The Seaforth News, 1959-01-22, Page 5THE SEAFORTH
TOWS—Thursday, Jauuary 22, 1.959
Smith's Superior Food Market
Thurs, Fri. Sat., Jan, 22-23-24
Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb bag
Heinz Tomato Catsup, 11 oz bot 20c
Scotties Facial Tissues 2 pkgs 33c
200 s
Scotties Facial Tissues each 35c
Economy 400 s
Cheery Morn Instant Coffee ....
Nestle's Quik 2 lb tin 89c
Cigarettes, all popular brands 2.99
Kraft Chocolate Fudgies
10% OZ BAG
Kraft Caramels 7 oz bag 25c
Margene Margarine ,,1 lb pkg 28c
CHOICE TOMATOES 28 oz tin 22c
.The regular monthly meeting
•of the Home and School Associa-
tion was held . n'the School Audi-
torium on Tuesday evening, Jan.
20, with Mrs. Dale Nixon presid-
ing. The ,meeting opened with "0
. 'Canada" and the Lord's Prater
;repeated In 'unison. The min?ates
of the last meeting were read
and approved. Mrs. Nixon asked
what the wishes of the .group
'were with regard to giving ,books
for the winners of the Public
Speaking Contest. It was moved
by Ma's. Crich and seconded by
Mnvs. Cardno that the Assooia-
!aon ,continue to buy the books.
Mos. A. Y. McLean was the Math.
er of the month. The call was
mead 'b Mrs, J. Talbot. The guest
,sneaker of the evening, Mies.
Laidlaw, was introduced by Mrs.
Pawl Brady, Mies Laidlaw gave a
woinderrful address on "Retarded
Children", giving us a clearer
idea of the problems of these
children •and what is being done
far .them, Elaine Oke and I{able
Scott entertained the audience
with their ,Soottish dancing "The
Sean ITrtubkais" and "The High-
land Piing". !Barbara Talbot fav-
ored With two lovely piano num-
bens. The meeting olased with.
singing "Glad save the Queen"
The Seaforth Women's Institute
Euchre - Dance
Friday, Jan. 30
In Seaforth Community Centre
Norris Oreh, Lunch provided
Admission 72c'
Everyone Welcome
Milk is tops for
taste and health
When you're feeling "under pat"
there's nothing like milk for
a quick ptck•up, it's so de.
lictous, so refreshing, and so
good for you, too ... FICh.
in food values for
health and peel
Enjoy milk plain er
flavored, around the clock, Use
0 in cooking and baking also. Any
way, every way ... the whole family
dioves it, Better keep a large supply handy!
In accordance with a resolution • passed by
the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth,
I hereby pxoclaini that inview of the present
rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run
at Large in the. Town of Seaforth until further
notice from this date, November 12, 1955,
B. F. Christie
God Save the Queen
1,01.1,11 .1111.
Mr, and Mils. 17, 14, l`letal?el',
slid Janet, Mr, 0.114 Mrs. Wayne
Elias 1004 Mrs, l3a•eci Short, Tor-
onto, spent the weekend with Mrs.
Eiva E1lts,
Mr, and Mars, Willard E111ortrt
are planning on leaving next
week to spend a month or six
weeks In St. Petersburg, Florida.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Lon Gillespie and
Laurie of Toronto are !h lidaying
wibli Mrs. Camilla Ryan.
Mn, Dunoan A!ikenhead Is a Pa-
tient in Scott Menlon+ia71 Hospirtaall,
Mr. and ,Mrs, Clarence Dewar
and IOuglole, Sarnia, visited Mrs.
Walker Hast over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sure Sr,
were in 'Goderich ,on ISunday with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Enseneberger,
Mr, and Mrs. A, Van Loon re-
turned from a trip to Holland.
!The Sacrament .of Infant Bap
,tier wall !performed Ion ,Sunday
morning for three ,babies present
ed at the font by their parents:
Tracy Jean Baker, infant Baugh
Ler ,of MT, and Mrs. Garfield Bak
er; Carol Ann Racho, infant
daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Lyle
Raoluo; Janet Lindsay Pletcher,
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edgerton Fletcher, Toronto; Mrs.
