HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-01-15, Page 1Thi: Seaf�rth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 31 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, T MRSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1959 51.60 a Year COUNCIL MAKES GRANT OF $3,500-00 TO ARENA BOARD The 'Seafor'Uh town council con- Mor Suggests - Year ,tined its first moetdng (ot the ay .on Monday evening which Annexing Land bad Heart, adjourned frond the in- (Seaforth may annex more land augural session held do .the moan- to provide or expansion Mayor Mg, B, F. Ohristie told Seaforth town T(ho, Mayer Wilted Councillor ooluioil in las address at the •in - y augural meeting or council on Turnbull to give a report on the Monday .morning,, The biggest job sewer development, Councillor for council the mayor said was Turribi ll' said he expeotel the to pn'oeeed with the sewerage oouncil would sign an agreement wvoalc. This would take, the best elfo.ts of the memihers. with the Ontario Water Reseal, Mayor Christie introduced Fa - nes Commission shortly: it would thcsr Chases Sullivan who was be necessary to tont :a special eppointeci pastor of 0t. James' needing of council to pass the by Church lust 'fall to uiombers of law ratifying the agreement, council, Father Sullivan in a short prayer asked for spiritual Coiu40illor Turnbull told coun- gtbidanee for council in its delib- etl 6.e had been an the :.city last 'e'ations during the coming year, week and had looked up about anal for virtue and religion. He tusked for wisdom •for .the mem- the winter work program in eon-. bars and, officials an their ddreo- ueotiori with the sewer, The work tion of the policies for the whole. on the actual sealer wouldquald- town during the year which is f 101^ .nen wv .o are in need of now beginnnng• In his address Mayor Christie work. He said he doubted if the exteutlecl welcome to a new' reeve work ton the new ,pumping station who had been on council last or the lagoon would qualify un- year and toa new councillor less an early start on them was who was taking his place at the board, He soul that when the possible. The winter work Imo' sewer on•Gcderi0hstreetwa seons- gram ends (on April30, he said. plated the roadway could be re - A .delegation from the Coin- eartaced' munity (Centre Board, William Tesla, elsairman, and L, F. Ford, sec.-treas,, asked council for a grant' 'of $3500 to cover the board's 'requiirements for the year as fan' -as could be'estimauted. • Mr. Testi (said the board re- quired $750 to pay„ rote ' a note held by the Mentor. Reid' estate which would have to be paid at once in full, $250 cash would be paid t'o three ether note holders, J. A. Stewart, Dr, McMaster and J. B. Keating to reduce the board's indebtedness. to each of them to $500. The ,insurance premium of al- most $1000 was due in a short time. Mr. Teal said, and there was $1000 towing to Frank Kling for the ine!tallation of a gas burn- er 3m .the furnace. There was also a WI for $152 which had just come in 'Eor gas used so far tilos year. Councillor Baldwin exp$ained to council about ;the dnettalla9tio'n of the new heating equipment at the arena. The old . .burner was done atud :the aboard had determin- ed that the furnace Was not suat- ed, to burning .cid (and had consid- ered that putting in gas 'burn - lag equipment would be cheaper and its use much more conven- ient. The arena supplied heat to the Legion hall, and -always in the past the Legion had made a Contribution towards the heating coats at the end o -f the winter, and they had promised to do the same this year. Mr, Teat said .the roof was leaking over the arena (dance floor. and 'tads would require din- :mediate repaiirs If the floor wane to he saved from serious damage. The ,cost was estimated at $800 ° :and With $200 needed for repairs to the' ''front would ;bring the re paUir bila -up to :$1000, ihe. said. •Bhat *would total $3500 altogeth- er torr :the grant ttrom, the town. There was an item of 1300 ow- ing to Ball-MacauUay for plywood for the boards strain/1d the arena ice wIII,CI . had been In bad shape, L. F. Ford who recently was appointed See.