HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-12-25, Page 14 e Seaforth HURON COUNT S LEADINO NEWSPAPgR WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 76 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1952 am whin liver., Imblidiers Authorized be, Serovil eli,ea moil, Post ()Mee Dept., (Mown Dr. J, 121, A. McMaster. who has been elected as Mayor of Seatorth for his third term. ENTERTAINMENT AT ST. THOMAS' S. S The annual Christmas supper and entertainment was held on Monday evening hi the parish hall of St, Thomas' Church. Supper was served to the Sunday School pupils at six o'clock. This Was followed by the program, which opened with the 'reading by Ron Seoins, of the Christmas Story from St. Luke. After carol singing, Rev. W. A. Jones read "Why the Chimes Rang". Readings were given by Karen Jones, Mary Flewitt and Fred Flew- itt. A step dance by Georgie Kruse was followed by a chorus by the girls' class, Mr. Jones read "Night Before Christmas" and 'B. Weig- lund favored with a step dance. -Santa arrived with candy and or- anges. APPOINT JANITOR °FOR HIGH SCHOOL Mr. C. P. VanMil was appointed janitor for Seaforth District High School at a meeting of the board on Saturday. There were six applica- tions. FUNERAL OF MISS JACKSON The funeral of Miss Sarah Isa- bella Jackson was held at St. Thom- as' Church,Seaforth, on Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. A. Jones offi- ciated. The pallbearers were Harold Jackson, John Baldwin, Lawrence .Southwick, Ild Hayes, E. , C. Boswell and Roddy. MacLean Jr. Interment was in the Egmondville -Cemetery. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Tudor Jackson, Mrs. Edna Munn and Mk. Bauer, all of Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Beverley. Epps, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Close, Wa- terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Southwick, Kitchener... NORTHS1DE.W. A. Northside W. A. Group 4 held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon Horner with 26 members and visitors present. The meeting opened with a Christmas Spirit by Mrs. Westcott, The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Currie. Christmas Carols were then sung with Rev. Mr. Stinson at the piano. Miss Linda Sims sang "Away in the Manger". The Secretary and Treas- urer's report was read by Mrs. Lem- on. Mrs. E. 1.1. Close asked for as- sistance in Red Cross sewing for Layettes. Mrs. Sims then gave a very. interesting Xmas story, and Mrs. Dunlop rendered a piano solo. Mrs. Hudson read a poem which was followed by a story called "Some- where there is Christmas" by Mrs. Turnbull. Members and visitors then exchanged gifts. Mrs. Hudson closed the meetingwith a prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and com- mittee. Northside United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 am., and 7 pan., Preacher, C. W. David of Indere Christian Col- lege, India. Junior Congregation. St. Thomas Anglican Dec. 24th, Midnight Service and Holy Communion- at 11:30 Dec, 25th, Christmas Day, Holy Communion 1060,a.m. Sunday, Dec. 28th, Sunday School at 10 am. Morning Prayer 11 a.m. Evening Prayer at 7 p,m. S. Marys; Dublin Dec. 25th, Holy Communion at 9;30 a.m, Sunday, Dee. 2Sth, Sun. day School at 2;30 pan. Evening Prayer at 3 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 10 a.m.—Bible Class and Sunday School. 11 a.m.—"God's New Year." Junior Congregation. 7 'p.m.—"By Faith." Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A. B.D. 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 ani,, New year's Resolutions. 7 pan., Knowing Jesus Better in the corning Year. The Salvation Army Lieut. Allen in Charge. .2:30 Sunday School 7 p.m., Evangelistic Meeting Thursdays 4 p,m., Hobby Craft. PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT First Presbyterian Sunday School concert was held on Monday night. The program opened with a wel- come by the minister. Rev, D, Gs Campbell. Group recitation., Heigh-ho for Christmas, by Be- ginner's Class, Mrs. D. -G; Camp- bell; recitations, Bryan Stewart, Christie Dobson; group recitation, -Christmas Bella, by ten girls of Miss S. 1. McLean's primary class; Rock -a -Bye Baby, by ten more; re- citations, Douglas Grieve, Donald Nott; carol singing, Mrs, Keith