Fletcher was ,Barmierl!ya Lorna
Ellis, !daughter of Mrs, J. Ellis
and granddaughter •of Mrs. P.
In the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. A. Otetvart, 'Chaim/taster and
Organist respectively, Mrs, John
Cardno presided at'tile organ on
Sunday mnorndng. • Miss Mabel
Tuatnbuld, Jr. Oluair Direotor, as-
sisted, as' music by the Jr. Chair,
an anthem, "Teaoh me thy way,.
O Lord" and ra doable trio, "Tile
'beauty of Jesus" marked .1/heir
contribution to our morning
Consistent service by ,the Jun-
ior Choir has been a feature on
special .occasions and on other
,occasions as well einca'its Lncep-
rtion 20 years ago next month. At
present Jr. Olroir has a member-
ship of 41, with au average at-
tendance of 31. last year the
Jr. Choir assisted in eight ser-
vices. 'The present leader, Miss
Mabel Turnbull ,is to be Compli-
mented on her splendid efforts
With the. Juniors,
,Officers •for 1919 are; Pres.,
!Sharon MaNdohol; Sec., Jean Ro-
berton; Music Comm., Julie Rua -
ver, Helen Elliott, Bill MacLen-
nan, Peter- W,ilbee, Mdss M. E.
Turnbull, Director; Organist..
Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart.
•Our January Meeting was held
the evening of Jan,. 13th, at the
hems of Mrs. F. Storey.' Mrs P.
Moffat opened the meeting with
the reading of "Tire New Year
Beatitudes" .atter which all join-
ed lin singing ,hymn 571. Mrs. Sa-
vauge read the scripture lesson,
following whdoh she led in pray-
er. 'Mrs. Hiugill, the new pres-
ident, took charge for the busi-
ness portion of the meeting. The
.roll call was answered by a "New
Year's Resolution," After the
routine business, , Mrs. Moffat
read a ;letter from the Red Gress
requesting more help with the
Red Cross sewing. It was decided
to have a "Blossom Tea" 'in the
spring and to .carry on with our
"Penny a 'day's project. Mrs.
Leeming favot•ed us with a
thought provoking reading "A
heap of 'Sewing". Mrs. Dalrym-
ple was present •and gave a very
interesting. and instructive dem-
onstration of flower and aoovolty
making, which sill enjoyed, A
verse of 'hymn 562 was sung after
which the meeting closed with
'the Mizpalh 'Benediction. After •a
contest, lunch was served by Mrs.
Bryans and Mrs; !Fleming.
•The W.A. of N,ortheide United
Church held its first meeting of
1959 on Wednestlay, Jan. 14th at
2.30 ,p.m.. The meeting opened
with a devationoi period covering
study of the First Command-
ment. This was led by .Mrs, Nor-
man .Schneider, After singing the
hymn "0 God, ,of Goad the Un-
fathomed !Sea", the W. A, .motto
and •Ibheme song were repeated
and sung. The new 'officers for
the oomiivg year were then in-
stalled Iby Mrs, • Britton. Faldowdng
this 'the minutes of the December
aneetiing were read and reports gi-
ven by the oorrespondimg secl•e-
tar)', treasurer, and Visiting Com-
mittee. Thursday, Feb. 124th was
set 'as 6110 date 'Bar the Valentine
!Supper: It was moved and recon-
dei that .$50 be 'given to the.
WiMIS for their bale, It was mov-
ed and" seconded than money be
given 'to•!the decorating .convenor
for ant/plies t,o ,decorate the t&
!191es. Mrs. 111, Berger tottered 'iter,
services as 'W.A, ;representative
to the Christian Education Com-
mittee, The meeting, ,closed :with
bite Slinging of the dryann "Unto
,the ILirlls", 'and the W. A, theme
prayer, ,
Counter Proposal
Add Brussels To
Seaforth Area
Asked by The Seaforth N
18 recent proposal to establish
High, ,School at Brussels wou
Mired Seaforth Ddstriot 111
School, Mr, Oliver Anndea+sori, 6h
ohadrman ,of 'Seaton/tit Digiti
High ,Schaal 'Board, Sand it was
long way ikoui the Mangero
stage. He lied heard about it p
�Albaut a bus load ,of 'pupils
naw being ;l roughlt 'daily to S.
forth high sohool tram the 'Br
$els vlictwity, Lf a, sohoot were
ened :at Brussels it Is forme
that many.sof these pupils won
likely attend at Brussels Mete
of art Seaforth.
However the chairman point
out ,that before any aobion cow
'be taken snob.a plan would ha
recommended be recomended lay the dmspe
'bar and go before the con
oou• aucil for apinloval.
Asked if establishing a Soho
at Brussels might be a good !thin
to ease crowded conditions atSea-
fontll .Mr. Anderson said Seaforth
has now one of the smarter school
areas. He ,t'liought if the large
Wingham school is overcrowded,:
Bit would • be ,better to take Braes
sets lout of Wingham Area an
add it .6a �Seaforbh.
A report front Winer/am says
The (pressing ,problem IOf an In-
creasing high school .populatio
in. the Winglraanl .district was th
matin ,topic ,at a special. meebin
of the Wdngh'am Dilsattrat Tldg
School !Board,.
Roy B.Cousins,. Brussels,. chairman of the board, aired a 'suugges
on that a second high schoolin'district might be built in
Tbe• school; Mr. Cousins sug-
gested, would "' not ,be saparalte
from the Wingliam school but
wound be operated by the Wing -
ham District ;High !School Board.
Atter onsideralble debate, thesuggestion was lett over for fur
Cher consideration:.
than take Care of '51111' loss of •iu.
Came suffered,
Thirdly' in what 1lbtle expert,
Once 1 'have had 1 would say that
the danger ,to hantan hea'1611 from
e115 undulant, fever is much greater
a than from T. B. oanbraotod tramId milk,
gh 1 clo pot wish bo give the int -
he pression that this will be a won,
lot derfwi money malting oppm•ILuni-
a. try for the farmer. Any farmer
u' s" who has only one ieaotor will
re- have 'bo clean his stable and the
condemnation payment will not
are be sufficient to pay for this.
FtnallY the percentage of oat.
us- tie •oondenr!ned is ;mwoh smaller
oT+ than in the ease of TX. We are
en taking a risk in this pian but it
Id ' d ds a calculated risk and In a
ad short time will be justified.T think youwvbl enjoy the farm
01 forum T.Y. January 27611. The to-
ld plc is "The Farmer AI/Byrom", A..
ve' panel 'of 'farm .experts' has been
0. 1 chosen and a 'studio audience of
my urban people is ,being ,brought in
to ask questions. Sounds irnterest-
oi Ing doesn't It?
Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs..
Eddie McBride and JamiTy includ-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Elmore McBride
and Mrs;, Alvin McBride;• all: of
di Miss Jean Ivison entertained
Wednesday at a family dinner to
honor her father Mr. Henry
son who was 95 years on Monday
n! of thi's week:.. Those present in-
eluded Mrs. Reid Torrance,. Port-
e. er's Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tor=
ranee and four children of Port-
h,,l Ors Hill; ,Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Hakes of Severn Bridge..
Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wing-
- 11am silent a few days with her
' mother, Mrs. Robert McBride,
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Mathers
of London visited recently with
the former's sister and brother-
in-law, Mr, and Mrs, 0. C. R. Lit-
tleton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dupont spent Sat-
urday in Godwin/I:-
odericb,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell ac-
companied by a couple from Cha-
tham left Saturday by motor for
three weeks' vacation in Cali -
Miss Heidi Schroeder of Dash-
wood' was a week end guest of
,her friend Miss Sharon McBride.
We regret reporting that Rev.
D. A. MacMillan is not well en-
,ougli to take over his duties at
,St. Andrew's United Church early
;lit February.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McLel-
lan and Jill, also Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Dickert visited relatives
in Listowel' on Sunday,
Mi'. and Mrs. O. C. R. Littleton
spent a day recently in London
visiting relatives.
