HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-12, Page 7"To Sweep Cobwebs From l The Sky" This isn't much of a thesis, and won't out any ice. It just hap- pened that I said, the other even- ing, that I was unimpressed by these efforts to get modern man off the ground and amongst the galaxies of yonder, "For," I said, "I knew a woman once who went up 70 times as high as the moon I" Somebody said, "Oh, that's right—she went up in a basket!" "No," answered I. "She was test up in a blanket" "It was a basket' "Nope, a blanket.' Sowe got Mother Goose down, and in this book it was a blanket, and we spent a most pleasant evening with some wonderful book folks we hadn't visited since the children were so high. One woman said she went, a - shopping recently and tried to buy a Mother Goose book, and couldn't get one. They had a wonderful assortment of books for children, and the man tried to persuade her to buy some- thing more modern and "better", He seemed to think there was something treasonable in want- ing a Mother Goose at all, but yielding to insistence he at last brought out a beautiful book of {"Mother Goose Tales" which in - eluded "The Three Bears", "Red RIding Hood", and "Whittington and his Cat'"! The lady said she was just browsing and went home to think about it, I made a small tour after that just curious( and found the lady o is right. They had a wonderful selection of "juveniles" duly ap- proved and recommended by whoever it is that has presumed to pass on juveniles. I thanked them, and said I was just brows- ing, There was a time we got con- siderable academic discussion about the "fitness" of Mother Goose for children — indeed the fitness of all the old favorite nursery amusements was ques- tioned. Children's literature was "cruel and gory and gruesome", and shouldn't be lodged in e budding mind. I worried a good deal about the people . who thought they.. understood such things, reveal- ing therewith that they didn't— I never worried much about the children. "I'll grind his bones to make my bread" might lift goosebumps on a horrified adult, but I happened to know the children didn't much care. All that ever .suggested was that N.L. ROOKIE OF YEAR — San Francisco Giants' first baseman Orlando Cepeda, above, has been chosen .through Baseball Writers Association balloting as National League Rookie of the Veal'' for .1958. DRAWING A BEAD. — Hunting for twigs instead of animals, is forester Hugh Hill. He uses a .22 -calibre rifle to shoot off the ends of branches from a superior pine tree. The twigs will be grafted to rooted stock to grow .high-quality 'trees for the wood. pulp industry. Gram/rile repeated it in a hollow, giant)ook voice, and crunched the youngster to her in a squeez• ing hug, and mauled him gently until he gurgled and giggled and said, "Ag'in, gammie!" Ah; well . . But here, suddenly, was .this "old woman" tost up in a blan- ket. Completely anon y m o u s, thoroughly unidentified, she had used no count -down, had com- puted nothing, knew no radar or electronics, and without the slightest allowance fbr error had done what the greatest modern, minds haven't been able to do. She gave us no double-talk about defense and civil liberties, and had. no urge of international competition. She had simply gone up with a broom to sweep cobwebs — a neat, motherly, 'housewifely chore admired on every hand — and she had said not to worry a bit, as she'would be back soon. The .little jingle has in it every philosophic ad- monition we need for our own times, and it is scientifically cor- rect with our latest knowledge. Great truth and perspicacity prevail in Mother Goose. We should, consider, for instance, the mad father the mad mother, and the mad children who climbed madly on a hOrse and rode mad- ly away. This hould be con- sidered; it is vital. And take the old woman (another "old' -wom- an" of course) who lived under the hill. If she' not gone, she lives there still. There ' is no equivalent example in all the high statements of our knowing era of a similar logic. I have heard nothing from anybody which even approaches the in- disputable clarity of this remark, You let one authority say. something, and another will jump on hien — even in areas where opinion is ruled out we have opinions. But you cannot quarrel with this old 'woman. There is a lesson here. and 1 wish I knew what it is. All else is transient and fleeting, amend- able and provisional — but the old lady is permanent and im- movable through the