HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-10-16, Page 8KIPPEN Ronnie Anderson, 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Anderson, had the misfortune to cut the Four fingers of his let hand on Thursday evening while using the electric saw in the barn, Dr. J. O. Goddard of Hensall rendered first aid and found it necessary to remove him to Clin- ton P4lblic 'Hospital where they am- Joutated the fourth finger at the first int and stitched the other three. He was able to return home on 'Friday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Schneider and Judy of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family of Goderich vis- ited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thomson, Mr. Edgar Schoen of Camrose, Alberta arrived last week to join his wife in visiting relatives in and around the village. Mr, and Mrs. N. Deckert and Merle spent the weekend with rela- tives in Clifford. Mr. Bob Love, who is attending University in Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Rosa Love, Mr, and Mrs, Archie Parsons yisit- ed on Sunday with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, Carter of near Clandeboye. Mr, and Mrs. S. Cudmore and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore 3•Ir. and Mrs. Cook of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs, E. Kerr of Win- throp visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson. Mr. and Mrs, Hoist of Zurich vis- ited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. S. Cudmore. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church met on Thursday evening to make prepara- tions for the bazaar to be held on Saturday, Nov. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, and Gail Ann and Lynn spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. Homey in Exeter, FOWL SUPPER Bruoefield United Church Thursday, Oct. 30 Served 5 to 8.30 P.M. Admission $1.50 and 75e RUGBY SEAFORTH Ns CLINTON Wednesday, Oct. 22 At ,1:16 At Lions Park Admission 25c Come and support the team The Board of Trustees of Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, are sponsoring a Harvest Home Collection Any donations of Fruits. Veg- etables or Canned Goods will gratefully accepted. Donations may be left at the Hos- pital 00 or before Oct. 25th.. or if 001 convenient, the hoard will ar- range to call for donations on Oct, 27 if the hospital is notified Amonths to pay for your coal down payment When you (ours a a a The Old l� �•y soon f, Company's'. Cosi Club S a orll Lumber Ltd PHONE 47 SEAFORTH avree corn. Mrs. B. Brightnlore of Landon is visiting her sister Incl 'brother-in- law Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. E, Wassaelc of Strat- ford visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson. Ml's. E. Walker of Peterbaro and Mrs. Brownlee of Oregon are visit- ing their brothers, Messrs Henry and William Ivisan. Mrs. Misdate and Miss Mabel Whiteman spent Thanksgiving with the farmer's daughter and .sol -in - la w, Mr. and Mrs. E, Taylor in Stratford, Shower For Helen Love A very pleasant evening was spent on Monday in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, 'when some one hundred ladies met to' honor Miss Helen Love, bride -elect. A mu- sical program was enjoyed with Mrs, H, Caldwell as ohairladY, The pro - 'gram consisted of a singsong with Mrs. R. Broadfoot at the piano. Mrs, Harold Jones and Miss. Edith Lave favored with a vocal duet, "I went to your Wedding" and "There's a lonely little Robin",Edith Love ac- eonlpanying on the uitar. Miss Dor- othy, Turner gave a reading on "How to cook a husband". Carol Fa- ber, Ilene McLean and Marilyn Mc- Lachlan favored with a piano trio. Ann Sinclair, Lois McLellan and Elaine Bell sang a "Bouquet of Ro- ses" and "My only Sunshine",Ann Sinclair accompanied an the uitar and Mrs, Sohn Sinclair on the piano. Marie and Ruth Ann Jarrett favor- ed with a piano duet, An impromptu program followed consisting of hid doll numbers in balloons at which times the ladies holding the un- lucky numbers were requested to entertain, Mona Caldwell, Mrs, Wil- liam Caldwell, Mrs, John Cochrane each a piano instrumental, Mrs. J. Sinclair a guitar solo, Mrs. E. Mc- Bride, Mrs, W. Bell and Miss Lemon readings. Remembering articles view- ed on a tray was won by Elaine Bell. Mrs. R. Broadfoot then played "Some Sunday Morning", at which time the bride elect was ushered to a decorated chair over which hung a sprinkling can with showers of pink and white streamers hanging. Miss Margaret Porter read the fol- lowing address. Dear Helen,—We your