I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harlcness
land family of Parkhill visited on
Sunday with the latter's parents
Mrs and' Mrs. W. R. Cooper.
The • annual congregational
meeting• and a pot lank- supper'
will be held' Tuesday, Jan. 27th,
at 6 p.m. in* St: Andrew's United
By C. HemingwalY
The dates for the Brucellosis
Information meetings have been
annougced by tile -County Agri,
Office.. There either has or will
be an, advertisement in your 10 -
Call weekly starting the 'times and
places of these meetings. We 'hope
You will. (make a point of attend-
ing. one..
1Viioat of us remember. •blie• first
time ;our liea'de were • tested! for
T. B. and many Yammers; suffered'
severe. hiss. I would like to point
out some of the' differ•ences:'in the'
two, situations.
First a farmer can have a herd
infected with, T...B..end not notice
any appreciable, doss: 'o.E' income.
In ease' of Brucellosis there is a
very definite los .of income if
the herd becomes infected.
Second if• animals were con-
demned i'n 'the. TB:. test a, per-
centage, wont to the tank and
theme was risk of serious finan-
cial loss. In the 'brucellosis test
the meat value is not lost thus do
the great majority of cases the
condemnation 'paid will mare
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Thomson
left on Wednesday to spend a hol-
iday ihs Ibbrida.
The annual' meeting of the
Brucefield United Church will be
held W'ed.,. Jam. 231 The ladies of
Tuckeremi,th are asked to bring
tarts and Stanley sandwiches for
lunch. We hope for a large at-
Mrs John Cairns has purchased
a home 12l ,Seaforth and intends
moving to Seaforth in the near
Town S eutorth
In view of the disregard by the general.
public of the recent proclamation
issued by the Town Council re the
confinement of dogs, and the fact that
they are not to run at large at any
time, the Council feels that charges
must be laid under this'By-law.
Any owner or harborer of a dog who
allows it to run at large can be sum-
moned into court, The fine in a case of
this kind could be $50.00 and costs.
The Council and myself would ask all
citizens concerned to comply with the
laws and avoid the consequences.
B. F. Christie
Miss' Beth M'an'doch,. Reg;N.,
has 1106 been as well es usual:. She
was taken: by ambulance to Ha-
milton Hospital for observation
this weelt,
Mr: and. Mrs.. DM. McKenzie
and family, St. Thomas, Mr.. and
Mss: Walter Moffatt and John
were guests of 1VIi•, and Mrs.. Si-
mon McKenzie. on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs:. Alvin Smith, Blne-
vale, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith
and family, Stratford, spent Sim -
day with Mr. and Mrs, G. Elliott.
Mr• John McGregor, Mr. John
Moffatt, returned home after
spending Christmas with Mr. Mof-
fatt's sister, Mrs. James Steffler,
in Florida,
Miss Betty Moir of London
spent the weekend with her aunt
Mrs. Elsie Case and mater, Miss
Wendy Moir.
Mrs. Matt England, who had
•tlie• mdsta/ time to fall at her
Unit' rece/Tbly, was taken to
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
on ,Saturday by ambulance, where
N.•rays will be taken.
.and Mrs. Stewart Bell ac-
companied by lir; and .Mrs. Robt.
McKenzie spent the weekend in
1954 Chevrolet % Tmni Pickup,
1 1; Ford! ; Than
1951 Ford 2 -torr Stake' Rack?
Chevrolbt - Oldsmobile
Phone G. Fawm 186
Sales & Service
Phone 541 both are borrowing from a 1ba,nk
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chase? Need money for taxes—or to meet a
family emergency? Personal loans to help
people meet just such situations are being
made by the chartered banks every day,
You're not asking a:favour when you visit
a chartered bank to arrange a personal
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to snake loans, repayable out of earnings
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And at a chartered bank, you can always
count on privacy and courteous considera-
tion, whether you are arranging a loan or
using other valuable services the bank