HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-10-16, Page 7THECthelti SPORTS COLUMN
~ f € te°L e9040,z
o This agent is not going to extend his
neck by stating any one Canadian athlete
was the best, or most durable: But if any
one can inform us of an athlete who cOm-
bined greatness of per:ormance and dura-
bility to a great degree than skater Norval
Baptie, we'd like to hear about him.
Howie irlorenz and I were seated in Madison Square Garden,
the morning of the day it opened. Canadians were playing there
that night. Out on the ice surface, a slim figure was pirouetting
dizzily, or Whirling around the circuit at blinding pace.
Howie Morenz was proud of his own blazing speed, and he
was a great competitor. So I asked him: "Would you like to race
him once around?"
Howie shook bis head, grinned, said: "No, lie's too fast for
The skater out on the ice was the amazing Norval Baptie, one
of the truly great skaters, ranking with the late Charlie Gorman,
Canada has ever sent to the speed jousts on ice.
It was a November morning in 1925 that we watched Baptie
apinning'around, getting ready for his fancy skating show between
periods that night with Gladys Lamb, now his wife. Twenty-
seven years before he had set a professional mile record of 2
minutes 8 seconds, FIe's still skating, coaching others in the art
of figure -skating at the North Carolina State College Coliseum in
Raleigh, N.C., even though he has lost all the toes of his right
Canada has probably never produced an athlete of such dur-
ability, Baptie was born at Bethany, Ont., March 18, 1879, of
Scotch parents. The fancily moved to Bathgate, Minn., when he
was young, He started skating at 10, won titles at 15. Ile won
approximately 5,000 races the quarter-century he was in competi-
tion from 220 yards to 5 miles, In 1898 he beat the famous John
S. Johnson, the next year he out -skated Johnny Nilsson, until then
regarded as the best skater of his day. He won the world speed
title at Montreal on Feb. 4, 1905 from Nilsson, Harley Davidson
and Sinnirud,
He holds ten world professional speed records, his straight-
away mile in 2.08 on Pgelce Minnetonka being perhaps the most
amazing. He ruled the speed skating world, unbeatable, for 16
years. When he ran out of opponents, he skated on stilts, skated.
backwards, did fancy skating, actually introduced what are today
known as "ice shows" in 1914.
And skating still at 73. Can you beat that for durability?
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong° St., Toronto.
SORr�F a- 1100
.t ,•.t't7t
The 1952 World Series has
eodne and gone. What with one
thing and another, it was quite
s aeries, at that. The spectacle
of old Jawn Mize, with one foot
3a the grave and the other on a
banana peel—to revive a nifty
popular about the time Jawn
was graduating from kindergar-
ten—stepping in and showing
these young gaffers how to slug
was most entertaining, especially
to those of us who boast a few
(I) silver threads among the bald
* *. *
One thing which struck us
rather forcibly was that the per-
fect sponsor for these broad -
feasts would be a maker of throat
lotion, and we do not mean the
sort of lotion bottled in bond,
dr that pours with a frothy head
en it. They way some of those
microphone masters kept the air
full df gabble from start to finish
without allowing even a split
second of empty air, was certain-
ly a grand testimonial to what-
ever they gargle their tonsils
* * *
But why—as we have written
before—do these experts broad -
cleating such an important event
act on the belief that if there
should be even two consecutive
seconds of silence, their audience
is going to walk out on them?
We always picture this type of
broadcaster as a sort of split per-
sonality—one of him describing
the game, and the other standing
bygloatingly admiring g g y a mg his own
glib verbosity. In the words of
the old song --
"I love its gentle murmur,
I love its rapid flow,
I love to wind my mouth up,
I love to watch it go."
* * *
However, we suppose that
those who get in for free haven't
any licence to criticize the show,
and, as we said before, it was
quite a series, especially that
eleventh inning of the Sunday
* * *
Still, there never was and—
chances are—never will be such
a World Series game as another
in which the Brooklyn Dodgers
also took part. That was the fifth
game in their 1920 series against
Cleveland Indians, and the score
stood two games to two. Then
came .the historic and never -to -
be -forgotten fifth setto
* * *
The first daffy touch, accord-
ing ,to New York Times' Arthur
Daley, came when Uncle Wil-
bert Robinson, the Dodger man-
ager, was making up his line-up
to hand to the Umpire -in -chief.
Injuries had left Uncle Robbie
a little short of third basemen
and his roving eyes lit on Jack
Sheehan, a kid just up from the
"Hey, kid, said Uncle Robbie,
who couldn't' remember his
name. "Didja ever play third
"Yes, sir,' said the startled
''tit For Deaf Tuners—Hearing aid giving deaf persons easy access
to television programs Is demonstrated by a pretty London
model. Exhibited at a British radio show, the video-assister has
tone control with two knobs on a specially constructed switch box.
The outfit, still only in the demonstration stage, can be plugged into
any radio or TV net.
Lapin Lunch Time—Baby bunny family found in a back yard gets
fed with an eyedropper, Pumping warm milk into an eager young
robbit is Betty Ann Johnson, eight. Waiting with another hungry
bunny is six-year-old Shirley Harvatin. Holding the diner is Betty's
brother Carl. The children hope to raise the plump rabbits to full-
size house pets. We fear their parents may not agree.
"Okay," said Uncle Robbie, un-
concernedly marking his name
down on the line-up card,
"You're starting."
* * *
Burleigh Grimes was the Dod-
ger pitcher, a man with a barb-
ed wire beard and temper and
a blazing fast ball. The first two
Clevelanders singled to light up
the fires under Grimes' low boil-
ing point. The scowling Grimes
walked over to Sheehan at third
* r *
"Listen, kid," he said. "Tris
Speaker is the next batter and
he's gonna bunt. But I'm gonna
make him bunt where I want
him to. Don't you leave your
base. I'll field the ball myself,
throw to you and force the run-
ner coming into third."
* * *
It worked perfectly—theoreti-
cally, anyway. Grimes made
Speaker bunt exactly where
planned. Grimes pounced on it
and wheeled to throw to Shee-
han. But his feet shot out from
under him on the wet grass. He
sat down violently, the ball still
in his hand. The bases were full.
* * *
Grimes was so blind with rage
when Elmer Smith stepped to
the plate that he made no effort
to use his spitball or anything
fancy. He reared back and let go
the hardest fast ball he ever
threw in his life. And that's how
Eimer Smith happened to hit the
first home run with the bases full
in world series history.
* * *
A couple of innings later Jim
Bagby, the Cleveland pitcher,
became the first pitcher in world
series history to hit a home run.
But even that isn't all. There
was one other epic achievement.
* * *
Badly beaten but still trying,
the Brooks got Pete Kilduff on
second and Otto Miller on first
with none out when Clarence
Mitchell, the successor to Grimes,
came to bat. Mitchell was a good
hitter and he hit a screamer. It
looked good for an instant as
though it might go to right centre
for a triple. It was to be a triple,
all right, but the wrong kind.
* *
Billy Wambsganss,) the Cleve-
land second baseman, leaped
high and speared the ball for
one out. Kilduff and Miller, the
base -runners, were moving at the
, crack of the bat. It was easy
for Wamby to step on second
base to retire Kilduff for the
second out. He looked up and
there was Miller still lumbering
toward him. So Wamby tagged
him for the third out.
It was the first and only un-
assisted triple play in world ser-
ies history! Just to complete the
fantasy, in his next time at bat,
Mitchell hit into a double play,
thereby becoming the only man
in world series history to pro-
duce five outs in two times at
e If you suffer from acid lndigeetion, pa,
heartburn, eaiontiate nay baking soda can ndd
to your upset, destroy vitnmina, eaueo
elk:lodio, acid rebound.
"After meele I had lndigeetion and gam
paino, and I practically lived on baking
coda," ^nye Peter George,'Lethbridge Alta.
"Then I started taking Dr. Piorco'e Golden
Medical Discovery and the pains went away
and could eat and enjoy my meals again. I
gained 80 pounds and felt much letter."
21,000aede who euffered such dietrese, due
to no organic anuses, tried Dr. Pierce',
Golden Medical Diocovery with amazing
aeaulte. Over 86,0001000 bottles of thin great
non-elcoholle madame, with Its •wonderful
stomacltiotonic nation, have been cold to
date. And no Wonder. First, takes regularly,
it promotes more normal etomnch activity,
thus helping to digest food letter so you
won't have gas, heartburn, eoar etomach.
&coed, with atomael. nativity improved, you
can sat the foodo you like without fear of
Pry It, Gat Dr. Pierce'° Golden Medical
Discovery at your drugglet, todayI
Reading Machine
Edgar Dr. Walter Blum, elec-
trical engineer of Hanover, Ger-
many, has invented a machine
that reads aloud to the blind.
