HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-01-15, Page 8BIG JANUARY S IN STEWART' BROS. MEN'S DEPT. eIu. e^ Ott c aralle0 V01 cO. 30 only CAR COATS greatly reduced Cashmeres, wools, nylons and fleeces, in light, medium and dark shades. Sizes 36 to 46 Regular 16.95 to 27.60 ON SALE AT 13.55 to 21.95 CLEARANCE, Boys. CAR & DUFFLE COATS 22 only oar coats, suburban coats and duffle coats, mostly one of a. kind, to clear. Sizes 8 to 18 Reg. 9.95 to 14.95 ON SALE AT 7.95 to 11.95 Regular Value 6.95 to 8.95 Grandmere, Tony Day and Penman's pullover .sweaters in grey, red, mint, beige, and yellow, Values up to 8.95 Small, Mede Large REDUCED TO CLEAR 4.99 Clearance Stanfields Ribbed UNDERWEAR Red Label and Blue. All wool heavy rib underwear. Odd lots, not complete size range 2 piece 3.69 garment Combinations - 5.99 16 only, men's TOPCOATS to clear Tweeds, gabardines and a few cashmeres. Some sig- naled styles. All are regular 39.50 to 49.50 Size range from 37 to 44 REDUCED TO CLEAR $23.00 Clearance, Men's DRESS SHIRTS Slightly shop soiled dress shirts from our Christmas range, Broken lines and size range (no 15%).. Regular 3.95 4.96 5.95 TO CLEAR AT 2.98 Stewart Bros.` BRUCEFIELD The Brucefleld W. A. held their Jan. meeting on Thursday, Jan. &th instead of Tuesday owing to weather conditions. The meeting ,opened with stinging hymn 258 with ldargaret McQueen at the piano. The devotional period was conducted by Mie, .1. Cairns and lLrs. L. Eyre. Matt. 2: 1-12 was read by Mrs. L. Eyre. This part of meeting closed with prayer. Our new president, Ma's. Broad- foot then took the their, with all rising and repeating the creed. "TOO YOUNG TO RETIRE" features the unpredictable Tom Gor• don in a brand-new farming predicament. Seaforth Community Centre TWO SHOWS 1.30 P.M. AND 8 P.M. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21 BLYTH COMMUNITY HALL 8.30 P.M. - THURSDAY, JAN. 22nd Listen to the famous Mid -States Four, and the John Deere Singers and Dancers present your favorite numbers. The Great Johnstone, magician•comic,•presents Max the Magnificent in an unforgettable escape act. See internationally famous vaudeville team Willy West and McGinty, TY:and xylophone artist Will Mahoney in their acts that have thrilled • audiences from coast to coast. Oddities in Farming . What's New for '1959 ... a rare behind -the- - pL us o c e scenes visit to the John Deere combine plant to watch them "Building the Big Ones." EEto All Farmers and Their Families. Just Bring Your,Free Tickets Available Now at Our Store JohnnieIue John Deere Sales and Service PHONE 768 SEAFORTH The 'SeoretarY10.1.'epert was 'liven by MPS. Ts'labarea', -the ,treaena'er•'0 report warts given Iry Mrs. Ii, Tay, log. The -offer{iu6 trees/yeti by Mrs, • pyre. "Tbankyou" notes ''Vero read from Mrs. R. Allen Sr" Mars. W. 13tb.tlieidnghell", Mr^s, W. 33r41naitoot Sr, and Mee,. 37. Scott. Mil's, Dlavi18091 read a 'letter re %/testing'goad eecoa4heird or new clothing for needy families tial •Nreritlaerar Ontario. Mrs. °Narver Taylor, Mrs, L. •find Mdse 11. Swan 'offered to peels the Par - cele. The .•eneeting •closed with 'singing the W, A, 'hymn and the •lnm,yer: • Group No, 1, had o3rarge of 'the program;'.. -"Happy Abate -ay" was eung for those' having birthdays in Jasaueury. Mrs. Davison gave e very tine- reading, Mrs, Berry conducted a . act ni,test "3larm Tools''. A very dainty lunch, was served by the group. The Febru- ary -meeting, well be in charge of Group 2 WALTON The .7nanu3try meeting of the WMS, was held 011 Tituredply srft- ernHoon Jeer 8th in the ' church basement with. ,Mrs; • Arvin IQ - Donald opening the meeting with hymn.238 "0 Perfect Love, all human thoughts transcending".. Rev. W. Al. Thomas installed hale W, A„and WMS officers• for the coming year. Mq•s,,W. !Turnbull, the new •president took ohaa'geuf the meeting 'beginning with a prayer. The scripture reading by Mie. Wni, Turnbull wa's taken from Isaiah 11: 1-9. The e'oll call was answered by ,paying of mean - bers''tees, Mrs. R, Meelieihael gave 'bIoe seor'etary',s 'report and Mars. R,. Aobilles reported the finenneial statement. Reports from 'the groups- on the year's • work were given by MTS. R. Maillicliael for MOIdiillop group; Mrs, C. Rit- chie for Boundary and 17th group; Mss. Leslie Oliver for 16 and &th .gwoup; Mars, N. Marks, Walton; Ars. W. Bewley. Mis- sion Band; Mrs. N. ,Marks, Baby Band report; Mrs. C. Martin, the •bale supplies. • 'Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer on Frdday, Feb. 13 when the Anglican ladies will be invited and Rev. W, Ii, Jaggs, Anglican Minister of the Brus- sels charge will be asked to be guest speaker. The tonic "Health and Welfare" from the book Roa- ming our Neighbours, was taken by the 161h and &th group. Those 'taking paavt were Whs. C. Mar - Ulm, Mas. B. Johnston, Mrs, A. McDonald, ,M1rs. H. Bolger. The nleebing •closed -with. prrayer by Mrs. Turnbull. Mrs. Ken McDonald, the newly ,appointed president opened the W. A. meeting with hymn 127 "There is no sorrow". Mrs. Ron. Bennett gave the animates of the last meettug and seed thankyou, cards from Mrs. J. McNichol, Mrs, P. McDonald, Mats. J. Bryans, Mfrs. Hellintda, also a letter of thanks from. Rev, Kepi Krug for a donation for the "Story Hour". .Mfrs. A. •Coutts gave the treasur- er's 'report atter which Mrs. M. Roan was appointed to look after the buying of Everyday Cards. The annual meeting 'w611 be held the evening of Jan, 26 when a pot -luck supper will be served at 7 -o'clock. It was decided to have a social With the following committee to set the date and plan the pro- •gaam. Mrs. Jlm lIeDonaId, Mrs. T. 'Stevens and Mrs. Ethel ,Hack - well, MTs. Ken McDonald closed the meeting with prayer. Summary Day for the course "Sew to Save Dollars and make Sense" will be held Jan. 28t1.1 do the Legion Hall, Clinton, All In- stitute members are cordially in- vited. KIPPEN 'Phe •January meeting of the .WMS arod W. A. was held at the ohnech on Thursday afternoon Jan. 81,11 with 23 member's and 3 visitors present. Mrs. W. Work- man and Mas, E. Whitehouse were hostesses, Mr's, John Sin- clair conducted a very suitable worship servgce with a New Year theme wwhioh ;included 3 hymns, and .two ,poems, "Recipe for a Geoid .New Year" and a "New Start". Mrs. Bennin,dyyk read the scripture and Mrs. Pearl Love with ,Mate. H. Jones fa.voa•ed with a vocal' duet. Mrs. •Snnalair led in prayer. The President, Mrs. R. •Consitt chaired the meeting, and 'the roll tail was answered 435, "Payment of Fees". The treasur- er, Mrs. M. Cooper reported that the allocatien for 1958 had been "net. It was decided to_ send the Ohcdstntas cards to War Veter- ans in England. A card was read from I' 'rs. J. W. 'McLean. The la- dies .deoided the February meet- ing will take the form of a pot- luck ,dimmer and quilting "bee". Mirs..E, Kele read a chapter from the study book "United State's trend of .the ;Church", as- slsted by Mrs. John` Cooper, .Mrs, Johan Anderson 'and blrs. Alien Jolttuson. MTs, _ John Anderson then moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all those taking part. The closing hymn "Safely through smother week". Mrs, Con sett closed with 'prayer. Circle 1 served a very dainty lunch, 141ise /}hazel •Slaviirt, who spent the •Christmas holidays with :her parents ,Mn'. and Mrs, T. Slavin returned .to Lively,' Orate where. sho teaches school. Unfortunate ly she met with an accident do Turing her knew. • 'liesers John Pepper of Bruce field Robert Cooper .anti ,Tohdi •Hendo"eml of Exeter are staving a holiday in Florida, Mr•s, Wm, Winder was taken. on .Sttnclay to South Huron Hos vital, •Exeter. 1ilr, and Mus Eddie Taylor. o Stratford Spent Sa'tur'day with Ml's, R, Di00801a and 'Miss T Whiteman, ..'M,isc Pot Lovell iof'L01*830nWee aWeekend guest of lsOa,' 'ptaa'ents, Mal end ,Mrs. L. 'Lovell, 'Me ,Tian 17rGreeor wee sudden- ly taken ill and Laken to Clinton Psiblio hospital where he was •open+a,tecl on fpr tun nlhpendieitis on 7ts'Idaiy sslght. Sympathy Is •ei"tended Mrs. F,poet Tol'1lanee and fancily of Poa- ter's Rill and to the Ivison fans - Rei 11y d i.n �trJpriaue onca. . �deat o of the late Mr. - Master Kenneth Jones ie con- fined to his home with the flu. Mrs. Long Is recovering frena ,a beth al.ttaok of br+onc�lydtis, ;Mee •anad ISIrs. L. Schneider and tfamily of ,Stratford' visited Sote uird4y afteipoon with the hitter's father, Mao Robert Thomson. • Mrs, Wilmer Jones was admit- ted to St, ;l'oseph'c.hospital in London, where she underwent surg,Saturday inorlvimg. Fl arlenery de asnd "neighbors wish Ilesea'' a speecly'recovery, - BRODHAGEN Mrs, Mervin Leonhardt, baby daughter and Mrs. Harold Rock and baby, son returned home from Stratford hospital. .Mr's. George Mogk underwent an operation at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Gilek and Marlene of Stratford, with "Mr, and Mrs, Calvin Glick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz of St. Catharines with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Binz, Susan Louise Glick, infant dau- ghter of Mr. ' and Mrs: Calvin. Glick (Rose Scherbarth) was bap- tized during the Sundaymorning Lutheran at St. Peter's Church, with Mr. and Mrs. Ang. Scherbarth and Mr. and Mrs, Ar - thin. Gilck the sponsors along with the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuermann, Larry, Diane and Susan of Sea - forth, with Mrs. Louise Hille- brecht and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk, Wendy and Terry of St. Thomas at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Har- old and Geo. Mogk for the week end. The annual meeting of the Un- ited Lutheran Church Women was field Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. Devo- tions were in charge of Mrs, Martin Diegel, Mrs, Reuben Rap- ien, Mrs. Geo Rock. Title of topic was "A year old, a year wiser," There was prayer for another year of Grace and some plans for the year 1959. At the February meeting the ladies will hate a touch and take table and all the ladies of the church are welcome. Plants were bought for the altar; $140.95 was sent for mis- sion, $20 was given towards falel for the church.- 5271 was donated to the organ• fund. It was voted that the retiring president, Mrs, Frank Young, be presented with a life membership pin. BORN Smites - At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Smith, RR 1 Dub- lin, a daughter Swart At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sau. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swart, RR 4 'Seaforth, a daughter Feeney - At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 13th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Feeney, RR 2 Dublin, a son - McClinchey - At Clinton Pub - lid' Hospital, on Sunday, San, 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MoClin- they of Brucedeld, a daughter FOR SALE 2 well bred Holstein heifers ready to freshen first of February, bred to Hereford. Stanley Jack- son, Kippen RR 2; phone Sea- forth 672r5 FOR SALE 10% cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator, heavy duty Moffatt electric range, 3 piece Chesterfield suite, all in good condition. Apply -to 651r5 Seaforth. K. Bergsma, Kippen R3 e FOR SALE Three Holstein heifers, one due Jan. 19, others Jan. 26-27. Apply A. Timmermans, RR3 Kippen SALES AND SERVICE Viking Separators. Authorized dealer Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith & Welding Shop, Brueefield BERT PEPPER AUCTIONEER Reserve your Sale pate now RR 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton HU 2.7534 IN 1V.CI±$MOItua Moore -40 loving memory of my dear husband John Moore who passed away 10 year's' ago, Jon. 17 We watoh'd hunt slowly fade away We tried so hard to make him stay, But God was watching from above Ana took Irina home to share his love, -Ever remembered by Ipso lov tug wife Vera, (laughter Ida and family CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Moore and Ron, also little Gordon Ifooh- ler wish to thank all those who so kindly helped in any way at the "scene of their accident and later at the Hospital. Also all kind friends, neighbors and relatives for many acts of thoughtfulness and helpfulness. It has all been most sincerely appreciated CARD OF THANKS Mr. Ross Broa,dfoot wishes to thank his. friends and neighbors for the treats and cards while he'' Was hospitalized in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. O E Two 4 -room hearted apartments with private bath. Immediate pos- session. H, M'cLlwain, S eaforth FOR SALE A Jersey heifer due Jan. 24, art- ificially bred: Also 1/3 h,p. - mo- tor. Warren Gibbings, R4 Clinton HU 2-7419 • FOR SALE 11 pigs, nine weeks old. Louis Nigh, phone 6621'12 FOR SALE 20 pigs, eleven weeks old. John Li MacLean, Seaforth, 605r21 TO partRENT 2 bedroom ament, treated, East William st. near shoe fact- ory. Available Jan, 27. Robt, D. Scott, phone 250 TO RENT Heated apartment for rent, Apply at The News office FOR SALE 600 Swift's .Rhode Island Red Stissex pullets, 12 weeks old, Ap- ply to Elgin Nott, RR 4 Clinton, Phone 847!6 Seaforth" WANTED Housework wanted several days a week. Mrs, Ben Allker, Box 544 Seaforth FARM FOR SALE Buildings in good repair, good drilled well and deep well pres- sure system. Water in house and barn. 7 room frame house with furnace. No phone. For more particulars call at the farm or write Earl Bolton, Walton 3R 1: Lot 8, Con. 14, McKillop Twp. SEE The new Resulta adding maoh late (printing) at 79.95, adds and subtracts. Regular Resulta at 49.95 (with adding only at 39.95). Also the world's fineslt Typewrit- er, the Voss Portable at 5131.50. Highest trade-in allowance. Sa- vauges, Seaforth. , RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and - guarantee!. radio repairs to all ldnds of radios. a TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 3478, Seaforth WANTED Old horses wanted at 2',4c lb„ and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Minlc Ranch. Phone collect 143314 or 148331 (Goderich) SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Delicious, Snow, Tatman Sweet, Greening, Spies, King, etc. Free delivery in town. Fred McC1y- mont & Sons, Varna. Phone col- lect HU 2-3214 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation "Where Better `Bulls Are Used",, . supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9.6850. If it is a local call, use our regdiar number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or more •yin formation, call between '7:30 and 10:710 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings, For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Mon- day morning. The quality Is high and the cost low. GOOD COMPANIONS regon's SANDWICH BUNS AND YOUR'FAVOURITE FILLING Cleary's 1G A Seaforth WANWISWIAetArti NOTICE--- TOWN ,OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowingand snow re- moval operations, . PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. 'Phis oi'rier will to st7'4otly eh- / oroed ill, accordance tvitli the Highway Traffic Act, Section 48, 9tibsection. 0, NOTICE IS T.[ERE13Y GIVEN ' that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to, parked vehicles as the result ofsnow plowing or show removal operations TRE SEAPORL'FI NEWS Thursday, Jai Alv 15,1959 ,BOX Funeral Service. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital 13od Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon' Phone 5-W Seater* SEAFORTH CL,IIViO E..A, McMaster, 'B.4., M,D., Internist. - P, L. Brady,, M.D„ Surgeon Office .Hour's, 1 p,m. to 5 p.tn., dal, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings;Tuesday, Thursday and Bat•. urdai. only '7-9 p.m, Appointments made In advance aro. desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D:V.M„ V.S. W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V,S, W G l)RENNAiN, D.V.M., V.S. - Phone 105 ', Seaforth JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaford, Hours-:Seaforth daily excebt Mon., 9 to. 5.80 Wed, 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. ova. by appointment• only. Clinton HU -2-7010.. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.801 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ 'SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks et. footed at lowest rates in First- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Officers -.D P ee dent, Wm. 8 TIL Ale ander,., Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager nail Sec.-Treas., :Norma Jeffery, Seaforth, Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth'; T: 8. MoEwing, Blyth; W. 9. Alexander.., Walton; E. J. Trowel -the. mitten; J. 14. PeBornholm;BrumfieldRFuller, Goderiob; 8 Archibald. Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot„ Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Lelper Jr., Londesboro r, J. F.-Prueter. Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or' transact other business, will be promptij attended to by application to any of the, above named officers addressed to .their respective post offices. 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort -- WILLIS'DUNDAS CHAMPIONSTOVEAND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY , Phone 573,or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 2&6:. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith • Ratepayers_, and inhabitants of . the. Township of Tuckersmith are requested. by the council, to not park cars Qtr. -Z-4' township roads and streets during the winter months- in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be -responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on roads. or streets. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Tuckersmith Don Brightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Gas, 'Stove and Furnace Oil Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT. Hudson ' Sterliing Coal - SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 VENTILATING SYSTEMS For barns and poultry houses. A side wall fan gives economical ventilation prolonging the life of your building and improves the health of your stockFor estim- ates see Sharp's Maintenance Service Ph. 851-5 "OSBORNE .& HIBBEI�,T 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Heed Office, Exeter, Ontario President E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill • Vice President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Directors . Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G, Gardiner, Ri Cromarty Milton McCurdy, RRl Kirkton Timothy B. Toohey, 11113 Lucarl Agents Clayton Barris, Mitchell Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia • Stanley Hocking, Mitchell TEXACO PRODUCTS THERMO CHIEF BURNING OILS Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w, Seaforth