HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-12-18, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER
$1.60 It Year
Snow'doo Bros., Publishers
Authorized as iivcund t'L.vs mail, Post
Ufl'icv Not., Ottawa
At the annual meeting of the
Perth -Huron Jersey Cattle Club, held
Friday afternoon inthe De aztn n
of Agriculture offices, Stratford of-
ficers elected for 1953 were: presi-
dent, Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth; lst
-lice-president, Fred Ruthig, St,
Marys; 2nd vice-president, Thomas
Rathweli Clinton; sec, -teas,, G. W.
Clinton, agvteiltora1
representative for Huron assistant
sec,-treas., Ralph E. White proven
tial director, Earl Verner, Stratford/
North Perth directors, Harold Me-
Naughton of Mitchell, Harvey Ische
of Stratford, and Dr, J. R. Riddell of
Palmerston; South Pertly directors,
Purvis Thompson of St. Marys, Peter
Morrison of St, Marys, Sydney Har-
low of St. Pants, Gilford Boyd of St.
Pauls, David Worclen of St. Marys;
Huron directors, Lorne Carter of
,Seaforth, Jolm Powell of Seaforth;
auditors, Peter Morrison and John
Powell; sales agents, Sydney Harlow
and Irwin Trewartha.
Thirty breeders attended and the
meeting was addressed by James
Bremner, secretary of the Canadian
Jersey Cattle Club and Herbert
Armstrong, Guelph, fieldman for
Friends in Seaforth were very
sorry to learn of the death of Mrs.
Hurford, wife of the Rev. Dr. R. P.
D. Hurford, rector of Christ Angli-
can Church London, at 10 p.m. on
Monday in Victoria Hospital Mrs.
Hurford had been in hospital about
two weeks preceding her death. She
and her husband lived at Seaforth
for seven years before going to
London in 1944, Dr. Hurford was
rector of St. Thomas' Church here.
Surviving besides her husband is
a daughter, Jean, Mrs. Raymond
-Evans of England.
.Oke's billiard parlor was entered
one night last week and $90 in cash
was stolen. Police are of the opin-
ion the robbery was committed by
seine one familiar with the premises
as the money had been hidden by
Mr. Oke in the store and was not in
the. till. The thief apparently knew
where to look.
The engagement is announced of
Helen Laurine, daughter of Mrs.
Frank MacGregor and, the late Mr.
MacGregor, Londesboro, Ont„ to
Mr. Stuart Francis Bryans, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryans, Blyth,
Ont. The marriage will take place
on January 3, 1953, at 2 p.m., at
Burns' United Church, Londesboro.
The Christmas uneeting of the Mae
Lane Auxiliary of Northside United
Church was held on Monday even-
ing at the home of Miss Thelma,E1-
gie. The officers were elected for
1953, and Mrs. Stinson presided
over the installation. Mrs. N. Schnei-
der took the topic from the study
book, "Describing Villages in Afri-
ca". Marion Chamberlain and Gwen-
dolyn Christie played a duet which
was enjoyed by all. Toys tor the
Toddlers' Group at the Church were
brought -by the members. Lunch was
then served by the committee.
Prof. David of the United Christ-
ian College of Indere, India, is coin-
ing to preach on Sunday, Dec. 28 at
Northside United Church. Prof Da-
vid is a professor of Indian lang-
uages and history in the United
Church College there, and lie comes
to bring us a message from the
"Church of Christ" in India.
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
° 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult
Bible Class.
11 a.m., "How far is it to Bethle-
hem". Junior Congregation and
Toddlers'• Group.
7 p.m, "Great Carol Service".
Christmas music by the Junior and
Senior Choirs at bath services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B.D.
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Meaning of Christ-
'7 p.m., "The Coming of a Sa-
St. Thomas Anglican
Bev. Wm. A. Jones, Rector,
Christmas Services—
Dec. 21, 4th Sunday in Advent
8:30 a,m„ holy Communion, The
Feast of St Thomas the Apostle.
10 a.m., Sunday ;School.
11 a.m,, Morning Prayer
7 p.m,, Christmas Carol Service.
Dee. 24th, Day -before Christmas,
11:30 p.m,,.Midnight service of
Holy Communion.
