The Seaforth News, 1959-01-22, Page 81 I SAVE UP TO $i5.00 TIP TOP TAILORS 1l'LEET STREET CLOTHES W. R. JOHNSTON CLOTHES ROYAL YORK CLOTHES ON macre - to - measure SALE ENDS JAN, 28; SO DON'T DELAY Choose frons huoclreds of fine Eng.. lish and domestic all wool worsteds, cheviots, flannel worsteds, twists, tweedsand gabardines i11 fl wide choice of plain shades, new stripes and overeheck patterns, tailored to your individual. measurements 10 the style of your choice, Fit, de- tail in making and satisfaction are guaranteed by us. Let us make up a new spring suit for you now when you can really Save real money, Regular $65.00 Regular $75.00 Regular $65.00 Regular $69,50 Sale 50.00 Sale,i60.00 Sale 55.00 Sale 55.60 CAMBRIDGE Regular CLOTHES 65.00 - 95.00 sale 53.00 - 76.00 SALE OF TOPCOATS Regular 39.50 to 55.00 Sixteen only coats are left in this big clean up sale of men's topcoats, but there is still a good range of sizes available. These coats sold up to $55 in the regular season but are all one of a kind that we must clear out. Choose from tweeds, cashmere types and gabardines in grey, blue grey, fawn and brown. Some have extra zip -in linings. Sizes 37 to 44 1 Stewart Bros. VARNA Stanley District L.O.L. held its annual meeting in the Orange hall on Tuesday last, the follow- ing officers were elected for 1959. Past W.M., Wilfred Castle; W. M„ Lloyd Keyes; D. M., Doug. 'lcreibner; Chap., Oarl Diehl; Rec. Sec., Russel Brintnell; Fin, Sec., Jahn Addington; Treas., 0. Daw- son; Marshall, Wilbur Dining; 1st Lect., H. Webster; and Leet., Chas Pilgrim, The officers were installed by Past District. Master 'Gym. McElwain. The Quarterly Official Board of the United Church wild meet Friday evening of :this week in the Church. The Clinton Jr. Farmers held a skating party in the rink on Tuesday evening last. The United Church Sunday School held Its annual meeting and election of officers and teach- ers lest Thursday evening, HENSALL The posts of reeve, councillor and clerk were filled by appoint- ment at the epecial meeting of village council, ending, at least for the time being a con- troversy that has raged for al- most two weeks, Sohn Henderson, local produce dealer and a member of council for the past 'three years, was named to fill the vacancy created by the resignation Jan. 7 of Reeve Norman Jones over the dismissal of Clerk lames Paterson. Mr. Jones at that time present- ed colleen with an ubtimatum to --re-hare ,Mr. Paterson, the village clerk for 30 years or aecept his resignation. Peter L. McNaughton, long- time resident of Hensel', wee se- lected •from a field of five appli- cants to fill the combined post of clerk, treasurer and tax collector. John G. Lavender, one of'two unsuccessful candidates for coun- cil in the December elections, was appointed to fill the vacancy ore- ated by Mr, Henderson's move to the reeve's chair, The unsuccess- ful candidates had tied in the el- ection, •and tonight's appointrneht was based on largest assessment. Presented 'With Honorary Life Membership On Friday evening five mem berg of Exeter L.O.L. motored to 'the home :of r:41r. Louie Clark Si'., and con, Tuckersma:ll and pre rented him with an Honorary Life Membership for 68 yearn faithful service to the Order. The addnese was read by Hr, Russell 73a'inInell and the presentation ena,de by Mr. Win. Greene, Those attending were Messrs Russell Bldntnell, Exeter; john Webster, Exeter; Douglas Triebner, Exet- er; 10'. Wm, Greene and Mr. F. Harburn, Hensen. The Henselrl Lodge joined with the Exeter Lodge a few yea= ago, Ills. Nichol of London, who spent the past two weeks visiting with her sister and bnoturer•dn-, law, Mr. and :Mrs, Louie Clark Sr. returned to her home this week, • 47t71 Anniversary .lir. and Mrs. Robert Baker Sr, were entertained by their family at a 'dinner at the New Commer- cial Hotel, IIensell, 'on ,Saturday evening, The table was centered with an anniversary cake and was cut ray Ma'. and Mrs. Baker. Later a 'social evening was en- joyed at their hone when they were presented with a chair. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, 'formerly Clara Meade, were manned here and later moved to the West' where they resided until 26 years ago when they moved ibaok, farm- ing at Blake and later moving to Henealll. Their faanddy consists of 13, namely: Glenn, London; Wan- da, Heneabl; Meade and Austin, Stratford; Bruce, serving do Egypt with the United Na- tions •Ar'Ined Forces. Robert ,Jr. Hensall; (Irene) Mrs. Tyndall el Clinton; (Clara) Mas. W. Brown, Seaforth; (Betty) Mas. Grenier, Zurioh, John, Murray, W4ddlam and (Gladys) Mas. Grant Mac Gregor, Remail, BRODHAGEN • Mr, Ralph Scherharth and his bride, of St.,Louis, Missouri, have been spending their honeymoon with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Ed Scherbarth, and sisters and bro- ther. Last Thurnday evening rel- atives and friends gathered in their horror in Flinz's hall. Mr, Edgar Elligsen read the address and the presentation of money was made by Mr. Earl Bennewies, Howard Pinder and Audrey Nor- ris, Mitchell, played for dancing, with Manuel Beuermaml calling for square dancing, Lunch was served. Ralph is with the United. States Army, Masters Martin and Roger Fis- cher of Toronto with their grand- parents Rev. and Mrs, E. J. Fis- cher. Mr. and Mrs, Laveran Wolfe and Mrs, Dick Watson and Douglas and Donald, Centralia, recently with Mr, and Mrs, Watson Sr. Two bouquets of red and white carnations adornod the altar of St. Peters Lutheran Church on Sunday in memory of William A, Simeon, who passed away 20 )•0a1S aaa, Jall, 13, 'Whey were plaeetl 17Y the faintly. , lydl's, Jaok Glooi' (Joan 18161el') tranaferrecl as member froI11 First Lutheran Church to St, Peters Lutheran °hul'ch here, The annual St, Peters eongx'oga- tioilal meeting is being held this Wednesday afternoon: Mr, and Mrs Dalton Hinz Spent last Thursday with Mr, and Kra, Wilfrid Kliulchamer, Elmira. Mi G'h tar Gary c Sollic e was 0 guest of Mr, and Mrs. tau W1lbce, Walton, Friday evening, MI, Win. S. Reihl `is venation- ing in Florida, during his .ab- sence Mr. ltd Bressler, barbel, of• Stratford, will .be here on Wed- nesday and Saturday evenings. BAYFIELD affr, and Mrs, Teal Ancell, and ;family of 'Bay City, Mich., spe*. the weekend with 142,1', and Mas, Fred Arkell, Mrs. Wan. Elliott is ependInga, few clays in Kitchener, L. II, MacLeod suffered a frac- tured hip hast Wednesday and was taken by embmlance to .West- minster hospital, London. The Ladies' :Guild held a ane- oesaful =care party on allridhy evening in the parish hall. Lpndh Wats served by the ladies. The villagetrustees held thein' January meeting on Friday even- ing In the Tplwn Hall. A.ppdica- tions were called for village eon - stable and caretaker, tractor op- erator, and street lights. A deli- lime of Jan. 29th was .set for all three jobs. DUBLIN St. Mary's Ladies Guild, D lin, held their January nreeti in the Sunday School:room of t church, Mrs. Albert Rock open the •meeting and minutes of th previous meeting were approve Officers for 1959 will be the sam as for 1958. Mrs, Tames of Se forth gave an interesting talk o a trip to China. A, quilt was star ed and will be finished at th next meeting. Rev, Mr, Tame closed the meeting with praye and lunch was served, Mr's, Ed Stapleton in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Sanderson, Mrs: Loretta llolyneaux in'Zur-. 