-treas., of the arena' board, read the financial state- ment given in another column. Counaidi,or Baldwin said the revenue for skating this veer at the areata was higher than any previous year. They had been. able to get the slcating started early last fall. The' Skating falls off after December, he said. Council adopted a motion to pay $1500 (oa the notes on the. arena floor and $2000 ,towards (other requirements .of the board, a total of $3600. ,Councilaer Brady suggested that a motion should he passed recommending bo the 1960 oounci-1 that they pay $1500 towards pa.y- .ments on the motes; (Councillor H' auhletak said ,the only street business had been snow plowing. The Clerk react a letter from the county engineer concerning snow plowing on Main Street and the removal' of snow. Councillor Tttrmtbull n'enai'ked that a lot of streets 'would have to be resurfaced after 'the sewers were laich . Mayoorr • Gludette ,outlined' ideas ler next year's Christmas parade. He thought the nomtimatitoins and electionsshould be 'moved a' lit - le closer together,, The Bank of Cbmme ce was ap- pointed ,banker for the town, Council ,ratified payment Of $10 each to depiuties end olerlte and dolling boeNIS j(tl. ,tie reCgnt inn• All members were present and took the oath of efttiee: C'ouncil- l'ors John Turnbull, Scott Hab- kirk, Thorpe Rivers, Nelson Cami- no, John Baldwin, Dr. 'Paul Bra- cly, Reeve ,William Ball, and Ma- yor B. Christie presided', Following the opening cere- mony Domicil eone4dered a .strik- ing committee to draw np a Est of standing Committees for the year. Adjournment was nude un- til evening, Council Committees Named for 1959 The following are the standing committees of Seaforth •Council for 1959. The first named as the chairman., Finance --,Brady, Card - no, ]3a1cl'tviin; Property—Baldwin, I•Iabieirk, Rivers; (Streets Hab kirk, Ball. Rivers; Relief—Ball, Brady. Canino; Fire and Waiter— Rivers,, Habkinr'k, Ball; Court -of Revision( --Christie, Be11, "Daadtr', T-urnbui1,: Cardio; Police--Chaie tale, Baldwin, Habkdrk; Inclustri- al—Ballwin, Christie, Camino; Sewage --Turnbull, Brady, Riv- ers; Park—Cardno, Rivers, Turn- bull., Municipal Appointments: Town Clerk, D: H . Willson, $1850; Town Treasurer, D. H. Wilson, $1250; assessor, W. ,E. Southgate, $900; Fire Brigade Chief, $300; Weed Control Inspec- tor; nspecttor, H. Maloney, $7 a month; Road Foreman,. H. Maloney, $78.- 78; 78.78; •Caretaker and Street Supt H. Maloney, $157.55 a month; Town (Solicitors, McConnell and. Stewart, -'$150; Town 'Auditors, Davis, Dunn :and Broughton, $750; Tax collector, H. ,Mii1oney; Fence Vlietwers, . Jas. Henderson, Hoegy, Jas. Aitcheson; Li- brary Board, "Mrs. C. E. Smith; Community Centre Board, B. F. Christie, J. A. Baldwiin; . Seabt. Memorial Hospital Board, Dr. A. S. Black. 