HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-11-20, Page 1h N ..,„•• . HURON COUNTY'S UEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 75. S1 AFORT1I, ONTARIO, TH1J] SDAY, NOVEM13ER 20, 1952 iNTERESTINO TALK GIVEN ON HOBBIES Mrs. J. 0, Crich presided at the November meeting of the Seaforth Horne and School Association on Tuesday evening, About 55 mem- bers and guest's were present. Music for the evening was provided .by two of Miss Turnbull's pupils, Larry By- erman and Linda Sims. Larry sang "The Running Brook" by Franz Schubert, and Linda sang "A Maid- en's' Wish" by Chopin. Mrs. J. A, Stewart was pianist for the meet- ing. Mrs. 3. A. Calvert of London, guest speaker, was introduced by Mrs. H. Mason and thanked by Mrs. 3'. A. MacDonald. Speaking on "Hobbies" Mrs. Cal- vert gave a glimpse into some of her own: Home and School and the com- posing of rhymes and little poems while her children were small; Art in some of Its different forms. She displayed some very lovely pastels, line cuts (pen and India ink), oils, watercolors and photographs, stat- ing that "No special talent is need- ed fol' any of them". Starting with some beautiful kodachrotnes taken in her own garden, Mrs. Calvert show- ed many others on varying topics ex- plaining that one can find good ma- terial for pictures in many different places and from different angles with the seasons and even the time of day giving different and 'unusual effects. Hoene and Family Travel; Wild Life (birds, flowers, insects, animals) ; Unusual Things (Frost on a windowpane being one of these). Indeed the pictures were all so lovely it would be difficult to single out any one for special comment. Various sunset scenes were especially lovely. Having a birthday nearest the meeting date won a plant and the honour "Mother of the Evening" for Mrs. H. Nicholson. At the close of the meeting .Mrs. F. Kling and Mrs. K. Sharpe con- ducted a very successful `Penny Sale". W. I. NOTES Committees for the Nov. 28 eu- chre are as follows: lunch, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. W. Coleman; tables and chairs, Mrs. E. Kerr, Nlrs. G. Popple; prizes. Mrs. G. Horner; punchers, Mrs. H. Engin, Mrs. R. McLachlan, Mrs. L. Carter, Mrs. P. Doig, Miss Mabel Cameron. Members are reminded to either bring or send a cake, also to take note that the Huron County Institute Rally which was to have'been held in Communi- ty Centre, will be held in Egmond- ville United Church, Friday, Nov. 21 from 10 to 4, eveyone bring box lunch and your own cup. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The rugby team has organized their annual S.D.H.S. football dance, they have set the date, Nov. 28 for the big night, and will have the mu- sic of Ross Pearce. The public has been invited and the students are urged to make this a real hit. This week I was given a kissing license by Constable Wade. Since this belongs to a high school student, he thought others might be wanted. They can now be obtained at the town hall for a nominal fee. The one turned in reads as follows: Bearer: Ron 3— This is to certify that Ron 3— has passed the glad - eye without flirtation and is now eligible to enter the following pla- ces: dark tunnels, lonely lanes, emp- ty cars, dark and private places. PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS We are at the busy time of the year. We are practicing for the Car- ol Service here at school. It is plan- ned to be held on Friday, December 12, 1952, directed by Miss Turnbull. Grades seven andeight have de- corated the front windows and some of the ,blackboard with poppies. Social Studies pictures are being drawn and coloured with coloured chalk at the back of the room done by grade eight pupils. We have 307 pupils inthe school now. It is the most for a great num- ber of years. We have already start- ed our Christmas test. Northside United Church Rev. John Stinson, Minister 10 a.m„ Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., "Youth Ser- vice", assisted by Junior choir, dir- ected by Miss Turnbull. Sermon Theme: "For the Facing of this Honer", 7' p.m„ Theme: "Worship, Study, Action", led .by Y.P.U. Relig- ious film, "The Challenge of Af- rica", Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday .School. 11 a.m., "Making. Christianity too Easy". 7 p.m., "The Christian's Reward" St. Thomas Anglican 10 a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m,, Merning Prayer. Mr. Hunt of Mitch- ell willtake the service. 7 p,m., Ev- ening Prayer. St. Mary's Church, Dublin Sunday School at 2:30 p.m., Evening Prayer at 3 p.M. First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m,, Bible Class and Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Presence of the Lord", Junior Congregation. 7 par,, "The Spirit of Worship". 8.15 p,m„ Y,P.S. Fireside, CELEBRATE FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson were pleasantly surprised •on Sunday, Nov. 16, when their family all gathered at the home of their daughter, Mrs, W. H. Coleman, of Tuckersmith,. for a turkey dinner, celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary whieh oc- cured on Wednesday, Nov. 19. Mr. and Mr.'s, Hudson first farmed in Hay township, later going to Alberta for several years, returning to Zurich where he was in the produce busi- ness, later farmed north of Seaforth, and the past number of year's has operated a produce business in Sea - forth. Mir. and Mrs. Hudson have two sons and two daughters, Leon- ard, of Toronto; Max of Windsor, Alice of Logan township; and Dor- ene of Tuckersmith; also six grand- children. All were present for the occasion. They presented the cele- brants with an electric clock. 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McClinchey quietly celebrated theirs 25th wed- ding anniversary on Wednesday. Mr. McClinchey is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McClinchey, Stanley township, and Mrs. Me- Clinchey was the former Agnes Ad- ams, daughter of Robert Adams and the late Mrs. Adams of Zurich. They were rnarried Nov. 19, 1927 by Rev. Mr. Gale of Barfield. They have a family of eight children: Keith, Holland Centre; Betty, Mrs. Mac Scott, Seaforth; John, Germany, serving in the army; William, Hali- fax, serving in the navy; Maybelle, Welland; Dorothy, Grant and Donald at home. They. also have four grand- children, Jim, Cheryl, Wayne and Charles Scott. SEAFORTH LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLED Officers of Fidelity Lodge 65 I.O.O.F. were installed into office by a degree team from Goderich under District Deputy Grand Mast- er James A. McMillan. Installed were Noble Grand, Victor Lee, I. Trewartha V,G., H. McLeod R.S., F. Willis F.S., Roy McGonigle, Treas., Alex Boyes, R.S.N.G., E. Chesney, L.S.N.G., A. Moore, Warden, H. Moore, conductor, John Oldfield, Chaplain, E. Haase, R.S.V.G., A. Campbell, L.S.V.G., 0. Cunningham, L.S.S., J. Patrick, R.S.S., N. Hub- ert, Outside Guardian, 3. Boyes, In- side Guardian. CHAS. WESLEY WILLIAMS. -A well-known Stratford business- man, Charles Wesley Williams, 149 St. Patrick St., died Sunday morn- ing at the Stratford General Hos- pital following an illness of • six weeks. Mr. Williams was born in Seaforth on Nov. 30, 1876, a son of the late Joseph R. and Sebina Crip- pen Williams. He also lived in Ger- rie, Ont., before coming to Stratford in 1900. He was in the monument business and opened his place of business in Stratford in 1928. He was in partnership with his son, Jo- seph Hewitt Williams. On May 23, 1901, he wasmarried to Elizabeth Louise Elliott, who survives: He was a member of Central United Church, and belonged to the Masonic Order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Surviving besides his wife and son Joseph are two brothers, George and Frank, New Jersey; and a sister. Mrs. A. F. Moeller, Winter - haven, Fla. Funeral service was held on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Dr. U. Laite of Central United Church officiating. Burial was in Avondale cemetery. COMMITTEE FORMED On Thursday evening, Nov. 13 the committee appointed to plan for rais- ing of the funds for the United Church Toronto Training School Building Campaign met at the par- sonage with Rev. J. W. Stinson pre- siding. An organization was forted with chairwoman, Mrs, Helmer Snell, Sec., Miss Annie Lawrence, Treas., Mrs. Arnold Westcott. Early in Jan- uary, 1953 a full meting ,with re- presentatives of each of the organ- izations of the church will be called to consider ways and means. SEAFORTH SEWING SISTERS The fourth meeting' of the Sea - forth Sewing Sisters met at the home of Joyce Wilson -on Friday night, Nov, 14 with 9 girls present. The President, Miss Betty Goudie, presided. The minutes were read and approved. The roll call was answered by demonstrating correct posture. Some time was spent on pinning on hesThe next meeting eldanNev.28th atB tty o Adie se Lunch was .served. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Ruby Dundas and family spent the weekend in London where she visited her brother, Mi. Milton Young, in St. Joseph Hospital, where he is recovering from a neck injury, the result of a fall. Mr. and Ars, Stanley Gray of Stratford and Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto visited with the ladies' mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mrs. Phil Watson of Ferndale, Mich,, aecompanied by her mother visited recently with Mrs. D. Ste- phenson. Mrs. Jean Campbell of McKillop is staying for a while with her sister, Mrs. Jas. l+inlayson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey, Stanley PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS MONTHTLY MEETING At the monthly Public School Board meeting held at the sehool on Monday, Nov, 17, Principal, Mr; Eastman reported the enrolment is now over 800 at 803. All member's, were present except W. T. Teal]; who through another appointnnent,, was out of town. Cliff Broadfoot reporting for the. Building and Property Committee stated the present school boiler was operating satisfactorily, although there were a number of "soft" spots; Following' the usual procedure of taking local suppliers in rotation„ coal was ordered for the present school through Willis Dundas. An addition to the contract covering the new school was authorized for Pounder Bros. to install supplies' cupboards in each classroom, above the project area. Pointing to the care being taken in the present: school, maintenance accounts fore 26.80 were approved. J. A. Westcott for the Supply and Furnishing Committee reported the chairs for the auditorium had at' - rived, and some difficulty exper- ienced in finding storage space. As presented by the committee accounts for 218.39 were approved for pay- ment. Stewart Bros., were awarded, the contract for the supply of multi fleck cork drapes with 1/3 fullness in the classrooms of the new school. The Finance and Administration Committee presented accounts cover- ing salaries etc. of 2271. which were approved. Also on the new building payments were approved of 7777.48 and 116.66. Three members of the Board will be required for Domination this year. Messrs Cliff Broadfoot, John Stev- ens and Dr. Brady stated they would again allow their names to stand in' the hope that the same complete Board may continue the work of, completing the anew school. DUBLIN Dublin School News A week or so ago we were honor-' ed by a visit from Jack Murray, a former pupil of the school who is now working at Y.C.S. in Windsor. He was entertained (?) by the stu- dents when we sang our campaign songs. He spoke concerning X.C.S. and we were given a chance to ask questions (of course he was just swamped" by them). We received news today that Alice Ryan,, a graduate from our school last year, was chosen for the math part in a cantata in Chatham, which will be put on in one of the large theatres of the city. This is indeed an honour to our school. We decided this past week that on November 21. We hope that Old Man Winter favors us with fine our annual school dance will be held weather and does not blast us with an old fashioned snow storm. We wonder what grade 10 girl thinks wine jackets are snazzy. CONSTANCE Mrs. R. Jewitt opened the W.M.S. meeting with prayer. Roll call was answered by 18 members. Hymn 378 was sung followed by sectionalre- port by Mrs. Babcock. The conven- ors for the Building Fund are, north and east line, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. D. Buchanan; west line, Mrs. E. Law- son, Mrs. Lorne Lawson; South line, Ross McGregor. Instrumental by Mrs. Geo. Addison. Study book by Mrs. Meliwain, followed by hymn 373. Moved by Mrs. Geo. Addison, seconded by Mrs. Buchanan, that the presidents get the program for each month. A thankyou card was read from Mrs. Ross McGregor. The fol- lowing slate of officers for the W. M. S. are: Pres., Mrs. Ross McGreg- or; lst Vice, Mrs. Dave Millson; 2nd Vice., Mrs. Ernest Adams; 3rd Vice., Mrs. Peter Lindsay, Sec., Mrs. Frank Riley; Ass't Sec., Mrs. Verne Dale; Tress., Mrs. Earl