'Zur- ich with M. and Mims, Lloyd Etre. Mr. and Mrs. FameiStaple- ton ,in Port Credit with Mr. and Mike. Jim Newcombe. on Mr. Danny Costello of Lond withMr. and ,Mins, Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bannon and children, Galdatidd, with Mrs. 0. Kdstaer an+d Doane, Miss May d ohly, TPlldsronbua'g, with Mrs. Mary Feeney. Mw, and Mrs, Jerry Eckert of Kingsbridge with Ilia'. and Mrs, John Eckert, Mr, and Mrs. L. Nagle, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Nagle, of Stratford, with 'Mr. and ,lams, N. Nagle. .Ma', and Mrs. Jos. Looiby are 'speeding u, month in Florida.Frank Flannery, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery of R. R. 1, Dublin, nearly became a human torch, Thursday at 'Port Jlope, when a .lave agallon can of gaso- line exploded in his hand , nh1le he was working in an overpass .00nstruotion. He leaped through a gap in a tarpaulin and rolled 1n snow to put rout the flames. He suffered severe burns !to tone hand and lesser burns to his body and face. Hort Hope ,firemen put .out the blaze when scaffolding, limiter and tarpaulins caught fire. Flan- nery, an employee ,of Gaffney Construction Company, Stratford, taken to liospitail for treat- ment. Dublin High School News (Marie Schoonderwoerd) Amid the commotion of dismiss- al on Friday, we observed happy .smiles on the faces of grade ten, the reason ? Their new desks had arrived. They are really- com- fortable and will lift a load off the studies, so they say ! We were sorry to hear about Mother Yvonne's injury to her arm when she fell, and Margaret has a sore throat due to quinsey. We hope that they will soon be back and that Mother Yvonne will not have too much pain in. her arm. We are very grateful to the school board, who have purchased for us a new ditto machine. It will really do a lot of service to the school. However one draw back to the students is the teach- ers can make up tests more quickly now, so everyone be on the alert and keep tip your home- work, The year book staff is hard at work. Advertising is coining in every day and our artists• are creating very interesting pieces of work. We are also soliciting patrons. If any of you our read- ers, would like to have your names on ow page of patrons, you may do so by donating $1 to our Yearbook fund before Feb. 1, Question of the week. Why are some girls so worried about the weather forecast for this Friday night ? Du he ed, 0 d. 0- n t- e s McKI LLOP ALBERT McGAV .N The death of Albert George Mo. Gavin, ,lifelong resident off Me- Killop two., occurred at the The mer Nursing Home, Seatortlr, on Monday. M1'. MoGavin, in his 0011 year, had been :in poor health for some time, He was the Son of the late Mr, and WS. William Me Gavin .of McKillop, His wife, the former Agnes :Mica dle, cried in 1952, He is survived by One daug- hter, 'Mrs, Alex (Della) Dennie of Matti:llop tivp,; two .brothers, John, Mc -Killen and Isaac, Sea• faith; one Sister, Mrs. Sophia Kerr, Seaforth. Remains are rest- ing at bus residence, eon. 12, Mo- Killop, where the funeral service 0411 be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. W. II, Summerell, Winthrop, Intenmenit will be in dl4attlandbank ,Cemetery,. AuQtiQn Sale TO be held at the f.1rtn, lei 14, Con, 2, 'Stanley iwile„ 114 Irides weal of 13a'aucefield :on Wednea' day, J'an. 28.64, 'OA171.ILE--'35 bead of Register - 8d 4113 •grade ,aalate= ',Gown .and heifers; 12 caws and t0ifers G'eglu, balanoo Springing and due in February, 2 Jersey COWS, 1' re- entered and due aeon, 1 date In February; 2 Hereford bulls of sarrieeable age; 12 young calves itndligdtrng 1 registered Leifer. • 10109-1 sow With Titter three weeks old, Plait to attend this salla of choice dairy cantle, Terms -Cash D'Arcy Ralthwedd & Sons, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. COMING EVENS "Valentine Sapper, Nov8hs14e United Oirua'cilr, Thureiclay, • 4''ebru- gay 12th, 1950 Come and enj'aY a hot roast +boef,meal. First mol gage Eof $3,000 on modern residence adjoining Sea - forth; interest 6%; repayments to suit lender, Apply McDonnell & Stewart, Seaforth, phone 174 ' FOR SALE A good strong bunch of York chunks for winter, A. R. -Dodds Phone $33r14 A tailored0 ma aSAmen's snit about size 40, in perfect 'condi- tion, 'can be seem at Flannery Oleanera, TO RENT 2 bedroom apartment, heated, East William st. near shoe fact- ory, Available Jam, 27. Robt, D. Scott, phone 250 • USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The Annual Meetingof the Us - borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held at Farquhar. Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day; February and, 1959, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Audi- tors for the .past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Audi- tors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office expires are E. Clayton' Colquhou,3 and Alex J Rohde, both of whom are eligible for re- election. E. Clayton Colquhoun, Pres. Arthur Fraser, SecrTreas. C.A,RD OF TIIANIS.S elle fasllily of the late 119 , Oittliarinue Kennelly with to thank tdletir ih'lellydaand u'eigtlb'ors for their •many sots of Matinee*, Aural and 9Pdniit)lad offerinfis, merallgea of sympattby 'in their ,recent be9'eavoin:elllt, CARD OF THANKS Mfr s. Cillos Sherwood wishes tc thank 031 411080 who' so loiardly visited me, sent treats, card's and Ilonyen0; also thanks to any rim, 0= and doctor while 4n the hos- Intel, ibt- IviIS nest sincerely • tap- preciated, HONEY FOR SALE Clover -4 lb pail $1.15; 8 db Pail 62:26. Wallace Ross Apia'ries A rang tt Or eSE occi condition. Price 825. Phone 984,111, Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale Of. Parol •Sttpolc and Machinei'Y alt south half lot 29, con. 8, Mor- ris twp. 114 miles north -of Wal - ten or 394 eolith of Brussels and 54 mile west 013• Tuesday, Jan. 27 elf 1 .pan. C1Af111�LP-1 Sirolstely oow due do Febe'uaiy; Hereford cow due' in February; 4 Durham cows due in Feb.; Ayrshire conn .freshened Dec 25th; 7 Yearling steers; two yearling Imitate; PIGS -8 pigs about 125 Sibs; 8 Pigs , 160 dibe; 9 pigs 100 lbs. 'Quantity nixed 5uiy and :grana MACH•I•NERY-J. A. Case 2-. pilaw trsotor; Oliver 2,fun'row .plow 'cm rubber; 7 -foot Fleury BIesel tandem 'disk; Cocksiuitt N. 11 'fertilizer drdld 13 sun; 4 .seobion 'drag drarrows; cultivator; ruibber4la'ed wagon; 16,61, flat rack; 7 -ft. M. H. binder; M. H. stderake; 6 -ft. McOarnick.De,er- ing mower In good shape; scut - tier; Iwterneitiona4 'cirepheed hay loader; One Jo+lun Deese tractor spreader (dike new) ; good Clin- ton tanning mild with bagger; a stone boat; pig crate, an electric fencer; wheel barrow; Stewart Eleotillc Clipper; dumber; 800 bus granary fon skids; A- De Laval cream separator writh motor, and other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, farm sold. ,Terms -Cash. (William Flood, Prop. Harold Jackson, .Auct, D, P. •Chesney, Clerk Huron County Council. 1959 Totons)tips Township representatives,: Mr. Bilake, Ashfield; Ralph Jewell, Colborne; • W. J. Forbes, Goder- bch; George 4iutcbdnmon,• Grey; Valentine Becker, Hay reeve and Alex lv8ouasean; Arthur Gibson, Ilowdck reeve and Harvey Mc- Michael; Wm: Jewitt, Hallett; Daniel Beuerm an, McKillop; Mr. Parrott, Morris; Harvey Cole- man, Stanley reeve and Harvey Taylor; Glen. Webb, Stephen reeve and Edward Goal; Ivan For- syth, Tuckersmith; Jack Willits, Turnbeo ry; Clarence Remus, East Wawanosh; John Duman, West Wawainiosh; .Clalylton Smith, :Os- borne. Towns ,Wtl,lbam L. Midler, Oldmton reeve and ,Melvin •Crich; William MoKenzie, Exeter reeve and Ghes. ter Mawlldnney; J. M. Donnelly, Godenich reeve and Frank Walk- out; Whitson M. Ben, Sealomth; Roy Adair, Wingllam reeve and Joseph Kerr. Villages William Merritt, Blyth; George McCutcheon, Brussels; John Hen- derson, Hensel'. FORTY .YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News • Jan. 1919 Lieut. Bdowes of Mitchell has the distinction of being Observer in the British plane which set an altitude record of 30,500 feet at Ipswich, England. Hie oxygen bottle broke and he collapsed but reovered, 'Broth men were frost bitten :during their flight. Wm. (P,inkney and Ray Holmes were' welcomed home from over- eea8. ' Geo. MloKee was elected ,pres- ident of ,Seafon'tli