21f2716293? MAIDENS Seafor,i. Merry Alaidens 4th meeting was held at She home .or Mrs. McGregor at 2 pan., on Jan. 3rd. Opened with "0 Canada” followed by the pledge and min- utes of lent meeting and roll call by three .things we have learned abort Dons.. The next meeting at the. home of Mrs. Carter on Jan. 10th ,was Planned. Mrs. Whyte gave us notes , en Let's Face the nobs about Cereals and.. Around the Clack with Cereals, Home As- signment was• as follows: Dist all food (products by wheat, corn and oats. Use cooked cereals at least. once. Roll .dell for next 'meeting is a list of toed products. Our meeting closed with God save the Queen. nivipal elecbbons. Council appointed L. F, Ford a ,member oP the ootnmundty cen- tre ,board an place of R. S. :1iac Donald who had resigned, t0ouncillor Baldwin told council arrangements hacl been made with E. Hunt "to "board" ttate town horse in his barn. The town. was considering that when they got a new truck in. the spring the seavenger'e ,tonic would be moan ted on .the ,old truck and the Boras sold to Mr. Hunt. The tank lead ;been mounted on a;tretelc for a sdi rt time a. few years .ago. Council gav'e'thilul reading and Daesecl the bylaw for exemption on , the new 'factory. A petition was passed tor : the etatuttory pant on highway ina- proveanent, Councilpassed the annual' rby- law appniaitin•g town o•fficlaie and tYinpioyees, January Meeting of Tuckersmith Council Tuokorsinitli Municipal Comb all held its inaugural meeting : in the Town Hall, ,Seaforth, on Mon- day, Jan, 12th at 11 a.m. The Reeve and Gounoil subseri'bed to the Oath oI' Office before the cleric, Ds'. Jas -Semple of Egmondvilde United Chnreh conducted a elront devotional period anal invoked Divine Guidauce uilon the (lelib- eretton's or the Council .10 the coming year. Council joined the Ontario. Good Reads Assoc„ Associationtof Rural Municipalities and ,the As- sociation of Assessing Offices of Ontario. Asa step toward control of dogs•during the present rabies el:lemic, council will supply tags for all dogs in ,the township and a bylaw will be considered et next regular meeting provid- ing for confinement of dogs dur- ing such periods as may be pre- scribed by proclamation, It is ex. petted ,Ghat ,tags will . be mauled to all •clog owners 01 ltarbarers and ell dogs must wear • such tags. Grants ,were made to Bruce, held vire Dept, $200.00; •Scott'. Memorial Hospital, $25,00; Sal. vatlon Army, $25.00; St. John's Ambulance, •$10.00; The Clerk was' instructed to notify owners in the Egnuondville Water Area that all accounts must be paid on (or before -clue date and that water will be (disconnected from proper- ty in arrears. The clerk was also instructed tto notify -ell rate pay- ers .in arrests of taxes that eligi- ble properties will be listed tor tax sale unless each arrears are paid. A. tmeetin.g ,of interested rate- payers on the iElgie. Drain will be arranged for the purpose :of ass- essing repair costs on the same, Roy Bell was app'aintecl as member from Tuckersmith to the Aueable Conservation Authority for 1959. 91. P. ,Chesney was employed to keep the Road Supeuntendent's books for 1969 at salary of $400. Accounts passed an el u d ed: Grants, $260.00; Election, $1,24.- 28; Membership Fees, $40.00; Brucefield Lights, $125.00; Zig- mandville Lights, $5581.46; Olin - ton High iScbool, •$74:69; .Court of Revision, $38.54;; supplies, $46.12; Printing &.; Advertising, $69.53; fax ,bounty, $24.00; fire protection, $100.00; roads, $685.- 74; 685:74; salary & allowances, 1234.- 48; $234:48; supplementary allowance, $25,00; Rec.