The Seaforth News, 1959-02-19, Page 1Seaforth News WHOLE S101'W0S, VOL. 81 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1959 FIRE HITS TWO INDUSTRIES Legion Rooms I W. Rogerson` Heads Robbed on Sunday Tuckersmith F of A 81.60 a Year LARGE FARM HOME BURNED Three eevious mires, With a t tal foss of upwards of $50,000.0 macre this the blackest week 1 a long time tor •Seater t fir area. Two 100a1 dnduetries wer involved and a :farm home; T11 first of the aeries of outbreaks oeou red on Friday the 13th, Sea 'forth firemen have had one their busiest weeks, between meeting with the 'council commit- tee about reducing the bagged •to 12 members, the pump o.n tlr rural truck bamaking dowel, a am ported 'car fire 'in Mod{i'ilop, three big fires and a trip to W'oodstocl to get the pamper repaired. Inel m'ental'ly, it 'is stated that Fine Cfhief Scott has the basking of council in hie bid reducing the size of +the fire brigade. Lack of a readily available wa- ter supply hindered the firemen in two fires oat of town, . Cupola Building • .Damaged by Fire Fire 'discovered abort 6.30 on Preday evening hetivlly damaged brie t3ramte and brick. .building which houses the 0upole +beside . Concrete Plant n Destroyed by Fire o A. midnight fire early Tues ° manning totally d'ostroyed ° cement block building of Porth Concrete aim dlarI)081 ey, of Constimetton• industry* oper a in S•ratipux'>tey .by Peter .01erdst day Clue Bear a a ted eft- ea - td., ed ak at of- er- ght on - re the ho 110 o - 1e ss ng 0e ex- 'pl•oded and set the building afar The Seaforth flee brigade used water fromtie truck and a northwest wind assisted an con- 'lintn'g the flames to the 'one budldi:ng. A ca11 for help was sent to the Clinton fire brigade when It .became evident the fire might spread. Town water Is not available at the plant. Mk,Chaisteneen's Dumping plant could not work af- ter the blower was 'cut off. Mr. Petersen who is a native,of Denmark started hie concrete bus!lness about six years ago. A year later he termed the, Sea - faith Sewer Tale Company and bought ,apeoIal machinery in the •old country for 'making sewer tide, His enterpr'i'ses have been 'successful and two years ago more land was pul'ahased and the plant enlarged. Me. Christensen said on Tues - daffy he head 'made no Plans yet for rebuilding. He placed Useless do the neighborhoodaiZ $25,000 and believed. he 'is fairly well co- vered by insurance. The loss in - eludes a number of field tile in the ibuilding, and a number of skald machines used for snaking cement tile and flag stones, Carnochan Home Wrecked by Fire sen, • e The adjoining plant of the S e' forth Con�orete Sewer Tile L which Ma', 'Petersen also found was not damaged by the outbre and work de continuing in th plant,. The burned building ,housed flees for MaeObadstensen's ent prises and a couple of li trucks owned by Seaforth C mete. Some cement field tile w stacked in the north end o4 building. The Christensen family .w five in a residence beside bunted building heard an maillien, and ehuotly •affterwards tl Hopper tanvily who live aoro the road saw flames ba'eaki out. It is !believedtheell tunabehead the office at the front the moldfing shop or foundry at the Robert Hell Industries here, 17vidently a number of people saw the flames about the same time. A .passing .motorist stopped . at a gas station southof the :rail- way tracks and said he could see flames. Worlomen lett the molding 'Moos about 6 o'clock Friday evening. O8fi'cdals of the company say that it 3s apparent that 8ire'started on the loading iplatform at the top o8 the •cupola. Flames destroyed the roof oyer the cupola and the motors and loading equipment. Aliouit six in- chess of the peak of the molding shop was 'burned. OeficIale say that damage to the .buildings may be about $2,- 000' 2;000- but they are unaible -to •esti- mate what it will take to repair 6)71.6 cupola, The 'company. intends in to start repairs as some as the In- surance is ad(iusted,' It well be put 'back fete production as quickly as Dosstlble to 'supp'ly needed parts. .