incontro- vertible coefficient of "if". Where else, but Mother Goose, could you look for such assur once? And yet Mother Goose is more andmore seldom, and. "better" books` are .urged upon the child. Still, how can any such ancient lore be "sold" to people now? This is today, pro- found , and advanced, and the Queen has pressing problems of social, economic, and political hue to worry about. She would not fry pudding for breakfast. Welfare has eliminated the beg- gar for dogs to bark at, and ladies no longer ride "Prim, prim, prim!" The woman I mentioned told me her desire to buy a Mother Goose came while watching a television show. A mother of seven was up with a chance for the grand prize, and the man said, "Now your category' is Mother Goose, What did Jdck swap for a hatful of beans?" Just what Mother Goose has to do with Jack and the Beanstalk is one thing, but the Mother of Seven didn't know. anyway. My friend decided it was time •!o brush up on such things in her own family. She said she thought for days about the Mother of Seven who knew no Mother Goose, or any Jack or Jill, and who wouldn't know what it's like to cuddle ar wee one in his clean:, fresh pajumpers while he nestles against you and looks up with the bedtime, story - time, shine in his eyes. -by John Gould in The Christian Science Monitor. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I take proper care of winter geraniums? A. Geraniums should not be kept too warm or watered too much for winter blooming.. They should be kept just wet enough so that the ground looks dry most. of the time; and they do best in • full sunlight. Q. How can 1 make curtains hang evenly after laundering? A. Slip curtain rods • through the lower hems and leave -them there for a few days. They will straighten the curtains. WINTER, TO BRITISH First Class from Tourist Class SPRING PORTS: Thrift -Season $274 ONE-WAY from $179 $179 • (Summer Season Rates AND SUMMER Rates TO FRENCH PORTS: FROM First Class from $284 Tourist Class from $184 Apply After April 14) VESSEL FROM NEW YORK FROM HALIFAX TO QUEEN ELIZABETH QUEEN MARY MAURETANIA SYLVANIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA SAXONIA MEDIA PARTHIA SYLVANIA CARINTHIA IVERNIA ' SAXONIA Feb, 11,.28, Mar, 18, Apr. I Mar. 11, 25, Apr, 8 Feb.7, 27, Mar. 21, Apr. 7 Feb. 6, Mar, 6, Apt, 3 Feb.20, Mar, 20 - fob, 13, Mar. 12, Apr.9 Feb. 26, Mor, 26 Mar, 13, Apr, 10 Fab, 27, Mar. 26 .,, FROM MONTREAL Apr. 29, May 21, Jule 12, July 3 Apt, 13, Mao 7, f29,'tJunel9,tJuly 10 *May 7, Juno 4, 26, July 17 *Apr, 23, May 21, June 12, July 3 — — — Feb, 7, him.. 7; Apr. 4 , Feb. 21, Mar, 21 Fob, 1.1,Mpr. 13, Apr, 10 Feb, 27, Mar. 27 — , — FROM QUEBEC Apr, 30, Moy 22, June 12, July 3 Apr. 14, Moy 8,f29,'Nuna 19,YJaly 10 *May 7, Juno 4, 26, July 17 oApr. 23, May 21, Juno 12, July 3 Cherbourg, Southampton Cherbourg, Southampton x WestbellesCruise, Cobh, Liverpool Cobh, Liverpool Havre, London (Tilbury) Hovre,london (Tilbury) Liverpool Liverpool (Via Bermuda) Greenock, Liverpool Greenock, Liverpool Havre Southampton Havre,' Southampton *To Havre, London !Tilbury) -• t Ta Liverpool only ' See your loin) agent -- IES No one calf serve you better %fifes INP? For free illusfr ated SUNSHINE 6{tU1SIS ''CWNARD•LINE mailreclip this ad and MpU pN1A and o your nearest. 71h -- FEB• 271h Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts., Cu nam Once with your fEB- r Avg. 71h address. NIX 21st Toronto, Ont. Tel: EMpire 2-2911 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? MANUFACTURERS agents for Saskat- chewan. Write J & M Sales and Service, Box 902, Estevan, Saslr. AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exciting 13005x• • wares, watches and other products not found In storos, No competition, Prof- its up to 600%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate cont- denttal wholesale prise sheet, Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence. Montreal. BABY CHICKS TIME -TESTED Performance since 1920. Day-old 'Chicks available weekly from The Fisher Orchards 1n Red X Col. Rock and White' Legh0rns. Take ad. vontoge of our early order savings on day-old pullet chicks, Write for cats• • logue - and prleeltst, The Fisher Or. chards, Burlington, Ontario. BRAY Chicks for the early markets. Promptshipment on day -olds and some started Broiler Chicks, Ames, dual pur- Pose cockerels and pullets. Order February Mareh now. Request price list. See local agent or write Bray' Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service