HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-02-12, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 81 FIREMEN CHARGE 12' MAN BRIGADE IS TOO SMALL Seaforth Council at the h'egu-' from the Fire Brigade, The letter ofdismissalMr. Clarke said,, eon- twined no reason for the dismiss- als. Failing to meet With the fire and water eotamittee of the coun- cil they had brought the matter to council The ,members should have been notified and called to a meeting of the Fire Brigade. The fire chief had not acted in accord• ince with the bylaws, Mr. Clarke pointed out. Councillors disclaimed any knowledge of the bylaw. Mr. Clarke gala he had a copy with him. Councillors suggested they be given a chance to study the by- law and then meet with the dis- missed men. John C, Crich said we are a. volunteer brigade, we are voted in by the brigade and the custom has been that at any meeting night :the brigade is asked if there are any suspensions Or dismiss- als, Instead, we got a letter, he said, •and next day a private meet- ing was held of the remaining members. Actually, he charged Jack Scott was not fire chief when he sent out, the letters, be- cause his is a yearly appointment and he had not yet been reap- poihted.. "I do feel twelve men cannot :protect the town," Mr. Crich said. ''Three of the firemen work out tot town and are seldom avail- able, -Ong man is on the bus and often away, and another is et the P.U.C. Six or eight men are sup- posed to answer rural calls. How many firemen are then left tri town?" Mr. Crich asked. Fire Chief Scott; "How many attended. When have you helped at any fire or helped roll up.hose" John Crich: • "Well, for that matter, what did you do at the Topnotch fire?" Chief Scott: "I did •what.I was supposed to do." . - Councillors intervened in the discussion at this point, and a meeting of the Fire and Water committee was set up for Feb. 12th at 8 p.m. with Councillor' Rivers, chairman, and Council- lors Ball and Habkirk and Mayor Christie. 7m the •finance committee report Councillor Brady said it was, pro- posed. to place $25,000 insurance on the former shpe factory build- ing. Chairman Habkirk of the street committee said drain troubles were many and sump pumpsare being used. Snow removal and eanaing had cost an extra .$400 oyer regular plowing._ A request, from T. Wilbee for a street 'AMA at the west end. of Market street was granted. Chairman John Baldwin of the property committee; took the council on a brief inspection tour of the work in progress an the second floor of the town hall. lata' February Meeting on Monday night alltluorized ,the Bi'nanee cont- 'm4ttee to Study a pension 'plan tar town ems l'oYees, Other lbusi- teas included hiring Andrew O;al- • der ab third '.constable tot tall ttane, Progress was repeated h1 establishing a cemetery ;commit, sten and it was learned' that St. d'iumea' congregation is daln'ttgy Interested in the plan alealg With :other churches, The dn'attrlal committee was dnstruetbd to eon - tach Lloyd Michel, Bhrbssels real estate mean, 'vale hail offered to extensively audreartAbe the old Sea - forth Shoes plata. The Ere and Water eontmuittee agreed to (hear charges 'o.8 seven disntilsaeca• ilirenen of unfair ltareabmenb iby the fire chief aisd rat •pei'li •Seaforth by a 12•anan bri'g'a Th. ,Erma Intro introduced David Stwat, of North ,anericah Like 'who gave details of .a ipbltsion plan `tor town emplayeek. The plan'regiikmes a per :sent conttri- butaen from oratlrloyh'e "and also from lite tatvn. •Nbtmial-retire- anent age is 65, blit :Petite and fireman lrettie at 60. Ire enrpleY- ment as lteam:Mated, the employ- ee is tattled to all oanbadbutians Plus '6% per :gent. The tawti''s filial e, Ib 'sial;ila2ix: t'efundecl. A ,special meeting o8 the finance 'committee will be held ito'study 'the. Ipdan, A service charge ' Of 6$9;000 "Or $48.00 is :made anaaard- :ing to .the annual pn'emluea. A'delegaition train the Teeti- :agars was introduced.ti Police (Chief Eimer Hutali:inson and Keitsi-tPebb'ick `asked council 4f !Ere' Teen 'Agars •could have the "Use of the Memorial Hall onee 'a 'month '18or'less Shan the regular '$20 'fee. He also asked about re Idecaraating the top S'toor of the 'town hall, offering tJhat the boys would do the Mark If tlae council woadd! purchase .asinta.• Mayor. Christie and Comicillor'Baldwin said at would 'be taken lti' - with the arena eommidssioii about a lower ,rate, and as to 'redecorating it was not advisable this year. Last- year the first .Floor ,of the town tall had been remodelled, this ,year the second floor is be- ing 'done and aiext year tt was hoped to Six uaa the top Floor. ,Counoil'lor Nelson Caardno re - posted that John Mackenzie had told him the Badminton :Club de defunct and if tale Teen. Agers could make use of the equipment consisting of raquets, nets, dish- , es, they would be very welcome. Mr. 'MacKenzie had expressed the thought thaat badminton would 'be. • a suitable game for .the young people and in time it was possi- 'bJe they might revive the Bad- t m'inton 'Club. Counoltlor Baldwin suggested rthe•mse of oolared, plastic pen- - nants which are available from 'the •,arena. These -could be strung :across the Stall to make it more aattractive and tide the ,club over ,dill • next year, with the arse of the ;arena one night a month, • Chief 'Hutchinson said he un- alersto0d the pennants were •fire - •proof, or llama proof. He said he 'hail -been :,Fold that same of the (Council 'were .opposed 'to the teen- age eenage 'group :twang the 'townllhell be- cause •of !the 1'haza>rai ,of the ',toot floor- 'Oolmetllors 'a.11 'tleniell •any :op- position. Mr. Hatubllest= -said :the present :saline lin the town !hall is Bar wider than, the one lin the community eentne, sad that -strict non sin lelag ds observed. !•'1b:. ;Hutchinson said over 200 young - eters had been, at the hall •Saber, ,day nigbt. Council:lars were pleas- ed at ,the success of llae Teen Agers. rite Chief Scott said a fire ea- nape is eomputeory .on a three- -storey building and If anything happened council was !fully re- 0ponstble, 181e said same rape is ,avaiielble at .the fire hall and four roles might be fastened at the Windows at the hack. Mr. Hutchinson said the Teen- ere had offered to pay $10 a night for the community hall, and eounea thought something could be arranged 18 the club would provide a het of the dates they want lt^ They hayo asked far it for Valentine night ,and algo April 4th when an orchestra from Lon- don to to come, Fire Chief Scott gave his monthly report, He said the Fire Marshall had givenit local prop orty until April: 27 to, be put in -order, Firemen Protest M. E. Clarke way spokeeman SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TWJRSDAY, FF.13RUARY 12, 1959 SIM a Year Autliotized aa SeSond Class mull, Peet Office Dept., Ottawa $eswdan Bros., Putaiahore Stairs for'Town Hall He explained that the' ne stairs will be located facing th main entrance of the town hal The steps will go up to• a landin five feet below the level of tb present floor upstairs. The land ing will go south to the wall'an connect with' another flight o steps, leading westward. to. 