The inspiration for the inven-
tion came on the battlefield in
North Africa. A comrade near
Blum at the front was badly
wounded by a shell and blinded
for life. When he was discharg-
ed, Blum started to work on
his ,machine. According to Dr.
Carl Strehl, vice president of
the World Council for the Wel-
fare of the Blind, the machine
"represents a considerable ad-
vance over the work of its pre-
decessors since it does not spell
words but rather utters, in a
comprehensible way, syllables
and whole words and presents
a synthetic language which may
be readily learned by the blind
persons within a few days." Dr.
Blum's apparatus is still in the
laboratory stage. It will take
$100,000 and at least three years
before manufacturing on a large
scale is possible. The cost of the
ultimate machine would run
about $270 to $300 a machine.
A minister, walking beside a
stream one. Sunday, saw a small
boy fishing. He went up to the
boy and said: "My boy, don't
you know it is not right to be
fishing on Sunday; and, besides,
it is very cruel to insert that
sharp hook into that poor
"Oh," said the boy, "that ain't
no beetle, it's only an imitation
"I thought it was a real
The boy lifted a string of
fish out of the water. "So did
these other suckers."
Only Warm Morning
Has The Patented
The Fire -Brick Flues In
each corner, with Eke.
Brick lining, .actually
turn the coal into cokol
Flames travelling
through Flues to lop of
firobod burn off volatile
gases the coal release
get calm heal From
every pound of fuel]
Burns All Day and AN Night
on One Filling
Patented Fire -Brick Flue Inlerior holds fire 24
hours or tenger on just one filling of coal. No more
early morning fire building—you live worm, sleep
worm, wake up warm with a Warm Morning Cool
Heated And you ,tort a fire fust ONCE A YEARI
Ask To See Gus and Oil Models, Tool
Your warm Morning dealer also
offers you oil hoofers and gas
hooters in sizes to heat one room
cabins to 6 -room homes. For more
information on Warm Morning.
Heaters, tear e5 and mall the
coupon below) iii ��yyppyy
goon -Strachan Coal Co., Ltd.
Peminlon tonere Bldg.
Mouheal, quo. W4•n
er Meneeol True aide.
T«onto, Onnwle.
Reese rend more information en were Morning
tealars. I em intoo"ed le
U Coal then,,, 0 all Heelers 0 Gas Heelers
..Classified Advertising..
HAUY 0U10150
Ottl)EI't roar 1058 et,lrka and turkey
pouita new. Available for immediate de-
livery day old chlalca, started ehleke four,
ave, 012, seven and eight week .olds at
bargain 0,1500, Also taring and ready to
ILLY pullets. Catataaue.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or Olean-
IngWrite to us for Information. 'We
ire glad to gnawer your queotiono. pe.
eartmrnt ti. Parker Dye Wnrim Limited,.
151 Yonne St Tordrl;o t',
FARM ;or male, 103 stereo well developed
dntry farm. All good building'? with 2 -
apartment home. 814.000; 80,500 down,
Jahn Waoyieniti, R.R. No. 1, Fenwlek,
Ont., 8 miles west of Welland On 57
Highway along the Wetland River.
ran SALE
CRESS CORN SALVE — For sure relief.
Your Druttgiet sella CRESS.
PULLETS, several thousand Hollywood
Strolls White Leghorn, Ramp x Rook.
Rock x Leghorn Crosses. 4 to 5 montho
old at 51.70 to $2,10 each. now through
October. Italsed on green Ladino range,
Shipped to new crates. Hawkins Feed
Conn:gar lietchcrtoa. TIllsonbure, On.
GARAGES—Portable, Prefabricated, rust-
proof, 5110. 5160, Sheds. Range Shelter
Roofs, S46. Sectional Buildings. Show -
bridge, Quebec.
ALUMINUM—New, Corrugated, 98" x 0',
Bent Canadian Price: Delivered:— $1.90
Sheet, 510 Square. Building Meterlalo.
Lac Gulndon, Quebec,
FEED MILL. Sacrifice at 84,100. Easy
Terms. Must sell before ruah aoaeon
Quo to 111 health. Write Jack Robinson.