Dec. 25th, Christmas- Day,
10:80 am„ holy Communion.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
Dec. 21, 8 p.n., Christmas Carol
bee. 25, 9:30 a.m., Holy Commun-
The Salvation Ai'my
Lieut. Alien in Charge.
2;30.Sunday •School
7 •p.m,, Evangelistic Meeting
Thursday, 4 p.m., Hobby Craft.
The final meeting of 1952 of the
Public School Board was held in the
school5 m
on 1 th Decemberwnth all
members present. Cliff Broadfoot re-
porting on the present building, or
olcl school, stated maintenance costs
were being held at a minimum. A
further supply of coal had been re-
included ed in'the maintenance
costs of $501.76 passed for payment.
W. T. Teall reporting on the new
school read a proposal from the Ar-
chitects changing the coloured con-
crete finish in the classrooms to
mastic tile at a cost of $955,00. This
had been anticipated by the Board
and following final discussion was
approved. Arrangements were com-
pleted for the purchase of additional
property east of the school site for
9700.00. The school now being pro-
vided with sufficient grounds should
an addition have to be built in fu-
ture years. Accounts for the new
building for contractors, architects
and covering the purchase of stack-
ing chairs were •approved in the sum
of $25,247,31. An item covering an
account from the municipality on
the issue of the Debenture was held
over pending further information.
J. A. Westcott for the Supply and
Furnishing Committee reported the
arranging of a meeting with repre-
sentatives of the staff to finalize
the purchase of required furnish-
ings. This meeting could not pre-
viously be arranged since the school
as a whole had to be in the final
.stages of completion. Accounts for
$134.35 were approved for payment.
Consideration wee given to the
Public School appointment to the
High School Area Board, Mr. C. A.
Barber was re -appointed for the
coining year. Administration ac-
counts covering salaries and ser-
vices were approved for $2350.19.
Principal Eastman reported a tot-'
al enrolment of 305 pupils and ad-
vised that a few more enrolments
were anticipated f 'allowing the
Christmas holidays. The percentage
of attendance at 96.78 was consid-
ered exceptionally good considering
the slight epidemics of colds, etc.
that have been prevalent in Novem-
ber and December. In spite of the
overcrowding in the Lower and Mid-
dle Grades, Mr. Eastman reported
the staff as ably coping with the
problem, although anticipating the.
move to the new school and improv-
ed working conditions.
This being the final meeting of
1952 a number of decisions were
laid over until the New Year. At the
January meeting the Chairman and
Committees for the year will be ap-
pointed and it was considered that
certain items of business could bet-
ter be dealt with by the newly or-
ganized Board,
Miss Sarah Isabella Jackson, a
lifelong resident of Egmondville,
passed away Wednesday in the hos-
pital here following a month's ill-
ness, Miss Jackson in 'recent years
had made her home with Mr•. Thom-
as Jackson and the late George
Jackson. She was a daughter of the
late Henry R. Jackson. One brother,
Mr. Tudor Jackson, -of Ripley, sur-
vives. Four brothers, Louis C., Wil-
liam, Samuel and Edward, and a
sister, Ann (Mrs. Stevens), prede-
ceased her.
Funeral arrangements are not
complete, but a service will be held
in St, Thomas' Anglican Church of
which she was a member. Inter-
meYnt will be in Egmondville Ceme-
The Christmas meeting of the
Goforth Mission Band was held on
Monday afternoon in First Presby-
terian Church, 45 children and 20
adults were present. Bob Reith,
Donald Eastman, Gordon Miller, and
Ruth Albrecht led in the 'worship
service with all the members of the
group assisting and singing several
carols with Mrs. D. Stewart at the
piano. Murray McFadden and Jim-
my Gliew received the offering and
Nancy Glew gave the prayer., Bryan
Stewart and Peter Kling held the
flags while the Mission Band pledge
was repeated. Miss S. I. McLean
told a lovely Christmas story. Also
contributing to the programme were
Marlene Miller, piano solo; Betty
Jean Andrews and Sally Fox, a
piano duet; Ann Kling, a solo ac-
companied by Mrs. Kling; Ronald
Beuerman and Mary E a s t in a n,
Christmas readings. Mrs. D. ' G.