'th second floor. Judge's and Lawyers Room The door into the court roe will have to be closed up and en trance to the emit room will b through the old council chamber At the north east corner of the' court room a new door has been opened into the old firemen' -room. The firemen's room has been divided in two' to make Judge's room and lawyers room Certain details' are to be works out yet. A new plywood floor i being laid in the court room. Seaforth Lumber Limited i contractor. John Lansink is do- ing the work. ,Mayor Christie seat complaint had been made_. about snow not ,aging removed from the side - :meat in front of vacant stores on ,Main street, Town Clerk Wilson ,said the town would have to pass a ;bylaw in order to compel gr own- airs.tenants to clear the snow. Reeve William Ball reported' tar the relief committee: a. new application for relief was receiv- ed. There was discussion shout hospitalization for indigent pat- jents, Reeve= BaIL said he would incl out at Goderich about it, w e 1, g. • e d e m e s a a 9 s For the.. sewerage committee Chairman ;7olrn- Turnlbull said a meeting was held with .the town solicitor and proposed charges set out. The solicitor had forward- ed it to the OWRC, but no answer had. been received yet. Councillor Turnbull asked ff some of the snow could be • re- moved from Goderich street at the main corner where vision is hidden,• Councillor Brachy thought it might he a. good idea to take away some of the snow from Goderich street. The town gets a 50% grant for snow -removal. Mayor Christie was appointed council's r'epresentatiVe to the Midwestern Development Assn, ;Appoint Third:Constable Pollee 'Chief Hutchinson asked allot council intends to do about appointing a third constable, ale' spoke highly of Andy Calder wlio for a group of seven firemen who urs been part time constable, bash been summarily disnhiased Continued on. Page 4 Safety Committee Formed in .Duron On Monday, Feb. 9811, 1959 this past week a 'meeting wake held in the Depantsnemt of Agriculture Board Rooms, Clinton, to organ- ize a County Farm ;Safety Com- mittee to assist with the Province Farm Safety Survey 'witch will start on Mlureh lst of this year. This committee is ,composed of one person Brom each twp. !in Huron County. These people have taken on bhe•meepons'ilbildty of or- ganizing and conducting the sur- vey ivibthin their :respective town- ships. The newly farmed County 'Com- mittee elected Mr, aHIarry Dougall of 'Exeter as 'their chairman: and Mr, Art ,Bolton, Aesoaiate Agri- cultural Representative', es the Secretary Treasurer, Other mem- bers of the committee included: 111hier Rrob'ertsoli, Colborne Town- ship;: Bill Eleton, Morris Town- ship; Jack Knight, Grey Town- ship; Harry Denali. of `Usbor'ne Township; Roy Morena, Stephen Township; Ted Dunn, of Stan- ley Township;: .Lloyd Hendrick, Hay Township; 38i's. Wan• And- rew, Ashfield Township; , Merton - Keys, Tuokerenalth . Township; John rDeeves, of :Godes:Mb. Town- ,slrila; .Earl MoSipadden, Mc101dloP Townsllip; Frank Thompson, 0f last• Wawauosh Township; Blake Alton,- West Wawanash Town- ship; Oscar Kieffer, Turnibenry Township; .Jim Renwick; Howick 'liownehip; NIms. Lloyd Pipe, •of Siullett Towneh1p. In eaoai c1 the townships, these ohadmmen will be enlieting the aid 0f their Bellow farm ,people bo compile a record of the acci- dents happening to all farm • Palls throughout the area. A similar plan will be put into operation in every •townsiptida across the Prov- ince. The purpose :et the survey. de •to gather the facts and Bigures about foam accidents, This re- sea'roh will then the used as: the basis for 'organized farm safety educational program to follow. GROUP 4 .of W. A. Mrs. H.