that Is ideal and Inexpensive. We keep Your records for -$2.00 per month. More information write - Audltax. c/o 230 Herbert, Waterloo, Ontario, , BOOKS THOUSANDS of Books, every subject 100 and up. Mal Order, Medical, Puz• zles, Sex, Love, Crime, eta Catalogues 250,. Pasquanton, 371 East 204th Street, Bronx 67, New York, FEMALE HELP WANTED CATHOLIC Family requires Mother's helper, Large home centrally located in Toronto. Live in, Must be fond of chil- dren, Write F. Fey,.123 Glenrose Ave., Toronto, Ont. WOMAN wanted for general house- work, gentile home. Live In. Meat be abstainer. Please state wages desired. Mrs. Williams, 25 Pheasant Lane, Tor- onto 18, Islington. FOR 'SALE CHINCHILLAS. for, sale. Good Profit to raise them. Can be kept in house. . Write Mike Ignash, 233 Cocksfleld Ave., Downsview, Ont. CREASEPROOF Woven Wool Ties! Spe- cial Offer $1.50 each 3 for $4.00, post- paid, Duty free, satisfaction or money back. _.Overseas Trading Co„ 2890 Esp- lanade, Victoria, B.C. TINSMITH'S used machines — Bender, Turner, Rollers, ,Folder, Groover, etc. W. 0, Jones, 00 Woodbury Rd., Toronto- 14. I.E.L. PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Reconditioned, new saw guarantee — new low prices — shipped prepaid — write for free list today $Wilsor- Wilson Mar- ine Limited 15. Bay St., Parry Sound, Ontario. SCOTCH Pine transplants $20.00 per thousand. Special price on larger quantities. Complete wholesale cata- logue on ' request. Mayfarm Nurseries, Galt, Ont. SERVICE station, repair garage. 511 fully equipped.. good gallonage, 58.500.. 92,000- down, stock at invoice, at Little Britain. M. 0. Tindall. Realtor. 43 Bond St. W.. Oshawa. RA. 8.0429. FOR SALE REGINA Princess Knitting Machine. Very little used, Mike. Ignash. 233 Cocksfleld Ave., Downsview, Ont. NUTRIAS• FOR SALE: Unique opportu- nity to take over good Imported stock of nutrias. Few only available. In Al- binos Champaign,: ' 3 months old fe- males 5100,00. 2 months old males $75. Black Browns Hair for 9250.00.'Green- oto.rcp14 airs ldChek how law priced, for third or leas of real value. STRPORT CREDIT..vOnt. ron Dr. INSTRUCTION EARN More I Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship. Shorthand. Typewriting. etc. Les. sons 506 Ask for free circular No 33..• Canadian Corresoondence Courses 1290 .Bay Street, Toronto MEN R WOMEN ENROLMENTS ACCEPTED NOW FOR DAY AND 1TVENTNG COURSES INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS RADIO & TELEVISION CIRCUITRY COLOUR TELEVISION For full information mail this coupon, phone or write, to your nearest RADIO ELECTRONIC TELEVISION SCHOOL 377 Talbot Street, London 329 Ottawa St, N,,; Hamilton 15 .King Street N.. Waterloo 124 Geneva Street, St, Catharines Name Street Town Maugham On Money World-famous author Somer- set Maugham, who is 84, an- nounced recently that he has written his last book and plans to spend much of 1959 revisiting parts of the world he knew 30 or 40 years, ago. His brilliant ,novels and plays are known and appreciated in all countries, Critics are declaring that'quite a number of them are masterpieces which will survive for hundreds of years, Says Maugham: "Few serious writers' can be indifferent to the fate that will befall their works after death. It is pleasant to think that one"may be read with interest by a few generations and find a place, however small; in the history of English litera- ture." Maugham once declared that he would be quite happy if he lived to be 75 and,had no special' ,desire to become a • .centenarian, He loves travel and hag travelled farther than any living writer to obtain material for his plays and novels, Maugham's ' philo9ophy? "On the whole,,I don't take people at their face value," he declares.', He has also said that "money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make the most of the other.five," He has made more money than most writers, No one is so busy as the man Who has nothing to do. • 0 e ` r MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY -- Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should fry DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa , $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE DANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. itching scaling and burning eoze• ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema wil respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubbornor hopeless they peens. , Sent Post Free on Receipt of Prloe PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 