-General, $7.15; sun- dry, $10,00. Council adjourned to meet on Feb. 3rd at 1 p.m, E. P. Chesney. Cleric. SEAFORTH W. 1: The Sea4onth W. I. held a suc- cessful euohre and dance in the Seaforth Community Centre last Friday with. 23 tables in play. Prize winners for euchre were ladles last, Mrs. Ivy Johnston; 2nd, Mrs. Peter Dunlop; consola- tion, Mrs. Eldon Kerr. Gent's 1st, Stanley Dorrance, 2nd ,Harold Pethlok; consolation, Bruce Wal- ker. Lucky chair prize went to Mrs. Alex Pepper. CURLERS WAVE BONSPIEL Seaforth Curlers held a •mixed bonspiel on tSaturday. Winners of the first draw were akiipped 'by W. Ball, Scott Hablcirk and Mel Melanson; second draw, Wm. Leyburn, M. W. :Stapleton and S/L Robertson (Centralia). Other rinks taking ,part in'the first draw were skipped ;by Ken Bassett, Geo. Lamont. (Mitchell), N. MacLean,Geo. Hildebrand and E. C. Boswell. ,Second draw", Howard ;Soave (Mitchell), W. D. Grills (St, Thomas), Lee Learn, Ted .Taman .(Listowel) and Mac' Robertson (Guelph). REBEIPAHS The .Charter was draped in memory of Mise (Libbie Freeman, at Monday night's meeting of Ed- elweiss Rebekah. Lodge with Mfrs, Ed Andrews N. G. presiding. Mrs. A&1 Forbes ryas named social convener tor the next 3 months, Juno 14th has. been reserved by -Rio local ,Odd Fellows and Re-. bekahs to visit the 100(Tr Home at Barrie. Busesr will be -charter- ed. Au invitation was' accepted to vielt Ambe1 Lodge, •Heneall on Feb. 4th on the oceaslan ;of their 10th auniversarY, Members Mie asked . to bring suggestions to ,the Jan: 26th meet- ing as. to (ways of raising money In aid of the building fund of the I003 I -lona ,- A family Pet -luck sapper for members of I7kdelltY aad.: E'clalwelss Lodges i8 set for Feb, 21et, MulKillop Council - Make Appointment 'l'lhe McKillop 'Tawilsi.i;p -coun- cil held their' fir et meeting 01 the year 00 Mondsy tit 11 a m, di. the Can'negle jimmy ,hall with Reeve Dari Beuerlutuin; 'councillors, Jer- ry Doerr, l-Ienbcint tiVlllitamson, William A. Ryan. Sam McClure. Plans for the 1959 rued pro - grant ' include building 'three new eelvente. Memberb;hip fees were paid for 'Gooch 'Reads A Mama: ,tio-u,' Assessing Officers goof Ontario, .and 'Ont. Rural Municipalities Aesoci'ation, ' The bridges' tare the Gertsoli. bri'd'ge, eidenoad 16-16, eon. 9; the Duffy :bridge, lot 11,. eon, 10- 11; the MoKay bridge, sideioad 10-11, oon. 11. 'Council .posibponecl their appld- oation for the provincial grant on road -and bridge 'work for 1958 as the necessary forms were not received. Council applied for ;provincial subsidy on road laid 'bridge work for 1957 of $56,740,79. The following ; appointments were male: Clerk:and ;treasurer, J. M. Eckert; assessor, Jas. Mc- Quaid; 1Seheel attendance offd. cer, John :Leeming; •ch'aanage in- spector, Clarence Regele; audi- tors, Monteith & Monteith, fon tcwnsluip, schools .and telephone, Maintainer •Operauton•, Ken Bet- ties. r • Pounclkeeperrs, C. Kranskopf, Clarence Regele, 'Percy Taylor, Peter ,McCowan, (Ch'arles. Ilileber, Wm. MOSpaciclen, Fence Viewers, Joseph Ryan, ,William Boyd, Jo- seph 11(IoLaughlim, ;Nem. ,Shannon, Relit, (Campbell, Boys Driscoll, Thomas McMillan, : Robert Mc- Clure. Livestock andpoultry valuators, Alex ,Smith, Clement Kraueleop'f, Robert ' Dodds, Ada tone .Sienion. ,Building Inspectors, Archie tSomerville, Robert M. Scout. Cardiff Resigns as Party Whip Elston Cardiff, Conservative MP for Huron and .party whip, tinjuzed'rrecently an a fall at his farm home, Brussels; RiR 4, is be- ing replaced do his panty assign- ment. Mr. Cardiff, who' will 11e 70 on Jan. 22, Buffered •fractures•, in both. 