•A',Icleciedon' will have to be 'made whether to use their own men to 'do ,the repair work or turn it over to a con- tractor. The Company might be able to 'put about ten nnen :on the job. The cupola' or blast furnace Is a heavily bu•iit steel . cylinder about five feet in diameter and ten feet high, turned on end, standing on dour short lege. A heavily built 'Mick •chimney 'rein- forced with steel strapssits on top of .the oupala. A power 1dit carries .a loadIng platform to the ;op o8 the cupola which is charg- "jed with scrap dron and coke. As the charge melts the molten iron settles in the bottom where it is carried' off by a spout which goes through no gS1 the wall •into the mold- ing roam. In the molding shop it runs in- to various 'sized 'ladles and 'pour- ed into the sand anolds. Much of the special molding sand was wet by water 'Friday evening and will have to be dried out. Molten metal do .the cueola left after each day's work is allowed• to drain out +but it was not known after the .fire whether wee. t ter from the firemen's hose .had cooled the metal in the cupola before it had all run out. If any cane'iderable quantity of metal. froze :in the 'cupola the task of removing it well' be a serious one. No one working in the eounda'y now can rememtber there ever be- ing a mire in the molding siho'ip or cupola .before, The .nholding ehop is one of the h. original buildings at the foundry ,mar and le located .behind the mach- ine strop to wlhieh it 10 'con'n'ected by a door. E,very'one eats dt was a goon thing the ,blaze was discovered quickly. It dt had been'duringthe night the 'damage might have been very extensive, Tho amain tInesiness :et the Rob- ert Bell Industrbes .now is mak- ing'boilen's, .also furnaces, having recently had a gas ,furnace a•e- ceive.' approval. Threshing maatr- roes aro not 501(1 as mach tet for - meetly as'many farmer's who would. lite to use them +can notget 'help, Repair •business is a big'item, :especlaully in summer. Work for the past two winters has been vory Feed, the winter•usua111y be- met 111.g •con'sider'ed the Meek season,. 911 Thirty people are on ,the staff at Ohpresent. ' an A thief broke into the Legion Hall at +the arena surly Sunday morn'in'g and stole about $50. Go- ing out he left the outside legion door open, Gordon McGoniglewtho lives on North Main Street in front of the arena, about 9 O'clock Sunday morning eomdd see the open :door and told his brotherRoy, caretaker' of the Arena, why lives next doorThey called the Steward ei the legion club, •Rex McGregor, who came up 'to the legion hall and determined the amount miesing ,from the till. He notified the other members of the house committee, Claire Han- ey and Gus 'Boussey and - when they 'arrived they called the town police, The police .started an im'med'i- ate investigation and found a number of finger paints, ,One theory is that the culprit. Thad a key to 'the outer ,door and came 11p to the 'community centre hall. A, wooden window looking into the legion room behindthe eo11•ntei' la oomnlundty cen- tre watts forced 'open, The