputy Minister take a longer vacation trip this year forward to owning a home of his own ...so both are building up bank accounts All sorts of people ... , wage earners, fann- ers, businessmen, housewives ... do their saving, and other banking, at a chartered bank. Day in and day out, in every one of 4500 branches, bank customers are making de- posits, arranging loans, cashing cheques, buying inoncy orders, purchasing foreign exchange, using safety deposit boxes, talk- ing over financial problems of a personal or business nature. And the list goes on and on... Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services under one roof, THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY