The Seaforth News, 1952-10-09, Page 9• a +++ :+luau tic1:e'
63--J Res. 192-M
Mug, East William St„ within
Roderic!' street, new qtr eon.
immediate possession.
'me dwelling, All modern cen-
tre st., possession arranged'
try dwelling, Sperling St. Well
tilpossession 1y4orey dwelling, 3 bed -
lot with barna possession with -
ng, Goderteli street, Immediate
e room dwelling in Winthrop,
land with smell fruits, early
Ing on Victoria Street with all
Montes. Possession arranged.
ID, Seaforth
comes from the best
North America. Fresh
h modern equipment,
ed and double screened
one 784 - Res. 318 w
rf the Eastern Star
heir annual Bazaar and
Tea from 3 to 6 P.M.
1RDAY, OCT. 18
Ddd Fellows' Hall
1 Mrs. Iienneth Hulley
ity Centre, Seaforth
t door. 'Everybody wel-
sic by Willow Grove
a Parish Hall
8.30 P.M.
bare the wealth specials
361011 50 Cents
ete Coverages
. Southgate
.lecessor to
Res. 22911
ll Cider Mill
ill Operate
'ed nesday, Thursday
each week
Oct. and Nov.
lectric Weld.
1T1OT T, A Tl,w,-.
• Mr, and Mrs. Pomrenke and Vol -
ma of Emerson, 1VIanitoba with Rev,
and Mrs. W. Becker. Miss Velma.
Pomrenke has entered Waterloo
'College for further study. She was
the former teacher here for the
past two years.
Mr. Donald Ahrens is continuing
his studies at Waterloo College.
A nunvber of ladies attended the
Ladies' Aid rally at the Lutheran
'Church at Mosley on Wednesday.
Misses Joan Weber and Helen
Farquhar of Exeter visited their
friend, Miss Doreen Wolfe one day
last week.
Mr. Manuel Beuerman accoinpan-
ied Messrs Morley and Manuel
;Ji.oehler to Ottawa to the plowing
match -for a few days.
MT. and Mrs. Ed Smith spent a
few days in Simcoe with their son,
`Albert and Mrs. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Oscar Diegel,
Jimmy, Larry and Diane, of Kitdh-
ener, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Witt of
'Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry-
enry'L. Diegel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Dor
een and Donald, spent Sunday in
Kitchener visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John Hinz and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querenges-
ser, Susan and Patricia of Waterloo,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Diegel and Mur-
• ray of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs,
Russell Sholdice on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L.. Querengesser,
:VIr. and Mrs. Pomrenke and Miss
Velma Pomrenke with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Diegel, Mitchell, on Sunday.
Mrs. L. Diegel has been under the
doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel are
visiting relatives in .Toronto.
Master Bobby Arbuckle, 2% year
old son of Mr. and Mas. John Ar-
buckle, had his tonsils removed at
Seaforth hospital on Friday.
Miss Doreen Wolfe is spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Hinz at Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hiliebrecht
and Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Eickmeir
motored to Ottawa and other points
this week.
Mrs. Henry Hither Sr. is visiting
her son, Lorne and Mrs. Messer-
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leonhardt
have returned from their honey-
moon and will reside in the home
of Mr. Ivan Querengesser.
Moving pictures were shown by
the teacher, Mr. Brickman at the
school on Friday evening with the
school projector, the films .being
supplied by the National Film
Board. It was decided to have pic-
tures shown at the school once a
month during the winter. No defin-
ite night was set but will be adver-
tised later.
The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's
Lutheran Church met on Wednes-
day evening in the church base-
ment. Rev. Becker was in charge of
the devotions and diad as his topic
the conclusion of the ten command-
ments. The ,president, Mrs. Reuben
Buuck, was in charge of the busi-
ness. Tt was decided to have a
Women's Fellowship supper in the
form of a pot luck supper on Tues•
day evening, Oct, 21 at 0.80 in the
church basement,
Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Burke of
Sebringville spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Prueter.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock are at-
tending the plowing match at Ot-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert are
on a trip to New Brunswick.
Visitors with MT. and Mrs. John
G, Hinz on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. R. Morgan of London, Mr. Ru-
dolph Thiel of Rutherglen, Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs. Reid and Charlotte of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jacob and MT,
and Mrs. Herman Luft of Kitchener
railed on Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hinz
and visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rev and Mrs. Becker accompanied
by Mr. and Ma's. Pomrenke and Mrs.
Becker -Si., spent Tuesday at Nia-
gara Falls.
Anniversary Services will be held
in Constance United Church on
Sunday, Oct. 12, services at 11 in
the morning and 7:30 in the even.
ing. The guest speaker for the ser-
vices will .be Rev. Norman McLeod
of Kippen. Special music by church
choir assisted at the morning 'ser-
vice by Miss Pearl Patterson and
Mrs. Frank Kling and in the even-
inc by the Seaforth Male Quartette.
Mrs. Ethel -Stephenson of Sea -
forth was a guest of Mr. and MTs,
Ephraim Clarke on Sunday evening.
On Saturday evening, Mrs. George
Layton of Exeter had the misfor-
tune to fall and fracture her leg.
She was taken by ambulance to
London Hospital. Mrs. Layton is a
former resident of Hullett and a
sister of Mr. James Medd.
Mrs. Neil Hopper and son Ronald
Neil, of Seaforth, are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm-
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ellison and
family of Listowel were recent
guests with Mr. and Mrs. George
The corn harvest is about com-
pleted and is a bumper crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hannah of
Mitchell were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke.