thief crawled :through the 'aliening in- to the 'legion quaers. Ire evi- dently Icnew, where to find the e, money. He took .only 'bills ' and heft behind a eonsi•derable •sumdn silver, A teenage dance had been in progress Saturday evening and everything eves apparently all right when the building was closed about midnight. There is the possibilityt that the thief hid in the building until alter midnight, but this is discounted by the region and the ,police, _there is no 'safe in the legion room, 'currency being planed do a till, along with legion papers Por the club. Anyone. familiar'Lith the layout of the l'0011100oudd easily locate ,the money. Theebrick hone of. Jelin, 0arn- e han; 3rd concession, Tucker - smith, was gintecl by fire about 6 o'clock :Sunday afternoon. The lire swept tl�;rough the Ihouse with such. speed that the family saved almost•nothing ec- •cep+t the clothing they were wearing, and a hall tree near the door with their winter coats. Of the furniture, only one chair was ,saved, but Mrs. •Garnaohan was able to res�cua the �•non e Y ds m nt dee and other family papers. The gamily were entertaining a cousin for dinner, Robert'Wan- kel, son .of Milne Wankel,18l.bow, Sack„ who is spending the win- ter until March wdbh 3611•. . and Mrs. James Oarneehan, leis aunt and uncle. At five minutes to six o'eleck an el'eomtic fuse tbua'.ned out and when replaced dt blew out again. Looking for the cause ,smoke was noticed in, the bedroom of fon' •of the boys. Plaines were shoot- ing out from a (receptacle in the(base board. 'When the door was opened the fire spread with .rushing noise. house was et solid brick •caneta'uotion wird" stone walls. It was built over 100 years ago, but the wiring was almost DOW, the ho having ,been wired for he'- o seven years ago.' Air's. 'Carnoohan le the former Ann Subherlanl, of Waterloo, 'Blew have a 'family of five ,boys, tVilldam 0, Grant 7, Robert 5, Allan 3, and 'Gordon, '1. Theseboys ,aro ,the fifth generation o8 Carnoohans tto dive on the term. The ordgi'na1 laud deed is dated' 18.34. The house was built by their great gr'andfatllar, The Seafar.th *remelt • were slowed by ley 'roads In getting to the .fire, The Brucetiel11 fi:1'e bele gado has responded to three sake 'since, to cheek outbn'ealcs et fire in the :'tidos,• as late as 11,30 Monday night, 'rhe •Carneehan •family are 11151 Ing tlheLr home Boa' the awes= across the bead with ,11•ie. pate •s, Mr. and. Mitre, Janes Came - 511, They+ -$have not -yet made ojt y nuns to eebuilci, 1 UNITED OHURCH,NEWS On Sunday morning the Jr, Choir Sed due the worship o8 mus- ic as the 20111 Anniversary of this organisation; was observed. Three anthems, "Fairest Lord Jesus", with Sharon McNdohol taking a solo part; "He first loved 'me"; and "We love the wonderful stony," with :Ellen Connell and Robbie Brady taking solo parts, made a fine contribu- tion to otu • worship the first Sunday of Lent. Cemnnundcants •classes are be - dug held every Sunday afternoon. at 2.30 pan.by the minister, for those desiring instruction in ,0)11e matter of thein Church member.ship.The members will cast then'vote on Sunday, March. 