Lawson; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. George Addison; Recording Sec., Mrs. Peter Lindsay; Temperance, Mrs. Charles Riley; Press Sec„ Mrs. Frank Riley; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Austin Dexter; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. Don Buchanan; Ass't Leader, Mrs. Geo. McIlwain• Pianist, Mrs. Wan. Jewitt; Asst Pianist, Mrs. ...George Addison. Mrs. Lindsay closed the meeting with prayer. The regular meeting of the W. A. was held in the Church with Mrs. Mallwain presiding. The meeting was opened by hymn 431. A letter of appreciation was read from Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Nott and Mr. Geo, Leitch. -A letter was read by Mrs. Earl Lawson, from England, thank- ing the people for the second-hand clothing. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The slate of officers for 1953 is as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. Lorne Lawson; lst Vice, Mrs, Geo, Meliwain; Sec„ Mrs, Frank Riley; Carel Sec„ Norma Dex- ter; Asst Sec„ Mrs. Verne Dale; Treas., Mr's. Earl Lawson; Pianist, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt; Ass't Pianist, Mrs, Geo. Addison. Moved by Mrs, Donald Buchanan, seconded by Mrs. Ross McGregor, that we have two groups led by Mrs, Leitch and Mrs. Austin Dexter. This meeting was closed by the Lord's Prayer, BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rock and Mrs, Henry L. Diegel visited Mr. and Mrs. Menne Fischer, Fullerton, on Sunday Mrs, Caroline Miller .quietly cele- brated her 87th birthday on Thurs- •day. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE HOCKEY STANDINGS Hanging from the rafters, the crowd attending the second Monday night I. H, L, games saw two killers. Although tightly packed in the arena the crowd still found room to cheer for their favorites. In the first dashing game tempers were fiery.- Although St. Columl an came out on top 10-4, Egmondville was found no push over. It wasn't a sure victory until the final five min- utes. Givink the Merchants a ruts for their money Winthrop almost cane up with their first win. The Merch- ant club was not the red hot team that gave Egmondville and Hensall such a run. With this being their off -night, Winthrop tried to snake the best of it. The game of the league is to be played next week between Merch- ants and St. Columban, both league leaders. PW TL -Pts Merchants .. , , .2 2 0 - 0 4 St.• Columban .,. 2 2 0 0 4 Egmondville „ .. 2 0 0 2 0 Winthrop 2 0 0 2 0 Monday Results St, Columban 10 Egmondville 4 Merchants 4 Winthrop 3 Next Monday St. Columban vs Merchants Egmondville vs Winthrop BRUCEFIELD We are pleased to hear Mrs. Jas. Thompson is improving after her accident. Misses Gladys and Ida Leiper, Londesboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Christie on Wednesday. Congratulations to J. R. Grant who graduated on Friday last, F/O and Mrs. Grant left for Winnipeg on Sunday by plane for a two week vacation, with Mrs. Grant's family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie were in Forest on Sunday, visiting Rev. and Mrs. G. Young. Mr. George Anderson has a sprained ankle, resulting from what might have been a very serious ac- cident, in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Shera and Warren of 'Seaforth, and Mrs. �,.. Dallas and Bill and Jack of Bruce - field visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cross of Wiarton. Mr. Cross is principal of the High School of that place. DUBLIN The death occurred Sunday morn- ing of Mrs. Matthew Murray in her 43rd year. Mrs. Murray was the former Mary Ryan, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan and had resided in McKillop town- ship all her life. Mrs. Murray had been in failing health for the past six months. She was a devout mem- ber of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and was a member of the Altar So- ciety, Catholic Women's League and the League of the Sacred Heart. She is survived by her husband and one brother, Joseph of Dublin and two sisters, Helen and Teresa, of Sarnia. Her funeral took place on Wednesday morning at 9:30 follow- ing a service at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. KIPPEN Mrs. Watson of Londesboro and Miss Ferne Watson of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and Judy of Stratford visited on Sunday with Mr. Robert Thompson. Mrs. J. Winclor returned to her home here after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in London. Local hunters returned to their homes here ori Sunday evening and were pleased with their venison. Mr. Robert Cooper returned to his home here after a pleasant visit with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and :Airs. Grant Love in Caro, Witch. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dieckert and Merle visited on Sunday with rela- tives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Reyes, Ger- ald and Grant visited recently with Mrs. Keyes' mother, Mrs. G. E. Thomson and brother, Will Thom- son. A number from here are attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- onto. HENSALL Mrs. Eva Carlisle spent a few days this week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willer't in Zurich. Mr. and Mr's. Harold Koehler of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Koehler and Mr, and Mrs. L. Erb, Mrs. Nancy Koehler aecompanied them home after spend- ing the past several weeks here, Mrs. Edna Corbett spent a few days this week at the home of her eon -in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schroeder. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allen visited during the week with relatives at Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thurtell and fam- ily visited with relatives at Ingersoll recently. Messrs Russell Moore and Donald MacLaren enjoyed a fishing trip at Wiarton and Southampton this week Mrs, John MacGregor was a recent visitor with relatives at Tiverton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer and family motored to Toronto on Sat- urday, SEAFORTH LOSES IN OVERTIME MATCH Seaforth Golden Ileacs were stop- ped by Wallaiebui•8, after a record of 18 straight wins, bowingto the Wallaceburg club, 13-7, after two overtime periods, in the Wossa rug- by final in the purple bowl at Lon- don on Saturday. Starting fast in the first quarter, Wallaceburg leolsed helpless against the Bears' stonewall line and were pushed across their guanine in three minutes of play. However, this score was nullified and Wallaeeburg was awarded a 95 - yard penalty and first down, with Seaforth being charged for tripping. Still pressing the play, Seaforth was forced to accept a lane rouge, which Duchartne kicked half -wap through the first quarter, to put Seaforth up 1-0, It was in the earl part of the second quarter that Wallaceburg started holding, their own. At the eight -minute mark Sea - forth went across for the second time and this time counted, with acting quarter -back Cord Rowland driving through the 'centre of the Wallaceburg line. Not discouraged by the Seaforth lead, Wallaeeburg grabbed the pig- skin and started their victory match. Pushing up the field, they were held at the Bears' 20 when the siren screamed half time, Spurred by fiery pep talk, the Wallaceburg crew attacked and cashed in for a major score after 50 Yards were called against Seaforth for two- blocked kicks. McKinse> counted the touchdown and Sanders the convert. It was after this major score Sea - forth woke up to the fact they were still in a rugby game. The Wallace - burg crew dug in and threw back anything Seaforth tried. By the end of the third quarter Wallacehur'g was threatening. During the early part of the final quarter it looked as if the Seaforth club had come to life, but another blocked kick and tripping penalty put the ball ou the Seaforth 20. A quick kick by Sand- ers gained Wallaceburg their tying point and forced the game into over- time. A blocked kick by Wallaceburg put the ball 18 yards from the Sea- forth goal -line, and a quarterback sneak by McKinsey, along with Sander's convert gave Wallaceburg 1962 W.O.S.S.A. senior football crown. Although defeated, Seaforth citizens turned out to greet their rugby squad on arrival home to- gether with the Seaforth Highland- ers' Band. Floats, bands, cheer's and school shouts made Seaforth a happy Place Saturday night. .Seaforth Lineup: Center, Eyre; insides, Ducharme, IVlcGavin; mid- dles, Henderson, Johnston; ends, McMillan, Baker; flyiang wing, Muir; quarter, Rowland; halfs,. Stewart, Flannigan, Keyes; alt., Horton, Dra- ger, Bell, Nigh, Scott, McKindsey, Lamle. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will hold their an- nual meeting or Saturday, Nov, 22. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley left on Tuesday to spend the winter with their sister, Mrs. C. Hawley in London. Mr. and Mrs. James. McClure and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Staffa. Mrs. Arthur Alexander visited friends in Toronto this week. Mr. George A. McClure and son Roger of London, visited his grand- father, Air. John McClure on Sat- urday, Many friends of Mrs, Theron Betties will be sorry to hear she is in Stratford Hospital. The Young People under the leadership of their S. S. teacher, Mrs.. E. Toll,' held their anniversary service on Sunday evening, Nov. 9, in Cavan Church, when the new electric organ they have in, on ap- lir'oval, was played for the first to the public. Lorraine Smith, the Y. P. organist, very ably handled it. The Y.P. choir sang a very pleasing anthem "In •the 'Morning of Life". They were .assisted by Pete Van Vliet of Walton, who rendered two beautiful solos. Rev. W. M. Thomas, Walton, delivered a very inspiring message. Mr. S. Smith, Seaforth, gave a short organ recital. The service was•prpsented to a large crowd and it being their first attempt proved very successful. With full co-operation from all, they look forward to reaching their goal.. The Young People are preparing the play "Abigail goes Haywire" 'and 'hope to present it in the church the beginning of December:. NOVEMBER This is November bleak and bare, Dead leaves are lying everywhere, Short days ago a glorious sight, All seemed to vanish overnight. Gone are the birds, the bees, the flowers, The days seen shorter too, •by hours, Woodlands and fields are grey and still, 'Tis earth responding to His will. In every land, in every clime, The seasons come, each in its time; Our land is blest beyond compare, No better seasons anywhere. We've had our springtime, summer, fall, Soon mi minter snow will over all; Life still is here, but life needs rest, No need to worry, He knows best. John Beattie Cet get for Christmas f as tsw rtineeenairXItteleletEtteD atfageato: naavcs, MONA 17 jewels , expansion bracelet z i $4500 st ' env anzasv-me▪ sa /y,!f wa AN 'l VS 5 SENATOR 15 jewels ■ expansion Sand a $4575 ani aasu•� amass, 11189,1 � OROLIY Emma wens mes: IQR.: OIL 111▪ 182131319=12 ■ i Vim. e4, ■ s• . arra �r �°xm-tea =matf1, ;m".= ate; BEVERLY 17 jewels 2 diamonds 849so B It \`a PRESIDENT e Xti Y 1�� i a owels 21 a j,', etiY.tA.. -e..pansion band [i fl vv ..1 $595o J SAVAUGE9S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth McKILLOP Mrs. Kenneth Stewart was host- ess for the November meeting of the W.M.S. and W. A. of Duff's Church, McKillop, with Mrs. Gordon McKs'n- zie, the president. in the chair. Hymn 249 was sung. The roll call wax answered by 13 members and the minutes of the last meeting• were read and approved. Hymn 1:: was sung. Mrs. John Hillebrecht read the scripture and Mrs. Eldon Kerr led in prayer. Mrs. Gordon McKen- zie -assisted by Mas. Gordon Nipple had charge of the •study book, and a prayer by Mrs. Ila Dorrance, The offering was taken and dedicated by hymn "Thanks to Thee". Mrs. McKenzie closed the meeting; re- freshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Campbell as a Christmas meeting with a pot -luck supper. The following slate of officers was elect- ed and will be installed at the next meeting, W.M.S., Hon. Pres„ Mrs. Livingstone; Past Pres., Mrs. Gord- on McKenzie; Vice Pres., Mrs. Rob- ert McKercher; Treas., Mrs. James Kerr; Sec., Mrs. Gordon McKenzie; Ass't., Mrs. John Gordon: Sec,, Ba- by Band, Mrs. Arnold Scott; Ass't., Mrs, Orville Storey; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Aaron Jantzi; :Vlis- sion Band, Mrs. Ross Gordon; Ass't„ Mrs. Kenneth Stewart; Temperance, Mrs. David Shannon; Christian Stewardship, Mrs, John Kerr; Assn - date Helpers, Mrs. John Gordon; Community Friendship, Mis. Eldon Kerr; Supply, Mrs. R. M. Scott; -Press, Mrs. Robt. Campbell; Litera- tune, Mrs. Geo. Wheatley; Finance Committee, Mrs. John Kert', Mrs. R. A'1, Scott, Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs. Alex Smith. W.A., Past Pres„ Mrs, Jas. Herr; Pres., Ms. Leslie Pryce; Vice Pres., Mrs. Eldon Kerr; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Ross Gordon; Treas., Mrs, .Geo. Campbell; Sec., Mrs.. Aaron Jantsi ; .Flower Convener, Mrs. Kenneth Stewart