7065 59. ciao Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED To train for a most interesting and. satisfying profession, Learn to help yourself and others enjoy better health. For free information and charts; CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MASSAGE 18 Farnham, Toronto 7, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LEARN AUOTIONEERING. Term Soon. Free catalogue, Reisch Austlon Col- lege, Mason City, lowa, America. MONEY Maker! A Travel business you can run from your home, Practleally no investment, No experience required. W. Anderson, 3933 N. Clarendon, Chica- go 13, Illinois, START Mailorder Business at -home! Receive 5 Guaranteed Money.making Plans. Get on our List. Free +details. Egeres Service, Box 7, Wayne, New,, Jersey, USA. NEW PLASTIC NECKTIES MAKE top profit 40 terrific patterna, no competition, look like silk every man a prospect. Demonstrator $1.00. Details free. Atlanta Import. Box 5L Station E, Toronto. WORIL available In Auto hauling to Ole West if You can qualify and own or can purchase late model Tractor, Contact Dominion Auto Carriers Ltd. Highway 98, Windsor, Ontario, 1 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignfled profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESING SCHOOL 355 floor St. W -.Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENTS FETIIEISSTONHAUGH' & Company Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave„ Toronto Patents, pH countries, PERSONAL FREE Booklet; The Kingdom. of God. When and how it will come. Who can participate. Write, John Gizen, Prelate. Sask. DETAILS FREE! For hard to locate Products and items, or Manufacturers. Send Name and Address to: Location Service Bureau, Box 37-5 Almond, Wis- consin, U.S.A, GURANTEED protection for Birth, Marrlage Receipts and personal rec. ords sealed by you, but filed with Safe. For Information write: Safe. Box 13. Redlands, California. — DIABETIC — •.DIETETIC foods, flour, jams canned fruits Jmeakfast flaklns, rolls, gum, chocolate bars and other items for the diabetic person. Mall orders sent. Fisher Drugs, 739 Richmond St. (near C.P.R. station) London, Ont. LEGAL Forms for WM, Don't rite without a WWI Two forms and do -it instructions for $1.00. • (Will has been drawn up by Canadian lawyer). Stationery Box 145. Gravelbourg, Sask. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB .. BOX 31, GALT, ONT. FILMS developed and 8 magna prints 400 in album. 12 magna prints 604 in album. Reprints 50 each. RODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not Including prints). Color prints 350 each extra, Ansco and Ektachrome 36 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints from slides 350 each, Duplicate transparencies 250. each. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 25 assortment' for $1.00 Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed In plain sealed package plus free Birth Con- trol booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western Distributors. Box 24 -TF Regina. Sask. END OF WORLD ARMAGEDDON. Mark of the beast. Modernism. 144;000. Did Jesus pre-exist? Astounds Students: Silences Critics, Send 250, to: Legate, Rocanville, Sask. PET STOCK BUDGIES, champion class breeding Stock, singles, or. pairs, ,guaranteed. Write: Aviaries. 2 Edgewond Gardens. Toronto POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK "YOU get the best for least' Save 500 on Non -Sexed and $1.00 per hundred on Pullet chicks• by ordering before Febru- ary 26th for delivery anytime. This dis- count applies on all breeds except Kim- ber and broilers, We are now hatching egg breeds- Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode Is. land Red, Warren Rhode Island Red, California Grey X White Leghorn, Dual Purpose — Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red. New low price for 1st Generation Non - %Sexed Vantress X Nichols No. 108 broiler chicks. Early order booking dos. count of $2.00 per hundred for roasting turkeys — 33 r 0 0 d Breasted Bronze, Thompson Large Whites. Also hatching broiler turkeys. Try K-137 Kimberchiits this spring for higher egg receipts next fall, Kimber pullets lay large white eggs to bring you bigger market pre- miums. Wo aro now selling the future mothers Of Canada's commercial swine the BlueSpotted pigs. Also registered Im- ported English Large Black ',unrival- led 00 dams of first cross litters," and Landroce swine, as well as Aberdeen - Aligns Cattle. Free Catalogue, Price, List. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO ISSUE 6 — 1959 It c H STOPPED IN AIIFFY or mosey back Very Ord use of soothing, cooling liquid D,D.D, Prescription positively relieves raw red itch= -caused by ncaomn, raphes, scalp Irritation, ohaf,ng--other Itchiroufsl05, Grcondaas, etalydess, 300 trial bottle must satisfy or money back, Dd111. sager. Ask your druggist for 5.0, 0. PRESOOlfrict , POULTRY WE have 8000 Mount HOP' Quenn Leg horn Pullets at present 3 to 4 membri old, We also have Red X Sussex, Red X Rock, Sussex X Red every week of year, any age. They are all vaccinated,. Phonewormed, within1c100 end Write 05 60, one n t lst000k, o eoultry Market. Phone PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED waste farm land also cut over bush lots for hunting, William O'Brien, Coo Hill, Ontario. WANTED low priced acreage, any size, also 1,000 ft, or more lake frontage, reasonable for cash. Box 177, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. REAL ESTATE FARMS -BUSINESSES -ACREAGES . NONE TOO LARGE OR T00 SMALL. LIST WITH US SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. OKER BOX 137, PORTER, GHLA DBCREEI , ONT, SEEDS SEED FOR SALE CLINTLAND Registered No, 1 Oats, 1st Generation, H. R, McKim, Quality Seeds, Dresden, Ontarle. MU. 3.2511. STAMPS AND COINS CZARIST RUSSIA- 25 different mints only 25 cents with approvals, Exoello Stamp .Company P.O. Box 218 A Sta. tion B, Montreal 2, (Que), FREE 52 -page magazine and pamphlet explaining how you may exchange your surplus stamps •with fellow members by joining: Stamp Collectors' Exchange club, Arkona 23, Ontario, FREE 40 Exotic Giant Pictorials! Free ,144•stamp Worldwide Mix! Free Stamp Newspaper! Free Illustrated Bargain Lists! With approvals. Rush 100 for postage. Philateltcs. Dept, Y. New Palle. N.Y,- 51 DIFF. U.S. and Japan Souvenirsheet only 250. Schmitt Stamp Service, 730 S. Jackson, Green Bay, Wis. U.S.A. ILLUSTRATED Price List of coins. Coin catalogues and coin collectors' supplies 250,1f wanting to sell coin and notes wend 250 for illustrated Premium List of Canada and Newfoundland. Canada Coln Exchange, 00 Richmond Street East, Toronto, THE famous British line of Rankin Stamp Albums and Accessories in- cludes albums from $1.25 to $50.00 and accessories from 10 cents to 511.00. Write for our complete catalogue. The. Ryerson Press, 299• Queen Street West. Toronto 2-13, Ontario. WANTED ' Gold and silver coins. Win pay high prices. Write for free price list to P.O. Box 655. Postal Terminal "A" Toronto Ontario.• _ 100 DIFFERENT Free to approval appli- cants. R. Mackenzie, 11575 Fredmir Blvd., Montreal, VACATION. RESORTS ARE you looking for a quiet restful place to spend u winter vacation? Our Canadian guests return year after year. Comfortable apartments, complete kit- chens in a real desert setting, with beautiful view 'of the mountains. Close to all facilities, 11 miles below Palm Springs. Writefor our reasonable rates. White Chimneys Apts., Box 051, Palm Desert, California, WINTER RESORTS LEARN TO SKi at • LiMBERLOST LODGE with • JOSL HUTER, C.S.I. Two 1000 ft. Tows. Four Downhill Trails. Wide practice Slope Limberlost features all-inclusive Ame- rican Plan rates, averaging $10.00 per day. No tow fees or other extras. Com- plete ski rental and repair service. Three hours from Toronto. Five Day 542.50Monday Friday All Wintr LIMBERLOST LODGE Box 54 Limberlost Ontario Phone: P.O., Huntsville, Exs MERRY MENAGERIE �YWry"vmv0e tauM,IMYIrtrr,...,,ve,... 11.20 r — fUx uY 'She's not (that she used to be—but she's got a lot of good nil.' r^ ,, ,. y.,,,, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! DIAL -A -PACK NEEDS'RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN To collect and service Prom new type cigarette dispensers. No sell- ing, but car, available time and re qu0ired. 7 t0 to o $1,975.00 ours weekly' up to $300.00 per month possible. For local interview write qualifications and phone number to: DIAL A -PACK P.O. BOX 1052 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Know More About The HOLY TLE Free Correspondence Course on "WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES" 12 Simple Lessons For All Ages •WRITE TO EMMAUS BIBLE SCHOOL 382 George St. S. Peterborough, Ontario SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS tAtialtle T04OR110I11 To be happy and tranquil Instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedldn tablets according to directions, SEDICLN* $1.00—$ 4,95 TABLETS Live scores osfr,