The Seaforth News, 1959-01-22, Page 1WHOLE SE1UI:7S, VOL, 81 Seafirorth News SEAPORTII ONTARIO, TIIIIRSDAY1 JANUARY 22 1959 P.60 a Year Authorized as Saone Ones Post Ogle° Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publishers WILLIAM JEWITT, HULLETT ELECTED HURON WARDEN William 11. Jewiti, 17, well known. elunetttoweseip farmer, .on. Tuesday was elected wardee of Huron County for 1959. Prominent in municipal* affairs, Mr. Jewitt has served as merlon - Mr for 15. yearane for five as reeve, A native of Swift Curvent, Sask,, he is married to the form- .er Elia Dexter, They have two daughters and seven boys, Joyce 21 Tellico 12, John 19, Dennis 16, BOSS 9, Donald 7, Larry 5, Ken- neth 3 and Kevin 1. ___ Be is the son of Mrs. R. W. Jearitt and the •Tate Mr. Jewitt, Hanna Home and ,School Meeting The monthly :meeting of the Hanna Home 'and 'School was held in tate vehoolroom on Wed- nesday evening, Mrs, K. ,Shang (opened the meeting.. The minutes were :read hr Mrs. H. 'Vic:Lead, A. 'very intereeting talk was given be Mrs. B. A. Dale, .C.P.11.1.7., who spoke en the .warlt of a public :nurse, atter Which ehe an- ravered questeons very beletal to the parents. A lunch of 'doughnuts 'anal coffee was served. L.0.13A. EUCHRE The LORA held a isucceseful euchre on lefeaday night, prize Winners were: Ladles let, Mrs. Venni= Clarke; lone hands, len. Alex McMichael, Clinton; consolation, Mrs. Wallace Roos. Gent's Ise, Alex Pecakio'hael; lone hands, Albert O'Reiily, console- ( tion, Gartlon Elliott, .The draw for a large &Rey donated bY 1 Mrs. Elva Clarke was won: by W. M. Kelly, ,Sectitorth. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY the January meeting of the Seatorth. Hoseittel Aneletairy Vice -Pres., Mrs. 1:11(truowe larrene gave et report 'on public 'relations, as 'presented at the annual conven- tion in Toronto. Reale 'were 'com- 'pleted 'ear the 'Spade demonstra- tion being *URI 'In the :Anglioan hall at 8 p.m., Weaneeday, Jan. •28611. The date Ice the gingham ;*(blanee was set Tor Pei. Apeil W. I. NOTES Committees too. ,Seaforth W. I. :euehee and dance 'on Faideef, Jan. *30811. are: Peebles and , chairs , - Mrs. Lome (Carter, .P/Ers. ,Audeeyt Onotler; puneheaks,---alrs. Leonard Strong, Moe. Hama Hustle _leers. Zahn McLean, Mrs. Howard Wil- son; Inn:la—Mrs. Wilfred Cele - man, lbs. Ebner 'Cameron, Mrs. Alex Pepper. Mrs, Fad Papple; .diehwaelhans—Mrs. James Deig, Mrs. Fain Whit:mom. The Seaforth W.I. have aceep- tea an invitation 'from Walton W. I. tonight, Thursday, jan. 22. Anyone wiebeng a tide c811 Maks. R. 1. Wig, Make Gordon'Papplle Mrs, 'Gordon Elliott. Teen. Agers 'Form Club Here . About eixty teenagers Imet at • the town tall on Saturday even- ting and I ormefi a Teem 'Town Club ropes to all teenagers Wheth- er they go to school ,OT not. Chief of Police Hutchimon started ,eft the proceedings until some of the officers were chosen, and then let the youngsters carry en. The *allowing are the offieere, anti members of the committees: Tires., Dennis Jewitt; Vice Pres., Keittla Petbick; Sec., 'Agnes Canter; Treas., Phyllis Bream; Reporters, Don MODAIS, Pearre Me. Lean; Entertainment Committee, Ken Ryan, chairman; Janet Row- eliffe, Una Talbot, Bab Reith; - Lunch Comanietee, Ann Trout - beck, otairman; Judy Wright, Betty Muegge, Ellen Ger-will. Meetings be held every ,Satenday evening tu the hall on thethird 'floor of the town. hall. The meet1ag on Sotmeley was en the magistrate's Team, but. future meetings will be on ,t,he third Corm, 1S103110 of tile bigger meet- engs will be held in the arena perhaps. • The club has