Mr. James Flynn is remodelling
his house.' Jim has his neighbors
guessing what his plans are for the
The monthly meeting of St. Pat-
rick's subdivision of the Catholic
Women's League was held in the
High School on October Gth. The
President, Mrs. John Meagher, op-
ened the meeting with prayer. The
Treasurer, Mrs. Klinkhammer, pre-
ernted her report on the successful
bingo which was held on, Septem-
ber 12. Specials were won by Mrs.
Brunk, Mitchell, and Mrs. Frank
Evans, Dublin. The minutes of the
previous meeting were given by
Mrs. Earl Healy. Mrs. Molyneaux
gave s. very interesting reading on
`.he Pilgrimage to the Martyr's
Shrine. It was decided to sell chan-
ces on the tulip quilt and have it
displayed at the bazaar. Final plans
were made for the Bingo which is
to •be held in the Parish hall on
Tuesday, Oct. 14. Mrs. Frank Evans
and Mrs. Molyneaux were named to
call on the sick. The • meeting was
adjourned by Mrs. Lane. After the
business meeting a social hour was
spent playing bingo. Prizes were
NMI by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes and Mrs.
Joe Shea.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale, Stratford,
Edward Beale and J. Cronk, Toron-
to, with Miss Mary Beale.
Mrs. A. H. Looby has returned
home from St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, following a major opera-
The Autumn Thankoffering of
the Bethel Women's Missionary
Society was observed in the church
with a good attendance. The Walton
and Willow Grove Societies were
guests at this tweeting. Theworship
service was conducted by the pre-
sident, Mrs. Earl Mills, with Mrs,
Leonard Leeming reading the scrip-
ture. Rev, Mr. Livingstone told
briefly some interesting facts about
the new revised version of the Bible,
An interesting reading entitled
"The Ladies' Aid" was given by
Mrs. William Welsh. Mrs. Stanley
Hillen favored us with a solo follow-
ed by an appropriate reading on
Thanksgiving by Ethel Dennis. A
,,cry interesting message was given
4y the guest speaker, Mrs. Roy
Lawson, Seaforth, who chose several
anecdotes from. "Through Mission-
ary Windows" and some of the
highlights of the .conference branch
as the basis of her message. A vote
of thanks was tendered to the
speaker by Mrs. Charles Boyd. Mr.
Livingstone led in prayer. The of-
fering was received and dedicated.
Hymn 258 was sung and Mrs. Mills
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served and a social half
hour enjoyed.
Mr. W. H. Pfile is ill in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
Mr. Harp Rivers, who has •been
confined to his room owing to ill•
ness, is somewhat improved.
MTs. Catharine Devlin of London
spent the weekend with Mrs. John
Mr. Stan Tudor, who has been re-
ceiving treatment at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, for the past few
weeks returned home, this week.
Mr. Russell Moore visited recent
ly with relatives in Mitchell and
Toronto. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Neeb of Tavi-
stock visited during the past week
with their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McNaughton
of Toronto, who were recently mar-
ried, visited during the past week
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton.
Mas. Charles Cooper. 76, passed
away on Saturday in Victoria Hos-
pital, London. She had been a resi-
dent of Ilensall for a number of
years, and before her marriage was
Miss Charlotte Upshall. Her hus-
band died in 1950, The deceased
was a member of Carmel Presbyter.
inn •Church. Funeral services were
held at the Bonthron Funeral Home
on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., conducted
by Rev. John B. Fox. Interment in
Bair•d's Cemetery.
Bride -Elect Honoured
A large number of friends gath-
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Horton on Monday evening in
honour of Miss Dorothy McNaught-
on, bride -elect of this month. Miss
Mattie Ellis favoured with a hum-
orous reading, after which a contest
was directed by Miss Wilma Kyle.
Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a solo accom-
panied by Miss Gladys Luker at the
piano. The •bride -elect was seated in
a decorated chair beneath an arch
decorated with bells and streamers.
;Miss Eleanor Venner read •the ad-
dress, and friends of the bride pre.
sented her with many beautiful
gifts. Dorothy expressed her sincere
thanks to all. Mrs. Geo. Hess with
Miss Greta Laramie at the piano
led a sing -song. Refreshments were
Mr. Ross Corbett is attending the
International Plowing Match near
Ottawa this week, coaching for the
Cockshutt Implement Company.
Miss Kay Bell of London spent
the weekend with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Bell.
Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the
weekend with Mr. and Sirs. Harold
Parker of Chiselhurst.
District Deputy President Sister
Tweddie with her installing team
conducted by Sister Iona Baechler
of Goderich installed the officers of
Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 Hensall
on Wednesday evening.
The September meeting of the
Egmondville W. A. and W.M.S. was
held at the .home of Mrs. Robert
Tyndall, Wed., Sept. 29th with 29
members and 13 visitors present.
Mrs. Jas. McIntosh, W.A. presi-
dent opened the meeting with a
poem followed 'by hymn 578 after
which Mrs. Dave .Stephenson led in
prayer. .Mrs. Roy McGonigle was in
charge of devotions. Miss Rena Mc-
Kenzie gave a very interesting talk
o nher trip to Europe. During the
business part of the meeting it was
decided to purchase used clothing bo
add to the bale being packed for
shipment overseas.
Mrs. Gardiner, W.M.S. president,
opened her part of the 'meeting with
hymn 388. Scripture was read by
Mrs. C. Smitlu_Igiss Mae ;Smith,
formerly of B"' Church was
corned into the society. The study
book was taken by Mrs. ,Douglas
Wallace. Mrs. Victor Lee facoured
with two vocal numbers with guitar
accompaniment. Mrs. John Watson
gave the stewardship report. The
meeting closed with hymn 262 and
benediction. The ladies then enjoyed
a contest on etiquette in charge of
Mrs. Paul Doig. Lunch was served
by Group 2.