HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-12-18, Page 3Thursday, Dec, i8, 1.952 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WALTON • A very beautiful Christmas •pro- gram was presented in Mission Band last Sunday morning. A very fitting worship serviee was conducted by the Sr. girls and boys. ,Some very fine stories were told the children in connection with the greatest Christmas gift ofeall that we cam - memorate on Christmas Day and one of the teachers explained the White Gift Service, the giving un- selfishly to others not so fortunate as we are, Inasmuch as you do it unto others in my name you do it 1 unto m&, The gifts which were presented by the ehildren were sent to a needy Sunday School in the Cochrane Presbytery, 1 NOTICE THIS IS YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE The Seaforth Stores will remain open Wed- nesday afternoons on the following dates: OPEN WED„ DEC. 24 TILL 10 P.M. OPEN WED., DEC. 31 TILL 6 P.M. Please shop Early Thanks MERCHANTS COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WISHING YOU ALL A Mi:RRY CFIRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR NOTICE Town of Seaforth PFHSIN6 The December meeting of the Women's Association of Walton United Church Suet in the basement with the first Vice Pres,, Mrs. Fox presiding. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Fox. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap-' proved, Mrs, Holman read a thank- you card from the Victor home Mis= sion in Toronto, the treasurer's re- port was read by Ms's. Wolman showing a balance of 5821.08 on hand. It was deckled to have the meetings changed to Thursday in- stead of Wednesday afternoon for the New Year. Hymn 68 was then sung. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. OLIVER :TURNBULL Following an illness of almost a year Oliver Turnbull died at the home of his son, Wilbur IC, Turn - hull, on Saturday in his &1st year, For many years a breeder of fine show cattle, he had earned and held the respect and high esteem of stock men of Ontario and even .further afield. He was horn in Grey twp. on the farm on which he died, a son of the late Andrew and Jane Smith Turnbull, who had come to Canada from Scotland. His wife was the former Clara Ireland, also of Grey twp. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Jean) Buchanan, Grey twp,; three sons: Wilbur anAnd- rew, on the lath concession of Grey; and James, Peterborough; a sister, Mrs, John i(Helen) Burton, Berkel- ey, Calif.; and two brothers, Thomas and Dr. William, 'both at Winnipeg; N"—"r' and a number o£ grandchildren and great grandchildren. His funeral was conducted on Monday afternoon from the home of his son, Wilbur, of Grey, Rev. M. W. Thomas of Duff's United Church officiated. Burial in Brussels cemetery. 13y artier of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between, the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act - Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to patLcd c..,i,ics as, L..e result of snow lent -oval operations. HENSALL • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beane visited recently with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beane. Mrs. Nelson of Goderich visited this week with her mother, Mrs. Ida 'ankson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harvey of Monkton were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Ind Mrs. Alf. Scholl and ,Gary. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Moir of Chatham spent the weekend with the !MCIDINTogt spoil your Holiday! Christmas and The New Year again usheirin a season of Festivityand good Fellowship. As in the past it will also be marked by increased. dangers — more traffic, more hours of darkness, slippery roads, and holiday haste and impatience. I appeal to Ontario citizens to overcome these added hazards by greater care and common sense when walking or driving. Don't let an accident spoil �tyt. holiday happiness for yourself or tx for others, Finger -Tip Control—D,elicotely balancing the basketball on his fingers tips is takers' star Slater Martin, who has jygt sidestepped Ernie Vanderweghe eic the Knickerbockers, in New York's Madison Sgoore Garden, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Moir. Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Eller of Lon- don spent the weekend with the fornter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ihler. Mr. James Petty and Miss Nora Petty accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Dayman left this week for Florida where they will spend the winter months. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Dayman spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Johnston in. London. Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson visited with relatives at Forest' this week, Mr. Irvin Willert, who recently underwent an appendix eperation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is re- cuperating and is expected home this week. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, John G Hinz and Maureen returned from Rochester, Minnesota, where Maureen was re- ceiving treatment on her knee at the Mayo Clinic. She has her leg in a cast and will be unable to attend school. The Junior Choir of St, Peter's Lutheran Church, under the direc- tion of Mr. Calvin Diegel, held a candlelight Carol service on Sunday evening. Between songs Miss Elsie Siemon read the Christmas story. Mr, Oliver Bennewies of Wind- sor and Carl Scherbarth of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Bennewies for the weekend. Mr. Tom Pinder of Munro visited recently with his . friend Donald Wolfe, Mr, Lorne Wolfe is spending several weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Ezra Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Connelly near Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz Jr, and Johnny of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. 14 Ir. and Mrs. John Amstein of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Am - stein and Linda of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice. The 'Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Lu- theran Church held their Christmas party on Friday evening. The Born- holm group presented a program of songs and readings. Progressive Flea was played, prizes went to Mrs. Lonie Bennewies and W. L. Querengesser (high), Mrs. Wore Diegel and Chris W. Leonhardt (low), Santa then distributed gifts to the ladies and Rev. and Mrs. Becker wore presented with a wool blanket, flanelette shirt and two crib sheets from the Ladies' Aid. Lunch was served by the Bornholm ladies. GIVE HIM lmi1� SHAWEMASTER Closer, Cleaner shave in LESS TIME than any other method, wet or dry SHAY EMIlST EN America's MOST POPULAR electric shaver. Twice -as -wide shaving surface. Entirely new shape. Comes in smart, prac- tical gift case. SAVAUGE°S Jewellery Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH NOTICE Hogs will be shipped on TUESDAY, DEC. 23 owing to the holiday IGHT x LEYBURN Phone 283w Seaforth legion Hockey All boys wishing to play hockey are to be at the Community Centre, Saturday, December 20th, at at 9 A. M. Boys playing in any Bantam or Juvenile team are not allowed to play. Age lilnit 15 years on Jan. 1. Advertising. arrows .kale (YEN ARD WOOIYON SE A HAIRDRESSER IOUs CANADA'S r.WADTNO SCIloas, r3rfet opportunity Learn llalrt•eeelne ?lenoant dignified profeeoion, cued wattage summands ut successful Marvel sr:oust.* klnerf0a'e Greatest System Illustrated. (ataingu0 `Foe Write or Call N.aRvhci. srAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 aloor St. W., 'l'orento Branrheat 40 Sins at„ 6)Amtitun t2 Rideau at. Ottawa SICK 9F YOUR NECKTIES? lie so 'swap" them for different tined a''or dotage write your ram nttd nddre oIX a onatrard and mail to TIS SWAP Plcker•M0 Outert6 110 Obilawlea irAREO lout OWN tthhientoae Jewelry farpleasure or gran over 200 hemp to choose) irnt*,. Dreiera as supplies. Free Gem 00,-11e. R.MOPYenaJlrr alrrtr swi m v's rls"mIsliiiOSOtron, GNI', CHICAGO. EE.i,ENOra. Wu answer aOt Questions concerning this famous city, Business, personal. s^holo. slur a.y, enrt. etc. Send 51.00 to ' Dearborn Street, Chicago 4. ininots. x.ETTEnS Bewailed 1 The Alamo Citi, (Sun spends whiter here) 30e, with Texan stamp 26e, 2 for 81.00. Dan Fates, Bog 8124• San Antonio, Texas. PATENTS • ono QFFER to every inventor—tun et Ins ventions and full tn0armeeen Nene free. rhe Ramat' CM., Registered l'a,em •ttnr• soya. 3:3 Rank Street. our we. 6EF. tentFSoliciitors. DOR oleo 330 say Street, Tenpin nn..rt,e of in On, na. inn nn renesl RUGS NEW ruse made from your old ruga and wonlene. Write for catalogue and price SM. Dominion Rug Wearing rnmpany, 3477 Dundee Street Wont•, T..mnln Ont. ARTHRITIC PAIR Don't suffer night and day—with dull., wearisome aohes--or sharp, stabbing pains. Lead an active life again. Take Templeton', T -R -C's, Canada's largest- uelling proprietary .medicine specially made to bringlonged-for relief to sufferers from arthritic or rheumatic pain, 'Us4t 6135 TEMPLETON'S T -Ft -0O3, WHY YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA 00 you suffer from acid ind'peetian, sae. heartburn, scientists say baking soda can add to your upset, destroy vitamins, carts* alkalosis, Acid rebound. "After meals I had indigestion and gas pains, and 1 practically lived en baking soda," eayu Peter George, Lethbridge, Alta. 'Then I started taking Dr. Pierce's [,older Medical Discovery and the pains went awe and I could oat and enjoy my meats again. 'S trained 30 pounds and felt much hotter." Thousands who suffered such distress, duo to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. Over 36,000,000 bottles of this great non-aicaholia medicine, with its wonderful stonuichic tonin action. have been sold to. date. And no wonder. t'irat, taken regularly. St promotes mare.normel stomach activity, thus helping to digest Food better so Ser won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach. Second, with stomach activity improved, yoe. Zan eat the foodo you like without fear of after -distress.' Try it. Get Dr. T'ierce's Golden Medicaid Discovery a9 your druggist, te•:evt 1951 CHEV DELUXE SEDAN 1951.FORD CUSTOM COACH 1950 CHEV DELUXE SEDAN 1948 Chev. (Special) Coach i li 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1935 FORD COACH Special 100.00 1951 Chev. % Ton Pickup NEW 1952 CHEV. SEDAN IN STOCK Seaforth Motors just another case of a put beg- ging for food or an adventure - loving animal pestering its mas- ter to talte it hunting. The great- er honey guide makes man work for it. The bird spots a tree- trunk that contains a bee's nest, but by itself cannot extract the honeycomb. Knowing that a Wanderobo, a native of its East African habitat, will reward it with offerings front the raided neat, the honey guide leads him to the tree. The Wanderobo ob- ligates because he and his tribe rely on wild bon* for their sweets. the market. .ISiorid:i y "red tide•' • which destroyed fish on the west coast a few years ugo was :traced to a sudden "blooming" of poisonous microscopic plants. Epidemic diseases have also de- stroyed, c 1 a herring and many other forams of marine life. 41111111111111111111111111111 t4ew Designs in Schooling -Geometry becomesan absorbing three•• dimensional study, above, for high school students in Arlington Heights. The students use special geometric forms and instruments Instead of conventional textbooks, in an. experimental class which is believed to be the only one of 110 kind,