a l000rd Player and la asking ,for records that people are .net using. Two eouplee are to be asked to attend each meeting -Ito act as ohne:ranee. • The Chief at Police said 'that alma was a Teen 'Down Olab in Durham and oiler ,toWes 'where iieihad been, and had been quite saccesefue He sees it gives the youngsters iSoniothIing to dro, chance to entenbeire ,theinseleete The club was quite pleased that so Many tainted out on Saturday eveneng, and brope to bave a mem- bership rof over 100. They eolith out itheit Membership de °Pen 80 all teenagers, tivale Slat go to school, and °there, WILLIAM JEW1TT Will Observe Golden Wedding Mee and :Mrs. Ben Rising, Qs:n- ine St., Vial observe their Golden Wedding Anniversary on January 26911. They have one (laughter, 1'Srs. 14. E. Norris ot 'Toronto and three grandehildren; Mrs. Prank Sholtt (Bianehe), Downsview, Toronto; Roibert N. Newels, Mark- ham; Mee. H. Sheridan (June) 'Toronto; end one great grand- child, Carol Ann Sherbt. They will celebrate at a family dinner on Sunday at the lionise of Me. and .Mrs. Frank Shoed, MRS. WILLIAM .73L;AOK , Mrs. William Bleck, a well known Tuckersmith twp. resi- dent toe many years, died Ulnae - day morning at the Egerton Pri- vate Hcapital, London, dn. her Bard year, atter a two-morth diormee Maegarret Broad. feat, she was a daughter of (the late lOIr. and Mrs. James Bakaad- foot, pioneer aveidents of Tucker - math. Site eeceived her easily ed- ema:bleat at S.S. '6. Maks..Blaolc was a memiber at Northelde 'United Obarelh, iSealioath, and a life mem- ber of the W341S. For the pest few years, she hes wedded at Bel- mont. She ,is isturveved by a dangle ter, MM. William (Margaret) Fullamten twp.; two sons, George S. Black, Toronto, and James D., of :Belmont. The tuner - al teek place trom the G. A. Whitney ,funeral :heme, Seaforth. Rev. A. Haeley otf Behruout office:- Idea:at the funeral seevlice, SISSIG- ted by Rev. J. C. }kitten, North- side 'linked •Church, at 3.15 p:m. iSatuedary. Burial was in Malt- landhank eemetery. ekallibearers were: James Octan- e:Shan, James McIntosh, Deald McLean, Alex. Chesney, Russell Calera= and Wm. Ferresit. Her husband, Wee peedeeeaeed lam in July, 1180, was snernber of parliament lin Otta-wa for 'one team, having been eleoted 'by the Annette Progressive Parte. 'GERALD VAN !WOLTER 'Ile (death of 'Gerald Van Rooe Jen, infant eon. of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Van Reoilen, MOKIlitop amp, .occurnred in Vieberea Hospete *A, Londeb, (Wednesday evening. Ile was two yeaes and 10 months. Surviving, are his parents, velvo moved to this distaect about eight years ago, two ibrothersaleentand Johan, aad two sieters, Sharon and janneke. The Funeral was held from the .0. A. Whitney fun- eral home, .Seetorth, Saturday at 1.30 p.m., with Rev. -G. J. Hoy- tema, Clinton, ,affielatinge-Burial 'was in Nlattlandbank cemetery. During Me seakiece a 0080 'urea sung by Cane De Been Palibean, ere weee•Bryan &orbt, Mervin Ag- ar, Ibm Coleman . and Torbin Heambyee Preparing Bylaws For Sewage Work Seaeorth Town :Councilmet in a epecial sneeting.,Thuesdley night of last week, to autIioglse 011 ag- rreement' with the Ontario Water Resources ,Comanission to, install sewenage works here. iCoencel gave two readingsto bylaw setting the estimated owe of the work et $412,000. This by- law will eave to receive approval all the ,munieipel board before it • will be read a thircl time and Pacleed by muerte Oonacll.is also awaking the draftieg 'of 011 aecampanYing be- lieve setting up the method, by. Which money will be aSsieSed end