830 Nelson, Wallaoeburg, Ontario.
Motors, Electrical Appliances. Hobhyshop
machinery Dealers wanted, Write: Waren
Grease and 011 Limited. Toronto.
PLASTICS, leatherernft, figurines, womb
burning, jewellery, oto, New 1968
Wholeanle-Retail Handicraft Catalogue
'and Samples 25e, iIldder Manufacturing,
138 Danforth Ave„ Toronto,
100 Acre Farm 65 rolled from Port Hope,
near paved rand, Fine oolld brick home,
modern. bath and kitchen — outbulldtnge
very good, lith complete equipment for
epeaytng, oohing, grading and storage.
80 acres Bearing Orchard. 40 acre. work-
able, balance pasture and bush. Write
for full particulars!
Other Farms, Businesses' & Homes Llated.
Port Hope
Realtors Phone 81108
The 1962 catalogue Is oft the areas, Write
for your copy or visit the new ware-
house and see for yourself the model
bathroom dieplaya In white and coloured
fixtures, In standard size bathrooms with
tiled. or painted wails, just the way you
want a bathroom in your own home.
We have sinks and sink cabinet unite,
lavatory basins and toilets, pressure syn.
tams and eleotrlo water heaters, range
boilers, pipe and fittings In Copper, gal-
vanized and cast iron. meptle and ell
tanks, refrigerator's and electric ranges,
a complete Ilse of .furnaces, air condi-
tloning unitsand slot water heating eye.
tame with convector rads. Wo deliver to
Your nearest railway 'station, you pay len
Streetsville, Ontario
graded Rama of all ages. Also good
breeding eves and ewe lambs. Maurice
501500, R.R. 3, Walkerton, Ont.
TALLEOY. Locker and 551000, Business,
Co00e Shop and Bowling Alloy:. Auto
Courts — hotels, Fruit Orchards, For
full information write: S. B. STlrtle, Real
E0tnte. Oliver, B.C.
modern breeding shed with 210 pens.
800 pelting pane. Breeder: In Sapphire.
Aleutians and Standardset pelt value.
Tran line and five malamute hnskie,. Very
cheap for cash. P, L, Splllett, Mark. On.
torte, via Fort William,
BORD15R Leicester Rain Lambs for sale.
Thirty-five head. Sired by Cralgcnfench
Emigrant (Imp.). J. S. Norrish, Moffat,
"SEPTONIC" keeps natio tanko, sees
pools and outdoor toilets functioning nor-
mally. Stone odours. 11054 at all hardware
and Grocery Stores. Four treatment packet
89c. Mall order packet 18 treatments. One
Year's amply 83.00 000000e Paid. Free
information. Write 1V. D. Donaldson, 87
Oakerest Ave.. Toronto. Ont.
STRAND your elm necklace! Delightful
permanently scented beads, with everlast-
ing bewitching fragrance. Rosebud -shaped,
any beautiful colour. Complete packet with
clasp for 17" Choker, 81.00. H, & R.
Sales, P.O. Box 3307, - Chicago 645, I11.
WATEROUS Portable Saw M111 for Bale,
Brantford cast Iran frame 4 block car-
riage, 00 fact inserted tootle saw, double
' edger. swinging slab saw, slab carrier.
saw -dust blower, equipped with 45 horse
tractor. Price complete $2000.00. Extra
83 horse power tractor for heavy work
81000.00 extra. J. J. McAnlnrll, 16 Arnold
St., Ouetpll, Ont„ Photo 300,
• wToS ve
y 'ii nd Get
Fast Cough Relief
Here's an old, tested, home mix-
ture your mother knew . , . stiIl a
most dependable remedy for dis-
tressing coughs. Fast and effective,
children like its pleasant taste.
Make a syrup by stirring two
cups of sugar into one cup of water
until dissolved ... no cooking need-
ed (or you can use maple syrup or
honey instead). Now pour 234
ounces of PINEX CONCEN-
TRATE into a 16 ounce bottle, and
add the syrup you've made. You'll
have 16 ounces of fast acting, plea-
sant tasting cough medicine, more
than you could buy for four times
the money, with effective relief for
the whole family.
Pinex—a special compound of
proven medicinal ingredients—must
help you, or money refunded.
Fiery, Itching Skin
Gets Fast, Effective Relief
Ileac iso clean stainless penetrating aotisoptie
oil that will bring you speedy relief- free the
itching and distress of Eeo,okn, Itching Toes
and Feet, Rasher and other skins troubles.
