HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-01-08, Page 1Seaforth WIIOLE SERIFS', VOL, 81. SE/WORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1959 61.60 a Year Autherized tea Second Claret mall. Peet Orrice Dent„. ottawtl Snowdon tiros., I'ublisbere Monday's Election in Tucker§mith FOR COUNCIL Poll 1 .2' Louis Clark .. .. , , , 45 36 Frank Falconer . 54 64 Victor Lee 96 83 Elgin Thompson 104 120 Arthur Varlet' . , , 93 83 FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES — O. Coombs 68 87 R. Forrest 42 64 R. Gemmell 52 61 Chester Neil , 38 41 E. Whitehouse • • • . , 10 14 3 4 5 6 Total 11 35 46 38 21.1 39 42 14. 25 238° 24 39 6 39 287° 36 100 36 46 442° 26 52 32 52 338° 12 6 4 17 194° 27 14 41 35 2234 20 15 21 42 211'•` 31 9 9 18 146 13 11 35 18 101 to Elected, 2 year term for trustees The percentage of the voters going to the polls was 42.65% Milk Money Taken In Early Morning A warning not to leave money for milk cut overnight is ,being Issued this week by the authora ties following an occurrence last week, A thief started on oder street and then visited quite a number of houses :on several streets. The robberies apparently were committd after 2 ,o'clock in the :morning as one faintly set out the bottles at that time and by 8 o'clock next Turning the money was gone. An investiga- tion is under way. Mr. Lee Learn of the Maple Leaf dairy suggests that ,custom - ors put their money out in the morning and not leave it in the bottles overnight, or use tickets. W. A.. 4tJ. GROUP Vie meeting of the W. A. was held at the Home :of Mrs. Carl Dalton, with our Vice President, Mrs. Homard Wilson, presiding. Devotion was given. by Mrs. How- ard Wilson, :Secretary's report was read and roll called. It being such a cold night :there. were only a few anembers :present. ,Sev- eral items of business were dis- cussed. The programs were made for •this year. O8ficers for this year are as follows: President— Mrs. H. Wilson; :Sec., Mrs. Elmer Hutehinson; Treas., Mrs. J. Wes:t- cart; Gerd Convenor, Mies Peace; Social Convenor, Mrs. Hulley; Kitchen Cemmdttee, Mrs. Peter Christenson; Telephone Commit- tee, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Dalton and Mrs..MoCuaig. A delioious lunch was served by our hostess, Mrs. Carl Dalton. ORANGE EUCHRE Orange Hall Property Commit- tee held a very successful euchre in the Orange Hall on. Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, with a good attendance, the prizes won by ladles lst, Mrs, Wm. Blair; lone, Mrs, A. McMich- ael; consolation, Mrs. A. O'Reilly. Men's let, Wm. Blceir; lone, John Tremeer; consolation, Thos Kay. Tickets were sold on a eake in which Miss Joyce Brown held the lucky ticket: W. Z. TO. MEET The January meeting ,of the Seaforth W. I. will be held a8the home of Mas. .Alex Pepper on Tuesclay, Jan. 13111. at 2.15. Roll call to be anoevered by sing, say, recite or pay. Motto will be the health we enjoy after 160 depends on what we eat after 40. Miss Jean (Falconer, supervisor of the Huron :County health Unit, will be ,guest speaker. Program con- venors are Mrs. L. Strong and Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, co -hostess, Mrs. Dari OPapple. .Sandwiches, Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. D. Papple and Mrs. Alf Brown; relishes, Mrs, •Root. McLachlan. RED GROSS The regular meeting of the Red Cross 'Society ,will ,be held in :the ' Ltba•ary rooms on Friday ,after- noon, Jan. 9, at 3 p.m. REV. L. ELDER'SPEAKER .The first meeting of the New Year of the Lilies Aid of First Presbyterian Church opened with with 'Miss Jean Scott, President, do (the chair, Mrs, .Scott Habkirk read a suitable New Year's Poem "Truth for the Now Year". .The' seeretary's and treasurer's re- ports were ” :read and adopted, ,Some suggestions' brought up at .an executive meeting, planning for the mining year, were lis- cussed. Mrs. L. Mee and Mrs(: W. Wright sang of . duet "Flaw ,Gently Sweet Afton". Rev. Le514o'I Elder tatting his text from tBeol. 