colleeted. ' Councilloes Sae they hope the Nark will get under way before Moral 15. Annual Meeting of Vestry Meeting of Northside Church St. Thomas Church Northeide United Church an. The annuee yee47 meetiag of stud ,meebing was heed in the St. Thomas' Church was held on ChlITOh Se11001 .room on Tuesday, Monday everting with D. good at - Yen. 20th at 8 panwith a fair re- tendence. Reports of the various presentation .of the eongregation chetah :organized:Ms showed a present ,to receive the reports, year of progress. eleot Amman,' °facers, and eon- - flew election of officers yea*. duet business relative .to the ed go telflows: Honotery Rector's year's week ahead. Warden, T. T, Tacieson; People's Mr. L, F. Plum:steel was elected Warden, .E. HCl. ,l3oewell; vestily Obalemen tar the evening and clerk, Geo. lelewebt; delegates to Mrs. Homer Bunt 1V,S0 appointed Synod, Garnet Stockwell, W. El congregational :Secretary. ,Seuthgaite; eubsititutes, 3. R, ine a short, worship ,period, a • Spitball, G. A. Wright; envelope brief remembrance was observed seeretanky, L. If, Feed; 'Dreasuren, for those members who had peas- Mrs. Geo., Teoutbeck; Board o.f ed away this past year. Thenitev. efanagement, Nessiaorothy Parke, 3. C. Biel:ton. led 411 prayer. airs, Bruce lefacLerin, Norman Following the acceptance .of Sooens, Haney Palin, Ken .Powell, the Minutes, Mr. Alvin ,Sillery Arthur .Staaey, Item Oldfield, gave the congregation a repent John Berle. on the Maitlandbank Cemetery. A. pleasing *feature of the even- ISteadely inoreasi.ng costs as over isvg 'was the Ibuenterg af the .meet - satinet a tailing (revenue does lit- gage completIng restoration of tle eo enhance the prevailing sit. church and recboey at cost ,of nation in. so .far as Nertheicle about $36,000. The building corn- congregabion .is concerned. consisbing of ,eordon 'Complete mimeographed re- (Wirtght; E, C. Boswell, Norman pants from all organizations were Soains and Rector .ofticiated, placed in the hands ioT each per- son eor :elate perueel and aclop. :Hon of these reports followed quickly. The tinances .of the .00n- gregation are in splendid ,conde Can with a surplus ever the fig. 010 huegeted for last year. This was due to the splendid support given throughout the year to our present Budget system of giving which covers ell aspeots of our financial obligations. During the yeas' the amount owing to the Building Fund was retired; also increased givings to the Mission. ary.and alaintenance Fund up to $3200, plus a new roof an the parsenage, were :items where sub- stantial, Increases were noted. The Building Fund contsiettee, which had carried through such a splendid piece pt. 'M'k 'tor the -congregation over a period of years, asked to be relieved of 'their oesrponsibtlebies, ThIa was granted and the Oftleial Board was given authority to establish a long :range planning committee to attend to any &lather plants which may be necessary. Is lard- er eo make sure that money is aye:liable when needed a Reserve Capita Fund has been 'budgeted for In 1e59. , _ Reports tom other organiza- tions gave evidence of continued progress and keen interest by the Teepee:Rye members. The retiring members of the Flossiest were re -appointed en the persons of Messes. Jas. M. Scott, WIlIlain Leeming, Beveaey Chels. (tie, D. A. hikenhead. 0% C. MacLennan asked to be reiieved and thiS vacancy will be tilled by begat at a later date. New mem- bers on the Board of .Stewards are Messrs. Alvin Harding, Lloyd Rowet, Bruce 08eI011lIlan, Wittiam Campbell. The appointanenrt of a No-menating Committee u by the, Oefioial Board assisted greatly in leading members to assume ,aftlee 1011 the respective Boards. • At the close .af the meeting a lavish was served by the ladles. • WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT The marriage .of Madeline Ter- esa Fortune, 'daughter of Mrs: Leo Fortune and idle Rate Leo Pontune, to Jack 'Cresswell Case, son of Mrs. Margaret Case and the late Ed Case, will take place this 'Saturday, Jan. 24 at 10 a.m. in St. James' Roman, Cetholie Church. ' . GRADUATES Miss Ann Thomson, daughter of Mn'. and Dies. B. 10. lhomson, Seaforth, R.R. 3, was one of six .nuesing resets:tants vrlio (graduated last week ,at the NV:Ingham Gen- eral Homittal. alias Thamso.n is remaining on the staff of Wing - ham Hos:petal for the present. Seaforth Shoes Are Holding- Open House Open house will be held at the new factory of Seafortb Shoes Limited on Wednesday, Jan, 28, and Friday,. Jan. 30, from 2 to 4 p.m. A. brief official opening cere- mony will take place about 3 pan. on Wedhesday when leleyor B. F. Christie will officiate. it is expected that some top execut- ives of the firm will be present, The office staff moved into their quarters in the new plant on' Monday of this week, It is an interesting co -incid- ence that the late William a Duneen founded the 'shoe menu- faetering firm in Seeforth. Atte years ago, when 60 moved some mealkines into firemises 'beside the Dominion Bank eerly in 1909. The new plant has a capacity of 4,000 lihoe s daily and can em- ploy up to 200 workers; ;19_., 40th Anniversary of the C. Hudies A. pleasant (Saturday evenin was spent 08 the home of Mr, an Maks. Clairence .Hudie, Leaelbue when blends gathered to mono them on their 40th wedding man .versary, Several hands of euchr were played, after *which Mr. an. Mrs. eludie were asked to b seated while Joe Holmes Of BTU eels avad the tolloweng address: Oh, Olarrney lived in McKillop, A boy we all knew well., (Hie .chores the eeldoan alighted Not even for the ,getee And when it came to fanning His mind on it did 'dwell. Hie home was delightful ' 'Dim neighbours all MY, But for want of a wife Ho prayed night and day. - But as time went bY He ,more lonely grew And ehoustet of the sweetheart He once had ait eabool. And from that time .antwaed Chaney would ((Reappear, But where he'd go no one soul tell, It all seemed very queer. Whether en haying 4leeiarvest Or en the .00ld dry snow, was aid :the same to everyone No one :seemed to ltn.ow. Some said :he'd gone fishing, And some ,se4:6 that's silly, But when all was found out He was 'fishing tor -Lillie. So raven and there he went at once And dressed up in his best, • Ial buy the ring and evemything And . tib.en we'll get the rest. And wen yon know When ',some .foilles wed Tlhey fly ,critiee grand, A.nd Some they leave the country And move to foreign lands. But Clarney he stayed , right at etome Upom the same old stand. And then again, when Some folks wed they sure put on the :show. The big plow it would have to come to alcove ,out all the sno.w, And oh, my, how they'd t MSS and (Anne, They sure got in a spatter, But Clammy and Lille they just hi:belied up and went out in, a tutter. But then, .you know he throve a Izvey, treendthiat we 011 knew as - But Lele she got it all mixed up And said, "Get up closer ClarneY" 'So they were wed. The neighbors eacotwele`;,that we will Inn the But Cherney said, "I must go 'back, I've gat to teed the sows". Now ,Olaeney and Lille they had some land, And a home with lots of joy, And next to that and happiest Wes a hotmeing baby boy. And now ,that they have lived to see their 400li wedding day, We hope that health, wealth and all the resit have come three way to staoe We hope that you'll eeeetve ties gift, It's meta just a tolten, Of the &lender -sip* lot ,our deal% We don% want the circle broken. Sharon .eleleetizie of iSeatorth .prosented Mae and Iles, Hudie with a poet:able mixer, Mr. Rustic thanked :themell in a few well chosen words. Lunch was then en - Joyce by all, 'Several Ivey pleas - Ing selections ,en,,the violin were played by Lem Henderson of Brnseele. First Presbyterian Annuaj Meeting The .a unual congregational mooting was bold Monday even. Ing, Jan. 19 in the 'Mum& Sohool. The meebing was 'opened .by the Minister, Rel'. ,D, L. Elder with a devotional period, a Scott Cleft wee appointed chairman ,af 'the mooting with n'. D. Willis as secret.ary. The first item elf the agenda wore the el. ection of emu: members to the Board 02 Managers, tot' a three yew term, .Those eleeted were Si.. S. Box, J, .Cardno, Bed:road Dungey and P. E, Welke, Reports were then, heard Brom the various organizations In .the Chureh and in all instances it VIA Sal0Wil that 1958 bad been 01 .successful year, This Is very promising for the tuture, since in 1958 the congee- gotten was without a minister for the ZITSIt five months of the yeane The Harpurhey Cemetery Com nettee WAS hbOreSSed by the ad. (Litton of one member, Keith Sharp, the .other members ,being 08. lIcKellea„Tohn Beattie and James P. Scott. The meeting gave speciaa av- oognition to T. A. Beattie ,for his years of service as 'caretaker g when a Scott Cluff, chalesnan of the BEeeaaatitelleotvath.Mahac na geahsq9uree.T s°11thel tr 1e58 Trustees and Auditors were i_ returned to office for 1959 and Willis was elected as the 6 ChuaOh easurer. d Details were heard oil elle pre - e posed building et a new Dea,con- e. ess' Home in Toronto. Clare Reith, representing the teiciatiaeafe:reatiin :pr,rosedllevilaaaIlll Mrs. Elder .totr the good work ae- complished since thein aavival, the latter part at ele,y. Mr. Reel% mentioned ellie great strides made in assuming the leaders:118p of the congregation in. the guidance given in Spline:us]. and Tempting welfare and the triendliness es- tablished by Rev. and Mrs. Elden. Mr. Reith conoluded by pointing out that Finst Church, (Seaforth, would n� c1o0bt eentrinue in its successfull oontrIbittion to the members and the community un - ,der the (leadership of Rev. and 1..ers. Eider. Rev. Elder in his reply ,expres. sed hie gratitude to the OffiCerS d and members of the Clanoh. That it had been a pleasant ex- perience getting acquainted and that be and Mrs. Elides were ex. •.tremelyehappy- in :working with • the membership, conoluding wiOb , the thought that continued to -op- eration (and good ,fellowship would further the work lot the Chueoh. At the eonoluslon or the meet- ing lune08t was served by the la- d ies and inlowanal discussions were continued on the affairs ,ot the Church. SEAPORT!' W. I. The January meeting at :the • was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Pepper en Tuesday, Jan. lath with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. R. a Doig opened the meeting and presided tor the bueiness. The 41011 •ISing, say, recite or pay" was well .answered by everyone. ehe. James Keyes, ,AEre. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. R. M. Soott were up-, pointed a committee to pack boxes for .the valet to County Home in February.. An invitation was extended to all Institute men:abase and anyone interested to attend the achievement clay to be held in Clinton Legion Hall, Wed. Safe 28th at 1 'o'elock for the project "Sew to save dollars and make sense". This is tor aal of Huron County and 21 units are expected. The aohievement days for the 4.11 Homemaking Olub project, "The Cereal ,Shelf" will be held in ,Bleth. elemonial Hall basement on ,Setuirelay, Feb. 7011 for aleKillap Club and in Hensel] Community • Centre on Sat. Feb. 289h for Seaterth and Seaforth Diseriet -Clubs. Parents, friends and W. I, members are invited to attend the achievement day pro- gram. Letters of appreciation wore xeceived from Bell Tele- phone Giles, Mrs, Annle Coleman, Mirs. 1. E. Hugtlft, Mrs. Mabel Hudson, Iles, Archie Kerr, Mire. John ,Gordon, Mrs. John Taylor family, Mrs, E. J. Weber, Rev, Jean Dale, Miles Kate Ellison, T. Williamson and a le, Slattery, Reposes of the Pall executive meeting of the distelet were gi- ven by Mrs. Mae Hillebeecht end Mrs. Gordon, McKenzie, A com- mittee was appointed ,to purchase some tables and chars for the Inettaite. Mrs, 1e. Strong presid- ed for tho program The matte "The health the enjoy atter 60 de- pends en wihat we mit after '-'40" was taken by .Mes. Edit: Whit - tame. Mrs, E. Camel:oh inteodue., etl the :speaker, Miss Jean Fel- cotter, Herm C.oenee Health r 'Num°, wive .gave a very infoinnee ,0,111111111/Alliallipst11111,100,1111.11,1111..011111.11111111101111,1110411111111A1 JJJJ I JJ lllllllllllllllll 11,1011116100111110! BLACK ALASKA BY Wead�tg tit& Fitthitot Peaaa DIAMONDS B RnrY RINGS The dark, steel grey gleam of these Black Alaska Diamonds (Hematite) symbol - ins eternal friend- ship. Exquisitely fashioned in 10k. gold. SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth tive tent on Diets and Canada's Food Rules. Courtesy Ternaries were given by Ales. R. Gordon, and Mrs. Eaol Papple was cohost- ess. Lunch was served by ears. E. Keay, Mrs. Dael Pa.pple, Mrs. A. Brown and Mae. R. McLachlan. CONSTANCE The Oonetance United Church W. A. and W.M.S. held theer regu- lad Meeting in the basement of the ,Olnuoli on Wed. 14911. The president, Aka Lorne Lawson pened the meeting tor the W.A. and after minutes were Teed the mil call was answered by all Pee- ing fees. Letters of thanks were read and reports were Teed for the pastyear and the 'treasurer solvating a good account host= the New Year, Business was 'transacted a.nd plans for ways ,and means to make money for the coming year were discussed: Upon planning for a (bazaar each member was asked .to being an apron for the roll eail ear Feb. $10 was voted upon to be for - weeded to Storytime for CtIcaNX TV. An invitation to 'Mae. Frank Riley's home tor Wed. Jan. 21 to hear Miss McGowan of Me Child- ren's Home, Goderiah, ,and a pen- ny sale with proceeds for W. A. The WIVES was presided over by Mb's. Breeden Brown and 'atter op. ening exercises, Mrs. McElwain read the scripture from John 1: 1-14 pertaining to the New Year as in. the .beginning was the Word and the Word was .God. The min- utes were read and roll call was answered by paying of fees. Let- ters of thanks .and eppreciation were mad 6rom the Armstrong lamely .in .the loss of their moth- er, Mrs. M. Arm:steon.g and let- ters Drain amens who received boxes at Christmas, Used stamps were handed en to Mrs. Earle Law- son. Reports were eead and the treasurer reported $156.05 was sent eo the treasures, of the Presbyterial. Business being tran- sacted, next meeting to be held Feb. 13 ahead et the Service for the World Day _of Prayer. Quiets were planned to be quit. ted end the crib Melts Made by Mrs. ,Miillson for the Supply Alio- cation are being voluntarily quilt- ed :by 'Mrs. Lorne