friends and neighbors from Hillegreen and Klppen and surrounding community have gathered here tonight to wish you and Ken a very happy wedded life. We know you will make Ken a good wife. We also know it takes a lot of household utensils to start a home, so we have a few gifts to help you and Ken get started. We will miss seeing you rushing after your chickens and picking beans. What is our loss is another's gain, and your new neighbors will see you helping Ken with his chores and rushing around hanging clothes on the line. We all join in wishing you and Ken much happiness and may all your troubles be little ones. big'ned on behalf of those present and some of those who couldn't come. A decorated basket laden with many useful gifts was carried in by Lila McKay, Ruth Ann Jarrett. Mar- garet Porter and Dorothy Turner assisted Helen in opening the gifts. Helen made a very fitting reply. The ladies all signed the bride's book and entered a recipe in the re- cipe book for the bride -elect. Lunch was served in the Sunday School 1'x0711. TUCKERSMITH On October 8th the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. War- ren Whitmore. The meeting was opened in the usual manner with the president, Mrs. Bert Garrett pre- siding. Several business topics were discussed. The annual auction sale to he •held at No. 4 school on Nov. 7, was the main topic. Group two 'ire to clean the church in October The program consisted of contest'. by Mrs. Don Crich and Mrs. W. Rn ,efts and a reading by Mrs. Frani Walters. The meeting• closed wit' the homemakers' Prayer. Lunch wa erred by the hostess and member . e e• o•+n 1. FOR SALE 'gvaro Liar„ ,walnut g. Enquire at Nen-s Otried TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Court of Recision Cour of Revd=tn,, will be held nu the 1910 1:.ess-m-nt Roll, Township of Tuelwnnlith. n Tn, Oer 24., 19 2. in the Town Hall, forth, et 2 P.Last date for ,q>prnl', tintM- , 11, 1952. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk Twp. of Tueltersmith Township of Tuckersmith Tender Tenders ore invited for snowplowine towns shit, roads in the Township of Tuckersmith for the winter of 1052-.53, V -type, 8 font plows with hytreulteally operated plow and wing, to be used eu 4 -ton or In+tter trucks. Cnntraetor to .apply all equipment and tither. Tender to rate a flat ret. per hour and tenders to close at c P.M. on Oet, 20th, 1062. Lowest nr any tender notnecessarily ac - ere o ed. c-erected. P, CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., Twp, of Tuckersmith SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL fight Classes Are planned to begin Thursday, November 6, and will continue each Thursday for about 16 weeks. Final date for enrolment In any Course is October 24, Those interested may enrol by filling out the attached form or by phoning the High School. Following is a list of the courses to he offered: ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS (1st Year) ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP (2nd Year) SEWING TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING WOODWORKING SHORTHAND FARM MECHANICS PUBLIC SPEAKING u n n u n„» u a u ra n n m, u u n n n u, n,» n o u n m, n, n n ua n o a,l n n n n u n a a m i,1 m, n u m» ecu to nm, l u r, In t B u m I desire to enrol in Night Classes at Seaforth District High School in the following subject: 'First Choice Seconal Choice Name Phone THE SEAFORTH NEWS MAKE 240 MISTAKE IT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE PLAMEAL COTTAGE .DOLLS . ..... , , , , , . 55c a 1b ROBIN HOOD FLOUR , . , ... ,24 lb J311g $1,49 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR . , . . . , .7 Ib Bag 490... , SCHNEIDER'S CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING 2 Ib 33c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 20 oz, tin . , .........2 for 29c CARNATION MILK, Tall 6 for 790 EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS APPRECIATED CLAIR HANEY FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 HENSALL Mos. A. Crerar and Allen visited recently with relatives at Listowel. Miss Helen Moir of London was a weekend visitor with her sister Mrs, Lawl'enoe Baynhanl and Mrs. Bertha Moir. Mrs. Agnes Farquhar of Toronto spent the past two weeks at her home here, Miss Viola Lemmon of Toronto visited over the holiday with her sisters, Mrs. Wm. Parke, and- Mrs. Clarence Volland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sararus of Tor- onto were holiday visitors with the former's mother Mrs. .Salares, Auction Sale The property occupied by the late James Riley