Campbell presented Marlene Miller
with her gold seal for 5 years per-
fect attendance at Mission Band•and
also a Life Membership in the Sen-
ior W. M. S. Mrs. J. A. Murray pre-
sented the following seals and cer-
tificates: 4th year silver seal: Gene
Nixon, Joan Charters, Nancy Glew,
3rd year red seal: Alin Kling, Mur-
ray McFadden, Betty Jean Andrews,
Elizabeth .Stewart. 2nd year blue
seal: Grace, Gloria, ' and Ronald
Beuerman, Bob Reith, Connie Glees
Gordon Miller, Donald, Mary and
Sheila Eastman. lst year Junior
Certificate and Mission Band pin:
Nora Gorwill, Bryan Stewart, Ruth
Albrecht. Mrs. D. N. Eastman was
in charge of the meeting.
Lunch was served at the close of
the meeting to the members. A spe-
cial treat of eandy from Mr, and
Mrs. Johnson was much enjoyed by
The annual meeting of Seafort
Branch Canadian Legion took plac
in the legion quarters on Thu
night, Dec. llth.
The first half of the meeting wa
in the form of general business wit
the minutes of the previous ,meeting
read by the secretary, Comrade Hog -
earth gave a detailedfinancialastat -
at o state-
mentnextf r year.
t h 0 the
Comrade George Hays stated he
had a successful year in the sale of
poppies and wreaths.
Sports officer William O'Shea re-
ported that the Legion hockey for
the "small fry" would again be car-
ried •out on Saturday mornings from
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mr. Gordon Muir
was appointed as coach and trainer
for these teams, Comrade O'Shea
was granted the sum of $300 to be
spent in this sport for the coning
season. It was decided that this
Legion hockey would commence on
Saturday morning, Dec. 20th.
The latter half of the meeting
was the election of officers for the
coming year. The executive for
1958 is as follows:
Past President, James T. Scott.
President, Leslie Beattie.. -
1st Vice President, F. C 3. Sills,
2nd Vice Pres., L. C. Hoggarth.
Secretary, John L. Hotham.
Treasurer, D'Orlean Sills.
Sgt. at Arms, Kenneth G. Powell.
Pension Officer•, R. S. Box.
Chaplain, Rev. W. A, Jones.
Chairmen for standing commit-
tees—Thomas Beattie, entertain-
ment; Robt. M. Smith, property;
Hartman Huisser, House coin.; Grant
Finnigan, .membership; Wm. R.
Smith, special events; Geo. Eaton,
sick and visiting; Wm. O'Shea,
sports; John Earle, Trustee.
Comrades Fred Willis and Fred
Snow wore appointed as auditors for
1952. The meeting adjourned with
singing of "The Queen" led by Jas.
T. Scott. The evening concluded
with cards' and lunch served by the
entertainment committee.
The Legion Branch, with the aid
of Ladies' Auxiliary, are holding a
Christmas tree and party for the
children, 10 years of •age and under,
of Legion and Auxiliary members,
on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 21st at
3 p.m., in the Legion quarters. A11
ma,}nbers are urged to bring their
children who come under the cate-
The officers and members of Le-
gion Branch 156, Seaforth, wish to
take this opportunity to thank
everyone in the community for tak-
ing part in all its activities during
1952, and extend to all) the compli-
ments of the season.
The Christmas meeting of the
Eginondville W.A. and W.M.S. was
held last Wednesday afternoon in
the Sunday School room of the
church. Mrs. Jas. McIntosh presided
for the first part of the meeting.
Mrs. Paul Doig read a poen" "The
Wise Men's Gifts". This was follow.
ed by the hymn "Silent Night".
Mrs. Alec Chesney led in prayer.
Devotions were in charge of Mrs. E.
Cameron with scripture readings by
Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mrs. R. Mc-
Gonigle Miss M. Cameron and Mrs.
G. Medonigle. Mrs. A. Bores read
an article on `The Real Meaning of
•Christmas". The business part of the
meeting was then conducted.
• Mrs. A, W. Gardiner opened the
W.M.S. portion of the meeting with
a poem "At Your Christmas Door"
followed by a musical number by
Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mrs. A. Ferber;
and Mrs: G. McGonigle. Mrs. E.
Boyes gave an interesting talk on a
chapter of the study book, The
meeting closed with the hymn
"Blest Be The Tie That Binds'. A
delicious lunich was served by group
The W.M.S. -of First Presbyterian
Church held their Christmas meeting'
on Tuesday, Dec. 16. The President,
Mrs. D. Glen Campbell opened the
meeting with a poem and prayer.