1st to fill the vacancy dal the Session. Bal- lots will be distributed by the Session at .the , morning service next Sunday. The members 08 Tyro and Sig- ma .0 boys w110 be aemroacluing members of the congregation to sell bonds for the support of the Boys' 'Work at the Local .and Provincial level, 5uppo16) therm efforts, 'please. e. L,O,B,A, EUCHRE The ladies of the ,L.O,B.A, held Clete regular 'monthly euchre on Monday tvdtll.a good attendance, prizes going to: Ladles 1st, Mrs, Wm. Austin; lone hands, Mrs. W. 1' . Oran; cons., Mrs, N. Caa'dno; Gent's let, Wm, Austin; lone hands, Norman Mehl; cons„ Glen Slavin. A ,draw for 'lace cloth, donated by Mrs. J. Barron, was won by Mrs, Scott Ha'blcirlc, DAY OI'' ?BAYER OBSERVED The World Day of Brayer was observed in Nort'hsdde United Church Feb. 13 with a good at- tendance, The World Day of Prayerwas +followed un- der the leadership of Mrs. Brit- ton; Mrs. Eider, A'la's, E. Boyce Mae. e, McCown'.ti658 , Ball took the Feeder part. Prayers were given by lees. '13911, Mas, Eckens- willer, Mrs, Pepper, Mrs. Close. Mrs, James gave the •atldress on prayer, Why the Vend Day of Brayer was observed, Mrs. Wright favored (1s with a solo, The offering was taken by 'Mimi Fennell and Mrs. Sillery, Mrs, Britton thanked everyone who tools )heti:, ' TV, 1, EUCHRE There was a good atitenzla;bee at Seafort'11 W, I, ettetllpe and dance on Friday, ,Prize Winners tor • euchre: Ladies 1st, Mrs, Rus- sell Dolauage; 2nm1, Mrs, J'odur. Coutts; cons,, Mrs, Chas, 'lfyme; mens first, Alex. Paver; 211:11, G, Eliiatt; coarse C. Irlyu'e and •ittcicy air peize, Morley'Cooper, Kip - William Rogerson- Was elected president of • Bucket n'etle Feder- ation of Agt'Iculture at the . an- nual meeting and banquet In Eg- nlantividle United Ohara.Thua•s• day' evening. Other 088109rs are Past Pres., Alex, McGregor; let vice Pres., .John; Wood] s'eo,4o'eas,, John Baroadfoot; ddreotoa'e, S. S. 1, 'Glenn Bell; 2, Joe. Lostell; 3, Gordon •D111 ft 4 Ern 5, Took IVIe,eRay; 0, Ebner Town- send; 7, Alex, Chesney;. 8, :Alex Boyles;f9, Wilmer Booa� ,feet; 10, Robt. (Kinsman, Hog, Producers, Alex. leleGregor; alternate, Wil- fred Coleman; Beef 'Producers, R. McGireg'or; Cream'Predncers, G. Richardson; +Poultry' Producers, Andrew Moore: lady dereetor, Mrs, Wen. +Rogearson•, Rev. IDr, Semple welcomed the ;federation to the feltilroh. Reeve Ivaco Forsyth extended greetings an from the unieipality. and re- ported on the 'meeting of the ag-. riculturad eo'mnldttee of 'county council in Toronto recently, County president Winston Shan - ton, and Pie'klenan Carl Heming- way spoke on county" work. Mr. W. 8'. Roberts was guest speaker. A sing song was held while the ladies were clearing the tables, 'Ars. Alex, McGregor voiced the thanks of the federation for the bangdet and Mrs. Alex. 'Boyer, W. A. President relined, Expect Larger Grant For Seaforth Fair News of a 50 per cent increase lee grants to Class 'B' fairs was warmly received' bee officials sf Seaforth Agrioultural "Society on Wetlniesdauy. While the mmoviaoiat auditor has not yet visited Seafoe;tah to make the .check on prize monies pard over the past three years, dt is expected the will do . so very soon, thereby 'maltin'g Seaforth fair's mating as' Class B official. A Toronto despattoh says: Thin•• ty+five fall 8o,frs iu the erovince will stand a chance of receiving a larger .grant from the Ontario Government under a bill :intro- duced tin the Legislature, Agriculture Minister Goodfel- low proposed an amendanent to .the Agricultural Societies Aot which a'aisee"'the enaxlnium am- ount of a grant payable to a so- ciety from $1,000 to $1,500. The fairs to benefit are classed as 5 _in the department. :rating. The new act will come into farce :on the day it receives royal assent, the minister explained, Royal ,assent is always given the last day the Legislature sits dur- ing a session, MARSHALL R, 226135H The ,death of Marshall R. Smith occurred Monday in Olin ton. Mm, Smiths was in his 91st. year, and had been dm peon' health for the past two Years. Ile spent most of hie life in Seaforth, and was a harness maker in hid ear - ay years. Later, he was employed in the 'tomer '.Box and Broadleot furniture factory. There are no immediate relatives surviving. The funeral was held Wednesd'ay 'at the G. A. Whitney funeral liome eon'dhoted.6 )' the Rev. J. C. 