'Peet when :he fell off his garage proof while cleaning snowy, The Huron member reportedly: has regidestted that he be relieved permanently of his job as partY whip. • In any event, John Pellett, 37, Conservative MP lar Peel, wall act. as his successor and likely will be confirmed in the post at the first party caucus when Par- liament resumes, The "wluipshttp" is a demand- ing job, touching on party (dieoip- Ibne. Among ,other ;duties, It is the aespoteibi'14ty of the whip to keep tab on the comings and go- ings of ;party,ntsmbers, arranging their order an debates and al- ways keeping sufficient 'members on hand for .snap divfisilens in the tHou.se or committees of the whole Mr. Pallett, a graduate of the Undvesity of Toronto and Os - geode, entered the COommtens in a by-election atter Ria ;death of Gordon Graydon, former Conser- vative Party House leader and latterly party foreign affairs spokesman. ' MRS. CATHERINE KENNEDY Mtrs. Catherine Kennedy, widow of Roland Kennedy, Tuckersmith imp, died Sunday morning at -the home tof her .daughter, Mas. Aug- uste Ducharme, Hibbert twp., with whom she had resided the Past year, Mrs, Kennedy was born do Hibbert, She was the ,former Catherine Roach, daugh- ter'of the late Patrick Roach and the former Mary Dermody of Ire- land. She was the 'last surviving member of a family of 10. Follow- ing her marriage in 1910, 4n Dab. En, she resided in Tuckersmit'h, retiring in 1938 to Seaforthp Her husband died an 1939. ,She was a member. of St. James' Roman Catabolic Church, Seal oath, and .of the OWL. Surviving are one son, Angus, St. Columban; three daughters, Mrs. Auguste (Mary) 'Duollar•.me, Ilttihtbert; Mrs, Frank ((Emily') .Murray, Dotroit, and. Muse Hilda Kennedy, .London; 11 gnandehilclren and nine great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Tuesday from :St. Colum - bail Church where Requiem High Mass was ,sung, the Rev, John McCowell officiated. Burial was do .St. James' Cemetery, ,Seaforth LIGHTS MISSING A String of outdoor Charistmes decoration lights from lfgmoncl" vtlle Church wars• Misted this week -"to -bo missing. The ereaot time when they 'disappeared is uncertain, but, it has been aka - lashed ,that they Were there on Jan, 1. Attempt Is Foiled To Rob Co-op Safe A safe cracker paid a vitt ttr the mill premises- of the 'Sea•. forth. Oo-op during Friday night or early Saturday morning when lin .was felled in an-'attem,pted robbery but badly damaged, the safe eseeedailY the door, Larry Murray, Egmondville, an employee at the mill, found the Me door open when he ar- rived for work or: (Saturday morning at 7,80. He notified the manager Lloyd Rowwtt who nati- hed the police, 0-. Rowatt told The News on Monday that they were well cov- ered by tbisuranee and that the safe would be replaced. Ile said he estimated the amount In the safe was not a great deal, per- haps $250, Ile (said no noticeable tire tracks had been found near the .building, and as far as he knew none of the neighbors had heard any prowlers around dur- ing the night. A single track leading across to the railway was found tread the rear door of the ' buiading which was somewhat tilled do with drrlt{bing snow. It is 'believed that the yegg en- tered the building some time af- ter 3.30 Sabunclay morning un- less he wee iu ,the building all night. Why he abandoned his tools and, left when he 'had the job nearly completed is not known. It is surmised that he was either frightened away dur- ing the dark hours, or had been unable to wait any longer as morning light was coming. • The tools lett behind were a heavy bar about two feet long something like a cement chisel, a cold chisel about none inches long, and a small sledge ham- mer. It would appear that this was a one maul job from the evildonee left behind, but there mai' have been a second man along as a. lecke lt. As neatly as can be de- eermined no vehicle was used close to the building by the rob- ber. - Local police said on Monday they had no definite leads ontlie case. Annual Report of Community Centre The following is the anima 'statement .of ;Seaforth Memorial Centre, year ending Dec. 31,1958. Receitpts: Beath $1200,00; Skat- ing $2469:00; :Hockey games $956.00; Practice games $85.00; Heli trent 11032.00; -Grants $3500; Sundry $1548.00. Total $10,792,00 EaiiewttitvreS-:-13a'Iaiur.0e'Dec.