HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-12-04, Page 4SEE YOUR FUTURE JUNIOR STARS IN ACTION Tuesday, December 9th - 7 P.M. - LUCAN BANTAMS vs SEAFORTH BANTAMS -- 9 P.M. - LUCAN JUVENILES vs SEAFORTH JUVENILES 2 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Adutls 5t)e Children 25c MY ONLY SLOGAN The Town's interest First My interests Second ;, El , i oxµ ��r:ffle y w t ayor INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability ete. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Phone 3R1. Res. 222R r..er r' .,4 CORRECT TO SERVE ON ANY OCCASION Genuine OLGA Pocahantos Car of Alberta coal on track Car of Reading. Trade 'larked Red Hard Coal. "We deliver" KRAUSKOPF BROS. 1 Phone 36r13 DUBLIN Iseefforasmannzaweasecoomenzanammeisur WALTON Rev. W. M. Thomas was ill and unable to take the services on this charge last Sunday, and Mr, Me- Spadden of Winthrop conducted the services, We are glad to report that Mr. Thomas will be able to take his work nest Sunday. A White Gift service will be held in 'Mission Band next Sunday, the gifts will be sent to a needy Sunday School in Northern Ontario, Turkey INGO Dublin Parish Hall Tuesday, Dec. 9 Bingo 9 P.M. 15 regular games, 3 specials Admission $1 ARTHRITIC PAIN Don't suffer night end day -with dull, wearisome aches -or sharp, stabbing pains. Lead an active life again. Take Templeton's T.11 -.C's, Canada's largest - selling proprietary medicine specially made to bringlonged-forrelief to sufferers from arthritic or rheumatic pain. T-841 Si 3; TEMPLETON'S' T -R -C's For MORE Eggs and BIGGER Eggs Bu tt's `: hicks For proof - look at these official 1951-52 R. 0. P. Entry Record "305 days" BARRED ROCKS • Average Production .. 217 eggs Average egg weight... ;26.6 oz. Every bird qualified, 1Oi % certified RHODE ISLAND REDS Average production,., 214 eggs Average egg weight... 26,7 oz. Entry 94 r certified This is the kind of stock that puts the profit in poultry. You get this breeding in the chicks you buy. We have no high pressure agents - we de- pend on our stock to sell themselves. Test. Com- pare. They will .out -produce anything you have ever owned. Best of all -our new price list shows a very attractive discount for orders placed be- fore Jan. 1st. Order now for Red x Rocks; Red x Sussex; Sussex x Red; White Rock x Red, or pure bred chicks in Barred Rock, Rhode Island Reds or White Rocks. Scott Poultry Farms PHONE 853 SEAFORTH vesenseamtateaser NOTICE Town of Seaforth P1'1UN6 By order of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the highway Traffic Act -•-- Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given that the saki Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations, E S + i ORTiI NEWS Walton Public Sohgol ie having a Christrnas Concert Wednesda�pf Dec. 17 ✓ at 8 P.M, at the Walton community 'Hall Admission Fuc aid 25e DANCE following to music by tit 11bce'ti Orchestra Ladles please bring ltmcli About 300 people gathered in Walton Community hall on Wednes- day eveningto extend their fare- well greetings to Mr. and Mrs, W, C. Bennett who are moving to their new home on No. 4 Highway, Clin- ton. Dancing to the music of bee's Orchestra. Orchestra. At lunch time Mr. and Mrs: Bennett were called to the platform and the following address was read: Dear Pat and Kenny, --We your friends of Walton Community have met to spend a social evening with. youbefore you settle in your new home. We regret your leaving our midst but are glad to know you have been appointed to such a worthy po- sition. You, Kenny, have always lived among us. Some here have known you as a school pal, a 'few will remember you, the day you ar- rived on the 17th •of Grey, as mod- ern as they are today, without a stitch. We have known you as an honorable business man and as a soldier who served his country hi two wars, You, Pat, have been faithful in your work in •church organizations and as president of Walton Red Cross many of us remember your cheerful Message on get -well cards, also your O.K. on love letters and offering to lick the stamps for the sender. The ladies will miss your magic touch in turning their straight locks into charming curls. We 'know you both will make many new friends, but hope to see you driving into our village and up and down our concessions real often. As a slight token of our deep ap- preciation of your valued friend- ship, we ask you to accept these gifts. With these go our sincere wishes for many years of health and happiness. Signed on behalf of your neighbours and friends. Mr. Herbert Travis read the ad- dress and Stewart Humphries pre- sented the gifts, a Kroehler lazy -boy chair and stool, and a walnut smok- ing stand, Mr. Barry Marshall, on behalf of the mail couriers, pre- sented them with a set of pink bed- room lights with bed lamp to match. Mr, Bennett voiced his appreciation in his usual manner, Previous to this Ittrs. Bennett was the recipient of a lovely rhinestone necklace, earrings, and bracelet set from Walton Group of Duff's Church, also a hymn book from W.M.S. and W.A. EGMONDVILLE Miss Eleanor Hudson of New Tor- onto spent the weekend with Rev. A. W. and Mrs, Gardiner at the manse. Miss Jessie Finlayson and Mrs. William Finlayson of Lorne Park were guests of the fornier's ,mother Mrs. Jas. Finlayson. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mrs. Hugh McLachlan and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and family visit- ed with the former's son, Rev. An- drew H. and Mrs. McKenzie at Is- lington. The fall thankoffering meeting of the Egmondville W. A. and W.M.S. was held et the home of Mrs, Jas: McIntosh on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 26, Mrs, A. W. 6ardiner, W. 71. S. Pres., opened the meeting with a poem "Let Christ Come In". Mrs. A. C. Routledge led in prayer. A musical number by Mrs. H. Jessome and Mrs. E. Smith was enjoyed by all. The guest speaker, Mrs. Norman McLeod, of Kippen gave a very in- teresting talk on some of the work of Mission Hospitals in the Canadian West. Mrs, E. Boyes thanked the speaker on behalf of the lathes. Miss R. McKenzie brought in the slate of officers for the New Year, Mrs. E. Cameron presided at the W. A. part of the meeting, opening with a poem "All things grow still", Mrs. D. Stephenson led hi prayer, and devotions were taken by Mrs. A. Forbes and Mrs. Jas. Hay. Mrs. Paul Doig spoke on the topic "If you want to put the world right, start with yourself". The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, Lunch was served by group 1. The following are the officers for the New Year. W. S. Society: Pres., Mrs. A. W. Gardiner; lst Vice, Mrs, E. Stephenson; 2nd Vice, Mrs. G. McGonigle; Rec. Sec., Mrs, Dave McLean; Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. Forbes; Treas., Mrs, W. F. McMillan; Chris- tian Stewardship, Mrs. Jno. Wat- son; Temperance Sec., Mrs. M. Han- ey; Miss. Monthly Sec., Mrs. R. Knight; Community Friendship Com- mittee, Mrs. Jno Woods, Mrs. Robt. Tyndall, Mrs. A. Chesney, Mrs. D. Stephenson, Convenor:, Miss R. Mc- Kenzie; Pianist, Mrs. E. Cameron; Supply Sec., Mrs. A. C. Routledge; Baby Band, Mrs. E, Boyes, Mrs. M. Nott; Assoc. Helpers' Sec., Mrs. R. McGeoch; Finance Committee, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. R. McGeoch, W. Association: Pres., Mrs, Jas. McIntosh; lst Vice, Mrs, Ed Boyes; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Roy McGonigle; Sec,, Miss Mabel Cameron; Treas,, Mrs. Jas, Bay; Manse Com,, Mrs. A. 0, Routledge, Mrs. A. Forbes, Mrs, Jas. Hay; Pianist, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. E. Cameron, BR0DHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, on Sunday, Nov, 30. About 60 relatives and friends were in attendance. nine tables of progressive euchre were played, .prizes going to Mrs Gordon Reihl, Mr. Ezra,Ilinz; 5 (low), Mrs. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 Russell Sholdiee and Eugene Hinz, Music was played for dancing by Mrs. Michael Connolly, Wn1, Mehl and Douglas Hinz, and for the sing- song by Miss Roselle Connolly. Mr, and Mrs, Wolfe and three children, Lorne, Dorene and Don were seated at a beautiful decorated table with a three-tier wedding cake deeorated by Mrs, Tait and baked by Mrs. Sam Wolfe. A nice address was read by Mrs, Ross Leeming. They were pre- sented by Miss Yvonne Diegel and Miss Shirley Reihl with an electric tea kettle and an automatic pop-up toaster and a chrome kitchen step-up stool for their children. Mr, and 'Mrs. Wolfe expressed their thanks, There was also a mock wedding, Michael Connally as a lovely •bride, Ross Leeming as groom, Orval Wolfe as bridesmaid, Eugene Hills as maid of honor, John Hinz of Kitchener as flower girl, Garry Slloldiee as best man, Wilfred Wolfe as ringbearer and Robert Wolfe as minister. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe farmed near Monk- ton till January when they moved to Brodhagen. They were blessed by three children: one daughter, Dor- ene of Exeter, two sons, Lorne and Don at home. Mrs. Wolfe's parents were able to be present, Mr, and Mrs. John Hinz, Sebringville. Mrs. Wolfe's family were all present, one sister, Mr. and Mrs, Michael Con- nolly and family, Ellice, three bro- thers, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hinz and family, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz and family? Logan and Mr, and TM's. John .Hoz and son Johnny, Kitchener. Mr. Wolfe's family of sisters and three brothers, Mr, and Mrs. Sant Wolfe and family of Monkton, Mr. and Mrs, Martin Diego! and family of McKillop, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe, Logan. Miss Ordelia Wolfe, who was unable to he present, phoned from Detroit and wished the couple happiness while the party was on. Guests were present from St. Thomas, Kitchener, Stratford, Springfield, E x e t e r, Monkton, Sebringville, Logan, Camp Borden, McKillop, Ellice. The party was planned by Mr. and Mrs, Sam Wolfe, Mrs. Martin Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait. DUBLIN Dublin School News The students of the High School are looking into cupboards, trunks, suitcases etc. (not to recall their baby days) to find used cloth- ing for a clothing drive. These ar- ticles will be sent to help the peo- ple of Europe who need warm cloth- ing. This is a mission project spon- sored by Grade 11. We have been hearing songs from behind closed doors. It sounds as if practicing for our Christmas Con- cert oncert has really begun in earnest. Grades nine and ten are presenting two plays while the rest of us are practicing our carols. Our concert will be held on Dec. 15th. Today the students on meeting one another would say "Whose did you get?" Now don't get excited (we didn't trade class pins or any- thing like that). We just drew names for Christmas and' it has caused quite a bit of excitement until we find out who has our name. We wonder what boys like prac- ticing their play so well. Christmas Trees Christmas Trees, reasonable. Come and take your pick. At rear of CECIL LEMON'S house, North Main Street. Phone 162 J • months to pay 1L for your coal Nodown payment When you join ... The Old Company's COAL � CLUB Coal NN t1` ctw�!sPRIVir dub Seaforth Lumber Ltd PHONE 47 SEAFORTH VANCOUVER Daily from TORONTO via MINAKI .WINNIPEG SASKATOON•EDMONTON JASPER Standard and tourist sleeping cars, bed- rooms,compartments, buffet lounge, dining car, modern coaches. CANADIAN NATIONAL G E Pr ifiLATRE 6.41,10011, l i NOW PLAYING -_ CAI CALLING titII 3 not DRUMNIOND Walter Pidgeon - Margaret Leighton, T "Veilul 111 /011 by Scotland Yard, Drummond emerges froth Nth:com t and helps vols, a largo ,rule t ilei',', 1t' ,0i tory and dranui combined in u groat xlury NEXT MON. TCIEs l,, 151 D rd3F' Slum 13, ae,ictc t nn5 Fear' llaehler Tha tlMecitvc did,, t 15,1111 t rt rich and lido t aunt t, gut 1 ilkd -bc .ju-t wuntnl to get the. nob leader boforo he ma t bier A stoly un I wnnin^ hum, NEXT TIIURN. FR 54'1'. CRXI T T l' CREEK' t .clink >Iat - George 6lon tjonne h Rauh, Death. Winner talms all u1 the weNts wlldi'rt boon town, It's a popular gold rush atony tilled with sedan mud s1s0e1144, COMING - PANDORA AND TIM PLYIN4 DIITCIIMAN ALL CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN AD 01,1' BRODHAGEN A large ,basket of mums was placed in St, Peter's Lutheran Church at the Sunday Service by the Meyer family in memory of their Parents, the late Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Meyer. Mrs, Meyer passed away one v year ago on Sunday, Nov. 30. View - era also adorned the altar at the sane service in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1Vlogk, Mr, John A. Rudolph has gone to a London Hospital to undergo an op-, e'ation. YOU GET More tor Your Money The Same -Old Reason Why we are always busy -This Store is loaded with BIG VALUES IN FOOTWEAR for every member of the family WILLIS SHOE STO.E The Little Store with the "Big Values" Soafortll r...mencoara.mmws,erar SEATO IF LUMBER Ltd. WHEN YOU THINK OF LUMBER - THINK OF SEAFORTH 47 Open all•day everyday except Sunday Car of Canad an Cement Get Traction! -go through snow or mud -without chains Save at Canadian Tire - - "TRACTION o ACTION" SNOW & MUD TIRES 011 Canadian Tire Features "Traction -Action" SNOW AND MUD TIRES that are built to get you safely through winter's toughest going -At prices that are amazingly low. Your choice of rugged SUPER-LASTIC, or famous imported PHARIS. They're great for snow, slush or mud. Put one on each rear wheel for pulling power that will "walk" your car through in the meanest driving conditions. "Save Safely" -at Canadian Tire. 6.0016 Worth $29.30 6.70/5 Worth $33.05 Reg. List "Pharis" Size Price Price 6.00/16 $29.30 $19.95 6.50/16 37.25 23.35 6.70/16 37.25 23.35 6.50/15 33.05 ' 19.95 6.70/15 33.05 19.95 7.00/15 40.95 26.80 7.10/15 37.40 23.35 7.60/15 40.95 26.80 TIRES MOUNTED FREE .95 EACH "Super-Lastic" Price $20.95 21.95 21.95 SEAFORTH G. 5. & W, V. Smith at