<..Workman 'ropened her home for ear Feb. meeting which was held the evening of Feb. 3rd. Mie. 18. Savange opened the de- votional part of lute meeting with the reading of .a paean after,whlch hymn 388 was sung. The sriip- l u,re 'treading Brom the 4th Chap- ter• of Mark was read by Mrs. Sa- vauge. Mrs. Bryan ,then led in lnayer after which lldrs. Savauge. reead'a poem "The Good Old Days". -Mrs. 1H. Hugild took charge for the !business .part' of the meeting. After the ,minutes were read and adopted the ,toll eall was answered by eaoh person dis- pleyin'g a family :heirloom. This brought to dight some very inter, esting things. Then followed some discussion re the date to hold the Blossom' Tea. Mrs. L. Carter re- ported ion the plans for the Val- entine supper to be held Feb. 12 and plans were 'made for work- ers. Mrs,-•lWorkman and Mre. L, Dale Sr, were appointed a tele- phone oomnvtttee. Rev. Mr-. Work- man was oar ,guest .and gave a very interesting resume :of :his life and • work in the various charges he had served. He illust- rated his talk with some very in- teresting pictures. The meeting Closed with the repeating of :the Mizpah Benediction, A social half hour 'followed with lunch be- ing served 'by Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. Walters. GROUP 3 W. A. T11e monthly meeting of Gioup 3 0118 the W. A. of Northside was held at the home of Mrs. Clitf Broaclfoot with 14 memlaers, and 7 visitors present. Abble Seip op- ened the meeting with a poem "Your Gospel", Hymn 485 was sung enol the .Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison. The president, IVIrs. Wan. Bradshaw conducted routine business when 8iva1 plans were made for the Valentine Dinner on, Feb. 12, We were also • :minded of the World Day of prayer, the meeting is in North- side United Ohur011 on Friday, Feb, 13 at 3 p,an, 'Mrs, la. :Berger sad charge of the devotional pro- 6rraan au'd hymn 444 was. sting, Mas, A. 'Mablteson read Psalm 111 for the scripture and Mks. Berger lett in mayer. Mrs. Bioad- foat mead two poems, "Influence" and "How to preserve aChii'dren'", Mrs. R, Dalrymple, Eghnondviille, was. •guest .speaker auci I;okcl of her work with foam ;rubber and tad on 'display .many :beautiful and useful articles. Msrs.--Berger nand e vote•of 'thanks to Llie speaker and to the hostess,' Social Evening. At ''VVanthrop MaKil6ep Federation of - culture ,held a -successful soolal evening at Winthrop hall on Feb. 4811, Progrese'ive euchre was en. toyed at 13 Wyles, Results: La- dies high, Mrs., Graham ICerr; lone hands, .Mr4, Rota Orr; 'eon,, Miss Joyce Payee; Meng high, Mr. Tam ;MeMIitlan•; lone stands, Ma, (Porter Dennis; cons„ Mr. Murray Dennis.' This was follow- ed ollowed by a shoat business period, Sante . Committees were reap - Painted to prepare for another eoeial evening and open meeting on Wed. Mar, 111th, Please keep 411816. date in mind. Lunch was served. Then Cali Hemingway, field:man fon Huron County, came on the scene. After a ,fewlhumor- ous remarks he 'spoke on the necessity of the brucellosis cam- paign and !brought ns up to date on the ,problems •concerning mark- eting of poultry and eggs. The meeting closed with ,God save the Queen, IC. Stewart de president and A.11. Dodds is s•ecr•etwry, HOME AND SCHOOL The Hanle and •Seiko;ol meet on Tuesday, Feb, 17 at 8.15 in Pub- lic Satool. Panel •discussion led by .Imspeotor 'Gardner, Mrs. Nel- son Cardio; Mrs. A. W. Sikdery, Mrs. ISplittal . Rev. Britton, Dr,. 