HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-01-15, Page 4EGMONDVILLE The annual Meeting 'of the W. A,. and WNW was held In the Sunday 'Solleol robin a the ,Ohm o i on Jan.' 7th et 2 o'clock with S good attendance, .Mrs. A. Boyes the W. A. Presidentopen- ed 'the meeting with the :theme song.' After which Alrs. E, Petiole Farmers Union Meeting JAN. 21st, 8,30 P,M. Walton and Seaiortlt locale of Farmers Union are holding, a joint meeting in Walton Com, mutiny hall Guest speaker, Mrs. Hopkins, Lady Pres, Every one welcome Ladies especially invited Lunch led In prayer, lvl'iintttes: of 'the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs, 0. fayre then read her see - retail report after which the roll Ball was 'answered. Correspond. puce Wee read. The breaeureeil report was given by Miss Mae Sanitli ducting a very prosperous Year, The main event -of the slay was a W. A, life membership pre- Berated to NM. IL F. ,Dt13'$t by Mrs. Rev ,Sein'ple. It was the first one presented to a member. Nit's. Semple told of the wonderful work that Mrs. Durst hallodone while being president. The offer- ing was then received by Mrs. E. Stephenson and .Mra. J. McIntosh. The .meeting was then opened for CAROL LYN SHOP SALE SPECIALS STARTING THURSDAY, JAN, 15 DRESSES Limited number. Broken size range Reg. 10.95 to 20.95 55.00 HOUSE COATS Limited number. Wool, Bengaline, Satin Reg. 9.95 54.99 PLAID BLOUSES $2.99 HOUSE DRESSES $2.39 BLOUSES SPECIAL CLEARANCE 51.59 • CAR COATS $8.99 SLACKS WOOL GAT1ARI1INE CORD 53.99 NYLONS FIRST QUALITY BRAND LINES 79c HATS -- half price SPECIAL TABLE 99c ALL OTHER MERCHANDISE 2,0% OFF ALL SALES FINAL CARO, LYN SHOP i 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN 1958 CHEVROLET COACH 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1956 DODGE COACH 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 FORD STATION WAGON - 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 METEOR SEDAN 1953 MONARCH SEDAN 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1952 FORD SEDAN 1949 VANGUARD SEDAN 1954 Chevrolet / Ton Pickup 1951 Ford 2 -Ton, Stake Rack., 1951 Ford J2 Ton No Reasonable Offer refused SeaforthMotors Chevrolet -Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawn 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 moist "n""n"nn rm,11s,11s,11st0$11"$1„$1mm,$1mm„,m,n,r$1„'mnrm,n„m"r„n,nn,,,n, smut n"u"u"nn” PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH In accordance with a resolution passed b3', the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1958. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen 9nnunmmllnrmen$1mn,11mw$1u,uunu,$111murumnnm,m,m„rm„nn,uummmrmnunnwmnnunnnunmet, 'business, The Agricultural ban. duet was discussed and It was deeido4 10 883V0 lunch at the en - noel mooting' instead'; of ,a pet; Wok supper,' Miss. Frances Boas• ton then took over the WMS and opened with a .reeding "New Year's Praryer", Psalm ,137 was then repeated in unison, •The, lit- erature report was given by Mrs. L, Strong.Mrs, Dart Popple then gave. the Rec, Sec. report. ,Treas. user's'report was given by Mrs. Roy ,McGonigle showing a goad year. Mas. ,Stan Jackson then, proved We put Mrs, L. Strong's name art the slatteof officers as 1st Woe President, Mrs, N. Mr - Lean nus •Mission Band Supt., sec. ended by Mins. iE, Boyes, Mrs. .Durst then sang a solo "It Took Miracle". Dr. Semple very ably took over the 'installation of offi- cers: Past ,Pies., ,Mas. A. Pepper; Pres„ Miss (prances Houston, 1st Vice' Mus. L. Strong, 2nd Vice Miss Rena .McKenzie; and Vice, Mrs, Gordon McGonigle; Treas,, Mfrs, Roy McGonigle; Rec. Sea„ Mfrs. Earl Popple; "'Corr. Sec., Mrs. Warden Haney; Press Sec., MTS. ;Earl Papple; Christian Citi. zenehtp Sec., Mrs. A. Pepper; Christian StewardshlP See, Mrs. W. Haney; .Communlity Friend- ship Sec., Mrs. J. McLachlan; As- sociate Members, Slks. 17, 'Steph- enson; Supply Sec., Mrs, A. Rout- ledge; Literature Seo„ Mas. L, Strong; Missionary ,Monthly sec„ Mrs. M. •Nott; Baby Band ;Supt„ Alps. Preston Dallas; Mission Band Supt., Mrs, N. McLean; Pi- anist, MTs. E. Cameron, W. A. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Alex Bores;. 1st Vice, Mrs, E,, Oameron; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Alex :Chesney; Res. Sec., -Mrs..C. Eyre; Correspond- ence Sea., Mrs, VST.. Haney; Treas., Mliss Mae Snaith; Red Cross, Mrs. H. Jackson; Pianist, Mrs. E. Cameron; Group Leaders, .Group 1, Mrs. A. Forbes; 2nd Mrs. H. Weiland; 3rd Mrs. H. Chesney; 4th 1531s, Stan Jackson; ,.;'Gane Committee, Mrs. Wm. .Cameron, Mrs. W. Tremeer, Mrs. A. Hous- ton. Rev. Mr. •Semple closed the meeting with the Benediction. A sooial half hour was spent with lunch. Egmondville YP:U held their regular meeting .on. Sunday even- ing .Jan. 11th. Meeting . opened with hymn "What a,Friend We have In .Jesus", Margrar'et Wood read the scripture and led do prayer. Margaret Chesney read a proem. Election of officers took place: Hon. Pees., and Counsel- lor, Dr. J. ,Semple; Past Pres.-, Margaret Wood; Pres., B. Cole- man; 1st Vice Pres„ Marjorie Popple. Sec., Dorothy Boyes; 'ilreas., Bev Henderson; Pianist, Carolyn :Vein; Press Reporter, Dorothy Jackson; Faith and. Ev- angelism Convener, Ronald Eyre; Citizenship and Community Ser- vice, Carolyn Hammond; Mis- sions and World Outreach Com- mission, Margaret Chesney; .Stew- ardship and Poaiiming„ Bill Strong; Recreation and Culture, Helen Boyes. The meeting clos- ed with hymn, "Faith of our Fa- thers." Recreation followed. WINTHROP The ninth annual meeting of the Winthrop YPU was held on Wednesday, Jan. 7th. After a Pot -luck supper the guest speak- er Donald Hemingway of Brus- sels spoke and showed pictures of his trip to New Brunswick. He was ,thanked by Arnold CamP- bell. The officers for 1959 are: Past .Pres., Arnold Campbell; Pres., Donald Dodds; Viee Pres., Gloria Boyd; Sec. and Press Sec Garry Little; Treas„ Ronald Lit- tle; Pianist, Jean Hilton; Stew- ardship and Training, Margaret Boyd, ass't., Wayne Dolmage; Missions and World Outreach, Sandra Doig, ass't., Margaret Al- exander; .Citizenship and Com- munity Service, Edith Boyd, ass't.. Margaret Hallen; Faith and Evangelism, Francis Hunt, asst. Elaine Beattie; Recreation and Culture, Earl 'McSpadden, asst„ Grace Doig; Lunch Com- mittee, Frances Blanchard, Ei- leen Dolmage, Georgina Little, Sharon Somerville, Eileen Smith The first meeting of the Win- throp YPU of the New Year was held on Sunday, Jan. llth. The 1859 slate ,of officers was install- ed by Mr. ,Summerell, Hymn 380 was sung and Gonia Boyd read the scripture, Margaret Boyd took the topic on Stewardship and Training, "What's In Your Hand?". hymn 200 was sung, We decided to have discussions on passages from the bible. It was decided to have •our• meetings on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. We planned on having a skating ,party 'in the near future. The closing hymn was 256 followed by the beneclic- iron and "Taps", HENSALL Amber Rebekah, Urine Enterta4nus Noble Grand Mrs, Inez MlcEwen presided at the meeting of Am- her'•It0bejpall Logg0 349 on Wed 1105day eveoSil!g, Ledge opened s in. regular Eosin, The financial re - pont was given by 'the ry treasurer, MPS- Laird Jacobi, N, �tiA', Airs. Me. Ewen reported" •1asketa and Mow - me seat to startles by ,the •O.P.FP. oomnnitte0 at 'Christmas. The 'sec- retery, 'Miss AZaylbelle Whiteman read a number of 'Christmas cards received .from valuous Lod- ges, wlso than:kyou cards from members receiving Cheistmes. flowers and treats. The marathon euchre plan 'was discussed. It was decided .to iwld the 10th birthday •party of the Lodge ,on Feb, 4th and 'invite a1 lodge from the jurisdiction, Allowing the meeting the members entertained :over 60 guest's et a progressive euchre Party. The ,prize winners were ladies high, Mrs. L. Chapman; ladies 2nd, Mrs, Graham. oonso ;ration, Mis. W. Carlisle. Gent's first, Glenn Bell; and, Joe Mc- Lellan; oonsolation, .hack In- gnann, Glicltets were soul on a lucky ,draw. The winners were Mips. 17. Shaddlek and ,Mr. W. R. Dowga11. Refreshments were ser- ved at the close, - Harry Field 96, King Street, Heusall, was 'rushed to London by -ambulance on (Monday night after his oar crashed into a tree on No. 4 Highway about six miles south of Hensel], He suffered a fractured drip 'and multiple lac- erations and was rltdaaitted to ,St. Joseph's Hospital. Police said the car, a 1954 model was wrecked. Mr, Field was alone in the vein - ole 'when it clashed. Provincial ,Oonstalble John. dIlaisan investi- gated. Mr. and Mrs. Don Avery of Sar- nia were weekend visitors with the latter's Parents, 'Al'. and ,Mrs. Joe Flynn road Boyce, Mr. Cecil Van Iloa'ne .of Lucan was a 'recent visitor with his daughter and sort intlaw, M1', and .A7ms. Gerald Flynn. Mfrs. S. 'Saraq+us who has been oonfined to her hone owing to illness is recuperating at 'tlte ;tome of her daughter, ,Mrs. ILaa•- old Banbhron, HULLETT On ,Ian. 12, 21 adults and three r children of tate Fireside Farm Forum met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carter to ,listen to the broadcast. The subject "Who Writes the •Coniract?" None of those :present were working un- der contract, but many farmers not lar diabant have contracts for producing. hogs, b to fi l e r s, beans, ,barley, hens and turkeys. It has caused a 'surplus and low- er prices 'but eontraot farming has. created a better market and better prices for the individual farmer raising little pigs. It has given the young man with little money and little credit an oppor- tunity to get started in farming. Don Buchanan invited the group for next week.. Following are the winners in 'progressive euchre: most games, Mrs. H. Taylor and Jim Howatt; lone hands, Mrs. R. Jamieson and Don Buchanan; consolation, Mrs. Jim Howatt and Oliver Anderson. CROMARTY :Mr. and Airs. Donald Wallace, Oarin"ngford, were Sunday visitors with AIr. and Airs. Geo. Wallace. Mr. and Alt's. Otto Walker en- tertained a few guests on Friday evening in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary. Air. and Mrs. John Wallace, Margaret Ann and Debbie' and Mrs. Grace Scott visited in Lon- don on •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick. Alrs. Parent who has spent sev- eral weeks with her daughter and sonin-law, ,Sgt. M. P. and Mrs. Bettes,. left on Saturday to visit •elatives in Montreal on her re- turn trip to her home at Prince Albert, Sask. Mr. Alex Gardiner is confined to his home with a severe cold. Aiir. and Mrs. K. McKellar en- tertained a few- friends on Wed- nesday evening in honor of Ken's loth birthday. AIr. T. L. Scott is suffering from an infection in his hand. The January meeting of the 7VMS was held at the home of Mrs. Sadie Scott with the presi- dent Mrs, T. Laing ,presisiing. Mrs, Grace Scott led an the devo- tional exercises using Joshua chap. 1: 1-9 for a scripture ,les- son. The new study book "Mile stems are Changing" was • intro- duced by Mrs. Calder .McKodg.- Mrs. Houghton gave ourrent ev- ents readuing,an 'article on the work of Mars. Denton Taylor. The topic "The Roads we Trav- el" was given by .Mss. Sadie Scott. The roll call was answered by 13 members with a New Yearr•,'s verse. A thankyou note from Miss Currie, acknowledging her Christmas gifts was read by Mrs. Laing. Airs, M. Lomond led in the Glad Tidings Prayer and Mfrs. Laing closed the meeting with prayer. VARNA The many friends of Mrs. Ings are sorry to 'hear she is confined in Scott Memorial Hospital, The annual meeting of the Un- ited .Clutt'oli Sunday School is to he held on Thursday, evening at 8 o'clock in the Church. ,Skaters 'old and young are 811- joyhrg the good skating in the rink during ,the past couple of weeks. , b' D Re1T3ON N:3±WS On Tuesday, Jan. at1, the Hur- on. Ooupty Fettered= Political Action Ooolil'ttoe along tvitlt •r0• 1x+esOntatlYOe et the COaaty 00tu- tn0dity Groups met with Marvin Howe, M,P; and Chas Mollaugh.' telt, 343,'.P. at a dinner in tete Iiotel C1illton, 'We are •90331y that Aston Cardiff, M.P. was unable to ettencl due to a fall and that John 3lan'nah; M,P,P. was not availiih10. The President oa the Federa- tion, Winston ,Shapton, Presided and 'presented the federation brief, based mainly on resolu- tions passed at the C.P.A.. An. anofal, inarticular interest to the county was the recommendation ,that 'there be Standard bine, throughout the Province or fait dig that at least there he uniform' beginning and ending dates, Also, uniform marking ,of foxes far receiving bounty land a un Yorm bounty. The Feclera,bion also added facts to support ,former recant 'mondations of the C.F.A. that farmers be eomliensated-for live - stook lost through .rallies. lit was recommended that ,the Federal Government study and rectify the inequalities of 'freight nates in the movement of -Ontario gnan as compared to Western grain. Tlie Dairy ,Co-Ordinating Board Baia was submitted by Lorne Rodges with ,Simon •He:Mahan coni,nlen'ttn'g on butter and Geo. Watt on cheese. The disposal of. skim: milk powder seemed to be. the biggest Dairy problem and ,it was felt thtit the Federal govern- ment through co-operation w'3Eh U.N.I.0 I7.F. and CARL] could do much to correct this diffiou ty. With the need for larger quanti- ties ,of cheese ,9.hesurpius.ddffictil- 1y in powder would be consider- ably reduced. In the case of butter it was felt that 'since the 58e ;floor on butter Yat proved too low to cre- ate enough production to meet tate demand it was recommended that the support 1lrice Tremain at 64e, However since this floor price apparently raised the retail Prim to the point where the con- sunptdon wes reduced it wa's re- commended that Canada copy the system, of Britain and many European countries, of a consum- er subsidy 34 reduce the retail price of this good food. It was suggested that this consumer subsidy ,be 5c per 1b. .The recommendations of the Hog Producers, .presented by Ross Love, Vice Pres. in absence of Pres. Bert Lobb who also was un- able to attend due to a recent fall, was short and to the point. A vote Was held last Surly which required ,that 66 2/3% of .Hoose voting must favour the Plan. Over +68%n voted in favour. The Hog Producers therefore urge that the Government uphold the legislation and refuse to tolerate the ,obstructionist ,tactics of the opposition.. Russell Bolton, Zone Director of the 'Wheat Producers, reported that the Wheat producers are do- ing a good job of disposing of their wheat. However he pointed out that–soft winter wheat clan be shipped from Alberta to Pet- erboro for 'less freight then wheat from -Chatham to Peter - boyo. This seems to be discrim- ination against the Ontario grow- er and the .Canadian Government is requested to make these rates more equitable. This also applies to shipments of United States wheat. While we do not favor trade restnietions it does seem unfair that Ontario wheat growers should have to compete against freight rates .in the U.S. 'Robt. McGregor, President of the County Beef producers, felt that the price of beef is high enough. Higher prices could re- duce consumption and this would be ,difficult to regain. Mr. Mc- Gregor expressed regret that the promotion plan for 'beef which was aPPr:owed at the last annual meeting and apparently approv- ed by the Farm Produots .Market- ing Board, has not yet ,become effective. Ft was recommended that the Ontario Government en- deavour .to clear up the obstruct- ing technicalities -with all possi- ble speed. Carl Hemingway reported on the Poultry Industry in the ab- sence of Bob McKinley, chair- man of the County Poultry Com- mittee. The very few price of fowl and ,the wide fluctuations in egg prices indicate the need for a strong poultry, organiza- tion. It is also reported that the market price for capons Is 26c but not buyers. This is 511 unrea- sonable 'situation, Either the price is too 'high or ,the trade •ie faliling to put the product ,before the consumer. Capons make excel- lent eating and the consumer will buy .if given the opportunity at the Tight picks. The Ontario Poultry Executive have finally received approval, from the Farm Products ,Market- ing Board, of the method by which an active Poultry Promo- tion plan can he put into oiler• a,tion. Meetings for poultry Pro- ducers will be held throughout the counties at which informa- tion will be given out, a vote taken and result's recorded. If there is a good attendance and a large majority favour the plan it will be put into effect. If the attendance is small and not favourably accepted we can forget It all and let egg prequel tion fall into the same position as the broiler industry. BRODHAGEN Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Ahrens quietly celebrated their 49th wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 11. Visiting with them was Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt and Mrs, Barbara McLeod of Mitch- ell, Mrs, Lena Elligsen and Clay- TITL SEAFQRT1I NEWS—Thursday, Jan481'Y 15, 1959 ton Ahrens, A .gift of a, potted Plant was presented to the couple by those present. Stewards of tine Christian Norse stet in the oit1(3311 basement- with devptiotls in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mr, and bit's. Harold illogic, 1dr. and Mrs. Glen Moglc. The topic was "The $01'- 111011” with questiotts directed to Pastor E. 3, Fischer. Moving pictures were sltoWn by Mr. Allan of Fullarto"h of the. the Perth County Fiinl Board. After a short business period lunch was served b3, the sante committee. The Broedhagen and District Chamber of Commerce met in the church basement:' Seven new members were accepted into the organization, Aug. Seherbartlr, William Hill, H. Proctor, Kenneth Smith, Wilbur Hoegy, Peel Boyd, Gerald Buuclr. .A grant of 51500 was acknowledged .from the Pp, of Logan, Future money was dis- missed each member ,would sign a note for $250 as security to borrow money to complete the building of the hall. The base- ment wall has been completed and work is continuing on the first floor. William Diegel was appointed foreman. The next meeting is on Friday, Feb. 6th, and will be ladies night held at the Legion Home, Mitchell, with Dr. McMaster, Seaforth, the guest speaker and showing films. Everybody Welcome O.E.S. EUCHRE IN 1, 0. 0. P. HALL THURS. JAN. 22nd i Good Prizes. Lunch served • wwwwwwwwvvvvvvim T1u PUBLIC E is invited to- attend• The Seaforth Lions Club. LASSIES' NIGHT and BURNS' NIGHT y Monda Evening _ January 26th. 6.30 p.m. Community Centre OUTSTANDING PROGRAMME of Scotch Songs - Dancing and Music -- Guest Speaker -- REV. HAROLD SNELL well known Hallett Township native and now Minister of James Street United Church, Exeter TICKETS AVAILABLE AT • Kling's Store • Keating's Pharmacy or from Members of the Commit- tees Ross Scott, James M. Scott, 3. R. Spittal, A. Y. McLean TICKiETS -1.50 EACH Accontlnodation limited to 200 You, too, can get a PERSONAL LOAN Our Personal Loan'service is organized to meet the wide range of needs of -a wide range of people. Personal Loans are available at any one of our more than 800 branches . , . for any worthwhile purpose , . . for from one to three years .. . A loan is readily repaid through regular ' monthly deposits. THE CANADIAN. • BANK OF COMMERCE Providing Specialized Personal Loan service since 1936 N -59C Seaforth Branch: -L. F. Ford, Manager Dublin Branch: E. J. Dean, Manager WINTER'S THE TIME for a -farm improvement loan • when there's more time to do the job • and skilled help is available Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Dominion Government, are available from your bank -up to $5,000 at five percent simple interest, and repayment periods up to 10 years depending on amount borrowed and the purpose of the loan. These loans cover the purchase of all ;types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and. farm buildings. ALL HOME OWNERS are eligible for HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS, under the National Housing Act, available through your bank -up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay. Why wait for spring DO IT NOW! w.,, Issued by authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada ® A 8054