HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-11-27, Page 8-hoose'Fo syth' Shirts For Christmas Giving Plain white broadcloths, plain shades or new woven stripes In the best quality and make that money can buy.--- Choose from fused or soft collar with single or double cuffs. Size 14 to 18 4.95 FORSYTFI JEWELRY Clever cuff finks in a grand range of new shapes. Smart new tie bars or sets of matching links and bars make a wonderful gift at 2.50 to '5.0r1 Superb Handkerchiefs For The Man Who Cares Quality Irish Linens, fine English woven borders, both with or without em- broidered initials. — Tastily boxed for Christ- mas giving. -- Buy them singly or by the dozen. — Priced each 35c 50c 69c INAL CLEARANCE Regular 1.50 to 2.00 MEN'S TIES About four hundred of these ties have been picked up in the first three days of selling.—There's still a good range left but you'll have to hurry I I Each tie Christmas boxed nelein 59c 3 FOR 1.50 tewart los RECEPTION DANCE ! HENSALL TOWN HALL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 For Mr. and bMrs, Ken McKay (formerly Helen Lohb) Des Jardines Orchestra Iaadi135 bring, lamb TIIi7 S iAFO TZH NEWS TUQKERSMITH._ The Tuckersmith Ladies" Club Will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm, Rogerson 'on Wednesday, Dec. 8. Roll call, "MY happiest memory of Xwas time„ Group 8 in charge of program and lunch. Remember to biting . your Xmas gift and everything to pack for the Salvation Army box, All member's please bring in your fees to this meeting for 1958, BORN NIGH—At Scott. Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 10th. to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Nigh, a daughter McLEAN — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLean, Seaforth, a daughter McLEOD — At Scott Memorial IIospital, on Nov. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McLeod, Seaforth, a daughter MURRAY -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 22, to Mr, and Mrs. Dominic Mur- ray. RR2 Walton, a son STOREY - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 21, to Mr. and Mos, 3. E. Steres, Cm:ma tte, a daughter We are proud to announce that Oke's llliards has been appointed Agent for '- CROFT Dr: CLEANERS Goderich, Ont. Inquire at once about our • Cleaning e Repairing * Mothproofing • Out of season storage By phoning 104 Seaforth SERVICE MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Open 9 A.M. to 11 P.M, daily HIGH SCHOOL. NEWS Friday, Nov. 21, proved to be quite an exciting day for grade 11 students. It was their year to at- tend the' big Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. This week the Golden Bears are holding their annual football dance, with the Athletic Society going all out to matte it a hit, Question of the week: Have you thought of a good name for:.onr new school paper? W. I, NOTES. W. I, members are referred to the committees for the Nov, 28 euchre, published in last week's paper, also reminded to •bring or send a square. cake. Thank you. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1.952 CARD OF THANKS - Mr. Matthew Murray and the Ryan family wishto express sincere thanks to their marry Dierrcis and neighbors. for the kindness and sympathy shown to them intheir recent sad bereavement CARD OF THANKS Mr, Thos.. D.. Wren wishes to thank his many friends and neighbors for their act of kindness and sympathy extended to him dur- ing his recent confinement to hospital and the loss by fire of his barn, Special thanks to the Hensnll Fire Brigade for tryhrg to save the born and adjoining building, also to =EX of Wingham in helping to secure a barn. Thanks to all for their assistance and ex- pression of sympathy. THOS. D. WREN, Cromarty, RR#1 FOR SALE 1 Renfrew Cook Right Stove with cream enamel, six lids, with reservoir, warming closet, and water front; in excellent condi- tion. Phone 2112W FOR SALE Large size Quebec heater, good grates. Ord els taken for young dressed geese, delivetcd n few da3's before Xmas; also dry -Ricked goose feathers, or would make into p111ows. Apply 301113 F, BELL, 14R2 Seaforth, 897-4 FOR SALE A bunch of extra strong York pigs. A. R. DODDS, 833x•14 Srnforth NOTICE Dressed turkey's, geese and dueke for Christmas. Order early and avoid disappoint- ment. Also two geese and one gander for breeding, 