Lawsen and Maks. George McElwain, These alining% and quilt Met web do- nated by MrS. le. Riley and Mrs. Poldard. Wave of making money for elle Expense Fund were dis- cussed. The study . boelt was re- viewed and given .by Mire Wilbur jewitt on "Concerns of our Neig- hbors", and gave an maine to leave in evemone's mind an in- teresting part of the different coantrie,e. After singing hyme 643 ,the eepeating et the .11,11zielh 13enodiction closed the meeting. Me. Wm. Dale left last Thurs- day for New York and Pennsyl- vania, where he visited several Guernsey rams; returning hone Tuesday et this week. Visitors Mt 'Sunday ,with and 'Mrs. Wm, Jewitt and_ family 'Sere Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wilk(elbsoli, ev neon, Me and Mrs: . Blaine of Warwick and Mrs. Ma Leitch .sif Watford. MM.; Joyce &owe, ,claughter of Mr, and Mrs. Barclen Beown iv a Patient in Scott, .Nremoriel Hos- pital Wher0 she had her appendix emoved Friday morning. err. NV, Delo attended County Council and ExWaralen's meeting on (Tuesday in Goderich. Me. Wm. Jewitt, reeve of Hul- lett es this week attending Coun- ty Council a.t Goderleh. Bile, as we know him •competed for the Wanclenship to which. he came out with flying °elms, and won the honor at Warden at lemon. Congrathlations. This week students ,from the Stratford Teachers' College are out on practice teaching, Misses Laurel Dale and Marilyn Taylor, two loccul gilds are out teaching in (rural schools,. while visiting students at ,S.S. 3, with Mrs. Lyon are MISS White and Mr. Don eecKeezie. Mr. Wm. Dale will attend the annual sleeting tot the entente As- societion 02 'Guernsey Breeders at. Guelph. We are sour to imam that Mr. Dave Mason is not as well as his intends Would dike him to be. ,Mr. Walter Gelmeldby returned Tuesday to his brother's, Ma.. and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby atter visit- ing with relatives at Tees:water. Ripley and ,Seatorth the past couple of weeks. WALTON The MoKillop group met Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 14 ,at tele home of Mrs. Nelson Reid with 18 ladies 'present. The meeting was opened by Me new president, Mrs. Nelson Reid, reading a poem on "The New Veer", Hymn 358 "j11 - sus calls us, o'er the tumult" was sung with Mae. D. Watson at the piano. .Mns. Geo. Pox read .the scripture passage from Matt. 2: 1-12. .11feditation and prayer were 'given by Mrs. Reid. Dunking the business eerlod 68 wa.s decided that used ,Ohrietmas minds may be brought to the next group .meeting for packing. The following nroyam cormmit- tee was appointed for the social to he held in the church on. Feb. 20th when an Enghleh, Irish and 'Soot& ploy= will be present- ed by Mrs, D. Watson, Mae, Mer- ton Hackwell and Mrs. C. Wey. The annual meeting and pat luck 'supper will be held Monday evening Jan, 26 with ehe Melee - lop ,geoup to set"tebles and serve supper. It was decided as a pro- ject to ebtlect .used ,nylon stock- ings for ..eleoping to Ibsen. Pao - grams tor 1959 were planned, Hymn 152 "in Christ thee° is no East or West" was sung, alter which Mrs. ''er, Sehade gave the topic on "What Prayer can Do". Hymn 350 "0 jesue I have Prom- ised" and prayer eloeed the mot - Ing. The East side, recent win- ners in the owner contest treated ,to a delicious buffet sue. the members of the west • .A. euchre end dance was held In the tonnnunity hail het Fri- day evening. The following were • Prim winner's: Ladies high, Miss Ruth Thitehie; 'lone hands, Mrs. 11. Aohliaes; tow, .IVIrs, • N. Marks, Men's thigh, A, Coats; lone, Don Nolan; low, Ralph Treves,