Sharp's class of girls; action song, Rudolph the Red -Nosed Reindeer, by Patsy Brugger's class of boys; dia- logue, Mary Margaret, Mrs. J. B. Russell's class of girls; group reci- tation, Christmas Bells, Mrs. Reg. Kerslake's class of boys; recitations, Carole Dennis, Lynda Dobson; duet, Carole Dennis, Davina Hubert; girls chorus, Shirley McPhee's class of girls; carol, Silent Night, sung in English by Andy Calder, in Duteb by Hank Becker, of Jean Scott's boys' class; dialogue, A Christmas Lesson, and a carol, by Mrs. J. Thompson's girls' class; group reci- tation, Christmas Candles, Mr. J. Thompson's class of boys; action song, I Saw Mamma Kissing Santa Claus, Mr, Claire Reith's class of boys. Santa Claus then arrived. The church school room was filled to overflowing. TO SEND GREETINGS FROM GERMANY ON RADIO Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mcclinchey received word that their son RFM. Jack McClinchey, who is in Ger- many with the 27th Brigade, will send Christmas greetings over CHML Hamilton on Wednesday, Dec. 24th at 9:45 pan. YOUNG PEOPLE SING CAROLS AT HOSPITAL On Sunday afternoon about 20 young people sang carols in the cor- ridors of Scott Memorial Hospital under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Northside Unit- ed Church. The singing was led by Rev. John Stinson on his accordion, and was very much appreciated by the patients and staff. REV. T. DALE JONES NOW RECTOR AT AYLMER Appreciation aid good wishes to the Rev. T. Dale Jones by members of 'St. Paul's Cathedral were ex- pressed Sunday night at a reception on the eve of his departure to Ayl- mer. Sunday he preached morning and evening sermons in the Cathe- dral, his last day in the service of that church. At the reception, presentations on behalf of Cathedralorganization life were; made to the minister and his wife }t was held in Cronyn Hall. A presentation on behalf of group life was made by Roger Jackson, of the AYPA. Address was given by Mrs. Bernard Johnston. On behalf of the Cathedral ward- ens and board of management a gift was given to Mr. Jones by J. H. Moore. R. W. Mitchell, rector's warden, gave the address. The Very Rev. R. C. Brown, act- ed as chairman at the reception. A gift of flowers was given Mrs. Jones. ' The minister, his wife and son, Derek, left on Monday for his ap- pointment at the Anglican Church of. the Holy Trinity, Aylmer, after being at St. Paul's almost two years, having previously been rect- or of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, HIGH SCHOOL. NEWS Season Greetings were the last minute comments as the gang at •S.D.H.S. :bailed out the doors for two jolly weeks of freedom. Friday afternoon and night was the last of the merry making at the 'Old Square Box' until the year 1953. Friday afternoon found a Christ- mas program put on for the stu- dents and staff by the Students' Council. Carols, movies and danger- ous stunts made up the time for the short afternoon. Laughs came fast and furious as some of the new teachers were the source of student's entertainment. At night things quieted down some when the an- nual Christmas dance was put into full swing. The large crowd that was on hand had a good time and found the music of Willbee's Or- chestra just right. Question of the Week: This week we will forget about it and wish you a' Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. JOHN C. RIEHL John C. Riehl, 76, North Main St., !Seaforth! died Wednesday. He had been in ill health for a number of years. Deceased bad lived with his nephew, Norman Riehl, since 1037. He was born in Ellice Town- ship, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eyed Richt and moved here in 1948. Surviving are two brothers Jo- seph, Monkton, and William, 'San- dusky, Mich. He was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod. hagen. • Funeral service was held on Fri- day at 2:30 pan, The Rev. Walter Hecker offiiated. Interment was in St, Peter's Cemetery, Brodhagem Norman Scoins, elected by ac- clamation as Reeve of Seaforth fur 1953. De will succeed Frank Sills, who retires this year upon comply - (Aar of nearly twenty years' service on council. WEEK OF PRAYER STARTS JANUARY 6TH .Services at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 6, Anglican Church, Rev. D. G. Campbell. Wednesday, Jan. 7. Egmondville United Church, Rev. 3. Stinson, Thursday, Jan. 8, First Presby- terian Church, Rev. A. W. Gardiner. Friday, Jan. 9, Northside United Church, Rev. W, A. Jones. CHRISTMAS TREE IN USE FOR TWO, SEASONS Whs. Gordon McKenzie, of Mc- Killop, is using the same Christmas thee this year as last. As the tree appeared in good condition last year after Christmas, she put it away in the storeroom. The other day she found it was still good and decided to use it for the second year. This is remarkable. In most homes it is a problem to get the Christmas tree to last through one Christmas sea- son. Too often when the time comes to take down the tree after New Years, the needles fall off in show- ers leaving only a skeleton. RECORD MAIL HANDLED BY SEAFORTH POST OFFICE 1952 Xmas mail passing through Seaforth post office has set a new high record. Postmaster C. P. Sills states that Monday of this week was the biggest day for incoming mail with five bags of letters com- ing in on the noon mail and twenty bags of parcels. Monday, December 15th, was the biggest day of outgoing mail. With extra staff helping in the Postoffice the heaviest mail has been all handled without delay. SANTA CLAUS MAKES ANNUAL SEAFORTH The annual Christmas tree and theatre party for school children of Seaforth and district, under the an - spices of the Lions Club, was held on Friday afternoon. This year a big evergreen tree growing on the lawn in front of Dr. J. 0. Turnbull's resi- dence, South Main Street, was de- corated with lights and was the scene of Santa Claus' visit. Santa Claus arrived on the fire truck and handed out gifts to the large crowd of children gathered around the tree. Afterwards all attended the special show at the Regent Theatre, MRS THOMAS SHARP Mrs. Thomas Sharp, 75, died here Thursday. She had been ailing for nine months, having suffered a fractured hip in a fall. She was the former Gertrude Adeline, Kaiser, and was born in Brucefield. She was married to Mr. Sharp at Exeter in 191.5 and they resided at Hensel' until moving to Seaforth in 1922. Her husband predeceased her in 1936 and a little son, Thomas jun- Or in 1922. Surviving are ft step sen, Alvin Sharp, Clinton; a step daugh- ter •(Etoile) Mrs. Charles Dolmage, Kitchener, and one son Keith Sharp, Seaforth. She resided a few years in Strat- ford. Her husband died in 1936. She was a member of First Presbyter- ian Church, ,Seaforth. Surviving aro two sons, Alvin, of Clinton, and Keith, of Seaforth; a daughter, Mrs. Charles Dolmage, of Kitchener; 15 grandchildren a brother, A. E. Kaiser, Vermillion, Alberta; and a half-sister, Mrs. Minnie Medaugh, Flint. Funeral service was held at 0, A. 'Whitney Funeral Home, Rev. D. G. Campbell officiated. Inter- ment in Harturhey Cemetery, The pallbearers were Robert Scott, William Box, Ross Murdie, Andrew Crozier, Joseph Grummett, Bruce Sharp, and . flowerbearers were Gerald Dolmage, Ed. Dolmage, Mervin Nott, John Grurnmott. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. An- nie -Sharp, Sarnia; Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Sharp, Watford; Mrs. Arnold Lockheed, Watford; Mrs, William Bell and Harold Bell, Hensel': Mr. and Mrs. Warren Battler, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolmage and family, Kitchener. CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT NORTHSIDE The annual Christines concert of the Sunday School of Northside United Church was held on Monday evening, in charge of Mr. 8, Scott, superintendent. The program was as follows: "The First Noel"; Prayer, Mr. Stinson; junior Choir, two numb. ers. Primary Class program—Trio by David, Maurice and Marybelle Stin- son; accompanied by Mr, Stinson, Welcome Song; Away In A Manger; Silent Night; Recitation, Brenda Pulsifer; "Holes in our Stockings", soloists, Shirley Horner, Linda Lane, Marybelle Stinson; Ex- ercise by 4 boys—Robbie and Bruce Brady, Douglas Wright, Michael S range; Chorus— "Santa Is Coming To Town"; piano solo, Nancy Ber- ger; Girls. Chorus, "Calling Santa Claus"; Chorus, "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer"1 verse by Richard Mbegge, Peter Sillery. Chorus, Miss Westcott's Class; Nativity Pageant — Mrs. Storey's Class; Tyro Boys; Play by C.G.I.T.; Skit, "A Trail Ranger Helps", Mr. Stevens' Class; Carol Singing: A Play—Miss Westcott's Class. Santa Classthen arrived. PUPILS WIN AWARDS AT EGMONQVILLE S. S. Program of Egmondville United Church Xmas Entertainment, Mon- day, Dec. 22nd, Hymns, "0 Come All Ye Faith- ful", "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". Address of Welcome, Rev. A. W. Gardiner; Chorus by School, "Joy to the World". Primary Class: Bible Readings Billie Strong; Recitations, Lois Tyn- dall, Anita Hillman; Dialogu e, Christmas a the Red School; Duet, Carol Huisser, Marilyn Papple; Solo by Nancy Pepper; Trimming the Xmas Tree, Mrs. Mervin Nott's Class; Piano Solo, Marjorie Papple; Chorus, Girls of Mrs. Dundas' School; Recitations, David Tremeer, Jim Varley, Ken Gemmell, Bruce Papple; Chorus by Sunday School, "Keep the Bells o•f Xmas Ringing"; Congregation, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", "Hark The Glad Sound"; Christmas Star, Egmond- ville Public School; Recitation, June McLachlan; Guitar Solo, Donald Tremeer; Christmas Long Ago, Glen Coutts, Wayne Chapple; Recitation, Nancy Pepper; Piano Solo, Margar- et Woods; Frosty the Snow Man, 5 boys; Recitations, Allan and Neela Hillman; Congregation, "S ilent Night"; "0 Night Divine", Pageant by Girls; Chorus by Sunday School, "Merry Xmas to you All"; Awards for Sunday School and Church at- tendance; Recitation, Marilyn Tre- meer; Sunday School, "Jingle Bells" and Santa. Robert Rakes Diploma. for per- fect S.S. attendance, according to the S.S. Standard: Barbara Nott, Wilma Jackson, Marilyn Tremeer, Lois McLachlan, Grace Stephenson, Julie Chapple, Neil Gemmell, George Wood, Jackie McLachlan, Dianne Finlayson, Dorothy Boyes, Gail Fin- layson, Sandra McGonigle, June Mc- Lachlan, Carol Huisser, Charlie Green, Bobby McGonigle, Wayne Chapple, Glen Coutts, jimmy Boyes, Ken Gemmell, Jimmy Knights, Da- vid Tremeer, Jerry Upshall, Donald Tremeer, Margaret Wood, Helen Boyes, Marilyn Papple, Margaret Chesney, Alice Watson, Marion Lil- lico, Ena Lillico, Helen McGonigle. Bible for regular church attend- ance; Carol Huisser, Alice Watson, Marion Lillico, Ena Unice, Helen McGonigle, Bobby McGonigle, Char- lie Green. NO INCREASE LIKELY IN SEAFORTH HYDRO RATES No increase is likely in Seaforth Hydro rates at the present time. Mr. R. Holmes, manager, said he could not make a statement until after the next meeting of the Sea - forth Public Utility Commission, It is understood, however, that a letter has been received from the H.E.P.C. to the effect that there would be no immediate increase in Seaforth Hydro rates. This is good news for Seaforth people at this time when hydro rates in most other centres are be- ing raised. The H.E.P.C. district rural office at Mitchell stated this week that no letter has been receiv- ed yet concerning the recently an- nounced increase to Imre) consum- ers. EGMONDVILLE Holiday visitors with friends are Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and daugh- ter Joan of Windsor, with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keys. Rev. Andre* H. and Mrs. Mc- Kensie and family of Islington with the former's mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Lachlan and Mr. McLachlan, also with Mrs. McKe'pzie's father, Mr. Thos. Robinson and family. Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne Park with her mother, Mrs, Jas. Pin- layson, Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Mc- Millan. Miss Frances Houston of Brant- ford with hes brother, Mr. Andrew Houston and Mrs. Houston. Gift Doligas Go Farther WHEN YOU CHOOSE iiiiiiii . tttt .....10000111.111110111 iiiii 11111, MISS AMERICA 17 hwols $3975 Canada's Greatest Watch Value DIRECTOR 17 Jewels Expansion Bond $3975 7 Fine to get...flne to give! A iulova watch is Canada's most glamorous watch to wear .. Canada's greatest watch value to give for Christmas! With our Very Best Wishes for a Merry Xmas! SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth SPORT SHORTS During the next two weeks of the Christmas season there will be no Industrial Hockey. The league will get back into full swing on Monday, Jan. 5th. • In Lucan on Friday night the Seaforth Bantams walked past the Lucan Bantams to the tune of 8-2. This was Seaforth's second straight win. over the Lucan Club. _. By falling to the Sarnia Sailors 3-1, on Saturday