HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-12-25, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS TO IdENSALL Miss Mabel Whiteman of Kippen was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Edwards. Mr. Eric Reid of London was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs, A. L. Case. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse -in - training at Victoria .Hospital, Lon- don, visited recently with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mrs. Brook of Chiselhurst spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne. Miss Kay Bell of London spent the weekend at the hordeof her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Miss Winnie Gray is spending the holidays, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Gray at Mitchell. Mrs. Stevens is visiting with her daughter' and son-in-law, lir. and Mrs. J. E. Blackwell. Amber Lodge Holds Xmas Party A very enjoyable time was spent following the regular meeting' .of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 on Wed - ranks ;i' A. Service The Service You Will Appreciate Extends to one and all The Happiest Christmas Ever Open Christmas day from 12.30 on y�,,y�i��P��hoon�n,e��••�599��2 �y�,,p��F. C. GRIEVE Since we cannot shake each one of you by the hand to give you our good wishes personally - we want to take this opportunity to express our slopes that this Christmas and the coming New Year be one of joy and goodness for each and every one of you - Box Furniture Store Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phone Day 43 Night 595 w ANNOUNCEMENT Christmas Joy . . SEAFORTH LUMBER Ltd. Now offers you, Building Materials as well as Goal with no down payment and 12 months to pay. Just drop in or Phone 47 Ti s-�WC'AW,--4AHAq .i- 4 WTA ('� gip' nesday evening when Xmas gifts were exchanged by the members, All joined in singing carols. Mrs. Wm. Brown favored with vocal solos and Mrs. Laird Jacobi gave a Xmas reading after which a contest was directed by Mrs. J. Ingram. Santa Claus arrived and distributed the gifts. A delicious lunch was served in the lower hall from prettily de- corated candle -lit tables. Mrs. Johns, who has. been i11 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Al- bert Shir'ray, is somewhat improved, HULLETT On December 15th, the. Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson with 21 adults present' to discuss world peace, We believed U.N. offers some hope for peace. Although it has not power to enforce peace, it has settled disputes and acts as a check on aggression. We Canadians can help bring peace to the world by trying to understand other peo- ple's viewpoints, by being kind and neighborly, especially to the new Canadians from foreign countries, by living the golden rule and by be- ing united against the wrongs of the world. ,Some believed we should he better prepared for war. We think there will never be lasting peace in the world as long as it is. inhabited by human beings with .greed, self- ishness and lack of sympathy. We think a world government to settle international disputes would be ben- eficial. Mrs. Anderson conducted a contest on abbreviations. This was won by Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Don Buchanan. Winners of progres- sive euchre were: most games, Mrs. George Hoggart, Bert Hoggart; lone hands Mrs. George Hoggart, Mrs. Bob Dalton; consolation, Mrs• Joe Babcock, Miss Norma Dexter. We do not meet until the New Year, when Mrs. Bert Hoggart will be hostess. Burns' W.M.S. held their Decem- ber meeting on Thursday, the 18th at the home of Mrs. Harvey Taylor, The Christmas service as found in the November Missionary Monthly was followed by the 10 ladies pre- sent. It was decided to ask S. S. 6 and 7 to exchange the Jr. and Sr. Mission Band packet during the new year. S. S. 11, would then re- ceive both books for their library. There will be only 3 changes in the slate of officers . for the corning year. Group 3' leader, Mrs. Mac- Gregor, assistant, Mrs. E. Knox. Group 2 leader, Mrs. H. Tebbutt. BRUCEFIELD HUGH MoKENZIE • Funeral services for Hugh McKen- zie, 82, of Brumfield, who died Satur- day in Clinton Public Hospital after a brief illness, were held Tuesday at 2 pm., from the Ball and Match fun- eral uneral home, Clinton. The Rev, D. J. Lane of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, officiated, Burial in Baird's cemetery, Stanley township. Pallbear- era were Carl Diehl, Adam Stewart, Edward Glenn, Walter Moffat, George Baird, Hugh Gilmer, He was born on the fourth concession of Stanley Tp. Mr. McKenzie was the last of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Kenzie, He spent most of his life in Stanley Township with the exception of 30 years when he farmed in the Canadian west SITUATION OPEN A Catholic Organisation in Montreal eel- hag for orphaned, ,, neglected, and under - Privileged teen-age boys, requires the services of two mole caseworkers. Salary 95,000 and un. Apply: Catholic Boys' Services, 1001 St. Mark St., Montreal. ALTAR SOCIETY FRIDAY, DEC. 26 St. Patrick's Parish Hall Dublin Willowgrove Orchestra Dancing 9 to 1. Lunch THURSDAY, 1,1F.O MBER 0.