` 31,' 1957 $67.00; Wages 32032.00.; Sup- plies $309.00; Repairs 31740,00; Heat, •ligh't, power 32627.00; Ad- vertising 3127.00; Hall expenses $180,00; Paid on notes $1500.00; Insurance $949.00 'Sundries 3532.00; Bank Balance $623.00; Total 310,792.00. Acoounts 'outstanding and un- paid: Ball -Macaulay 3316,00; F. Kling $1000.00; Union Gas $152; Unpaid balance on notes: Merton Reid 3750.00, Jars. A. Stewart $750.00, Dr, McMaster $750.00, Ed' Keating 3750.00. Expenses coming upc Insurance 31000.00; Repairs to' roof and trent of building $1000.00. L. F. Floyd, Sea-Treas. Seaforth Firemen Appoint Officrs The ,Seafoarth. Fire tBnigade held thein annual meeting on Tuesday eventing when Sohn F. Scott was re-elected fire . chief. Other officers are:. Foreman, Frank Case; assistant 'foreman, John Muir; ,Sec., Wm. Wilbee; Treas. F. C. S. Sills. A social evening was 'held. GROUP 1 W. A. Group 3. of Nerthstde United Church held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. E. Wil- liams with 17 members and -one visitor anerwering the roil call. The President, Mrs. D. Lemon opened the ,business period. Mrs. Close read a poem "The Lord will "Provide". At our next ineoting there .is to be a Parcel Post Sale. Devotions were then taken by Mrs. Cutluill who gave two read- ings. Mrs. Roberton react Psalm 1 followed by p,ray.er .by Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Roberton assieted the hostess In serving a lovely lunch, Mao. Ball en behalf of the ladies -thanked Mrs, Williams for the use et her home anal the lunch committee and every one taking part in the meeting, RED CROSS NOTES Anyone staving crutches on loan from the Red Cross Sooioty and not now in use please return them to Mrs. A. W. Moore, STANLEY Tho Stanley and Hay Township Federation of Agriculture axe holding a joint annual meeting -and banquet in the Zurich Com- munity Centro on Jan, 2204 with Roy Jewell as guest speaker, a good . entertainment to follow, get tickote tram your Section Di- rector. Emmet'Heyttet, Prea., Geo. Reid, ,See.-'tr'eas+ of the ,Stanley Group, Ross Love, Pres„ and 0111 - Davi Popper, Sec:'Preas of the Hay Group, Authorized us Serono trots malt Post Office Dept., Ottawa: Snowdon l3ros., rui,ilsherM' „tllt..t11111,t„(t,1,1,1,It,lt,,,,,,11,nUel,nlill,nn,nl,n Illl,t111Al.11t„111111,IIl,Inl e(,,,i,tritt„Ilt,lllllt1.1111,• 'OLD COLONY' The most famous of all Siiverplate patterns ternaho a/ 6kray "WILD ROSE" "PINE TREE" OPEN STOCK AT REGULAR PRICES ORDERS ACCEPT•E'D UNTIL- J;ANa. R DE l.X YARN JIiJFIE.: 1- x SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth , m, tn.., lllln u lla I n n n u t""t t o n"„(,,, t u, n”, I t n t lull", IMO lllle."u w„n n n n."""t t u n,""n,""". t t,,,.. BAYFIELD family, The Trinity Olub held their au- The Christmas Draw sponsored noel vreeting on Tuesday evening by the school :children et B.S. 3,. Mullett ,was drawn en Monday at the (home of MI•s. R. II. Gavtrd- and the proceeds going for the nee, Sixteen members answered school. The Draw of 0 lovely the roll call. Scripture was read "Silver cream end Sugar•' was by Mrs, R. S. Roddick, prayer by wvoti by Mr. Howaard Preszrator. Mrs, Gairdner. Plans for the year Congratulations. Mas. Da were discussed. Officers elected fanridMa-,yan:ofd NorthernIien Ont. le