1MaoLemnan- The Si. S. Glee Club will give a couple o8 numbers. MRS. W. F. CARNOCHAN:,- The funeral 'took pisoe Tues- day afternoon from the Whitney funeral home at M'e. Williams F. Car•nochan of Hamilton, formerly .of Hallett towmslvip,' Ma's, °Carato- ohaii had ,been a patient' 611 St. Peter's •InBirmany, of Hartalton,, since two :years ago haat Septem- ber,.when :she took a stroke alt her 'home east of Constance. Boris ,at Beeton, Ont., she was the 8ormea 'Marion McKeown. After. her .marriage to Mr. Carnochan' around 1920, they lived for ten years In ,Prince Edward county. I•n 1930 they pumolhaseil a 50 -acre farm in Hullett from David Ma- son. Mr, 'Camochan died In Nov, 1355. Surviving are two !brothers,' Campbell McKeown, of Erin. and Reuben :McKeown of Toronto,' The 1patlbearert were Walter :Scott, John Thompson, Howard Armstrong, Ross Aidllson, Ken- neth. .lCarnocltan, Stoat -faille, and Ronald Crossman, of Toronto. among atiaose Brom a distance attending the funeral were Mar. R. McKeown, Toronto; 'Mr. and Mirs. Crossman and Ronald, Toronto; Mrs, Dummbrielle, :of I4anulton, UNITED CHURCH NEWS Sunday, Feb, 15th will mails the 204211 Anniversary of the forming o8 the Junior Ohodr :in Northside. It -has been under the Constant daregtion of the present leader, Mass M. Turnbull, On :this annivehsamy occasion tape Junior Choir will occupy the chaatced.,and, lead in morning worship. On the• 1.9th, the: Junior Choir ma tbers will be entertai'ne'd to a supper provided by the W. A.. before 'their regular practise session. Alt the Official Board meeting on Tuesday evening, 'Dr. Paul Brady was elected for a second team as delegate to Huron Pres- bytery and Mr, Sant •Scott :was elected as the alternate. At the Session meeting ar- rangements were made to hold iballatiing to full the vacancy on the Sesslon that occurred on the resignation. 0f .,Dr, J. C. MacLen- nan. The vote will take place the First lSunday in March. A committee was appointed Uy the O12io1 1 Board to oonsider the 'proposed ohauges to take place in relationship of the W0 - men's organizations in the Unit- ed March. This Committee will repoiht t0 SIuron Presbytery their findings as soon as 1posaible. The Official Board were pleas - Lto accept the outside lighting uxe installed by Mr. •Olar•ence Walden and Mr, :Olaf &aad- toot, to illuminate the chancel window. This thoughtful addition is much ap,preolated, and the thanks of the Board was ,dtily re- corded. ORANGE EUCHRE . The Orange 'program eatnnri:ttee held a' very :successful euchre dot the Orange Hall on Friday, Feb, 6 with ,prizes going to the follow- ing: Ladies let, ilirs, J. Oaa'ter; lone, Mrs, W'm, Austn; ,cons„ Mrs. Ceell Lennon, Men's let, Fir, Warden Haney; "lone, Mr, Albert O'Reilly; cone„ Mir, A, Westeott, 'A draw was made on a calve on Which aAdrs, lad {1loyce told ' the 'Stucky ticket, Lady Bowlers Hold Bridge latus. Scott diabki'z'k was ,host- ess to, the ladies' dawn bowling and bridge and :euchre club with eigbit 'tables in play. Mrs, Wm. Hart .ie convenor -08 .these Par- ties, The {prizes :donated by Mies Janet 'fluff and Mrs, Prank Sills Sr„ were nvon by Miss Dorothy Parke and 'Mus. Harold Whyte. Mrs, L. E. Ford, Mrs, •Lioyd Hog- gartlt, Mrs, Tony Phillips and ,pars, IC, 'Tabor, assisted In sere Ing a delicious lunch. Mr's. R. Wright has offered her home for :the February party, The Seaforth lawn !bowling chub has year round activities. These bridge and euchre parties are held monthly from October to May. The bawling !begins as soon as the ,greens are in condition, REBEKAH'S MEET At Monday night's meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge a de- cision was made to open the Feb. 23 ,meeting eit 7.30 pm, as a euchre ,party is 1alaneed to fol- low !the ':meeting. A'donation was made to the Nayy League of Can- ada. Feb.. 2'1st is to be "Family Night" for members of both Fi- delity and Edelweiss Lodges and their :families in observance of the founding od the Oarders. A Penny sale is to follow ate pot- luck diinn•ea-. Mrs. Scott Heablrirk and Miss Jean Scott sire to be co - hostesses tot a "Dessert Beare" on March 11 . at the. Habkirk. homte. Tits public Is invited' to• at- tend. A. home !baking sale anid tea are planned liar March •28 :it the IOW Hall. Maas, 111 Andrews pre- sided, . W. 1. NOTES - The ,postponed Februaa'y meet- ing •08 SeafortJls W.•I. will be held Tuesday, Feb, 24th at 8.30 p.m. in the SDKS with Dr, ,Senpse of Egmondville -as guest speaker. Remember 'the eucha•e Friday night and eaoh member .please bring a Dake. - ROBERT McMARTIN The funeral took place on Fri- day from the ;Whitney funeral hone of Robert McMartin, a for- mer resident of Seaforth, who passed away at the home of his son, Williams, of- Berkley, Mirth. He and his son visited ,here: The late aar. McMartin was foreman for a number of years of the old Geiger and Mollwen flax mill on East .Goderieln. 'street His wiife, the termer Rebecca McMinn, died while..they were in Seaforth. It is recalled that they lived on Geo. Street in .the north-east ward. Burial was in Maitlanclbank cem- etery. MRS. GRACE TATE • A :funeral service was held on 'Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Per Agnes Grace Kers, .the only daughter o'f the late Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Herr .of McKillop who died in Peter'boro on Feb. 5. She was the widow of Archibald Tate, Mrs. Tate was ,barn 54 years ago :on the 7th ren. 08 MaKitop and attended No. 5 and later No. 6 Schools, ,Seaforth High School, and Stratford. Normal .Soltool where she trained as a teacher. ,She taught for some years at No, 4 School in MCILillop and then at Pont Burwell where in 1935 she married .1\41r•. Tate who died in•1944. Since then she has made her bore in Peterboro where este was representative for Avon Ooernetics, During the past two years she bas been ill and seeiously ill since November, pass- ing away early last T•hur'sday.' Mrs, Tate is survived by two brothers John and Jame Kerr of 1'IoKi'll•op. Two brotdhers William and George predeceased ;her, .The service at the Whitney funeral have here was, conducted - by ReV. Dr.. Semple who had been formerly ,her pastor at Pet- erboro, Interment at Aylmer was de- layed on.lionday awing to the ex- tensive main and sleet storm, 0. E. S. EUCHRE A eucceasfnl euchre twee held in the• 1.0,0.18, ;Hall on. Thursday ovenihhg with 16 ,tables in attend, anoe, the prizes were won by the fallow -lag; Ladies 1st, iota's, Dave Pa.pplel lone, Mrs. John McGreg- or, cons„ airs, Glen Steffen.:Meals first, John Trenieer; lon0, 1Mol Steffen; ecus„ Jack McDowell. The Cheater wishes to express their appreciation to all those who attended and anode the even- ing a success, ."No accidents," local police re- port. Driving has been difficult to impossible on country roads, ,:,,,,,"1/,1/,111/11„:„1/,1111111/11„O,,,I,1/11n, iiiii 111111111.1111111 iiiiiiiiiii 11 iii ,l, iiii p,,,,"1/, 1/,1"1",I,"I,InV, .� S171iECT A SMART COSTUME JEWELLERY SET FOR HER VALENTINE GIFT Coro sets are attractively priced at $2.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $15.00 and $20,00. You'll find a wide•variety of Coro necklets, earrings, brooches and bracelets at SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth .1,,,1/„11,,,1,,,,,,,,,,, 1/„","",1/,,,,1/,,,",,,,,,,,,"„„„11.,1/”„Ill, m,,,,1/1/,1/,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,11,,,,,,,1/„11/,11' BOY SCOUTS MEET Regular meeting of the BOY Scouts lovas held on Tuesday with 18 members present..A. Certificate of :l'Ier•i't WAS received barna the Muscular• Dystrophy Association for the pant played by the Scouts in the recent campaign. Group dnstruetion was given in the use of tike compass. McKILLOP P'atneral of James H. Monism The funeral 08 the date James H. Morrison of Maintop tool: place on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Whitney funeral home, Rev. W. al. Snmmerell of- ficiated. Temporary bsu'lal took palace at Mdtohell ruatusoieum awaiting burial later in Maitland - bank cemetery. The pallbearers were Watson Shoildice of MIorris tap.; William Leeming, Stan- ley+ illd'llen, Roy Patrick, Herman Axtmann, Wm. Alexander. Flow- er -bearers, Jas, Axtmann, Peter Dunlop. A. 