9: 10• gave a very interesting helpful talk oat A man, a rays tery and a miracle, A social half hour followed lin charge of the executive. G. Montgomery Is District Superin'd't The appointment .of G. W. Montgomery as ,district superin- tendent at, Toronto of coloniza- tion and agriculture, Camilla National Railways, 1* announced, In his new office Mr. Mont- gomery, in co-operation with the CNR's European offices, will dir- reob do.Ontario settlement and developmeut of farm lands by aiding In the placement of immi- grant and experienced farm help, Former Rector Here Named, to Sarnia The Rev. 'William A. Jones, present rector of St. Andrew's C h tt .r e h, Ki bolienor, and St. George's, New Hamburg, and for - merry of St. Thomas' Church; at Seaforth has been appointed rec- tor of Canon Davis Memorial Church, Sarnia, the Jit. Rev. Gearge N. Luxton, Bishop of Hu- ron, announced Monday. • Mr. Jones succeeds the Rev. Derwin Jones who was recently appointed rentor of St. Bantams Church in Windsor, Mr, and area. Jones and their four claugltteys will take up residence in Sarnia on March 1. A graduate of Huron College, .Mr, Jones was ordained in 1949. ide has held charges at Lion's Head, (Seaforth and, since 1953, at at, Andrew's In Kitchener and St. George's, New Hamburg. MRS. FRED S. SAVALIGID Following a (five weeks' illness in Scott Memorial Hospital, Mrs, Fred IS. Sayauge :passed away en Wednesday, Dec, 31st. ,She was born In England 80 years ago and came to Oanada at an early age. She was the daughter of :the late Mr, and Mrs, James Stolleny, In 1902 she was married to the late and assisting farmers and live- Fred S. ,Savauge In Toronto, stook producers with produotian and marketing. He will alio re- present the railway at exhibi- tions, fairs, livestock sales, and agricultural anti dmmdgration meetings and encourage the de- velopment of diversified and more productive farming meth- ods. Raised on a farm in Carleton county, Mr. Montgomery ,gradua- ted from diemptville Agricultural School in 11943, and in 1946 •re- cedved tris degree from Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.. He has served . as assistant agricultural representative in Lambton and Hastings counties. He was also agricultural repre- sent -nave in INipissing district, with headquarters at North Bay, from June 1949 until his appoint- ment to Huron county in 1951. While do Huron, Mr. Montgom- ery ,fostered many farm move meats including the calf vaccina- tion prograln, two farm manage- ment associations, the steadily - growing county 4-1-1 program, and .the organization of night schools in agricultural studlies. He also served as secretary -treas- urer of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Associa- tion, and contributed to the asso elation's newspaper. In 1957 he joined the ONR as agricultural agent at Toronto, ;the •position the held np to his present appointment. D. W. Jose, since 1955, livestock editor of Farmer's Magazine, succeeds Mr. Montgomery as agricultural agent. MRS. JOSEPH HOGG .The death of Mrs. Joseph Hogg, the former Frances Matil- da :Storey of McKillop .twp., oc- cured in Cellingwood, Sunday. She was lin firer 89th year, and had been living in 'Coliingwood for the past six years. She is sur- vived by four sons, Adrian, James and Joseph of iColldngwood, and Robert of Niagara Falls. Her husband'7clied in Dec. 1938. Mr, John H. (Storey, Walton, is a brother: There are 9 grandchild- ren and 8 great grand -children. The funeral was held Wednes- day at 2:00 p.m. from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, Rev. J. C. Brinton. of Northside United Ohurch :aficiated. Burial was in ataltlandbank .Cemetery. EGMONDVI•LLE Miss .Alva Elford, who spent the Christmas lrolidaye with her sister Miss Florence Elford, has returned to her position in New York. Muss Marion :Welland of Toron- to visited with her parents, blr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland during the tralidays. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Niagara Perlis were holiday visit - ore with Mrs. Pepper's parents, Mr. and Mas, Jas. Hay, The following teachers have returned to their schools: . Mies Jessie ;Finlayson :to Lorne Park; Miss Laura MaoMillan to Toron- to; Miss Margaret Grieve :to Cen- tralia. . • Mr. Ivy Henderson. spent the Clrnlstmos holidays with his 'daughter' Mr. and Mss. Gordon C'i.urehward and ismlly In. 