Hymn "While Shepherds Watched
their Flocks" was sung. .Secretary
and Treasurer gave their report,
followed by repots from the differ-
ent secretaries. 'Scripture read by
Mrs. W. J. Thompson, prayer by
Mrs. Robert Smith, solo "The
Christmas Night", Mrs. W. E. Butt.
Mrs. Ritchie gave a very interesting
talk on what Christmas should be.
Installation of officers by Rev.
Campbell. Hymn "Away in a Man-
ger". Mrs. Campbell closed with
Officers for 1958: Hon. Pres.
Mrs. W. Freeman, Mrs. Robert Eb-
erhart; Pres., MVlr's, D. Glen Camp-
bell; lst Vice Pres„ Mrs. John Mc-
Millan; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Jas.
Kerr; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. 3. L.
Bell; See., Mrs, John McTavish;
Trees., Mrs. T. Biekell; Press See.,
Mrs. Keith McLean; Pianist, Mrs. E.
Geddes; Group Leaders, Mr's. W. J.
Thompson, Mrs. W. Manson; Home
Helpers Sec., Mrs, R. Eberhart, Mr's.
G. hills; Welcome & Welfare, Mrs.
John Beattie; Glad Tidings, Mrs. R.
Smith; Supply, Mrs, H. McLaugh-
lan; Library .& Literature, -Mrs, Jas.
Kerr; Convenor Social Com., Mrs.
Geo, Ferguson; C,G.I.T. Leaders,
NIrs. W. 3. Thompson, Miss Peggy
Willis; Mission Band Leaders, Mrs.
Jas, Murray, Mrs. Dave Stewart,
Mrs. Clare Reith,
ML'. and Mrs. Calvin Hilieu will be
at home to their friends and neigh-
bours s o
n Jan. 2nd, 1953 from 2 till
4;30 p.m. and from 8 to 10:30 in
the evening, to celebrate their Gold-
en Wedding Anniversary,
A highly successful Turkey Bingo
e t the Parish hall an Tues-
day evening, Dec. 9th. The guests
were welcomed to the hall by Mr, '
Gerald Holland, who also called the
numbers assisted by Mr. James
Krauskopf. The bingo ushers were
Frank Bruxer, Len Feeney, Jerome
Murray, Maurice Dillon, Jack Kelly,
Phonso Meagher, Turkeys were won
by Mrs. Marks, Mrs, Walter Car-
penter, Mrs. Len Cronin, Joseph
Delaney, Mrs. John Louis Malone,
Catherine Moylan, Mrs. Wm. McMil-
lan, James Barbour, Thomas Burns,
Mrs. Tom Purcell, Con Eckert, Miss
Molly O'Connell, Mrs, Joseph Dill,
Nancy Kelly, Mrs, James Delaney.
Three special prizes went to Mrs,
T. Murray, George Ducharme, Mrs,
Joseph McIver. Five Dollar specials
were won by Mrs. Joseph Cronin,
Mrs. Hugh Pugh, Marie Nagle, Mary
Hastings, Harvey Tuffin, Gib Mur-
ray. After the bingo, drawing for
the prizes took place. 1st a hostess
chair, went to Mary C. Ryan, Dub-
lin; 2ncl, a handmade quilt, to Frank
Stock, 4250 Ontario St., London,
Ontario; 3rd prize, an electric tea-
kettle, to Margaret Flanagan, Dub-
The monthly meeting of the Cath-
olic Women's League was held in
the High School with a fair attend-
ance. The president, Mrs. Meagher
reported that the contribution to
the Sisters of Service and the im-
migration Fund had been made in
November. Mrs. Pat Jordan, Mrs,
Michael Nagle were named to call
on the sick. Dr. Ffoulkes gave a very
instructive talk on the vestments
the priest wears at Mass, Treats
will be sent to the sick at Xmas. The
collection for the veterans at West-
minster Hospital has been forwarded
to Father Hennessey. A reading on
the Thirty Second Annual National
Convention was given by Mrs. John
Meagher, Final plans for the Turkey
bingo were •made. The meeting dos-
ed with prayer by the president.