'Brit- ton of tNorthstide United Ohureh on Wednesday, •)3url41 was in the Maltiandbank 'Cemetery ,Pallbearers were Jim Hender- son, Freer McGavin, Wm. Hart, Walter Murray Prank Sills, Geo. AMeGavin. SE1s75 FOR REPAIRS The Seaforth aural fire truck was taken to 'Woodstock on Tuesday* to undergo repairs to the pump which was 'damaged by ice while fighting the fire 017 Sunday. BONSPIEL Winners of the bonspiel here on Saturday were: 9 a.m, Draw, let Ron •Carroble se's, Plledfon'cl; (3 ,plus, 9), Ind Wan. Bali, Seaforth; (2 plus 11). 3rd H. 5, Carmichael, WI•ngham; (2 plus 8). 11 .a.m. Draw: 1st H. ballet', Centralia.; (3 flus 8). fed Rick Smith, Sarnia.; (2 plus 12). 3rd Adam Ast, Strabhr•oy; 2 plus 8. A Seafoi'tii genic won 8drst prize at the tbonspiel at Exeter Mat week, Members sI' halls rink were Bill Campbell, skip, Bev. .Themp- son, Lloyd J'Ioggarth and Dr, Sta. • Jack Hotham Is Retail Inspector At, John 10(115til, Jr'., left On Monday for London, ,having been appointed a Retail Inspector for the Department of 'Ag'ieulture, His duties will 'involve butter, eggs, fruit and vegetables in re- tail stores, Mr. Botham expects to be located Oa Windsor district, and it es likely the +family will move later to that area, lir. De - Boer is helping Jaelt's place at the Seaforth .0reatmery, Huron Member Hits Highway Speed Trap Complaints about 30 -mile speed limits in .'small ,hamlets ware voiced Friday in an DOntaliio Leg- islature committee, They same elurinff a farm safe" ttya dls'cussion by the Horse's agriculture committee, attended by highway satiety comanissioner• W. E. G. Reynolds of the Ontario transport department, Charles MacNaugltton, enenhber of the Legislalture for IHu on ac- cused provincial police of setting speed traps in areas where they are sure 'they will catch a good crop et speeders. The member said there are hamlets on highways In this area which have a .30'mile-an+hsam' speed limit twhdclh drivers are through before they reallee speed Should 130 reduced, "The OPP eoatcentrates om these areas because they know they can ,pick up plenty of speed- ers," Mr. MaoNauglrton deolared, "These areas +put drivers do a position where they violate the law without ]crowing it." ALr. ¥aoNauphten's complaint was supported by other members of the agricultural comnhittee of the Legislature. \fo MaoNaugitto•n has been 'made chairman of the standing committee ea eoxeservaftion, There are 35 members on the committee, HOME AND SCHOOL The February .meeting '08 the Seaforth home and School Asso- 'elatfion was held in the school snld'itoa'iwn on Feb. 17 with -Mrs, Dale Nixon presiding, The meet- ing opened with singing "0 Can- ada" and repeating the Lord's Prater . in unison. The parent of the nloeibh was Mr, E. W., Wil- liams, The 'minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Talbot announced the public Speaking +C'ontest, Mee. J. Mac- Donald moved a vote that Mrs. .Cosford be paid ter a book of plays she bought .and this was seconded .by Miss M, Turnbull. The •Glee Club of the Seaforth District High School, under • the leadership of Mr, James Stewart, entertained the audience with four lovely nuenbors, ten's. John Baldwin ,thanked Me. Stewart and 'tie