visitedand were hoperae'y ]res:, Mas, Gaird- with the formea•'s grandparents, ner,• •Pres„ ,Mrs. L. Roth; See., Mr, and Mrs, James Dale the past Mrs. A. F. ootchmei ; Treas., weekend. HMoaan TaCoach Mors. F. ArltISell; (Birthday bon ars'iss College,yStrafforylord,of is ibis convenor, Miss Berthena .Star- week teaohing an Guelph, while geon; Telephone convener Mrs, Miss Laurel Dale lo teaching at S. Bruins; Pianist, Mrs, Roddick.the Godeioh (Public School and A social hour was held and re- staying with. her 'g`iandparentts, Mr. and Mrs. T. McMichael, Gad- fi-eshments'served. ' erieli• ' Mr. and -Mrs. Le Roy Poth lelnt The regular meeting of (the La - on 'Saturday to spend; 44 months 'dies' Court athe C.O.F. will be in Gadeidah. held this Thursday evening Jan. Mr, and iblts, E. W.'Odcllei.tson 15th in the Foresters' Hall. A.11 members are invited to attend. of London, were at: their home over the weekend,DUBLIN Mrs: J. W. Jowett ]eft on Favi- Mrs. Dan Burns in 'Detroit day to spend two months in Cali- where she attended the funeral 'b&rnia, of the late Mark Atloitn who died NIn. aund Mrs. A. Flowers left suddenly ;in Florida ,the' past ' last week -to visit their son in week. A resident of Detroit, he rhaniesford, leaving ,their 'l or•e was in has 70th year. A contrac- In charge o•f ,Mr, and Mrs: Robert for be trade he has been retired Matthews, for the past several years. His wife, the 'former Florence Agnes .Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, spent the weekend at her .home, 13±5. C. Parker, Varna, ,is visit- ing .her daughter, Mrs. Morris Scott. Mn', and Mrs, R Simons and •family spent the weekend in Windsor•, Mn. and Mrs, E. J. .Sturgeon spent Nhe weekend :in (M,itohell. Bob ,Brandon, Grand Bend, spent the weekend with his Path- e' t1-t-urold Brandon. Mr, and bars, Robent Parker and baby of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Parker, • CONSTANCE 0m Jan. 1st Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Dale quietly celebrated their 57th wedcling annive'rsary with their l'a.mily, Hadi Mr, and Mrs, Dale are well known, as they have always been lifelong resi- dents or title ro-anmmnity and both are enjoying fairly good health. The community wishes to extend best wishes for continued wedded life. Mr, and. Mrs. Stacey Ferguson, Mrs, ,Mina Wynn and Mrs, Agnes, MkRorie, all of rowel, visited( on Thursday with: Mrs, ,Jewitt Sr, a11,0 Mr, and Mars, Win. Jewtitl: and. Kenny was a daughter of the late -lir, and Mrs. Philip Kenny. His funeral gook place in Detroit on 0Saturday. Mr, James Jordon and son Mli- chael of Toronto with friends in the village. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Maria Schoande'weerd Starting with a new year we find ourselves occupied, by new work, activities and amuse- ments. One of these amusements will be the school movies. Due to proper .connections we were able to get a very nice movie project- or. We want to thank everyone who made it possible, tied contri- buted efforts towards the acquir•- 1es of this useful and education- al maehine• Our first movie will lie "Pride and Prejudice", one of the novels we have read, The boys are now makieg use of the peed in Benninger's field whirh provides a ,wonderful out- door ,rink. Our eline.table , as changed slightll) anal we now have forty - minute :periods. Tho library has been changed around and made :into one rlarge, room. We acro now waiting for the now desks to furnish it. This yeast; we are making oar first attempt at making' a year book. Photographers, editors and other personal have been , ap- pointed, We hope it will tarn 1101 to be a big Success,