Agricultural ,Society tor 1919. Mr, and Mrs. E. tlmlbach have rented apartments tin the Royal Hotel. (Stewart Mednto.sh has leased the vacant store in thhe Beattie Block formerly occupied by Mr. Casa Duncan Johnston has sold his 3al'111 at Walton to Adam Sholdice for $7,000. •Robert Reid was elected by acclamation tion aft a epeeist nomina- tion meeting tor +MoKirllop cone. ciilbar. J. H. Brown of Lonciesbobro ris leading 'a car + of heading for Wil- liam Amerltt r03 Seaforth, 10 ATTEND CONVENTION Jehovah's ';Witnesses in the Seaford' area aro Completing pre- parations to attend their nem4- xnnutaL convention in the Elmira Dietriot ILbgh Schaal, Jan, 23 to Jan. 25. , FOR SALE USED TELEVISION SETS Electrohome 17" Table Model $75 CBS Columbia TV 21" console $185 Westinghouse TV 21" console $175 NORGE REFRIGERATOR Repossessed Jet Push Button Defrost - originally $389 For 4275 Three used Oil Space Heaters, $25 to 535 CROWN HARDWARE • Seaforth • BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER • Reserve your Sale Date now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2-7534 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guarantee( radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R. Seaforth Old horses wfanteed NTatD 114e Ib., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148314 or 148811 (Goderloh) JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear' Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired, Mens & Boys & children's footwear. It is our busi- ness to give comfort and save you money • NOTICE Viking Cream Separator. Stales and 'Service for new and useid Viking 'Separator. John Byerman, East Wduiliaan I94,, Seaforth, Ont. IN ti EIVIORIA.M ncegy 1 loving memory of a dear husband and rfrt'blier, who passed away a Yean',*ago en Jan, 25111. 1908, Tliero's an 'open gate et the end 01 'tile food Tlu'ougll.Ivllioh eaell must go 810110,; And d t 010 is a 1dgiit we 'cannot 3' Our Father Dianne Iibs own; Beyond ithe gate our ,loved one Filbcle ha+ppineas 'and rest, And there is comfort in the thought, • • That a loving God knows best, -Ever, remembered and sacil missed dry his wife am family, IN MEMORIAM Wtl>rl'ERSE11-30 'loving mem ory of a dear llttsband and faith 04' who passed away on January .20, 1957. Beyond the gate our loved one Finds happiness and rest.; And there is comfort in the thought That a 'loviing Gocl lraoWs best. -Always remembered by his wife and' family. IN MEMOR.IA VI WWATSON-In loving 'memory of ,our dear another, Annie Wat sous wbo passed away Jean. 27th, 1948, Yuoua- memory to us is a keepsake With which we win never part, Through God Alas you do His keep- ing, We still have yon de ,ora' hearts, -The family. E • ,Blacksmith visOR eA6 Inches wide number of wrenches, pipe wench and pliers. Call 'at Ernie Miller's house, i1fi91 Street, between 12 and 1 o'clock. Art Bustle. - WANTED Housework wanted sdveral days a week. Mrs. Ben Akker, Box 544 Seaforth FARM FOR SALE Buildings in good repair, good drilled well and deep. well pres- sure system. Water in house and barn. 7 room frame House with furnace. No phone, For more particulars call at the farm or write Earl Bolton, Walton. RR 1. Lot 8, Con. 14, McKillop Twp. • SEE The new Resulta adding maoh- ine (printing) at 79.95, adds and subtracts. Regular Resulta at 49.95 (•with adding only at 39.95). Also the world's finest Typewrit- er, the Voss Portable at $131.50. Highest trade-in allowance. Sa- vauges, Seaforth. NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sooiation "Where Better Bulls Are Used", supply • artificial' breeding service for all breeds of cattle, If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or more in- formation, call between 7:30 and 10:00 a,m. week days; 6.00 and 8:b0 p.m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in beat on' Sunday morning, do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality is high and the cost low. SALES AND SERVICE Viking Separators. Authorized dealer Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith & Welding Shop, Brucefield We write all lines' of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 ' Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance AAAMMANIAIWIAWAMMA BU1TERMILK BISCUITS \ *WE MAKE 'EM-. YOU BAKE 'FM" Cleary's I G A Seaforth " lielettARAMIWIAANYVIAMOVVIPI NOTICE -- TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING T To facilitate snow plowing and snow re- moval ,operations; PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. • Tlbis order win be strictly en-' forded' in accordance with the Highway Traffic; Act, Section 48, Subsection 0. I1OTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations 71413 SPlMrORTIdt NEWS Tlllu'sday, January 22, iJ,•95 Iy BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentloa Hospital Bed Plowels for all occasions Phones: Day 40 Night 595W MARTIN W.BTAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 " Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A, MLMaster, B.A., M.D., Intern's P, L. Brody, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 10,01. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat• arday only 7.0 p.m, Appointments made in advance ars• desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V M„ V.S. W. G. DIISINNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN H LONGSTAFF - optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth $ours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. erg by appointment only. 'Clinton 1IU:2-701e... above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon, 9 to 6.80 . INSURANCE ▪ Fire • Auto e Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD Officers -Pre dent We,, S.TAIex ndder, Vico-Pres., R. Archibald ; Manager and r Sea.-Treas„ Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. H D MoE' vine ' 0. Blyth Malone,; WS. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 1. 1., dt. Bornholm; IL Puller, Gode oh; 20 Archibald, Seaforbh ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm,. Leiper Jr., Londeabozo I J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly' attended a named yofficersation addressed 8139of their respective post offices. 'blue coal'. the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY 'Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM MI HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2&6 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the. Township of Tuckersmith are requested.. by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter .months in order to facilitate• snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any, vehicles parked on roads. orstreets. E. P, Chesney, Clerk. Tuckersmith Don Brightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Gas, Stove and Furnace Oil Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 VENTILATING SYSTEMS For barns and poultry houses. A side wall fan gives economical ventilation prolonging the life of your building and improves the health of your stock. For estim-' •ates see Sharp's Maintenance Service, Ph. 851-5 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE' COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President D.. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Vice President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell' Directors ,Martin ,Feeney, RR2. Dublin Robert. G. Gardiner, Ill Cromarty Milton MCCurily, RR1 Kirkton Timothy B. Toohey, R113 Lucan Agents Clayton Harris, Mitchell Harry Coates, RRX . Centralia Stanley Hocking, Mitchell TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO - CHIEF BURNING OILS Walden & Broaclfoot Phone 686w, Seaforth SPRAYED APPLES POR SALE Delicious, Snow, Tolman Sweet, Greening, Spies, King, . etc. Free delivery in town. Fred McC1y- mont & Sons, Varna, Phone colt lett HU 2-3214