students. Ades. J. Bous- sey'e Class won the attendance prize for the month. An l7xeeu- tive meeting was tplan'ned for February 20th at 4 p.rn, at the school, Mrs. A. Y. McLean intro- duced the .panel .of the evening under •t'he direction .oe Ma', Gard- iner, Inspeotor of the Seaforth School, the Rev. 3. O. Bri bten, Dr, J. C. MacLennan, Mee. A. Sit terry, Mrs. R. 5pdttal and Mrs. N. Cardmo, There was a lively ads- .cuss'•ion on the .cliffee'ent aspects of Education, Ake. Mason thank- ed the panel, The Meeting 'closed with "God Save The Queen". A lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed. BLAKE yrs Mary Hey spent .a few day's with Ma's. Dick Brown. On Friday,' Feb. 13, at the Blake Public School, a Valentine Party was field. The committee 111 charge was Surly Oosch, James Finlay, Charles Erb, and Susan Oesch, The sohoel was decorated by the pupils. Paul Erb, Emma Finlay an•cl Mary Margaret Oeacil distributed the valentines, Every- one enjoyed the party. Mn, Hamlet Finlay and family visited with Mr, :and Mrs. Canhp• bell McKinley and Robert. KIPPEN • efee and Mrs, P. Wright and Mrs. R. 3, Wright entertained at dinner, Tuesday, Pet, 10th in houev .aftlhei • Atrnl. and Uncle, platen. 'Cr, and Mrs. Nelson Treevartla, Clinton, it being the occasion of Mr. '(h'ewarbh.a's 80th. bi1'tiLilay, Other guests 'present intended Mrs. Peter Addison, of Elliott Lake, who Is a daughter o1'' Mr, and. Mee, Pt'nwnn ilut, +'Ir. Robert ,hlOIlw'ain S1'., Cloclencer; lir, end 4t Mas. Stanley '1redlevath; Messrs, Everett and Maurice 1'icllwaih, all of Goclerlelo twee ENGAGEMENT The engagement is anai'ouncod o•f Ruth Oluisterie, .daughter of Mrs, Roy Bo'own, and ithe late Roy Ileowa1 to Mr, Carlyle Carter, son orf Mr, and Itee, Mervin +Ca'rter of Ciandeboye, The Marriage to take .place 0n March 7 at 3 pean. in ]Oghvondville United Church, Authorized as Second Claes mail. Post Office Pert., Ottawa Snowdon $roe., Publishers uhU,000000 1011111.1111,11111,1111,1111511111111,111111101111111111 0000000""n,"nu'"neU,°„"11)NulgUu1..... p1 �'Ui/ Ehe�N� Advertised in leading magazines new coupe shape dinnerware by o ll BW' lt�9` This enduring harvest theme, designed to enhance your table with the loveliest colors of autumn, harmonizes rose -russet, an unusual accent color, with the glow of ripening grain. Come in -see this beautiful new Royal Doulton pattern and many others in our dinnerware collection. S PIECE PLACE SETTING $04.00 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth 25th Anniversary At St. Columban .On Saturday evening Feb. 7th about 05, neighbours, relatives and friends 'gathered at the home et Mr. and Mae. Bowman ou the occasion of their 26th 'wedding anniversary. During a social evening of cards and danc- ing the following address was. read by Jack Walsh. Dear Frank an•d Annie: It was a winter much like this bask in 1934 that Flank Bowman and Annie Dalton were united in Holy Matrimony at St. Columban Church. Although we are a few days in advance, Feb. 12th being the 'date, we thought we would hasten to make sure we would not be late. Tonight a few of ;your neighbours, friends and family have gathered here to cel- ebrbate with you the 25th an11i- versary of rola wedding, and to give you in a small way some idea of our appreciation of your fr'ieudehip and neighbounneess, Both o8 you have .added +many friends to your alre . ad ion 1' Y g list in the last 25 years and no one has ever asked tor help from you that eves not forthcoming wheth- er in times of trouble or joy. Now may we leave with you, the st11 happy couple, this