Isolp promote rapid and healthy healing in open
Sores and wounds but boils and simple !leers
are aloe quickly relieved. In skin affections -the
itching of Eczema is quickly stopped; Phnplee,
skin arnons dry up and scale off in a very
few dayspti,
You can obtain MOONE'S EMERALD OI1.
at any drug mote esOsiaction or money back.
A TRIAL -- Every sufferer of Rheum4tlill
Polos or Nour!tls should try Dixon's
335 Elgin, Onawsa
$1..25 Express Prepaid
WHY auger It there la something that will
help yeu7 Hundreds of thousands of sots
save been sold on a money baek guar.
antes. So easy to use. After your Writer
Coma have been diagnosed as Asthma, 1061
owe it to yourself to try Aothmanefrin,
Ask your Uruggiot.
Ne Plllo N0 Prose.
5110711 5115515E00' 01.111011NG
10117'' SHEET
An used Iv lending London Hnapftala
and Madhnl E5eeialists, sent on rocoi$
of Postal Order One Dollar to:
Diets Dept.. d505191CAI, d: DRUOOISTS
SUI'PI.IEH, 4.2 '1'ovletnrh Place, I.Ond00,
W.C.I. 6988 T.5.51.400
TWO tattoo wanted for United Church
Mission H00511et on West Count. Into.
eating worst. Good salary and other
benefita, Intormation, Dr, John whiting,
Exeter, Ontario,
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified pm:reealon, good wages.
rbousando of euceeserul Marvel graduate°
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
write or Call
368 Blom. St w., Toronto
44 King 8,1., I3omllton
72 Rideau St„ Ottawa
last a tested; proven hair restorer.
Quickly promotes hair growth to all
eases of baldness, regardless of age or
condition. Sold on full money back
guarantee. Per portleulars write: D10-
trIbutor Thalia Herbal Products. 71 West
Ave. South, Houlihan. Ont.
OVER 1000 TESTED Money -Making Tian.
Many good HOME Projeol.e, Poetrald
52.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. You ran't
tome. W. THARP, Box 515-C, Omaha,
MEN earn 550.00 week up working for
yourself, don't wioh, write for free In-
formation. Rico Products Co„ Route No.
f, Box 1109, Roseburg, Oregon.
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of in-
ventions and full Information Bent free.
The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Afton-
fton0010. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa.
tent Solteltors, Established 1690 850
Say Street, Toronto. Booklet of lotorma-
Jon on request.
NEW rags made from your old ruga and
woollens. Write for catalogue and price
Set, Dominion Rug Weaving Company,
5477 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ont.
WANTED — used office safe, roll ton
desk and adding machine. Apply Irving
YieYo's, Glamis, Ontario.
WANTEDI Male or Female to mall let-
ters for us in your locality. Write: James
Ference, P.O, Box 1117, Lnncaater, Penn,
Then Weise up your liver bile ...
jump out of bed rarin' to go
Life not worth living'? It may be the liver!
Lt's a feet! If your liver bile is not Dowing
blowy your food may not digest ... gas
stipated and your
and sparkle go out
of life. That'll when you need mild, gentle
Carters Little Livor Pills. You see Carton:
help stimulate your livor bile till once again
his pouring out ata rate of up to two pinta a
day Into your digestive tract. This should
Bs you right up, make you feel that happy
days are here again. So don't otay sunk get
Cartere Little Inver Pills. Always have them
on hand. Only 35c from any druggist.
EfiTa{:}IfT G
If 700 have trouble with plates
tbat Blip, rock and cause sore gums
—try Rrimme Plaetl-Liner. One
application makes plates °t snooty
wheout powder or pasts, because
Brlmms PIsoti-Llaer hardens per-
manently to your plate, It relines and re0ta looep
plates in a way no powder or paste can do. Even
on old rubber plates you get good results six
months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT
ANYTHING? Simply lay soft strip of Plastl-Linen
on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and 50
molds perfectly. Easy to use, tasteless, odorless.
harmless to you and your plates. Removable as
directed. Plato cleaner Included, Money back at
not completely sntlofed. It net available at your
drug store, acid 11.50 ter manor for 1 plate.
tR iiornetNpi gAtIVi.(NT'LR,
EttMn1NE - lt0,14 IRt'iL'i'1I )5,,4'
ISSUE 42 -- 1952