will be offered for sale by Public Aye - tion on &keenly, October 25th, at 12,30 tam, on the 111emiaee at the corner of John and Jarvis Streets in the Town of Seaforth: Such property conelsts of 0 roomed frame cottage with three piece bath located on lot approximately 00' x 111'. Full basement with cement flour, well located on paved street. Terns; 2nel. clown, balance in 30 dots, Subject to reserve bid. Nereid Jackson, -Auctioneer McConnell & Flays, Solieitors for James Riley Estate Clearing Auction Sale Of Good Clean High Class & Valuable Fur- niture, Dishes, China & Silverware, Antiques of all kinds, At Lot 0, Con. 9, Twp. or 1ilh- bert:, s;t, oma of Staffs. or 0- miles south of Mitehell, then 2I,S west, on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock simm. Dining team suite consisting of buffet, Mint cabinet, table, (1 tenth's, This .suite is black solid oak, ehaies genuine leather uphol- stery. Walnut china cabinet, can be used us 0 book case. 3 -piece chesterfield suite custom built, Dinette suite consisting of buflct, ex- tension table & 4 chains ted & blond in color leather seats. 3 walnut end tables. Combina- tion book ease & rack; smoking cebinet; bridge lamp & metal shade, large walnut floor lamp, upholstered Chesterfield stool. Gilson Snow Bird refrigerator, 1015 cubic feet Large size rennin clenner all attachments m o embeel0 tugs 0o1_, electric range, modern,. The above artieles are nearly new, Cool & wood ramex, water front. Walnut upholstered chair, antique; cherry table, „antique desk; ornaments of nil kinds; walnut cabinet; table lamps; electric fan; kitchen stool; 00 oil painting pictures; hook., of all kinds; oik chair; upholstered seat,: wal- nut bedroom chair; Axminster tug; clothes horse; 2 ocieetol rugs, hall runners; Axmin- ster carpets; 70 feet rubber hose; silverware. Dishes, chinaware of all kinds, glassware. Pots, paws, garden tools, carpenter tools of all kinds, oa•penter tool box. Axes, tubs, pails, curtain rods, 2 step ladders 20 quarts of fresh fruit, a host of floor coverhkga. And a hostof other articles too numerous to mention found about a large house. Notice—This Furniture is all nearly new and good and clean. A lot of chino and silverware never was unpacked; and n host of other antique srtic1es, Tko re. servo as the Prnprletess is giving up house- keeping through ill -health. Terms cash. Auc- tioneer's decision final in ease of all disputes. Note --This is a large sale and will start sharp on time, MRS. AGNES McLEOR, Prop. bed W. Ahrens, Auctioneer e SENN 1110104014STER 10O % Pure Pennsylvania 2000 MILS MOTOR OIL rbs world's finest—at 0trio theft saves you 51,01 on every oil change. 06'194Itogmet M$after—you can't buy batter tor high-speed, spring and summer driving. 2000 guarantee m Il'lei of ported lubrication between changes. QUART GALLON S -GAL. 37 1.39 7.45 COMBINATION OFFER SAVES YOU $2.01 2 -gal. Moto -Master 2,000 -mile 100% pure nennsylvonta Meter. Olt—plus a bonvenient "squat" utility container (fitted with pouring spout and ball handle), "Service Station Grade" OIL Grades 20.30.40. 31e a quart quality 74 GAL'AN --- in your can .74 56 r5 Save on HEAVY DUTY OiL For those cars requiring Heavy Duty Detergent OIl (cleans as you ride), 00 offer Canada's premium quality, tna' dueod by the country's loading retia,er. Worth 60o, Quart - .40 Moto Master "Super" Anti - Freeze Ingredients added that prevent boil -away, rust anti corrosion. Quart 64c Gallon $2.48 MOTO.MASTER Permanent Anti - Freeze Ethylene- Glycol Stays full strength all winter, protects down to 50 degrees below zero, guards against rust and corrosion, Quart $128 Gallon ....... . .... . . $4.88 OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK 9'11itl_`.1' 77,31 a Phone 792 SEAFORTH 5, 5. & W. V. Smith CARD OF THANKS Mr's. May McElroy wishes to thank the many felon is and neighbors for their syme pathy and beautiful floral tributes and all those who assisted in any way during her re- cent bereavement, also. Doctors Goddard and Yates and the nursing; staff of the Clinton Public Hospital CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Peter Cameron wish to thank all those who assisted in any way during their recent bereavement, Dodoes Gorwill, McMaster and Steer, the Superinten7 dent and nurses of Scott Memorial hospital. Mr, James T. Scott, those who sent flowers, loaned oars and helped in the home OA grunge for r ntRin Dublin, FRED ECCART, Dublin Sell DOUBs E tonics, R llfnim COME ough & cold remedies, sulkily medicines, cosmetic pro- ducts. 