remem- brance of your 25th anndverasry, not that it compares in any waY with the value we , place upon your friendship batt duet as a re- minder that we were there to- night and hope to be invited to EL bigger celebration 25 years from now. Signed on behalf' of Your f amt ti 1 y, neighbors and friends. A presentation of a chester- field, two step-up ,tables, + match- ing coffee tables and lamps was made. A +hearty thanks by �AIr, and Mrs. Bowman was extended to all 'present especially to 'those who spouson'ed this 'celebl'a:tien, CROMARTY Alr, and :qrs. l+'. Caeldck, Sitar - 'on and Donald, Landon, and ALr', and Mrs, H, Elliott and Susan, of Windsor attended the Wallace - Spence wedding on Salurcley and vieited with ally, and Mrs, John i Wallace on Sunday. Mealy relatives from Cromarty and distr iet attended the funeral of the .late Mas, John G. Scott in Mitchell an Satnrdsty. Mr, and ;Wes. D. Gale, Mitchell, twor'.o Sundae visitors with Mee and 1trs, G. Teeing, 160'. lien Walker of London spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs; 0. Wullcer, I a', Will Hamilton it 0, Patient in St, Joseplh's I10s01ta1, Lon1104), M1', anti Mr's, A. Alidler and 'the fantail', Staffa, were gtl0sts of Mr. and Mss, Robert Laing o11 Sunday, •Mr, and Airs. C. Coleman visit- ed on Sunday with Mn•, and Mrs. T. Laing, The ladies of Cromarty congre- gation met with the Steffe. ladies Tor the World's Day of Prayer Service en Staffa Ohuneh on Fri - clay, Messrs, Robert Laing, Eldon Allen, Gorden Ladng and Jack Butson were guests at the De- Kalb Corn were, Banquet at Hooic''s Restaurant, London, last Tuesday, where they were each +presented with a "100 Bu:sleel. Club" Certficate. Robert Laing achieved the ,tom percentage in all .of Canada for whish he 'received a gold trophy and a chest o1 silverware. He also received a plaque for placing time in Perth County 1yit11. 131.49. bushels pee acre. Eldon Allen re- ceived a pen and pencil set for Placing second. with 129,39 bars. per. sere, and Geedton Laing re- ceived a watlilet 'for Placing third lwith 118.04 bus. nee acre. 'fa'. Jack Batson and Ma•. Bert Feil of St011a were also winners with 107.88 bus, .per acre and 95,52 bus, per acre respectively. We eon'ga'aitslate these young men on winning such high hon- ors in the contest, tll135. JOHN 5'. SCOTT Mrs. John G. Seabt, d'lussellclale, the former Mary ''Henry of H'ib- ,bett tevp, plied in the Stratford General Hospital on Thursday. She had been a patient since Monday, 'Born ,in Hibbert two. Oct. 30th, 1883, sh0 was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and :firs. Wil- liam Heavy. She resided in Bib - beat meta 1938, when she moved to •Russcldale. In 1905 She was manrteed to John G. Scott who survives. Also surviving are three daughters, Mee, 3. (Jean- ette) Coltman, T'ooioutto; Mrs. El- mer (Mary F.) Dow, 'Hib'bea•t; Ales. 'Roy Dew, S-Iibbent; one bro- ther Widddaan, Heneall; and five grandchildren. The 'funeral was held at. the I3eath•Leelio tfumewl home, 'Mitchell, on Satueday,'•tvltdh Rev, A, H. Dayear(d o1 t leg's and Stern, officiating, assisted, by Rev. Geo. Lan1•o'nt, Mitchell. Bur- et WAS iu Sta.fia 00111.0e17. DUBLIN Mrs, D. Loftus, Toronto, with Air, ansi Mrs, Hugh Itelly. Mira, P, ,Torcljaon in Aneaster with lite and Mrs, A. Jordisen, Mr, and 'Mrs. Prank Beane in Kileltener with Mr, and Mrs. F, 17on11, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ktatuelcspf and two chtlelreu 111 London, with 2,Ii', and Ma's. Jer'onme Ni'cholsen, Mrs, G. +brayntaai of Deep Ttiv- er• with Mr, end 'hr's. F. Meanie