On Friday, Dec. 5th in Londes-
boro Community Hall, a reception
was held for Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Carter. The first part of the evening
was spent playing progressive eu-
chre. The following were prize win-
ners: Most games, Mrs. Jack Scott,
Watson Reid; lone hands, Mrs. Neil-
ans, Howard Armstrong; consola-
tion, Mrs. Alex Riley, Robt. Jamie-
son. After lunch, the young couple
were called to the platform. Mr. Wil-
liam Leiper read the address while
Mr. Gordon McGregor presented
them with a purse of money.. Glen
thanked all on behalf of Doreen and
himself. The remainder of the even-
ing was spent in dancing to the mu-
sic of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen,
Messrs Jim Neilans and Stewart
McCall. The address is as follows:
Dear Doreen and Glen, — We,
your friends and neighbors are gath-
ered here this evening to honor you
in your recent marriage. We are
pleased that .you are remaining in
our midst as you both have been
willing workers in the activities of
the community, and we know you
will continue to do so. Our wishes
for both of you as you travel life's
highway is health, happiness and
prosperity. We would ask you to ac-
cept this gift as a token of our good
wishes. Signed on behalf of your
neighbours and friends.
On Dec. 8th the Fireside farm for-
um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Taylor with 23 present. The
broadcast and discussion period was
on community centres, Due to the
orality of our members, some con-
sidered Londesboro, same Seaforth
and others Constance hall, so we had
a great difference in answers to the
Londesboro community hall was
of greatest service to our groupas
t is used for Women's Institute
meetings, Council meetings, polling
ooths, dances, card parties, showing
f educational films, Fed. of Agri-
ulture meetings, farm forum, an-
nual meetings, banquets, family re-
mots, serving lunch for music fest-
ivals,, hockey banquets, etc, It could
e improved by having fires started
mach earlier before meetings in cold
weather, by having greater accom-
iodation in cloakrooms for coats,
ats, and by having more attractive
est roosts, toilets, what shall we
We believe that in our community
ith three halls so erose, it would
of be advisable to hold open meet-
ngs in our schools as it would be
'convenient for teachers and pupils
o find articles misplaced; and that
ith the cost of building and re -
"addling so high it would be foolish
o consider changing our schools in -
o community centres.
The following were prize winters
euchre: Most games,
rs. Bert 'Hog•gart, Robt. Jamieson;
ne hands, Mrs. Joe Babcock, Bert
FI'oggart; consolation, Mrs; William
olinage, James Jamieson,
Oliver Anderson, the 'president,
ad his box of library books fol: ex
hange, He invited the group to his
ome for next meeting.
Guests during the weekend at the
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his Christ
a s r
` Imagine how impressive
your gift will look on
Christmas morning . .. A
\ service for 8 or 12 in the
t New Vogue Drawer
other Services in
° Chests start
at $3975
,to lle1111111111111111111118111Mlll11181111111111111111111,1111111111x111111ll llll1111111111m1,.11111,111181118111111111111111111lllll 111°1111
Fine China
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carter
included Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mac-
Kenzie of Lucknow, Mrs. Hazel Kerr
and Ian of Clinton; Miss Margaret
Kerr and Miss Madelon Thomas of
The ladies of Burns' Church W.
M. S. and W. A. are invited to the.
home of Mrs. Harvey Taylor for
their Dec. 18th meeting. -
Mr. Jim Howatt was in Toronto
on Monday and brought home a load
of fine calves.
Mr. and Mrs. Green of Toronto
visited on Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Carter.
The meeting of the Tuckersmith
Municipal Council was held on Mon-
day, December 15th, 1952 with all
members present except Alfred
Moffat tvho was absent on account
of illness.
Robt. Dalrymple, Road Superin-
tendent, tendered his resignation
which the council accepted with re-
gret as Mr. Dalrymple had acted
efficiently in that capacity for 28
years, and is now forced to give up
this position on account of his
health. The Council will advertise
for applications for this position and
the same will be considered on Dec.
27th, 1952.
By -Law No. 17, 1952 setting the
salaries for Reeve and Council was
given its required readings and
A resolution was passed instruct-
ing the Clerk to request the Depart-
ment of Highways for a transfer of
$11,000 from new machinery to
bridges and culverts in the appro-
priation by-law,
The Council also passed a resolu-
tion that no officer of the Munici•
pality shall spend over $50.00 with-
out consent of Council.