7o11 or pact time dealers wanted in your surroundings --neither capital nor expels ietlee needed, Write for free details and catah- legue.FAMILET„ 1000 a Delorimier, Montreal. FOR SALE Adjustable dressmaker form, 810. Also Que- bec heater 25, gond iron pot, Apply to The News Office, FOR SALE A bed chesterfield in good condition, also smell Quebec range, and two Quebec heaters, Cheap for Buick sale. Apply after 0 p.m. to Phone earn Seaforth Three steers weighing R between 050 to 700 lbs. Also a butcher sow. Phone 22x2 Dublin TO RENT Six room brisk house, hard and soft water, eleetriclty, immediate poeseselon, situated neer school, and close to town, Enquire et News Office Sow, York andFO Tam , due Oct, 20; 3 steers, rising 2 Years old. '1, APPLEBY, 310,24 WANTED A few small cattle to feed by the month. Apply to ALEX MaoDONALD, phone 830121 FOR SALE ebnirs and some outer household articles. Ladles winter coat, block; tweed stilt. both PROPERTY—At same t(me and place there sire 20, man's winter overcoat, 0111100 cloth, hill he efforod for Bale, subject to a 1000100 size 40; eau be seen nt SOOINS CLEANERS hid the Farm, being Lot 8, Con. 7, in the. FOR SALE township of Stanley, upon which is situate a 21 -little pigs for sale. Phone 053014 Sca- comfortable hoose and good bank barn. forth. Toms -10%, down on date of sale, balance WANTED in 30 days. Chattels cash WORK --By mlddloogod woman 00 comps»- Estate ADMR. Robert Forrest. Executor, ion to elderly woman and assist with house- William Forrest. Solicitor, 3011 &Laughton. wok. Aptly to Seaforth News Harold Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE E. P. Chesney, Cerk Princess Rose cook stove, also some wood, JAMES ELLIOTT, pFhroggne 249w Seaforth 50 good Red a 0180011 pullllets. ANDREW CROZIER, phone 067122 Seaforth FOR SALE Lady's winter coat, rust colored, size 40, worn only a. fewtimes. Phone 790 100 New Hampshire x Sussex pullets laying FOR SALE 059f. CHARLES RILEY, KMilburn FOR SALE 20 pigs, ten weeks old. J051101I DORSEY, Dublin 22122 FOR SALE 4 . h=p heavy duty motor (new) ; small cook stove in goad shape. Cheap. for quiet sale. JACK PETHICK, North Main et. SAL Three. sown wi hOp2 gs, Al sows to farrow this month, Two Itlonlsoolt English Yorkshire sows rat registered, 1 English boar et 1 sow 3 months old. 1 choice Tam hog 14 months. 3 hatcher saws: ROGER ANDIIEWS,. 04748 Auction Sale 80 DAIRY BRED COWS AND HEIFERS.At Lot 21, Con. 0, l'luderleh Tp., 1 »tile south of Porter's 11111, on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 1,00 P M., *outdating of Holsteins, Jerseys and Durhums, Some or these cows are fresh and balance springing; all are from 2 to 4 years old. These Battle have. been all raised on our farm; 01e vaccinated and recently T.13 tested. The mint business Is the best on the farm to- day, so arrange to attend this sale, 8 chunks of pigs, Terms Bush A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors EdwatV. rdColqW.uhElaunllott.,Clerk Auctioneer it. Auction Sale OF FULLY ACCREDITED REGISTE1)Eu SCOTCH SHORTHORN Cattle nt Lot 10, Can. 7, IIay Tien., 3%i miles west of Howell or 21,i east of Enrich, on Wednesday. Oct. 20111 of 1.8» P.M. 4 Red Huila of sorvloenblo age; Red Bulls 7 months old; 2 red 00vs bred to freshen in March; 2 heifers due time of sale 4 heifers bred and due in March; 6 Oen' heifers rising 2 years old. .411 the canto are vaccinated. Terme cash. ROSS DICK. ,Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale OF HOUSEIIOLP FURNISHINGS. In Sen. forth, nt Mrs, John Solder's, on Saturday, October 2611 at 2 ooloek. • 6 foot Frigidaire, studio hoer couch„ heti springs and mattress, dresser, dining room extension tablet 6 chairs and armchair; slue board, writing desk ; Electrolux vacuum cleaner (like new): small kitchen table; 0 chairs; mitnnr, Ings; 1 electric & wood stove; mons, kitchen dishes, pots & pans; tub, boiler, cool scuttle; rocking chair, pictures, clock, silver dashes, odd dishes, floor lamp, small radio, .Ideating ped and other small articles. Terms cash. Estate of the late John Finlayson. HAROLD JACESON, Auctioneer Auction Sale OP HOUSE FURNISHINGS. In town of Seaforth, East William St., Monday, Oct. 20, at. 1 P,M, Leonard 0 ft, Frigidaire, dining room suite, table, buffet 0(14 six choirs; mahogany settee and table; library table, slumber of shall tables; : burner 1'angette t -occasional chairs: kitchen .choirs, roosters, magazine rack, 2 easy rockers, single day bed, floor lmnp and table lamps, dresser and stand, four covered bedroom chairs,dishes and kitchen utensils and many other articles. Properly for sale through office of M. A. Reid. Terms cash. MRS, CHRIS IIAIST (Mrs. Stoddart) Harold Jackson,Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM AND FARM MACHINERY, At Lot 0, Cnn, 7. Stanley Twp„ 8 miles south of Verne, on Monday, Oct, 27th at 1 P.M.