°? WIIIR50#14Wal. Our bast Wishes for a very happy holiday season, and send our Thanks for your past patronage. CLAIR AN'Y FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Fred Cooper wishes to thank those who sent her cards, flower's, boxes of fruit, and those who visited her while a patient in Scott Meinoriel Hospital; also special thanks to Dr, Stapleton and the nursing staff IN MEMORIAM CUTI-IILL-Tn loving memory of 9Irs John Cuthill who .passed away sud- denly one year ago, December 29 1951. Sadly missed. -Mrs, Edward Neil, Exeter LOST - Tan and white dog, part terrier, strayed from Monne Sunday night Answers to name "Spot". A sick boy' pet. Please phone 047x3 Seaforth. Roger Andrews, Seaforth )1R8 FOR SALE Two used 220 volt heavy duty rang- ettes in excellent condition. Reason ably priced. See tileln at Frank Kling's TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received lip till 6 P.M, Dec. 31st, 1952, for care- taker for S.S. l3, Hullett. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply, to Ken Thompson, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth RR2. FOR SALE 5 -tube Marconi mantel radio, in per- fect working condition. Ideal Christ- mas gift. Write Box 460, Seaforth NOTICE The annual school meeting of S.S. No. 6, McKillop, will be held in the school on Wednesday, Dec. 31 at 2 P.M. FOR SALE One good used Princess Pat, coal I& wood range. Phone 844x41 FOR SALE 14 good chunks. Phone J. R. Burns, phone 69 R WANTED Tendert warted for Caretaking and. See,- Treas. for S.S. No. 12 McKillop. Tenders to be in hands of sehoot board before Dec. 80, 1052. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed, Oscar Cuthill, Chairman. FOR SALE 1 baby high chair, 1 walker, 1 commode chair, 1 sleigh cutter. Apply to HAROLD BONTHRON, Hensel! TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Notice Of Nomination Meeting A meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in the Watson's hall; Kippen, on Monday, December 29th, 1952, for the purpose of nominating can- didates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1953 and School trustees (3 to be elected) for the years 1953-54. Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'- clock in the afternoon. In the event of more being nomin- ated than are required to fill the po- sitions, an election will be held on Monday, January 5th, 1953. Polls will be open from 9 am. to 5 p.m., at the following places: P. S. D. #1, Mrs. Sheila King's House, Egmondville-D.R.O., Harry Chesney; P.C., Norman McLean. P. S. D. #2, S.S. #3-D.R.O., Roy MdGeoch; P.C., Edward Brown. P, S D. #3, S.S. #4--D.R.O., W. P. Roberts; P.C., Bert Garrett. P. S. D. #4, S.S. #3-D,R.O., Nor- ris Sillerv; P.C., John Broadfoot. P.S.D., #5, 5..S. #1-D.R.O., Mel- ville 'Traquair; P.C., Glenn Bell, P. S. D. #6, S.S. #9-D.R.0,, -W S. Broadfoot; P.C., Ivan' Forsyth. E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer In Hensall Town Hall on DECEMBER 26 Sponsored by Kipper East W.I. Novelty Prizes. Murdoch's Orchestra Ladies please bring sandwiches Admission 50e BOX Nuntral WANTED Teacher Ranted far S.S. #8, Logan. Duties to commence Jan. u 1058. Write, stating qualifications and salary, to WILFRED Ka- KENZIE, RBA, Mitchell NOTICE To Senfortb and district ratepayers; I will not permit any goods or articles sold or given to my son, Clarence Reeves, to be placed on my property on Side Street. Any person haul- ing such goods or articles to my property will be prosecuted. rim REEVES NOTICE HOGGART & DALTON Will , ship on Monday, Dec. 22, and Monday, Dec 29. Please call on Sunday night for your pigs. Township of Tuckersmith Applications Wanted For Position Of Road Superintendent For Tlie Township Of Tuckersmith Applications are invited for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Tuckersmith. Application to state qualifications and be in the hands of the Clerk by 2 P.M„ Dee. 27th, 1982. E. P. CHIMNEY Clerk -Trees, Twp. of Tuckersmith NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith To facilitate snowplowing operations in the Township of Tuckersmith ratepayers and others are requested not to Nark vehicles on roadsides dining the winter months. The township will not be responsible for any damages to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY Clerk -Trees. Twp. of Tuckersmith 09111., NOMINATIONS Township of McKillop A meeting of the electors of the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hail on Monday, Dee. 20, 1952, for the purpose of nominating a Reeve and four Councillors. Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more persons being nomin- ated than are -required to fill the office, an election will be held on Monday, Tan. 5, 1903. Polls. will be open from 0 a.m. until 5 p.m. nl. tho following places: No, 1, Jas. Carlin's house, lot 10, con. 5. Jas. Nolan DRO, Wil- liam Maloney, PC; No. 2, Wilmer Scott'a 'house. 1ot 20, eon. 4, ,Tames B, Hotta, 11110, Alex Kerr, PC;. No. 3, Jos. Smith's house, Lot 11, S. 12 con., Ebner Dennis 0R0, Stephen Murray, PC; Poll No. 4, School. I•Iouse .47, eon. 12, lot 26, John Campbell DRO; Ross Driscoll, •PC. J. M. ECKER'r, Returning Officer Genuine OLGA Pocahantos Car of Alberta coal on track Car of Reading Trade Marked Red Hard Coal"We deliver" KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36x13 DUBLIN Legion Hockey Boys 15 and under by Jan 1, 1953, wanting to hockey, be at the arena Saturday morning. Gaines start at 9 A.1VT. Juvenile or bantam players not allowed. Under ten play from 12 to 1. play Shop at your I.G.A. Store with Every Day Low Prices I.G.A. BLENDED JUICE, 48 oz. 29c SUNNY MORN COFFEE '0 ib 88c I.G.A. KETCHUP 24c LIBBY MINCE MEAT 43c CRANBERRIES LB. 390 ORANGES, 2205 D07J. 430 MIXED NUTS LB. --390 2 LBS' 76o DIAMOND BUD WALNUTS ............. . . . . . . GRAPES CANDY, WINDSOR CREAMS AND JELLIES LB. 29c CLEARY'S GROCERY LB. 530 2 LBS. 29c 1962 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentior Hospital Iled Flower's for all 000aei01b0 Phones: DaY 43 Night 596 W VETERINARY SURGEOfd J. O. TURNBULL, D,Y,M, V,S. W. R. 1313•YANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St, Seafortb Phone 105 JOHN E, LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791, Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am ' 6 pm. Wed, 9 . 12.30 Sat, 9 am to 9 pm asoolvaismaserseasmas MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A, McMaster, B.A.,M,D., Internist P. L, Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 Pm, daily, except Weduesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAEO260, ONT. Officers - President, John L. Malone, Sen - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. MCEwing, Blyth; Manager & Sea-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -E. 3, Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MOEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents -J. E, Pepper, Brimfield; R. F. MoKeroher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londe'. hero; J. F. Preeter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices• Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT All kinds of Insurance• risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies *. nlue: co a INtsauo you 109'akin eoiljCq :1t "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M Shorthorn bulla OR RALE ages up to 18 months. STEWART DALE,Seaforth 847r21 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, et TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 247R. Seaforth COAL Our coal comes from the best region In North America. Fresh mined with modern equipment, double -washed and double screened WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 •- Res. 318 w SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured VOICEIWZOCIOMEDOwl CHRISTMAS TREES Christmas Trees for sale. Largo assortment of spruce, balsam, pine, and cedar. MILT HOPI', Texaco Service Station NOTICE All hooks must be returned to Seaforth Public Library on or before Tuesday, Dec. 28rt1. G. THOMPSON, Librarian. HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W C. GOVENLOCK, Dick House. Seaforth. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples- 25; 24 maples 01.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBEE;T MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Milton McCurdy, RIM Kirkton Vice -President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Directors Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhoan, Science Hill Martin Fenney, 1182 Dublin Angus Sinolair, RR1 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, R101 Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box 85, Mitchell 18, Ross Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, libteter Secretary -Treasurer. Arthur Fraser, Exeter FOR SALE Modern dwelling, East William St., within ono brook. of Goderielr street, new art' con- ditioning unit, immediate possession, 2 storey frame dwelling. Ali modern don. venlences. Centre stn possession arranged Modern 2 -story dwelling, Sperling St. Well situated. Early possession arranged. • In Egmondvitle lItb� storey dwelling, 8 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, possession with. in one month. Brick dwo)ling, Gederieh street, immediate possession Comfortable 9 ronin tltvelling in Winthroe, 1/8 acre of land with small fruits, early possession Frame dwelling- on Victoria Street with .all modern conveniences, Possession arranged, M. A. RIGID, Seaforth •