Appointments for 1953 were made
as follows;
Truant Officer, John Earle; Mem-
ber to Seaforth District High School
Board, James McIntosh; Member to
Clinton High School Board, George
L. Falconer: Member to Scott Mem-
orial Hospital Board, William Cam-
Accounts passed included; Public
Schools, $16,784.98; S e.p a n? a t e
Schools, $809.03; High Schools, $12,
051.36; County 'rates, $22,675,7.8;
Telephone systems, $12,.705.70:
H.E,P.C. %$19.88; Grants, $10.00:
Division Court. Fees, $25.00; Rooin
Rent, $30.00; Salaries, $950.00;
Court of Revision Voters Lists, $70.-
98; Poultry Valuator fees $2.50;
Brown Drain, $1411.05: Mckenzie
Drain, $199.90; Alexander Drain,
9125,00; Etue Drain $25,00; Tele-
phone accounts, $27.40; Roads,
$11,769.38; Rebates, $12.65; Bruce -
field Lights, $16,49; Advertising,
913.04. At the conclusion of the
meeting the Council and Officials
were entertained at a dinner' at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Lean by the Reeve Arthur .Nichol-
Friday night eighty pupils of the
local public school presented a
Christmas carol service in North-
side United Church. Miss 12. E.
Turnbull trained the pupils and led
the presentation, with Mrs. J. A.
Stewart at the organ. Miss W. Sa-
vauge, was in charge of decora-
Franklin Bryans read the Christ-
mas Story, Soloists in carol numbers
included: Larry Byerman, Shirley
Weber, Joan Roberton, Peter Kel-
ly, Mary Scott, Sandra McGonigle,
Elizabeth Stewart Carl Berger,
Larry Berger, Linda Sims, Betty
Muegge, Alice Nixon, Dorothy
Senior Glee Club members were:
Craig Willis; Ray Scoins, Ellen Cal-
der, Kathryn Boshart, Karen Niel"-
olson, - Madden Townsend, 3 o a n
Bach, Agnes Carter, Betty Muegge,
Nancy Glow, Margaret Reeves, Ann
Dick, Gene Nixon, Judy Boshart,
Joan Boyer, Ellen GoAvill, Joan
Charters, Joan Dick, Sharon Roth -
am, Patricia Horton. Shirley Rieber,
Paul McMaster, Marlene Miller, Mae
Munro e, Sandra Savauge, John
' Scott, Isabel Shannon, Linda Sim,
1 1 Donna Elliott, Carole Adams, Ruth
Albrecht, Merle Cooper, Jim Crich,.
Sai$dra Dungey, Dorothy% Fischer
Marion Mcllwain, Alice Nixon, Ruth
Pinder, Douglas Scott, James Scott,
Annette Townsend.
Junior Glee Club member's were:
Karen Pinder, Mary Eastman, Eliz-
abeth Stewart, Bobbby Muegge,
Mary Scott, Joan Roberton, Dion-
ne Dennis, Peter Kelly, Sandra Mc -
Gonigle, Donna Elliott, Elizabeth
Squires, David Stinson, Emily El-
liott, Pearn McLean, Larry Byer -
man, Billie Pinder, Donald Muegge,
Lloyd Pethick, Andy Calder, Donna.
Mae Berger, Phyllis Bryans, John
Patterson, Janet Roweliffe, Hank
Bakker, Brune Austin, Carol Ber-
ger, Gordon Miller, Bruce ,Pulsifer,
Linda Savauge, Barbara Plumsteel,
Devine Hubert, Judy Crich, Linda
Dobson, Carole Dennis, '<f srilyn..,..
Woodcock, Janis Adams, Bonnie
Weiglund, Bob Reith, Nelson Ball.
At the 6215d Anniversary of LOL
793 two of the Past Masters were
presented with Past Masters' Jewels
viz, Wm. Oldfield and Garnet Me-
Clinchey, the presentations being
made by M. W. Bro. Hammond, as-
sisted by County Master Anson Cole-
Early, Nest Week
The Seaforth News wilt be
printed one day earlier for the
next two weeks. All news and
advertising should be sent le
at feast one dayearlier than
usuel, sooner if possible.,