'prominent breeder of purebred Shorthorn cattle, Mr. Morrison bad farmed on the 10th con. of MOKillap all his life, He was lin ,his 87th year .and was a man 'of stealing qualities. He was the only child of Mcl2illop pion- eers of Inlet descent, Mary Ann Fergusoih and Jahn Morrison, formerly of ,Brockville- I3e was educated at Leadiauty Schaal and Stratford ,Business College, In 1900 he was married to 131dzabeth Hiblen of McKiillop who died in 1987. 1'Ia•, :1lorr.ison ,died its the Scott Memorial Hospital on Tues- day, :Feb. 3rd after an :illness of two weeks', although he had been ailing for three years. Previous to that he had led an active fide. Mr. Morrison was a. member of Cavan United Church, Winthrop• Among those frons a distance wero:Mrs. Harry White ,and Mr. and Ma's. A, White, Shelburne; A•lrs, Fa'etl Heard and Mr. and MK11.7. Charles 1'ickly, of Stratford; :Gtr, Rop EUliott,• Varus; YIr. and Mars. Wsn. Cool: and Mr. Ewen 12oEwen from London; Mr. Jas. Axtiue.nn from. Aliso Craig; -lir. and 'Mae Hat1 Ross and rtnlay fyiunro, W- ren' Niagara. 1'xlls; Mrs, R: 1), Mr. and Mrs, les. Tlotigall, Mr, and Mrs, ken Mc- Dougall from Auburn; Mr, a.ncl Mrs, Wm. Ross and fir, anil Mrs, Loirihe Brown from Clinton; Mr•, and Mrs. Elmer McDonnell 'from Galt. Annual Meeting of Walton Church A pot luck supper preceded the annual. congregational meeting held in. the basement of Duff's Ulliled Mutat en Monday even- ing. Rev. W. M. Thomas opened witat a scripture ,passage from 2 Tim, 4; 1-S and ,prayer, .Mrs, IL Craig was alpoihttedseoretaarytar the evening and read the min- utes of the last annual rneetdng. Twelve collectors were appointed for the ,year. First Quarter, Ken McDonald, Jini Smith, Allen Searle; 'Second Quarter, William Leeming, Bert Johnston, Rae Houston; Third Quarter, Walter Bewley, Heat Travis, Wan, Turn- bull; Fourth Quarter, Jack Bry- ans, Alvin McDonald, Doug Fra- ser. The session report was given by Rev. Thomas. A 'brief remem- brance was observed for those members who had passed anvay during the year. Repeats were heard from all organizations in the •ohureh and all showed that the 'Past year had been very suc- cessful, •Numbers ;between re- ports were presented by lVIarilyu• Johnston, solo; Mrs, R. Malicia ael, reading; Mas. Jan Van Vi•iet, solo; chorus, ,Mary Helen Buchan- an, Barbara Turnbull, Ruth. Rit- chie, Nellie Baan, Gerald Baan, Gerald Smith, Danbara Turnbull, Plano solo;'Cheryl Craig, piano solo; Gordon 1•lrrtahell, recita- tion, Mfr. John Leeming was re-elect- ed' as 'delegate far Conference and Presbytery. The retiring mem- bers 0f ire Board of Stewards were re-elected in the persons of Bible Turnbull, Allen Searle, Art McCall and Campbell Wey. 'rat- ers were re -appointed as follows: Neil MnGavaif, 'Leslie Oliver, Bet•.t. ,Tolineton, Don and Jerry Achilles shish Ronald Smith. Rev. Thomas expressed his apare Hat on to every organization in the church with special recognition to 1[r.. James Clans Som his faithful ser - vire as caretaker' of the efiurir, afar tin Bean a'ePr'esenting the congregation expressed 'thanks and .a,l}preeiation to Rev. and Mas. Thomas: The meeting closed with 111:. and Mrs. Wan, lr'arquluurson, Mrs, Ella .Haa•quliarao•n and lairs, 1). Allison of London were recent Visitera at the home of Dir, and Mr's, W, Brotclfoct,