'i.'or- onto. Mr; and Mrs. O. W. Parsons and family of Pioton were guests of IVLrs, :Parsons' parents, Rev. J. and Mrs, Semple, They came to Seaforth in 1910 with their family and her par- ents and purchased the jewellery business which they :operated un- der the name of Savauge and Stoliery. After her father's death in 1916, the business was contin- ued by her husband, Fred G. Sa- vauge until his sudden (demise in 1947. She was always a constant -help and inspiration to her hus- band and family, :She loved her home, and was an active member of Northside United Church, and a Life Member of the Women's Missionary Society. :She rested in her home on John St. from the time of her death to her funeral which was held on (Saturday, Jan. 3rd from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Per - lour. The service was conducted by Rev. J. C. Britton, 'assisted by Rev. Dr. J. 'Semple of Eg- m:ondvillie and Rev. M. .Thomas of Walton. The pallbearers were Messrs. Nelson Cardno, Gordon Wright, D'Orleon :Sills, Andrew McNichol and her two grandsons Ronald !Savauge, of H•amiltonand Fred :Sewage of :Seaforth. The Siowerbearers were -Mayor Chris- tie arid Messrs. Arnold IWestcott, John Talbot and Robt. Joynt. She es survived :by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Wallace Mooney of Mas- sey; her :two sons, Minta' of Toronto, and Rose of 'Seaforth; also by her six grandehiidrenand two great grand -children . W. I. DANCE The New Year's Eve Dance In Seaforth Community Centre spon- sored by Seaforth W. I. was a very successful event with a large crowd. Winners for spot dance were Mrs. W. Workman and lylr. Jack ,Slnclair; elimina- tion dance, a1Trs. L. Pepper and Arthur Alexander. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton and faintly, (Stratford, were in the village over .the weekend. bliss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Maymen and baby, Aylmer, spent the weekend with Mr. and airs. R. L. Mac Mil- ian. Mrs. E. J. Tlorian. Oiinton, spent New Year's Day with her sister, Mists Berthena Sturgeon. Mrs. •Sydney, Castle is spending a few days in London. Mr. and MTh. John Murray, of Owen Sound, are spending a few days with . Mrs. Mae McLeod. The annual Sunday :School par- ty of Trinity Anglican Church was -held en Monday evening in the Pariah Hall. Games were (played and the children said re- citations followed by a visit from Santa (Claus, Tire (ladies (served .refr•eshtnents and each child was given Dandy and an orange, Mrs, Helen Cobb returned hare on :Saturday after spending a week at Oaakvilia. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Flowers left on Wednesday to spend two months with their son at Thames - ford. -Mr. and Mrs. Ruesell Herr spent Wednesday anal Tlitrrs4,ay at Petrolla. Mr. end Mrs. Clifford Utter spent three days of last Week alt ,Siincoe and 'Port Dover, Mr, ens( Mrs. R. Simons and. family spent the weekend at Windsor. Cars Collide Near Grieves Bridge Five people were taken to the hospital in Seaforth on Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock follow- ing s. collision at the crest of the hill just north 64 Grieve's bridge on the county goad •254 miles north., 04 town. The weather dur- ing the afternoon was, extremely stormy. Mr, and Mrs; ' Andrew :Moore and 'son Ken and grandson Gerd- qn Koehler were driving north 'when they collided with a car driven by Thomas Somerville of Walton, wha woe going south. Mr. ISomervldie, who is sr .teacher at Byng Inlet an Georgian Bay, had same teeth knocked out. He was released front hospital after a check-ua. Mrs. Moore was still lin hospit- al on Tuesday, her leg being breken at the ankle. Her grand- son, Gordon !Koehler, was also in the hospital for observation. Mr. Moore and Ken received facial cuts and lacerations and atter treatment were released from hospital. Town police were first called and later . two :provincial police from Goderich investigated the accident. Damage to the ears was considerable. Dr. Brady .treated the victims and Whitney's ambulance remov- ed them to hospital. CONSTANCE Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kitch- ener spent Christmas and New Year's holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Janes Dade and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Whyte, Osh- awa spent holidays with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mas. W. L. Whyte. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Dale and family, spent Christmas dinner with Mr. and ,Mrs. T. McMichael of Goderdch. Mr. and Mrs. James Dale and Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kiteh- ener enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs: Larne Lawson spent New Year's Day with Mr. and. Mas. E. Clarke o8 Seatonth. Misr. Bab Dale ':of Clinton and Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family spent New Year's Day witli Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Leitch. Mr. Bob Dale spent the remain- der of :the week with MT. and Mrs. W. Jewett. ,NR. and Mrs: Robert Giimold- by had a great surprise last Tuesday when ,they met at their. door Mr. Grimoldby's brother, Mr. Walter Gr.•Imoldlby o4 Edmon- ton, Alberta. Not having seen his brother for 40 Tears and not ex- pecting ham, soon turned out to be a grand reunion for the two brothers. ,Mr. Walter GrimolIby having gone West 53 .years ago has only been East en0e, for two months in 1918, and although a complete surprise in. his visit East among his ,brothers and oth- er relatives will refresh and re- main in their minds and hearts for many years. New Year Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and family were Mrs. Gowdy and Misses Muriel and Merle Goeedy of Wing - ham, Mr. Lloyd Holland of Clin- ton and Miss Betty Axtmann of Walton. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Latw:son on :Saturday were Mrs, Effie ISteplieuson of ,Sea.fonth and Mr. Bill Stephenson, Toronto, and on :Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Damage and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Plreszcator and ,family spent weekend with relatives at 'Mariam. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wil- bur Jewitt and fancily on 1Sartur- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Medd and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Wommes and the family. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and Billie spent New Year's Day with 'the tatter's parents, ,Mr. and -airs. Praut of Brussels. Visitors with Mn•, and Mrs, B. Brown and family, Saturday ev- ening were Mr. and Mar, Wilmer Glonsher and Stewart, Mr. land Mrs, Nelson ,MoOlure and Olay - ton of near Seaforth and Mr, and Mrs, John :Sanclersou, Sylvia and Ulmer of Blyth. 0.0.P. Euo1w4 Friday evening eaov another sucoe05ful :euchre :sponsored by the men's court of C.O.F. in, ,their hall, 15 450105 played progressive euchre and •pnlzes went to the folloaving: (acuses let, ,Mrs. Wal- ter :Scott; lone, Mrs. F. Riley and. low, ,Miss Glenyce Jewitt: Men's let, Wu). :Storey ,Ts..; lone, Me, W.itbur Jewitt; low, Mr. A.us,tin Dolmage, aftet• which a lunch Good Demand for laocal Licenses Stanley Dorranoe purchased the first 1959 license plates from J. A. Weetcatt, local issuer. The paseenger (prate numbers this year at (Seaforth wall run from 892901 to 894950. There have been 50 car licenses issued and 10. other vehicles, 90 chauffeurs and ever 40 operators at the local office, Altogether at Se forth there are issued annual- le nn al-ly 2000 passenger licenses, 50a oommeroial as well as five other different issues of plates, 1500 chauffeurs petvnts an•d 2000 oper- ators. This year the local office .is Permitted to issue "restricted Drivers Licenses". The insurance lialtility certificates are still re- quired. BRUCEFIELD The Sacrament o.4 the Lord's Supper will be administered in Brticefield United Church next Sunday. Prayer service on Wed- nesday and Pridoy a=tefnoon, Mr. and Mrs. D. McBetlt of Windsor spent New Year's with Mr. MoBeth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McBetli. Mr. and Mrs. ,Stewart Knox of Sarnia spent a few clays last week with relatives in the v'lllage 'Brumfield (firemen answered a call to the home of Mr. Ed Lay- ton on Sunday afternoon. Fortun- ately it was a chimney fire and was soon extinguished. Miss Alice Caldwell, R.N., Lon- •clon, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cald- well. Mrs. W. ,Stackhouse is spend- ing same time with her family in London and Wilton Grove. The many Brucefield friends of Mrs. Jas. Berry, congratulate her, having celebrated her 9080 birthday. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner and family attended a turkey dinner in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Idowatt's 35th wedding anniversary in their new home in Londesboro. Mrs. Howatt is a sister of Mr. Gardiner. Visitors here diming Ibhe New Year holiday season: Mr. and Mr.s, Jos. Beckler• and son Harvy of Blake with Mr, and Mrs. Don Scott and family. Mr. anal Mrs. Heber Shute and family, Iiirleton, with -h', and Mrs. Robert Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds of Walton with rola•, and Mrs. Nor- man Harburn. Mrs. Henry Eggert. Rostock, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner. Mrs. Sadie Scott and Gerald Scott of Staffa with Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott and family. Mr, and Mrs. R. Laing, Marilyn and Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. G. Laing, Lorraine and David with Mr. incl Mrs, T. Laing, Mr. Percy Duncan and Miss P. Duncan, Thames Road, with Mr. and Mrs. J: Hoggarth and Arlene. Mr. and Mrs. ,Carter Kerslake, Joyce, Brenda and Craig, Staffa, with Mr. A. MoLaohian. Mr., Wm. Patrick, W'oming, with .friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs• W. N. Binning, Richard and Robert with Mr. and Mrs. K. lVIeKe1lar. Mr. and Mrs. :Tien Davey, Wayne and Garcion, London, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch and daughter Helen, Mr. R. Waddell, Fullerton, and Mr. and Mrs, W. Baxter, Bobbie and Catharine, of Mitchell with Mr. and Mas. Cald- er McKaig, Mrs. Wm. Hulley and Laura Beth o1 West ,Milton with her parents, Mr. and -ars, Alex Rrian- sey. Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Allen and family 'Stratford, -Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs, Alf Ross, :Sr„ and family and Mr. anal Mrs. Alf Ross Jr. and baby, ,Staffa, Maand Mrs. Murray Christie ,and family with Mr. and Mrs: , 5 rank Allen and -9i•, Will Worclen, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G4lfidlan•and family of Auburn visited recent- as ecent1t' with :Mr, and Mrs, R..Gartliner -Miss Doris 'Schwartz,tCrecliton, Miss Ruth Tineolitel, Rostock, and Mr. Ken Moorehead, N.S., were weekend visitors with 101r, and Mrs. Alex Gstxaliner, Mr, 'Toa, McCal:llum, Toronto, was served by the Ynemibers, As the •holidays ended and sobool stented again the faillow- ing went back to their respective schools; -Miss . Muriel Dale, to Brampton; :--Mdse May Whyte, to Guelph.; Miss Janet McGregor, to Foralw:iclt; Mr, Douglas Riley to Eastwood.. 1,111111,IA111„1u„ fll. 1,111311111U111111Aa111111a111111 111 III III,1111f11A1111111111111111111111"i1111A,,11at111111111111m 3 -DAY SPECIAL January 8.8.10 SAVE 25% WALLACE STERLING Grande Baroque Rose Point Stradivari Grand Colonial Grande Baroque SPECIAL ORDER SERVICE ON "OLD COLONY", "Wall ROSE" & "PINE TREE" Orders accepted until Jan. 23rd for June Delivery SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Mill"ar. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott and family, Staffs and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kemp and gamily, Munro, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamilton. Mrs. M. Lamond entertained the C:G.I.T. girls at Iter home on Monday night. Those arway for New Year's— alr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott with Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Dearing, State. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdalol, Alice and Connie with Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell, Mdteheil; Mr. ,and Mrs. E. Harburn with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley, ,Mitch- ell; Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. E. Moose with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie, Kouho- ka; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hoggarth and Arlene with Mr. Percy Dun- can and Miss Pearl Duncan, of Thames Road; Mr. Idndsay Mc- Kellar, Bob and Laurie with btr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar, Sea - forth; Mr, and MTS. Ed Dick with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burns, Tor- onto; 2Iiss Olive Speare with Mr. Clive McDonald and family, Mit- oheell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hocking vis- ited recently with their daughter in Brampton. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Boyce have gone to Toronto to spend the winter with their daughter and soman -law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparring. DUBLIN Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy in St. Thomas with Mr. and -Mrs. Maurice Dillon and ohilta-en. Miss Loreen Looby, London, with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Murphy and sou have returned to Pont Cal - ,borne. Mr. Neil, Ricky and Bobby Stapleton, Fergus Kelly have re- turned to St. Jerome's College 3n Kitchener. Mr. Glenn Butters, Kenneth Stapleton have returned to at. Michael's College, Toronto. Many ,friends and relatives at- tended the funeral o4 the late Charles Mather who cried at his honkie in Dublin on Sunday morn- ing,'Dei. 28. Requiem I•Iigh. Klass at at. ,Patrick's Church, Dublin was sung on Wednesday morning by Rev. Dr. 5, B. Ffonikes• Mrs. Lane presided at the organ anis teas assisted by the school choir. Pallbearers were Joseph and (Jas. Delaney, Gerald Bruxet', Frank, Dan and Jack O'Rourke, Burial took place in St. Patrick's Cem- etery, Relatives • attended the funeral Pram Port Colborne, Mankton, Bornholm, Gadshill, Stratford, Kitchener, :Seaforth, and Detroit. Mn•,. anti Mrs. F. Williams and ale. and Mrs. M Williams spent Saturday eventing with Mr, and Mrs, Alf I\teDougall, London. WALTON. Mr, George Kirkby and Bever- ley of (Burwash spent Npw Year's Day with -ia•. and Mrs, H. B. Kirkby and other relatives. Mas. E. Ennis and Jerry Dres- ser visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie, Egmondville on New Year's Day. - Mr. and Mrs, -Geo. Dundas have returned -home after sirenddng Ohristmas with their family in Toronto. -Miss Ruth Ann Ennis of Kitch- ener spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kirkby, Lon- don, visited with relatives last week. Mr. Wayne McMichael has re- turned to Windsor after holiday- ing with his parents, Mr. and -Ilia. R. -McMichael. -Ma•. Murray Huether was win- ner of the floor prize on Monday evening at the dance held bit the Community Hall. Spot dance win- ners were Miss Isabel Cummings and Oliver Pryce, Mrs. Ron Ben- nett and Jack ISslly. HENSALL Mr. and -Mrs. Glenn McNaugh- ton and family of Toronto were weekend visitors with the foa•m- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Miss Ann Lhasa, of Exeter visited last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Linstra. Mr, and Mas. Keith Lindsay and Pamela of Napanee were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Lindsay's parents, Mr. and afro. John Hen- derson. •- Mrs. Reid of Kincardine spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, lir. and -ors. Clarence Reld. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Baker Jr., were recent visitors whit blade 4n Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pletcher of Moorefieldarespeeding the winter months' with Mir. and Mrs. (Pct Fink and Mr. anal Mrs. Harry Hoa'. Flt -Lieut. George ,Sangster o3 Hamilton visited last week with his brothers, James and .David ,Sangster and .sister Mrs, Len Noakes. Mrs. Minnie Sangster returned (tome rafter holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, Doug' Sangster in Lon- dlon. aril Mr. and 'Mas. H. Strat- ton in Lucan. Mr, Bill Campbell and Mrs. Dr. A. R. Campbell of Guelph called en :friends here last week. Mies Bernice Dining returned to Sarnia after apending the hol- idays with her parents, 101r. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Meas. Ann Hopkins :left for her home at Chicago after spending tlto past weeks with her slater Mrs. 11. McMnrtrie and brother, Mr, Allan Cochrane,