HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-11-13, Page 8TH SKAFOK•TH N1 W. S CHOOSE HIS NYLON Gilt Shirt . . . . NOW Line OeWatei'y. Officials and lnelubers of the a't.m-. bet Rebekah Lodge 849, Mensal], motored to Gaderich on TuesdaY evening and attended the GoderiG'h Lodge meeting, Pride of Huron Re- bekah Lodge of Exeter, conferred the degree on two eandidates of lionsall namely; Mrs, Howard Lem - mon and Mrs. Wm, Parker. Iiensall i' Lodge participated in the closing ceremony of the Lodge. Mrs. R. A. Orr recently under- went an operation in St. Joseph Hospital, London, in the interest of her health. Iler many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Albert C. Alexander returned home last week from a de- lightful motor trip to the West �; where they visited with relatives at `•-• Marquis, Sask., and Courtwright, Manitoba. They visited with a great- uncle, Mr. Robert Moir, who is 98 years .of age, of Crystal City, Man., a former well known Hensall res!- dent who is enjoying good health and 'enjoyed hearing about the good old Hensall friends. They also visit- ed with Mr. Moir's sister, Mrs. C. McGill, of Neelin, Manitoba. They reported a most wonderful crop of wheat and barley, best in years with good harvest weather. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were away seven weeks, f EACH SHIRT GiFT BOXED We've just received our full quota of these famous B.V.D. All Nylon Shirts for Christmas. - So if you want to treat that man on your list to the gift supreme, choose one now. - They come in White, blue, sand and grey. - Size 141/2 to 17. Sleeves 32 to 35. • This shirt positively needs no ironing. I 111 9 Just rinse and hang on a wooden hanger. - It dries in a few hours pressed like new. Cuffs and collar are fused for neater appear- ance. It's the best Nylon shirt money can buy. Our price is lower at Nylon Cable Sleeveless Sweaters Imported Initialed Handkerchiefs ;r� The range is complete hi Irish Long wearing, good looking 'fes linen and fine English Lawns all Nylon sleeveless pullovers in pure white or colored bor- in a lovely cable stitch. - der handkerchiefs with white Any man would appreciate # or colored initials, hand wov- one for Christmas. - en. - Pick up the ones you want now for Xmas giving. Alt sizes and colors W. A. GROUP 2 devotional part of the meeting was Group 2 of the W. A. met on No- conducted by Mrs, Storey and Miss L. Mole, business by Mrs. J. M. vember 4 at the home of Mrs. Beche- Scott and the program by Miss Ethel ly, with Mrs. L. Dale presiding. The Beattie and Mrs. Hay. 'exttig U1-ot 94mVo uWtr! at. The Canadian :dank of Commerce HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. G. Cluff and son Gerry of Toronto were weekend vis-. itors with Mr, and Mrs. Bar] Dignan and family. Miss Maude Glenn of London vis- ited recently at the home of her bro- thers Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Miss Marguerite McMillan visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster and other friends. Miss Kay Bell of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Bell. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mrs. Edna Corbett is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Parker at Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett and Connie visited recently with Mrs. Corbett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz at Grand Bend. Messrs Bruce Koehler, Harold Parker, George Beer, Harry Norris, Bert Horton„ Thos. Dougall, William Parke, Garnet Mousseau and Doug Dick are deer hunting at Manitoulin Island this week. Mr. Preston Leimnon returned home after spending a week with relatives in Toronto. Miss Lena MacDonald is visiting with Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- guson and family in Montreal. Miss Ulleen. Halliday of St. Thomas visited recently with friends in !Hensall. Miss Stella Robson returne,'d to her home in Toronto last week. Samuel Merner ,Samuel Merner of Hensall, died in Victoria Hospital, London, ,Satur- day, following a five weeks' illness. Born in Hay township, he farmed there for many years and was a thresher by trade. He moved to Hen - sail 38 years ago. Mrs. Merner died in June 1951. Surviving are' one daughter, Mrs. Flossie Brock, Hen- sall, one son Roy, Zurich, two bro- there, Wesley,. Zurich, and Jake of Detroit; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Private funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home on Monday at 2 p.m, conducted by Rev, W. J, Rogers. Interment in Bronson DUBLIN SCHNITZLER-FLANNERY A quiet but pretty wedding took place in Preston, when Rev. Father Meyer united in marriage Cathar- ine Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr. Patrick Flannery and. the late Mrs. Flannery, Stratford, to Mr. Edwin Schnitzler, Guelph, formerly of Walkerton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. Schnitzler, The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely wearing a gray blue gabardine suit with plum 'shade ac- cessories. She wore a corsage of pink roses and carried a white spray- er book topped with pink roses and white satin streamers. The bride was attended by her niece Miss Bar- bara O'Connor, Toronto, wearing a gray gabardine suit with mauve ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. M. Wilfred Spitzig, Preston, nephew of the bridegroom was best man. Sister Mary Patricia, Preston, or- ganist, played the wedding march. During the offertory of the Nuptial Mass and the signing of the Register Mrs, William Maloney, Dublin, sister of the bride, sang "On This Day 0 Beautiful Mother" and "Hall, Queen of Heaven". Mi. Jack Flannery, Preston, brother of the bride, and Mr. Walter Schnurr, Walkerton, nephew of the bridegroom, ushered. The wedding dinner was served to around 35 guests at Nicholson's Inn, Blair, near Preston. This was fol- lowed by a reception at the home of the bride's brother and sister-in-law, 288 Smither St.,.nPreston. A buffet supper was served later. Guests at- tended the wedding from Stratford, Walkerton, Mildmay, Dublin, St. Clements, Galt, Guelph, Preston and Toronto. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band of North- side Church held the November meeting in the S. School with Bryan Brady, president, in the chair. Those taking part in the meeting, were LyndaSavauge, Barbara Plumsteel, Donna Mae and Nancy Berger. Ma's. A. Sillery told a story from the study book on Africa, The children took part in a lively discussion on the country, its people and customs. NOMINATION Township of Hibbert Nomination meeting will be held in the Township Han, Stella, on Friday, November 21st, 1952, from one to two o'clock P.M. for the purpose of nominating 111 and proper per- sons for Reeve, Council and Trustees for school Area No. One for the year 1958. If an. =action is necessmy it will be held on Mon- day, Decemper• 1st, from nine o'clock until live o'eloek at the following polls. P.S.D. No. 1, Mrs. Feeney's P.S.D, No. 2, S.S. No. 3 P.S.D. Na. 3, Twp Ball P.S,D. No. 4, S.S. No. 6 THOS. D. 1VREN Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Drainage Tender Tenders will be received en or before Sat- urday,Nov.1 h v et 1952, at construction o'clock In the afternoon, for the construction of what is known as the Campbell Municipal Drain and the Riley Municipal Drain, Excavation en - proximately, Campbell Drain. 10,145 cu. yds. Riley Drain 820 cu. Yds. and 1,310 lineal feet of eight inch tile. Tenders to be submitted ac- cording to Plans and Specifications which may be obtained from the Clerk, A marked cheque for ten per cent must accompany each tender. Tenders to be considered at a meeting In the Steffy, Twp.. Hall on Saturday, Nov 16th at two o'clock in the afternoon. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS, D. WREN Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert Cromarty, RR .;i/.'1 OAB,D O1 THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreci- ation to my many friends and neighbors for their flowers, eatds and treats while I was a Patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; else thanks to my special nurses and doctors; And special thanks to my friends andneighbors for putting the stables in my barn and also to those that offered holm CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank kindly all those who s0 kindly and willingly helped in any way, mut Dr.. E. A. Muldoater for his efficient care ,lur- Sng my recent illness, JOHN Ir. SHANNON CARD or THANKS Miss Anne hart and Mrs. Owen Hart ravish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness, spiritual bouquets and other expressions of sympathy extended to thorn in their recent sad bereavement! also the pallbearers and those who loaned Oars. OSA Seven .good p gs. R JACffLE McIVIOR, phone 22x21, Dublin over 44 Itcd z Rdek SALE A etEs, )Dying. STAN- LEY IXIX.LEN, phone 846x2 FOR SALE Ten York chunks Apply to THOS. BURNS, RR4 Mitchel! Lot $8 Can. 6, Logan TYPING Efficient typing done at,home. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth News 11 pigs ten weeks olORd'4 Apply to JOSEPH DORSEY, Dublin. Phone 221,22 O4 Poll Angusloott spring calves, for sine, Also wart to purchase a young Tum hog. HUGH RINN, RR4 Brussels. Phone 88818 LOST Ladies gold wrist watch in vioinity of Dr. Munn's or St. Thomas Church, Pinder please phone 844-16 12 weanling FR SILE O Apply to ANGUn BROWN, mos Seafppotth, Phone 614x12 Clinton 100 pullets readyRtoll y. FRANI{ VAN- DENBERGE, McKillop Tp., Seaforth 12100 NOTICE Odd jobs done: viz, laying tile £lours, re- moving, rebuilding and re -wiring partitions,. stairways, etc, vary reasonable. KEN Me. PHERSON, Dublin 17r24 SA Two goats, one miillkinngg M o a Jewel cook stove suitable for summer kitchen or church basement kitchen. Apply to. CHARLES W. RILEY, Kinburn FOR Dressed ducks re dy 5 o L ire oven. Orders' first part of week and delivered Saturday. MRS. ARCHIE SMI'111, 889x•22 Seaforth LOST 2 Hereford heifers vaccinated, bearing ear tags 228056 and .28517, weighing around aix hundred pounds. Please notify ORVAL 000PER. ,Kippen, or telephone Seaforth 053-81 Pats Inc 1936 OMesSerA• LC Chevrolet. Phone 852-11. J. FLANAGAN, Seaforth RAWLEIGH BUSINESS Now open in IIuron County. Trude well established. Excellent' opportunity, Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. 311.-3-304-189, Montreal 1987 Ford Cono� xcel SALE condition, new battery, seat covers, heater, sealed beam lights, fully winterized- Phone 607w Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith Cleric's Notice of First Posting of voter's List ' Voters' 'Lists, 1952 Municipality of Twp. of Tuckersmith County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have compiled with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tucker - smith on the 10th day of November, 1962, the list of all persona entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 2611, day of Novem- ber, 1962. Dated this 10th day of November, 1962. E. P. CHESNEY Clerk of Tuckersmith Two. Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List 1962 Municipality of Hibbert Township Perth County Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of The Votes' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office ut Lot 28, Con, 13, Twp. of Hibbert, on the 590 day of November 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby callupon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to low, thelest day for appeal being the 19th day of Novem- ber 1962. Dated this 6th day of November 1962 THOS. D. WREN Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert Township of Hibbert Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Hibbert for the Year 1962 will be held in the Township hell, Staffs, on Saturday, Nov. 16111, 1952, at two -thirty in the afternoon Dated at Cromarty, Nov. 4th, 1952 THOS. D. WREN Clerk of the Tont.. of Ribbert RA unk PAID Good news for those tvho long for relief from rheumatic pain, but feel hopeless! Thousands get speedy relief from rheu- matic and arthritic suffering by using T -R -C's. Don't let dull, wearisome aches, and sharp stabbing pains handicap you any longer. Try Templeton's T -R -C's today. Only 65c. 61.35 at druggists. 7.844 S. AFORTH LUMBER WHEN YOU TI-IINK OF LUMBER - THINK OF SEAFORTH 47 Open all day every day except Sunday SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363J T. PRYDE an Enquiries Are invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 41 J 'Phone 103 THUR&DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 BOX Iftuirrat AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 49 Night 595 W VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V M„ V.S, Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAF, Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours Dam 6 pal. Wed, 9 • 12,30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5.W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC fl. A. McMaster, B,A„M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers - President, John L. Malone. Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. McEwing, Blyth; Manager & Sec, -Tress., M. A. Reid, Seafarer. Direetore E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth[ Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Myth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agenta-J, E. Pepper. Brumfield; R. F. MoKercher•, Dublin; William Leiper, Londes- boro; J. F. Proctor, Bradhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applioatione to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SPIAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- `'' -1 ed at Lowest rates in First -Class Companies *`blue c iiiE rEi? ,sfyi0,foni4 "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M PAINTING Spray or brush; papering, Sunworthy wallpapers, sign painting a specialty. ED, (Buck) LITTLE, Hensall, Phone 1913R, 2 Berkshire boars anOR dA2 sows, registered, live months old. Phone 801r4 Clinton. 'WM. FLYNN RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed recite repair's to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, plrons.._,.,.._. 347R, Seaforth COAL Our coal comes from the best region in North America. Fresh mined with modern equipment, double -washed and double screened - WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 -- Res. 118 w SaMillardre, 4160.649111•19=10 HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. 0. GOVENLOCIi, Dick House, Seaforth Dry mixed wood; R also b0 pullets 7 months old, laying, Sussex x Now Hamp. Apply to LEWIS OOYNE, phone 641.16 Dublin SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers insured FEMALE rEe WANTED Your agreeably and pro- fitably employed by ticking milers for Lingerie and Hosiery for Ladies -Men -Children and Babies, also Bedding. Nothing easier with our magnificently illustrated catalogue with colors, containing about 000 superior quality garments, all with samples of our materials. All is a value of $26 being loanedto you free. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fast delivery service. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their Representatives and still offer the lowest selling prices. John our 4,090 satisfied Representatives by writing immediately. DU J'01J'R LINO:ERIE 4200-147 Melville St., MONTREAL 9 ft. refrigerato0'Ri SALE condition. Apply at Tho News Odico. Also twilit° good as now 160 021es.Flevel�clayOto,n well drained, MI seeded .but 17 acr08 and 8 aores of bush. Good frame house and 9 barns -1st $6x66, 2nd 54% 82, stabling ,til cemented walls and hoots. A. cement silo. Ove) !lowing well,water in, house .and barn, 6 minutes walk to school. VIA miles to general store, 8 miles to the vi rage of Walton and 7 miles he the town of Seaforth. 1 mile to chureb. On Mahn road'whiolt is open in winters. JOHN F, BYEBIy1ANN,Walton RHR #2. Seaforiih phone $48x24 Lady's winter FOR 400 0, rust Ecolored, size 40, worn only a few times. Phone 789 ATTENTION FARMERS Old fence wire taken away. Also scrap Iron bought. ED SUMMIT. phone Dublin 41125. collect• weed FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in ninth sealed envelope with price list, 6 samplos 25: 24 camping 51,00, Mail- Order Dept, T-74, Noy -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont.