HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-01-15, Page 5THE . SD,AFOR'rII N2 WS—Thursday, January 15, 19 9' Smith's Sue Y®r Food Market.: SALE THURS. FRI. & SAT., JAN. 15.16 -17th MONARCH RCH TEA BISK lge pkg 43c• QUIC K QUAKER OATS 38c Large 3 1b. Box SALADA. TEA BAGS 60 size' 73C CARNATION MILK, 21ge tins 29c MARTIN'S APPLE JUICE 27 c ... 48 oz tin 'LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 31 c 48 oz tin ' GARDEN PATCH TENDER PEAS 2-15 oz tins 29c GARDEN PATCH Golden Wax Beans 245 oz tins 29c PHONE '12 WE DELIVER KIPPEN EAST &:open East W. I, 'w221 meet at the .home of Mrs, A. Finlayson on Wed. Jaii. 21st at 2 o'clock. Co. hostess, Mrs, W. Broadfoot. The I1: D. B. A. EUCHRE In the Orange Hall MONDAY, JAN. 1.9th Admission 40c. Lunch & prizes Everybody welcome ra roll call, :bring am article from giaantlmobher's kitchen; nuotto; do not resent grotiyi0i o1d', many are ended the privilege, Nagar, et MacKay; current events. Mrs. W. L. Nleilds; music, Mrs. Ken. MacKay; poem, Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor. This is the grandmoth- er's meeting and' they will enter- tain. A contest by Mrs. W. Ben; Lunch oonimitttee, Mrs, '13. 1rink- beiner, ;Ma's, W, Kyle, Margaret MaoK'ay, • Mas. W. Bell.. Federation Meetin Directors of McKillop Federation of Agriculture are holding an . OPEN MEETING at No. 6 School THURSDAY, JAN. :5th AT 3.30 P.M. In connection with•the BRUCELLOSIS CAMPAIGN All interested persons are cordially invited to attend K. STEWART A. R. DODDS President Secretary Seaforth Agricultural Society Annual' Meeting and Banquet at Egmondville United Church THURSDAY, JAN. 22nd AT7PJL. Dr. E. A. McMaster will show slides of his recent trip to Japan Presentation of trophies Tickets $1.50, available from any Director or Sea-Treas. R. W. Campbell, Pres. R. James -Wallace, Sec.-Treas. TH E HURON COUNTY COUNCIL willmeet in the Council Chambers Court House, Goderich TUESDAY, JANUARY 20,1959 AT 2 P.M. All 'eomultulications, notices 'of deputations and accounts must be in the hands of the Clerk ' riot later than noon, Saturday, January 17th 1959. JOHN G. BERRY CLERK COUNTY OF HURON TOWN TOPICS •Mi'. 0/136 Mre, M, McKellar apse spending a couple of weelos boli dowing in Mt, ,01e111ens,. Mie1U,• and aooheetey',: Mihn.. Mrs, S, Semple le ependin8 COW !days this week in; Kitchener with her :brother and sister -in - Mr. and Mrs. A. Ii;. Goodie. !Mr; II,. G:. Medi was is Men' helm.'iast week: (dr a vibit to: his+ sea Jerry and; !family, P, -0. Jerry 1Vieii, R.C.N left ,for- Halifax on Saturday to re- -loin his ship nebich smile ton' the West coast on a six-month cruise, siloi'tly,. TV: A, GROUP .8 !Group .d of :the W. 'A. of North- side met at the- home of. Min, 13. F. Christie for 'their that meet- ing -in the New. Year: The meeting opened with Miss .Atbbio. Seip reading "A New Year' Prayer". -Hymn Hymn 571 was sung and- the. Lord's Prayer repeated: in, unit, deon, The. president, !Mrs. Wm. Brwdhlbww :rad change af•tthe• bus- iness period when it was -'decided dot carry on with the Blue !Bags fir• this year: The- atoll: calk was answered with a New Year: meso#. luticn. Mrs 'Ohri'tie reported -ter the Red Cross; saying helpers were needed' for tbobit: sewing and knitting. The -devotional plant of meeting opened with. 'hynm' 483' fallow -tad' with .prayer by Mins: N: Knight. The !scripture was read' aiternateliy tram Psalm735 im.• the: llyninary.. Mrs, J tTalliat' gave a treading "'A •Prayer for. the New• Yean": Mrs. P: Dunlop and Mrs, 'Booaclii`oot played' a piano duet, Mrs, Christie gave a talk .on "Thoughts ter the New Year" and' closed' w:iith a poem. "font It: - carporated", After singling •hynnn 545 the ineobing closed' with the Miizpah Benedd:ctiion, Mos. Brat - sharp :roved a vote- of thanks to Mrs, Christie ,for• her home and to diose taking' part in Vie meet ing: Lunch was served' and a so oral' trine spent, J. REID 4'ORRANCTJ T. Reid Torrance; of Go(1er'4oh-. two., died in lois 84th year at his home, Sattirday. A son of the late .Mn: and Mrs. Tohn Torrance, 11e had. resided all his life in .Goder- ich Imp., where Ile fanned. Sur- viving• are his 'wife, the former Gratta Marie Ivdson; ,two sons, Ivison Torrance, Miteheli', and Harry Torrance, Porter's HIE; on'e daughter, Mrs. Margaret Haines, :Severn Bridge; one bro- ther; John Torrance, Porter's Hill; :three sisters, Mrs, James Stirling, Goderich two.; Mrs. Priscilla Elliott, Clinton, and ,:Obi's, Andrew :Sloan, !Sheffield; five grandchildren. The funeral was Ireld Tuesday from the Ball and Mu'tch funeral home, Clinton. Rev. T. Peacock of Bayfield offi- ciated, !Burial was in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley •twp. BRUCE ARMSTRONG W. B. M. (Bruce) Armstrong, 56, Bank of Montreal manager at Goderich and onetime resident of London, died Saturday in Al- exandra Marine and General Hos-' petal. He had been 111 since Chrisitmas. Son of the late Dr. Malcolm Armstrong, he was a native of Brucefrield. He had served at harps in London, Clinton, Pens- ion Falls Westport and Brock- ville before moving to Goderich. He managed the local tbranch tor eight years. Mr. Armstrong was also treas- urer of the-Goderich I'Iospital Board, a past president of the Lions Club and a member of bhe. Masonic Order. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Jessie Logan; one son, Wil- liam, a Bank of Montreal employ- ee in ,Sarnia; a brother, Malcolm. of Taira; and two sisters, Mass. G Purclon of Tara, and Mrs, F. Miller, Toronto, The funeral was held Monday from Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderioh, the Rev. R. G. MacMil- '1an int -related Burial was in Ma- plevidle Cemetery, Smith's Falls, ROXBORO The annual meeting of S. S. 1.3, McKillop was hold on Dec. 31, 1968. The school having been closed for 15 yearn that is June 1941 ,to -September 195.6, •it was found necessary to renovate. The classroom was redecorated, floor sanded, waxed and polished and hydro installed In 1956. A pres- sure system with flush toilets, wash .basin, drinking tfountain, also the ceiling of the classroom Insulated in 1957. In 1956 an oris heating unit was installed in a cement block building attached to rear of school with the inter- ior fireproofed. The total cost of the ratite oenovatiort was $3234,88, which was considered by the board as being very reas- onable considering that prior to opening the 9011001, various esti- mates up to $8000:00 were sug- gested. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Mac Robertson of Guelph with MT. and 'Mrs. J. D311. Mr. and !Mrs, Geo. Coyne tin Brantford with 114x. and tl?rs. Jas, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus- kapf and two chitldren, in Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs, Jerome Nicholson. Miss Mary Mioraiseni (Kitchener with br, and ,torts. J. ,Morrison. Mise Beatrice Murray, Brant- ford wthbb Mr, and Mrs. John E. M n aY. EGMONDVILLE. Mr, and Mrs. Bent !Hemingway and ,soar Morrie of Brussels spent Sunday with Mrr, ,and Mrs. Harry Weiland. Mre; Belle Hamilton of Auhurn visited With Air, and Mre. A. CI. ,Routledge;• Mrs, ,r, 8., Wabsow de atdl1= con*• tined to it110 :house, We wish her a s'pee'dy recovery,. .Mrs. 13„'Aho has-eturned- fr0'111 'Terante a131 le With:, her- sister, Mrs. W.. D. Snaith.. JUNI02 P,AR lfERS Seaforth Junior Farmers :held. their meeting oil .Tam 6111!lir Sea - tooth Distritt High School: Meet- i•ng' opened with the roll -call an- swered by her; many cattle are you fattening bars Year: Trewsur- er, s report for 1958 was given by :Andrew• Daviilkon, ,'Plie oleo -tribal of officers was' os: felibws-; Pres;, 23111,Stuong; let Vice, Bruce Cole- man; 2nd' Vttbe, Jack. Chogier Rao., Don Hemingway; Treasur- er, .Erio Maintosli, Piens Report= er,' ibabtt I)lliabt; Directors for McKillop — Lavery Godkih; Far Grey and' tMacuris :David' Hem- ingway; Huliebt—.:loss ,Milibon; TuokerS¢nbbh—Bob Persona Boli Brroad''Poot; Auditors --gen- •Camp-• :'bell; Lard' MoSpaddbn; Past Pres;,, !was- Merbon Keyes. Euchre Dance Foresters Hall, Constance FRIDAY, JAN. 16 &.30 P.M. Admission 50e. Lunch provided Nootigstdo Uzi•ttett C1Fzcrp8' •Worsbil) Se1141e0S at 11,00 arm. and' 7,00 p.m. The :evening service. is given over to a Bible study ill t1ie. G;ospei 'pf Mo.i'lc,, Church School meets tact Sunday ait10'a;nr. Ji' 9Rwgregation meets during llnornia ;worship, Parents am in- vited ovited to, bring their children. Leavy kvur baby in good ltandb while! yohr take, part in -the wor- sliift . The, Young People's Fellowship Croup meets eaoli Sunday at 8:15 p;m:. All' young !people invited' to. attend regularly as this is a fine opportunity to get together with' young people of'your•o^wn age: Etrmondvitle United dlaiweh Dr: J. •1Seniple, Minister Lyle Hammonds, QrgaraiShe)io r Leader: lllllllllllll I l lllllll I lll nu,u a"unaannaa - First' Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER ' Minister 10 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL AND. YOUTIH --FELLOWSHIP CLASS 11 a.m., "Might for Life's Mastery” Music, anthem, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art (Marks) 4.30 Vesper Service "The Art of Being Kind" ' Annual Congregational' meet- ing at 8 p.m. Mon., Jan. 19 13, A, REMPSTES% ' Organist and Choir Leader t 11' a.m.,. Vital issues feeing 'tlie i` 10 a.m„ •Church •Scbool Installattoi $ervice ()ricers,. Young. 2eopTe's Union IOvening Service. Jan, 23.rd, The Congr'egational meeting. 7.34 p.m., Candid taiic .about Obscene and Indecent Literature, review of Lenten •Booklet: 'You acrd' the Devil", Town of Seaforth Re� gi, a Proclamalion Inview of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued. by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs,, and the fact that they are not to run at large . at any time, the Council. feels that charges must be laid' under thirst Hy -law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could' be $50..00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the 'laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor YOU GET MORE OUT OF LIFE WHEN YOU GET THE MOST OUT Of ELECTRICITY Even though it's washday Mother has plenty of time to spend with the children, because electricity helps with the ' housework. The washing is done automatically... by electricity. While she's away the clothes will be washed and rinsed thoroughly, simply by setting the dial on the automatic electric washer. When she comes home, the washing needs only to be transferred to the automatic electric clothes dryer. While she's busy preparing dinner (on her automatic electric range), the washing will be dried sunshine -fresh, automatically, whatever the weather. Automatic electric laundry appliances are safe, clean, and modern. They free you from wash- day drudgery forever ... yet they cost just a few cents a day to operate. You get more out of life, when you get the most out of electricity. ,r uAe�wQd=-1'74- O.wyQ. QQQnM.: To freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for some time, wash out with baking soda in warm water. live better... ELECTRICALLY YOUR HYDRO the safe, clean, modern way ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH .. COSTS SO LITTLE