night, the Baldwin iTTS. went down for their fourth straight defeat. Although they were toppled under by two goals, the game was far from one-sided._ in the first period Seaforth's de- fence collapsed and Sarnia kept Gar Baker busy in the • Seaforth nets. The second period took . a quick change and Seaforth poured the rub- ber at Jack Oyden, who came up with some sensational saves in guarding the Sarnia forts It was during the second period that tempers got hot and after a, number of mix-ups five were sent to the. sin -bin to cool off. Third period collapses proved fat- al for Seaforth when two quick goals just after the halfway mark put the game on ice for the driving Sarnia team. It was the star per- formance of 'Keith Lamorie that brought Sarnia their second victory over Seaforth. SARNIA-s-Goal, Oydvn; dorence, wings, Lennan, Marks; alternates, Randall, Free, Wright, Lamorie, Green, Moffatt, Ward, Moffit, SEAFORTH—Go al , Baker: de- fence, Storey, Schooly; eentre, Doig; wings 3. Muir, Broome; al- ternates Butson, Shine, Morton, El- liott, Aitchison, Pike, R. Muir. First Period 1—Sarnia, Marks (Lennan, Dun- ham) 1.36—Penalty—Storey. Second' Period' Scoring e Penalties — Broome, Schooley, Ward, Green, Laur (majors); Dun- ham, Sutherie. - Third Period 2—Sarnia, Lamorie 13.09 3 — Sarnia, Lennan (Randall, Wright) 17.17 4 — Seaforth, Butson (Morten) 18:58. Penalty—Lennan. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. James Fairservice celebrated the 55th anniversary of their wedding with a family dinner at their home here. Mrs. Fairservice is tbe -former .Effie Tyerman. They were married in Seaforth by Rev. W.. Bond, minister of the Methodist Church, on Dec. 14, 1897. They farmed Oa COIL ;),Hullett ttiM„ until 23 years ago, when they moved to Londesboro, where they still reside. Mrs and Mrs. Fairservice both enjoy fair health. They have no ehildren. Mrs Fairseryke's four brothers and sister attended the dinner along with Mrs. Fairservice's Frank Tyerman, and Mrs. Tverman, Myth. During the evening the cele- brants were presented with a boy, (mot of flowers and other gifts. -BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith visited Mrs. H. Berry recently. Miss Janet Watson is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Dunn and sons are spending the holidays in St. Catherines. Miss Frances Lane is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Lane. Bob- Broadfoot, Bob Fothering- ham, Stewart Boyce and Neil Haugh assisted at the 'White Gift Service on Sunday morning. A very inspiring service was held Sunday evening. A Christmas story was given by Rev. Maines, and Carols were led by the choir. HENSALL MAN IS RESEARCH LEADER • . - Dr. James S. Tapp. Hensall nat. ive. has been appointed leader of a polymer research group in the re. search and development. department of Chemistrand Corporation at Desist- ar, Alabama. Dr. Tapp Is a former member of the National Research Connell. Ot- tawa; Armament :Research and De- velopment. Quebec. and -the Polymer Corporat ion, a I Sarnia. He holds a Ph.D, degree in phys- ical chemistry them IdeGill University and another in organic chemistry from the University of London. Dr. Tapp is a Fellow of the Chemi- cal Institute of Canada and a Morn" ber of the American Chemical Socioty. WALTON The W.M.S. of Walton United Church held its meeting in the base - merit • of the Church with Mrs. Mars tin presiding. Mrs. Johnston played "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" at the opening of the meeting. Hymn 62 was sung. A presentation of a Life Membership was given to Mrs. S. Johnston. The treasurer's report was given with $392.10 on hand. The secretary's report was also given with 11 -calls made on sbutins. The Walton group had charge of the program with Mrs. L. Marks presid- ing. Mrs. F. Kirkby, Mrs. R. Ben- nett, Mr's. Holman, Mrs. H. Travis assisted her with the Xmas stories. Hymn 47 was sung and the respon- ive reading was given by Mrs. L. Marks. Hymn 68 was sung, and the offering was then taken. A vary pleasing solo was sung by Mrs. H. Travis. The meeting closed with the Benediction. • Early, Next Week The Seaforth News will be printed one day earlier next week. All news and advertis- ing should be sent in at least one day earlier than usual, sooner if possible.