- MACHINERY--Masaoy-llarris binder; Mas- sey -Hovis 13 hoe seed drill; dump rakes rid- ing plow; wagon fiat rack; set disc harrows; cultivator; 0 ton bay; set of double harness, 2 tables, writing desk, 3 beds, 10 kitchen :!,i!: N I `i+k."= :,nr a • n,00. t!'; I'+' r Auction Sale OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD Effects. In the village of Hensall on Saturday, Oct.. 13th, at 1 0.15. White all enamel Beach cook stove. Quebec beater, Co-op electric washer (like new) ; Astral refrigerator, dinette table end buffet, 0 kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, white enamel kitchen utility table. Singer sewing machine, two burner hot plate, day bed, studio Couch, 9 piece modern walnut dining room suite (like new), radio, fernery, 3 piece Chesterfield suite, pedestal,, end tables, lamps, iron toasters, Goblin vacuum .cleaner with attachments (like new) ; other electrical np- plisnces) ; 2 matched modern single beds with springs and inner spring mattresses; modern brown 3!, bed with springs & inner spring mattresses; one bedroom suite complete, odd dresser, 3 congoleum lugs & otherfloor cov- erings; scatter mats; quilts; bed linens; cur- tains drapes; lawn mower. Quantity dishes' including Bridal Wreath; china ornaments.) Sealers, kitchen utensils, crooks, clooks, 0111•' roes, other articles. At same place at 3.20 P.M. the property will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve hitt, 7 -room frame house, cov- ered with white asbestos shingles, 8piece bath. hot & cold water, also garage. Terms, chattels cash. Property, 1004 down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. MRS. JAMES SANGSTER, Prop. HarolP,d ChesnJacksoney,, ClerkAuctioneer. E, Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM MACHINERY AND ROUSE - hold Effects. At Lot 7, Con. I, Hay Twp„ 2 miles north of Exeter, on No. 4 Highway on Thursday, Oct. 23, at 1 P,M. IMPLEMENTS—Massey-Ha'ris 12 ft. com- bine (1940), new motor, completely overhaul- ed in 1002. John Deere haler, nearly new; John Deere 13 tractor, power t. o. ; John Deere tractor spreader; 7 ft John Deere pos- er mower:'. Internntinnal side delivery rake: International 2 fm•ranv plow on lubber; new Sohn Deere. 8 ft, dice; 2 horse disc; Smollery grain Mover with papas; 0 section harrows, 1 drum steel roller, fanning mill. Scales 60a. ih capacity. Sap pan, buckets & spires. Wheel barrow. grana seeder, horse scuffles. 2 James - way oil brnadere with pipes (nearly new) 1 Royal Purple real brooder; colony house; 10 range shelters, feeder & water troughs. Stow fence; 40 rug poultry fence. New Wood elre- tele grinder; set heavy harness; rollers; Ste- wart tnwart electric ehppe-s, 1(, ton Ford truck & ruck; 01000 cut saw, awedle 0051, large knife, electric fencer; 32 ft. estenoion ladder; 194$ Hudson commodore with radio. air foam cushions, lifeguard tiles. 020 Red Sussex pullets, laying. Winlrhem elipper stove with water front (like new) ; 2 oak tables, 4 din- ing ronnk chairs ; Chesterfield suite; 2 beds mom suites w•xlnu table; kitchen buffet; Dingle bed child's steel cot ; churn; mission settee. Terms ensu REG, I4NIGHT, Proprietor Harold Jacicsor,Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE We have secured a permit and have im- ported • flowering from the gardens of Jac, Vtoomeh, FIolland, and are ready to give you the hest bulbs et the right price. Derwin tulips, Icing Alfred daffodils ,cod hyacinths, in separate colors. Plant some this fait and have your flower beds greet You with a hlooe of glory in the spring, BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. Open every evening FOR SALE D ft refrigerator in Al condition. Apply at The News Office. Also trine good an new • PAINTING• Spray or brush; papering, Sunworthy wallpapers, sign painting' a specialty. ED. (Buck) LITPI.E, Hensel], Phone 196R. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE McIntosh, Delicious, King, Spy and Russett. Place your order now and be assured of good winter fruit. Phone 050x15 Seaforth. ROBERT AROIRBALD SALESMAN WANTED Rawlelgh business now open in Huron County. Trade well estalliahed. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw• leigh's Dept. ML -J-394.189, Montreal. Lndl eEMspare ALEHELP WATEDd ro p- atnbly employed by taking WANTED orders for Lingerie and "foolery for Ladies--MYIen---Children and Babies, also Bedding. Nothing easier with our mnrtn)aeentle illustrated catalogue with colors, containing. about 900 superior quality garments, all with simples of our materials. A11 le a,value of 820 being loaned 00 yell free, Satisfaction yuaranteod or money refunded. Fast delivery Scrvter, Generous commission, bonuses, gifts etc. We are positively the ones. who give the most to their Representntives� aril still offer the lowest selling prices, Join nut 4,000 satisfied Representatives by writing Immediately, 017 JOUR LINGERIE Ina, 4230-147 Ibervillo St., MONTREAL FOR SALE llyglcnte. Supplies (rubber goods) mailed. Postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price list, 3 samples 20; 24 samples 11.00. Math Order Dept. T-74, Nov-itubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, ant. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 BOX .iffutirrat Prutr AMBULANCE. Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Ilei'. Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 49 Night 696 W VETERINARY SURGEON .1, 0. TTJR)' RDLL, D V,M„ V.S. W. R. BR,YANS, D,V.M., V.S. main St,Seaforth )?hone 106 JOHN E. LONGSTAFu Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaforth Hous 9 ala - 6 pal. Wed. 9 - 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm. MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforhh SEAFORTH CLINIC A. A. McMaster, B,A.,M,D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE -- SEAOOIDE, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone, Sea• forth etVice-Pres., John II. Mo18wing, Myth; Manager & Sea:rreas„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—E, T. Trewort,a, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth: S. E. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonherdt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McDwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Feller, Goderich. Agents—J. E. Pepper, Bruoefield; R. F, Melieraher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londeu- boro; J. F. ?meter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. PnrtIes desirous to effect insurance or trensnet other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in Iffiest -Class Companies RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR• Opposite Dick House phone 847R, Seaforth "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M FOR SALE Modern dwelling, East William St., within one block of Goderich street, new air - con- ditioning unit, immediate possession, 2 storey frame dwelling. All modern con- veniences. Centre 01., possession arranged Modern 2 -story dwelling, Sperling St. Well situated. Ealy possession arranged. In Egmondville 114 storey dwelling. 3 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, possession in one month. Brick dwelling, Goderich street, immediate possession Comfortable 6 room dwelling in Winthrop, 1/8 acre of land with small fruits, early possession Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID. Seaforth Our coal comes from the best region In North America. Fresh )ntned with modern equipment, double -washed and double screened WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 -- Res. 318w HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. 0. GOVENLOCIC, Dick House, 008101th FOR SALE Dry mixed wood aloe 60 pullets 7 months old, laying, Sussex x Now Hemp. Apply to LEWIS COYNE, phone Odr10 Dublin HEIFER ESTRAY Heifer came to Lot. 22, Con. 11, Hibbert. Ownercan have same by proving property and paying- expenses. JA0K•FIOGGARTH SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 Hour Service R. 0. WATTERW4ORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured Township of Tuckersmith Tender Tenders ore Invited fol• the construction of a concrete bridge, 18' x 08' at Lots 13, Con. 0.7 11.5.5., Township of Tuckersmith, . and will he received by the clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith unlit 9 P.M„ Oct. 20th, 1952. Tenders shall be submitted on blank forms Provided by the township and shall give the unit prices and the total sum for the work described. Tenders shall he delivered in a scatted opaque envelope, clearly merked TEN- DER. Tenderers must examine information to bidders at the Clerk's office. Tenders shallbe accompanied by a certified cheque drawn and mode Payable to the order of .the Treasurer of the Township of Tucker - smith for toe/ of the tender prieo. Lowaat'01 luny tender not neeesssrily nits dotted. . Work must he completed by .Dec, 1st, 1902; E. P. C,HESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuckers smith