3 years old,. MRS. GEO. C0L- CLOUGH, RIM Clinton. Plmne 80541 NORRIS RANCH BOYS Nov ready for 01,1 Time and Modern Dances, Prices reasonable. Phone HARRY NORRIS, 668x4 Seaforth TO RENT Heated apartment now available in Sea - forth Apartments. Elderly people preferred. Apply Dr. McMaster FOR SALE Quebec heater in good condition. Phone 63, Seaforth COMING Bk EVENT Bazaar and He Baking under the auspieSat.. Dec.ec. 6th s of tin S± James es Sclool a Leagrle, FOR SALE 150 ft. ~vire elothesline, complete with pulleys. a pink baby-tenda in good condition, 1 pink Bunting Bag like new. Apply at Sea - forth News O Used Thor Washing Mn hine. 130X FURNI- TURE STORE. Philco Ti'ans[ nee Mantel Radio, 6 tube, new condition.- Price 016. Must be sold by Satur- day. Apply Queen's Hotel, Seaforth FOR SALE 1 Tamworth boar reedy for service. Apply FRANCIS COLEMAN 'JR., Phone 828r22 Auction Sale OF DAIRY & BEEF COWS, YOUNG CATTLE & PIGS. On Saturday, Nov. 29th, at 1.30 P.M. at Lot 13, Con. 1, Stanley Twp., 15, mile south of Brucefield on No. 4 Highway. 30 Holstein cows fresh and due to freshen n Dee. and Jan. 2 red & white cows due in Dec.. 1 Jersey cow, fresh 1 Jersey cow, springer; 0 Holstein heifers 1 year Old. 2 York sows due time of sale. 10 York chunks Terms cash VICTOR HARGREAVES, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Township of McKillop First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE is hereby given that I have com- plied with Section 0, of the Voters' Lists Act, and I have posted up in my office, in Me - Killen,. on the 26th day of November, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality for members of parliament and municipal election., and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day .of appeal being the 10th day of Decem- ber, 1952. JOHN M. ECKERT, Clerk of the Township of McRilinp mae s ee.11■® Town of Seaforth NOMINATIONS A merliagif the electors of the Town of Seaford: will be held in Town Han, Seaforth, MONDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1932 Per the purpose of nonineting pereunts for the offices of Reeve and one Councillor. Nominotio ns will be re eeiced from 7.30 o'clock p.m. to 8.30 ;clock p.m. If a Poll be noeeswary, the same will be held at the f„Ilowing places on Wednesday, Der. 10th, 1002, from 9 o'clock ir.m, until 5 o'cinek p.m. Polling Sub -Divisions Nos. 1 Gaeg,-a Cheriea Bather, deputy returning of- ficer; Mrs. H. E. Smith, Pell clerk. Polling Sub -Divisions Nos. 3 & 4—Public Libra*. ; H. Trapnell, deputy returning offic- er: Helen 7161ton, poll clerk. Polling Sob -Divisions Nos. 6 & 6-.M. E. Cla•ke's Garage; John Cardno, rlepaty return- ing oirieer; Mae Watterworth, poll clerk. D. 21. WILSON. Returning Officer Seaforth, November. 26th, 1002 TOWN OF SEAFORTH FO, QUALITY MERCHANDISE IT PAYS To SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE HAUOM'S Navy Overalls, Navy Pants, Lined Jackets, Winter Weight Shirts Miner Rubber Boots. Greb Shoes Penman's Underwear, 95 combinations, shirts a drawers Week end special—Carnation Milk tails, 8 tins 99c EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS APPRECIATED CLAIR HANEY • FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 TOYS Largest Display in Huron County We have something for everyone! TRAINS DOLLS GAMES Mechanical and Educational Toys COME IN AND SEE OUR SZ3LECTION BEFORE THEY ARE PICKED OVER .111111111111 n1lllnnr1111111111111111111111,11111111,11,11111n1111111nN1111lllllllllllnt ll,lnlllnlllllllUll tttl,t11111111,111111111 Sole Agents for C. C. M. SKATES, STICKS AND EQUIPMENT llattt 11111411111,11111,11111111111111111111111,11.11111 ttttttt II 1tttttt 11111111, ttlntot ttt,m1111m11,111n11aal, iiia tttlttttt II„ DON'T DELAY - SHOP NOW ! Quality Goods with Quality Service Geo...Sills&Sons Plumbing Hardware Heating BOX Numeral train i Assessor Application will be received for the posi- tion of assessor of the Town of Seaforth at the Clerk's Office in the Town Hail up to Dec. 6th, 1952 D. II. WILSON Clerk asotwaxamensWeeMe Clerk's Notice Of Posting of Voters' Lint Town Of Seaforth Notice is hereby given that I have posted Ira my Mlle., In the Town of Seeforth the Voters List for 1061 and I hereby call on all voters to take Immediate nroeeedinge to have any errors or omisalons corrected according to law. The list W115 posted in my office Nov, 21, 1952. Last day of appeal, Dec, 6, 1002, D. II. WILSON Clerk FOURTH ANNUAL SALE OF Scotch Shorthorns 5 BULLS and 28 FEMALES COMMUNITY PARK FAIR BARNS Clinton, Ontario TUESDAY, DEC. 2 at 1 p.m. sharp Sponsored by the following Huron County Shorthorn Breeders: ROBERT M. PECK & SONS KIPPEN McKINLEY'S FARM AND HATCHERY ZURICH CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS VARNA VARNA SEAFORTH JOHN OSTROM ROY F. PEPPER & SON For catalogues, write any of the above 9 use a Of'Anit at The Canadian Bank, ofCommerce AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentior Hospital lied Mowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596 Iry VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNI3ULT., D,V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V.S. MMIain, St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAF1 Optometrist Phone 791. Main. St„ Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm. Wed, 9 - 12.30 Sat. 9 em to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physielan and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.Q. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-97 Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L, Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 6 put, daily, exceptuWeDuldny, 7esday and Sunday Evenings, Tuesday -9 pm, Thursday and Satrday Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAPORT/I, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth ; Vice -Pres., John II, MCEWing, Blyth; Manager & Seo.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors E. J, Trewartha, Clinton; J. L.. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonlmrdt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John 1L Mewing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander. Walton • Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents --3, E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. MoKeroher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londei- boro; J. F. Prueter. Brodhason; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to be applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. Ail kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in 9'Irst-Clad.--- Companies *'bluecoal' yT,I,1E SOLID FUEL;cop $OLIO Catania "Tile World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-11 t� .11e.111® NOTICE Chain sewing. A9P1y to FRANK EICK- MEIER, phone Dublin 36013; Lot 80, Con. 6, Logan RADIO REP -AIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth COAL Our coal comes from the best region in North America. Fresh mined with modern equipment, double -washed and double, screened WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply ±0 W. 0. GOVENLOOK. Dick House, Seaforth FOSE Dry mixed wood Rale,, 50 pullets 7 months old, laying, Sussex x New Hamp. A891y to LEWIS COYNE, phone 04016 Dublin SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 I3our Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured Three room apo tment, priEvate bath; heated by oil space heater; on paved road near Sea- ford"; reasonable rent. Apply at The News Olfice _ TO RENT APARTMENT TO LET—Attractive 2 large room:, there bath, heated, electric stove and refrigerator, possession at once. Call after J. V. Flynn, Dublin. Phone 77 NOTICE Hog Feeders, get extra money by shipping by H. M011wuin, Get 20e for every 3 hogs mal over, or 08 for every 20 hogs, at time of pink -up. Shipping Stratford Tuesday; Kitch- ener, Wednesday, Thursday each week. Please call day before. Leave word at 112 Seaford". IOARVEY' McILWAIN WANTED 01,1 kronen pond Disabled Cattle, Feeder Chunks, at all times, or whateveryou have to sell. II. Me/DWAIN. Leave word at 112, Seaforth ., ,111•0ua>,.1:211®ate ATTENTION FARMERS Old fence wire taken away. Also scrap iron bought. ED M,GRATI2, phone Dublin 10x23 collect FOR SALE Iiyglsnie Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 26; 24 samples 01.00. Mail - Order Dept. 1.74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. LUMBAGO (lame Back) When your hack is stiff and very painful tolceithe rte effort that has brought swift, safe 'a relief suffer from the nagging T nagging misery 00 Lumbago a day longer than you have to. Get T-it•C's today, 65c, 91.35 at drug counters. 7.540 l